HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-17, Page 12WIMINOWININSI
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kat TWIlitAft
WEDNESDAY, i*ARC04.17th,„ 1965
••,, • •
by Bill Smiley
For the' past", few weeks,re-
been confronted by an enigma.
•This word does not mean, as one
of my students told. me, "Scone -
thing a nurse gives you in , the
hospital, before you have an op-
eration." .
The enigma is this: what is
humor? And the reason it'con-
fronts me is that some misguid-
ed people asked me to„be one of
the- judges in a competition in-
volving humor. Equally misguid-
ed by an inflated ego, I accepted,
1 should have known better.
Not that being a judge is all that
difficult. I've judged public
Speaking contests with great suc-
cess. Everyone agreed complete-
ly with my decisions. Except
• those who didn't win, and their
relatives and friends. ,
I've judged races at the Sun-
day School picnic. And had to
fork over a dime to every runner
•because, "I wooda beat him if he
haddenda tripped me (or shoved
me,• or beat the gun)."
And there'd be no trick to judg-
inga beauty contest,„,:rmsure.
Although there's always .the dan-
• ger of getting a; bust. in the eye
from some clisgimitled contest-
., ant. Or even from: some gruntled
But judging humor is a horse of
' a different , color. There's always,
in fact, the menace of misjudging
tbe dark horse; which turns the
whole thing into somewhat of -a
Th6 character of humor is as
`• perverse and varied in its 'quali-
ties as :the character. of women.
Picking the winner in a humor
contest is as ' tricky as picking a
wife. Everybody else thinks you
made a bum choice.
Do you, want Mabel, who •bowls
you over on first acquaintance?
Or, do you want Gert, whowill
wear well over the years? Do you
want an hilarious companion for
an evening •or a quiet chuckle
once a. .week for •generations?
Humor isiin the eye af 'the behold-
• o
Jones, MacNaughton Seeds have
proyided residents to Western On-
• tario.with 'reliable and dependable
results' for years and years. -Long:
experience ,with/the soil types and
climate peculiar to this area, has
made the. Jones, MacNaughton ex-
perts completely .familiar with
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to these conditions;
i• You can be sure 'of successful
resift from all Jones,..MacNaugh-
ton farm' seeds, true to variety
and high in germination. They
know your needs and fulfill them
exactly! • , •
And Jones, MacN•aughton, have
always. enjoYed the reputation. of
offering 'full value --the best
quality •seeds at fair, low prices.
• Always.demand seeds from Jones,.
• MacNaughton — Western Ontar-
io's. leading seed specialists. •
• . •
23S-0363 •
CREDITO4 • '234:6363' •
;10. , $2 Dorothy ocywan, Beers,
Kinloss Council, Makes Preparations 2 w.
s Jewelry ' prizes•
wolves”' Township, .$40.00;
For Busy Year With Highway- Work james MeEwan, bounty.. on 2
*- • • . • 7 000 Carruthers Nursing Heine, $104.,
Kinloss Council -met on March
lst, 1965, all Members present,
• eeve P, A. Murray in 'the chair.
The following motions' were pas-
sed and accounts -authorized paid.
• 'That the minutes of the regular
meeting of February ist 1?e p&p -
ted as -read. •
That we give the Lueknow Ag-
• • • ' •
It':'no use, Let's get, back to
the,.enigma. What.humor? Ask
the first person . you meet, and
-he'll; say, "It'S--..anything - that
makes you laugh," •
Well, it's nOt, , necessarily.
,PeOple will howl with laughter
from 'sheer, nerves,,giggle inter-
minably' from drink, Or titter tut:
controllably. from a story whose
Point they have Missed cemplet-
People -will laugh at practical-
ly.*.anything, Only , yesterday, 1
was looking ,out the whidow.. A
young matron, known for her
high opinion of herself, minced
along, serene M her mink. Right
in .front of our place;: zip went her
foot on a piece of ice..
• Mere word.s •Cannot describe
the half -gainer she; perforined,
the war' she looked, flat 'on her
Oninny;• fur hat' over her nose.
Only a, camera. ...conld capture'
the wild, desperate.' look she
• threw aroUnd'to .see if anyone had
sPotted, the spill. Only the: great
Charlie. Chaplin could have imi-
tated the frantio Scramble to her
feee,-.the-desperate"-effort to strell
off as ithOUgh nothing had,happen-
Did laugh? Theught .I'd bust
a gio•:, was glad she wasn't hurt,
• butilike most people, got :a trem-
endous :bet out of seeing' the de-
flation of a stuffed'shirt:. Or gir-
dle,. in this case. • .
*What is humor? I've ..no idea.
For some, it is the bitter, even.
vicious, parody of a.,political car-
toon, For• other, it is the dry,
'pawky' humor .of the realist, the
man. who sees life* without rose-
coloured. • glasses. For some, It
IS the stuff .sCrawled on the walla..
of-. a .washroom: For others, it
the mechanical,. canned. wit of the
professional comedian, the .pon,
the ga,.. the topical 'reference.
-Al11can;say ever ,a am.
Even judging a baby .contest
Would be I child's play; . to this..
At least the entries would all be
made .of the same Material..
. • •
Foresters ark
10th Anniversary:
• The Lady Foresters- celebrated
their 10th Anniverasry, Saturday
Morel' 6. Accompanied by their
•husbands they enjoyed 'a lovely
turkey supper in the parish
served by .the Guild. After 'sup-
per 'they went to the TOwn. Hall
Tor card8; where , a lively; game 'of
shopt .was enjoyed. Prizes went
to: ' Ladies high, ' Violet Arnold;
gents •high,,. Elmo Pritchard; . lad7
dies low, Gladys. Hamilton; gents
:low,: Jim Arnold; lucky chair,
Jim Mathers. ' •
Installation of `,' o'fficers was
held a knonth ago ,.with the follow-
ing• officers installed: Past pres-
ident, ShirleyBrooks; President,.
Eunice Cunningham; Vice presi-
dent, • Marie ""Button; Recording
secretary; Gladys' Hamilton; Fin-
ancial secretary, Pearl Jamieson;,
Treasurer, ,Jean Irwin; Warden,
Kathy Gibson; Conductor,' Marilyn
Reid; Chaplain, Noreen- 'Prifeh-
ard; Inner Guard, Betty Withers;
Outer *Guard, Eleanor Irwin.
. • .
St. Peters WeA. • '
The- monthly meeting of. St:
Peter's W.A. was held Tuesday
afteoMarch 9th at the home
,(ff Mrs. Durnin. Mrs. Roberts
opened the meeting' with a hymn
followed by the prayer and
The' Lords prayer. Mrs„ Durnin
gave the prayer partners prayer.
King ,read the Sel'IPture
'and • took the Devotional •part.
Mrs. McQuillin gave the treasur-
er's report and a motion was
made to increase our gift to Mis,
sions this' year. Mrs. Mole gave
a reading from the tiving Mes-
sage, "Why .Pick On Me" and
Mrs, Clair Johnstone favoured
With' a solo. The roll call Was an-
swered by a- verse 'with' the word
Teach. Rev. Kin'closed the
meeting. with prayer and a •Soeial.
half hour followed,
. •
a we co . ' , 25;' Eugene •Gardner, .fox boulity,
yds. crushed gravel. ' • . : •$4.00; Di. W.: ,G. 'Bruce, dental,
That •we ' cail tenders for load- care, $47,50; 't‘ Cities Service fur-
4ng and hauling pa: run gravel. nace oil 'for Township. Hall.; $45.,;;
, .
That we passby-law No..3 1965 64; Gh H, Wall,' part salary. and"
• •
to provide i for expenditures on 'telephone; $72.15; Fraser -McKim,
roads in the Township of Kin- non, postage, $5.00; Prov. Treas.
'loss 'for the year 1965. Part' of urer insulin, 95c; P. A. Murray
ooriellifetruraliggrlety a grant•4.,::"""t-lt-::::-tatrheu-'cPtimon•graorreWilim ersecITUrtsce.-scidc'lle--.
• .road, second. and •sixth
That wepay a, $0 bounty on
wolves killed in the :TOwnship ,•of emeessiens' New tractor.and
!civh0:::w•e- pay the delegates,, to- mower, Kinloss -Greenock Bound-
ary at Lot 20-21 South fronf.No.
the Rural 1Vhinicipalities and Geod 9 th'thwaY as as 'gravel'
penses. . . winter control. •
Roads Conventions $59.00 for • ex- dnst. laYing' weed ' eentrea and
sefihaaind Crop Improvement As. .w.aliyhf beth:eqpuegtelintoente.haangell•ithglie-
T . we give• the Bruce Minty
sociation .a grant: of $1.5.00. road ..programme auPPorting the
That we accept the ,tender of normal by-law 3, 1934 where nec-
essary to obtaM maximum sub
Anderson Flair Products for War-
ble Fly Powder, 900 lbs. in 15 lb.
bags at $4.60 a p.n. Total $276.00:
That we accept the tender of.
Perry Hodgins for 'Warble Fly In-
spector for. 1965 at the sum of
.$400.00,and• the'tender of Jack
Barr for Warble. Fly Operator at
$800.00• -and no•extras.
• .
, That we adjourn to meet April,
5th, :1965 or ,at the call of the
General Account: • •
Lucknow Agricultural Society
grant, $35.00; Ken Roulston,.puty
lie speaking, $5.00; . Gale McDon-
Wall'ace COim and Wm. Haldenby,,.,
convention expenses, $50.00; Bruce.
County Soil' and Crop Improve-
ment Association, grant, $15.00.
Highways: • •
Dick MCQuillin, $248,46; Elden
Welsh,.$213.00; Wesley Rutter,
$13.00; Frank MacKenzie, $16.00; •
Unemployment Insurance, employ-
ees share, $3.12; Chas. Sitler,
snoiplowing, $952.00; Cities Ser-
vice Oil, diesel fuel, $122.70; gas
$8.65; snowplewing; $114:00; total
$245.35; Ray Stanley, snowplow-
ing, $1,053.75; Twp. of Huron,
Bdy. account, $239.00; L. W.
Manufacturing, $249.35; A. 'Hughes
expenses Good Roads. Convention, ,
$50.00; Unemployment Insurance,
ymployeea ..share, $3.12; H. H.
Bannerman, snowplowing, $903.00.
G. H. Wall,Olerk
• e
a your staii
igher lvidends?
.. • • . • • . • ' "
Mr. 131ake, : .
I)ividendst That's the money,
you get back from the life
surance company • every year?
That's right. •
Mr Blake
Well` if Mutuat.Life retu,rns,
.more:rd have to say it's a good
thine r .
It's even better When. you leave
the dividends, to acCUthulate and
earn iitOreSt..
Mr! Blake
'How...tutich interest?
, Interviewer #
this year Mutual Life is
paying 5% interest on acclaim-
lategi dividends. And that's just
one of the. options 'you ' can
u ua
• Mr. Blake
I'd to know more about it
Where can I...?• .
lust call your nearest Mutual
Life of Canada representative.
' . • .
The MutuaLLIfe:
choose.' s$A.b Oviitan btrriAto/nEittiaLt snit) ISM
Representative: W. JACK SALtEll,
Leopold St. North, Winghtun, %Qat,
'Phone 357-2740, Winghann,
.. •
44, •
mho's -...gonts