The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10th; 1965. WHITECIIURCH.. Allan1►Ri a l,, 11. r o i' Downsview' spentweek=end k=end, with his,. .ar : the to ents Mr. and Mrs, Frank Miller attended the , reception in and Whitechurch forMr.'and Mrs. .... . .,Wolfegang Boelke.: Gay� r Willis. of Brampton spent . the week-end;with . his mother Mrs: Doris.' Willis, Mr. and 'Mrs. ,,Angus . Falconers Kevin arld Allan' of Streetsville spent the week -end with. his ' mo- r ther Mrs.. Cassie Falconer, .'Mr. . and Mrs. , Jack . Coulter ..pebbie and 'Kevin of . Dresden spent the week -end .with his par- ents Mr... and Mrs. Albert Coul- tes and her .parents Mr. and Mrs.. Mervin Pipe, Brussels.. Mr. and Mrs. George' 'Coulter, East Wawanosh ' twp., came . ,on Thursday , to reside for: a time with their daughter Mrs. John Gaunt and Mr. Gaunt. •. , A large crowd gathered. at . the• farm owned .by the late Mr, . Cliff McNall and operated for the past 7 years by Harry` Swan. Good �. ,prices were realizedfora. imple- •THE;' ILUCKNOWI SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,,-,ONTARIO. M ` PAGE SEVEN • a^'DISTRICt perty,.. was, :.not ' sold . at time o: sale. 'Euchre party Ato .Curries aria al Ha11, in honour of Mr;. and . BORN —. in Victoria 'Hospital,;. Mrs. Jack Henderson, ' London, London, on 'Thursday, March 4th, newlyweds.; •Music " for dancing 196 to .Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence • was supplied, by Tiffin's Orches- Wadel, a daughter. tra with Oscar. • Schefter and Le' .Miss . Btith . Taylor . of ' Toronto' spent ' the ,Week -end with . her par ents Mr. and Mrs. :Lawrence ;ay lor. d Wayne ..Martin- of Western Un iversity, London, a n d MVlarlene:. Martin of London spent • the. week- end 'with their parents Mr. • . .and' Mrs, Don .Martin.' • • Mr. and Mrs: Gordon 1ishcr_ Lonnie and Lori of Guelph, Mr. and . Mrs.. Bill Fisher,. Don Mills, spent', • :.the • week -end with. their.. parents Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. . . We; are .happy • to report Mrs. Dawson Craig is slowly ' recover- ing ' froin her recent operations. in 'Victoria, Hospital, : London. Boelke Reception .On• Saturday evening a wedding March 19th. The sponsors for .this Mrs. Leask McGee were in Kit- reception and dance ' was held ' in be .Mr. , and Mrs, ohener on Thursdayvisiting. Roy the �. Whitechurch church : Community. Me- eveningwill . Y •W. to , y. g. Gordon McBurneyand �12r,: and; McGee- who is•not recovering ,as. morial• Hall, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Congram; , ' quickly as his friends would,wish rs an Boelke ne T q YMrs. Wolfegang g leo w y Reception For Newlyweds in Kitchener -Waterloo `.Hospital: weds, Mrs.', Boelke is the former On, Friday evening, March 5, Mr: and ' •Mrs: Allan, Barbour • Donna Hutchison. Music was :sup a reception, 'and . dance was held spent the week -enol With her sis plied for . dancing by •Tiffin's' Or. i roy Rintoul doing, the calling -off:. The Progressive; Euchre 'party At lunch time Mr, and Mrs:, Hen was: held inn Curries school ' on ' derson were called to the.'plat- Friday, . evening with 15 .:tables •form and given seats of .honour., playing, Those • receiving prizes Jamieson Pettipiece read an ad - for high scores were:- Mrs. George, dress and Wesley Tiffin presented. .Carter, Wingham and Albert Coul '+them witha.' gift .ofmoney from. tes, Whitechurch_ Consolation pri- the relatives and .commumty..Mr zes were received by. Mrs Harold Henderson 'replied thanking , all Congram and, Grant. Currie. Those for'their . gift, the .entertainment receiving the . special , draw Prize provided, their 'kindness 'in. think-. were Mrs. Jack' Walker, aid Jim ing • of them•and ' invited any of Currie. Lunch 'was served- b`'the the'.folks when -in London to visit hosts and hostesses Mr. andyMrs. their home. Mrs. Henderson 'also: Ronald.' Coultes and Mr. and Mrs, thanked the folks . for the wonder Jim Crultes. It was decided to:' NI evenin; provided. All joined have the ; next party Friday, in • : singing For They Are Jolly. March 12th, that . is in one week ,Good Fellows' and' ..dancing was so as notto conflict with the resunied. entertainment , in Whitechurch on : Georg a VicGee and his mother ments • and stock. The farm : pro- in Whitechurch Community Mem- ter at Burlington: Leroy Rintoul calling -off. A;t. lunch time, .Mr. and Mrs : `BoelkO ' were called to thea platform ,and • seated, while Ira ,. Wall . read, an . "address' and , Robert. Soloman: pre- .sented them with a . gift of money'. y Mr.. Boelke thanked the ; folks for the happy time provided, f o r them; fora :.the gift ' and their friendliness. Mrs. Boelke too, 'thanked her home community and friends for .all they had done. Lunch was' served. . LIVET. NEWS .Among :those attending the Win., • ld Day of Prayer meeting .at Ripley were, Mesdames ' W... •Black,' W, ,Dexter, R. Osborne, H. Clay- ton, ' N. Stewart and M. Colling., Sympathy goes out to' Mr. Mel, vin Colling and other . relatives in, the death of ' his aunt, Mrs. Rut tle of Ripley. 'Mrs.Ernest . Gaunt '• of St.. Hel- ens 'spent a fewdays last ` week: with her sister-in-law, Mrs:: John, ,MacCharles. • Ronald' MacCharles of Hamilton. is spending •a few weeks, leave at chestra with Oscar , Schefter arid' his , home ' here. ,. g},+t 7 r: •.r4: is buy any piece or a Brilliantly Styled bedroom Co-ordinates • r• Y3 .;ao • Drawer Dresser $99.9, Rich Walnui rut I'I elegant iimplicity is the keynote in this handsome bedroom group - 'ling plus quality workmariship, too. Features "carefree" synthetic ibaked-on plastic finish . . . all drawers are dovetailed, centre - guided and accented with smart pulls . . choice of finishes. Choose theopieces you need now add others later. // el • Drawer Chest 00.004, X41r; /011610 • Dresser' arse! .Be 95 LucKNow PHONE -3432