HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 5a
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The ; . March' . meeting of :.'. the
Lucknow .'Presbyterian Afternoon..
• :Auxiliary: was 'held 'on, Wednesday,
March 3rd, • in the .. basement of.
the: church,;. with -thirteen: ladies
p. r e s `e n t .. Sickness' prevented
many. of the.. , society's members
from attending. Mrs. Jas. Little
who was in the chair,, opened the
meeting with: the call to worship,.
which was.. , followed ` by the sing-
ing of Psalm' twenty-four...' The
reading of 'Psalm "twenty-six,' . in
unison; , was ,followed .' with prayer
by. : ' .Mrs. J. Little. The ' Bible.
.Study ' ' taken from Psalm twenty-
seven„ was given 'byMrs: Rod
MacLeod, Prayer by . Mrs . M.
Henderson was .then, given.. Mrs
Ken `'Chester,'' in the ' absence of
Miss Nellie Malcolm, the secre
tary, read the minutes of the
February,meeting. They . were : ap-
proved. ';Business was , then trans-
acted. An appreciation note sent
by:. the Misses MacQuaigs for
kindness .expressed .:. during " their
• °
bereavement; was : read... Itwas
decided' to send fiftydollars to
Miss Dortohy Douglas .:our Mis-
sionary in 'Forthosa, in' order to
Fire Victim A
By Purple Gro
_Women's institute
help, in. the completion, of ' the
Tatnsui Chapel. A .a short Quest-
ionaire followed. The. roll call
was then answered by each mem-.
ber . repeating a verse from Fist
Chronicles A hymn was sung. -
followed by .Mrs. E. Johnston giv-
ing the Mission Study -' "Mission.
on our doorstep". She spoke . of
the Deaconess . work in 'Canada,:
laying the foundation of _the ' W.
M.S. from shore to shore. ` A.
hymn was sung, and the meet-
ing was closed .,with prayer, by..
Mrs: Ken Chester.
Raise Ren.
Helens ::
(St •Helens . Women's Institute)
Hints :for the 60th anniversary
was roll call response at ;a meet-
: of the ' St Helens Women's
Institute held, in the hall. The
president,' ,Mrs. Ross Gammie
presided at,. the .meeting.
• ' The Motto, "Ile 'has• 'half the
deed .done' who has: made ..a be -
.ginning," a s given. b Mrs;
g :.w g
g� Y
Charles.. MacDonald The :topic
"Citizenship" was taken by. -Mrs.
Wm: ;Rintoul: A reading from .,the
"Comfortable Pew" was ' en'b-
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A fine .March day: brought out a
large group of members.. and vis-
itors to the . home of. Mrs.., Ger
don .,Patterson • for thea, March
meeting of Purple Grove Wom-
en's ,Institute. Mrs., George Hark-
ness and--Mrs.---Don::-Gillies--were-
nd Mr -s. -=Don Gillies –were -
in charge : Mrs Morford MacKay
read " the scripture, 1 esson and
-gave 'a 'Lenten thought. The roll
call caused ..some 'lively discus
sion. Some members felt that
snow -plough operators are not
careful - enough of mail -box .dam-.
age, bones are expensive 'and •fur-
ther information ' will be sought.
Another complaint regarded the,
darkness ,of the local railway
station. When a man was: stricken
'with a heart attack; recently,
there was no way :to obtain. a.
light . '
The' Officers'. Conference will
be -held ,atGuelph on • May' 5 and
6, and it was ;decided that a del-
egate be'. sent, this year. , The
be held
course , on Creative Coq. cry will
at Mrs. W ' ,Forster's
on April 13. Ev ryone in, . commun-
ity • is. welce e. , Committee ' in
Charge, wil. a Mrs Howard
Thompson,. s.' . Frank Currie
and Mrs._ Don McCosh. -
The .Group Display fora /LR-ipley
Fair `will, be ia' Child's Birthday
Party. . and ,will . be assembled ; by
Mrs. Frank Currie, Mrs. Walter
Forster and Mrs. Jack. 'Farrell'.
Family'.ni '
night will be held
Manch 26 in;' charge ,of :Mrs... Ed-.
bust Bushell, Mrs., Alvin Black-
well, Mrs: ,Aurel Armstrong and •
Mrs. 'Walter Forster
Mrs: Andrew Patterson invited
the Purple Grove ladies in to Rip-
ley for . their ;Salada 1.Tea Dinner.
Convenors' reports. 'were' given;
by • Mrs... Howard;' Thompson,' Mrs.,
Wm.. Arnold • and Mrs; Frank
Dore.. Thenext, meeting; will 'be
held at Mrs. Aurel 'Armstrong's
with Mr. Teter Bytheway as'
speaker. ` 1Viembers to bring. six
squares to be• judged and :sold
Miss Eva '.Culbert Acted as . con-
venor for a fine. program::Singing
was led by 'Mrs. Francis Boyle
Mrs. ' Don .McCosh gave an amus-
, , reading. Mrs. • Gordon: 'Mac-
' :Donald gave: an interesting motto
on the:. topic . "Bread is : thesym-
bol ofhome, hope : and. hospital-
ospitality " Mrs Cecil ' Sutton; : and Mrs.
:Frank- Dore sang two duets. Mrs.
Walter Forster had • samples ; , of
raisin ` bread, 'air bread, '.fruit.
loaf, oat bread and Hungarian
braided bread. ,She demonstrated
how, to braid .bread and, gave re-'
A contest .. was ',held . for ;best
rolls and.,buns. It was •judged `by
Mrs, •Ardill Mason, .Mrs. Wilmer.
Macleod :' and -: Mrs.' Jim ` Need-
ham. Winners were Mrs. Gordon
MacDonald,,. • Mrs.:.George Hark-
ness and Mrs Don McCosh
Shower . Held For , •
Mfrs. Claude Dore • •
A shower. •was held :for „'Mrs..
Claude Dore., Her daughter, ' Mrs.
Harvie Thompson assisted in
reading. , verses and ` opening ,par-
cels. Members. and friends were.
happy to share . sortie : of their
bqunty :with 'Mrs. Dore . who had
lost • everything 'in a disastrous
Mrs,- Harold. Gaunt:
During the business it r was 'de-
cided to send • a, delegate to the
Officers' Convention at' Guelph in
May. It .wa decided to raise the
rent• of the hall from $7' to $10.:
The" Institute; will Sponsor the 4-H
Garden Club and ,agreed to cater
too a wedding in May. •
The Sunshine' 'Sister' banquet.
-was discussed:. Everybody was to
think about :it and to make ar-
rangements for it at, the next.
meeting, '
Mrs. Allan Cranston and Miss
Isobel 'Miller .were appointed ' a
nominating Committee.. The enter-
tainment comniittee for this month
is the, same as last month. Lunch
was served by hostesses • Mrs.
Harold Gaunt, Mrs. Charles Mac-
Donald and Mrs. Win.. RintoUL
"If ..all printers were determ-
ined, not to print anything: `till they
were sure it would offend no
one, there would be very little
printed," Den jainin : ranklin.
• PAGE:.
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Mrs. Frank Curriethanked the
hostess. Lunch was ,.served. 'by
Mrs. ..Burton • Collins, , . Mrs. Fran-
cis Boyle and Mrs., Edburt Bush-
ell and ' a friendly chat enjoyed.
The Convenors . will ' meet . on
March 29 at the home of Mrs.
Don Gillies to plan their reports.
Ws A
Ord hf� Id e I�.
Hear" Ada W
The World .Day'of Prayer. 'Ser-
vice ;: was held at the. Ashfield
Manse •on . 'Friday . afternoon, . with
members of ° Blares, Hacketts: and
Zion U.C.W.;present. The theme.
for 1965 ' "What . Doth the Lord
Requires '' was written- by Mrs.
Jessie Jai'. McNeil, a gifted: and
distinguished. American Negro*
woman; . wife of a2, Metropolitan
Baptist Church minister of .Pas
adeno, California In : recognition'
of her exceptionl service in var-
ious., fields ,of cooperative ,endeav-
our, she has been awarded'many
honours and distinctions, among
them "Layman .of 'the Year" by
Detroit , Council of ' Churches, and
"Michigan Citizen of Superior :'Tal-
ents ' and ;effective Effort in be-
half Of Humanity." She is a mem-
ber of the General Board of the
National • Council , of Churches ' of
Christ in U.S.A. ,
Mrs.: Bert Alton opened the
Meeting with prayer, call to, .wor-
ship and invocation. ' Hymn "From'
All That . Dwell below the Skies"'
was sung. Mrs. Wesley -Ritchie
was pianist for the ,meeting. Mrs.
Livingston Menary lead in 'Mean-
ing of this Day and Word of God
for To -Day" after , which a; hymn'
`Once to Every Man and Nation"
was sung. Mrs. Clifford Menary
led in Responsive Prayers of Con-
fession and Supplication. Prayers.
were offered by Mrs. Warren
Zein,, Mrs. Bill ' Andrew, Mrs.
Chas. ' , Anderson, Mrs. Gordon
Kirkland Wand, Mrs. Donald Hae
kett. After singing ' the . hymn
"Dear :Lord and. Father . of • Man
kind; ,Mrs.. Harvey, Ritchie led
in • Words . of Assurance, assisted
by Mesdames Jerry Cranston,
Cliff Kilpatrick, Russel `Alton,
Ralph 'Cameron, Wm., Hunter and --
"Lloyd Hunter. A solo . "He's ' Got
the Whole . World . in.: His Hands"
by Mrs, Eunice Dunsmuir' was en-
joyed. •
Miss Ada Webster was guest''.
speaker She said she , was ; glad
to be . present as it was almost:
fiftyyears since her father built;
the '.: manse, se it was home to.
her. She reviewed ' the, fact that
were respon-
the "ron-
,former. W.M.S.W:M,S. . SP
sible -for. starting World's I,lay of
Prayer.. The first : one was in 1927
and the programme was prepar-
by W.M:S. of United. 'States.
Then 'in 1930 ...a Korean woman'
was.. responsible , for :it. She • re-
minded us'. 'that . God requires
from' us to-day,;the: same ' as he
didin the time. of 'Micah: the. pro
.phet. Although the golden ruleis
used by .' many, :: we should add
to it as.,Jesua did and "go the
j second mile." She explained .what
our money` :of •1964 did for other.
parts of the • •world. In closing
she expressed the hope that as
each.:group meets in the corning
yearthat they :will remember to
pray. as "More things are wrought
by Prayer than this world'` dreams
of. on.She Was thanked byMrs.
The offeringwas taken by Mrs.
Warren Zinn. After the Prayer
of " Dedication,,. the 'hymn.: "The
Day Thou : Gayest, Lord, :is End •
ed" was sung and Mrs.. Alton
pronounced the, Ile n e d i c tri o n.
Thanks was- extended to'. Mrs: ' •
Kaiser by Mrs. Wm, G. Hunter.
A short business period was held:
when a trio to. Huronview:in ' Clin-
ton was discussed. Also the an-
nouncement for. -the annual .pres-
byterial meeting to be held in .
Northside United . Church in 'Sea-,
forth' on March 24th was given.
Mrs: Kaiser ` and. the', social corn
mittee' served 'a 'delicious :lunch:
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