HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 5a WNW"' MARCH 1O16, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L' UCKNOW, ONTARIO RUBBER STAMPS AREA TIME SAVING TOOL ACCURAC We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps,..at budget prices. Drop in and tett us what you Want ,we'U „have itready fpr you with, in a couple °of days., • THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEI. end $50.00, To Dorothy: Douglas The ; . March' . meeting of :.'. the Lucknow .'Presbyterian Afternoon.. • :Auxiliary: was 'held 'on, Wednesday, March 3rd, • in the .. basement of. the: church,;. with -thirteen: ladies p. r e s `e n t .. Sickness' prevented many. of the.. , society's members from attending. Mrs. Jas. Little who was in the chair,, opened the meeting with: the call to worship,. which was.. , followed ` by the sing- ing of Psalm' twenty-four...' The reading of 'Psalm "twenty-six,' . in unison; , was ,followed .' with prayer . by. : ' .Mrs. J. Little. The ' Bible. .Study ' ' taken from Psalm twenty- seven„ was given 'byMrs: Rod MacLeod, Prayer by . Mrs . M. Henderson was .then, given.. Mrs Ken `'Chester,'' in the ' absence of Miss Nellie Malcolm, the secre tary, read the minutes of the February,meeting. They . were : ap- proved. ';Business was , then trans- acted. An appreciation note sent by:. the Misses MacQuaigs for kindness .expressed .:. during " their • ° bereavement; was : read... Itwas decided' to send fiftydollars to Miss Dortohy Douglas .:our Mis- sionary in 'Forthosa, in' order to Fire Victim A By Purple Gro _Women's institute • help, in. the completion, of ' the Tatnsui Chapel. A .a short Quest- ionaire followed. The. roll call was then answered by each mem-. ber . repeating a verse from Fist Chronicles A hymn was sung. - followed by .Mrs. E. Johnston giv- ing the Mission Study -' "Mission. on our doorstep". She spoke . of the Deaconess . work in 'Canada,: laying the foundation of _the ' W. M.S. from shore to shore. ` A. hymn was sung, and the meet- ing was closed .,with prayer, by.. Mrs: Ken Chester. Raise Ren. Helens :: (St •Helens . Women's Institute) Hints :for the 60th anniversary was roll call response at ;a meet- ing . : of the ' St Helens Women's Institute held, in the hall. The president,' ,Mrs. Ross Gammie presided at,. the .meeting. • ' The Motto, "Ile 'has• 'half the deed .done' who has: made ..a be - .ginning," a s given. b Mrs; g :.w g g� Y Charles.. MacDonald The :topic "Citizenship" was taken by. -Mrs. Wm: ;Rintoul: A reading from .,the "Comfortable Pew" was ' en'b- • Today young Bill likes to tinker but tomorrow be will be deciding on his` career, Whatever, profession or . vocation he • may : 'settle on, there will be no financial problem. A. life insurance' program with Sun Life not only guarantees ' the funds for Bill's education but provides an income pre- , the whole family . •:lf Dad should die re- r maturely: l"m associated with Sun Life of Canada, the Company with the policy that's right for you and your family. • , Why not call:nie.today?' WILLIAM J. KINAHAN '.R. .2 Luckno'w Phone 'Wingham35 7.1987 � �� NY OF •CAN'ADA SSI. 'COM.PA. LIFE ASSURANCE A MUTUAL COMP'AN'Y : • A fine .March day: brought out a large group of members.. and vis- itors to the . home of. Mrs.., Ger don .,Patterson • for thea, March meeting of Purple Grove Wom- en's ,Institute. Mrs., George Hark- ness and--Mrs.---Don::-Gillies--were- age, nd Mr -s. -=Don Gillies –were - in charge : Mrs Morford MacKay read " the scripture, 1 esson and -gave 'a 'Lenten thought. The roll call caused ..some 'lively discus sion. Some members felt that snow -plough operators are not careful - enough of mail -box .dam-. age, bones are expensive 'and •fur- ther information ' will be sought. Another complaint regarded the, darkness ,of the local railway station. When a man was: stricken 'with a heart attack; recently, there was no way :to obtain. a. light . ' The' Officers'. Conference will be -held ,atGuelph on • May' 5 and 6, and it was ;decided that a del- egate be'. sent, this year. , The be held course , on Creative Coq. cry will at Mrs. W ' ,Forster's on April 13. Ev ryone in, . commun- ity • is. welce e. , Committee ' in Charge, wil. a Mrs Howard Thompson,. s.' . Frank Currie and Mrs._ Don McCosh. - The .Group Display fora /LR-ipley Fair `will, be ia' Child's Birthday Party. . and ,will . be assembled ; by Mrs. Frank Currie, Mrs. Walter Forster and Mrs. Jack. 'Farrell'. Family'.ni ' night will be held Manch 26 in;' charge ,of :Mrs... Ed-. bust Bushell, Mrs., Alvin Black- well, Mrs: ,Aurel Armstrong and • Mrs. 'Walter Forster Mrs: Andrew Patterson invited the Purple Grove ladies in to Rip- ley for . their ;Salada 1.Tea Dinner. Convenors' reports. 'were' given; by • Mrs... Howard;' Thompson,' Mrs., Wm.. Arnold • and Mrs; Frank Dore.. Thenext, meeting; will 'be held at Mrs. Aurel 'Armstrong's with Mr. Teter Bytheway as' speaker. ` 1Viembers to bring. six squares to be• judged and :sold Miss Eva '.Culbert Acted as . con- venor for a fine. program::Singing was led by 'Mrs. Francis Boyle Mrs. ' Don .McCosh gave an amus- , , reading. Mrs. • Gordon: 'Mac- ' Mac ' :Donald gave: an interesting motto on the:. topic . "Bread is : thesym- bol ofhome, hope : and. hospital- ity."' ospitality " Mrs Cecil ' Sutton; : and Mrs. :Frank- Dore sang two duets. Mrs. Walter Forster had • samples ; , of raisin ` bread, 'air bread, '.fruit. loaf, oat bread and Hungarian braided bread. ,She demonstrated how, to braid .bread and, gave re-' cipes. A contest .. was ',held . for ;best rolls and.,buns. It was •judged `by Mrs, •Ardill Mason, .Mrs. Wilmer. Macleod :' and -: Mrs.' Jim ` Need- ham. Winners were Mrs. Gordon MacDonald,,. • Mrs.:.George Hark- ness and Mrs Don McCosh Shower . Held For , • Mfrs. Claude Dore • • A shower. •was held :for „'Mrs.. Claude Dore., Her daughter, ' Mrs. Harvie Thompson assisted in reading. , verses and ` opening ,par- cels. Members. and friends were. happy to share . sortie : of their bqunty :with 'Mrs. Dore . who had lost • everything 'in a disastrous • Mrs,- Harold. Gaunt: During the business it r was 'de- cided to send • a, delegate to the Officers' Convention at' Guelph in May. It .wa decided to raise the rent• of the hall from $7' to $10.: The" Institute; will Sponsor the 4-H Garden Club and ,agreed to cater too a wedding in May. • The Sunshine' 'Sister' banquet. -was discussed:. Everybody was to think about :it and to make ar- rangements for it at, the next. meeting, ' Mrs. Allan Cranston and Miss Isobel 'Miller .were appointed ' a nominating Committee.. The enter- tainment comniittee for this month is the, same as last month. Lunch was served by hostesses • Mrs. Harold Gaunt, Mrs. Charles Mac- Donald and Mrs. Win.. RintoUL "If ..all printers were determ- ined, not to print anything: `till they were sure it would offend no one, there would be very little printed," Den jainin : ranklin. • PAGE:. JILDING SUPPLIES Plywood,, Prefinished. Wall' Panels,.. Flame Resistant Ceiling• Tile ` p. WESONTLUMBER PHONE 528:2909 LUCKNOW. • ' MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument • correctl . y designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton., Pat; O'Hagan, Prop: Established Over Sixty Years Phone •881-0234 fire. Mrs. Frank Curriethanked the hostess. Lunch was ,.served. 'by Mrs. ..Burton • Collins, , . Mrs. Fran- cis Boyle and Mrs., Edburt Bush- ell and ' a friendly chat enjoyed. The Convenors . will ' meet . on March 29 at the home of Mrs. Don Gillies to plan their reports. Ws A Ord hf� Id e I�. DayOf' Hear" Ada W The World .Day'of Prayer. 'Ser- vice ;: was held at the. Ashfield Manse •on . 'Friday . afternoon, . with members of ° Blares, Hacketts: and Zion U.C.W.;present. The theme. for 1965 ' "What . Doth the Lord Requires '' was written- by Mrs. Jessie Jai'. McNeil, a gifted: and distinguished. American Negro* woman; . wife of a2, Metropolitan Baptist Church minister of .Pas adeno, California In : recognition' of her exceptionl service in var- ious., fields ,of cooperative ,endeav- our, she has been awarded'many honours and distinctions, among them "Layman .of 'the Year" by Detroit , Council of ' Churches, and "Michigan Citizen of Superior :'Tal- ents ' and ;effective Effort in be- half Of Humanity." She is a mem- ber of the General Board of the National • Council , of Churches ' of Christ in U.S.A. , Mrs.: Bert Alton opened the Meeting with prayer, call to, .wor- ship and invocation. ' Hymn "From' All That . Dwell below the Skies"' was sung. Mrs. Wesley -Ritchie was pianist for the ,meeting. Mrs. Livingston Menary lead in 'Mean- ing of this Day and Word of God for To -Day" after , which a; hymn' `Once to Every Man and Nation" was sung. Mrs. Clifford Menary led in Responsive Prayers of Con- fession and Supplication. Prayers. were offered by Mrs. Warren Zein,, Mrs. Bill ' Andrew, Mrs. Chas. ' , Anderson, Mrs. Gordon Kirkland Wand, Mrs. Donald Hae kett. After singing ' the . hymn "Dear :Lord and. Father . of • Man kind; ,Mrs.. Harvey, Ritchie led in • Words . of Assurance, assisted by Mesdames Jerry Cranston, Cliff Kilpatrick, Russel `Alton, Ralph 'Cameron, Wm., Hunter and -- "Lloyd Hunter. A solo . "He's ' Got the Whole . World . in.: His Hands" by Mrs, Eunice Dunsmuir' was en- joyed. • Miss Ada Webster was guest''. speaker She said she , was ; glad to be . present as it was almost: fiftyyears since her father built; the '.: manse, se it was home to. her. She reviewed ' the, fact that were respon- sible the "ron- ,former. W.M.S.W:M,S. . SP sible -for. starting World's I,lay of Prayer.. The first : one was in 1927 and the programme was prepar- ed ar- ed by W.M:S. of United. 'States. Then 'in 1930 ...a Korean woman' was.. responsible , for :it. She • re- minded us'. 'that . God requires from' us to-day,;the: same ' as he didin the time. of 'Micah: the. pro .phet. Although the golden ruleis used by .' many, :: we should add to it as.,Jesua did and "go the j second mile." She explained .what our money` :of •1964 did for other. parts of the • •world. In closing she expressed the hope that as each.:group meets in the corning yearthat they :will remember to pray. as "More things are wrought by Prayer than this world'` dreams Alt• of. on.She Was thanked byMrs. The offeringwas taken by Mrs. Warren Zinn. After the Prayer of " Dedication,,. the 'hymn.: "The Day Thou : Gayest, Lord, :is End • ed" was sung and Mrs.. Alton pronounced the, Ile n e d i c tri o n. Thanks was- extended to'. Mrs: ' • Kaiser by Mrs. Wm, G. Hunter. A short business period was held: when a trio to. Huronview:in ' Clin- ton was discussed. Also the an- nouncement for. -the annual .pres- byterial meeting to be held in . Northside United . Church in 'Sea-, forth' on March 24th was given. Mrs: Kaiser ` and. the', social corn mittee' served 'a 'delicious :lunch: eoaoaniboenu'OminsaaEaanbnd ■■tit n■uoeoroaarmao■ ■ ■ ■ 1 TOP QUALITY ESSO HOME HEAT a ■ HEATING EQUIPMENT SERVICE •' ■ '(Na)downpa'yment,10years.topay) AT -.'NO 'COST 'TO• YOU ROY .HAVENS • ■ Plunibing ' apd I -)eating — Phone 528;30`1 2 Lucknow re. • " ' ESSO ,UII: "rBuRNER SALES and:SERVICE . g • HOME HEAT 'SERVICE ■ alai NOM 111 110riusuuIp EawNilii'irEpeirrn111Kill tsr weteri urN. FOR .CO NTIHUED ,IDEATING COMFORT: at. 0 ■• ■ • A .. 6