HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 1•
$4.00 A Year In Advance' $1.00 '•Extra -'To . U.S.A.
An Impressive Record
WEDIeESDAY, MARCH 10th, 1964.� Single Copy 10c
Eight members of the Kinloss'
Scout Troop were presented with
Queen Scout Awards at the father
and son banquet held at the Holy-
rood Hall on • Saturday night. Af-
ter being stormed .'out ° the • prev
ious week; • the : evening came off
as a decided success. ` The pres
entation ..of eight Queen Scout
Awards at once would 'seem to
be . a record for a'. small rural
organization such as Kinloss, and
no doubt many :..much larger ur-
ban :. Scout organizations , would
.' have: a . hard time to equal such
' an impressive record. The par-
ents,. group committee and par-
ticularly the leaders who haveput
so muchinto the Scouting move-:.
'ment . in Kinloss have just cause
tobe veryproud of "their" . boys.
Don VlcEwan as ` ` the t e master
of ceremonies :'for...the programme.
which followed a sumptuous. ban-
quet ' catered to -,by the Women's
Auxiliary of . ; the First Kinloss
Scout Troop. Don .pointed out :.in
his remarks thesale of apple
juice in the fall proved very pro-
fitable for„ the' "boys." ..
•Archie Gowanlock. of Walkerton,;
.District Commissioner; Roy Ham-
mer of ' •Hanover, president of
Saugeen District Council; ' Rei;.
Rule .of Bervie, Armow and Kin-
loss United • Church;' , P. A. Mur-
ray, ' Reeve ,of Kinloss; Mrs. Alex
`Percy of the Holyrood Women's •
:Institute„ who sponsor the Boy
Scouts; Don .McEwan,• Delbert
edle: Dan McInnes, Ernie Han-
na, : Albert '.' Colwell and others
were guests_ atthe; head .• table.
The Cub -leader IS Ray Halden
by, with assistants Barry 'John-
ston .and' ..Keith ` - Maulden, while
Frank Colwell, Walter Breckles,;
• Currie. .Colwell • are Scout leaders.
Scouter' Lloyd Ackert and Martin
Benedict, manage the older . boys.
The fathers `were called upon to
introduce their sons. The toast to
the Cubs and Scouts was pro-
posed by Albert Colwell who in
his remarks expressed : the hope
that in years to come each " one
may do something to make this
world better. Kenneth Roulston
Made.: a suitable replythanking
thefathers and asked the boys
to rise and a toast was proposed
to the fathers:%: Ernie Hanna :re-
plied on behalf of the ''fathers,
He said it was - a great pleasure
stating he was proud of the boys
and , the training , helps the boys
to become_ more effective in com-
munity activities.
Roy Hammer brought greetings
from : the Saugeen District Coun-
(Continued on page )3) . .
Mr.' land •Mrs. Charles Hallam'.
of Lucknow : announce • the engage-
ment _ of: their. daughter . Dorothy
Marie Joyce, to Mr. James 'Ed-
Ed -ward Schneider son of Mr.. and.
Mrs. 'George Schneider of 'Au-
., burn. The marriage : will take.
place on Saturday, April 10th 'at
• .'2: 00 'p.m.; , in the Lucknow Un-
ited- Church.
Local ,Couple
46th Anniversary
Mr. and _ Mrs. Clark Johnston
and family 'of Belgrave, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie. ; Tiffin of Langside,
Mr. andMrs. s.Wr W te
al t r Brown. of
Amberley, Mrs. Hugh 'Ferguson'
of Lucknow were Sunday .visitors.
with ':Mr. and ;Mrs.: Wm.' Brown,
Lucknow, who :were being honour-
ed. on their approaching anniver.
Mr. and Mrs.' Brown' will ob-
serve their 46th wedding. anni
• versary :on ; Friday,, March 12th.,
Theycame to.Lucknow
Years' ago this spring from the.
Lang side. district where theyop-
erated the General Store ' for 22.
Following their marriage in
191.9,° Mr,' ands Mrs..
Bro. farm-
i ' :n the' AmY
berle d st 'ri' -. c
taking over .the store at Lang-
• side.
Theyhave a ' family of two
daughters .Mrs. Clarky (Ardyss)
Johnston ., of Belgrave and 'Mrs;
Charles (Gertrude) Tiffin of, 'Lang. -
side' and two granddaughters: , •
' Mrs. Brown was the former
Ethel Bell of Lurgan. Her only
brother, Lloyd Bell of Lucknow,
passed away a few :'years. ago.
•Mr. Brown ' has a sister Mrs.
4Hugh ' Ferguson of Lucknowand
a brother Walter Brown of Am-'
berley. -
Philip Stewaris
�►re 45 Years Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Philip' > Stewart,:
.quietly . observed their 45th wedd-
ing anniversary Tuesdays " They.
were . married .;at 'South; Kinloss
Manse on March 9th, 1920. They
lived in Stratford for :a year, then
returned to : Lucknow where 'Phil-
ip started a decorating business.
He has been_ active in "the insur-
ance business.
Mr. •and •' Mrs. Stewart' have :; a
family. ' of .Y two sons: , and two.
daughters, ; Lloyd.of ''Dundas, Al-
lan of Montreal; ' Mrs. J. R.
(Gwen) Wilson of Oakville and
Winnifred ' of 'London and. six
Mrs. Stewart was the ;former
Jean Fisher. She has three :sis-
ters Mrs. Robert ' (Annie)
ers th
ers and ; rs Rod (Kate) Camp-
of Lucknow; ..Mrs. A, E.
:(Marion) . Reynolds,—Toronto; ' two.
brothers Robert and William of
Lucknow,., She has one sister Mrs.
Bert . Reed (Rose)_, and one /bro-
ther Haroldwho have passed
away. p All of Philip's famil • ex
Y, Y
cept one brother Charlie of• Luck-
now who. : died • a little over a
year ago, lived in ' England. There.
are still three sisters and , one
brother living in . England.
Mrs. Lou (Gwen) Parker, a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, 'Lon-
don, had two . pins inserted in .her
leg a week' ago MondayHer leg
was *broken two; and a .half. weeks
ago while skiing, ' •
Gwen hadher leg set in Wing -
ing-'ham' where she': was a '.patient for
a week ' before going "to London.
Last Saturday, the cast was chan-
ged and since then • Gwen has
ben able to be up •and around' on
crutches. She' hopes to • get home
this week. '
Three Boards Meet Qt Kinloss Friday
To hiscuss • Future In ,School Mattes
At the March, meeting, of the
Lucknow • Public School Board, a
new Gestetner Duplicating. Mach-
ine was ordered to replace the
' present one • which- has been in
-use since 1929 and is not operat-
ing ' properly. yy �.
In the absence of Mts. ar.
MacTavish,• due to illness, Mrs.
Helen Ferguson has been acting
as supply teacher. Miss, Ada Web
Ster 'filled in for a' half day for
Miss Ruby Webb -the first of the
' A Meeting of a Consultative
Committee appointed by the Coun-
ty of .Bruce Council, Reeves Carl
Frock of Brant, "Roswell Sinith
of Annabel- and Alex, Sim of 'Ar-
ran and`. members and secretaries
of the ,Boards. of Culross-Teeswa-
ter, Kinloss Township, 'and the
village of Lucknow has ,been call-
ed by Inspector T. K. Waldie to
discuss and investigate 'the' for-
mation of larger school admin-
istrative areas within the CounW-
ty., The pleeting will be • held Fri -
d a ;y night at Kinloss... Central ,
,Sundry accounts" for the month,
amounting to $180.63, were ap-
proved paid; A payment of $2,300.-
00 Was received ,On . a count . of
Legislative being Grant.
_ .,. , ..
Preparations are , made
to held Pen House at the school,.
Friday evening, March 12th.
A very successful Pancake Sup-•
per was staged by `; the : W.A. of
the Lucknow Anglican Church on-
Shrove Tuesday, in the : `Parish
Hall. The ladiesserved about 140
An: evening` 'of playing shoot
wase' held after the supper.: /There
were eight tables. Prizes ...were.
given as follows: high lady, Mrs..
George . Tiffin; high man, . ' Les
Purves; low lady; Mrs..- Joe Mac-
Millan; low man, Mrs Ed Thom
(playing as a: man); .Mrs. Fred.
Emberlin . having'the youngest
achair ' i sOs-
a pr ze, Mr
Hodgins and Mrs. Jim O'Don-•
Local Lady Was
Miss Catherine erine' Maor of
h cGmeg •
Lucknow observed her. 92nd birth-
day on Friday; March 5th. ' ; She'
"continues to.' enjoy. good health;,
but 'Misses . the walks . she : had
enjoyed before the winter .season
arrived and she is ; looking for
Ward to spring to " resume them
Miss ' MacGregor suffered, 'a
fractured hip in October 1962 but
made a .remarkable '.recovery.
• She is a .daughter of the late
D. N. MacGregor and Jessie 'Mac-
Kenzie of Cape Breton where she
was • born. She Caine to Ashfield
as' a child: with her. parents ' and
for over fifty years has resided
in Lucknow, ' where ',for many
years. :her services has ,a seam-
were much in•. demand.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart
and Joe Stewart make their home
with Miss MacGregor: •Mrs. Stew-
art'. : was the former 'Mae .Mac-
Gregor. '
Many' friends called to extend
congratulations and best wishes
to this beloved Lucknow resident.
On Thursdayevening she was
guest of honour. at a dinner par-
ty complete with •birthday cake
at the home of, Elmer Umbach.
Present for the occasion
Mr. • and Mrs. George Stewart,
Joe Stewart; MMrs. Margaret • Mac-'
Lerman, Annie McLeod, Mary
arid Dean . McLeod and.'.. Ruby
The Bruce . County tartan ` and
coat -of -arms have. been approved
by a registry court ' in Scotland.
Establishment of the tartan, a
variation' of the Bruce clan tar-
tan, has' been a project of Bruce
County Women's , I n s t i t u t. e s
through a committee authorized
by county council in 1962..
The committee will meet soon
to arrange for manufacture , and
sale '6f% the new tartan.
Leonard Griffin has . sold ::his
Kinloss Township: farm'. to Mrs;;
MargaretCarruthers of ' Ripley.
The 100 acre farm. is located on
the . 6th of Kinloss • across the
road from ',the 'Dick McQuillin,
Leonard purchased the farm
from Dick who owned it -for a
a short time.It is 'known to many
as. the John MacKinnon place. Na:
one has • lived on /the farm for
quite a number: of years.
Hairdresser To
Open ; New B � in �s.ues
Deanna Farrish, daughter of
Mr. and' Mrs. Alex "Bud" Far-
rish•. of Ashfield Township,:. is star-
ting a hairdressing business' in
Lucknow and plans to :' be open
for business in the `', very near :fu-
ture.' '•
Deanfronam willthe Joh} conduct
nstone her Bbusi-lock
on the .north : side of the main
street . in the location formerly
occupied by : the Bruce County
Health Unit.
She '.'is a graduate ,.of < the ,Kit-
chener and Waterloo School of
Hairdressing and has been em-
ployed ;' in , Kitchener for , ' a year
since graduation.
GRANDPA 1S 32,• '•
Mr. end Mrs. Allan • Bell R.R.
5, Kincardine, havejust become
grandparents. .
',Nothing unusual . about that?.
Well, hes 32 and she's . 31.
Their. daughter, Shirley, Mrs,
Ronald Hodgins ,'of : R.R.' 2, Kin-
sardine, has given birth to 'a
daughter. •Mrs.. .Hodgins:' is 15. •
Mr. . Bell . was married at :16„
and, Mrs.:,Beli * at .15.
Plan Ice.:
For Next 'eek .
Dads and Moms are advised :to
start . planning their .costumes for.
the kids for the annual Lions Ice,
Carnival to •be held in the Luck
now arena on Friday evening of
next week, "March 19th. •
The evening will get off to a
start at 7:30 when 'a girls
keY team from Lueknow.will take
on the PeeWees.
PeeWee House ,
League hockey will, follow the
judging. .
There will be, costume • prizes'.
for ' pre-school through to adult.
The costume events . are not div-
into fancy and comicA111
age ' groups, ' boys., and girls, will
Judged g er
be'.to ether.. As,•well the
will be races for. all the.speed-
16. Pa9es
Highway. Dept.
To Imprqve
Kintail 'Junction:'
Improvement . of the 'intersection
of Highway 21 and Huron County
Road No. 23 at Kintail, in the
Stratford District, is provided fore •
in tenders to ' be advertised . this
week; Hon. Charles S. MacNaugh-
ton, Minister of Highways, Ontar-
io, announces; :. •
The project calls for grading,
drainage, ,granular base and pav
ing at that point.
Probable starting time of the
work °is ' May 10th with comple-
tion expected by. June 30th of this
B�fore Breakfast
Our. friend Albie Worrell of The.
Teeswater News made claim last ..
week in his : columns '':that "from
'reports received, Teeswater was
the first'place' in: Western Ontario
td` present a 'clear picture in : re-
gard to snow removal following.
the recent ::. severe storm." ' . The
News: said that 'immediately after
the atmosphere •cleared'. the Tees -
water snow removal crew ; went
at the . banks' of snow .on Friday
night and early Saturday : morn
-.Sorry Albie, Teeswater's ef.
forts are : creditable, but ' they
don't , come close to .the village
of Lucknow, which, • we believe,
has a snow removal record that
can'b .
b e. touched > no ' or
y ..village.
even much larger .towns in the
area, .' possibly' in Ontario.
When the Sentinel' writer bat-
tled his way+to work on foot about,
8 a.m. on : Friday,, the second
day of the. recent blizzard, •'he
was . very much 'surprised to find'.
that localsnow
h • removal crews.
had been en . the job , since about,
6 a:m. W and had a . good poi tion
of the ''.main :. street;. cleared.:
;We respectfully. suggest, 'Albie,
that' Teeswater will have* to get,
up . much earlier', in the' morning
before itcan
, t a
ke claim to a
record which . the village of Luck-
uck-now,: and' their municipal council
has had for some tune..
. We had ..the pension to be in
a .neighbouring town .(rio •'names
Aentioned) . not too many miles
to the east, that Saturday, long
after the storm had abated, and
it was nip and tuck .to ,getup the '
main street because of :the snow.
HuronTownship H
Accept Resignation:f
0 Supt. Steve Irwin
Wa ynAppointe e l;o wry ' o Positron
Huron Township Council held mice, as hedid netattend.
their . March meeting ' with all The Anelitors • reoort was read'
members present. Minutes of for- and considered which showed a
mer meetings were read" and surplus in the 1964 operation of
confirmed. CMont ' $6,336.59 compared' • to a ,deficit'
W. Snider, ' a rep- of :$2,641.94 for 1963, n.
resentative: for the Georgian Bay Steve Irwin submitted his `res-
Development Association, address- ignation ' as Reed Superintendent
ed '' the ' Council explaining the due to poor • health and the Coun-•
work of 'the organization.' and ask- Cil accepted with regret his res -
ed for icentintied . membership in ignation' which, will.. take - effect
Thea lica 'on l _r for 4 held the post
it. pp ti .._ of Loyd •Lam o April
1st.earsesince .takingover
from'' Doug MacDonald,
Wayne Lowry, who has ' been
the grader.. 1 operator in 'Huron for
21%2 ' years, . was • then appointed
Superintendet)t withhis duties to•~
commence on April ret subject
to 'the approval of the Depart-
ment of Highways of Ontario.
The following: accounts were or
red paid:
!T rishi
Dr. W..G. Bruce, school' dental,'
ont wasaccepted for .Warble Fly
Inspector 'and the tender of John
Elliott was accepted �-for supply-
ing warble powder. at 4$4.35 per
Council appointed' Reeve Lowry
and Councillor MacKinnon as Re-
presentatives to the :Georgian Hay
Development Association.
A report on the _Good Roads
Convention was heard\ from Tteeve
Lowry and Melville Pollock who
attended the meeting, and. Steve °.services, $122.50;: ,Annie.lttacKin
returned his ;i'ifty dollar allow. (Corltinueci ort page i3)