HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-24, Page 17WEDNESDAY, . FES. 241h, 1965, • THE • LUCKNOW.'SENTINEL L.UCKNOW, ONTARIO • '. • •.• ♦ .. •. • •. 1964 ‘CHEV ' `Impala" hard -top, 17,000 miles, many eXtra black . 1964 ' .CHEW "Bel Air" sedan, ..6,200' miles, 17,800 miles or ' 10 months left on G.M.' warranty ' 2 1962 PONTIAC "Laurentian" sedan, automatic `1962 DODGE "Signet", bucket 'seats, 'automatic, loads of extras, , only 12,200 miles, .like new • 1961 FALCON sedan, . A cleanone, driven by . local merchant . e; • • �o•. • :• s • • • • .i •• • j •• •. 1•. .1960 CHEV `Biscayne" sedan, a real clean • one 1959' t .V "Bel Air.. sed;an, just over 28,000 miles 2-1950 VAUXHALLS, a good wagon and a Cresta sedan •'. • 3-1958 CHEVS, : all refinished: • and .:in* . top condi iori: . 3-1957. FORD, • cheap ,transportation • 1960 . STUDEBAKER "Lark" sedan a`'good .one • a• eed -A New One?:�. MANY. .MORE ';:• TO CHoosE: FROM, NEW CHEy'S, CHEVY. 11 AND ,CORVAIR'S. IN STOCK YOUR FRIENDLYCHV,. OLDS & CHEV TRUCK DEALERS • :i'• 4. • • 4., • PHONE. 147, KINCARDINE: DESSERT BRIDGE THURSDAY. Mrs. ' Jack . McKim,; consolation, Mrs'. A.• J. Wilson, birthday, Mrs: George Joynt . Mrs.• William; Wharry:" welcomed, ,the guests and ttie'• courtesy re- marks were given by .Mrs, Jack McKim; • '.Lucknow memberspf. :the Hur- on Chapter No: 89" of ' the 'Eastern, Star held aDessert` Bridge .'last • • Thursday afternoon, at the home of Mrs.. 'Bob. MacKenzie.. There were eleven tables • in play with the • prizes going to high score, Agricultural Society; Present .Variety Concert. To' Ottcwio The Varietyp. Conceit ,recently put on by.the Lucknow Agricul- tural Society .made a repeat per- formatice ••at the Ontario Hospital in. Goderich .' on 'Friday evening. Two bus loads, over 70 of the "Variety .Concert group" ,left Luc know at 7:00 pm. .Friday even- ing, sang their way to Goderich, presented' their, program; enjoyed a social ' hour . prepared. by', volun- teer workers, 'sang their way back to Cucknow ' rejoicing in the ser- vice performed .to those who see so little of the World outside;. • A few • changes were -made in. the program with help. received. °from : Mr., and •Mrs. . George . Mc: Hospital.„Folk: Donald, Murray MacDonald, Rip- ley. and D. A. MacLennan of Loc- - halsh providing old time. music: Arnold •'Taylor • of Winghamre- placed. Norman Taylor ,' in the quartette :.and! Mrs. Fraser of Rip 1ey • took Mrs. , Cummings ' place at the piano. It was nice to see ,Dianne ;McAuley back in the sex tette from .Ripley, . "• The . "Memories" num"ier Was as much fun' as the original' but. revised t� shit the evening. Twenty. -one' of the ',St. '..:Helena choir were ' heard in several num- hers, 'Lloyd Ackert, as usual, 'handled' the "announcing" very capably. AMBERLEY • Arthur Courtney, who is .a pa- tient. in St. Josephs. hospital, Lon- don, is .recuperating' after surgery Mrs. Harvey Robb visited on. Tuesday with 'Mr. and Mrs:: Wil- liam Courtney. A social ,evening/ beginning : with: a program was held at St. Lukes Anglican parish hall on ' Wednes- day evening of last week. Euchre was played and . high prizes were won by Mrs. Harald : Courtney and Alton Smeltzer The lucky draw went to Charles Emmerton. Lunch'' was served and ; • n social time was enjoyed': Eugene Blue of St. Clair Shores Michigan, •visited at, .the week=end with his parents . Mr. and '': Mrs. Jack Blue `• 'Mrs. J.A. , ...Carppbell, who is a aatient in. Kincardine Hospital, is improving •and expects;' to be home shortly. Mrs. Arthur Smeltzeri was . hos- less at. ' a tea on, Thursday of • last week for St. Lukes Anglican //La- dies Guild. The , : afternoon ; was spent in, quilting: A . delicious tea was served by Mrs. Smeltzer and assistants. Sunday guests of . Mr - and Mrs. 1. Walter Brown of Amberley were: Dr: and: Mrs. Murray McLennan, Brenda . and Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley,.' Phyllis; and. John, 'Mr. :. and 'Mrs. Norval.. Nes- hiand Mr. and ' Mrs. Jack Van tt USE SENTINEL WANT -ADS Osch. 1 ,superb MONS DE�PSLEEP,* mattress Reg,- Vaiue $79.50 .Now $AO50 topgradedeDEEPSLEEPmattre swithuitsyhigh standards of quality and comfort. Deepsleep construction Is outstanding! It's built for supreme comfort With over 400 exclusive. Ad usto•Rest* coils. The smart woven stripe cover Is ,'eek' and attractive.` And ' the superb Deeptleep is guaranteed to stay neatand new Looking for many restful years! This is the buy you can't de better! SAVE ATOTAL, oF$eels anlyou b50., the matching box'spring-- -end get even ',longer mattress life! • SAVE $30 On the Deep- iJ 0 e utarly$89.50. Quilted, �'� ua 528.3432 . LUCKNOW .PHONE' KINLOUGH Mrs Frank ' Johnston who has been a patient in Kincardine Hos- pital, ospital_ since October returned to her home on Tuesday ' of last week and was later taken to the home . of' her daughter Mrs. Edith Gardner at :Lucknow on: Saturday to. convalesce.. Mrs; Lou Vegh of Windsor spent the .week.. with her parents. Mr... and Mrs. Frank Johnstone. Friends •in this communit were y,. sorry to learn of. fire destroying the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clauder, Dore (Sr.) on 'Friday. ': They are the parents of Mrs. Gerald' ' Rho-. dy Mrs: ' P. A .Murray returned, home'' after • ''several weeks id Wingham and. District Hospital 'Mr and Mrs:: Perry . Hodgins visited in '•Wingham with: Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Brooks. ' •• Congratulations to, Mr. a n d Mrs. George.'Barrell (nee* Donna Haldenby) who were married in'' the Anglican Church on Saturday. Rev. Benson. Cox, NITS. William. Cox, Misses .Edna. and May' .Boyle. were guests at , 'the Scott -Blue wedding • in , Ripley on .Saturday.'. They ° also attended a ' trousseau tea on : Wednesday at . the .. home of the bride's . parent's : 'Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Blue, and a bridal shower ` on Monday evening at Ripley. Members 'of . the Percy family attended the ‘funeral of: their cou- sin; the late .Sarah .MacKay, at. Kincardine on Saturday. • ' Rev. 'and ' Mrs.• ,Stanley Tomes of 'Big. Trout Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Hodgins, , Toronto, , Mr. and MrsMaurice Hgdgins, . Mr. and • Mrs. William Lloyd,, Mr. . and; Mrs'. Karl • Boyle, Mrs.. Bob..: Mil- ligan and .Carol Boyle of London,. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lloyd of Kin- cardine. incardine• were here over the week- end and "were guests at the Scott Blue wedding, Kevin 'Haldenby went on Mon- day to ,Onllia • for further educat= ,ional 'training. Floyd . Stanley ' was a guest at. the ^Scott -Blue. ' wedding at 'Rip- ley 'Rip=ley on Saturday :afternoon. Mrs. Frank Elliott, •'Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Elliott and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley were re-, cent` visitors with Mrs. Ogle 'Rus-, sell ''at Kingarf. Mr. and /Mrs. Harold Haldenby and .boys, " Mr, and • Mrs, ' Jim Smith visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Bob Smith ' at, God- erich. ; Donald .Barr of Waterloo, .Don- nie Wall arid Arthur. Stanley of Kitchener ' spent the week=end at. tilerr hrmes here: • • On Sunday next, the Anglican service will he held ' at 1:30 p.m. The World ,Day of prayer for this . district will be held on Fri- day March 5th ' in the Pentecos- tal Church at 2:30 p.m: with Mrs. Ezra Stanley key=vtroman.. PAGE. FIFTEEN! Homes For WE HAVE SEVERAL ' GOOD • HOUSES' FORT 'SALE IN. LUCK- • NOW AND KINCARDINE A 10 ACRE FARM WITH'' TWO , BARNS AND FAIR HOUSE .FOR ONLY -- $1500. A DREAM" PALACE ON STATION ;.• ST. IN LUCKNOW, 'FOR ,$13,000 We ARE IN NEED OF• LIST ING.S ,,FOR.. GRASS FARMS.... '. • .Mrs. Wm, Corbett, Toronto, in 'renewing her Sentinels. writes "1 (still,' enjoy getting the Sentinel and look forward to its coming each 'week." • k,t .arms Wanted IN ASHFIELD, HURON, 1(INLOSS and-' WAWANOSH . *' * WE ` IRE IN •NEED :OF FARMS. OF•A Y ACRES, WITH OR WITH OUT STOCK, FOR DUTCH' FAM ILIES IN LUCKNOW• DISTRICT FOR .SPRING; 'POSSESSION. *,. FOR EFFICIENT , SERVICE SIN 'ALL PROPERTIES = FARMS, RESIDENTIAL .'COMMER- • •CIAL CONTACT.:. ' _--. F C. vat' R.R.' 1 CLIFFORD PHONE CLIFFORD;:127-W-4 AGENT FOR;. JOHN REALTOR. BOX 353 MEAFORD, PHONE 428 411..Faiths '•Welcome The Lenten Program . at :St.; Peters Church, Lucknow will :be.' preceded by a Pancake Supper and cards sponsored 'bythe`•W.A., • to be held at St.. Peters Parish Hall on• Tuesday, March . 2nd. The Ash Wednesday service will be held .in, the church' on Wednesday, . March: 3rd : at 8 p.m. Each Tuesday,. ”evening. during Lent, a short service will be held in the Church at 8 p.m. 'The Ash Wednesday service ,and the :Tues- day evening Lenten services will be followed by : a lecture 'and dis- cussion period In. the' Parish Hall. Members. of other churches are cordially . invited to. attend these services. • ShowerHeId For Donna Haldenby (.'(INC.OUGrl 'On Tuesday evening . friends and neighbours gathered at. the Anglican Church' Sunday School rct'm to honour Dsmna •: Haldenby,: bride' elect: Mrs. Fred `Freindorf, • was" in the; chair and the follow- ing, program was given: ',Com- munity singing, The' more we get; together, Smile, Bicycle built for two (using the names of Donna and George) and Dawn . by • the Old Mill stream ,Mrs.' Tom Hod- :gins conducted a flower contest: Readings' .wee given by Norma Haldenby and Elda Wall who also read an address',to the bride. Miss Edna Boyle' played the wed- ding • march and: the bride was~' .shown to her place' of honour, She . was . assisted by her sisters, Mrs, . Lloyd Husk and Mrs.' Done Cameron also ',Norma 'and . Bren- da. • Haldenby. Donna received• • many lovely ' gifts for which she expressed her ;thanks and' invited' all ,to come and see her trader seau. For She's A .Jolly Good Fellow was suing and . lunch was served. ;