HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-24, Page 14PMI . T1IIr1>ELi/E THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •Ne• rt tt AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN WANTED • '. A • . C�+eneral' Motors dealership. in Huron Count y reqwires sales- .• • Men Immediately, experience preferred but not essential: Must " be ambitious,' `dependable and; ableto assume `responsibility.' • Must be bondable.: We offer pleasant working conditions, new car and us- ual o, company benefits. Salary and commission will depend on • experience and ability,; rie •. APPLY IN WRITING - ONLY STATING AGE, EXPERIENCE AND MARITAL STATUS TO 4: BOX ..B a LUCKNOW'.SENTINEL - • SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley DOCTORS GIVE HIM A PAIN A Couple ofexperiences re- cently have . confirmed ; some- thing I've long .. suspected. People spend .far .too muchtime going to. the. doctorMost doctors would probably agree. 'My wife, who ' could go 15 rounds with Cassius. Clay and not breathe hard,' 'goes ..to the "doc. for 'about twice' a ; month. He says, "Well, you're certainly ,-looking in fine fettle", gives . her a bottle of pills and sends : her aboi,t her bus- iness. Myl experience with doctors has. been; on two levels, the ' so- cial and the professional:; .Social- ly, : you can't beat them, ;They -like a drink, a good story, good com- pany. Professionally well, let me tell . you. Just after the war, the medical profession told me I ' had tuber- culosis. There was a shadow on my .".chest.' X-ray. They pumped out my ' stomach. and poked a- round among the horrors, exhum- ed., They vampiredblood out ' of my arm. They sucked marrow out ' of- my breast -bone. Every sooften, a specialist 'in reading X-rays would show me the "shadow" on my lung. There were ' about 484 :. shadows :on the X-ray. I'd .: : nod intelligently,. though I'll swear it:• was ;a differ:- -ent ; one every time. I still think they • got a fly -speck on the original X-ray.' But I bear them no grudge. This'' used to happen to me 'during the. war..: We'd be ' flying formation,' on a mission heads swivelling ;' wildly to watch for German fighters. Suddenly. I'd spot a , whole gag- gle of the foe and holler over, the radio, "Enemy ' ' aircraft; . above, 10 o'clock!" ' • ' After :.'a ' frantic .silence, in NEW FARM GASOLINE FROM CO-OP' •- Whelj'y'oli need • 'it '.... through: controlled , volatility. One of five premium extras you get with CO.OP Farm Gasoline.' ,cp•OP ' 'Regislere'd rtade Mark • • • • for salute and hand shake:In In the Work period tweenies made Toad- Lucknow Distract:. Como P stools with promise and law, the CHRISTINE TH,OMPSON. 'FRES, HOLYROO,D NO. 1...44+ CLUB.' • (Intended For • Last 'Week) The first 4-iI Homemaking, .Club meeting.,. of Holyrood leo. 1 was held 'on February • 8th,' 1965. The, project IS. "The Club ,Girl Stands on Guard. The .meeting was op- eiied with'the 4-iH Pledge which' which ;everyone else swept the sky`'.. with his eyes, :., a ` sardonic voice would announce, "Smiley's got oil ' specks on his windscreen' again.", So;: I ' forgave the, .docs.. In , 12 months; . they' couldn't prove at least to my satisfaction,, .that:, 1, had TB.: But. .they needed tile: practice. and I' bore no ill: will. About eight years later, " I had a. very'sore . back. Could hardly straighten up''. : I went to a . speci- alist. He : • took. $28 •. worth of. X- rays and.: a ten -dollar' fee, ' poked. me' painfully, and ; on the second' visit informed' me that I. had' a "severe iritation ...of'. the lumbar region." I was pretty. 'scared •and - asked 'him, what 'it involved: "To put it in layman's language", ' he .pontificated, "you have 'a sore back.".. :�Gouple .of years;later, I hob- bled into another doctor's office. My./ knee ' was " acting up., A Ger- man feldwebel ;had, tried to' ,kick the kneecap ' 'orf, one' day. in 1944, and :every` so .often it went on the ,fritz,::The doc twisted it until I screamed,: told me' 'it .. was' very painful, ; and sent me to 'a `special- ist. He took X-rays, wrenched` it until I was bathed in. sweat,'and. :told .me ..I .had ` 'a bad knee and should, 1* careful.. with it. .. Recently, 1 went'to the'"veter- ans''. veter pans' • . hospital, for . my ': regular chest :check-up. • The. doc couldn't; find the scar on my' X-ray, and: had t�ask me which' Tung it `hada been. 1 ` didn't; know: • 'The other. day, I • went : to an eye specialist., I can ` see' fine, but. my ` wife . thought , I should go. I haven't had , my eyes checked. since • another: eye , specialist,. 15 .i 'years ago, 'prescribed thee' glass=.; es . I., wear ..for reading. Well, •.. this young' fellow the other day, who can give you an appointment „ within , four months of, the , time you call, . told me I didn't need glasses. Said, the ones I had *ere as; useful as :window panes. He didn't' realize I'd had them renewed` ,about $25 . a rattle, four or; five times since .the orig- inal prescription, whenever I'd broken them or. lost ';them. Well, I'm going. to fool him. Ism going to go' right ` on wearing those ,glasses,, : if only to> hide. - the _bagi under my eyes. ;Doctors ! It's' .not . that,. I'm pre- judiced.. Some re-judiced.:Some of `my best friends are doctors. But how would/you' like your .sister to marry one, of therm BROWNIE NEWS (by Kathleen Xing) The . 2nd Lucknow. , Brownie Pa ,_ Pack meeting m o Fe ee brua f 9th, g February �o ened p with games. Following, 1+'airy i Ring inspection was held Golden ,,,,Bar girls tested for tieing. t1CICNOW, knots and the, Golden lland girls PHONE sza•z»s ' aninimiaimmm L Worked an Semaphore, ... .... _ 3; ..5ftating. t was talked about in pow-WoW, was repeated by seven members.. This was followed ' by the election of officers: ' -president; Christine Thompson; .. Vice -press, June Ae-' kert; secretary, ; Brenda • Halden.- by ; press reporter, Elaine Mur- ray,: We discussed • the ' importance:: of being .'a Canadian ' Citizen and were , given a ' demonstration on WEDNESDAY, . FEB.24th, 1%$- the first: aid kit The next meeting of the club wii' be` held on 'Feb- ruary 15, at Klnioss. Central lie, School at 8:00, p.m. The meet ing closed with • the National 44I Creed PUT SENTINEL .ADS' TO WORK, FOR YOU ' -. PHONE 528-3134 •�if�+:i'�eexAwa-:'Ga'spa.i���irri��x•�roswd:<w�,�sa�i..•.�� • DowskiwooptIAKE:.THE EXTRA :TROT BILETO::. MAKE SELECTED .GRANULATED FERTILIZER Beall& it's more effective.-SHVR-GAINFertilizer is granulated after' the •.ingredients have been mixed: and; is not just a, blend of granular ixaterials. As a result each granule contains all three plant food• , elements in the right .proportions. Ordinary: granular and. blended fertilizers simply consist of a.' .. mixture of ingredients, 'either. in powder form or granules. Although it's easier to make fertilizer that way it cannot beaseffective in use due to the separation of ingredients of different size and weight. As every granule containsall the guaranteed plant; food elements, SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer remains completely bah anted throughout: storing, shipping and spreading' -resulting in. balanced feeding of plants from every granule; consistent, more even ion of the best possible fertilizer to give: ' you maximum application phat and top returns from. your fertilizer, dollar. • yields As always it pays to get thefinest fertilizer for your good earth SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated.. fertilizer Be sure to .discuss' your spring ' Fertilizer program with your.1I�' S local . .. R-GA,triT Fertilizer Y dealer r r +