HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-24, Page 5o• e; . • . , • • WEDNESDAY.* FEE0:44th,..1t6S: • . . . . . • • ----.1••••••••••••••*---. „. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNIOW, ONTARIO .• IN NNE OR OFF/CE Mf SHOP OR SCHOOL We can give• quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Dropin and tell us what you want'ss haReitready kr you with- in a couple of days. • . . . , . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Letters To Editor Seaforth, Ontario, February. 10, 1965. The Editor, The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. Deaf Sir: , Would. you please through: your columns extend the sincere thanks of the Huron County T.B. Association to all the 'people of. Huron County who have helped sh• make our 1964. Christmas Seal• ' Campaign a success to. date. We appreciate the generosity •of those who by their contribu- tions are d'ssisting in the con- trol of this. dread disease in. •oUr. country. Such, contribu- tions finance free chest clinics held monthly at five county cent- , res, comferts. for patients in the • a., ng ..L, all 'all nst ord ar- Ice, • to ler- Day iich, • dis- Es- tied •to then 12th trat. Q.C. • lker- 01- )ups. call- 11161 • • • • ••' • : 0 • • •• ' •• • • • ' 0 • 0 • 0 6' • • 0 • • • 0 • 0 -0 • 0 0 •• 0 • 0 • • 400 • • Sanitoritnn, rehabilitation of for- mer patients •and ,a health edu- cational program. . • The campaign • ends • February 28th and it, is hoped that many of the residents of the county. vvho have .not yet sent in their con- tributions will .do so in order that our work need not be curtailed. , The efficers, of the association would particularly like to thank all volunteers who helped in pre- paring the seals for mailing, .the pestmasters and their, assistants in ' delivering the seals,. Station CKNX for •their COntributions of advertising .find The Lucknow Sen- tinel for thepublicity that you have so freely given to this wor- thy cause., • Yours sincerely, .' • s. Donald I. Stewart, President, r Huron County Association Brownie News ( byl Gail Pritchaal) The mJeting tagan with. Fairy Ring witn ' the enrollment. of Coree Passniore. Then we had a game called the imagination game. Powwow was held with the discussion of the church par- ade. The meeting ended with the squeeze and the prayer. or .44ucit ci Itttie . Today young Bill likes sto tinker but tomorrow he will be deciding on his career. Whatever profession or' vocation be may settle on, there will be no financial problim. A life insurance. program with SIM Life Tiot only guarantees the funds for Bill's education but provides an income ' for the whole family if Dad should did, pre- maturely. , I'm associated with Sun ,, Life' of Can da the Compani with the poli a , cy that's right for you nd your family. Why not calf me today? • 1..,111. 2 Luckno* • .Ph•iines NVingliam 35 7.1 987 1111.1FE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • nitituAL. COMPANY • Bring Snapshots Of Old Implements I Intended . For Last •WeekY The February meeting .of Pur-, Ple 'Grave Women's Institute" was held .a week late because ' of stormy weather but thisdid not lessen the entlitisiasM of the mem- bers as ,they gathered at the Thome of Mrs *. Herb. ,Farrell.. Mrs. George Harkness and, Mrs. Doe Galles -were lir charge: of the -Meets:: ing with iMrs. Morford MacKay as pianist. Miss Eva .Ctilbert. read the Scripture.As a. roli. call, the members brought many interest- ing ,snapshots of implements of former. days.. These will be placed in the Tweedsmuir. History. The course .on Creative Cook- ery will be ' held on April 13. •A: Valentine party and bazaar • will e held' with Mrs. Morford Mac- Kay, Mrs. Helen Swann; 'Mrs. Gordon MaeDOnald • and Mrs. ,Garden 'Patterson in charge. A second committee , was .apPoint- ed for February 26, of aVIrs. Frank Dore, Mrs. • Francis Boyle, WS: Geo. Harkness and.Mrs., Don Gil- lies. • . ' RepOrti were given , by Mrs. Victoria, Smith, and. Mrs, •Frank Dore. Mrs. Wm.. J. Arnold..react a letter from ,Rev. Clarke Loan. • Jamie Forster sent thanks ,for a gift • • s Mrs. Allan • Coning' was .Con- • venor for. the program.Ms. Ran: - vie Thompson, gave a reading on value of eggs and • cheese in diet and distributed recipes. She also made cheese feridue and macar- oni and cheese . in •'casseroles. Mrs. Howard Thompson had 'mer- ingue shells - filled with lemon butter and told of methods. of preparation. Members' enjoyed sampling an...these dishes ' later. Mrs.' 'Arnold read..a poem, and readings were given by Mrs. •Gordon, Patterson and Mrs. Don McCosh • had sent 'packages of used stamps' ,and .received word that the Leper Mission had been able to save .30 lepers last year by the sale -of theSe stamps. Mrs. Herb Farrell. had a -Valentine reading Mrs. Howard Thomp son .had a ',Valentine contest. .The winners „received, bubble 'gum but proved.to be very poor bubble bloWers. Mrs'. Walter 'Forster thanked the hostess. Some homemade bread and cream were sold: Luiz -eh was ser- ved by Mrs. "'Frank Currie,' Miss .Eva. Culbert and Miss Edith .Col- lins and a social time enjoYed. ."We look. forward to receiving 'the Sentinel .each week,' writes J. H. Hackett of St.'. Michel, Mon- • District President Guest. Speaker ,( Intended, For Last Week) • • Mrs. Francis Gemmel, Ripley, district president, was.. guest spea- ker at the 'February meeting of the Lucknow Women's Institute. In her talk :she sroke on several, r,f the projects of • the '.Women's Instit,ites, including' the Adelede Hoodless homestead at St. George' and .'the .need' of our soboort• to the' International Sg?holarshin fund• . 'Mrs. 'George ' Whitby • presided for, the. meeting .and. following 'the Owning •Ode and 'Mary Stewart Collect, 'Mrs. Philip Stewart read the- .minutes. .It ' was decided to buy' five dozen dessert 'plates, and •a' motion was made to giVe $10.00 to the • International Scholarship fund. iMrs, G. Whitby was chosen as a delegate to, attend the Of- ficers Conference in Guelph, May 5th, 6th. It, was decided to have • a, dessert bridge and euchre par - !ties in 'March.. • • • MrS. •Charles Steward presided for the program, and •a,Sing-song was enjoyed with' Mrs. 'Ross, Cum - mina at the piano. Mrs. Neil •J. NlaeKenrcie gave a reading, and Mrs.. Claire Johnston faveured the meeting with a lovely solos 'It is No' Secret," �0mpanied by Mrs, R. Cumming. The 'motto • "Perfection is not expected, but improvement • is," was very ably taken by Mrs, Mel, Greer, Following t h e "Queen" and Grace, lunch ,was served by .the Hostesses in charge, • .• • • , PAGE RYE s . . „ .. • , , 11. • • P,lywoecl, Prefinished -Wall .Panels,' Flame iltesistent Ceiling Tile • WESONT 'LUMBER LUCK1k1016/;., • PHONO• 528.2909. MONUMENTS • For sound counsel arid a :fir Price- on a monument . correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS . .• . Pat • O'Hagan,Prop. " * • , Established Over Sixty •Years Walkerton Phone 881-0234 . . Ontario BOWLING •NE.WS- Intended For Last. Week) • • • ILOCKii0W,DUNGANNON , • BOWLING. LEAGUE • Gwen Caesar again 'came • tin-ough with the ladies' high tri- ple and single with scoresof 698 and a '281 game. • Al. Hamilton led the men with • a triple of 652 -and: George Joynt had the„ high single ,of ,279. Tigers 48, Beavers -47, Cubs 47, Coons' 47, Chipmunks 41, Lions 40, Kangaroos 38, Zebras 36, Wol- verines 31, Gophers 31, Pole Cats .29, Squirrels 20. • • • LUCKNOW MEN'S BOWLING February. 9' 1965 9 p Group • nigh single this week was rolled by • Dick Park •with 296. Dick Park ,also 'rolled the high triple with. 735. Dick Park's l3uicks points, Milt Rayner's Dodges 1 point;. Ross Irwin's Fords 3 points, •Art. Purney's Silverwoods 1 point; Bill Hunter's Okismobiles 2. points, Omar Brooks Pontiacs' ? points. •' Team Standings: Buick s 4? . points; Pontiacs 38 points; Dod- ges )38 , points; Silverwoods ' 37 points; Fords 35 pqints; .0Idsmo- biles 26; points. Games of 250 and over: (Dick: Pa* 296 and 278, Bill I Sanderson 275, Stuart Jamieson 274, Jack ,paesar 280, Len Mac- Donald 275. • • LADIES' •AFTERNOON .BOWLING February 15th ,* Bluebirds 4 Wrens 0; Cardin- als 3, Robins. 1; Canaries 1,. Or- ioles 3., Marion MacKinnon rolled the hightriple with an .806; also high single .with a 281. • 4 Team Standing:: Bluebirds •4g; Wrens', 44, Orioles 43;. Cardinals • 36,—Canaries 32; Robins 24. MO garnes and over:, Betty Mole '201, .Shirley 1-lawthorne. 208,' Ferne MacDonald 222; Mildred Cameron • 218, 207, Edna Petrie 205; Marion MacKinnon 245, 280, 281, Marie Stewart 36, Isabelle Eedy 235. , • • LADIES' EVENING BOWLING-. • .Erneralds took • .3 'points .,from Pearls; Sapphires took ' 2'. Points and. Rhinestones took 2 • points; Diamonds took 4 points from Ru- ,bies. High single, Gwen'Caesar 292; hig4 triple, GWen, Caesar, 598. • Team Standing: Rhinestones 46, Pearls 44; . Diamonds 39, .Emer- alds '37, Sapphires 82; Rubies 30; 200 and over,' Donna Alton 203, Gwen Caesar 206, 292, Barbara • Friendorf 232, 205; Kay Collyer . • KAIRSHEA KAREFUL KIDS • (Intended For Last Week) The KairsheaKareful Kids 4-1I • club met •at the 'home of Marion and Janice Wall ,on Monday at 8:00 p.m. Safety at home :(inside and out), on. the farm and' higInNiay was discussed. They listened to "Farm Radio rortire broadcast on safety. •, ' Record books were checked. The next meeting will 'be in Luc - know Town Hall on IVIareh Ind to see films on ."Ihway Safety", E'HAVE VERYTHIM o'. IT TAlq$:. ouie4/64 $1,x • • 10 years to pay,. no down payment. •ESSOHomeHeat Service—cleaning,' conditioning and "No -Heat" emer- gency 'service 'at ,no cost toyou. Don't wait phone today ROY HAVENS • Plumbing and Heating ESSO OIL BURNER • Sales and Servige. • HOME HEAT SERVICE • • • • • 1