HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-24, Page 4PAG! FOUR. ' 111111. LUCKNOW $ NTINBL,. LUCKNQW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB,, , 24th, 1!f65 FOR• SALE` - 1954 Fargo 1 ton stake truck in excellent condition Phone 528-2683. FOR SALE 3500 square .bales of : mixed first cut hay. Sam : Glib - son, Phone Ripley 107-r-5 PIGS FOR, SALE 40 chunks. Albert Phillips, R.R. 2 Lucknow, Phone 528-6833, HENS FOR SALE.-- 100.. White Leghorns_ (quiet). Phone 529- 7273, ` » Dungannon. 50c each. SPECIAL on all sizes of barn. fans, 16" $54.95;, mineral bowls x$3,.95. Pollock Electric; ,Ripley; Phone . 190,. FOR.SAL -= one silver » :bassin ette baby buggy like new con- dition. 'Reasonably priced.. Phone Dungannon, 529-7262., FOR SALE -. Beatty electric ironer,; floor model, reasonably priced. Mrs. den Murdie 'Luck now, phone, 528-3311; HENS :FOR SALE "- .250. hens, laying, moat ,sell,...500 each. Apply MTs.. ' Henry MacKenzie, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone Ripley 105-r-18. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT duplex: on corner of Willoughby and Inglis ' Available March 1st. ,Apply,,Mrs. Margaret Carruthers, Ripley.` TOR. SALE -; . Holstein Spring- . ers, also Stocker cattle, no down Payment,_ 3 years to . pay at ' 71/4% straight .interest. Apply Stan Hors- burgh, orsburgh, . phone ' 357-2744,, . W ingham. ATTENTION FARMERS Construct Upright Concrete .. Silos Hu >ttp. to .55 feet. Arnold gill, Box 164,' 19 » 'Cambria ltd. N.Goder- ieh phone JA4-9437 collect." SEPTIC°/'TANKS CLEANED. Vacuum g pumping cleaning and pum in .. oi .. septic , . `tanks, Ronald : ;Forster, Luckno*P hone 528-3002, . Manu- facturer of cement .septic . tanks and well . the AUCTION SALE Allan Maclntyre 'Licensed' Auctioneer atow '- , Phone 528-3519 • VACUUM CLEANER SALES and SERVICE For all makes Filter Queen Sales, Varna, phone . 262-5350. CUSTOM ' BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quart ity. ' Custom butchering` in Govern- ment licensed Abattoir. : Pigs every. 'Tuesday. Beef from M o n d a y through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET. READER'S .DIGEST SPECIALS New subscribers May purchase 15 months of; Reader's. Digest for $2 „ Renewal subscriptions ae-. cepted . at the rate of $297 • per year: . Leaveyour orders with The Lucknow Sentinel, ' ` phone 52,0-3134. SENDERS TENDERS TENNiDERS will be' received e 'by the undersigned until Tuesday,. March 2nd, 1965, at. 6:00 •p.m.: (1) for 'the . spraying of cattle in; ' the Township for 'Warble , Fly, Control. Contractor' to collect his own fee from the farmer... (2) for supplying approximately 1000 lbs.' "of . Warbicide Powder. Lowest or any » tender, not nec essarily acepted: ; APPLICATIONS . ,for the position of Warble Fly Inspector . under. the. Warble Fly Control Act for. 1965.axpected ' Ap licants to ,state salary: � ' .DONALD M. SIMPSON,.*Clerk, ,Ashfield Township TOWNSHIP ' OF . KINLOSS r WARBLE FLY TENDERS Separate, marked ' sealed tend- ers will be received' by the un- dersigned up to 2:00 p.m. March lst, 1965, : for 'the : following: '.1 900 • lbs., /warble fly powder . to be delivered , to : Township' Hall, .Holy - rood. : 2. Warble.: Fly. Inspector, state salary ' expected.. 3. Warble Fly sprayer operator, operator to .supply satisfactory tractor' and his own help, state : salary . expected. 0.. H. » Wall; ..Clerk R.R. 3 ` Holyrood, Ont,. WEST WAWANOSH TWP:.,' . TENDERS wil be ,received;. for the supplying of approximately 600 lbs. of warble flypowder, said warbicide to be delivered under. the supervision of the War- ble Fly ' Inspector. Tenders will he received for ' the ' spraying of cattle under. the Warble , Fly, 'Act. Tenders, to state price' ,per head for each :.spray. Tenders- to supply all necessary equipment .and help. Township :will . supply "the 'warbi- cide. APP•LTCATIONS will be received. for the position: of Warble Fly Inspector.. ,Salary IS 'set at $1.15. 'per hour. Inspector to -provide'' his own transportation and ' will , be required . 'to collect the :. ' spraying fees from ' cattle owners: - • All tenders and'app plications . to be in the Clerk's .hands by, ' 6:00 p.m., March 6th, 1965. J. F. Foran,, Township" Clerk; R.R. 2* Auburn, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED •t Tenders will be received by the undersigned until,1:00 p.n. March ist for supplying - the Township' of Huron., with 900' pounds (60 sacks) of 'No. :1'warble ' powder delivered'. to the Township, shed by March • 20th. , Earl Tout, Clerk;: R.R. ' .4, Ripley AUCTION. ' SALE AUCTION : SALE • cif real estate, livestock,. , farm •implements and hay will be held'. for the estate of the -late . Clifford McNall, . lot 32,, concession 3, Kinloss' Town- ship, 21/2 miles» north and 1 mile west of .. Whitechu'rch, Saturday, March 6th at 1:00 p.m. See bills for list, Terms Cash. " The ' real estate ' includes 100. acres of land, on which issituated a' large bank barn, ' 12 by 30 new. silo, 30 by 20 drive shed, eight room house with now 3 -piece bath, .good -water sup- ply, Farm will be offered' at 3:00 p. subject to re rve bid re - squiring 10% cash da .of sale and halarrce in . 30 . .days.: •' • APPLICATIONS • Applications wanted by •' . t h e. Township of Enron" for a; Warble Inspector. gat $1:25.per hour and a' spray truck operator' ,at "$1.15 per -hour. Applications.' ,to be in by' 1:00 p.m.' March . 1st,' • Earl • Tout, Clerk .LOST :OMING. EVENTS NEW .. CASH BINGO' Legion Hall, : Lucknow, every Thursday » evening, 8:45. » p.m. 15. regular games- $10.00 each. '4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot includedin each game. Jackpot. this week .$70.00.. on 57;" calls, STRAYED ' an 800 pound Here- ford steer from the . farm of Lorne Eadie, Holyrood, with tag no. 524: Anyone knowing of its *hap- . abouts phone Ripley 24-r-9 collect. Deed Animal Removal For DEADs4or .D.ISAB-LEED' ANTM tU Call COLLECT Drlin . anti Company` of Canada Ltd. Clinton HU -2-7269 Deacl Animal License No. 350-C•65 ,:q.;y:v wa Jam GODERICH. ,LIONS' BINGO The >• Goderich Lions, will: hold. a , bingo • ,on : Wednesday, March 3rd, 8:30 ;p.m, at the Harbour- lite Inn, seventeen regular » games. at. $10, one share -the -wealth, one $50" jackpot, and the new acceler- ating jackpot up .,to ,$250. and 2 door prizes.: Admission $1.00. DESSERT BRIDGE The Lucknow Women's Insti-, tute are holding a Dessert Bridge. on Thursday, .March . 4th at' 1:30_. p.m., . in the Assembly Room • . of the Town ' hall. , Everyone "wel-. come. » / EUCHRE PARTY A Euchre . Party " "will be held in. the Kingsbridge school on. Friday, February 26th : at 9:00 » .p m. > Lunch and prizes. , t 'SHOOT PARTY, ill be'» held . on � w Shoot Party Friday, February' .,26th at 8:15 p.m. in the St: Helens Hall, sponn sored by the W.I.: Ladies . please bring sandwiches Silver •.'collec- tion.. PANCAKE' SUPPER A Pancake Supper will : be" serv- ed eryed on» Tuesday, . March Ind from; 5-7 p.m. in au St.spy� Peters Pa ish Hall, ,under ces of the AIV.A. Cards 'to follow, Everyone wel- come. :• FARMER'S NIGHT A .Farmer's Night is being .held in the. ,Teeswater Town Hall. on :Thursday, ' February 25th: •at 8:30 pa. ..' .sponsored; by Donaldson's Sales and Service in • Teeswater: Films by 'Cockshutt Nuffield and ,New Idea Farm . 'Machinery.: Ev- eryone welcome, " d o:o r prizes, lunch served. ACHIEVEMENT 'NIGHT . Achievement: Night for : the .Luc - know a n d District Community Night School- will: be' held. in. the High School Auditorium.. Wednes- day, February 24th : (tonight) at 8:00 :p.m. Everyone is :welcome to ..view the exhibits. CALICO BALL Reserve ' the date ' Wednesda � Y, April .21st, for the , Calico Ball sponsoted..by the Kairshea Wo- men's. Institute... RECEPTION A reception in honour of Mr. and. Mrs: David Mince .(formerly Margaret Ann .. Ma'cDonald); of Kintail,' will•1 be • held, :at . Lucknow Legion. Hall, ; 'Saturday night',. February 27th. • Music by ' Carru- thers orchestra. MASTER FEEDS CARD OF THANKS PHOtIE 'ANTED- -- I wish,o ' say thanks to all who so ;.kindly remembered me while in Hospital with special, thanks to Dr: McKim, Dr, Corrin and to the -nurses on the first floor. Mrs'. Em'maline' Cranston Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hod-;, gins .. wish, to thank their, many friends and relatives vho remem- bered them on; their 60th wedding anniversary,' with ;flowers, gifts, and cards. We "wish to .thank oixr ,neigh- bours, the LucknowFire Depart- ment and all; others » who offered help, at the . time of our: fire. ;Mr. and Mrs.'. Wm.. 'Redmond and, »family. • The family of. the: late Rebecca MacQuaig wish to express .their thanks and ' appreciation ' for the_ •many' .kindnesses shown their, sis- ter during herlong illness.. Spec- ial thanks to, Drs. Corrin and .Mcg We wish to express our sincere ttanks'to those . who 'sent flowers,: cards or. letters or... helped in. any way at the : time :Of our recent bereavement. ' .::• William cGuire and family. SENIOR TYPI; National ;Employment Service • Walkerton,_ Ontario.; $2940 -- $3300 Applicants must have .a 'minimum of ,one:: Year's experience With, Secondary ..School gradua»tion•: OR two year's 'experience with „less than'. Secondary ,School gradua- tion, 'and; must demonstrate abil- ity to • type , accurately at, least 40 . words' , a minute. For further particulars as to ':res- idence, .qualification requirements »and application! forms, • refer to posters on display, at Post; Offices and National Employment . Offic- es. APPLY.. NOT LATER. THAN March 5, 1965, to the ,CIVIL SERI LCE: cOMMissiok, 388 DUNDAS• STREET, •. LONDON, ONTARIO..:` PLEASE.. QUOTE ',COM'PETITION. WANTED --, house to rent• ii Lucknow, ,2 or 3, bedrooms oi furnace, close to stores,.: on or<;be fore • 1sof April.: »..Mrs Passrnor. Licknow, phone ;528-2448.. . GRASS FARM WANTED or 200 acres, running water..At ply to Post Office Box .192, Well now. WANTED -- carpenter 'war such as remodelling, tiling floor, building kitchen . cupboards,. •,u stalling wallboard etc.., Roy ''Sci neller, Kinlough, phone Bery 2221. , GOOD HEAVY FOWL ' . WANTS cash on , the farm. ; call, ,Tl Ronnenburg Insurance Offic Brussels, Tuesday and.Friday. b tweet the hours; of 10:.00. �Rr. 5:00 pan. WANTED We have buyers •for farm homes and businesses. If you wi to sell; • call , ••- , Stan • or Marjorie '.`Kay. 86 Hig,hway,East of Luckno Phone .528-6493 . AGENTS F.OR Wilfred Mclntee, A. Company: LAI Walkerton, Ontario TIMBER WANTEDStand hardwood, Maple, Basswood, A Cherry and : Beach.. Craig .-Sad mill, Auburn, phone 526:7220.. N (AceTO e: Creditoo : . NOTICE TO : CREDITORS AND OTHERS :In The Estate Of THOMAS CLIFFORD : McNA Deceas.d Notice 'is » hereby. given .than `persons . having; claims ...agar the Estate : of Thomas• - Clif a l lat • of the . Village. 1VicN e . of, gill, in' the , County of ' Bri Station: Agent,.. are •required 'file the same with the; tin ;signed on orbefore the 22nd of March, A.D. 1965, after ww date the ' Administratix will tribute the assets of the late tate among the: persons ent thereto, having » d only . re i I;�. the ' claims of which she shall have ,notice». Dated , at •' Walkerton, this: Day of February, A D:.'1965.. , LAURA, McNALL, Adminis rix. -By Alex. • J.' McNab, Barrister and Solicitor, Wa ton; Ontario, Her Solicitor. FOUND STRAYED to the farm o iver McCharles , two collie Owner mayhave , same ..by ing 4-4 Ripley ,1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ''e _t 40%. DAIRY '.CONCENTRATE`, KRUMS $4.'75'» per .cwf. 16% MILK . . _.. PRODUCER RATION ,'KRUMS • $3.85 per »cwt."» 50% BEEF CONCENTRATE KRUMS $5.1O per cWt' i. R. FINLAYSON •LUCKNOW • PHONE 528+2903,• • ▪ 'BILKS OF CANADA WOULD LIKE .MORE ACREAGE o 'OFFER.ING FIVE DOLLARS' A TON MORE FOR `N•0. • 'THIS YEAR; FREE PICK UPAT ;GATE': J•. •K interested Write or PhoneH • • • • • • •• • BK:KS OF CANADA PHONE 30-r4 ,DUBLIN • • • : JOHN VAN .R001, • • • DuN'GANtNON 529-7438 a•soosm000•• a•ia►Aii Oiisii•••••••ii • es•i