The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-24, Page 2r. • ,PAGtTwo` T11* ' LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24th lemon. Hunter'sRink 11ns Fiat :Coro p Bonspiel,� :rl r� 1 � Entered The first .annual ":;Co-op men's for the day • with Bob; Malay's curling bonspiel was held last rink finishing second. The Co-op - 'Thursday • at the Lucknow arena. presented, a total of • 35 console- Vernon Hunter skipped his four- tion prizes ranging from . curling. some of Larry Salkeld, Allan. Bar- brooms. to pieces of r cheese. These ger and Donald Maclat ,tor:• tprizes r w • e. all donated: to the Donald ... ..;•tn'P were . spot and wmis, . r ere n with the bonspiel bysupplier's of the: Luck - Co -op' trophy by Al Hamilton of ; now Co-op, All added :up to make the __: Lucknow. ' Co -o :*staff :. The the _, first,. •tcroaiPnbpY� me ^bons lel _very will come up for annual •successful event' ' .Sixteen rinks participated' in. the : spiel: Over • $100 in prizes were corn for, The bo _ iel Shower i. .. r l>� �ed FQ was .organlzed, : by : the '.Lucknow curling aub in: co-operation with ilecentthe,. Coop sand u addition ,tothee . Coop trophy, "both supplied the ,(ST;,,. HELENS NEWS) ' curlers with .a varlet' of valuable Mrs,George Naylor .(nee Mar pr• area Taylor) was ,honoured .on Stuart '.Jamieson,' manager . of Friday evening at. a 'Community the Co-op and Jim Arnold; an em- Shower in • the .St. Helens Hall.: ployee,. welcomed • the curlers She was escorted to her seat of prior to, play .commencing . at ` 9 honour by Patricia • Taylor • and. i A.m. m Winners of the:.nide' o clock Susan ' borscht. Mrs; ' Earl Jam - draw were the Vern Hunter rink. ieson,• read an address of good Second , in the draw was .Dr. Jack wishes andpresided for a short McKim's rink,. of . Don k .. Mercer, program Louise McDonald and. .. , ,Howard Barger ,and Jim Boyle. Sharon . Jamieson` helped open' the ----The--consolation --prize----for :this- -gifts: •1U argaret- tl ankedy-=the-conn. - draw went to 'Sandy McCharles' munity: ladies for their lovely rink of '9hirl Bowers,:: Allister .gifts. Readings; were : given by MacKay • and • Don .,Paquette of Mrs. Frank 1VIcQuillin,' Mrs, Jim Ripley. Aitchison . and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, In,'the eleven o'clock draw, Bob- Musical: numbers were given by,:. Finlay's rink of Omar Brooks, Vera McDonald, Mary Panna- Gordon annaGordon : Brooks and Lloyd ' ' Hall. becker, Janice. Gaunt, 'Carol Web took :top spot Second went to ster and Rosalene Phillips. After :Morgan Johnston's rink of Glen the program, Mrs. Barbour . and Walden Merv.. Funston . & Austin Mrs. Pannabecker conduct er d. Martina ConLsolation. winner . was some humorous contests. Lunch. Bill ; Johnstone's -rink of Bud Ham.• was served. The shower was plan ilton, .Tem Anderson and ' Jerry nett by Mrs. Barbour,., Mrs; Jam ieson and Mrs... Norman Me • ii- Vern , Hunter's ruck : placed top aid. ■u . iuuiuia■..iia.■■inIuuiu ta■� . E ■ ■ ■ i '. '26le. WEDNESOAYTHURSDAY,' FRIDAY FEBRUARY- 24-25 n■, ■ •[ Weeked"• I mSprings ■ ' Pa • :i:' ■ ,Colour ■ ■ : ■ .Starring:: •Troy :Donahue,. 'Connie . Stevens, Ty: ' Hardin ■ ■ and Stephanie Powers • ' 1. • ■: ' - In: -thrs one college fellas and, gals go, looking. for fun and ■• ■' romance' during Easter recess . ' ■ ■ ■ ■ • 1 ,•-SATURDAY MATINEE FEBRUARY 27:,� he Lasi Frontier" is Colour - CinemaScope ■ •• Starring: Guy Madison•:, ■ ■ SATURDAY, MONDAY,. TUESDAY; WEDNESDAY ■ ■ : ' ',. -FEBRUARY, 27 MARCH 1-2-3 ADULT 'ENTERTAINMENT' ■ .. Goodb e�� Charlie y t>r Colour- - CmemaScope . . ■ Starring: Tony Curtis, Debbie Reynolds, Pat Boone The laughs come fast and furious ;in tins filmed version ; m. la . of a stage . comedy hit. ' . _ ■, • THURSDAY, FRIDAY, (2 Days) MARCH '4.5 ■ ., ■- e "The Young Swingers" ■ ■ $16415 11 lie ■ n■iOOOM ■.sn.: luO•Ooi ■ .,■ ■■ ■.. toi oOOOA• ••oaeesi••o• t THE. 'SQUARE Goderich Thursday, ' Friday, Saturday `•• 1•A+•.io•io••••00nnsl• i. w •• • • AT. • THE 1* • r ■ NOW; Last Three Days .,• s HOW THE WEST WAS WON111 AO • •. :MON., TU ES,, WED., MARCH 1-2 3 " Adult Entertainmeit • • Dbbie Re nolds Pat Boone •• � e� and' 'Tony' Curtis o _'Based on' the Broadway play, a comedy fan about 'a man �' y '.. . • who returns to life'as 'a woman.: . , • a, • Goodb• y a Ch arllej' ... . • • In Technicolor + •;.... .. •FRi. SAT. -- ONE SHOW NITELY AT 8:00 p.m.. 0 ' �THUIR, � •. • • • 'QUO -VIS .,, s • Q One in the greatest teehnicolor "spectaculars ever filmed a L. ' ,WithRobert• Taylor •and Deborah Kerr , • • .. • • 3 , COMING!. "A SHOT IN THE DARIO' adult enterfainmeft IN••ii•0na+•■•iiia►fit••i +e•awwio•••a ini 46.0. i ew • Injured Btisketbll;. Gdm e ame (by: John. Bradley) • Last week three of , the. four ,D:H,S. basketball teanns . won heir . dame over the• Wiarton teams, The boys' teams played in Wiarton while the' girls' teams played here in. Lucknow, In Wi- artoa_ the. -senior boys won • their first game. while the Iuilior bo s only came close to a victory. ;: However, the .real ' excitement happened to take place in Luck - now.. the jr. girls from' Wiarton at one point of the game led the Lucknow girls by, a score of :9-0; However Lucknow got rolling and. came up with a ' very slim win over Wiarton: Our "well-known" senior girls easily defeated 'Wiar- ton and it now looks' as if their. will be in the finals for sure:. The scores were as follows, Sr. girls:Lucknow 48, Wiarton 6; Jr girls : Lucknow • .27, Wiarton 25; Sr, boys: Lucknow 34,.: Wiarton 20; Jr; boys::. Lucknow. 21, . Wiarton 31. Although; the senior girls won, „they did suffer•. ,an accident dur- vng ,weir; : game: Barbara= C-amer- dn, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cameron .of • Own,. and a guard for our •senior :girls team,.; suffer- ed . a • broken bone in her foot: :She has her foot and leg in a, cast to the knee and is presently on crutches; however she 'hopes.. to have a walking cast on within a couple . of weeks / Also, as, the.: weeks passby, :the new "finishing area" for. the. •"shop" . comes closer to r comple- tion. When finished this . new .ad- dition . to :: our shop will ; . be a, great help to all .: students who take industrial arts:, Fair Nous (Contributed) i.,• l,fi , Pr ze sts are • al mora coin-, plete ; for, the : 1965 Fair. School prize lists .'.and :those for the sev- ing and knitting section: can be had : shortlyfromnof- the' Sentinel fice... , A meeting :is. to be 'held . shortly to.. make plans ; for program for the, `Centennial Fair.. Have you suggestions' or ideas you'd like to see put into action? Then tell one • of •.the directors and you ban :be sure it will be .:talked over : by the committee.' Wouldyou be willing: to " .help furnish a room with ,antiques to: be • on display at Fair time?' :If you ,have :; something you would loan for such a display; call one of •t:h a Centennial ,Committee, Mrs. Gordon ,Kirkland, Mrs, Bert Alton, Mrs. Harry ' Lavis, Lloyd Ackert, Donald . McIntyre, Mrs. :Oliver McChar•les• Olivet Lady .Dies Alt Kincardine MRS.'WM. S. McoUIRE • , • Passed' away' in Fairhaven nur- sing home Kincardine,Friday February ',12th,: in her seventy- fourth year. She was the former Maud, Wilkinson daughter ofthe late Mr.. and •Mrs •P6rry 'Wilkin- On September 21th, 1917 she was •united in marriage to Wm. S McGuire of Concession 2 Hur- on. 'Township where they 'farmed until moving to Ripley in 1955. She was . a member ofOlivet United Church .and a life member. •"f the W .1VM.S • She leaves 'to mourn her pas- sing,, her husband.and two .daugh- ters; Mi s. ' Robert (Dorothy) .En- gel, Mitchell,• Mrs • :Walter (Mary) Black, R.R. 1 Ripley. One son Jack R R. 6 Lucknow, 11 .grand- children' and .one brother Rev, •T C. Wilkinson, nownsview, Ontario. Mrs. McGuire was predeceas- ed by son Gordon in France, 1944, also two sisters, Beatrice, Ripley and, Daisey, .Auckland, N.J.. Funeral service was, from Mc- Lennan'sfuneral home, Ripley, on Monday February 15th, : with burial. .in Ripley cemetery,. the. Rev. George Ball officiating, Pal- lbearers were: Walter Walden, Melvin Coiling,Andrew Hamilton, Howard McGuire, Jack .Roulston, lames McTavish. • i3 , 5 ions . aisa■daminu a i■■ao■ah I11In•UU r0UU18U■ 11111118•1 ■, .4tu 1 U M 1 V . L: 1 I:t 1` E 1 `v: v . ■; NV ,■: . INK • Sudangrass:Hybrid SorghumANew__.■ ■ Can' 'be used for hay, silage; or grazing,. - r ■ *; Grows well during hot ry spells. ■Y *.-Harvest", .quality remainsd, 'big for long . pe. eof, time. , ■ * Can be• grown and. handled with; your .present. equipment ■{:, • ■' . -1 Ib PER ACRE IN, ROWS ` OR 20.30 lbs.. ■ ��� SOW . 8 Z s. ,� . ■ ■ i ■ r ;: BROADCAST -ANYTIME 'FROM APRIL • TO ,LUNE.:: ■ - N. i ■: ■ F1IRMERS, WISHING TO TRY "THIS NEW 111 CROP LEAVE ORDERS:, AT STORE ■ ■ • asaaa ■■■•■■■■■U■■Uiamip■r ■■Il■•■•■■•■aaaia■ • ',Houston. Mrs: Ray Taylor . an .n ylor f? 1k De Ta o Wa erton w� rwY Y Sunday visitors at the Houstol hom., e Price: Per Pound D. R. FINLAYSON. PHONE ; 8-2903 LUCKNOW • FORAGE Lucknow Resident'. Passed Away REBECCA; M. MecQUAIG. There: passed away in Wingham. and District Hospital on Thurs- day.' February ` . 11, 1965 Rebecca MacCrimmon : MacQuaig in . ;her 82nd year.. She' wasthe daughter of the late Effie and Angus 1Mac-° Quaig, pioneer residents of Luck now She was born 'and lived . her en= tire life in . the • MacQuaig' home, east ,of :the • :station.; IVtiss .' MacQuaig .was :: possessed, of a . kind 'and. loving nature, and was a ' faithful' attendant at her church as long as, health' permit- ted.: She leaves - ea es to muro n four sis- ters, is-ters, Cora, Sally, Agnes' and Mary, all of. ,Lucknow, and, . one brother Ewen of Lehigh Acres Florida. She.. was predeceased by one 'sister Isobel and ' four ,broth- ers, Donald, John, Gladstoneand. Duncan. The . Ladies:Auxiliar .' to ' the Y. Canadian: Legion held : a , service. on Friday at ' 8 p.fl The funeral service was con- ducted : at the McKenzie Funeral. Home 'on Saturday: February 13 with her pastor.. Rev. Rod. Mac- Leod speaking :comforting ' words to the bereaved.. Temporary . entombment; was. made in South Kinloss Mausol- eum. The pall ..bearers were James •;Fetter of Windsor,' Frank Houghton ' . of , . Toronto, Kenneth Cameron, Kenneth " Murdie, Jim Henderson,. Cameron MacDonald. 1UNOSs :Kenneth Roulston Winner. Congratulations. to Ken Roulston, son of Mr, . & Mrs. Cliff Roulston, for. winding. the, Kinloss' Township:. speaking contest held at, 'Holyrood on Thursday night. Mrs. Allan Maclntyre .and in- fant son arrived hoMe from Wing ham District :'Hospital on 'Sunday, The Kinloss Father & Son, Scout. Banquet will be . held at 'Holyrood' Hall, Saturday, February.. 27th. Mr. and 'Mrs. /Bob Fattish and family. ; Irwin Campbell, •Mr. sand. Mrs, Bud Farrish•and family ' is ited Sunday, with . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall and Grace: South Kinloss ' Young,. People and friends enjoyed a sleigh -riding party • on the MaeIntyre hill on Wednesday ' night. Refreshments were served after at the home of Mr.d� antMrs. 'Leonard ' Machines.' Ross /Hamilton •of''.Toronto spent, the 'week -end - with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Gilbert ,ltamilton, Sunday visitors •were Mr.', and Mrs. John Hamilton and .family of Clint in• ,Ashfield MacKenzie of was a guest Thursday night with Eileen.Burt and Kathy Leddy ited with ` Miss 'Grace •MacDou-. gall • Kenneth Houstonof 'Guelph, • Un- iversity spent' last week -end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey` BIRTHS DUNLOP Tao Mr; .: and Mr Eugene Dunlop, :on; .February' 1965, . in Stratford .General' Hos" to1 a son; 'Rodger John; a.b� bier . forSandra, Laurie and .K in and: agr : . andson. for Mrs. Do 'MacDonald. U B AKPITA '�- o February:. 5 19� n, :at Grace Hospital in Toronto, Mi.: and 'Mrs. Robert 'Z.' Ubaka (nee ` Marjorie Ackert: of Kincc dine) a' son, Richard Allen, brother. for • Kimberley Ann. CHISHOLM. In• Wingham a District. Hospital,: , on Wednesd February . 10,. 1965, ; to Mr. Mrs.' Grant Chisholm Luckn a daughter. wiltroCK Ili Winghair : District; Hospital, on•," Thursd February. ' 11, 1965, ; tti .Mr; a Mrs. Lloyd • Whytock, R.R. Wingham, a • daughter: • RICHARDS' on Tuesday; ruary 2nd,' `.1965, , at :.Ginili, 1VIt toba, to Mr. • and Mrs.. Geo Richards, a . daughter; Ruth- A LU'CKNfW•. UNITEDCHURCH Rev. Howard W. Strapp Minister, •SUNDAY,' F,EBRUARY•."Z8t ,10:00 a.in. Sunday.:: Schos: 11:00 a.m. Morning: Worsh "Two : Great Words". •;•maimpari►t,.m,.r1tiopt,arnr, r r...ui r • d . • Lucknow Presbyterian. Chug Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 10:00 ' a.m. Sunday Scho. 11:00 a.m. The. Minist' iliP.ilf1A.iam,riwri.1.►nommi.nilriamnapi irral , ST.:. PETER''S. , $1.01 CA:N: • CHURCH; Quinquagesima Sunday Church :School • 1616.a., ' Morning.:Prayer 1105 a 'Ash Wednesday Service. Via at 8:00 piny • The Rev, J; R. King •Itector • •