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Rebuild Haim
the Purple Grove district in Hur-
on Township are _homeless. after
fire .completely- destroyed their 2-
storey frame home last Friday
of ternoon. , The farm, where
Dore 'Vas born, and where .he has
spent . his. entire •lifetime, is lo-
cated on the .Kincardine . Town-
ship -Huron Township Boundary,
about five miles north-east of
Mr. and Mrs. Dore were away
at the, time of the outbreak. They
had gone to Kincardine: with Mrs.
Dore dropping off at : ther sister's
place, Mrs. George Bere, near
Millarton. They had only been
gone -about : an • hour en . a
daughter, Mrs. Harvie Thompson
of . Purple Grove, discovered : the
fire upon .; going to her parents'
place. • .
The fire' had such . a headway
.by then that Mrs. Thompson was'
unable bto get into the house. ' For 50 -year jewel. Among the many
a • few anxious minutes, s h e
thought her mother might be in
the . house until she realized that
the car was''gohe: She phoned 'Rip -
le • Fire Department from :•a: neigh-
farm. •
Ripley firemen were powerless
to save the ,house which was en-
gulfed in flames by the time they
arrived. A garage and workshop,
where Mr. Dore spent a good
deal ' of . his . time, were saved.
Freezing weather made firefight-
ing difficult.
Everything that a couple would
collect in : forty-three years of
marriedlife was destroyed. No-
thing was salvaged ' from the
house.. Among , the. personal : pos-
sessions destroyed were . Orange
Lodge. regalia belonging . to Mr.
Dore. Claude has . been an active
Orangemanforfor 50 years and only
was. ; presented with his
personal effects lost by Mrs. Dore
were, pieced, quilts', .hooked rugs.
and mats, a hobby which 'she had
Q. Mr. Dore.is well known through-
out the township and. county . be-
cause of his 11 years in the of-
fice of, Reeve and ' Councillor of*
Huron. His connectionswith the
area go back to . the time the
township was settled.;. His .grand-'
father.. Cuyler . took ,Up the farm
where .he/ resided from the. crown.
The house that was burned was
built at the time of the marriage;
of ::Mr. and Mrs. Dore.. About 25
years ago,.. the original house . was
joined to the . new one:. The couple
are • presently residing, with their
daughter . and son-in-law, Mr; ."'a`nd
Mrs. Harvie Thompson. W h e, n•
asked by the .'Sentinel about 'fu-
ture plans;
gamely stated that hewould like
to build •a new house on the site
•of the old : one.
•RottleOlturar Society Yo .landscape ;
Centennial Gates, Increase Flower. Beds
The February meeting of the
Lucknow, and District Horticult
ural. Society °.*as held in the' Town
Hall Friday evening.
Mrs.' Ross Cumming, ,president,
welcomed' about 30 people .at this
meeting. ° r .•
In the' minutes,of an executive
meeting . held in Januarye
the: mee-
ting was informed of the plant-
ing program" of the Society ' :for
the year. New beds will be at
the rear, of the Post Office, with
window boxesat the front and. a
small .bed at the Supertest. These
additions are in'.conJjunction with
the ,other beds maintained at the
various locations in the viliage as
always. Then too, the Lucknow
Agricultural Society , are going
,:. ahead . with- plans forSocietY
their 'Cell
tetanalgates 'and' . t h e ' '•
committed itself a year ago to
undertake any landscaping around
•The: Society has ordered 300 to
berous :: begonia bulbs ; and .200. of
• these. will be . available to. .mem-
bers . for 20c each. Members are
to contact .the secretary as soon
as posible for• their requirements:,
Mrs. • Wellington Henderson and.
Mrs. Morgan •Henderson were the
committee in charge : •of 'the: pro-
gram which opened with a piano
`solo ',by _Jinnny Henderson. Mrs.
Morgan Henderson , .:' introduced
Walter Dexter whoshowed his
slides on a trip to ' Britain., These
were well , received ."and enjoyed.
by all present. Miss Patricia Con -
non,, .accompaniedbyher mother,
sang • a lovely solo entitled An
Indian Lullaby. Mrs. Henderson.
thanked those taking part.
Mrs. Rod MacLeod and William
Wharry . were winners of a; draw
'fortwo lovely prizes donated" by
the. committee. •
During . the business of the ev-
a .financial report '. wasgiv-
en by the treasurer showinga
y ,
balance • at:the end ' of 1964 of
$206.00. •Receipts for. < t h e year
were $1,280.90, expenditures were
$1,074.90. A grant : of $20.00 has.
been received from the County'.
of Bruce for 1965.
The" next meeting will be March
19th at the Town Hall ,and the
committee: is Mrs: Ted'. McClen
aghan` Miss Ada, . Webster•. and
Miss June Collyer..
.sportLiss dower; Surplus, `Increase
�t West �Ww�oSh utual Annual,.'
(�mpany president
'ail Caesar Is �te�r.
About 35 :persons . attended •the
86th Annual Meetingof the West
Wawanosh Mutual 'Fire Insurance
Company in the• Parish Hall,...Dun-
gannon, last. Friday,
Herson Irwin of Belgrave, the
Company President, welcomed the
policyholders present and urged
precautions to be •taken to reduce
the 'material loss and .loss' of : life •
from fire. Mr. •Irwin reviewed the..
,financial position of the Comp-
any, stating. 1964 had been a' rea-
sonably ,su'ccessfulyear with an
increase in surplus • of $14,081.67.,
after. 'paying' fire losses. of $71,-
882.64. Losses were $30,079,79 low-
er than in 1963. Assets' total $273,-
376.97. Insurance in force` 'totalled'
$43,743,230.00, an increase of $2,-•
272,164.00 in 1964. Revenue increa-
sed by $4,925.96.•
!Mr..Irwin', who. is retiring,.. of -
ter serving• two years , as presi-
dent, • expressed his 'appreciation
to the Board of Directors for
their :fine effort and co-operation
in the promotion of the Company.,
Thanks were also extended for
the services of the. ,secretary-
treasurer' and assistant Mr. and
Mrs. Frank .Thompson.
Touche, Ross, Bailey and Smart
of London were again appointed
as auditors. •
. Considerable discussion centred,
on the extensions 'of : coverage
which the' Company received .in
1964 :enabling them to write •float
er. coverages on farm machinery.
and livestock. It is anticipated.
this : coverage, will be offered in
thevery 'near future.
The election of Directors, with
Mr, . ,Irwin vacating' the chair in
favor ;of .Director. Brown' Smyth,.
was as follows;- •
Ross lkrcPhee by Kenneth Scott
and Clifford McPhee;
Paul 'Caesar' by Elmer Black and
Jack :•Curran,
'Berson, Irwin � by .Jos Dunbar -and
Harold Hutton. •
There being no other nomina-
tions the afore -mentioned• three:
Directors were re-elected for. 'a
three year term. Brief addresses
mere given by each.
. Otherspeakers s eakers included . Direc-
tors William, Wiggins, Brown
Srnyth, John . MacLennan, Donald
Bert Thompson, .an octogenarian
and Clerk of the Township of
East Wawanosh, stated he had
been a • satisfied . policyholder . of.
the Company since .1808.
Paul Caesar of R.R.„. 1 Dungan-',
non was later elected Company
President and William Wiggins of
Auburn RSR. 3, : Vice -President
Tom ' Salkeld
Home :
Mr. and Mrs. Tom • Salkeld of
West. Waw 'nosh Township have'
' purchased the home .• of Mrs. Ed-
ward ,Little on Gough St. in Luc
About 1950, Mr. and:: Mrs. Little
retired. to *Lucknow where their
new home Was built.: Mr. Little's
death •occurred in 1953. ;For the...
past, year and a ;half,` :.Mrs. Little
has : resided at , Pinecrest Manor
in Lucknow.
The' alkeld farm is : about u :a
S abot.
mile .south-east of Lucknow, . • on
the first sideroad of. West 'Wawan-
osh running off Highway 86! : He
came there _from • Goderich about
45 years ago and `°purchased the
farm” fromi. his •aunt, and : uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. MacDonald.
Through .':.the years, :' the Salkeld
naive has : been connected with
apples : and honeyand was ; noted,.
Y .
for both throughout the area. The
Salkeld orchard : and apiary are.
still being operated by Mr. Salk-
eld and, his son Lawrence. Larry
will continue to operate the farm.
PercyBarr. Flies . .
To �
titso� i
Percy Barr, son of Mrs John
Barr of the Kinlough' district ins
Kinloss Township,is presently in
Ethiopia :<for the second time in.
the past year. Percy, a graduate
of Lucknow District . High School
was in that country' at the time
of the Queen's ': visit, there early
this month.
He is employed by DeLeuw, Ca-
ther. and Co. of Toronto who have.
an office there . and are doing
road survey work for the govern-
ment of that country. He spent
three months there last spring.
Percy flew January 17th from
Toronto making the flight'. via.
New '.York, Amsterdam, .Cairo in
23 hours.
,,,in a letter . to the Sentinel,
.Mrs. Ann Redmond, volunteer
"co-ordinator , of t h e Onto io
Hospital-. in Goderieh, says -
about the variety concert'," 't
;on for ` the patients last week
-by the Lucknow Agricultural
"Needless/ to .`say, the even
ing's entertainment was thor-
oughly enjoyed by the pa-
tients. Those in charge are
pleased to express sincere gra-
titude to this ' uh
gro p fortit e
effort so willingly and cap-
ap-•ably presented''
A story , on thepresentation.
appears elsewhere in the pa-
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Jo t of
g y»i
town will leave Thursday morn-
ing from London . to r• spend two
weeks in Palm . Springs, Califon.
nia. They will be accompanied by
Mrs. Joynt's sister, andbrother-
in-law Mr. and Mrs. James •Gib-
son of London. They : will •fly from
London tb' Cleveland, 'Cleveland; to
Los Angeles, and then the 100
miles. to: Palm Springs.
Wilfred Anderson
Sells L�cal Holme
Wilfred Anderson of Lucknow'
has sold his Havelock Street res-
idence to Mel Goyette, principal
of the Lucknow ,District High . '
School; 'Mr. . ;:Anderson plans • to
construct a . 'new home for him- •
self" in the village.
The Anderson . residence : ' •o n,`'.
"Station Street" ' has been in the
family since 1903 when Wilf's
father, George Anderson purchas ..
•ed the home from 'D. ' R. Mc-
Intosh. His father lived there -' un-
1927 when he went to live in .
the home now owned by Steve,
Stothers on :Quality Hill. _
Mr. and'', Mrs. 'Goyette and fam-
ily, Linda, Paul, Allan. and . Allison
will move ' to thehome as soon
as, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson • com-
plete ; construction of their home.
At ' writing time/ Tuesday, a def-
inite location for building 'had_,not.
been. obtained.
Mrs.: Walter Campbell, mother
of Mrs. •Goyette, will . continue, to
live in the home ; Goyettes have
,been renting from:. John W Hen-
derson Lumber Ltd. on Havelock
�1i tt :Whitbyo•Pres�nted:�l ;4 ward B Father- Scoutmaster Gecr e
it. .Father ;An
Son i
The ,annual' Father :and Son Ban-: will keep;' on growing.: ' Rev' Mac
quet of the : Lucknow :Boy Scout Leod .thanked . the leaders..: f'o r
Association Was held. in the L their ':diligence and concern for
. gion Hall' Saturday evening atten-the • boys:
ded by 118
some scouts,': aeaders � c ; c `
. UCG. 7S ROVER P, , •
fathers' ,and sponsors. Scout Master George' Whitbyre=
g •
The mewl farmed Ladies Aux n1!- d th� iikin Rev.MacLeod.for
Y a n� R ,fo
diary catered for a bountiful•,:tur- :his kind- remarks.:Georgeannoun-
key supper with. all -the trimm c';1 •thattwo scents had earned
ings, ' preceded With . Grace by their
Religion and' Life swar
:Rev. 4.• R. King.Mrs. Rost thi'S past ,year In'; order.for ;a
mingpleased everyone with her Scouttn.!:win
this °important award
piano ,stylings . during supper and •:he needs ..the co-operation of his ' •:
she alsoplayed for the 'sing .song parents :.and , the ;'guidance of .his,
led. byElwin .1minister. orpriest:.T he .Scouter ',..
:thanked Gordon Montgomery- for
the use ; of his property : at the `.•
12th ofAshfield Beach for the..
summe.r scout :'camp 'last : Year..,
(Conthioed .,on page 13)
Rev. • H. ' W. " Strap') , :acted •. aG
Master of Ceremonies . and intro-
duced ' the Officers, Leaders and.
the hard working': Scout 'Commit
tee. '
Committee Chairman, Bill John-
stone welcomed the "' gathering:.
Bill also. .thanked the ladies' for
•Jamieson replied lied hat i had
p t t d been
Number >:From Area
' .Florida TrupOn
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cummings
of Lucknow •• left on Sunday for A
two ,weeks bus ; trip to .:Florida.
Others from' here on the tour :are
Mrs, Tom Webster and. Mrs.:John
Durnin of Dungannon, Mr. and.
,Mrs; Gershom Johnston and Jack
Aitcheson of Whitechurch, Mr.
and Mrs .;Allan Reed, •andgrand-
now ,
dau "ht,er Cath • Irwin cif. Lucky.
This tour i.s • sponsored by the
Burley Bus Lines of Kitchener.
Allan Reed is a regular . driver
three days a week froni Winghain
to Kitchener.. There are three •
Misses inaking.;the trip.
a pleasure
Rev. MacLeod : proposed t h e
toast to the .Scouts and pointed
out, this 'is Boy Scout Week in
Canada. The Scout movement is
growing in C"nada' and :through-
out the world•, witness to this was
the Jamboree . at Valley Forge,
U.S.A. this . past year' when 52,-
000 scoots representing 20 nations
gathered there. Governor General
Vanier has stated the., work of,
Scouting is, never ended • and it,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farrish
of : Medicine Hat, Alberta, vis
ited with his uncle Mr. Pete
Farrish and .Mr '. Parrish of
Lucknow. ' This is •:the• first'
visit here to I cknow. in over
50 years, Alvin is. the • son .of
the late Mr. and Mrs. , George :
Famish' of Semens, Sask. ,,,.•
Leg ilV ML
l� �.
e Skirng,
Mrs,. Tom• (Lou) Parker of Lilt -
'know fractured her leg 'while 'ski-
ing pp Sunday at the farm, of
her':brother-in-law, .'Vernon ,Hunt-
er, just east of town. She . was
skiing with:•he• 'family when .her
ski St lack m
a :sall drift.' • Rf snow
causing her to fall. It • did not
release her foot. The fracture '.of
her leg, between the 'ankle and
the ' knee,,' , is termed • a "butterfly
5-eak.", There , . .arethrice breaks
'in the
Mrs, Parker, the former ,Gwen
Treleaven, is a teacher of grades',
5 and 6 at Kinloss Central School`
a Hclyrood.. Mrs. ,Donald ' Mac
Intyre, .2nd .concession' Kinloss, is
teaching for Gwen this week.
• GWinghamwen is in
.. �., and Die-
trkt • Hospital where her leg was,•
set and• a cast applied. It will.
not be 'known 'until later in the
week whether .surgary will. be re-
quired or how long she ' Will be
••••so•••e•s•••ono•+o••••••••••'..e• •*•i•• o1'•••
Ford And 'Eunice Cunningham Purchase
t Sepoy Store` Take�en�net s April 1
Mr. & Mrs. Ford 'Cunningham Mrs, Trench`s mother, Mrs. ,Wel-
who: reside on the Lucknow-Holy-
rood road at the 2nd concession '
of Kinloss, have purchased' Ben-
nett's Sepoy :Store . •in l�ucknow
from Mel„ Bennett of Kincardine.
The arrangements for the sale
of .the variety store • were cornCunningham,
., Cunningham, ghamthe former' Eunice
pleted last, Week, just a little over Reed, will : operate the .business..
six years since Mr•.. Bennett puri Eunice • is , the • daughter of Mr.
chased the Lucknow store 'from And Ml's, William G, Reed. who,
Mrs. • Aud:ey Trench of Listowel. reside' just north of Lucknow,
lingtoh Henderson • managed the
business for,, many years.
The ' new owners will take pos-
session on the . first of April. Ford
will continue his job as, a :welder°
on pipeline work` in the employ"
of 'McDace ,Ltd. of London. Mr's.. •
.. e