HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-24, Page 1D7, go on all fly m , :of:; md on o1',t ung ser;-` the; ere red of vin. A1= G. the. Ikie :on in ;!on- lay co:• ling. ars- tic: 17,es tion. tion .the a nS- ;,na eel: trict. )eetn fust~ spit was k rein .is siir= 1 ear. n''$1 Advance --. .00 Extra t'o ,U•.S.A LUCKNOW, . ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB., 24th, 1965'' Single ;Copy 10c' 16 Pages Rebuild Haim the Purple Grove district in Hur- on Township are _homeless. after fire .completely- destroyed their 2- storey frame home last Friday of ternoon. , The farm, where Mr, Dore 'Vas born, and where .he has spent . his. entire •lifetime, is lo- cated on the .Kincardine . Town- ship -Huron Township Boundary, about five miles north-east of Ripley.. Mr. and Mrs. Dore were away at the, time of the outbreak. They had gone to Kincardine: with Mrs. Dore dropping off at : ther sister's place, Mrs. George Bere, near Millarton. They had only been gone -about : an • hour en . a daughter, Mrs. Harvie Thompson of . Purple Grove, discovered : the fire upon .; going to her parents' place. • . The fire' had such . a headway .by then that Mrs. Thompson was' unable bto get into the house. ' For 50 -year jewel. Among the many a • few anxious minutes, s h e thought her mother might be in the . house until she realized that the car was''gohe: She phoned 'Rip - le • Fire Department from :•a: neigh- 's farm. • Ripley firemen were powerless to save the ,house which was en- gulfed in flames by the time they arrived. A garage and workshop, where Mr. Dore spent a good deal ' of . his . time, were saved. Freezing weather made firefight- ing difficult. Everything that a couple would collect in : forty-three years of marriedlife was destroyed. No- thing was salvaged ' from the house.. Among , the. personal : pos- sessions destroyed were . Orange Lodge. regalia belonging . to Mr. Dore. Claude has . been an active Orangemanforfor 50 years and only recently was. ; presented with his personal effects lost by Mrs. Dore were, pieced, quilts', .hooked rugs. and mats, a hobby which 'she had enjoyed.. Q. Mr. Dore.is well known through- out the township and. county . be- cause of his 11 years in the of- fice of, Reeve and ' Councillor of* Huron. His connectionswith the area go back to . the time the township was settled.;. His .grand-' father.. Cuyler . took ,Up the farm where .he/ resided from the. crown. The house that was burned was built at the time of the marriage; of ::Mr. and Mrs. Dore.. About 25 years ago,.. the original house . was joined to the . new one:. The couple are • presently residing, with their daughter . and son-in-law, Mr; ."'a`nd Mrs. Harvie Thompson. W h e, n• asked by the .'Sentinel about 'fu- ture plans; the78-year-old farmer gamely stated that hewould like to build •a new house on the site •of the old : one. WALTER 'DEXTER, SHOWS .BRITISH SLIDES •RottleOlturar Society Yo .landscape ; Centennial Gates, Increase Flower. Beds The February meeting of the Lucknow, and District Horticult ural. Society °.*as held in the' Town Hall Friday evening. Mrs.' Ross Cumming, ,president, welcomed' about 30 people .at this meeting. ° r .• In the' minutes,of an executive utive meeting . held in Januarye the: mee- ting was informed of the plant- ing program" of the Society ' :for the year. New beds will be at the rear, of the Post Office, with window boxesat the front and. a small .bed at the Supertest. These additions are in'.conJjunction with .. the ,other beds maintained at the various locations in the viliage as always. Then too, the Lucknow Agricultural Society , are going ,:. ahead . with- plans forSocietY their 'Cell tetanalgates 'and' . t h e ' '• committed itself a year ago to undertake any landscaping around them. •The: Society has ordered 300 to berous :: begonia bulbs ; and .200. of • these. will be . available to. .mem- bers . for 20c each. Members are to contact .the secretary as soon as posible for• their requirements:, Mrs. • Wellington Henderson and. Mrs. Morgan •Henderson were the committee in charge : •of 'the: pro- gram which opened with a piano `solo ',by _Jinnny Henderson. Mrs. Morgan Henderson , .:' introduced Walter Dexter whoshowed his slides on a trip to ' Britain., These were well , received ."and enjoyed. by all present. Miss Patricia Con - non,, .accompaniedbyher mother, sang • a lovely solo entitled An Indian Lullaby. Mrs. Henderson. thanked those taking part. Mrs. Rod MacLeod and William Wharry . were winners of a; draw 'fortwo lovely prizes donated" by the. committee. • During . the business of the ev- ening a .financial report '. wasgiv- en by the treasurer showinga y , balance • at:the end ' of 1964 of $206.00. •Receipts for. < t h e year were $1,280.90, expenditures were $1,074.90. A grant : of $20.00 has. been received from the County'. of Bruce for 1965. The" next meeting will be March 19th at the Town Hall ,and the committee: is Mrs: Ted'. McClen aghan` Miss Ada, . Webster•. and Miss June Collyer.. .sportLiss dower; Surplus, `Increase an �t West �Ww�oSh utual Annual,.' (�mpany president 'ail Caesar Is �te�r. About 35 :persons . attended •the 86th Annual Meetingof the West Wawanosh Mutual 'Fire Insurance Company in the• Parish Hall,...Dun- gannon, last. Friday, Herson Irwin of Belgrave, the Company President, welcomed the policyholders present and urged precautions to be •taken to reduce the 'material loss and .loss' of : life • from fire. Mr. •Irwin reviewed the.. ,financial position of the Comp- any, stating. 1964 had been a' rea- sonably ,su'ccessfulyear with an increase in surplus • of $14,081.67., after. 'paying' fire losses. of $71,- 882.64. Losses were $30,079,79 low- er than in 1963. Assets' total $273,- 376.97. Insurance in force` 'totalled' $43,743,230.00, an increase of $2,-• 272,164.00 in 1964. Revenue increa- sed by $4,925.96.• !Mr..Irwin', who. is retiring,.. of - ter serving• two years , as presi- dent, • expressed his 'appreciation to the Board of Directors for their :fine effort and co-operation in the promotion of the Company., Thanks were also extended for the services of the. ,secretary- treasurer' and assistant Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Thompson. Touche, Ross, Bailey and Smart of of London were again appointed as auditors. • . Considerable discussion centred, on the extensions 'of : coverage which the' Company received .in 1964 :enabling them to write •float er. coverages on farm machinery. and livestock. It is anticipated. this : coverage, will be offered in thevery 'near future. The election of Directors, with Mr, . ,Irwin vacating' the chair in favor ;of .Director. Brown' Smyth,. was as follows;- • Ross lkrcPhee by Kenneth Scott and Clifford McPhee; Paul 'Caesar' by Elmer Black and Jack :•Curran, 'Berson, Irwin � by .Jos Dunbar -and Harold Hutton. • There being no other nomina- tions the afore -mentioned• three: Directors were re-elected for. 'a three year term. Brief addresses mere given by each. . Otherspeakers s eakers included . Direc- tors William, Wiggins, Brown Srnyth, John . MacLennan, Donald MacKay.• Bert Thompson, .an octogenarian and Clerk of the Township of East Wawanosh, stated he had been a • satisfied . policyholder . of. the Company since .1808. Paul Caesar of R.R.„. 1 Dungan-', non was later elected Company President and William Wiggins of Auburn RSR. 3, : Vice -President Tom ' Salkeld Lucknow Home : Mr. and Mrs. Tom • Salkeld of . West. Waw 'nosh Township have' a ' purchased the home .• of Mrs. Ed- ward ,Little on Gough St. in Luc know... About 1950, Mr. and:: Mrs. Little retired. to *Lucknow where their new home Was built.: Mr. Little's death •occurred in 1953. ;For the... past, year and a ;half,` :.Mrs. Little has : resided at , Pinecrest Manor in Lucknow. The' alkeld farm is : about u :a S abot. mile .south-east of Lucknow, . • on the first sideroad of. West 'Wawan- osh running off Highway 86! : He came there _from • Goderich about 45 years ago and `°purchased the farm” fromi. his •aunt, and : uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. MacDonald. Through .':.the years, :' the Salkeld Y naive has : been connected with apples : and honeyand was ; noted,. Y . for both throughout the area. The Salkeld orchard : and apiary are. still being operated by Mr. Salk- eld and, his son Lawrence. Larry will continue to operate the farm. PercyBarr. Flies . . To � titso� i Ea Percy Barr, son of Mrs John Barr of the Kinlough' district ins Kinloss Township,is presently in Ethiopia :<for the second time in. the past year. Percy, a graduate of Lucknow District . High School was in that country' at the time of the Queen's ': visit, there early this month. He is employed by DeLeuw, Ca- ther. and Co. of Toronto who have. an office there . and are doing road survey work for the govern- ment of that country. He spent three months there last spring. Percy flew January 17th from Toronto making the flight'. via. New '.York, Amsterdam, .Cairo in 23 hours. SINCERE GRATIT.UDE• ,,,in a letter . to the Sentinel, .Mrs. Ann Redmond, volunteer "co-ordinator , of t h e Onto io Hospital-. in Goderieh, says - about the variety concert'," 't ;on for ` the patients last week -by the Lucknow Agricultural • Sociwety. "Needless/ to .`say, the even ing's entertainment was thor- oughly enjoyed by the pa- tients. Those in charge are pleased to express sincere gra- titude to this ' uh gro p fortit e effort so willingly and cap- .ably ap-•ably presented'' A story , on thepresentation. appears elsewhere in the pa- per. VACATION IN : PALM SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. George 'Jo t of g y»i town will leave Thursday morn- ing from London . to r• spend two weeks in Palm . Springs, Califon. nia. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Joynt's sister, andbrother- in-law Mr. and Mrs. James •Gib- son of London. They : will •fly from London tb' Cleveland, 'Cleveland; to Los Angeles, and then the 100 miles. to: Palm Springs. • Wilfred Anderson Sells L�cal Holme Wilfred Anderson of Lucknow' has sold his Havelock Street res- idence to Mel Goyette, principal of the Lucknow ,District High . ' School; 'Mr. . ;:Anderson plans • to construct a . 'new home for him- • self" in the village. The Anderson . residence : ' •o n,`'. "Station Street" ' has been in the family since 1903 when Wilf's father, George Anderson purchas .. •ed the home from 'D. ' R. Mc- Intosh. His father lived there -' un- til 1927 when he went to live in . the home now owned by Steve, Stothers on :Quality Hill. _ Mr. and'', Mrs. 'Goyette and fam- ily, Linda, Paul, Allan. and . Allison will move ' to thehome as soon as, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson • com- plete. om plete ; construction of their home. At ' writing time/ Tuesday, a def- inite location for building 'had_,not. been. obtained. Mrs.: Walter Campbell, mother of Mrs. •Goyette, will . continue, to live in the home ; Goyettes have ,been renting from:. John W Hen- derson Lumber Ltd. on Havelock St. �1i tt :Whitbyo•Pres�nted:�l ;4 ward B Father- Scoutmaster Gecr e t� it. .Father ;An Son i The ,annual' Father :and Son Ban-: will keep;' on growing.: ' Rev' Mac quet of the : Lucknow :Boy Scout Leod .thanked . the leaders..: f'o r Association Was held. in the L their ':diligence and concern for . gion Hall' Saturday evening atten-the • boys: ded by 118 some scouts,': aeaders � c ; c ` . UCG. 7S ROVER P, , • fathers' ,and sponsors. Scout Master George' Whitbyre= g • The mewl farmed Ladies Aux n1!- d th� iikin Rev.MacLeod.for Y a n� R ,fo diary catered for a bountiful•,:tur- :his kind- remarks.:Georgeannoun- key supper with. all -the trimm c';1 •thattwo scents had earned ings, ' preceded With . Grace by their Religion and' Life swar d ' :Rev. 4.• R. King.Mrs. Rost thi'S past ,year In'; order.for ;a mingpleased everyone with her Scouttn.!:win this °important award piano ,stylings . during supper and •:he needs ..the co-operation of his ' •: she alsoplayed for the 'sing .song parents :.and , the ;'guidance of .his, led. byElwin .1minister. orpriest:.T he .Scouter ',.. :thanked Gordon Montgomery- for the use ; of his property : at the `.• 12th ofAshfield Beach for the.. �. summe.r scout :'camp 'last : Year.., (Conthioed .,on page 13) Rev. • H. ' W. " Strap') , :acted •. aG Master of Ceremonies . and intro- duced ' the Officers, Leaders and. the hard working': Scout 'Commit tee. ' Committee Chairman, Bill John- stone welcomed the "' gathering:. Bill also. .thanked the ladies' for •Jamieson replied lied hat i had p t t d been Number >:From Area ' .Florida TrupOn Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cummings of Lucknow •• left on Sunday for A two ,weeks bus ; trip to .:Florida. Others from' here on the tour :are Mrs, Tom Webster and. Mrs.:John Durnin of Dungannon, Mr. and. , ,Mrs; Gershom Johnston and Jack Aitcheson of Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs .;Allan Reed, •andgrand- now , dau "ht,er Cath • Irwin cif. Lucky. This tour i.s • sponsored by the Burley Bus Lines of Kitchener. Allan Reed is a regular . driver three days a week froni Winghain to Kitchener.. There are three • Misses inaking.;the trip. a pleasure Rev. MacLeod : proposed t h e toast to the .Scouts and pointed out, this 'is Boy Scout Week in Canada. The Scout movement is growing in C"nada' and :through- out the world•, witness to this was the Jamboree . at Valley Forge, U.S.A. this . past year' when 52,- 000 scoots representing 20 nations gathered there. Governor General Vanier has stated the., work of, Scouting is, never ended • and it, FIRST LUCKNOW VISIT. IN OVER 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farrish of : Medicine Hat, Alberta, vis ited with his uncle Mr. Pete Farrish and .Mr '. Parrish of Lucknow. ' This is •:the• first' visit here to I cknow. in over 50 years, Alvin is. the • son .of the late Mr. and Mrs. , George : : Famish' of Semens, Sask. ,,,.• w en. Park e rBroke Leg ilV ML l� �. e Skirng, Mrs,. Tom• (Lou) Parker of Lilt - 'know fractured her leg 'while 'ski- ing pp Sunday at the farm, of her':brother-in-law, .'Vernon ,Hunt- er, just east of town. She . was skiing with:•he• 'family when .her ski St lack m a :sall drift.' • Rf snow causing her to fall. It • did not release her foot. The fracture '.of her leg, between the 'ankle and the ' knee,,' , is termed • a "butterfly 5-eak.", There , . .arethrice breaks 'in the Mrs, Parker, the former ,Gwen Treleaven, is a teacher of grades', 5 and 6 at Kinloss Central School` a Hclyrood.. Mrs. ,Donald ' Mac Intyre, .2nd .concession' Kinloss, is teaching for Gwen this week. • GWinghamwen is in .. �., and Die- trkt • Hospital where her leg was,• set and• a cast applied. It will. not be 'known 'until later in the week whether .surgary will. be re- quired or how long she ' Will be hospitalized. ••••so•••e•s•••ono•+o••••••••••'..e• •*•i•• o1'••• Ford And 'Eunice Cunningham Purchase • t Sepoy Store` Take�en�net s April 1 Mr. & Mrs. Ford 'Cunningham Mrs, Trench`s mother, Mrs. ,Wel- who: reside on the Lucknow-Holy- rood road at the 2nd concession ' of Kinloss, have purchased' Ben- nett's Sepoy :Store . •in l�ucknow from Mel„ Bennett of Kincardine. The arrangements for the sale of .the variety store • were cornCunningham, ., Cunningham, ghamthe former' Eunice pleted last, Week, just a little over Reed, will : operate the .business.. six years since Mr•.. Bennett puri Eunice • is , the • daughter of Mr. . chased the Lucknow store 'from And Ml's, William G, Reed. who, Mrs. • Aud:ey Trench of Listowel. reside' just north of Lucknow, 6eeti•.•e♦ee..•,ie..+a..•44ia*s•e•e••e••••ee.e•roso4 lingtoh Henderson • managed the business for,, many years. The ' new owners will take pos- session on the . first of April. Ford will continue his job as, a :welder° on pipeline work` in the employ" of 'McDace ,Ltd. of London. Mr's.. • .. e i}F rf}�F tr. yid ii