HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-17, Page 15,OltiNgsDAYC fEB''Itr16S THE LUCKN Mil S NT,INEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN, WANTED ', • General `Motors dealership in Huron County requires sales i z • men immediately, experience preferred referred. `but not essential. Must • • must'• be bonable :, ' P, y ♦. be ambitious, 'dependable and able to assume res onsibilit . . • e We offer Pleasant •'workiri ' Z 1? g, conditions, new car and us ual ' company benefits. Salary and commission will depend on • experience and (ability. •' •• ♦ _. is • APPLY IN WRITING' ONLY ATING. _AGE, EXPERIENCE,"AND MARITAL 'STATUS TO; • .• BOX B: % LUCKNOW SENTINEL - AMBERLEY Theevening unit of •PineRiver U.C.W. catered ' to a hot. lunch at the Ripley ' . arena on ' Friday: of • last ' week ; where . students .of 'Pine River Central school en-' joyed 'oa ` skating' party, ` A number of men from this .vic- . ,inity attended a .Mastitis Clinic: in' Formosa. on. •Friday.:,. An informa- ative meeting was • reported by:. those who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMillan of Waterloo visited last Sunday with °Mr.James Milien 'of' the, second concession, of Huron Passes •Grade 8 Music Eleanor "Emmerton was succes- sful in: passing '. the grade eight .. music examination.. She . is a pupil of Mrs. Ambrose Gamble of Ripley, . . • Mr.. and: Mrs. ' Art Courtney : left on Friday for,London where Mr.. Courtney ,will be hospitalized shortly. • Mr.. and ' Mrs. ' Glenn Martin . and'. :Donald attended ' .the funeral. of the late Mr. Donald Menzies . of Listawel', on Saturday.. • Boys: froth. Tine River. Central: School are taken ; 'to. ,the' arena In Ripley. ori Saturdays and coached on. )hockey .playing: •.The C G.I:T. held a dance and.- Social evening at°Reid's'' Corners hall on Saturday* evening. . Over . eighty . attended the .event. Rec .,Qorded music was :.supplied : and doughnuts .and coffee. .were served • for lunch. Father Passes In :`82nd Year William . Wiseman, 81, passed away at Oshawa Hospital' on Fri ;day, January 29th. • He ,Was the father of Mrs.: Joseph .(Isabella) Finleon. of, the Lueknow area. His wife,' the former Isabella 'Jane Robertson of, Scotland, predeceas- ed- him ••'October ' 16, 1948, and a • ' daughter Nellie on ` December :' 19, 1944 Mr, Wiseman : farmed • at 'Keni1- 'worth near .Mount Forest and' la- • ter lived' at Toronto,' Surviving are three ' sons, •Charlie, John• and Wihiam Wiseman of Toronto and a 'daughter, ; 'Mrs. Finleon ;. .seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The funeral was ;conducted from Sacred 'Heart. Church, Kenilworth, • on -Tuesday, with . interment in ••Sacred;. Heart .Cemetery. The pall-. • bearers. were grandchildren The - Mai, James, John and Alexander Finleo of Lucknaw, Eldon Aus' tin of Kingsbridge and James De - versa x of Lucknow. . PEEWEE, SQUIRT HOUSE LE4 UE Schmid's ' and Ashion's defeat- ed .. Chisholm's ' imperials' • 4-2. •Goal • getters for Schmid's and Ashton's were., . John . Emberlin with two, and Brian ' Jardine .;and Russell 'Moncrief with one each. Goals for . Imperials were scored, by Peter Chisholm and Doug Stevenson.' • Hamilton's •Fuels defeated Ball's Red and White, 8.3. Goals , far IJainilton's went to David. Mac- Kinnon with four and John Mac- Kenzie and Bob Greer with two each: 'Goals for ',Hall's 'ted, and White were • scored ::by Robbie Doak with two and Neil Taylor one, Standings 'Hatnllton's 'Fuels 17; Chisholtn's imperials 15; Sell- s and Ashton's 10; Hall's Red and White 6. .'' • Three. 'Locgl Nlen Elected Ta'Board Bruce 'County Wheat ' producers held their annual : meeting.. at Rip- ley on Thursday afternoon. In the absence. of. John, • Sim,; the County President, John C.: MacDonald presided for 'the meeting. Russell Bolton,.. President 'of the Provincial Wheat. Board spoke briefly. Mr Bolton ated that 'in 1958 when the . Wheat .'Board was stablished Bruce , . County ' had wheat •grovers producing 285,000 .bushells on :7500 acres of which 66,550 ' bushells were' mar- keted. In •1963, 291. producers on 5,800 acres' Marketed 127,315 bushells This was 'due" to ,an' in- ereased yield and also because` less' wheat was fed. 'Small 'poul- trfy • producers no longerexisted and the hog, feeder used :mostly prepared. feed.. • • 'Ken Standing, Secretary ;Man-' ager`` of the': Ontario Wheat Board also. ''spoke. Mr. 'Standing stated that in •.Bruce County marketing had doubled since 1958 and •. in .Grey County .it had tripled', The Ontario. Wheat Board had pur- chased more wheat in 1964 than ;at . any tune since it was organ ized. 'It, 'had . purchased 4 million bushells with; 21 bushells stillin. storage. .He also stated that 13 million:: bushells: were- marketed in' Ontario with 8 . million bushells going y'einto . domestic trade at home: • A :.. campaign, ' , : has. been started to. . promote. .the sale of. • wheat. by sending samples in plastic bags. "to all -wheat import— ing countries. les had. . aready; been: made to the United King- dom, .Ireland and Pakistan:. The'. world 'picture for exporting wheat at the .present time , is. not bright.. Frances. Australia. and some. other, countries are .'subsidizing export wheat'. as high as ,1.34c. a bushel),. .At arecent C.F:A. , convention a resolution , .was passed' asking the Government' to ' subsidize Ontario Wheat • for export; Cameron, : MacAtiley, Vice -Pres-: ident of Bruce County. Federation of Agriculture brought' greetings. Election 'cif 'officers for the • eom- ing year was held. John* Shp of Tara was : re-elected president. Others elected to the Board. were Frank Maulden, Kinloss Town- ,ship,. own-,ship,: Goldwyn McCulloch, R.R. Paisley• and Donald MacKay and John C. • MacDonald of. Huron Township. St.: Helens 4-H Girls Receive Awards o. Huron Achievement Day' was held in Wingham District. High' School recently: when two ' 4H Home -making" `club girls received provincial honours. ;Joyce Proc- • tor, R.R. '5 Brussels and Grace Mathers, R.R.• 2 Bluevale, were each .given their:.• certificate' and, pin for completing .12 projects. Theme for 'the day was "The Club,: Girl. Stands O.n` Guard". Mrs. Clarke Johnston of Belgrave and Mrs. Wellington. :Good of Blyth , were presented with lead- er's certificates. • Receiving-'eotmty' honour : cert- ificates. and pins, were: Panicle Cooper, Karen Gaunt., and Mar belle .hunter, R.R. 1 Ltickttow; Nancy Irwin and itosalene Phil- lips, hillips, R.R. 2 Lucknow Patricia Crans'ton of R.R. 2 LucknoW Was also 'eligible for a county eertif- icate b; it Was' absent,• , • Represent Sentinel' At Ont. 'Convention. M,rs Don. Thoi j son reres..ented the ' Lucknow Sentinel a the annual convention of the .Ontario Weekly Newspapers' As sociation in , Toronto -•Friday and, Saturday of last: week. • ; The convention opened-. with a' party Thursday evening with bus- iness.': sessions .conducted Friday and Saturday. Guest .speakers at breakfast; • luncheon and dinner sessions were ' Honourable Charles McNaughton, Minister Highways Honourable Mitchell Sharp,, Trade Minister; Honourable .William .Da- vis, Minister of Education. Mr. Davis spoke to the group at, Ry e r• s o n. Polytechnical Institute where the. convention conducted sessions. on Saturday morning. John Morris of the Prescott Journal 'has been .president ' for the past year and :.was succeeded by ' David. Dills of the . 'Acton Free Press : who will hold the . office for the,. next year, . . CROWDED THIS ,WEEK Because of lack of .space,. .it" was necessary to •"leave out a .num- ter . of interesting 'stories :, this. week. They • will' be run next. week:. Since 'the change:' of•'meil. 'local- ly,oot.;•80% . of of r rural news is . received much, later than pre- viously. The. first, eight : pages of the paper are in print Monday 'be- fore the majority of rural :'news •has reached' us It becomes ' nece ssary': to use ' "time « copy" .and "fill." on Monday 'at the expense of the rural news that used to be available. - This meansthat our Tuesday, and Wednesday runs of •the paper are :`jammed with .cur- rent news as well: as the late rur-• al news. Sound complicated? itis is ;for us too. .PURPLE GROVE Miss Rosalyn Swan, R.N., Strat- ford, . spent 'a couple : .of days -:with Mrs. Helen. Swann.`.., ' Frank'Dore and • Dianne. spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. :• •Sam • Emerson,; Ripley, Farm Forum met at the home. of• Mr,' and Mrs. •; Donald; M'eCosh. on' Monday . evening. 1 .and Mrs.. Bert ,Brecken- ridge were recent visitors with Mrs.. Victoria ' Smith and :Murray Campbell. • PAGE FIFTEEN LUCKNOW and UNITY, NIGHT. WILL HOLD AN. Wednesday, February 24th at 8:00 .P.M. IN THE LUCKNOW DISTRICT .HIGHI.SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Everyone ii.,*010me.. to view the exhibits Lois Fraser spent ' a : day ' 'with Cathy and Janice Farrell. Mr. and 'Mrs... .Garnet Hender- son ' and ' family, Mr. . and Mrs. Kelvin Henderson and family were recent .guests; of .`Mr. :and !Mrs. Donald 'Gillies and . Valerie. Purple ; Grove : InstituteMet at Mrs, Herb ..Farrell's on ' Wednes day afternoon. 43 - Years Married .; Mr. and Mrs. ,Claude Dore spent their • 43rd' wedding anniversary at the home -of Mr. and Mrs.' Har- vie Thompson.; on Sunday after Unit 2 Bervie United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Myles Armstrong on Wednesday evening. • ' Mr. and ' Mrs. , Glen Fraser, Da- -vid and'. Lori of 1Vfaple. spent 'the weekend with Mrs: Herb .Farrell: Mks: Arthur Collins ,and pupils held a Valentine party on Friday. afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore, Carl; ,Delbert :. and : Kenneth Mr. `W and Mrs. Claude Dore (Sr.) . ' visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Doreand: family Mr: and Mrs .. Goldie ''Huston were Wednesday visitors with Miss Margaret Robertson.' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd '1VIeClure, Paisley, ' visited Mr: and:'' Mrs. Gordon MacDonald. ° , Euchre; Party A euchrePY art >' . was held .on ^ridgy. . evening with Mrs. Gor . don., .Patterson, Mrs. 'Morford Mac-` Ka' , 'Mrs. Helen Swann and Mrs Gordon MacDonald; Highprize , for ladies. was.:. tied -by Eva Cul- bert and Joan Thomson—Bob Emerson got the' high .for men, with nearest birthday Francis Boyle and.. Milton Stan- ley. ' Mr. ; and. Mrs. ;Donald McGosh were Sundatly', evening .., guests -of Mr,. and 'Mrs. Frank Colwell, Kin- • loss, Mrs.: Claude : Dore and 'Kenneth spent • Thursday, • afternoon with Mrs: Frank ':Dore... :Miss Barbara Leeson . and Bill Taylor, .Kitchener. spent the week end : with. Mr. ' and Mrs. :Peter' Leeson. Misses GladysGawley, Toron .: to` Nancy Dore,; Kitchener, %Eve lyn Harkness,. Teeswater',:, Kather- ine ' Bushell,. Wingliam, ':spent the.; week -end at their homes in. this. vicinity:. 4=11 Ciub: Meeting Joan' `Thompson .was hostess to the. 4-H 'Club•Giri Stands on .Guard on Thursday. President, Nancy Elliott,. and `secretary., Mrs. Cecil Sutton. 'a ened' the ` meetingwith .,A. the 4-H. Pledge. Leaders. ,Mrs. GreOige : Harkness and,' Mrs.` Wil .- liam ; Arnold ' talked on a mentally. ' fit person. Names, were discussed for the club:: The next meeting will , be at . Brenda Currie's ' on February 15th. Lunch was ' serv- • ' ed by the hostess. N••••••••••Ne••• •••i•••••••••iaa•••NesN••••••••••••••••••:••••e+4• • fir,. • I 7 i .Coln •• • 1‘,l : ,, ,�- •- L_l�/lei)• • � and. ':Seer: • • : • . •• i ♦• • • • •: • • •• . I We Think You Will Be Pleased You I Visited ' Our••. •• • ♦ • . // • __ • ai��4+♦ ...•ooaeai•' 4: 4.**se•ae+•sa4*ams•ea•••••*sa•oe+ee•e•eseea••••••••i.•• WE Li.KE TO. THINK THAT IT'S 'OPEN `HOUSEAT 'JOHNSTON AND-SON•'.FURN'ITU•RE. TH.E. YEAR ROU.N`D. BUTT FEBRUARY IS ;A•. PARTICULARLY:` •GOOD. TIME TOr..VIS.IT US' New 9 965 -Furniture Sfyles Ari N w On Display ,s Well As�,Moff�.t Ap�liance� ia� �h� flew toy IF 'YOU'RE, DOING ;OVER THE LIVING ROOM, FIXING THE KITCHEN, OR •,RESTYLING THE •BEDROOM OF YOUR HOME;.: IF YOU'RE PLANNING A 'SPRING, WEDDING OR IF YOU' ARE LOOK `IN • 6 . FOR •A SUITABLE • GIFT FOR, THAT • IAIEDDING; .IF YOU'RR UILDING A NEW HOME OR JUST PLAIN BUYING A NEW PIECE B OF FURNITURE; . More • • • ♦. :• 2• 0