HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-17, Page 12PAG* TWELVR ,
by Bill Smiley
I've had a preview of what-
: Fm going to. feel like when my
daughter is married.. I've just
been, through 2 piano recitals; Not
by Glenn Gould, or.. Van Cliburn,
br Arthur . Rubinstein. ' No. By
Hugh .Smiley.,
Starrying: off" . youraurgbter
must be just like .it. A heady brew
+o[`° emotion and exhaustion,: bills.
and bouquets,
uets,. that leaves; you feel-.
• tike.a caterpillar that has
been rtin over, `but . not quite kill
by a tractor,
pedit right back and asked,. `k'How
many. fan : letters did you get this
week, Pops?" I shovelled.
In, short, you wind, .up absolu-
tely Bat, but rather proud' .thati
you're not dead; .,
The .,first: recital was at the,
Conservatory, in the city. We,
picked`. the .date:: six weeks before;
and, boy, can we pick 'em. It
was •18 below zero. And the hum-
idity and wind gave it a dis-
comfort 'index of 47 below.
The Old 'Girl was sick; P•hysi
may, mentally, spiritually. I was
-sick .sympathetically. We figured
35 relatives, ' tried and true, and
fivefriends towhom owed mon-
ey, would turn up.
Blsss the human rage, and VI
dear friends; We had .150 bodies
in the place, straggling :In, . on
such to night, From all over the
country: Some made,:a round. trip
of 500 miles to, hear the :kid play.'
It was a .curious .combination of
characters. in ;'the 'audience. Basic:
were the relatives' who live in
the . city, and' their 'friends. They
made . up the two score we had
expected, , .
Butthen they ;started to tric-
kle ` in: old college ,friends;' old
fighter pilots; ..old: weekly editors;
my son's former school principal;
the chap who has the .:.mortgage
on my house; .the:. fellow who, han
dies ` my 'column;'; the orthodontist:
who, straightens .my . daughter's
teeth:. a girl l :hadn't seiri since
we went ' skinny-dipping . at . , a
beach . party 20 years,. ago. And
they all, blessthem, brought
their wives, and,. ' or husbands,
children , : and friends, .
but . not least •came my',
sits. One drove for six hours,
in " 26beiow .weather, with her: t.
daughter, to ,make it. The„other;
came the same . distance by
train, with two kids.. Neither
knew the oti a i` 1•041 •
,Neither had seen the greatartist
since, he was picking-upand-kiss-
Iwas heart-waTmIn; to
the * least. And I was a very proud
father and husband, . when. 'it . was
over: A proud father because
nr y son showed • a poise .a.nd pal
ish .I wish I'd ,had at that .age,.
and a competence I've never had
at, any, age. A 'proud husband, be-
cause my wife had crawled out
;, of what she "claimed was her
death=bed,' to get there, and look-
ed better than ' anybody, despite
the fact that she's lived with me.
18 years; and coached the kid for
Next day at non, we hiked -,.for
hotne, 90 miles, and went through
the whole thing again that night.
A' recital in the . hometown. .It
was not 20 below, for a change. It
was 30 below. But 500 people left
their television se`t , :and shivered
through the knifing night to hear
my young virtuso,as he doesn't
like to be called: .
What impressed me most about
the, whole weekend was .the kind-
ness of people. sister-in-law
wanted to hold a reception for
the . whole mob, in, the city: Our
neighbour insisted on inaking the.
sandwiches for the bash at . home.
Even my wife got carried away
and told rile, during, one lapse,
that I was a good husband* and
father,' which shook me up a 'bit,,
The only thing that's bothering.
me is ' the WO attitude. One of
my misguided friends sent him
a bottle of champagne. eA dear
• lady sent him ten bucks. Andper-
haps worst of all, he got a, clutch I,
of fan mail.
After • the :weekend, we had a
heaivy 'fall of snow. I: told him to
get out and shovel the "driveway.
I handed him a. shovel He hand' -
Bruce regained'
its' " position in
1964 as the county producing ' the
most Grade Ahogs "among the
larger producing counties of . Ont-
ario. Last . year 47.6 per . cent of
Bruce's . 146,.00 marketings were
Grade A.
The increase in Grade 'A mar
ketings . here was .two per cent,
the same increase noted through-
out ' the: ' province. Production in
Bruce was up seven per cent, On-
tario marketings showed .a 6.2
per cent .increase;
Mrs. Glenn (Gladys). Moore . of
Ilainilton, in renewing .. her Sent-
inel, wishes us continuedsuccess
tn.:' our
Assessor, . ' Once . .
Had Touh. Time
Brice County ' has initiated the
*ice of assessment commission-
er and ' this year there will be
no municipal 'assessors,: with all
the work being done at county
When the province a iew years
ago 'suggested the county assess-
ment system it may have thought
it was: starting something' new,
but by searching. old records they:
would have: seen that county :as-
sessors were appointed for . Bruce
back in .1851. ,
Bruce. had but a few years be-
fore been surrendered by the
Indians, the last major territory,
in Southern Ontario to be ceded
to the white man. Settlers start-
ed coming in 1849 --and with the
settlers ` came ' the assessors and
tax collector.
The collectors had their trou-
bles... The settlers figured. they
• had hardships enough in their. ef-
forts to , . make a living without
the added : inconvenienceof tax-
ation. -
At :that time Bruce was one
of the united . countir of Huron,
Perth and Bruce, ' Th county seat
was at Goderich and sections of
Bruce thwe,ereoweunty.ll. townover:"100 miles
c: .
These distances ',were made ev-
en worse by the absence of rail:
connections.: sand the almost' total
lack 'of roads; This prompted .the,
pioneers,: mostly 'Scots, to .'either
Passively ignore efforts to , place •
assessments; on their lands or in
some cases ” to actively prevent
it. • • ,
' It sometimes took the form of
removal of 'surveyor's .stakes.. dur-
ing the night " or by driving the
officials off at gunpoint..
County Council,.' meeting • at
Goderich ,in 1851 set upa proto-
rototype of county assessment when
it recommended that ". as-
sessors and collectors be paid out
of United County funds :as these
parties had much trouble in " en-
deavoring to perform the duties
imposed on thein, without being
'able to collect the same as the
inhabitants . refused • to pay the
In iMay of the .following year
county council w a s informed
there . was no assessment from
Brant Township,the township' in
which Walkerton: was to. be 'foun
ded later that year,, ". as..
the settlers refused to allow their
assessments to be taken."
Apparently Ch. e assessors . of
that time were not ` doing ` a
satisfactory to the county council,..
either from sympathy with thea
lot A of the .settlers or out of regard'
for themselves. • • ' , •
Council recommended "that'
the several . assessors ' of . the.
`County of . Bruce ' be informed•
that unless they ' severely comply.
with the assessment' laws; they
shall be • prosecuted in conform..
ity wiV,h :the same." This rec
oinmendation, , is recordedin.,
council minutes of 1852.
This effort by ''council appears
to have had ;.effect. Later : that
year the Brantassessment was
completed .with the figure placed
at ' 7,554. . " •
• The . present Brant assessment
is about $4,000,000.
"A young ' man on . roller skates.
pulled' into a service' station in
The Hague recently and asked
the operat rr" to fill his tank.. With-
out turning : a hair .the attendant:
said "Certainly, •sirs" and; pump-
ed three-quarters : of a ' litre of
Super into . the "little . tank on the
young man's back. The highly
powered' roller skater, was E. Dek-
ker, The roller skates, his own in-
ve tion, can , carry him. through
traffic -laden streets at speeds. up
to 9.4 miles an hour:"
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