HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-17, Page 11#,r WEDNESDAY, FEB' •171h, 1965' THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,., ONTARIO PAGE; •ELEVEN; 1..50 Per Family ng Time; e'ach Evangelism BY REV,. "EDWARD W. TODD PRESS SECRETARY, TARA The • Evangel; , Gospel, _or the' "Good News of 'God • in" Christ' must :be carried 'to the kitchen,. .bedroom:, barn?:' office, .work# .bench etc.? according, to the Rev. , Lorne, Keays .of• Paisley .when pre- senting; the report of the -Commit- tee 'of Evangelism 9& Social Ser- vice of the 'Presbytery : of Bruce meeting ' i n . ,Underwood United Church;; 1 Tuesday, February 9th? 1965 Possibly, B r u c e Presbytery ,might pioneer in • meeting • • the need for .evangelism.' along • our beaches. through 'the use of Stu- dent Ministers, was • one proposal made by the Superintendent' of. Home . Missionsfor .Southern . On- tario, the Rev J, ' M. Boyd. In order- to better understand the Gospel,' the Presbyter used. one hour, for group, .Bible ..study according, to guidance 'provided by the Rev. C. Plant of Lion's Head, Ontario. ' During . the . day . various ways were mentioned by which to make the Gospel more releveYt to our Nuclear Age! :• It was ; pointed.. out that there is 4•need for ' helpers and. leaders, 'cools -and nurses • for • teen-age groups etc at, summer ,Church 'camps Lack of . know- ledge for , such service ': was, 'ruled out as an excuse,, for not volun teering for such. Christian service, rs Wanted IN:ASH:FIELD, HURON,':K(NLOSS • ' and WAWANOSH /WE ARE NEED, :OF FARMS. OF ANY ACRES, WITH OR WITH- OUT STOCK, FOR DUTCH. FAM- • ILIES 1N LUCKNOW DISTRICT FOR SP,R1NG ,.POSSESSION. • FOR 'EFFICIENT .SERVICE AN ;ALL PROPERTIES —. .FARMS, ' RESIDENTIALAND COMMER.. -CIALCONTAC•T F. C. van EYL PHONE CLIFFORD ;127-W-4 AGENT.: FOR JOHN BOSVELD, REALTOR upport kJggested. since -training is.:.to be made a- vailable for' .such, persons.. Presbytery learned ' from t h e Rev, J. D. MacDonald; . Kincar- dine, .that incar-dine,'•that C.K.N,X. Wingham` TV. programme "Singtime" was re- ceiving the attention of a consis- tently faithful viewing audience and a relatively high . rating -for,* gaining public. interest at 5.:80 p.m. Sunday evening. The Church. Court' was also reminded,: that "Singtime" costs money In or- der to : be able to carry : its share 'of the cost each pastoral Charge of .Presbytery is •;asked : to pay one dollar. and :fifty cents, per family per year, through. the' Treasurer of • Presbytery, Mr. W. : Avis, . Box.. 82, ' Kincardine, 'Ontario. The Committee on Cominuni cations of which • Rev. ' . D.. Mac- Donald ' is Convener, is- interested in all forms .of mass . media and .communication such as radio, : tel- evision, press • and visual . aids. Membership : of ' Presbytery in ` the Blue Water Film , Federation, .Han over, making films etc.. available on a : •very low cost basis, ' ,also. requires the support of each charge by • the payment to. Pres- bytery ;:of ten dollars : per year. If the 'United Church 'of'Can- ada, Can- ada, Hamilton :Conference,to: fulfill its mission Of. , teaching,: preaching " and caring.' for others, - 'its people must• . assist in the. Church's College, building .and ex pansion programme, the'• promo tion ' :of fisuminer camps_: such as M'iramtchi on :Laken Huron :shores, near, Southampton; Five .Oaks. Training Centre for Christian Wor- kers, or-kersParis; Ontario, .the . care of the aged, as .:at Parkwood Manor, Waterloo, and in building . new: Churches .for new turban: centres to take. care of the spiritual in- terests, of 'young .'married couples' and their families who, incident- ally,. 'often h a ve rural back- grounds! To promote :.these things the Gospel; :in action the . ,Presbytery -of , Bruce has . ac- cepted. responsibility for raising $7,500.00 .for 1965 through the con- tinuing Unified Appeal: of .Pres, byteryfor.: thea Jiamilton; Confer- ence Capital :Funds .on .the recom= mendatipn of :the Rev. P.:Renner,:: Convener . of the Presbytery. Capi- tal -Funds Committee. , Mr.. Rhynsburger, Lay .Preach- er, Tobermory, :informed t h e Court that 95% of..the Charges ac •rosy. Canada were using,.the'.teach ing materials of . the New Curric uium;. ' .the only exceptions . 'being some sixteen 'charges., New '. sup - BOX, 353 MEAFORD; PHONE 428 plies of New Curriculum mater= als .. are to be ordered before May, 1'00',FOLDED SHEETS AND'• '100 , ENVELOPES' hath Printid For your' own "usO: or for gifts , 'Avon Vellum club size white notepaper printed hi ink . with imprinted' hi•lack or bluue .envelopes. Attractively boxed.:'Order item. 3350. • Choose from. these •Four Type Styles • At . • (1/liattt t •:L'amvizL TYPE STYLE A10 ;Cit. john #i liderso tr TYPE STYLE A8 • • . . MRS. DONALD pHI1.Ll0$ TYPE STYLE ` Al2 Robinson TYPE STYLE A18 • ORDER FROM THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE 528J131 AND WASTEBASKET ANGERS .: . . • The Sentinel. is never thrown into .tile... post office ;'waste- basket, and is seldom, thrown away at 'home. After a thorough reading by all members of the family It isfrequently sent. to a relative or a friend • . ' and very often loaned to neighbors. Consequently newspaper..advertisurg. reaches more . people and stays with themlonger :thanany other type of adver- tising. ?a vertise Newspaper Advertising' is '"Business Insurance': For the Days Ahead; 31st. The formation . and• building up of Chu rch ''Libraries should also be encouraged, it was thought. The .Rev. E. Nelson, Walkerton, Chairman of Presbytery, presided over the day -long meeting and rev. 'H. Pillen, Pirie • River, led in devotions. TV VIEWS by William Whiting • CBC officials last week announ ced that some programs willbe dropped for the .next two Months, so that the corporation can bal- ance' its. $1.10,000,000 budget, by March 31st. • Cutbacks result from • CBC's. rpeculiar,position" as far • as fin- ancing is concerned , one spokes-, man 'said. . , We suggest that the network is: put ,in' this peculiar position be- cause .of poor . budgeting. "•.The Queen's visit was . extremely cost- ly. 'The CSC thought 'it necessary to • cover t h e United States election b y # sending personnel to cover the event. Coverage of Sir Winston Churchill's funeral was:, very, high. We are not sug- gesting that the `OBC: should not telecast these historical 'occas- ions, but there are ways of cov- ering these events effectively and inexpensively, The CBC should employ these. tneastu s to keep within their budget sand,: not inlow dmi►n . `programs to save money. A poor rating is reason enough to'' axe a -program =- not iz com- petent management: Comedian Jimmy Durante cel- ebrated his 72nd birthdaywith a guest appearance on Ed Sulli-• van's program, last Sunday..., .: A film tribute to the late President, Franklin DelanoRoosevelt, is be- ing :prepared by OBC for Tele - Scope, . to be shown on the 20th. anniversary ' of F.D.R.'s death Fred . Davis. of Front Page Chal- lenge- fame recently madehis acting debut at ,Toronto's ' Crest Theatre This Saturday even- ing ..at 7:30 Channel 13 presents the motion picture "An Affair • to Remember", 'with Cary Grant and Deborah ,Kerr. OLIVE"NEWS U.C.W. Meeting, 'The Olivet ,U.C.W. met .at the home of Mrs. Melvin Coiling on. Wednesday, afternoon. 'Mrs: Coil- ing opened the meeting with a poeni and conducted a ` Bible quiz: Mrs. W. Dexter gave the. scripture a n d comments.. Mrs, Gerald . •Collie offered. prayer. Mrs •Oscar White read a paper • on Education in Trinidad, pre- pared by • Mars. Ray- •Hamilton. Miss Sharon Coiling ,gave a very pleasing' piano solo„ Business was: conducted, :by., the president Mrs. Robert Osborne,. 'A dainty r lunch was served anda social ' time en joyed., Mr.' & Mrs Gerald: Colling 'were. • guests of Mr -:--and Mrs. Floyd. Johnston on Saturday evening: .Visiting, with • 41r. and Mrs.' Wal ter Dexter, on Tuesday were and Mrs. Jack °MoCreight of • De;. - trait,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Creigiit . of Kincardine :and . Mr.. and •Mrs. Fred . Craigiee of Bethel. Sympathy, is extendedto, the family of ;lMrs ' William 'McGuire• who died' on Friday in the Fair-. haven • Nursing Home in Kincar='> dine: Rev.. T.' C. kinson d with relatives ..linWil'the commvisiteunity at the week -end. ' . Frank Mills who has been in.. failing . health • for sometime a a patient. ill, Kincardine. MrS'. Ray' Hamilton is a . patient in St: Joseph's Hospital; London., Home On Leave L.A.C. Burt White is spending; a short :leave with his parents•.. 'Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White during transfer from Comox, B.C. to St Huberts, • Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. James. McNairn of Seaforth were, Sunday visitors at ' the White •home., Fifty-four per cent o ..,pas . ger cars in North America are 5 or 'more years old, ;says 'Ontario '" Safety , League. Don't gamble wp other err carsg good bran haVbi ex., if .. safely to allow for faults in Ro`ther drivers, and deficiencies in ottr cars; r..