HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-17, Page 9WEDNESDAY, FEB, 17th, 196.. "H ., x BOOKING BACKWARDS H THE SENTINEL FILES TFC E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, •'ONTARIO TEN', ' YEARS AGO 1955:, February 9th; 1955. µ . •• Rev, • Benson Cox Was 'serving as. ship .chaplain while on a 97 day cruise: around the. world. Kinloss Township Counell'. pre- sented Mr, 'J. R. Lane, clerk, with a gift :on his 80th::, birthday. He `had served then as clerk for 25 dears. • Pree,sidents of ;the Legion: and GIRLS OYER FORTY NEED NOT DESPAIR, JUST GIVE: US. A CALL•. WELL GIVE; YOU �� RcARE l!'t GL,ADYS" BEAUTY SALON 3– Z3€ LJGICIIW afVT_ the Ladies • , Auiliar y :, ' were Ken Cameron and Mrs; Philip Mac Milan., • • Word. was, received, of ::the death of. Mrs,, Walter Treleaven. (Ethel MLaren) of Detroit., Mrs:.John • Cox, Kinloss Town- ship, died at the age. • of ;100; George Whitby . was re-elected Fire :Chief. Mrs,: Rayzer A. Anderson 1:k Dungannon, a native of Turkey, received her • citizenship papers., It was' reported .te, be •unusually cold one night as the ,'therm: met er dipped to .15 below zero, Deaths. -= Mrs. Charles Collins, ,Kinlough; John T. Carter, 72, Kin •loss Township; •James Webster., Burlington, (formerly _ •of..,. Ash field).•.., February ' 16th, 1955 . • Mrs Dave: Alton, who, made her; •homewith. cher• daughter Mrs. W. G. Reed observed ,her '85th; birth day.' Mr: W. W. • Hill wasserving ,his 43rd year . as n treasurer of the Lucknow. Chapter. of :the • 'Royal Arch 'TMasOns•. Because • of the, high snowbanks,. rural • • inat1men- were - having trouble finding the mail :boxes: Mr. and • Mrs. •Jas. Hodgins, Kinlough inarked their ' , 50th wedding anniversary.' ,,' Cliff Menary of Aslhfield ' re ceived a' badly factured 'leg ,while assisting ' • in : unloading' a .•'-cattle. Seasonal savings tidyea,r'rbund satisfaction • •'.order your co -or High Grade Fertilizer for ,delivery by Feb. 1 and you will save $2.00 per ton: For. delivery .between Feb. 3 and Feb. .28 your ,"Earl), Delivery discount will Se $1.50' per ton. In;addition, you' can' earn cash. discounts of 6%3/4 for payment or pre' payment' • by Feb. 1 • and 6% by Feb: 28. • .. .. are.owned and controlled byquality because Co-operattve`3� • - • ou can depend on co-op the' people they serve .. the farmers of Ontario. Everytime you Make. a purchase .,, • at your.Co-operative,you are making your . business stronger • and more successful, Registered Trade Mark • CO•bP. QUALITY JANUARY. *SAVE•, 62:00 PER TON FEBRUARY *SAVE $1.50 PES TON' CONTROL IS YOUR GUARANTEE Or 1;;TISFACTlON 00now District Phone ,528-225. beast at the "H'ealey" slaughter house,, south of the "High School Council, appointed T., Elie Mor- gan . of : Teeswater. as Lucknow Assessor • and Alex Havens .as town ;foreman. The stone school pn Highway 86 at. Zetland bridge was destroy- ed to make ' way forw •a highway 'widening program Mrs. D. ` Wlils, :Palmerston, bought the store• in. ,Whitechurch from. Mr. ' and . Mrs: '-Les Burnett. James K. Scott was 'appointed assesssor in West Wawanosh.', Wes Osborne was appointed: as- sessor ; of Huron .Township., •Deaths: Mrs. James Scott, -58, 'Mitchell; Cliff Aitchison,' Hespel= er; .f 1erber' Pettipiece, 86, Kinloss Township;, Wm. Dawson, 73, Kin- loss Township. THIRTY ,YEARS AGO 1935:, February Tth, .1935., . I), C. • Taylor wasa .warded a life membership ,from "' the. • Head Office of ,the 'Bible ...Societyin recognition of his faithful ser- vices as an official of 'the. local society for thirty-eight years. ; A mirage or ` actual, mirrored. view of Lake Huron 'waters; was viewed by :some village residents'. from 'the 'United Church inter section. Announcement was''made by the provincial .government at exam=. 'ination• fees. were abolished, , nea,. n img corisiderale saving to Par- ents of students writing entrance,, lower, ,middle and upper•. school .exazns. The department also stat- ed that these ,examinations'•would be •completed by June,-' 28th. With Clair 'Milne in charge of: cutting operations :,local resi- dents `' were • laying away_' their: store of 'ice for ' the oncoming. summer. This ice,. -which was secured from Treleaven' s. mill pond 'was about. 14 inches deep George•. Spotton, . member F of 'arliament for North :HuronV spoke in the House . of:' Commons ':against a national flag. , :Nine-year-old.: Allan Avery of Charlton .Station :was'kiled when kicked' on: the head by 'a horse 'on .the farm of ,his • • grandfather William ' Hardy, • concession 10, Huron" John Munn •of. Ripley died quite suddenly ,at. the, age of 54. He was. stricken with a heart attack short- ly after concluding part of an act in an operetta. Mrs: David Girvan, Dungannon, observed ' ' her .93rd birthday ••• Deaths,' John Hackett, 72; Wil- liam Campbell, ' 89, West Wawan °ell; Harry,'' A.• Hornell, 'IVtimico; Sister. Mary Winnifred '`O'Reilly,` r9, Milwaukee.. ' S.S. No. 9, Ashfield $r. 'IV Mary .Horton,: Jean Long, Wiianina Lannan,' Phylllis Blake, Bertram .'Curran, Elmira Alton,; 'Harley Phillips; Jr. IV Eda Phil lips; Sr.` III Russsel • Alton, Ber- nice' Murphy, Freda Saunders; 'Lorne 'Philips, Clare •Lannan; TI Lyal . Lannan, • Rose ' Marie _Lan: nan,.m.-Elva Moran, ,Gordon Saund ,ers, Howard. Blake, Tom . Phillips, Raymond . Murphy, I • Lloyd ,Saund– ers, Margaret Phillips;. lar... Keith Bake, Wilmer Moran, Olive ' L. Anderson, , teacher.. ::West •.Wawanosh (Junior Room) • Sr. Doris Doris • Wilkinson, '. Mal- colm Buchanan; 'Jr: III Helen McDonald,` 'Mae' McDonald, : Mar- garet ' Aitchison,' Ross Gammie, Allan Cranston, Marie ' Swan;. , II Murray Wilkinson, Marie Aitchi- son, Dorothy a Webb, Phyliss' Gay= nor; I Shirley Buchanan, Earl McDonald; Pr. Helen Gammie;. .Wilma. • Gaynor, • Beatrice iMcQuil• lin, teacher.] S.S. No. S, Ashfield' ' • Sr. IV Rena Hunter; Billy Dren- nan; Jr. IV Jimmie Hunter, El- don Ritchie; Sr. III Lorna Reid, Kathleen ;Gibson, •Kathleen Gard- ner,' Doris. Reid; Jr, III Russel Ritchie, Keith Hackett,' Keith Rit- ehie;;. 1st, Lyle .• Ritchie, Marion Gardner, Allan Ritchie, Johnny Hunter, Eric Hackett, Ada • M. Webster,. teacher. S.S. No. 11 Huron Sr IV Lottisa Congram, Gordo• n McGuire, Donalda MacCharles, Jr. IV Charlie, Roulston, Mae Barkwell, Gordon Brooks, :lack Roulston, 'Mary .McGuire, Eileen Griffin, Sandy MacCharles; Sr III - Gordon .Irwin; ,Jr, III Arnold Mc- Guire, Evelyn Irwin, Viral* Bark - well; II Rae Cook-, Mary • • Cook; Sr. I Margaret MVIacCharles, Rod' die .,MaeChaties, ,Park l arkwell;. 'RAG NINE .10#011 .Bute erin Mondays Hogs, in by4:00. p.ni., CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY; • EXCEPT . SATURDAY • We do Curingand Smoki - • Beef,: .Pork 'and Lamb.•. mJ Sold Whole, Half or Quarter . . . For Better, Service, • • And Lower Prices--, Call' *Ripley 100.: CHAS, HOOISMA• —Prop:. •• Pr. jack McGuire, • Lovell„ Mc- , Guire, Leonard. .Griffin, Virene Finlayson, Ross Cooke, . • M, E. Campbell, ' teacher. .• ` • . ' February 14th, 1935 • Many from. this area•,took ad- vantage .of the C.N.R. "Cent a Mile”, excursion, . most of the passengers bound for :• Toronto. • Frank G. Todd was :re-elected gas.. president of the Ontario .Ab- erdeen. Angus Club ', for his fifth term: Rev. Hugh D. Taylor M.A., B..D:, Exeter, once a •pastor • of the Salem Circuit, east .of laugh, . died at . the .gage •of : 44 .with pneumonia, • ' Rev. Alex M. (Sandy) Nichol- son pf Hudson Bay Junction,, S,ask./, who hadbeen recently .nominated as C.C.F. candidate was out organizing committees: He. was travelling by team ;'in temperatures of. from 40. tcr 50 below .zero.. In %his travels he vis ited • two • former: , Lucknowites, Fraser • MacDonald of Faswegin; formerly of St Helens district and 'Mt.. and Mrs. Frank Guest of Wadena.: • Maudie Fisher, Grace Mac„ Pherson and Peggy • MacDonald were enrolled as . Rangers by Mrs. A. E. 'McKim. Harvey. Anderson .was elected director to . the ' West Wawanosh Mutual Fire ,• : Insurance . ',Co. re- placing. e-placing• Mr W. P. Reed who had served for -thirty-one years.. Oscar Casemore, ,; butter maker at :Silverwoods ;;. for. ' '_many years.' was `transferred` to the ' Stratford Silverwood's plant ' : •Deaths, • Murdock McGregor, 57, Kintail , Fifty Years Ago 1911.5 February :11, '1915 ' . • Mr: ,;and Mrs.. Will Barkley,. 'of near Echo Bay' were ;in a railway crossing ...`• accident •:when their tcatn of horses.' became frighten- ed ' : and , dashed forwardagainst the engine. Mrs. !Barkley was killed and her husband . injured.. The 'Barkleys formerly,. lived near Belfast. '• • A rink of A. E Durnin, J. Hen-- derson,• T. S. Reid, .and R. John- ston, .skip won 'second prize:. in a. ending,' bonspiel. in. Harriston. Mr. . •and. 'Mrs.. S. Stevenson ..cel- ebrated .. their Golden Wedding ' Anniversary. • • • B' Blitzstein's Bargain.: store held a : clearing sale. Some, of, the items' are. as. ;: follows: all wool men's underwear reg. $1.00 for 69c;;: -ladies' fancy sweaters, reg.. $2.00' for, $119; ' men's -fur coats, the best 'beavershell, plush lin- .. ing, Persian Lamb collar, reg $16 for $9.45; 'best ladies' ';hanker chiefs 10 for 25c; lace reg.;• 4c: .and 5c a yard for lc; ladies,. aprons, 40 • inches wide,. reg. 25c clearing at 15c, ' Pupils at U.S.S. No. 3 Ashfield and West Watv. anosh: were' Evelyn' Bowles, Lila Humphrey, Hattie Nixon, Hazel Alton, ..Mary Cooke, Marion Reed,. Percy :Agar, Dynes Campbell, Willie Alton, Peter Campbell,; Violet Twarnley, Harry Irwin, '. Irwin Agar, Alvin Bowles, Thelma 'Reed, Hughenta Philips, Wilfred: - •Hackett,, Alma :Agar, Spence ..Irwin, Chrissy Cooke, Myra ,MacDonald, 'Vera 'Philips, Annie .:Campbell, Dolly Cooke, Harvey Alton, ; Wmnie Irwin, Clif- ford ' ' -Hackett, : Johnnie Irwin, .' • Jean MacDonald, Wilhelmitra • Agar. Mildred A. Spence, teacher. Death, .,Angus ' McLellan, 78. . February 18, ..1915, Mr and Mrs. Harry Pierce left for'.their .new•:home in "Winnipeg, Manitoba; Miss Nannie Mc1Vlillan, daugh. ter ; of Mr. 'Milas 'Vlc:Millan •grad- uated as a nurse . from '`London Hospital. 4 wood -sawing bee of .about : 30 men at John Hogan s,., 12th con cssion. of Ashfield started at ;;10 a.m and finished : at 5:30 P.m. Supper • was 'se'rved and • most of the„ crowd . went home . to' change their attire returning agaixi 'short- ly to' s dance . which continued ;un til 6:20 , in. the . morning,; . there.: were about 90 in allMusic was. . supplied by. 'Messrs:. Towle, Mc- Kenzie, Nelson, Lannon and : Miss Barnby, Messrs. Parrish and Mac- Kenzie rendered some selections on the, bagpipes. • Bell and Dowse were .advertis- ing a dissolution sale. having dissolved, ' thein hardwire store partnership. • The :farmers ers believed that too many middle men were living on their profits. Some were think- ing of joining . the Grange 1n Rip- ley with . a view of starting • one in Lucknow. • ' . Deaths, :little. James • Hector,' youngest son. of Mr. arid:• Mrs: Add. McDonald; May MacDonald, 25, daughter:' of Mrs. Murdock McDonald, Saskatoon, (Miss 'Mac= Donald lived at the Lighthouse at Point Clark at • one time), ' Johns Glazier,. Mafeking, ., W. H. Elliott,. 53, .Goderich Twp." • ' . Mrs, • P. • H. .Torrance, • North Bay, , .Wnites "We enjoy every'. issue •cf the ' Sentinel." ESSO SERVICE FOR TOP ( UALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP "TIRES' (Most Sizes In Stock) A`' REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of "Cars and Tractors 2 Licensed Mechanics WeeI .'AIignment'ind Bak,ncing • 11