HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-17, Page 8I4UC101OIN' 511NTlNE6,: ` LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • WNY•, YOU : .SHOULD CONVERT .. YOUR .PRESENT. EQUIPMENT' TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL OI HEAT It's easy to .convert to oil, We have a complete lineof top quality Esso Heating Equipment to choose from •, Esso .burner. 1.85. a month • Complete : Esso oil furnace unit --$4.95*; a .Month: And now, with Esso heating e q iii meat • :. we can arrana for you to get Esso Home Heat Service at no cost. Your best .guarantee for continued: home heating comfort. *installed to your exuti g duct work -. Y HAVENS Plumbing .,and' Heating Phone ::.528-:301;2; . Lueknow .ESS6BURN SALESsad SERVICE''. I hR HOME HEAT SERVICE F E.ECT. OFFICERS Huron .:County Junior Farmers. have elected their officers .for : the coming year. They are, Past President, 'Marilyn , Marshal; President, T o m Cunningham First ' Vice ' President, Bob :Far- tier ngham; Second Vice "Pres- ide*, res-ide t, ... Murray : Hoover; :Record- ing; ' Sec., . Barry Mulvey; . Corres- ponding Sc., . Beatrice Murch Prees Reporter, Donald Young; Provincial Director, Maurice cove; Alternate Provincial ., Dir- ector, " Mac . Stewart; Newsletter Editor, , ,Elsie Doig; Assistant Newsletter Editor, marguerite ,:The Bible's National Message's --- Have you ever considered the evidence on; which 'we bass aur ;belief that the Celto-Saxon peoples are the continuation of God's servant race and. nation .Israel, and that'our ancient Throne is the one Called', in the Bible' the Throne of Dc vid If• • not, we would;like to point 'out that present world conditions are a most emphatic warning 'that • ' this question can.no longer be safely ignored Today • we are living in, the very shadow of "Armageddon"—that great and final conflict through which . Israel,' can come 'safely . only by - a . geheral recognition ofher identity and •a complete surrender, both individually' and nationally, to .God's Will and Purpose for ,her. Thus the ,question o-: 'Wether'' or not we are Israel is both vital and urgent:, ' WE WOULD UKE TO. TEtx YOU ABOUT IT' • For Your Copy of Our FREE Booklet "An Introduction to the British -Israel Evangel" ! Write to ilia S cretarye' Canadian British .Israel' Association in Ontario P.O. Boit T44, . Station 0, Ottawa, Ontoro Presbyterian • W.M.s.: Due to the 'inclement . 'weather; the regular afternoon. meeting of the • W avf.S, .af the Presbyterian. !Church was postponed, until Feb- ruary 10th. The weatherman, was kind and the -meeting. was opened v ith. Mrs. C. -Finlayson in the chair. Psalm 86 was. -sung, and prayer followed by Mrs., Finlay- son. 'fl. : Bible reading,: was • read son. The Bible. readings was' read the 'Bible: study, taken from Sam- uel. The prayer circle wastaken by OVirs. T. Cameron, • (Mrs.. W. Simpson, Viand, Mrs: ..J.. Adams.; A letter from .il' iss Dorothy Doug- las in Formosa, was read,' stet- .ing the work being. done for Camp Sui, and 'also in -the -Church 'there, Miss..Doiiglas.. whil • be. 'home this summer as her work as an Over seas :'Missionary expires' ' then.. We were also reminded,, that the, World Day of . Prayer ; wouldbe held ,. on, March . 5th. After the business was .transacted, the roll call was taken; with each . mein, .fiber ` reeating_.._a • verse from U Kings: The collection was mew- ed; and, p +ayer ,given by 'Mrs. C. ,Finlayson., • The visiting :.comlri+it= tee ..reported. The Massion Study was given by 'Mrs,..'1VI:Henderson. The , theme ' was. `.`Missionon Our Doorstep". , She. ' gave : a very teresting, picture theway in which women • first organized to assist in the Mission' work, of the .Church The Eastern. ' Division was held , in Quebec, ;in 1864,' one- 'hundred ne-hundred years • ago, and ` it was Balled the' Home : Division.; .In, 1876, they' 'wished ` to., share with the women of other countries and formed . 'the Foreign.. Division, their Motto being, The World , for Christ." . The two .Societies.' amal- gamated in 1914 as:, "Home 'and Foreign Societies." .The. meeting closed' •with.. `all repeating the. "Aim and Purpose" .of the. Sac iety, and .prayer by Mrs. ,.•C Fin- layson. S lakes U:.C.W: The February4 , •" meeting of . Brakes U':C.W :' Was held Tuesday afternoon at; the . 'home of :.Mrs. Howard .Blake. 'Mrs ::' Warren Zinn• had ',charge.. of the program and opened. the' meeting with the Call'' to' worship •• and a hymn. The scripturelesson was • read follow-. ed: by meditation and prayer. :Mr.' Kaiserr gave an interesting talk ,on how the: Bible' "catnep to be. Mrs. J. Curran' prepared . thethird chapter • of "God and His Pur- pose' and gave; short. ,readings on "Family Bible Reading" and why we read our Bible. Mrs. Wm. Andrew,' gave ; • a valentine ' read- ing 'and the Study book was •.taken' by !Mrs, C. Cooke. The roll call was answered by 'a scripture versewith the word 'love, 11 members :present. The meeting closed with a . hynin and . the. Lord's Prayer. Lunch was. served. WEDNESDAY.: FEB, '17th;; 1345, •• • ; AT THE : JOHNSTONE :SEED CLEANING PLANT i•s •• •< • PHONE,. 528-3119 •• ••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 Farmers In Lucknow Ari GET' YOUR SUPPLY OF: PURINA CHOWS .AND SANITATION PRODUCTS FROM o' Q Gordon ..:A.,: ohnstnne IN 'h,UCKNOW with prayer. ° . Lunch was served by Mrs. Hun- ter, Mrs: G. Kirkland .and Mrs. 'Russell. Swan. The ' March meet- ing will be ;:held at the home of Mrs. ;Chas: Anderson on Thurs., day, 'March South Kinloss . W.M.S. The February meeting of , South Kinloss, W.M.S. postponed let week on account of weather, was held'lin Wednesday, February. 10th in the . school room of the Church.' with Mrs; •Annie Mac- :1ntyre--and Donald ,;as directors: • President, Mrs. Ted 'Collyer presided. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. `read' minutes ansf correspo$ence.�'MrS. 'Hughes „.gave' .the:' Treasurer's. re- port •:and Mrs. Ross MacMillan 'enumerated 'the requirements for theBale this. year. :Reports. of the two "sessions of Presbyterial„. were given by the delegates, Mrs.: MacMillan 'and Mrs. ,Dickie; The Bible ' Study • .Was' from' ` Acts 1 With the roll:• call'••being a verse With 'the :word "power". This Study: was • 'preceded .'by .. a 'study', on Prophecy' from the: book ' of Daniel •Mrs:. .Philip : Steer con• trbuted: a '•so .accompanied by Mrs. Hughes and .the Prayer-cir- cle rayer cir-cle was conducted by Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs.. ` Chislett andMrs. Graham.' The ,chapter ;:'frons . the new. Study`. Book, was 'discussed :by: Mrs W:'F. MacDonald and a ;list.. Of. questions '. 'regarding; the . • Sac= iety *presented , for answers. - As. part. , of the'1presentati aDia Dia- logue :was given by: Mrs 'MacDon ald and Mrs. Rod 'MacLeod.;' Mrs. Douglas Graham,' read a mission- ary • letter.. frorn Miss .Goner) in. Nigeria. ` and . reported on Litera- ture • sent`; this year to various Von U C.W. Meeting The February . meeting of Zion U.C.W was; held at the„ home 'of Mrs.. Wm., G...Hunter• on -Febru- ary '11th. After the opening ex- ercises,' the. Devotional. -period was conducted by Mrs. Allan Ritchie. with scripture ° reading. by ' Mrs. Howard ' Barger and Mrs., , John.. Gardner. The Bible'' Study was giv- en by Mrs. Chas. Anderson and Mrs. Marshall Gibson, , read the ' chapter from ' the, Study Book. A reading was ' given by Mrs. Gor- don Kirkland .and ' Mrs. Earl Swan conducted . a Bible 'Quiz: During tl ebusiness „ period, MrS. Frank/./Ritchie' `reported on on the Co-op banquet 'and also read a ` letter from Presbytery which she had .. received,' regard-' ing t h e money forwarded ..to same. Plans were made .for the World :Day, of Prayer meeting to beheld on March' 5th at the. manse. A quirtis to be quilted in„ the near future. Anyone wish- ing to ordercards, get in con - tad with " Mrs:. ' R, A. . Hackett. The visitors reported on their calls, and the.,..two ladies to visit nextmonth are Mrs, Wm'. G. Hunter and Mrs . 'Harvey Ritchie. The.. Social Committee IS to plan for future entertaining Mrs: Win: G, Hunter read thank -you totes received. Hyin i was .,sung and MrS. Kaiser, closed the. meeting fields • at home and abroad. . Mrs, A. Maclntyre • gave the offertory . prayer.' In March the Society will meet, at the home ' of. Mrs ''Harry' Levis and take part in' the World's Day of Prayer • in the United' Church, Lucknow. Mrs: Currie Colwell '. closed the 'meeting with prayer: 3T. HELENS St. !~He1e1's Women's .Institute The 'Vice-Presddent, Mrs. Har- old--Gaunt,,conducted the meeting of the. St.`. Helen's Women's .In Stitute ''held f n 'the Ham. The mem- bets . ' answered the roll 'call with, If I had. to leave '. Canada, .:to what .country would I • go, ; ,and why" • "'The motto, Human: beings are tied together • by ' ideas and feelings, ,not. by geography, w given :by Miss. W. I. Rutherford. The topic. ' 'National and_.In- ternational. ; Organizations of , the Women's :I' titute. was taken by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.' Readings were . given by ' Mrs: ' Gordon Struthers,. Mrs; 'Ross' Errington and : Miss . I'sobel: Miler, Gayle McDonald and Valerie Errington sanga,. duet' The entertainment committee' for February is Mrs:` L Woods,.. Mrs. L. .Hunter, Mrs.. T. J. Todd and : Mrs. ' F`. ''McQul lin. They are :planning: to. have a' card party on Friday night, Feb- ruary 26th. During the business, $10 was donated. 'towards the In- ternational Scholarship Fund: Penny . round . up bags for Mental Health .are.'to be ,brought to the next ":meeting, Lunch : ` was 'served by the hostesses- ,Mrs. Gordon `Struthers, Mrs. Ross Errington, and Miss ,Isobel” Miller.. • geed' and. fertilizer. Supplier Your Choice:.-=. Parkland . (six rowed). • Bete ' (two . rowed)' _• An Excellent .Crop for Early 'Cash. •Excellent Quality Ontario Registered 9anlae -- ;Seaway --- :. Saginaw - )Michelite 62 Michigan Certified Sanilae Seaway ALL SEED GROWN FROM ,FOUNDATION ' STOCK �ean Contrasts Avpila�le SEED AND F'ERTI IZER: 'S'UPPLIED: I=XCELLENT MARKETS CREATE GOOD ,'BEAN PRICES Drop in" Now For ;Your Spring Seeding and 'Fertilizer Needs r . Phone 262-2714 Collect E. L. Mickley & Son Limited HENSALL ONTARIO CONTACT' OUR AREA REPRESENTATIVE !barren Zinn R.R. 1 Diongannoh.