HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-17, Page 6.01
WEDNESDAY, FEB., 1704 1965
t ! 11 0l 11E11111E 111Et a11R•aia.. . I�ailp1i1EE Es
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_ 3'1,64, Chevroletm4door hardtop, fully. equipped ••
Pontiac Laurentian � sedans, 6 autorna#c•. •. ..
•2- 4964: Chevrolet 'Belair sedans, automaticpewee!, ateeri ■ .
■ •. ,. fully aqu'ipped:
V -e;
1964,Dodge; .automatic:
W 1964 Meteor custom 'sedan, automatic.
' 1963 Pontiac Laurentian sedan automatic
• e • 1963 Chea Belair sedan, automatic, .. radio, fully__ upp
l a Y_
i., ■, 1963 Chevy, 2, standard:
4963 Chew ' Stationwagol, 4400r, 'automatic
■' 1963 Ford. Fairlane Stationwa on
062 Pontiac 2- door:. hardtop
It 1942. '.Pontiac Parisienne,` hardtop, 'V -e, fully'equipped
2 Pontic ;L,aurertian'
el 1961. Falcon Stationwagon
ml 1S1 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic
■ 2.1061 Pontiac. Pi risiennes, 4 -door , hardtop, fully equipped
i * 1961 Ford 6 . cylinder, sedan
! " 1960 Chev 'Belair, V -a automatic
1-1962 Chev 1/: ton.
• -1961 Chev 1 ' tons, Tong . box
2-1961 _Chevpick-ups, short' boxes
1us' els.:
Cities Service ; Duaier
'.i .
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Phone 173, ' Brussels i
The February . meeting of the
Kmtail Women's Institute was
at ; the home of Mrs.' Stuart Mac-
Lerman. ' ,
Mrs. Bert . Alton was . " . in the
chair: 'Mrs fenry. MacKenzie
acted as Secretary. The roll call,
shower for the cancer . cupboard,
visas 'responded' to by a number . of
ladies: MrsGordon' Finlayson
had the 'Motto, A mei y_'heart
kills more.' germs : than medicine..
She read some verses from a, book
In. the year 1842.' Some of the old
'sayings,• such his an hour's sleep
before midnight ; is'. 'worth ` two af-
ter ' and a' ' man of gladness seld-
om falls ` into sadness:. She • gave
a. paperon 'diseases' and .i mm .-
The: topic w.
zatr P
Health and- %Mrs:. Bert' Alton also
read a paper:._.
Christene . MacLennan ';.gave two
dance . numbers, : t h e highland
fling arid. the -sword dance. Each.
Member .was . given. a book of
tickets to sell .. on •the quilt:. The
quilt... ison display in Bob Mac-
Kenzie's furniture store , window
in :Lucknow .�
The members sang the anni-
versary song, for their . president,
Mrs. Alton, who that day was ob-
serving : her.; thirtieth wedding an-
The' 'meeting closed by siunging'
the Queen and Institute Grace,
After. ;which the hostess .and the
committee , in . lc h a r g e served
lunch .
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upwards for 8, 4 or . 5 . years.
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payable half -yearly by`cheque.
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There were few surprises this
week. when the Government
brought down its annual budget.
There were no tax `increases and
no tax cuts. Every resident of .
the, province.' will •b taxed . the.
equivalent of $195 • to pay for the
$1,460, . million fiscal , programme,
a: $10• increase over' the last fis-
cal year,
Attorney General 'Arthur . Wis-
hart bowed to Liberal critics and
announced he ' would take another
look at advertising controls": -pro
posed. for .used, car dealers. El-
mer Sopha, Liberal (Sudbury)
a n d .' Vernon , Singer, . Liberal
(Downsview) had :protested in.
the Legal, Bills Cormnittee . that
the amendment :eliminated,, . any
effecting . appeal procedures to re-
view acivil servant's decision on:
advertising and .that itmight well
interfere with the. 'freedom .of. the
Mr.. Singer, speaking in. the
Throne Speech debate, ' .outlined
proposals for , a . revision.. of the
Attorney . ' General's : Department•
breaking it into 'three,.: main div-
isions = judicial, police ' and •ad-
ministrative • He said, , "A ' new :I
spirit .of reform must be : ; breath-
ed into . this government." Mr.
Singer. urged. 'creation: of . a De="
partment of the, Solicitor 'General
to advise all departments of gov-
ernment ,, and ..be responsible ; for
the ilegal administration .of : the.
province... In addiction," 'he propos-:'
'ed that . two departments, headed'
by deputy attorney's . 'general be
created under the minister.: One
would handle all "judicial matters
and the other, police work in all
its aspects.
John, Spence, Liberal (Kent
East) ,. urged the government . to
use foresight and advance .»,plan-
planring. to protect' rural Ontario in
the face of rapid change, and the,
growing .shortage of,•young people:
in farming.. ;•
Donald Paterson, Liberal (Es-'
sex South) urged the ` government
to create a small department • to
concentrate "on the growing pro-
blems of small' business in Ontar-
io." ' He . said, : "The small .: busi
nessman , faces problems at every.
turn 'and it is time the' govern-
ment moved to` provide every as-
sistance ,possible..'.' ..
Members' of ' all three parties
will participate inflag-raising cer-
emonies at Queen's Park, Monday
as the Maple !Leaf Flag is raised
amid a Maple
; salute. Premier
John :Robal ts, Liberal Leader. An-
Thompson; and' . NDP ';leader'.
'Donald (MacDonald will give short
speeches 'before the flag .is rais-
ed at.' noon:.
Mr. • and `Mrs: Murray Tuek
Oakville Were- week=end guests
with Mr. and Mrs.. Douglas Gra-
Mrs. Thehna MacDonald,. Mrs.
Dorothea Birch and Walter Tho-
mas of Toronto visite(' . On, 'the
weekend 'with Mr, and • ars. ' Ira
Dickie and boys.
South :Kinloss Y,l met Sun-.
dayevening at the .home: of Mr.
and Mrs.. Currie Colwell. 'The to-
pic on ``Love"'based on X` Corin.-
thians•i'3 . was ably ;taken by • Mrs..
Douglas .. Graham,. , ,,Betty . Colwell
told: ; the.. story of ' St. Valentine.
Bible 'contests and. a missionary
quiz were , well answered. Miss
Eileen Burt provided accompani-
ment for' thehymns. on her ae-
cordian,. The next meeting will.
-be- held .February . 28th 'at the
home of '-Grace MacDougall. .
Kairshea` W.I.'' will. •• meet this
Thursday, February '18th. at -the
home of . the hostess, ' Mrs. ' Allis-
ter 'Hughes, • ..
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Famish. of
'Medicine Hat 'visited Sunday at
'the home of .. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Lifelong Dungannon
Resident. Passes
Mrs. William H. 1VMClure,; the
former Georgina Sproul, died Fe-
bruary . 9th at Pinecrest ,Manor,
Lucknow, ,Where she had • been' a
;patient for four , years. She had
not been in good health for 'about.
five years. She. was 81. •
Mrs. 'McClure, ' born in Dungan-
non, was the •daughter of the late
David Sproul and Mary Jane Kit-
son. Her, husband predeceased
her, in 1959. Surviving are three
'daughters,: Mrs. , Winnifred Wid
combe of ,Windsor; Mrs. Lauret-
te Hefford of Toronto; Mrs: Her-
bert .(Emily) ' Finnigan 'of Dungan
non; one .son,• Wililain' ,ayfcilure
of ' Elmira; , four sisters, Nettie.
and Clara Sproul . and , Mrs. Ada
WitsorC ' of .Goderich and !Mrs: Ar'-'
thug (Emma) Elliott; ' of Dungan-
non; one brother, Harold Sproul
of Davidson•, Saskatchewan; ' eight
grandchildren and • three . great
grandchildren. . • .;
• She had lived in Dungannon all
her• life where 'she was ,a member
of .the Dungannon United Church.
The funeral ''was held February
;l2th from the Stiles Funeral
Horne, . Goderieh, with • burial in
Colborne 'Cemetery. Officiating
clergyman was: Rev. .3. A.' Veld-
le Your
Subscription Renewed?
Visiting .in 'the community dux,'
ing the. past . week , were Mr, and.
Mrs. Javk4.Ma0Creight of Detroit,
Henry MacKenzie' is • spending a
few holidays. in Montreal ,with his
brother' Rev,, F 'Scott tt MacKenzie,
1Vlany 'from the 'area attended
a shower in . St ' Andrews , Church
.on. Monday evening` in Rip-
ip ley forMiss ' Bertha Blue, bride-
elect. .
Mrs: Henry. MacKenzie h: a s'
been keeping; store 'for Mr.". and
Mrs: Bob , MaeNay wl o ,, were
away . for few daysholidays and ..
attending 'the. wedding .,of his'bro.,.
they' Donald MacN,ay.. ` „
The. 4 -Hr club giris were � in
Wingham on Saturday where they
held their Achieveent Day ono
"The Club Girl Stands On• Guard."
K. L. ' MacKenzie h. a.a oeen.:.
working in the salt" mines in God
erich ".for the: past few ' weeks.
Jane'.Finlayson of Toronto spent.
the, week -end with her. parents
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon.'_Finlayson.
• 'Recent: visitors with Mrs.. Don-
ald RA MacKenzie , were Mr. .end
Mrs: Melville • Scott of ' Kinder-
dine..., r
Peep' will , believe anything
Y w.
ou.c h r , it. .
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There's a prosperous, future in your hands when. you pick
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egg income- your egg profit -4. will.; be :tha: highest' pos.'
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Starcross 288 has consistently excelled in across-the-board
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$.3;55 2533 77.8
2.74 222.9 751*
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:: ' :Shaver Advantage ' . ' $+:81
Treleaven :Lucknow.
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Get' Starcross 288 chicks E
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du er from your Swift,
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