HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-03, Page 16444 -mom WATAIVIIKWIIRM,0111,74t dIB►Tx.1 THR IAUCKNOW' .SR.NTINEt . LtUCICNOWR, ONTARIO:r. din1111,11110011innoulasaainnoniaan a.sumann■ananna■■■ ■• .83 i • ■ I. This. in; .411; Sa10Tagg NAerchandise • and Men's: Wear PHONE 5284126 , AFO GENT R KINCARDINE CLEANERS F Pick -Up and.Delis ery Monday and T u sday • • .10 •■ • 11 nine ` THAT I'haris Mathers of High,. ■ way 86 east showed -Us -An in- tteresting • picture of a group of ■ curlers who were winners of. ■ - ' "Thee Vice, Presidents" medals � for the years 1893 and 1894. The group. were. A. •McConaghy, , Jas. Watson,. W. B. St; John and W.. • I. Mathers. Tho•se' interested w may view the well preserved ■ photo Sentinel window.. � , THAT Adespite the whiter Weather �0. and heavy' snowfall of the past weekworkmen have commen-■ . ■ , cod the cement. blocks work ' .on e ' the new .Crest Hardware store :win. on• main street. Work. • has' , also. • been commenced oil the :'con . ■ struction of a home. for Mr. and.. • Mii—A en` Iowbray„o1r -Outram- ■ street near the Anglican church.: THAT the, annilal meeting ..of "•'the Lucknow Agricultural .:Society. i drew only nine members on Ari .. Satli day, sand ". Was postponed until' Saturday,' .February :13th. At 'least 15 persons.:are needed ■ to proceed with the :.meeting ■ and. 'officials are hoping that weather • conditions Saturday was: the reason for the . poor • . .:atttend'ance , 1*nn■■e■1111■ae■eese■seeese■■■n■feo■ar■eore0e i ln.r*i.er:Che$eFactor.g Nets.' roduction Up ;24 -Tons Over The: twenty-sixth annual, meet- ing .: of'Pime "• River .: Cheese' • and. Butter `Co-operative was :held in Raiff. Corners Community Hall Friday, January 29th: :.:' Stuart. Aitken acted as chair - t man' for :the: meeting , with : fifty patrons present. The; .auditors re- port • showed .receipts of . ,$682,111: with a net, profit of $1,728 after depreciation allowances 'Seventeen million pounds of nk received throughout the year .Were, manufactured 'unto : -.one ;four hundred and; eighty-one. thou - 'sand' ' pounds ` sof cheese, an in. crease of twenty-four tons over 1963: •The' president .Cecil Humphrey,; reviewed the : years improve- . . ments At theplant which, includ-, ed a new churn, and 'square: • hoops for the manufacture of forty pound :.'square, • cheese:: ' These cheese replaced' the ninety .pound round cheese made; sincethe fac- 'tory; was ., established in. 1885. • A. special bonus .of , two cents Per, ' pound . butterfat was paid . on all milk received for the first eleven months :of the year. Another ad- • • venceMent during the past year was: •the • initrodt>tion :of bulk Shaul-- , ing by Carman McLeod of, Kilt • cardine. • Mr.:'Hunphrey ,commented on the . retirenent, or Mervyn Eck-, mier. Mr.: 'Eckmier, , had come to. the . factory 'from Atwood. . thirty. five years ago as cheesemakea ,acting. in . this ;capacity until 1957 when he . 'became manager. Under . his capable guidance the 'co-op- . erative had progressed ' extensiv ely:, Glenn Vantin, who , has been associated with the plant for over: thirty years and as cheesemaker since 1957; has taken . over . 'thee responsibilities. of manager- 'che eseniaker. 'Mr.. Martin 'in his re- port noted that increased milk receipts during this. winter 'indi cated..a •further increase in :pro- duction for. 1965 J; :M Bain, .: • Director of • Dairy Products, ' was. guest:, speaker. He. referred to. the Cheese ;Centen- nial Year -of 1964. A complete an- , tique 'cheese factory has been er- ected in Upper : ,Canada Village during the past year to commem .orate the . occasion: as welt, asa cairn placed at INor"wich •t6 mark the site of the :first cheese fact ory;, in Ontario. , • •Robert. Ferguson, Dairy .Field- man,. reminded those present of, the mastitis . clinic being held in Formosa on ',February '12. He presented certificates for quality 'milk produced throughout 1964,: to 'Stuart Aitken,: ' Jack Campbell, :Donald Courtney, Murray Culbert Harvey Elliott, ' Robert Farrell Thomas A. ;Farrell, Jack Mc- Donald,' Nile Farins; :. Howard Orr,. Leonard ::.Reid, Robert i ut- • ledge, , Alton ; Smeltier, Murray, Walden, and • Delbert Wilson•. Directors elected for 1965 are President, Ibobert Rutledge, Glen,, Farrell, .. Elmer . Bradley, Cecil Humphrey; Leonard' Reid. • A vote .of thanks :was extended; to ,Cecil,• Humphrey retiring pres- ident who had • served' for four • JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING , FOR 'THE 'LUCKNOW.' AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY PRESENTS R1ETY CONCERT'.' In *The Luckn�w • andDistrict':Hi gh Schoo Saturday,February 6th tit 8:15 RUSH SEATS PRE-SCHOOL WREN FREE 1 lex McKenzie as :801h; :Birthday Alex 'McKenzie, formerly of Kinloss,now of , town, celebrated. his '80th . birthday- on.. 'Tuesday, . Y, January 26th:, Mr. McKenzie, who keeps :in very good health, • drives his own 'car and works part time. The . day, of his, birthday -he. ; visit ed John R. ,Lane of Kinloss who on the •same day.,'. celebrated'. his 90th birthday. Mr.' Lane and . Mr.. McKenzie sat together. on./ the. Kinloss Township. Council. far `17' years. . Alex, as he is familiarly -known, -is the son ' of :the ; late John .Me Kenzie and Catherine Clark. He wasborn and raised on the farm he still owns • on the : fourth, con- cession. of Kinloss: He married Sara. Elliott of Holyrood in 1915. She died in 1930. Mrs. -Farish (Kathleen) iMoffat . of Winghan is their daughter. Five 'years .ago,. he left' the farm: and has since made his;. home at Mrs; Neil .Me Callum's in- Lucknow. Alex's . only living ' sister Mrs. John, MVlriller of Lucknow observed. her 855th birthday in November. - She is •spending the winter in London with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Sparks. • Two other sisters Catherine tMcRenzie • a n d Mrs. Thos. (Elizabeth) Gaunt are :,de ceased: A few friends and relatives ga- thered at Mrs: McCallum's ' on Tuesday evening to honour . Mr.: McKenzie on. his birthday. Years. Lunch was served by Mrs. Glen Martin, . Mrs . Cecil . Humphrey, and Mrs.. Donald Courtney. • • MARION ' WALL HEADS, KAIRSHEA 4H GIRLSY The ,first meeting of Kairshea /4H Club Girls for: the ,course "The Club .Girl Stands on Guard" was' held Monday, February 1st, at 7 o'clock at the 'home of Mrs. Cur- rie Colwell with 14 members en- rolled. • ` The leaders, Mrs. 'Currie Col- well and Mrs. Gordon Wall, out- lined the objectives of 'the course and .discussed record books ' 'and first aid kits. ' . • The officers elected ' are, Pres. iden't,'° Marion Wall; vice presiy dent, ',afarilyn . Wall;` secretary, Airdonna MacInty,re; press re- porter, Betty Colwell: - s• Human lungs function perfectly at more than twice normal air, • • 'essures. 4 "01111: WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1fis Yi UR. "LO1 PRICES". , FOOD SAVE ON QUALITY FOOD L.IERE VAN C .. MP. 20 oz. , Pork it Beans Sale REALLY SAVE`- 4 tins 75c .. ROSE BRAND. 16 oz. SAVE .:13c ,. Sweet Mixed Pickies 2 ars '57c DISCOUNT BRAND. 100 COUNT SAVE 16c. Tea Bags SuperSale: cello. � KRAFT 16; oz, Cheez 'Whiz; Sale VANITY BRAND Toilet Tissue ,Sal SAVE' ' lee r- Ipr SAVE 25c rolls '..1)9.c TERRACE ' BRAND A " STUDENT WINNER, Ball Point Pens Sale 3 ens for reesweet Oran a Juice L.:IMIT :2 TINS PER CUSTOMER,II TALL {'48 oz. TIN We 'S+ell For Leas. Phone. Lucknow 528-3420'. Values Effective FEBRUARY °4,' 6''6. • • TIIAT Mr. . and Mrs. .:Wayne, Brooks and Craig of Lucknow. moved to Oshawa last week- end. Wayne is ' employed by, General Motors there. THAT William Evans of: Langside was elected chairman of the ,re= forestation committee of the Maitland', Valley • Conservation- Authority at their annual •meet- ing. in Blyth last week; , PUAT ' Mr.,) and Mrs. William Schinnd" are enjoying a Florida holiday with Mrs: Schmid's • bro- ther . and his wife. 'from : Han- over. The foursome left Wed-. ,nesday of : last week. THAT the' jackpot remains the ' same, for this week's • Legion bingo. Last Thursday's . event was called off because of . poor weather, 1 THAT Mrs.. Min :'MacL nnan has decided to make London her home ' and is offering her. Have- lock St. house for sale in this issue. THAT : regrouping ;our mailing list has :resulted; in - improved de- livery .:of The Sentinel to var- ious points in : Ontario: Drop us. a line ''and let, us, know hqw your, delivery;is, Many are now, receiving their paper on Thum- ' days; If delivery for ,you has worsened, perhaps we can• cor- reeflivery rothisute by • changing the . THAT Stan/ and Marjorie /IKay;_ .who reside on the "Gillies" farm on Highway $6 east, .have been appointed district •repro sentatives for Wilfred Mclntee • .: and Co ' 'Real Estate of • Walk- erton, ►••e♦o♦o•eeo♦•••♦♦•o•ee♦♦Noe•••••oe•♦ocean*♦♦♦• ♦. • •.. o.. arch of Dunes • • T .. ♦. s•.• Starling _Monday, February .1 st . ., .: . ; •IN.. TUCKNOW.. . . .• . Conducted By: •♦ i • Members of the Ladies'Auxiliary fio . the • Canadian. Legion 's • • BE P'REP'ARED' WHEN THE LADIES CALL!'• • *'••••t •♦ee♦e•••••*••••♦♦e,o♦e ee►a+A••i•♦♦ ****/ • • • •