HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-03, Page 5W4DNESOA'Y, FI.8. '3rd..1965
• by William. Whi'ting
All TV netilio ks cancelled ..reg-
ularly -Scheduled :.Sunday per.
;gra[ins t' o ,present special trib-
utes, to Sir .Winston Churchill. 'CB
S telecast an excellent 69 -minute
,documentary Qat noon and repeat-
ed r
. t at 9 p.m. Sunday evening.
CTV had a .special at 6 o'clock
and CBC shoved ',one. •at At p.m,'
CBS • scooped the. Canadian " net-
works:and did a superb job.
•lit Wok, 'a ..'secondCanadian net-
work . to prove to • Canadians that
we can , produce shows ,that ..the
majority of thepeople .. want.
''many.,. of . CTV's programsare
USA-originated."Bewitched, is
number one in Canada with..
"Walt Disney" in' second.spot.
But, .'here'sthe. import newts,
Three out of the •top .10 are Cana-
dian -originated a nd produced.
They are "Littlest Hobo", ' "It's
Your Move" . and "Let's Sing
The , 'CBC With • their vast . re-
sources could produce top shows
that the majority of , Canadians.
Would watch, 'Instead, t h'eY
choose to produce cultural pieces.
The word beginning with "E" 'is
the secret of, success., CIV, rise' it
it's Entertainment .with .a capital
"E". CBC use the same alpha-
betical letter 'too, but the. • word
they select is.. "educational".
These shows.can't. and will never.
capture ..aa .consistently -big audi-
Last. .'. Satur a
d y, we wetclied
ABC's ` Wide World of. Sports.' One
event -- the world championship
demolition . derbyfeatured a 1 '.d.
scot cars.. intentionally dishing
into, each.&her • until alt but: one
w a s, . immobilized. This seems
'rather senseless and ..the result
of: this 'sport was 300 tons of junk
strewn:' around the track.
•Saturday• evening" in 'prime. time,
at 0 o'clock, OBS : did .a . half-hour
.special on President '•Johnson's
cold - Lumber from* the" Pres -
Weald] revi n an
.reviewing stand at the
White House for the inauguration
will`' be sold., for souvenirs. It cost
$55,000. :
There are more. than
known species of ants::
J.tster Iii.:
West For 45 Yecirs
regent publication: 'of the (By Murray Gaunt,
arle Digest in Winnipeg, took "sir Winston Churchill is dead
as their . "personality portrait" s and the Alights of the world have
J. 'E• "Joe" 'Forster, an employ- 'temporarily gone ,, •out," comment-
ee. of the Searle Grain Company ed Premier John Robarts. in a
in Winnipeg, and a former resi- statement :payingtribute to the
dent of West Wawanosh • Town- great .statesman. "To.iris tenacity
ship. ` ` ' of purpose and will to survive,
Joe,.the son of the late_ Mr; and the free world. owes its life." He
Mrs, : James. Forster . of West continued, "Sir Winston. was Crus-
Wawanosh and ,a brother Of • Ron ted as; no other man ;of =his 'gen-
ald of Lucknow, Walter. of Ripley, eration by the peoples of . the
Cecil of Palmerston, William: of orld who_ `placed their faith in
West Wawanosl and Mrs. Jean'' rm as . the foe of tyranny and
Robinson ;of ;• Belgrave, , went the . champion of liberty and free -
west in 1920 on the harvest ex- dorsi,"
cursion.. He was employed in the'.opposition Leader d Thai/1,p-
.service ` department of the' e Andy
.son, - In seconding -the:motion for
'Canadian National Railways. hi one .minute of silence :.in. 'memory
'Winnipeg and : Montreal. for four of ' the great, statesman, stated
years, that.' one of the most famous
•His first:. •eatperrience inthe statements°.of Sir Winston, "Never
has, . so mneh been owed by ' so
many to: so' few, was never more
pertinent than. when applied to
Sir Winston Churchill himself.
gran business was. with the Old
Home . Grain Company in 1928.
Owing to a large crop ; in South-
ern Alberta, : and a shortage. of
help, he was sent to Bow Island
to assist the agent in . reporting
his purchase's • amounting to over
half : a .million bushels; He was.
transferred to Lomond >for two':.
months returning : to.., the Wuxi
peg office. in 1929;
Having- worked in , most depart-
ments in
epartments:.in Winnipeg, he was pro
moted to Head of the Commission
Department in 1957. He receiv-'
ed his membership in. the Searle
Quarter Century Club • in 1953.'
:Joe : is active in Masonic
cles . having.been master.. and
first : principal of . his lodge And
chapter, respectively. This past
year . he was Grand Superinten-
dent of . the Royal •_Arch Masons;
Winnipeg Chapter. His hobbies
consist of . : : making hand . , sewn
leather. gloves and some carpent-
ry work in his spare . time.
,When lemons become '. hard,
don't ;throw them out., Pour boil -
in water
g to them and let
stand for 'about i0�xninutes before
removing.; from water and 'ream-.
ing: 'or squeezing.
00,00; A •house cat has 'been:known' to
reach,, the 'age of. 27 years.
Now. they're having fun while Mummy tries,' to.:
kin leaves. But all too soon they will
do; a, job raking, .- � eS
be the ones'raking•leaves and. doing other chores,
• and 'before you can turn around ',they will be off
to college. With Sian Life's aid, their father; has
;done. his best to. make the 'family as secure as
possible, His chi:ldren's, college education: is . poi-
vided for and a Carefully thought out• insurance
program' Will provide the family with an income
inthe event of his deaths
• i!"m ',associated with Sun Li/c of
Canada, the Company with the policy
that's tight for you and; year family,
Why not call me. too ?
2 '.L.ti kn& w
phone Wingbam 357.1987.
This past week saw the opening
of . debate • on the: Speech from
the Throne. The speech was mov-
ed by Bert Lawrence (PC) and.
seconded by Gaston'MeMers . (PC.)
Nickel Belt. ...
In leading . off in the debate for,
'the Liberal Party, Mr. Thompson
the leader- said that as' a ..first
step a. Cabinet 'Economic Council.
should :be .created, to be . chaired
actively and •' aggressively: by the:
Prime .6Minister with the lmined
iate ' ob jective • !being the : construe
tion andmainterrance of co-ordin-
ation between departmental. pro-
grams affecting economic. growth
and `regional development:.
It ., is impossible In a report'
such.: as .this ' to cover , all . ° the ,
point out, hovtwever, that the whole /
, p1iwoode 'Prefinished Wail; Panels
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Rev. Harold Pillen conducted the various • municipalities with.
funeral -services at MacLennan the date. and place, -..eta; --set and
Funeral'Home, Kincardine, on ' ; anis iirced , the Commission.:'
Tuesda � , January .'19th: The 23rd and others will start on March 1st,;
Psalm was .sung by Mrs. Leroe oY Assessors, this year will: be. on
:Walden accompanied b y 'Mrs. , a temporary basis, but a perrnan-
Harold Courtney. 'exit staff will •be. appointed at the
Pallbearers '"w e r e neighbours,,, end of the year. Those': Who are'ex-
Peter Cameron, Clyve' Munro,.' pected to be working for 'the' Coxa-
William` Cameron, Jinn. Elliott, E- mission. this, year. "include: Mac
mer Courtney and John- `: Creech. Hatt, of .Lions Head Who will head:,.
Flowerbearers : 'wire nephews an office to be : opened later in.
Ralph Pollock, ..Wilson :and Allan Waarton; : Wm.. Preston, Amabel;:
Farrell and Morris Reid, Harry :Esch,„Lindsay;; .Haareld
Temporary entombment was in' Tara, 4. John Sutherland, Saugeen
,Kincardine ' Cemetery, : Chapel.
:points mentioned in ,Mr Thomv-
son's: -21,000-word •. speech He did
structure of''aexpropriation'. pr..oce- CaNLEY ':- and Mrs. . Mer'”
Om • be examined in the light
of what has happened' in Oxfords,
'County. with the ` Gordon Pittock,
In this connection the Premier
'announced on Thursday that be`
had.' appointed :three ` civil servants.
to undertake, on: behalf of the. Go='
vernnient, an investigation with no
idea of negotiating: all outstanding
matters arising out of the, land
acquisition in connection with the
'Upper ' , Thames 'Conservation Au-
Donald 1I,acDonald, leader ofNovember; • 1964.session; •opened'
offices, this week' at: 25 :Durharri
Street E.: in the town, of Walker
ton, 'in the.';location .formerly oc-
cupied • by:. the , Farmers Central.
Fire Insurance ' Cgmpany.
Under the direction of .E.1. Fin-• ,
ori r v nigan, ` Assessment Commissioner°
filch' of , interest ; so. .apparent .; in - and Chief ,Assessor Walter Borh'q;
the' expropriation squabble over a staff .of...assessors will -complete`'
-the Gordon Pittoclr Dam, . _ •- the assessment in all' .municipal
The. Throne debate will con�trn ities in''the County . in the future .•.
ue next week Some'.' of the ;assessors . commenc-,.
ed .theirduties' on February 1st
Twp.; Ewart Raspberry, Tort E1=
gin; Wm. Cottrill, Tiverton; .E1-
mer " Sachs, Brant; Douglas Bock,
Kincardine; Thos; Shoulclice, Lions:
Head; John Arnold, Mildmay U Jim;
,Morris, ''.Chepstow'; Irvin ,Brown,
Kincardine Twp.; N , W Okell of
Walkerton; George Given, Alber-.
marls`' Twp. SIX , of the Assessors
are :taking their second year' 'of , a.
Correspondence Course in' 'Asses-
sing."'and two have •s>;arted� :.their:
first year.. All• `assessors have a
number. of years • experience in'
their . legal municipality. Those
Who continue assessing will be re-
quired to take a course' ori the.
new ;,Departtnen�t Manual.
Mrs, Mel. " Bogdon of Walker
ton hasbeen •, appointed Senior.
Secretary and : additional office
hip ,will be required;
. J. 'Finpigan, . County Asses�s-
ment Commissioner, states it will'
be . necessary to ` re -number all-.
the Assessment Rolls,, with a per-:
xrtanent number this year; in pre-
paration for the use. of rriechanr-•
leg e'quipme nt'to do the rolls next
year. IV will also be necessary to
ti'se , single Assessment Rills in-
stead , of Combin�atiort Rolls and.
the Clerks, therefore, will 'have
•to write 'their own,Colleetor's Boli
this year: The re -numbering and
vin. Conley of Harriston, announce.;
L the arrival of a: daughter on `Tues
day, January 9 h 95 in . al
aY� J Y 1.t , i �, . P m
erston • Hospital
SSS. Sots .Begin
uCi s . In : Bruce.
The new, Bruce County Assess-
ment.:: Commission set ' up by,.
Bruce County' Council.at their i
the .N.D.P., in• the Throne. speech
stated that • Gordon Pittock, ,M.-
;P.P ,' Oxford, . should either' :re
sign his seat in. the Legislature
or resign as Chairman of the 'Up-
per Thames Conservation ' Auth-
ority; `n 'orderto resole the con
Obituary :
The .entire community ; was .sad-
dened to ..learn of the passing of
Mrs;. Alfred . Poli cif .on, Sunday,
January • 17th, 1 5. She, was the
former . Sara Farrell, daughter of
Margaret Graham and S. if. Far-
rell. "Born . June. 21st, • 1890, :;she
was: a lifelong: resident of Huron
Township .
On' Junes .Itlr, 1911 she married
Alt -ed Pollock • and they farmed
on .the 'eighth, concession till their
retirement in 1945 to Pine River,
where she, lived .„until her death.
4 Predeceased by. her; husband in
April 1958, she' 'is survived by
daughters, ,Doris,. Mrs, ',Cecil :Hol-:
"lands of Kincardine township and
Evelyn, Mrs, . John. H. Elliott, of
Nitron, eight grand -daughters 'one
grandsein and Onegreat-grand
daughter; 'also sisters Jane, Mrs.
John Hs Reid; Helen, Mrs. John
MacMurrhy, Huron township; and'
brothers, Henry of Whitby, James'
and .William of Huron,, '
She will ever• be remembered
for her cheerfuldisposition, her
good tleighbaurliness, her two' of
children and her devotion to 'her
. rs tun consuming, this year;, be
csincereinterest in the proges
church ; and community. She "She
the typing ofthe "Rolls will and
of 'the •new Bethel Church She thus more assessors are needed.
s a.-1.it'e Member .d the ;„C'.W, A Bout t of Revision .will 'be
way , LUCKN,OW, • !'HONE 528.3432
and a fanthful memhi�, of R•tid� s pointed Yby •Ijruce Cou'i�ty Council. ,
ce,so , n WtW en's: lnstltute, r They ;will meet when required in:.c O
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