HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-03, Page 1-14400YA Year In Advance.'7.41.4.•.,Ersete, Iohn.:.R:.Lane Observes -90th Birth Kinloss Clerk For Thirty -Three • '1,LICKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1965 ay,• JUNIOR HOCKEY TONIGHT The junior B. hockey game between Gbderich. Siftos and "7 -Kitchener Greenshhts, origin - 'ally scheduled for Thursday • Of this week has been ,sed- vanced to. tonight (Wednesday,, • February 3rd). , This notic will only catch , readers in TLucknow, or those who have icked up a paper on the 'newstand,b u t the Lions, Club were helpless in this 'matter as the" date was • switched last weekend. • Lions had advance sale tic- kets out and considerable ad- vertising done when the date was switched.• ' . This is a ' postponed game and Goderich were not advis- • ed of the game here. When they did find out, they were loaded with three games in :three nights, a-nd naturally found this impossible. This is why the game was advanced one night. • • ' cNaughtons r Years Marrie JOHN R: -LANE .HAS 90th BIRTHDAY,. John Rutherford Lane, . a resi- dent of 'Kinloss Township for most of his life and a servant of the municipality for 33 years as clerk, observed his 90th 'birthday on Tuesday; January 26th at which time manyfriends called to extend congratulations. (Mr. Lane resides with his • daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Maulden and their son Keith ' on the farm he pig- enased prior to his marriage, idst West of the Lucknow-Blackhorse ,road on the 14th of Kinloss;. ,Mr./ Lane 'Was born on Janu- ary 26th, 1475, at Lanes store in Ashfield. Township, He is the On o.f John Lane and Eliza Ruther- ford and his father was store er .at Lanesville ' at that time. - His father was a native of 'Devon,. England. His parents later gave up the storekeeping and went to Algoma where they purchased 400 acres. An attempt to organize a school at Algoma failed, and bee 'cause of this 'Mr. Lane's father decided to, return to this area. He purchased the home farm which is now occupied by Mr.' • (Continued on page 14) ditor-Publisher. Of Former Resident ye Band Journal Passes Suddenly ,Mel Stewart of Guelph is pub- lisher and editor. of a news, mag- azine: of the Western Ontario Pipe Band Association named "Drone and Drum." - Mel very kindly sent us along • a copy, of the, December issue which features news of interest to pipers end.edrummers---affe-illi -lovers of Scottish music. Mel ,IS the son of Rev. J. W. :Stewart formerly of Lucknow and the late Mrs. Stewart. His 'wife • is the, former Lorraine Drennan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred • Drennan of 'Lucknow. At one time fMel was actively associated With the, Lucknow Pipe • Band., . , ,Word was received here of the sudden passing' of Mrs. Fred Co* of Orono. Mrs. Cox was the for- mer Christina Evelyn MacDou- gall, She passed away in 'Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on January 26th, at the age of 50. ; Besides her husband, _Mrs . __Cox -is- survived by :two, 'daughters, Mrs. Ross (Edith) GO' and 'Mrs Laurie .(Audrey). Buckley, both of Orono; her mother Mrs, John. A. MacDougall of Delhi, formerly of Pinecrest Nursing Home, Luck - now; two sisters Mrs. Leonard McInnes 2nd • concession , Kinloss and Mrs. Percy • Crosier of Delhi. -Funeral service was held from, Lang Memorial Chapel; Orono, with 'burial in Orono Cemetery. ,.Dougtild Campbell . Two ,Farmers Gore • gt; ..) D geld Campbell of , Waterloo ,escaped injury in a farm .accident at Roseville near Ayr last. Week when a elh ton bull gored 2 farm- ,ers and left them .in critical con- dition in :hospital. * Deugalde son of Mrs. . Mabel ,Campbelt of Blackhorse, is well known in the Lucknowr.e a where he attended high school, 'lle ,is an employee of the Water- loo Cattle Breeding . Association and is presently living at Water - lob. . • • .' '"• The bull, (Meadowlee Skipper; a prize winning animal, had been sold by its 'owner Robert ,Perrin, 48, of Roseville. The animal was to be ,shipped to Mexico, and prior to shipment the Waterloo Cattle Breeding • AssociationWere Collecting semen for Mr, Perrie .for future use in- his breeding program, This is Dorigald's job uwniitt.hthe artificial insemination , Ile and 'Mr. Perrin were in' the barn proaring to collect the S6 men when the bull turned on Perrin The had not Started to , , Escapes Injury d y 1' As 2 on Bull extract the seinen ancl the rea- son for the attack was not known: Dougald, with the help ,of..a hired man Fred. Evett, 3,4,• • who: had . arrived at the . scene, removed Mr. Perrin .to the •house where an ambulance was summoned: . .Evett • returned to t h e barn. Dougald later went out .to mo.ve • his truck to Make room •for the ambulance and when he went in- to .the barn, he found Evett slum- ped in the pen, also a victim of the bull.riThe bull, bV that tinie, had left him alone. Why Mr, EV- ett returned to tIVN bull pen was not knoWn. The two 'men were removed to St. Marys Hospital in Xitchener., ' - Both men suffered extensive in- juries 'and Were 'still on the crit- • ical list the, first of this week. The same Holstein bull, .a 'rib= .bon •winner at the *wet Winter' Fair, last year trampled.. a work- er breakirig his • arm and caus- ing multiple bruises. Yr. Per- rin's father was 'fatally gored by 'a bull op• the same farm 215 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. James McNaugh- ton of town,- a Scottish born couple, observed .their 30th Wed - 'ding anniversary on January letle They Were Married fin Dunferms 'line, County of Fife, Scotland in 1935. 'Mrs. McNaughton was the former Susan Terms. Her home Was at Marldnch County of. Fife. The MeNaughtons c a m,e to .Lucknow in November 1950. They have one daughter. Susan, Mrs. Rudy Henning of London, one son Jim attending- the Ontario Vocational Centre at London •and .twO grandchildren Elaine and Norman Henning. • Plans have been • made twice now by the McNaughton's family to honour their parents on this occasion but the Stormy Weather the past two week -ends interfered with their Plans. THE ,PLOWING .RECORD •, • ' Another 'addition to the win - 'ter plowing record... A look • out the window today would ,not , indicate •much 'plowing was being. done, this week, •but. a'neighbour of John Plas- ter.emether_ninthssof- Ashfields- tells us that john plowed corn . 'stubble for ,practicallya full week between Christmas and New Years: Plowing was re- ported' to•be quite good. John is.on the Gerald • Wal- ters or Tom Glen 'farm • on the 9th, , and is presently.' in / Toronto for part . of the win- . ter. ••••'• HEAVY ' SNOWFALL* TUEgDAY A heavy snowfall ov "ght • dumped 10" of snow the. LtieknoWarea early, esday Morning. . •, • Lucknow High Sc o 1 •.and • other r ux al 's ools , in t h•ee area; Wer clo s. Schools ' were also dos la • 'Friday due to sr* conditions. .56 inches of snow fell on. • Lucknow daring JanuaFy and by the • Way' February has • .started, it looks as if the pro- verbial groundhog will be dig- ging,. . deep' foranother six weeks. ., To Visit Sister CaliforniaIn Mrs. Cliff -Crawford of town will fly .frorsMalton to Los An - egos on Sunday. She will visit• With her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mts.' 'Lloyd .Keating Of Santa Ane, California; for two -or three weeks. The •Xeatings MoVO two years 'ago ,frgin Guelph, Ontario; to Santa Ana, California' whieh is about 45 miles from Los Angeles. Mrs. Keating • 'is the . former .Marion Theihtirn of Amberleye . „ • alett.D.INO,„ $ilverwoods Close' Downtown Branch Silverwood Dairies Istd;' have closed their downtown branch), as of. ItodaylFebruary 3rd.. All bus- iness will new be conducted from the main plant on Havelock St. north. , The. retail store downtown, with egg 'grading and Cream and milk testing .facilities goes back many years in the business life of Luck - hoer. It was geared for the horse. and buggy days when it was im- portant to have a ,convenient lo- cation downtown. However, :in re - 'cent years, it has not made for a smooth operation with the bus- iness under two roofs,' and plans have been - underway for some time to lobate the downtown 'oper- ation in themain plant at the "station.". .• • ' . • 'Employees in- egg grading division left the downtown plant about two months•ago. A new. Au- tomatic washer and grader was installed at the Cargill branch. of Silverwoods to streamline • this op- eration. Eggs are now received, at the Havelock St. plant and may be purchased there by the pubile as, they were before down-, Leonard 'MacDonald : was the lea' to go from the 'downtown branch and he will now do the testing work at the main plant., The downtown( building is being offered for sale. ' A fire in November of 1945 des- troyed the previous Campbell. St. branch. After a short time 'lo- cated in the Bill, Reidbuilding on main street, the present loca- tion of Gladys' Beauty., Salon, a new place waS:constructed which haC served .since that time. GAY NINETIES ingle Copy 10c 16 Pages, Will Work 'In Honolulu Hospital Linda Button will fly from Mel- ton -to Honolulu's' Hawaii, .on .;Feb- ruary 10th" where she will work in Kaulkeolani Children's Hospit. • . al. Her plans are to Stay at least a .year. ' Linda graduated.. as a-- Regis- tered Nursing Assistant .4rom South Huron Hospital; ,Exeter in Newnber. 1963. and then Worked in 'Victoria, Hospital, Londsin. She has been working in Winghani and District Hospital since. the fust of October. ' Some •of • ,Linda's friends went to . Honolulu in September. She Will join. them there. She will be accompanied on the trip' by Judy Parker of Brussels. Linda is the daughter of Mr. - and Mrs. Russ Button tof MerraY 36 .West. . s. oca Legion Teeswater Ice FUll Lucknow Legion are spensoring a Valentine ''dance • in the Legion • Hell ' February 12th with, the proceeds to go to. the artificial ice fund sin the 'village,' of Tees- -water.' ' The Lucknow Legion has quite •a. number- •members from -the' Teeswater-Culross area in their membership and it was the opin- ion of the club. that the . com- munity sponsored ice drive in Teeswater should be aided. The Legion has ,always received good support from 'Teeswater in ticket' selling events through the efforts of the Teeswater district mems' I bets. , We, of the Lucknow Agricultursi ,el Society . are Iready with our! variety concert and, will present it at The -Lucknow and Districts High School, on Saturday even- ing February 6th. ' You will:. laugh with us, sing with ns and enjoy the Gay Ninet- There's t o be 'dances, solos, choral grows, .quertettes,' .skits, fashion .show, Scotch and 'Irish comedians, _hen.joe,,elokes. _and_ -mandolin players, recitations and. a Magiciannone' other than 'Rev: J. W. Stewart, an old friend, now of Cooksville: , ,The • Master of ceremonies will be Lloyd Ackert Who will, have surprises galore All through • the program. • Come and see for 'yeurself. the yarn spinners and live and laugh. 'for .bwo hours with • The "Gay Ninety" Lads' and Lasses. s Advertisement , . • • Kinloss hope! early Debt .Free Donations to the 'South" Kinloss Memorial Chapel Fund not prev- iously reported in ' the Sentinel are listed below. The chapeldebt is now within $96 of being cern- . pletely paid... . . Fred Jackson, . Lucknow, • $20e Mr., and rs. ' Gordon Johnston,. Scarborough,' $10; :Mr .and Mrs., George Fisher, Whitechurch, $5; 'Mt. and Mrs. , Donald J. ,Low, Cardiff California, $2; Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLeod, Detroit; $5; Mr. Howard -Harris, Holyreocl, $5; Me. and Mcs. Alex Purves, - St. Helens, $10; Mr., and Mrs. F. A. Da,,vsori, London, $5; Miss 'Kate MacCrinunon, Toronto, third den- • , ation, $10; Dick Elliott, Ifolyrood,' $10: • Art Ernewein Heads..400* Evei Barkwell Auxiliary • Officers of the Lueknow. Branch 'of the Royal ,Canadian Legion, 'Branch 309,, and the Ladies! Aux- iliary totheLegion were installed at, a joint meeting Of the .group on, Tuesday:of last week. / Art Ernewein will heal.' the .„Ise - glen as president for .a second' term and Mrs. Evelyn BarkWell was elected president of the. lad- ies' group. The following officers were installed by three 'Legion .past presidents, Harold Ritchie, Garnet. Henderson and Joe King, LEGION sLATE, President, 'Art ErneWein; Past President, Joe King: First Vice President,„Wtiter Arnold; Second Vice President, •Jack Button; Se- cretary, Harold Ritehie; Treas- urer-, Garnet Henderson; Execu- tive Committee; Bert Xing, Irv, Eedy, Wm. ',Schneider. Cliff Crawford and 'Norman McKee; Sargent .. at Arms, David .Moffat. A vote of thanks was extended to 'retiring • secretary and treas- urer, Buster Whitby :and Ernie Lewis.. • ' ' • The past year was a erieceSa=. .Fot"Coming Year • , ful one for tne local branch' and the ' membership •climbed to a new high of 129 .including 11 hon- ourary members. - The village of Teeswater has no Legion, and t h e Lucknow branch is fortunate in having many, veterans from that area. All members are urged .to at- tend the monthly meetings, and, 'help 'keep the Legion active. • LADIES AUXILIARY OFFICERS President; 'Mrs. Evelyn Bark - well; Second Vice -President, Mrs. Jim Hamilton; Secretary; Mrs. Alex Inglis; Treasurer, Mrs. Ro- bert Hamilton; Sargent at Arms, Mrs., Bob Lyons; Executive, Mrs. Norman (11/IcKee and Mrs. Beet Xing; beth of Teeswater. . Past president Mrs. Clare John- stone and first vice-president Mrs. James McNaughton were absent and *wilt be installed at a regular meeting Along silllth others to be appointed, to thZ"' Executive Com- mittee. • , The ladies were installed by Joe King. and Art Ernewein of the Legion.