HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-27, Page 16"..01;73,4#•ag-riv.*Awanwoollnilak0.1.4,91.WeigirICAPF • PASI . • . • ?: THI! INCKNOIN •14.1.CKPIOVisONTARO • . . • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 27th, 194S.' , • • • • • . • • , • . ••• I"' • • For ur After haven , A W A Full Page•Of New Bargains This Week " • It .11111" • '" INN • • • „ , and.--Meien Wear •-:-; Lai:know , PHONE 528-2126 I. . AGENT FOR :KINCARDINE •CLEANERS • Fire. Pick.Up and /Delivery Monday, and Thursday • • . signs mann wises mu•m Exam an ■ eisai Ems ■ • am Man ■ ■ ■ 300 Is Goal Of Ladies Auxiliary In March Of Dimes Canvass Here The. Ladies Auxiliary Branch 309 Lucknow 'are sponsoring the. March of Dimes 'Drive locally the. first' kJ February. March of Dhnes goal for 1965 is $780,000.00 and in Lucknow we hopHe to raise $300. Funds are badly needed to carry on the vital watt of•'rehabilitating the •adult disabled of this &strict. 'there are a number of cases of disabled persons already known to the On- tario !larch of Dunes in 'Oda Branch area. No doubt there are many more who have not yet come for help, not realizing that something might still be done for them in spite of long standing dis- ability. If our readers 'know of such persons please suggest' to them that they write to the Dis- trict March of Dimes office at 150 Victoria St S., Kitchener, and the case worker will call on them. The March of Dimes arean- xious to be sure no one is- miss- ed who can be helped.. Be gen- erous when the Ladies Auxiliary call on you for this Drive. J. • Mrs. Clare Johnstone President, Ladies Auxiliary , ,0", • . " . . • ' ::HEAR WALKERTON SPEAKER AT. LUCKNOW. SERVICE* In spite of the icy weather conditions, a good congregation was on hand, at Lucknow United Church Stmday to greet D. H. Carton B. A., Guidance Counsel- lor of the liValkerton Collegiate. , Mr. Carroll took as his theme "Courage" and urged both Young - Adults and Parents to assume a • constructive attitude towards life; and its responsibilities. He point- - ed out that education. was not the ••mere gaining of knowledge but the -learning to live with other people • in a meaningful ,way. •- SORRY Al.LISTERI ,cour apologies to Allister Hugh- es •of.• Holyrood. /It must have • been a bit of • shock to Allister after ,an enjwable west coast holidayto find in the Sentinel headihres that he had been elect- ed &airman of the Kinloss Town- ship -School Area Board. • Although, the body of the story was correct list 'wee. -k in the fact that Allister was the nevir seem tztry-treasurer of the area, we slipped' in writing the head for the story and named 'hhi as chairman there. Leo Murray the chakrnan of the new area, but if we guess correctly, there will probably be times vvhen he'll let Allister share the loacl cif he wishes to do so. n Crutches For ver Two Months Mac McInnes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McInnes of Kinloss and a ' grade IX student 'it the Wallow District High' School had the cast removed, from lus leg .on .Thursday of last week. He 'Suffered torn ligaments in his •knee in an accident which' hap- peried Int, November 10th in a .Soccergame at the high sehool. He had a 'cast applied' from hip to toe .,at that tine. • It *was not pos.sible to apply a waifang cast and Mac has 'been getting around on crutches since the. accident. •• . , THAT Mrs, -Stuart Collyer enter- tained a. number Of friends on Saturday, .in honour , of h e r -daughter-in4avvi Mrs. Thom Col- 1yer of. Orangeville. • • 4 4 ' • Y. .* 1,111.1111.11111.11111111111111111MOOMMOGOMOMOOMMEMEMIMplIMIll ' • " Continues At .,, erine t's • • , . a . • • • • ' By The Sentinel THAT"' riellts from . the annual • meeting Of .the Ontario Here- • ford Breeders' dssociation lists • Thornton Eedy of 'Dungannon as a director of the group. The • annual meeting was held at • Guelph. 'MAT. first coisins, Wanda Hun- ter, Zion, and Annabelle Ritchie of near Ripley placed first and second . at 'the Legion public speaking contest at Wingham • .last,.week2end for junior. high •• school: competition. Wanda is the .daughter of Mr. and Mrs.* Jim Hunter and k Annabelle is the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Lorne Ritchie. THAT Hall's 'Red and:White StOre • .are advertising' the •Opening Of • the new meat department this' week -end. 1)on carter -Is operat- ing t.he new business which is „located at the . rear' .of Halls THAT the =nal meeting :of the Lucknow' Agricultural Society is • slated for -this Saturday in the town hall,' and with 'the Cen tennial fair in the planning sta . ges, it' is hnportant that a full attendance .be on hand.. THAT iMr and 'Mrs. Wilson Lc - der and,family; proprietors of the Mayfair Restaurant in Luc- ia/Ow, moved to Kitchener on Tuesday of this weelc. The rest-. aurtemporarily ant closed but it is . tmderstood negotiations • are being carried on with Par- tiesinterested in operating the business. .THAT plans for the 'Junior "B' hockey game are • progressing and Lions , now have advance, 'sale tickets available. The Kit- chener:Gederich game' here on February 4th should. be a good one' and ' you wotdd be. well ad- Nised .to. make your, plant .for tickets early. . • • • • THAT J. R. Lane;* Kinloss Town- shipclerk for many years, was at home b.-) his friendon Tues- . day when' open house was held on the occasion of his 90th. THAT Ehvood Jrwinof. Wingliani, • formerly of Lucknow, was in- itiated into the WinghamKins- men Club redently---,—.-. TI -IAT George Kennedy of White:- . church' has been a 'patient in Wingham Hospital following, an' 'accident west of WhiteChtu.c.h recently. -George suffered leg • and Chest injuries, and a crack- ed elbow. THAT Eric...Cox of Palmerston' and formerly of Lucknew, op- ,. erator of a sanitary equipment •• and , supplies', bukiness through thisarea, suffere$1 severe heart attack ...on December • 28th and. will not, be inaking his ' regular • calls ori customers in this area for a • tirne. MAT Bill Ross of Amberley will testify to the fast action of. • Sentinel classified .ads.. Billre- cently sold some. cows in .quick • order through.the classified' col- umn. He is, one of many who have .found Sentinel *ads bring qui& results if you have an item in good condi ion and at, fa -0 fair 'price. .k 50c claasified! • will dtake your •message into •2300 homes. , THAT if you were wondering what to do with that, stack of • waste paper that has piled up over the winter, the ' Lucknow •.lioy Scouts are .advertising a • paper 'collection for Easter, and they Would appreciate you saving yours. .• THAT we say thanks' to Mrs, Oliver ilVicCharleit .of • Lochalsh who very willingly filled in for the Sentinel, at the annual meet- • ing of lIclulow 'DiStrict Co-op. nary *11 last TuesdayAight, Mrs. 11/10. Charles is the faithful lochalsh, • • .tOrreVOitdent for The Luclr.noW *Ube-. • • • • • • YOUR "LOWEST PRICES** .000DLANI) • , . A , IT'S NEW! REGULAR 69c Crisco Salad Oil 24 oz _ASSORTED Cookies Super Sale AVON BRAND. 20 ox.i Choice Peas Sale GIANT 10c OFF PACKAGE Omo Super Sale ROSE BRAND. • . ,• • .•.•.. • . •.,..• •• • • • :SAVE, 14i bottle 55c SAVE. 10c 3 pkgs. 89c SAVE9c 4:tins )ickage" 79. SAVE TO 20c 4 pounds $1 FLASH!' THIS IS, NOT THE BANK .BUT • YOU. WITH $5.00 CASH PURCHASE - SAYE 24c Get Y2 Gallon Ice Cream — Only 69c . • • • • . • , . •AS USUAL, •• HEADQUARTERS FOR "SPIES"; BY. THE BUSHEL . We Sell .For Less Phone. Lucknow 528-3420 • . Values Effective • JANUARy: 211,. 29, 30: THAT Leonard :Courtney of Am- __ bet-ley:was, elected--direcior -for. ' Bruce -Grey at the meeting of of the Ontario Jersey Associa- tion held recently at -Stratford: THAT' Allan Reed will be one 'of the drivers oftwo bus loads from: this area who are Making a Florida trip the 'latter part of February. Allan drives for Bur- ley bus lines' on their Wingham- , Kitchener roufte. An ad :in this week's :isaue advises that a• number of seats are still avail- able for anyone, from this. area ' who might be' interested in go- • ing on the chartered -trip. Mrs.* Reed will accompany° Allan .on: • the trip south. ' • . ; THAT better ate than never., Wit we 'learned 'dila vveek-..that- Ronnie 'Austin,. SINT of Mr. .and, , Mrs. Harold town,•.1 has,:sbeen.,: employed .at: Orland. Irwhi'S • Garage in ' fOr the ,.past ouple�f inonths. .7THAT,...-Cotild It be, the .'ScOttish traditions of. the .area are a I thing ofthe pagt. The . annual Burns"' dance;. once. • •one. of ,the • most ;poPular, SoCial. events.. of, the 'year,clan- ed..' • ' only a handild 'Of' dancers here last ;FilidaSt 4)10g. The: evening., ' was , an' expensive . Tie for .tho' ...:sponsOrs, . Fire' .Del: partment; ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4••••* • JUNIOR. B HOCKEY • In The Lucknow Arena Thursday, 'February! ilth at 830 p.m. , • • Kitchener Greenshirts vsI •Goderich Siftos . • • • • • ' • • • THIS IS A'REGULARLY ,SCHEDULED GAME AND. IS • KITCHENER'S HOME GAME, FOR HOCKEY AT, ITS' BEST,• DON'T MISS IT, " * ' •••- ••• • • • , . AdultsPublic School Children 50c • .• • a. Advance Sale tickets Available Prom Ali Lions dub Members Z. • ‘..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:**4.4°. 0, :64 to isitrouscw.b dor irditimetuak Maeda %WAN •