HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-27, Page 4�rr*e:i+..warngrRs.;1, ?1-,111,+1}.,.! .haw*'' !• „- . PAGE; POW( THE 'LUCKNOW OP4T:INEL, I.UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY ; JAN. 27th, 1.9.N5 y tT :7 j ill 10 sill 117 iii: 1 ttr, ,41-1,.... ...c I ' ''il "17 Ta "'`Viii eir+i ni tC A- 1 i.ACGT41el111111‘a,"00.0.00,1 s !.1 tat "lf ^"`m ll"lArg . w C �i y }Mm .41'.40•001w1W�. w.�« I .�"'!.1'l f w; HOUSE FOR-' SALE -* duplex _.on_ corner; of Willoughby. ems. 'Inglis,' Apply Mrs, ,Margaret Carruthers, Ripley. FOR SALE — one .22 Coey belt - action reAeater; 14 shot'• with. s. cope,like new. Phone_ . Dungan non..529-7427. + • VALENTINE,. CARDS Valentine Card's, by Rustcraft now on sale at .Finlay Decorators, Lucknow. . 'CAR- FOR ' SALE 1963 Gala3de 4 -door V8, m -excellent condition, pricedfor quick sate. Ray. Stan- ley, :.R.R. 4 Kincardine, : °phi Bervie 2314:' FOR SALE =- . Holstein . ring- ers, also ,.Stocker cattle, nof down. payment, 3 , yearS to pay at 74 straight interest. Apply Stan Hors- 'burgh, phone 357-2744 :Wingham. FOR .SALE — ..4 Holstein heifers and 1 Holstein cow, 1 he fer and 1 :cow. are fresh with calf.' Jack MacKenzie, ,; R.R.::3 Luclutow, phone' .Ripley ' 73-r-16 • READER'S .`,DIGEST SPECIALS New ' subscribers may .purchase 15 months of Reader''s Digest for $2,• Renewal subscriptions . ac- cepted at :,the rate .. of , $2.97 per year: Leave your orders with The Lucknow . . Sentinel ' phone 528-3134. . FARMS FOR ; SALE - •, Two .one hundredcre farms with build - ins drilled . well • on 'each farm, situated on : good gravel `,road, Kinloss Township, 11' males. from. 'main highway, ',school `bus:._passes the door, , unmediate; possession;: terms can be :. arranged.` For fur- ther ' information. a itact:. , William! or Len Griffintelephone:528-3819 Lucknow. OFFICE '`SUPPLIES RECONDITIONED Adding ;Mach-: ines, Duplicators and .•Typewrit ers,. A •.good selection: while they, last: New S : Used Office Equip, meat ,of ' all . kinds. Phone. Collect to K. A. Hanitnond and, Co. Ltd. Moorefield, Phone • • 'J : 3346, Night 2292. AUCTION SALE' Allan ; ' Mac lntyre Licensed Auctioneer ..L cknow` - Phone ' 528.3519 u VACUUM CLEANER .SALES and SERVICE ' For'- ' all makes. Filter . ween ` S,ales, Varna;: phone . 262-5350. SEPTIC' TANKS CLEANED, •` Septic tanks, cess pools, . etc., pumpedand cleaned with mod- ern equipment. All;. work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. • 2 Brus- sels, phone 442 -w -G. • : a• WANTED CASHfor obsolete firearms for private collector Send price and description to J.. Davidson, 578 3 McCannan.' Ave. , Peterbor- ough. APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Applications, . sealed and plainly Marked; will be. received by 'the undersigned until 6:00 porn. Fri- day, February 12th, 1965, for the position of Township Clerk . for the Township of West Wawanosh. Applications mustsbe hand• writ - 'tor and provide details as. to age, '. educationand :experience. Salary, set at $625,00 per anf. num. , j Duties to . commence on Mardi 1st, 1965: • :. No application, necessarily ac- cepted, JOHN F4. FORA'. Township Clerk, R.R. 2, 'Auburn, Ontario MILKER- FOR SALE -.--two .unit, Surge .;buckets, also electric: Vik- ing cream separ tor, used . two, years • can cooler; Bill .Ross, •r A7nberley,• . ?hone Ripley 110 r 25 FOR SALE man's slight grey suburban cot; size ' 44, in excel lent : conditioi, reasonably priced, Reason for selling,, too large JackForster,, Lucknow, phone, i 52 -5th. PAPER COLLECTION Luck- now Boy. Scouts 'Pare. planning .,a paper collection for Easter time: Save your waste paper and, help, the Scouts' :•, • REPOSSESSIONS 2 Only Auto-matic Portable ; Machines •. 50% •OFF 1 Only De -luxe Polisher •$30:00 OFF 2 Only Vacuum Cleaners $30.00 .OFF 2 <: Only Straight Stitch Cabinet Model . Machines • 40% OFF 'SINGER COMPANY OF CANADA GODERICH Phone 524-8431 or Wingham '35'7-3730 CUSTOM . BUTCHERING Beef and '.pork' sold m. any : quan- ity., Custom butchering in Govern- Ment licensed abbattoir.... Pigs every Tuesday... Beef ' from; . M .o •n d'a y through :Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT' MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum, cleaning and pumping '`of septic tanks, Ronald. Forster, Lucknow, phone, ..528-3002, . manu- facturer of cement septic tanks and, well tile. IN LEMORIA 1VhcTNNES% In rXieznory of. Lyle McInnes who •passed away. Feb- *,nary ' 3rd, : 1964 , Just, one ;: short; year . ago,: A little ' +boy :so .•dear , Was taken up. to Heaven,: His' Saviour to: -be near, • We pray some' day we'll be with hint, Never!more ;to part. Bust *oh = he left an empty Spot And sorrow• in our . heart: Lovingly'.remembered by grand- parents .Mr. and Mrs.' John Innes, Ho1yd. ' HAMILTON In ,memory of ; Al- vin: 1`i�amilton who passed -away, January 28th, „1964: '• . Rs; - memory is as , dear.. 'to -day, °Aa • in the • hour. he passed, away. Lovingly remembered by • daugh- ters ' and son, Marie, ' Jan ':and Michael, • ' HAMILTON • Irl: memory. of Al- vin Hamilton who, passed away. January 29th, .1964.* ' • Gone from us` but leaving mem- ories ' Death can never take' away,.. Memories that will ;aways tiger While •i tion,; this` earthwe stay. • Lovingly remembered by wife .lean: ' HAMILTON In • loving' memo of Alvin . Hamilton who pass -away ' January 28the, 1964. Time may heal the'broken hearts, Time : may' ;nake'..the wound . less sore;' • Time can never stop the longing, For the loved one gone before.. Everrerrionn+bered by mother, brother and family.. LYONS In lovi g . memory 'of our cousin Jean L ons, who pass- ed ; away ' January '25th, .1964, Always rentembered by Fulton, Belle and Howard; Owen Sound, Ontario., . NG EVENTS GODERICH iiQNS7BINGO. • _ The Goderich , Lions will hold; a bingo:. on :Wednesday, February 3rd, 8:30 p.m. at. the ''Harbour - lite .Inn, seventeen regular games at .$10, one ' share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot and the new acceler- ating jackpot up to $250. and 2 door prizes. ,Admission $1.00, NEW CASH'. BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday evening, '8;45, p.m. 15 regular games $10.00 each. :4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot included' in each ,game. Jackpot this week $80.00 on 59 calls.. • "AN -EVENING'. OF.'MU.SIC" /. An Eveningof Music . with the Dominion' Life Assurance Choir of Waterloo will be held in' the High School Auditorium, n Ripley, . -on Friday, January : 29th at • 8 : 30 p,m. Admission 75c, ; students ::35c.; Spon sored'. by Ripley.Horticultural and Agriculture Societies 'JUST : WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORI The Lucknow Agricult tral Society :presents; the Co c�n ert Variety IN THE ;LUCKNOW DISTRICT ,HIGH • SCHOOL on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY at 8:15 Rush Seats • Pre-school Children Free • RECEPTION . A reception will be held in the Whitechurch.. Hall on Friday, Jan- uary 29th an-uary:29th -in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Conley (Elaine. Conn) •MuSie by Tiffins . Orchestra. Ev- eryone 'welcome. Lunch ..served::1 RECEPTION Reception in ' Whitechurch Hall, Saturday, February 6th,, 1965, for Mr. • and Mrs.. Murray Neable (Elizabeth Swass)x ' Ladies ;. please. bring;' 'lunch:: Music by .the Rip- pling, Water Boys of Kitchener...' NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM .and '.DISTRICT HOSPITAL ' ASSOCIATIO.N. The annual meeting :of the Wing - ham and District Hospital Assoc' iation will' be ':held • on Friday,. , February 5th, 1965, at ,$ p.m..,: in. thea •'Recreation R oom•, of ; the Nur- ses' Residence . at:. Wingham. All matters of business pertaining to the Wingham• and District Hos- pital Association will 'be • transac ted including 'the ; elect'ionof . di- rectors and; other officers.: In order; to east a ballot in the election of directors, a :person must be a member of the Assoc- iation. One year'. .memberships may be obtained for the, sum of $5.00• from.' the Wingham Hospital office. These memberships ` must be •purchased at least '15 days prior to the: annual meeting. 'Everyone welcome, . (This 'notice is being printed in this newspaper in • actor. dance with the by-laws). •R., B. Cousins, John Strong, President sec retary • • : • .. i. • •• 1 • S DON'S TV SERVICE j Experienced ' Alt Work Guaranteed ` '. • Prompt , Service Reasonable Rates s , PHONE .184,: RIPLEY' io•1ti••oi•o•i•••••••••i ..401-4; *r+•a": aj.i u►1■E.1 ' i #F tier retie Orr • Notice LQ4 e ftOrsCARD OF THANKS 'NOTICE' TO CREDITORS. In. The 'Estate Of ; - H' 'RVEY' ELLIOTT.: ROBB A.. ' deceased ; ' All persons having claiins against the estate of Harvey 'Elliott Robb,. late of the Township of'Huron; in the. County of Bruce, Farmer, de- ceased, who died -on or about 'the -7th. day of December 1964, '. are hereby notified to send full . par- ticulars Nof •their claims to, the undersigned Solicitor for the Ex- ecutors on or ^before the 5th .day of February :1965, as after • the said . date the estate will be did tributed ' amongst those entitled. thereto having regard only, to the claims of , which the Executors. shall :then have notice. " Dated at • Listowel; , Ontario, this 12th` day of January : 1965. • . R. W. ANDREW, Listowel On- tario; Solicitorfothe Executors:; TENDERS ANTED County af Huron Tenders For Trucks & Tractors SEALED . TENDERS ON FORMS AND IN. ENVELOPES ` AVAIL- 'AB.LE FROM, THE UNDERSIGN ED' WILL 'BE ACCEPTED•'U'NTIL Si00 P.M. 'ON THURSDAY,. FEBRUARY- llth, 1965 for the following: 1 32,000:.G.V.W. truck 2 - 30,010 G.V.W. trucks 1 -� 25,000 'G.V.W. truck 1 ton 'pick-up . truck •: ton economy, 'vans 40 H.P. farm tractors. with mowers 2 _ 60 H.P. industrial tractors with : front end loaders No tradeins. -- .used' equipment will be sold .by.. public ,auction. The lowest' ;orany tender not' necessarily accepted. J. W. Britnell' County; Engineer Court House 'Goderich, Ontario' '.Toho D. Ross, Cayuga,' former Lucknow' Public School principal. writes: , "Enclosed find • renewal for. ' Sentinel, our very welcome wekkly letter. A very :happy and prosperous New• `Year to you and yours and all the .good folk7lround Lucknow.':' "We enjoy y reading• the ,Sentinel and;: keeping in touch with Luc- know's • news," . writes' Mrs. Larry Cowart of Oakville, the. former: Mary Jo Anderson. y: DeadS+ocki Rernovcil Service We are licensed to 'remove dead ded or' crippled' _ farm animals for sanitary: disposal. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect: to: MRS,; GORDON. TAYLOR. 528.5950, Lucknow .24-hour Service Licence Nos. 215C63 and 22RR63 I wish; to express- appreciation ppreciaton: to all Who -,remembered me while I 'was _ hospitalized. Special 'thanks. for visits, cards and letters. • :. Bill Ro T. wish to 'express my si _ thanks to my many friends 'and relatives for their cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I was a patient, "in Wingham 'Hospital; Special thanks—to Drs. Corrin and McKim, also'' nurses ony 3rd and 1St floors,; Tom Rivett. I voisli to thank all who re- membered mewith: cards, let- ters ,and :visits while I was • . a• patient in _Wingham • Hospital. Spe-; dal thanks to Doctors and nurses for pare . and' to Mrs. Annie .Mc- Diarmid for kindnesses. Debbie Reed Mac 'McInnes, grade. IX student a't L.D.H.S., . wishes to .thank:all for treats, cards, visits; the kind=' nesses shown :•by )Mr. L. E. Goy - Otte and . iteachers .and, to thestu dents who' willingly tarried ' books: the .'-past several 'weeks. • These. kindnesses were • very much ap- preciated: ' ppreciated.. • :• • Mrs. Sam . Nesbit wishes 'to thank neighbors and friends for: cards and sympathy extended to. her, at : the : time of the . death of her sister:' Their kindness:. was deeply, appreciated. NOTICES NOTICE The °Annual Meeting :: of. • the. Liicknow Agricultural Society will , be 'held . in the Town Hall, . Luck, - now, ..on Saturday,::January' 30th, at 200 p.m. Election of 'officers. • Centennial plans will be discussed.. Your attendance is requested. NOTICE <. .BUS ' `TO FLORIDA • Anyone' interested' in going .to Florida by chartered bus for two ' weeks from February 21 : to Mar- ch .; 7, inclusive, contact Allan. Reed for ;4nformatiion .+a.s soon as , possible. There is still; ;,.+accomo dation for ,approximately 12 pas- sengers. Phone 528-3502. • • ♦ . .♦ 2 •♦ 1AIE SELL RURAL 'ONTARIO ♦, . ♦ Here . is the : . opportunity' . you have been ; waiting for. Why Inot change your rent receipts; into ;payments on . your own ,into For a. mere $1,500. down ♦ • and ' easy ,payments .rti... cane ♦ become .the proud owner, of • this 2' storey brick;home sit ♦uated on a. well landscaped lot; only a few -minutes' drive from! Win Z ham on Highway 4. This; i. g is a buy you can' dt afford • Y Y to miss, so don't: miss inspect- i. .rig it at your- earliest .eonven- ♦ lenge, • $7,900 with a ' modest iinent downpay-s and easy terms, Good 43 �' acre farm.just .on the outskirts. of Teeswater, 1.1 storey home 'completely modern. King sized: •barn. equipped • with • hydro o and • water, etc, , Silo 12' x36'. • • • PAUL •STARR. A :COMPANY, LTD`, REALTORS t • ♦ WINGHAM,' PHONE 3573840 ••' *Local Agent E. PENNINGTON`