HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-27, Page 1..4w...•�.rM,.
$4.O0 A Year In . •Advance -- $1.00, Extra , To U.S.A..
Ingle . Copy 10e
16 `Pages
�o Businesses Replace Six Forder 0utl�ts
{ Two . modern new buildin • s ' will
rise from the ashes.of a ,serious
fire that hint Lucknow's main
street :a couple of . months ago.
While it has been "street .talk"
for some time now, final arrange-
; ments in regard to property 'pur-
chases were made. - by the • Bank
( of . Montreal and' Crest Hardware
this past . week -end: \: ,.
The ' new Crest Store,: operated
byCharles Webster and Donald
MacKinnon will be built on the
former site of ,' the burned out
hardware but has been enlarged'
to take.. in the ' property . of Joe
MacMillan. The Crest Store will.
butt upto the : apartment ` and
pharmacy of Elmer Umbach..,ii
.Si e
-of the new. cement block : building
will -be 40'; x The overall con-
tract has . been let to John. • W.
Henderson Lumber Ltd. of Luck-
now.. The cement block work has
been sublet to the Brown 'Con-
struction of* Walkerton who com-
menced . work inpreparing the
footings , several days ago.
• Milton' Rayner; manager of the
Bank of Montreal her has "an-
nounced that the ' bank . has pur-
chased.'property fon a new branch
to the • west of the Crest Store
and which will butt ,up to Sander -
son's Ladies' and Men's Wear;
The frontagepurchased is 60 feet
with the ' bank.... building to be
about 50 feet in width and a 10
foot walk being provided by.. the.
bank as accessto a -parking area
at the rear 'which is, Planned by
both the :Bank and Crest. The
Wilding of 'the new branch.. .will•,
•depend • ,largely on the headof-
fice's .building' program and- pro-
spects" now call -for construction
to start in the spring of 1966.
The two new places of busi-
ness : on the main.'. street are wet
come news to most main street
merchants and will fill. a gaping.
hole that followed the 'recent ' fire.
Two places of business will now
be. located in an area that housed
Six previously. Prior, to the fire,
Gordon Fisher's Barber Shop, Joe
MacMillan's Butcher Shop; Web-
ster and MacKinnon . Hardware
and ; Gladys' Beauty., - Salon operat-
ed in that location '••as well as.
two empty, places of businessin
the block •owned by Mrs. Helen
Included .'in • the property trans-
action as well as the Joe Mac-
Millan ,property and the Crest pro-.
perty„. which both Were 'destroyed.
in . the fire was ' the ' three -business
block of .Mrs: Helen Wraight which
wasdamaged byfire, water and:
smoke. This property :will* dis�-
Mantled by the . bank pri oto
construction of the ' new bran h.:
Mrs .• John Walker of Lucknow,.
the 'former Eliza . Ann Elliott;
passed away suddenly at her
• home : in ' . Lucknow •. on' Tuesday
evening of last week She was
74years of age
funeral The u e service Was held
from . the MacKenzie • ;Memorial:
: ' Chapel ; in • ;Lucknow . on ' Friday
with temporary entombmentin
South Kinloss Mausoleum.
v. Gordon Fish
Sunday evening . the Week -of
Prayer Service was held at+Luck-:
novo. United. Church with the Rev
erend Gordon Fish, Minister of
Wingham Rresbyterrian''Church, . as.
guest . speaker.,All 'the . local" min-
isters 'participated ,,jn theleader-
ship . of ,' theworship and • the joint
choirs inspired the congregation
with. Gounod's fine anthem "Send
out. Thy Light." . Rev. Mr. ' Fish
chose for This theme ' `Meaningless
Christianity ' and The Prayerless ,
Church." • He stated that criticism
of the Church was, in;' :so many
ways, valid. "but that such .cert-
icisms involved all those 'who .pro
feed to be. Christians, for they
are The Church. He wenn . on to
say that the only way. for Chris-•
tianity to be an effective farce
in life was for eaeh _ one, from
the ' youngest 'to the eldest, to be-,
. come a pray�ing Christian. -With-
out a Prayer Life ' . Christianity
can ' never .be ',operative in life.
The ; Offering from this, •
of Worship goes to the Canadian
Council of Churches to aid in
their General Work at home and
in `the World Work.
AshfieldI Farm,
Biiy Lucknow Home
Mr. ' and Mrs. Pete . M acDonald
have' sold their Ashfield' Township
farm and will move to Lucknow
where they have purchased a
The, farm has been � sold to W.
A. ,Van Dyk who Chas • . been em-
ployed in ' Colborne Township. Mr.
and. Mrs. Van Dyk have a fam-
ily of four ranging in age from
5 ; years to •. 6 . months,- Henricks,
Nora, P er/ and ':Tony. The'win
!obtain possession 'on -.April 1st. •
Mrs . and Mrs. MacDonald have
purchased' . the house in Lucknow
of Mr. and Mrs... Bob Hamilton.
The property .is located . across
the •road and a.'bite to.. the west
of-•:.Treleaven's Feed ,Mill. The
MacDonald family is "comprised'..
of John, an employee of U.D.P.C.
at : Tara, Jim who has been ac-
cepted ; into .the Canadian Army
in \ September and Marianna,; a
grade 12 ..stident at Lucknow Dis
trict High ;School.' The' MacDon-
alds obtain possession of the
house'.on April 1st
Mr. ' and: Mrs. Hamilton will
move to their . other' home, on
Rose : Street known . to many .as.
the "Sherwood" place:` It is pres-
ently 'being occupied by their' son
Lorne who is ..seeking other ac- :
comodation. Mr,. and: Mrs.. Ha
ilton lioug ht the house.' that they'
sold' • to the • MacDonalds from
Mrs..Evelyn Barkwell and ' have
resided there for , close ' to six,
years., They purchased '.'the Rose
,St, house last Year' from the es-
tate of Samuel Sherwood and did
considerable renovating. ; /
Record Year For Lucknow Co-op,
NetSavings lWay-Up, Rohbis
Appointed As• president "dor 1965
There' are still a few people
whofeel 4that:.their` mo .. , y. is
safer in their : sock .' or under
their ' pillow than in theNbank
• Jim Aitchison of West' Wawan-
osh came in contact with . a'
family •of. this ".type while op-
. erating a bread delivery route
in . the : London . area a few
years ago. .
Jim has' in his possession
two one:. dollar .bills, 'consider-
ably larger than the' present
day bill, one dated ,1911 and
the other 1898:. The pair are
.reported to , 'be worth •'about
$25 on today's collectors ;mar-'
Ain also picked: up ; many
old :coins while on ,the . same,
job ` and 'has kept . thein • with
his . collection. The two ; bills
are.,ondisplay in the Sentinel
Co-op Plans for:-
,Liquid Nitrogen
As an • added service to' the •pat
irons' of `Lucknow District; Co-op-
, 9 nitrogen liquid uid nitro e... will' now
be • available' locally to service
the farmers of . the area.
• Two 8000 gallon tanks 'are be-
ing installed across from the fer=`
tilizer. .plant at the ,:north : end of
town on :a piece of. land being ac-
quired from • John W. Henderson
Lumber Ltd.
The nitrogen . is applied by the
Co-op and the chief users at •prey-
ent are expected to • be those
growing corn, -although —it has,
other useful results in hay and
pasture . growth.
spendtne n
Mr. and Mrs: W. A. Porteous
'left last Sunday for Daytona
Beach, Florida, where they. will
the next few months:
(By Mrs Oliver McCharles)•
, The Lucknow District Co-op
banquet and meeting was a; de
cided.:success. In spite of. blustery
winds, snow and bad' roads, 'over
125 people • sat down to .a banquet
served by >t'he .Zion United Church
Evan Keith, , r 'd the toast
to the Queen after which 'Rev. G.
Kaiser' of Ashfield , circuit led
in. prayer. and repeated that of
Bobby_' Burns,Mrs. Ross Cum-.
mings~ entertained ' during . the
Meal. With ..her music ,
Head Table Guests -
Jack Curran irltrocluced ' the
dead table, Mr.: and Mrs, Evan,
,Reith, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hend-
erson, Mr. and Mrs:: Stuart Jam-
ieson, R. .S. McKercihe", rtriiph.
IcMihan, , Mr. and ` Mrs.' Bill
;Mr.,and Mrs. Albert
'Ross, 'Tay-
lor, Mr. and 'Mrs. Alvin , Robb,
Mrs, Jack Curran, Grant
Ddnald..Mr. Kaiser was called on
and spoke to :thegathering , say-,
ing he felt he was a `2nd hand Co-
op man as he had always W'ork-
'ed with• people who in one 'form
or another had belonged to puch
organizations for he came from
the , "West where Co-operation
was' the only way one could live:
Ross Henderson expressed thanks
to' the .ladies of Zion for prepar-
ing such a banquet having strug-
gled through the weather ele-
Ment.s to do, So.
Mrs. Ritchie of Zion. replied.
(Continued on page 13)
Nigh School Staff
Honours Member
Following1Uar isge
The staff of Lucknow ,District
High • ;School • met on Tuesday ev-
ening, January 10th, at. the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Hall:
Five tables of Court Whist . were
played, the winners ,being Mr:;
and Mrs„'
Peter •Connors; Tom
'Ram�autarsingh and Mrs..Mel 'Gey
Mr. and' Mrs Tom Ram+autar-
singh were honoured on their re -
emit marriage,1 a h member of
the staff expressed.' their good
wis&lios ' and a three tier. alumin-
um. dish v.;, q . presented' to the
„r, .veds
utItow Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary�
Financiaily. "Adopt” Youtl
The Evening Auxiliary of Luck
now: Presbyterian •Church h a;s
"adopted" an Indian youth and
through the .contribution • of $120
per year, 12 -year-old Priston Mar-
tin : will, be able to 'continue his
ed ucation in India.. The "adop-
tion'? : was .arranged, . through the
Christian Children's Fund /of%..ban-
ada. The ,folllowing letter'' was
ceived• 1ere by , the Presbyterian
Ladies' group.
In : In
January 11, . 1965
Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary
: Mrs.:Stuart.. Jamieson
Box .63 --, ,
Lucknow, • Ont.; Canada
Dear Friends:
• Here. is ' the news you have
been -waiting for:.
" I know you will, be pleased to
receive the picture of your :"adop-
ted" child. ' Because of your gifts,
this ' child now has : security and
happiness - and • the .blessing ev-
ery youngster deserves.
I° wish . I. could;better express
my'•.gratitude for all you are ; do-;
ing;' to,. help this child. Without
sponsors such as yourself many
more children would be:.begging`
in -'the streets, wrapping rags ,
around their'° feet, huddling in a
doorway to . escape the cold ' --
going without guidance: and edu-
But ; your ' help creates a new
world for them 7 -:".and .: a 'better
world for all of. us . to live in.
I ami ; glad to •be able to give
you the , following, information
about the child especially select-
elected.for you
Name, Priston Martin Born,
January. 1, 1953; .:Grade, sixth,
Fay. subj., Hindi; ' Personal char-.
acteristics, A likable, co-operative,
(Continued on page 13)
andaHunte r 1.
Speaking�:, , Champ
(By John Bradley)
Last Tuesday, January 19th, the
public speaking ,finals for L.D H.S.
were run.. off.', There were, .two'
divisions, junior and `senior. The
finalist' for :the. juniors were Jan-
et Carruthers, Wanda Hunter
Donna E. ' Ritchie, Nancy. Bushell,
Jon; Lizmore and Russel 'Min;
and for the . seniors Jean, Sutton;
Beverly : Phillips, `Linda Little'' and
John Bradley. Judges for the " fin.-
ataffls w: ere 'members of the .L.DH.S. •
The results ,were as follows is
junior, first, Wanda Hunter; 'se-
cond; Jon Lizmore; third,' Nancy
Bushell; senior, first, John Brad-
ley; second, Jean Sutton; third,
Linda. Little. Regulations .Allow-
ed only two contestants to go
to . Wingham, so the top two jun-
iors : and,: .seniors', went .to Wing -
ham last Saturday " to compete
against g st th e schools of Ripley and
Wingham in 'tile Legion contest.
In the ,junior , division there was
a •total of five • contestants and
in , the '.senior. division -.there ' was
a total, of six`: -competitors. ft was
a great.thrill, and a ' weld de-
served honour, for Wanda ; Hun-
er, . the daughtr of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Hunter of . Ashfield, to "walk,
off" with the ',Advance -Times tro-
phy in the, junior division. ` Anna-
-belle Ritchie of -Ripley D.H.S.'was
second, and Jon Lizmore of LDHS
was in third place. In. the senior
division ,Charles - Congram' 'o f
Wingham was first,' Shirley Steele
of Ripley second; ,and 'Jim Ern-
merton of Ripley, third..•
It was .a ,pleasure for myself
to be a contestant; and; knowing
the stiff • competition, I. wish to
congratulate not . eniy. , the winners
but everyone that was at all con-
cerned with the competition. Also
I would ,like to thank 'Mr; Hall
and..+.Miss ,Plum°steel of : 'LiH.S
who helped the contestants out
throughout the "'competitions." -
Mrs. William A. Miller of List-
owel 'passed away, at. her borne in
Listowel at they 'age of 69. The
funeral was conducted at the Mc-
Laughlin and R eed Funeral
Horne, Listowel.
The former Sadie Roach;, . Mrs,
Miller ;was a sister of , Mrs, gain
Nesbit, .Lucknow, Mrs. Thomas'
Culbert, Dungannon; Mrs.; Fred
Herd, Ripley;;' George • Roach.
Kincardine; Mrs. Jack Blankett,
London; 'and ; Ernest, Roach of
Omar Brooks Sells
Kinloss. . Farm
Albert Lentiips of :R R. 1 Shielt
enham;bas purchased the farm of
`Omar :Brooks'. on the • 3rd ` *concess-
concession of Kinloss. The' farm is ' known
to most people as the "Wes. Tiffin
:place:" Possession „ will be ` ob-
on ;the first of. April.
Mr. and Mrs. -are are" ' na-
tive Hollanders and: are members
of, the Christian • Reformed
Church. They have afamily of..
three children, ' Joen 7, . Jean 6
and: Henry 3. , Mr.' .ennips work- •
ed for several years . in the • Acton
area and: for the pest .,six years.
has been employed on the Lions
dale Dairy Farm. at Victoria.
'The ' local sale. -was made ;: by
F. C. van. Eyl, 'local agent ,for
John Bosveld Realtor of ` Meaford.,•
RetiresA .. s• Post
Office C�retciker
Mrs', Charles • (Mern) Cooke bas
resigned as.caretaker at 'the::".
Luc tnow posoffice due to.'a
heart condition:: • ....._
hwhich will require
'herimeto take.' things easier. . for a
Mrs. Cooke has been :caretaker
for. 41 ars since the . death of
her husband. Charlie had • served.
as caretaker for six ; years prior
to that.
Duties at the post office Are
being parried ' on temporarily` by :.
Carrie . Milne and Ken ' Cameron
until a successor. is . named.
Hunters :Bag f
East. Of H�lyrood
A party of '3 hunters last Fri-
day 'bagged a wolf in Kinloss
Township east of Halyrood ' and •
near the 'eighth concession. The
threesome were "Jim ;McEw,an of
Kinloss who shot the animal' and
Harvey ' and Jack 'McQuiilin of
St.. Catherines, sons "of . I/Mr.
and Mrs. Dick 'Mc"Quillin of the
6th of Kinloss. .
Reports of wolves have been
quiteprevalent fbr some time.
About three weeks ago,, Jim and
Donald McEwan, Dick and , Her:
vey McQuillin and George Whitby
of Lucknow' wounded one but it
got .-away. FriThe one shot day'
was not the same animal...
Forshooting: the 50 lb, wolf, the
hunters' were e eligible for a Pro-
vrncial-Coup To ...i
t'y- wns�hip ,botin,ty of
$55. .'