HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-20, Page 471 AG* • :P rte:: rl .. ftIl l; THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JAN.. 20th, itis • • • • • y�` 4 it ;i7,'sc. L` � r 40:41Y i 14rVii. ■ 1 ''1..;R 4 7 IIIN s y Amu, Ali • f Y r'L �... r a'1i[ r a y" i7';1t^" l tt'1i10,„ \ii. ,i} Ii.ua • • 't it* i ti ff *x L nl J 10?1119Rw•10:.rq HOUSE FOR SALE duplex on. Corner ' of Willoughby and Inglis, Apply ''Mrs:.: Margaret. Carruthers, Ripley:• FOR SALE ' one 22 Coey bolt action ` repeater; 14 shot with` scope, like new, Phone D gan- non ' 529-7427. ' VALENTINE CARDS Valentine Cards by Rustcraft now on sale. at Finlay Decorators,. Lucknow. FOR SALE three Holsteinhei- fers, due to freshen „'in one week. Ross 'Henry, Port , Albert, .'phone Dungannon 529-7344. FOR• , SALE'" Holstein Spr ers, also." Stocker'cattle, no down . payment, 3 :years to; pay at 73/4% straight interest. Apply Stan 'Hors" - burgh phone 357-2744. - Wingham. • FOR SALE -" An 85 'Massey Diesel tractor,' 2 ° years old'; also W.D. "'45 Allis-Chalmers with-stan dard front- end.' Terms available, will trade on anything. Stan' Hors burgh, 357-2744 Wingham. CORN : FOR 'SALE cob: and kiln dried :corn : from the . Ridge- town - Chatham area in .5 -ton and truckload lots., Jim ; ` MacEwan, Xinlossi, phone' 2410 Bervie FARMS FOR SALE Two' one hundred acre farms with build- ings,. drilled well . 'on . each. farm;'. situated on good ' gravel road, Kinloss Township, 1724miles from ,main highway, school: bus passes, the : door immediate; : esn,.' _'pers1 ,;. 4 terms can be 'arranged.. For fur - titer information contact: William or •Len ' Griffin;' telephone . 5283819;. .OFFICE ; ,SUPPLIES- RECONDITIONED Adding- Mach- ines,`` Duplicators and. Typewrit- ers. A.. good selection while they Blast. New & Used Officeuip ment n o , : `of all kinds.Phos Collect llect to K. A ::Hammond; and Co. Ltd. Moorefield, Phone J .3346, Night 2292:, .. 'AUCTION SALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed ' Auctioneer Lucknow Phone 528-3519 VACUUM CLEANER SALES and .SERVICE For all makes - : Filter . Queen Sales, l Varna, : phone 262-5350. SEPTIC'. TANKS CLEANED Septic ,tanks, cess 'podia, etc., pumped and cleaned with' mod- ern egiupthent. All ' work gdar-. anteed:. Louis Blake, R. . 2 Brus- sels phone 442-w-6 Somanump Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald. Conley would like. to thank all those' who were SQ kind in sn. many ways atthe time of the death of their baby, Larry Ronald. This thought- fulness was very . much _apprec- iated: -.CUSTOM BUTCHERING . Beef and •pork sold in any quart- 'Ky. uan'ity.' Custom butchering: in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday., Beef . from Monday, through Thursday. • •• BUTTONS MEAT MARKET We wish to . express our -sincere thanks .to all who so kindly re- membered us . in ` various ways. Their, thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated. Judyand Craig Brooks Moya Reed wishes: to• sincerely thank all . who so kindly remem- bered 'tier while • she was `hospital- ized in Winghairi: Special thanks to, Doctors Corrin and Mciclth . and the ' nursing : staff of the. North Wing, would like to : take tins: 'opport unity to ' thank all my friends and neighbours for : all their kindness- es duringmy stay ' in the hospit- al. Special thanks to : Dr. Corrin and <" Mary: Rivett. Mrs. Pat 'Stocking •SE?TIC TANKS CLEANED Vacu m 'cleaning and pumping of septic ' • tanks, Ronald Forster,. Lucknow, phone 528=:3002, manu- facturer ' of cement septic tanks and . well tile: , , We wish . to , express our ` sin- cere ,gratitude to All ."the friends and • neighbours, ' who assisted, ` us. in and way at the time ` of ' our recent fire. A special thank . you to , the' Lucknow . Fire Department for ;their' prompt response These kindnesses will always be rem - em emerbered • ' Glen' &. Rosalind Hodgins: & family Gordon hyon.s.;'wishes" . to . ex- press his sincere " thanks:, to all who 'kindly - remembered ` h while he. ' w a's ' hospitalized in Wingham; and' to those who help- ed .with' the farm. work. • I wish to ;express sincere thanks to my. neighbours and friends who were so kind in remembering 'me. while in hospital. Margaret Agnew WANTED WANTED TO BUY - Cub swea- ter size 14 and cap: ` Apply Mrs. Walter. `Scott, Lucknow. CASH. -- for obsolete firearms for `private collector. Send price and description to J.; Davidson, • 578 McCannan. • Ave., .Peterbor- •ough. WANTED = Responsible girl or • woman in Lucknow area for oc- casional baby sitting' for new' fam- ally in Lucknow, Rev. Dirk. J. M. Lieverdink, Ross St., 528.35124 hwould . like to . thank " all who remembered me with cards and visits. while I was ; in Wingham and District hospital. • Ed . Blackwell To say ` "Thank you" seems a small way to express my •'apprec-' iation for •.all who.. visited me, sent • cards ,and flowers., Special mention' 'to U.0 W.` of , Dungannon. church, Dungannon Institute, Rev. Mr. Veldhuis, Drs.. Corrin and McKim and the nurses ; 'on 3rd and '1st floor who so' kindly. cared for ine. • } Mrs. Raymond:` Finnigan )GODERICH LIONS BINGO The '. Goderich Lions . will hold 'a bingo on .Wednesday, January. 27th, • 8:30 p.m., at the Harbour lite Inn, seventeen regular, games at .$10, _one • S hare -the -wealth, one $50 .jackpot and the ' new acceler- ating jackpot up. to ' $250 and 2 door prizes. . Admission $1.00. NEW `CASH" BINGO . .Legion.. Hall, ..Lucknow, • every Thursday evening, .' 8:45 p.m. 15 regular. games ' $10.00 . each. 4 Share -The -Wealth . games • with jackpot. included' in each,. ,gain. -Jackpot this week $75.00 on; 58 calls. • "AN'; EVENING OF ; MUSIC. An .Evening, ,of • Music ,with , the. Dominion Life Assurance Choir of., Waterloo will be held in; the :High,: School Auditorium, Ripley, 'on . Friday;: January 29th at. 8:30. p.m. Admission 75c, students ,35c. 'Spon- sored by .Ripley Horticultural and Agriculture Societies. EUCHRE ;`,PARTY In St Augustine Parish Hall on Friday, January 22nd t.9 00,:p m Lunch; Good :prizes SCOTCH -CONCERT. aid DANCE* ,, The St. ' Helen's: W.I. are hold- ing 'a Scotch; concert and dance. on `. Friday, January 22nd in the ' St. ' Helen's . Ha1L . 'Tiffin ,orchest- ra.. Ladies please "bring,. sand:': wishes. . Admission ' 50c and 25c. OPEN HOUSE Mr. J. R:. Lane . will be at home to his 'friends,. on, the occasion `of his .:90th .birthday; .' on, . Tuesday, January ;26th: , from 3-5, .and 7-9 p.m. MINOR HOCKEY 'NIGHT. Inobservance of ,Minor ' Hock- ey Week, minor hockey night will be held in the Wingham Arena this Saturday, January ;23rd; Four hockey, games, will feature the. evening, . all. Detroit' versus °Wing-,. ham. At' 5 p.m 'Detroit .and Wing - ham PeeWees• will play,.. Bantam. at 6:15 pin.; • Midget at 7:30. p.m.; Juvenile ,•at 9 .p:m.;': Ross F. orster, Doug Johnston and • Don- ald Fisher.., from • ` ,Lucknow' • are .members of the Wingham. Juven- ile team which .has lost only ;one game. Four . NHL 'tickets, for (a Saturday : afternoon game in : De troll .. on February 20th, ' will be given as door prizes at the minor, hockey , night., USE S.E1`''iNEL` WANT -APS' APPLICATIONS The' AshfieId Township School Area .:Board invites applications for the .position of 'supply 'teacher, Applications to be received by the' undersigned . up to January 25th.. Envelopes to •be marked "appli- cations." • . ',Howard. C. Blake, Secretary -Treasurer' R.R. 7; Lucknow. TENDERS Not NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of . •- •HARVEY' ELLIOTT:°" ROBB• deceased . All pp ersons shaving' claims, against. .the 'estate. of Harvey_ Elliott. _Robb, late of the . Township of: Huron, in the .County of Bruce, : Farmer,.de ceased,. who: died .on or about, 'the 7th day of December.. 1964,; are hereby ,notified. to ,send full:. par= ticulars of their claims to the'•: 'undersigned ,Solicitor for, the Ex- •ecutors on or before' the 5th ;day of February '1965, as ' 'after the said ' date the estate :will be.; dis- �tributed` amongst. • those entitled, thereto having' . regard . only ;to . the Claims . of ' which the Executors shall then•: have notice: , ' .-Dated. at ' Listowel, ::Ontario; this, 12th" day of January 1985. ANDREW, Listowel,: On- tario' Solicitor, for the Executors. • 283134 jceTo`Credifprsl NOTICES MOORE, GORDON In' loving memory: •':of a 'dear father and grandfather '-.who passed away January . 20th, : „1964... ; Ma the winds of . time blow, softly Upon our: sacred plot; 1?0 Y , Where ones :'we love a•re .rest-. ing. ;• -And will never be forget Ever remembered • by ' Alvin, Eileen,'. Helen and • Muriel: Tenders for the caretaking in the •following • Ashfield. Township, Schools: No. 1, -No. 6, Union,,' 8; No, 9,' . Union 13, No. 16, will be. received by :the Secretary,-Treas user up to January 25th. Tenders to .state salary . expected: • Lowest or any tender not ,necessarily ac- cepted. ` Envelopes to be marked "Tenders." • Howard ..C. Bltke, 'Secretary -Treasurer R.R. 7, ':Lucknow. APPLICATIONS •• WEST :WAWANOSH, TOWNSHIP Applications,; sealed and ,plainly marked, ' will . be ' received by the .undersigned until 6:00 p.m. Fri-; day, February 12th, 1965, for the'. position of Township Clerk , for the Township. of West Wawanosh, Applications ' m'ust be ' hand writ- ten and, Ovide details • •as oto age, .education' and experience. ' 2 • • Salary is• set` gat $625:00 aper .ah num..' Duties ' . to commence . on March halic t 0196n ppnecessarily ..cepte i . . JOHNFFORAN Township Cleric, ` RR+, 2, Auburn, Ontario 1Vlany Sentinel subsoil:).• tions fall due the first of ,LUC1CNOW : ' PRONE 528-2903 till year, Your prompt at. _ _ tention in keeping your. paper paid in advance Nvill be appreciated. TIFFIN =. In : , loving remem brance of. our dear mother, Mary 'Jane *Tiffin . who . departed this life January '25th, 1964. ` This world° may. change `;.from` • ..year :. to; year >. And fe„lr'ends. ; from day ..to day But'. never shall the , .one ; we love* From; mem yi ,. pais' away • Ever remembered, by the Fam- ill• • :►ee••••••eee4+ie•eee•e• aster �f Caftle" C�ncentrate: FEEL 1 Ib PER .HEAD ,PER DAY.' H.IG.HLY; PALATABLE' IN KRUM ':FORM. VITAMIN' AND. MINERAL:. LEVEL RAISED IN, KEEPING. WITH HIGHER' PROTEIN CONTROL Price. ger cwt. MASTER' ,40% DAIRY KRUMS.- ". $a:7s CONC.... per cvvt.:: D. R. Finlayson =•BR••*•Bi•eeiaiiAei • •. •, • • OW,...:.T . o „. .,SRVICE a 46 All Wcirk Guaranteed 14 ,Reasonable Rates ' • Dread Stock Removal Service We are licensed to remove your dead or ntippled farm animals few sanitary disposal:, Phone Collect to: . MRS. GORDON:, TAYLOR 628-6950 Lucknow - 14 - hour Service Licence Nos. 215a3 and 221163 LUCKNOW B;U'StNESS PLAC S: 'At. the first, of the: week,, 26. Lucknow Business Places .`:had • not replied:, to the, Circular letter • sent out -.requesting,. the: ``annual' financial assistance .to sponsor the Santa ' Claus Day here.: Their prompt ,attention. to this. matter. would • be appreciated. • ANNUAL MEETING • WINGHAM ,and 'DISTRICT • HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: The annual meeting- `of� .the Win ham and District Hospital Ash iation. will ,be held - on Friday, February, '5th;, 1965, at .8. p.m., . in • the Recreation:Room.of the /Nur- ses' Residence :at. •Winghamn , 'All: matters: of business' pertaining to the ` Wingham .and District Hos- pital Association will be :transac ted • .including ` the • election of di- rectors and. other' officers:; In . order' to cast . �a , ballot in •. the election of .:directors, a. ,person must` he ;a member of.the ; `Assoc dation . One • :year memberships ' may -be : obtained :for the sum of . . $5.00 ' from • the Wingham` ` Hospital, off ice: These 'Memberships • must. be •purchased at least. • 15 `days' prior to the annual meeting. } ' Everyone welcome. (This ..notice ' is ° being.rinted in -printed this newspaper in accordance with the 'by-laws). R. B, 'Cousins:,John Strong,g , President . Secretary. LUCKNOW :-- DUNGANNON.. BOWLING Josie Hamilton • rolled. 'the , top triple .for the ladies with a :. 687 flat ` score` and; Dorothy. Errington had :the single with a., 277.. Char- lie Anderson had`.'`the mens triple. with, 641 and Jim Errington °high game with '278:: •y . Cubs 42,.Tigers. 40, Beavers 38, Coons 3,4, : Chipmunks • 30,. Lions 30, : Kangaroos. 27, Wolverines .' 26, . . Zebras 26,' Gophers 25,'PolerCats. ,23, Squirrels 17. • ♦ . • • 4. • WE SELL RURAL .ONTARI:y.. :cated. on Charles $treet: ;ces Ruch as built in: cupbOards,Z. !four . piece bath,: 'oil .furnaael ;located on Highley 86, A 'well; ;comPlete With all 'Modern- con-, ILarge bank barn, chicken pen,; and garage complete:the farm: PAUL STARR.: • COMPANY -.LTD. REALTORS:: *Leta, Agent E.; PENNiNGTON•' Dead Anirnal Removal Poe DEAD of'r 'DISABLED Dariing Dead ..-Atittrial...ueo*