The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-20, Page 1A,, Year n Advance $1.00 Extra 'To O'S.A.. "Retired'a. FrornMinistry In:. 1 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ‚mis 'ie. On r Friday evening. over 225 people gathered at the Lucknow District High School for a stir-, priise birthday party for Rev. Gor- don or don W. Kaiser who on Wednes day, January 13th"' celebrated: his eightieth birthday. • Rev. and. Mrs. • Kaiser's friends and neighbours >: joined tfie families of the 'Ash- field . Pastor=al Charge 'of the Un- ited. Church of Canada (Zion, Hacketts and . Slakes )' for the, oc- casion. Their Son Keith , of Water too and 'their.: daughter .Mrs.. Gor ' 'don (Donna). ` Harrison • and , her, 3 sons'' of. Plattsville, were able to be present also. As Rev. ,Kaiser ' entered the auditorium; .ever. gone Sang HaPpy Birthday. Steve Stothers very capably acted as chairman for the ,even- ' • ing with , entertainment by Mrs. Jessie Alton; reading; % Wanda Hunter, • Scotch dance; Rosalene Phillips,: ;acordian. solo; Linda and Jack'- Cameron, accordian" and _ vi Olin duet; Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir,, • 'solo; Mrs. Eleanor Irwin and.. •.Mrs. Dora Alton, ; violin duet; • ;pianoaccompaniment °by . Mrs Ruth Alton; ''George Henry, ac • • Gordian solo Mrs. • Ella* Hackett: and :Frank Alton, 'skit entitled REV. AND ,MRS. GORDON W. KAISER • " The Census; Taker"; and' Gor- don Mont omen' ..Showing: slides • of his : recent Caribbean- cruise. birthday. For the past eight years Young people have, a deep feeling T:. • .a f '- resect . °and affecti for you • Rev.'• and. Mrs. •; Kaiser_• Were. You have ministered unsparin„ly P . WEDNESDAY, : JAN, 20th, 1965.. Single copy- 10c. 16 Pages; called' to the platform where the Elders presented ' them with a, -chair, step. up •table and lamp. Bill. Hunter read the following inset to: our. spiritual needs - and. ,:.b their minister._.. That f lin the .. dail aper titled your • c�Nri persoi*al lie set a � fine �3i R "The example for every man, woman Country Parson” is very ' much I -. like ; you; `Mr. .Kaiser;., with, your and :child who has had, the . ry Y : 'humour i . (. sense of humour. and; keen:in- Dear . lege. of havdrg :you ;. for- a friend, .: address... " /,_ ' sight: • into ,• human nature :.. Your •. Your ready' sympathy �� nd:.;un ... Mr. Kaiser � ,. � .. .. . de oted'' helpmate,,b .'Iierfriend=' din _. has.. el . Might- v .,.Y Your �aran : manyfriends from. derstan • g h ped g interest Y, ;..a I ly , interest and • participation in. en • the times � when sorrow...and , the Blake's, Hackett s and Zion;; ;. church life,'and- her 'warm loss have come to ,•our commun. our congregati ons, and other guests ., hos rtalit : has' endeared' herself IV..' Because 'you . are. still young p Y are , :here tonight to honour you .. y .. boys ,: .. , .. n heart our ,...and' iris and page ' on the occasion of eightieth ,,i. ,g (Qontmued on p g . , 13y 'yourg ., Oaths To ,NewSc olOf.:. Board. be: in chare-, S:S 1, , Leonard Earl 'Tont, Clerk Treasurer •of i g Huron Township,• administered the Courtney; S.S. 4, William Mc - oaths of office to the., members. ! Creath•;;' S.S. 7, John H. `Elliott; • of School Board I Pine River Central, ` Donald Mao - for newlyHuron and. rTavish; . Ripley -Huron C en tr a'1,: the Township .of , ral Howard :Hodge: Village' of Ripley.at the 'inau ui g meeting, The.Board will be known, Mrs. 'John C. MacDonald Was as the , Township. . School` ,Area of 'appointed ' as Secretary -Treasurer, Ripley-Huron:Dr J B Tindall. to Ripley Drs : trict.:'High • School ; Board, •-Lloyd,:'C1i'apel here on:Friday; January: John H. 'Elliott' was elected' 'Welds as'Attendance .Officer and. Y],��h at 2 00 ;.p >iu.�;� with Rev.. •'T: Chairman : and . Howagd 'Hodge, 'Earl Lohnes.'to the Library Board ' . J.' at 2McKinney` as 'officiating clergy . g... ViceChairman. for a 'three yea: ; term;., man. Temporary entombment was i The f lie . 'mittees . were.School Custodians are : S.S. '1, o Eovwing, , colri � .‘,vete. in South . Kinloss � : Mausaleumot. � . ,. D i ,:. - . • his chosen., Teacher, Donald Mac- :Lorne Brown; S.S. 4, :Mrs. D�n • .,Tireinfant.: is survived . by . Tavish, Leonard Courtney, .Trans .Dole,, S.S,. 7., Mrs. Angio , Gu Mrs:. .Conte ,being • the parents ( y g dive. Months 01c Digs' At Trenton Larry Ronald Conley, five month old . son of L.A.C. and Mrs. Ron- ald W. Conley, died- in Trenton Memorial Hospital, January "13th. Then funeral. service ,was 'held' from the '' MacKenzie Memorial .portation . Howwrd • Hodge, Wil- emir, •pine : 'River' Central;• Mrs. liam McCreath; Property, Wil- Lorne.''Henry.,'Ripley-Huron Cen- liam McCreath Donald :Ma�cTav- tial,: Mr: and Mrs.• Joe' Hackett. ish. • , Regular, meetings 'wily -be. held s as- on the , first Wednesday of each Each' Board .memnber" was . ,.. • i month. signed a School of which he will • Continuing Progress By St. Peters,; Express Thanks To: Russell Whitby *The Annual Meeting of the• con gregation of- St. Peter's Anglican Church, Lucknow, was held Wed- nesday, January 13th. A minute of silence was'observed in tribute to those members of the parish who passed (4 0. in 1964, The 1 rector, Rev,. J. R.. King, asked God's blessing upon the meeting. +, The• rector's report was given .by Mr. King', 'in Which he pointed , ' out the continuing .progress of the • Parish. All �fin'anci,al' committments ,to missionary A work • as well as : all local expenses. were .met in 1964. A" ,„;..contribution was also made to the Anglican ,World itilis° sign. Fund, An .illustrative talk on tithing v was given by : the motor ° nancial reports were read, and'. adopted and. thanks extended to all who helped to makes 1964. it , successful year. A letter of aP- predation is to .be • sent to the fettling People's Warden, Russell i Whitby, for his 10 years- of SFW vice in this officer. The officers , of the parish, for 1965 ,'are- as fellows: Vestry Clerk, Mrs, Allan 'Manto: Rector's War- den', Jain Ketchabaw;People's Warden,,' Edward , McQuillin; Del- 'egate to Synod, - Fred, McQuillin; Substitute delegate .to Synod, Ed- ward Mctluillin; Board -of Man- agernent . Miss Ruth Thompson, Mrs, Stewart Lavis,,Jack Wraith, Russell Whitby. Allan .SVlanto, Leo eaiichainp;. •! trs, Harvey Mole, Ci'iff��Roulstot., 'Mr's, Ernest Gaunt, ',1rs. 'Ettra Pelves: ,Church .Trea- srirer, Mrs:. ,iiarhld Cooper; Au- ditors,. Miss Thornpao>�, 1V1rs, M< n - to; 1}rar•ish1la'll`W Coini'nittce, Leo 13eaueliamp, Mrs. Roberts, Rus- sell..Whitby. A 'letter froin lis Luxton was read, by Mr: King. The meet - was elasod' with the Bene- diction. Coffee was served by the • women .sof the church former 'Louise Irwin), a sister Laurie ' age one year • and. grand- parents: Mr. and Mrs. • Roy Irwin, W6st . ` Wawanosh Township :. and Mr.' and Mrs.Eugene ' : Conley, Kinloss; Townshi. P The youngster was hospitalized italized y gnia' `just after Chris- vvith • pneumo just return turas: He was. allowed � � to ti 1r .ne last week • but � his condition • rapidly worsened again: shortly. after returning home and . he was returned to hospital... Ronald' is stationed at 'Trenton with ' the. Royal Canadian Air Force. $tedman:.:Managei' tit Kinqsville Robert McInnis,* ' formerly • of Kinloss .Township, has been trans-. forted from Huntingdon, Quebec, to Kingsville,.: , Ontario. He' 'is manager of. a ' Stedman's Store. Mr. ° and Mrs. McInnis aro' 'their family ° of 'three, Allan,. Sharon. and Dianne, have .lived at Hunt- ingdon since last March. 'Mrs. McInnis is the former Helen. Nic- holson, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. 'Archie Nicholson of` town. Bob is the son: of Mr. . and .Mrs. John hags.Train T top, Jahui Foran •Resigns School Bus-, 'Stocks Clerk: of On Railway Tracks- West Wawanosh There were a few anxious mo- John Foran,.clerk Of the 'Town --- merits on the 4th of Kinloss on 'ship of West 'Wawanosh' for the 1Vlondav afternoon when a Luck- ; past eleven years; has resigned*. now ' District High School bus, •and• applications are presently be driven by Allan Reed. of Luck- ing called for a, successor. He will. now, .became .• stuck on • the tracks continue on until'' a new man ,is 'near.' the .farm of ' Jelle ‘de Jong. appointed; With heavy.'snowfalls and ' bliz- John was :appointed' clerk in, .zard conditions p~evailing, high Ferbuary of. 1954..succeeding Dur - .school students, were let out at • nin Phillips of ;Durigann�,n, now noon. and 'the busses made . the . of Lurgan; 'who' .had ' held the trio' around : rettirnin'; the ' rural post for' thirty-one years! students to their` homes.. He is a native' of ,. West' 'Wawan There is' a ' sharpturn in the • ash and after teaching school in road,,. on rile 4th where it'passes. Northern' Ontario, for two. .years over the railway; tracks, and with driving conditions as they• were,' the bus became mired on the tracks., A phone.call to Ripley was too. late as the train': had left the station there. Allan Reed" ran up the : tracks 'and managed to flag. the train , .to. a ' stop before- it approached the 4th. crossing. . Us- ing de Jong's -tractor, the bus was' removed, . with very • little hold-up to the. train crew.There was no, personal: danger to, the few students aboard, but we ` im- agine ' Allan r had visions , of a rather large hole in . the bus it- self; Irich�s Sno� he; served ,as camp clerk. with .. a • lumber ' . ompany, During. the second" world war' 'he served, with '. the .Canadian `Navy and then 're- turned re turned:,• to West' • Wawanos i in, 1946 where. he took up:farming:. Mr. Foran's 'resignation was re- ceived with ' regret by members . . of council, :, • a. WEEK OP PRAYER SERVICE The Week of Prayer will be observed locally in.the ' Lucknow United': Church on Sunday ' even- ing, •January `24th at eight o'- clock. ' clock: _ Rev.` Gordon Fish of Wingham will be . the guest speaker.Choirs of the;` United, Presbyterian'' and Anglican churches in . town,, who. In are sponsoring: the service, will participate. ;TW �n�Hours,e tFour. ,.��.: ,1In ' •about '24 , hours , on ,SundayAI•listerHu hes " and. Monday,. eighteen ,Inches of . snow fell locally, and as thin, was written � uesda ,afternoon,' T to eon it was •Is • ��a y r Chairman: still ''fluttering down. • �' Ablate . 'Hughes of ' � the ' 6th o -f, •: rr. .. Kinloss Township was last week owns p .. appointed.' as secretary-trea surer" • of t h e newly = "formed Kinloss Township ` School ` Ar e a. Board. The'' new' area : embraces the en- tire, n-tire: townshipand came into be-:: ing following, recent :legislation by the Ontario:Department. of Edu nation. • Allister : formerly served as sec: tary-treasurer : of • the . Kinloss: ' 1 • Area:. No. 1 which operated! w , central., school at Holy - Driving . conditions'locally were quite ;poor Sunday, and a number of..weekend ' visitors to ', : the ,area were forced :.to' take the, train in returning'' to the , cities.« This how ever, didn't.' sol:: a all problems, as the ",train wouldn't'start : in Kin- cardine. Taxicabs were .engaged at • this end and •took. CNR rias,;: engers . directly 'to Stratford v. here they made connections with trains there. : - On Saturday night . here, . the temperature : dipped to 21 below zero, artd on , Friday and Thurs- day' nights of ' last. week, it was'. 11 below. The', coldest on record here . is • 34 below. • bers : of the Kinloss .board .are; ,Leo `Murray, Russell Ross, Evan I eith, Walter Breckles, and:. Ronald, Thacker,. m Chrisfian.'Reforn�ed Church lnstall ; ew Pastor At Service On � M�nday The. congregation of the'Chris- . January 1964 the church,- of Luc- • tian Reformed . Church of. -Luck know. was ': the privilege 'Luck: , . granted1? a now experienced . great joy' ; on of calling' their own minister.- Af- onday; ,'night, When ';their first 'ter various attempts,. �a'. call : was -':- }r pastor, was installed. : 1, extended 'to and 'accepted y the. The: Christian Reformed, Church Ret.. •Dirk : J. M. Lieverdink, sere- of.. Lucknow w'a s organized in .ing '.. t h e' ' :Christian : Reformed 1952. ' Since ''that time they were Church: of ' Fredericton, : N e w .` served by. home' Missionaries' 'of : Brunswick. 'Rev. and Mrs. Liev-• the Church, and from,1960-1964 ;erdink arrived. in.-Lucknow.:. last; by• the, Rev. 'Mr. S�im•on Terpstra Wednesday evening, 'January 13, in combination /with the. Christian and occupied the new manse;on Reformed ' Church of Listowel. In Ross. Street •:that • same, evening:' � K : �`� � �'3a a •: . ` The Rev. Simon Terpstra, : sere z rasa as, Counsellor for the church of Lucknow. was in'charge of the 'Installation service.His . message,.' for . the new pastor and the' con- gregation on , gregation, was entitled "The 'Joy of the Spirit." He. then proceed ed to : install the ' Rev. Liever drink ' as pastor • of the Christian Reformed Church of LucknoW. - ;The charge to the pastor was read 'by the.. Rev. Mr. H. ' Men- nega of Dresden, Ontario, who also spoke words of:welcome to' the new pastor. Rein." Mennega worked with -Rev. Lieverdink in the Maritimes during 1961 and •. 1962. 'The charge to the congre- •' gation ` a n d appropriate words were spoken by 'the Rev. Mr, A. Stienstra of. Exeter, a former .classmate of the Rev. Lieverdink. Words ' of congratulations , and " Of welcome : were 'extended • by Harvey Webster on: behalf of the village of LucknoW. The Rete. LIEVERDINK (Continued on",p�age�. T3) McInnis. of Kin1osS, REV. DIRK .,) Ery. have d to Idop-. ani ev-, ,teas ' • hout iany ging rags n a ne . e M:e nam, era ed'. of ►rk= ton: r las ire :er F