HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 15WEDNESDAY, •JAN,.
For Secretury-Treasurer
• Applications wanted for the position of secretary -treasur-
er for the' Township School Area of Kinloss. APP ' licants us •.`
bondable. .. •
. Vis t ,ome
A, M. (Sabdy). •` •Nicholson :of
Saskatoon„. a rnem:ber .of the': Leg-
islative Assembly. in thee' SaSkat
chewan ' ..,.government, was a
asweekend vis
Christm visitor
at 'his
old home .on the second concess-
ionof Kinloss with:.`Mr.. and Mrs.
•Donald MacIntyre -and family;;
While; in town, ' Sandy extended
-his. Sentinel : subscription advising
'that .he • has' looked • .forward ?to
the • arrival: "of ..the home town
'paper: ;since 1920 ':whe'n he left' this
community •.for 'Saskatchewan.
and Mrs.: ' Nicholson, spent'
Christmas in Ottawa with . their
daughter •.arid • Sandy. came 'to
Lucknow for• a visit .while his wife,
visited relatives in: Oshawa and
Toronto. •
-Sandy has had a successful pol-
itical career in the.. west. He'serf-
ed his • CCF . party in 'Ottawafpr
a number of , years and • more re-�
cently has. been a provincial:
member ; in Saskatchewan. He': was
,a• "cabinet . minister in. his: pro -
Vince ' for ' a • •. tune r;I: He `was one..
of ; the ; , survivors . of ..the , recent
Liberal "upset" in Saskatchewan.
Shower • �.- eld • . •
H For: Bride elecf
On Monday evening,. friends And
neighbours; ; met in ::Olivet 'Church
to honour .Miss ' .Ma "e. 'Hamilton
a bride ' of this -week, tl short pro-
gram 'was presented with Mrs,
Oscar, 'White . ,as.. • chairlady' ,and
Mrs : Sandy MacCharles at: the
organ;. ' readings .by .Mrs. H.
Clayton, Mrs. ' W.•• ' Dexter : and
Mrs•. S. IvlacCharles;• ,a . mono-
logueby . Ruth' . White;. solos ''.by
Max and Evelyn White •and ;"Mrs.
J' .1vicGuire; songs. by .Patsy
3Ylary •K. -ILamle and. Sandra Mae-,
Charles and Joyce: Black, Nancy
McGuire and Wendy Hamilton; a
contest ' conducted', ;by Mrs. 'W.-
Black and: a. duet by Mrs:' J. .Mc-:
Guire & Mrs:' J;,' MacCharles::Nan.
•cy' McGuire '&' Joyce ',Black .dress
ed . as '.bride Si. groom, brought in
a wagon: load f beautifully Wrap-
ped gifts 'for, the ;br.ide '&` ''an :ad-
dress 'was read by'NMrs.• J. • Mc
Guire Misses Ruth and Evelyn
White .Dianna Anger and Janet
Hamilton. 'assisted'.in ° Unwrapp-
ing .•.the • gifts , and reading the
cards:: Marie thanked: the ladies
for: the gifts ' and also' '•' those .who,
arfangedthe shower..Lunch' was -
served _and a .'social, hour . enjoy
Attended Capping .. Cere.mon
Mr. and' Mrs.' •Oscar •.' White
Miss Sharon Stanley spent Tues-
day night with Miss . Doris Wall.
Dinner; guests 'with' Mrs. Frank
Brawn 'and ,Reg. on .Wednesday
evening;' were' =•- 'Mrs. Hugh` Nic
holson,' Mr. and Mrs.,'Harvey Nic-
holson ;and family:' 'and • Mr: and.
Mrs.' Harold Nicholsonand fam-
ily, all of Bervie. , '
George ' and •Billy . Stanley, . Kin
1 heir
loss, .spezit: a.. few: days' with t
,grandparents; Mr , and : Mrs, ' Tom
Arthur ,Stanley, Leonard Stan
ley and Donnie Wall: have obtain-
ed '7e,Mployment . in, Kitchener. and
started work - on ;Monday . ;morn
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart 'and
Harold spent > New ' Years Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stan-
ley .and facndly, Kinloss:
Mr. and Mrs. Orval ,Wilson ' and'
family spent, New Years"Eve at
Mr, 'and Mns. •Jim Wilson and
family • were New Years ;.Day vis-
itors at Shelburne:
Mr'. '-,and • Mrs. Doug 'Drennan
and f . ,,' ` : ' in;t:, and . Mr, and
Mrs,, m .Kydd • , New "Years
Wl Mr. and Mrs. s ' al Wilson
and family,
,Frank's 'Brown and
visited New Years ,.with Mr. and
Nle, .Albert Shelton .•and boys of
Parkhill, ,• • -
.Mr.'and Mrs...Tom: Stewart and
Harold were „•Sunday visitors With
Mr and' Mrs.,.. "Arnold •Wilkie, lKin-
xrdiW ,
Mr, aria 'Mrs. M%dford • Wall•, and
spent New Wars.: Eve,
with Mr, and: Mia. , Ross • Gray,'
$lue 1e ' • ° '
Donnie Were .the guests New
"ears Day, of Mr, and Mrs. Nor -
Mein, Mildmay,•
Mr. and 'Mrs,. Morley Wall. and
f4mgily Were dinner uests Sun-
mumaY a elting of. Mrs,Joe .Wali;
Mr•° and Mrs• Midford Wall' and
attended. the capping •ceremony.
in . Wingham and District hospit-
al on' Wednesday when their:
daughter Helen :was •among. ,the.
21 students 'receiving their caps"
:Mr. and. Mrs Melvin «Colling
and Sharon spent New Years.Day
'with Mr„ and Mrs :David ' King,
Pamela. and ' Don •in Teeswater.
Miss. Carol ollin visited 're-
. g . •
cently"° with , .her • , grandparents.
MMr ' and Mrs ' Harold ':Johnston'.
arj`es : Bar -T
Dies At'ChiIIi"ack
Charles A. ''Barber, passed a-
way Saturday,. December 12• :'at
Chilliwack, • R.C.He was :86' years,
of age . and... had .'been. • nn , poor
health ' forsome trine.
• Mr: °BBar'ber' was. born' at Chill-
fwack, a son of.' the late Mr: -and
Mrs, . Charles Barber,. but 'came'
to • Wingham with his . parents.. _as
a ' child. His mother was the form-
er Margaret • Hackett of , Ashfield
and the couple were married here
before .' going west, He received
his education in the, Wingham
schoolsand served his appren-
ticeship !as a printer in the
' Ad-
vance 'office. • . •• • •
Later ' •he . was manager of the
Lucknow' • Sentinel and .worked on
newspapers at London and Winn-
ipeg• before purchasing. ,a weekly
newspaper • • at• Pilot Mound, . Man. •
In 'Pilot Mound .he. was ' : m'arr-''
ied to his first wife,' Mary En-
dicott. His second 'marriage: was
to Laurie Gibson of Calgary," who
predeceased him a ,few, years .sago,
Later Mr, 'Barber. returned 'to
his, birthplace ' and' purchased the
Chilliwack Progress : and made
of it • one. of :the prominent ,weekly
.newspapers .in the Dominion; Foil
owing Mr- Barber's retirement
tha r 'mai �Published . b his
,per w y
son . but ' has ; since'' been• sold to
the Liverpool Corporation.
• Charles. Barber 'was deeplyi d-
terested• in municipal politics ser,
,i'ng several' terms as mayor of
Ulaill7w�ack:: He was one of 'the
'founders of the-,B.C.. Weekly News-
papers Association and a past
president of • the• Canadian', Weekly.'
Newspaper Association
' He is survived by ' his sister
Miss Minnie Barber', of Wingham
and one son, Les:, of Saltspring
'island; B;C,, Wand three ;: andchild-
ren: Funeral -service :'was ,con
ducted " in "Chilliwack on , Tuesday, •
December 15th.
.S�ond InCounfy
•e o
John ': Bradley, son. of Mr. .'and
Mrs„' Eldony `Bradle'., :of Ashfield,
topped the Lucknow 4-H Calf
Club and 'as a result is: the win-,
per of; °ate, blanket donated 'by. the;
Iuroii :Holstein Club as .'well as
$5' donated bthe Lucknow Leg-
ion., ,An: error: by . the department..
'at Clinton shad`originally placed,':
John'. much lower on' the list sof.
4-H members, but it Was discover-
ed following. achievement night
that John . had been;; the . winner,:
• He ;was . also runner. -up for the
C. S. McNaughton •trophy as•the;
highest 4-H score in :'Huron. County'
in 'dairy 'calf clubs.' John's score
of 929 .was . 'entered in error as
829. •
This . is John's third year . in
the club d . an hehas s •
l the:
dairy section for the , past two
It• is interesting to note that to
Lucknow •'.Club was'orae . of ' 4. in
rot er asses,d the ' county that completed their
original projects 100%. Blyth was
Miim firstwith 20 completed 'members
nextWith 19.. '
and Lucknoww
Mrs: Neil J. MacKenzie of
Lucknow received word • of the
passing •of ' her. brother Donald
Lyall , MaeDiarmid. on: January
1st in Miami'rFlorida ,•
... He had suffered .a' heart ' attack
ten days.; earlier. ;He was 'the eldl
est' son of 'Aid MacDiarmid' and:
M'ary ..MacKenzie and was born
at Paramount 68 yearn ago, • � � Lucknow, On
tario,.. Canada
, . lie left•here ° in 1912 as . a young; December 14, 1964 •
man arid served in the Canadian Gentlemen:
Navy° in the 1st World War He' • It is a rate: winter When Can-
ed with the . Hope' , adian ba i
,was .connectbagpipe and Ozark whist -
Window` Casement co. of James ling .pines, combine their • melo-
town,' • New York prior .to, his re -ries to serenade the • good• people:
dement 'three 'years ago of our beautiful hill: country:.That'
s • to mourn 'his foss, is 'the unusual' privilege . that is
Ile • leave
°s wife and two daughters Mrs ours during these'raid-December
h� . ,I allin ton days.
NXauricc Bromley of . M g /''Your good .rex hbours" Dorothy
New Jersey, and Miss Arlene g ,
c.piar'mid of Bloomfield, New and D. 'A. • (Sandy)' MacLennan,. 'of.
Jersey: oije` brother Duncan Rae, Lochalsh Whom we have, come; to
Maclaiai�mid of •h Cleveland and, regard as our friends, re e ai and
two sisters Mrs.• Geo. D. Stock- sa •are•Sandy,s bagpipes.
egpi,a They
ham( Detroit and Mrs, Neil J. ived in• good form and they: make •a
Ltci50-ow, He was refreshing: oil to the' life.
M�icl�enxre,. contributi
. eceased by one brother Grant of �oui community while they are
of Lucknow in 1955,,Y ;Burial'.ser-'1 visiting • Sandy'S .s.ster' `isabell
ivices , o'd in Miami r'lorida,, Ann, ..,. ' ...
nitres wet c h We .know you, fine nefghbotirs
gp pBa
'I�. es .: •
Echo, .In .Ozark
M'oufltair'i..Countr .,, ,
Lucknow Sentinel
Brother Passes
Dr. Wm. Paul• .Freeman; Spring-
field Ont,'s only doctor.•. :passed a-
way - in Westminster Hospital in.
London on . Thursday of • last week.,
He was 77 years of age and had
been a patient for .. the past , year
Dr. ' Freeman Was the brother 'of
s, J. W. Joynt of Lucknow And
of the late Mr. and Mrs.
rank :Freeman.. of Lucknowt.
e graduated in medicine from
tl►m University/ of''' Western. Ont
ario ih 1914 a :imm :lately en=
listed .in the CanadianKim YMed-
ical ical Corps He served until the
end of the war in. 1918;, reaching
the ' rank • of captain .•
He „practised in Springfield from
1922 until about one year . ago.
He. was a, member . of Corinth-
ian : Lodge No. 330,, •A'.F. & AM,,
Lambeth; ' Aylmer' Branch -.8L of •
the - Royal.' ; Canadian Legion and.
of ,Trinityt Anglican • Church, Aylm-
He is survived 'by his wife, the
former . Marion. Adair, a . son Paul
of Kitchener; and a sister, Mrs,
Wesley- (Edith) Joynt, .Lucknow.
Funeral . service was in. Spring-
field Saturday. : Burial was in
Springfield Cemetery
erchant: Have
''Christmas . draws that we have
been advised of are as follows:
Mrs. Eugene 'Gardner . of Luck -
now :'won a,•panda : bear and • $5
attached at Bennett's Sepoy :Store.
Reg' Broome of Ashfield `:won
a jig saw • at, Lucknow District
Mrs. Murray Henderson ; and
Dinnie ' Hamilton '` Henderson
`� '
to each .won $10_ in;
groceries at Hall's'Red and White.
Previous winners .• were . announced
in 'earlier papers. ' '
FOR YOU PHONE 528-3134:.
across' ,the "border': must miss Dor-
othy.,. apd Sandy . as ' We. will after
they depart. ro
George a dorf
Route No. -1
Eureka Springs �'sArkansas.
45th, Anniver
Relatives ' from Ripley, Orilna ',
and Port Elgin met at the •home
of N Murray Campbell' on the , ten—
th of. Huron: for a surprise party
for Mr,. "and •, Mrs. -Bert Brecken-
ridge,: on the occasion -of • th
45th wedding ,anniversary. rt
Twenty ' relatives : ,spent• the'
evening playing progressive en- :
chre, the lady's high prize ,go-
ing to ' Mrs.. Goldie Ruston and
:men's' high; to • Roy Collins.
At 12 o'clock a turkey dinner;
was_.served,and the bride and ,
groom ..'.of. 45 years: `were present-
ed with a floor lamp by Murray;.
Campbell ' and ' Kenneth .• Robert- •
son,: Bert thanked . the host, host;
.ess and • all relatives 'for the .gift;
their : kindness •. and thoughtful-
ness, which all made the even-
,ing• ; so joyful and • • ,successful.
- • Mrs. Brectenbridge was the
former Mabel Stephenson, Baugh ,
ter of. Mr.; and Mrs.. Henry Step';
henson of ,the:: tenth concession' of •'''
•Huron.. She married Bert Breck-
: edeer.
aptnri: herge parentson;D' December
Bert is th1919e
son of Mr.. and ' Mrs.:John Breck-
enridge of ',the',fourth Of .Huron':,
.They: farmed ,.on' ' the, fourth of
•Huron ..until .20 years ago when •
'they: 'went to live 'in . Ripley' where''
the reside. Y now _ e. Bert is 'lin: • the
coal .business in Ripley.
.Mrs.' Breckenridge has four
brothers,' Robert .of ,tie'' tenth '*of
Huron, Frank of , Niagara. Falls,
Ontario; Charlie of Detroit, Ed
gar\ of. Trail, B.C. and one sister
Beatrice; ': Mrs; Jack :Lockhart .of.
New., "Lowell. Mr. .Breckenridge
has._one : brother • :•Russell of; ; De='
troit and •a sister Edith,' Mrs.
Kenneth, Crosby .of ; Detroit.
The: Ladies ' Auxiliary to 'the',
Canadian. Legion 'elected their of-
f-ficers` ';for.: the, coming'. year. • -and,
are ' :'as follows president, ' Eve-
lyn Bark -well; ' past .president;: An .
na• Johnstone; :.1st vice pies:, Su;
san .McNaughton; 2nd 'vice-pres., •.
A!nanda 'Hamilton, secs;, Mildred •
Inglis; .treas., ..:'Sadie _ Hamilton;'
• Sergeant -at -arms, -Rena Lyons;;:
Colour ' Bearers, ,Isabel• Tiffin;:,
Amanda.'' Hamilton.: In, the ;•draw`
;.•held.• 'at ;Christmas the .: winning
'ticket.' for, the . doll,:, doll .clothes,' .•
j crib ; ` and chair; was ' . held by'
Brock.: -Cleland
eie•••••••••••A••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e•eo !ia.-
- . i . , 11
r ti
• •,
• ,
.., ..
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