HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 14PAGE s0uaiv[x
Y - .
WEDNESDAY,;, JAN. bill, 1.965.
,Miss, Rosalyn Swann, RN., is
holidaying with Mrs: Wien Swann
after spending . t h, e 'past seven
Moths, in British Columbia. ^�
Mrs;" . William Wood, David:. and
Beth, , Gary Blancbnrd and Bill
Wood of.• Port Severn spent Christ
oras -.'week with 'Mr., s.nd Mrs.
Donald Dore, • • . '
• Dennie/Thompson left ' by train.
on Saturday for Montreal where
he, will be employed for: the'- next
four months
M. ` and Mrs. ,Currie Colwell
an d family ;., , were. New Year
guests with ,Miss Eva. Culbert, and
Lorne Culbert.
M . John. Bell, 'Kincardine, Dr.
Mrs. ' ,James' Emerson . and
nk of Charing Cross, -Mr. and.
Mrs. `Ross' Shielis and Mary El-
len of. Lucknow, Mr. and » Mrs.
CheSter Campbell, Lloyd, ' Lynn
and .David and Barry Harman of
London, Joseph Emerson, Miss
Geraldine • Emersonand : Frank
Emerson .were New _ Year guests
with Mr. and Mrs. 'George ' Em-
erson and : Bob.
Mrs. Frank..:Dore, Nancy, ''Ron-
nie and Dianne spent Tuesday.
with' Mr: , and Mrs. Lours Misch,-
Mr., and Mrs: Gordon MacDon-
ald and girls spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs; Lloyd McClure ' of
Neighbours.. spent Monday ev-
ening with Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McCosh : and Mary Anne.
Miss' ., Margaret :. Robertson 'vis-
ited Miss :Annie' ' McLeod do Fri
dayevening: .
Miss Rosalyn : .Swann, . Milton
Stanley and Mrs., Helen Swann
.spent 'a few' days: in London." •:
'Mr. and Mrs.. Weir Eekenswii
ler "spent Saturday evening with
Mr. and • ,Mrs': Donald' McKay.
'Ira Needham,, Walter,. Needham
Misses :.Gladys. and 'Marlene . Gaw
Dewayne Grieg, Barry John-
son, "Miss 'Barbara Leeson, Kit-
•chener - and •Bill Taylor visited Mr. -
.and Mrs., Peter .Leeson .and .Iona.''
David Campbell of London
spent a few'. holidays . with. 'Mr:
and Mrs. George :Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs.' Dan Mullen and,
Jim 'of iCampbellville, Mr:' and
QVirs.:. Ed Linney, Shelley, De=..
-wayne, Wanda and Glenn of God
-erich, • Mr. and Mrs' Cliff Scott,
dill and ' Allan and Bill Shaw . of
1Vaterloo visited : Mr.'. and Mrs.
Frank' Currie. .
Mr. • and Mr's. Mel Orr of ;:Ches-
ley spent Christmas. with Mr. . and .
Mrs.. Claude ' Dore and boys.
Misses gileen Collins, of God-
' Toro -
"ch � Marlene Gaw
to visited Miss. Margaret :.Robert-
Mr.. ` and 'Mrs. Francis' Boyle
andfamily. were, New Year guests.
of. Mr: and' Mrs. Aurel Armstrong
and family::
Mr: and Mrs.. Donald .'Dore and
family, 'Mrs. Frank Dore and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. , Claude Dore
and, , Carl, 'were New • Year guests
with Mr. and Mrs: -Harvie Thomp-
son and George Thompson..
Mr... and 'Mrs: Gordon MacDon
Bald, Mary Helen• and Judy- 'visit-
ed Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist,
'Mr. and. Mrs, Vietor, Dawley,
Marlene and Gladys were Sunday
guests', of Mr, and Mrs,. . Ernie
Walden. . v
Mr. and 'airs. Leslie • Hartwick,
Wendy. and Paul, Mr.. and ' Mrs..'
Stuart Armstrong, Mr.. and Mrs.
Keith Armstrong rand Jerry and
Mrs. Gordon Avis. were : holiday
visitors with Mr. ' and :Mrs/ Frank'
'Mr.. and Mrs. Donald McCosh
accompaniedMiss . Mary Anne
1VIeCosh to Melton ,`en Sunday at
which time she ,legit for Prince.
George, British; Columbia,; after
holidaying- here the . past two
Carl Dore spent a few days'
with his grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Dore. .
Mr. and -Mrs. ' George McKay:
of Guelph were Sunday guests
with Mr.. and Mrs. Donald' Mc-
Kay, Carol ` and. Diane.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason; Mr.
and Mrs. Donald ' McCosh and
Mary Anne, Abs. William:: Bush-
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Forster.
and : family, Mr. ' and Mrs. Wil-
liam Robinson' were'. New' Year
gguueests with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ardill.
Mason. r'
r. ` 'and' Mrs. Victor. 'Gawley,
Mr. and ..Mrs Burton Collins ' and'.
family were Tuesday '', evening
guests of ' Mr and Md. *Donald
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon 'MacDon-
ald and
MacDon-ald.'and girls spent New Years
ith Mr. and Mrs: -Thomas. Mac
Mr. and. ` Mrs: Burton r Coffins,
John,. Sandra . Wand; Margie, Mr.
and. 'Mrs. Gordon Patterson were
New Year guests of : Mrs.' Andrew
Patterson.. ..
Grocery At Bruce
Beach Purchased
Mr: & Mrs. Nelson ,. Buehlow of
Walkerton '; have . purchased , the.
Bruce Beach ..Groce r.. Store, own-
ed and operated by Mr.. and Mrs.
Norman Crozier ; of Bruce Beach,
and" get possession on January
'6th. Bruce. Beach Store is at ,the
end . of the eighth ' of ' Huron.
Mi. and ; Mrs.. Buehlow, along
with their : two younger sons will
move to their new - home' the . first
of_ the, year. Mr. Buehlow will:
commute . t ” . hist work at the Can-
ada' Spool . d Bobbin 'Co. Ltd.,
will .re=.
`while .'their stn.Charles,
main in .Walkerton : whre he is
on the staff of the I.G.A.
Mr. and ,Mrs.' Crozier leave for,
Windsor where Mr. Crozier , ;wily,
be manager of ` the Windsor : Mfg.
Co.. Ltd.
Their eldest son, Tom, is'at-
if W , t
endiin the' Universt o '
ern' Ontario in London, while
Bruce . and' Normae Jean ' will at-
tend school in Windsor. -�
t g yes
' -
Collins Family:=
Honored AtSociaI
'. (Anhberley 'News) .
Best wishes • to all for the New
Year; A ,thought , for the year
Which ' lies 'ahead is; "To be, glad
of -life ' .because_ .it -.gives:: us the.
chance to love and to work and to-
play;" • to be satisfied with our•
possessions, but net content until
we -have made ithe most of them;
to think :seldom of.. our enemies
and often of our ';friends.. These
on the path-
are ,little guide-po
way., to .peace
Congratulations' are extended ..
to 'Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Henry; on
the ,arrival of a daughter at .Kin,
carding hospital
....Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Courtney
Mr. ,and .Mrs. William, Courtney,
Mr; Arnold Wilkie of Kincardine
and David . Lindsay of S'outhamp-
ton, attended the : funeral of the
late Freeman Steele. of Selkirk
on Friday of last week: Mr. Stee-
le' '. death' was dlue to suffocation
by .falling .„enoilage. .
Mr.. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell
and family, and Mrs., . John A.
Campbell ,'were dinner guests on
Sunday With 'Mr; and Mrs. Stew-
art Shiells ' of . Ripley. , .
' Mr. :end Mics. Archie Courtney
entertained their family .;at' .Am-
berely Orange Hall on "New Years
Mr. and Mrs. Ray :du*,
Sheila; Bonnie, . Linda; and ` Mrs..
Wiliam'' .McMullen : werehonour
ed at., a gathering in ; No. 7 School.`
at, Lurgan on Wednesday evening
Of : last . week. Euchre ;was ,played
during. ` the ' evening, with ' high
prizes• won :;by Mrs'. Laura Mc'
Nein andDun .can Thorburn After.
community. singing led by Mrs.
Robert Courtney, and instrument-.
al• numbers by Mrs: :William
'Courtney; Jack Campbell - read
an address to theCollins family
and ` the presentation of a floor
lamp and table lamp was made.
Ray'cthenked everyone. on behalf'
'of". his family and Mrs. ,Wm.,
McMullen. Those; . ,who . planned ,
the 'event, were: Mr. ,.and Mrs.
Glenn, ' Campbell, Mr. : and , Mrs.
William Ferguson; 'and- Mr. and
Mrs. Leonierd Elms.. Lunch was
served: 'and'a social time was en
joyed. Mr.' and Mrs. Collins and
family, and.: Mrs. McMullen, moved
to Kincardine some time ago:.
Mr. and Mrs., John Blue enter.;
tained ,:relatives on New Years
Mr.:': and Mrs.: Alex ,McNay 'of
Lucknow visited' with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert' McNay and family
at the weekend.
Mr:. and ;Mrs , Eldon Lowry
entertained relatives on New.
Years Day
. Mrs. James . Mills ',and' son
Blair of Weston • spent' :