HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 7• 0
. .. -: ONTARIO
, 4.
, . December . 30th)- was .,able:
Untended For De � . , to return :
Clayton. Nicholson. and daughteri , .home s be
his family • on nChrrstmas: ',
Bonnie Of :Ripley visited 'ton Sun-
day .with Mr, arid' Mrs, Bert Nich- rs,.:William Cox, Rev.. Benson'
Cox, Misses Edna. and: May Boyle
olson.: were guests, at the S�;ott-Cleland
Miss Linda' Evans,' of Downs weddin ,
g , at Blyth on. Satyrday,
view :visited; during -th e week with M's,
• Lois and. Allan Nicholson, .. i ses : Edna and . May Boyle family •entertained rrrends at a .dinner
', . Miss ' Evelyn . Nicholson and Mt. : on Christmas • Eve.'
�,. � Mrs ,. � �� � ..
and , N, E: Evans Alf gowns-, .
Members�•� frf � the parish ,and.
view, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff • Lang- friends attended' the". Christmas.
ford' . of London -'spent Chr • •. ,
. sP istmas Eve ..mrdrught ,se.,rvice:. in..the Ani ,
Mr, d- Mrs
with M, , an Bern; Nichol -. glean Church: on Thursday-:`n,A11-,
: `:.son,. Allan. and ;,:Lors,� „ .. night:
. , .• . Mr.. and • Mrs. :'Nor Norman Fry and
Mr. and Mrs `Don Haldenby of family of Harriston .` rist-
Toronto ;were Christmas visitors mas ' with Mr,and. Mrs her par arts .Mr.. and
with . N.. E. Hoiden-. Mrs; William. E. aldenb . '
by and ,, other members of their Mr, . and Mrs, Donald Earle arid,
family. •Ruth Ann spent a '. few days
Miss. Sandra Percy of •Toronto Mr• and.Mrs:. R
Mrs'. Roy Schnell , with
spent. 'Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Gertrude ' Walsh and. mem-
Mrs, Alex Percy and other, .•mem_ ber: s of her familyattended : '.a,
hers of .her family here, -
• Y family � gathering ' on • Saturday at
Mrs. Gertrude . Walsh and Misses the. home
e ' ;of' Mr,' and .Mrs. Scott
.___,Ea and , May _B ale' were din= Walsh -at 4`C` rlsr '
a uhe.
ner, guests with Mr, -and Mrs'. - .Allan and Lois . Nicholson
Chris; ,Shelton on Christmas Day. 'spending a. few da s : with
y Mr,
On • Saturday evening: Mr, • and and Mrs: Cliff Langford
Mrs. . George : Hal' n ... at Lon -
M g de by held : a don. � �< � •
family dinner. Those present were- `
Mr. and. •Mrs:: Bert.. Nicholson
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Haldenby, visited on Sunda' with '` r,
Y M„ , and
' Barry 'and. Geordie, ,Mr, and Mrs:,Mrs. Glen- :Cam bell .,
Bob Smith, Mr. and Mrs., . at..Amber-
M s, Wil-.: ley. �,
barn . E. Haldenby, Mr'. and Mrs: Mrs. Marjorie . ,Armstrong 'of
Clare: arlrn Doug-.] g
Sp g, ;,Allan and Brantford:. visited -with. Mr: and
las' and:..Mrs : Hilliard.:' Sparling of Mrs. : .Jaynes Hod ins. and other.
"'Walkerton. ; g :_
relatives- here.-�'---• -
. Mr., and Mrs. James M.. Hod-: *Mrs, ''Charlie Hodins •of : Win-
•, gins,'. Sr, • held. a family gathering ham ' visited ''ver
. o the • week -end
and dinner on . Christmas : even; ' with Edna Boyle:
ing,:, We are -pleased: to repo h Mr. ,.and •. Mrs Maurice •Hod ins
that; Mr,. `Hodgins, who' has ..been of London . visited over .
L. the. boli=
a ...patient in::. Wingham hospital,, ,da with relatives here,
Christmas' Eve dinner °;-guests Art Hodgins.' on Christmas, .
With ' Mrs: John Barr were •Mr Recent visitors with Mr. J. R.
and Mrs.-- :Russell Barr and fain-, Lane, Mr. and. "Mrs, Frank Maul -
r of Scarboro, 0oPercy•B '
X ..
arr of
den. and. Keith � � Mr. and Mrs.
•, n )i� th were ...
Toronto,' Donald Barr' of Water-.• Bert, Alton, Ashfield, Nelson Web -
log and Mrs. Morley' 'Bushell ster of Windsor Miss Helen Mal
nd. fami lyr Mr. and Mrs; Jack colm 'of Toronto, , Misses Nellie
Barrand and famfly, and.. Margaret. Malcolm of :Luck -
Mr, • and ' Mrs. Jack, Barr :'and ' now.
am_ ly . spent : Christmas :with, Mr.
and ••Mrs..° •Gilbert. Hamilton and
farnily. Jeanette and'. Susan re-
mained for. ' some holidays.
Mr': and Mrs. Arthur. ..Phillips
'a nd Peggy- of:-. Fonthilh spent
Mr. , and :Mrs . Gerald 'Rhody
and 'family visited ';on Christmas.'
.with Mr and Mrs. : `:Claude: Dore.
Visitors during .the week with
Mr. and, Mrs.. N. E.. Haldenby
were, , .Mr-. and- Mrs. Ross Irwin,
Christmas „with Mr,. J R, 'Lane and family,. Mr, • and Mrs. Doug
Mr: and''Mr`s. Frank 'Malden and las - Haldenby ' and family, 'Mr, and
Keith: ":. • Mrs:. Fred : Friendorf of Lucknow,
' Christmas `visitors with .Mr. and Mr, and Mrs: Delbert Hedley and
Mrs.,' Malcolm Lane,Hugh 'and. family, Con. 9 Mr. ;and Mrs.: Don
Stewart' were Mr, ad ,Mrs. •Ev- Haldenby of Toronto.-
erett Laneand familyof, Chat Mr, and .Mrs., Bob Smith have.
ham,,.. Mr: and .Mrs.
: Campbell • moved frorn :Toronto• to Goderich
P where. he is employed. '
Brown. and family of -Forest, .fohn
Lane, .of • Port, Elgin, Mr.. acid . Mrs. Bob Brooks of
We. extend' sympathy to Miss Wingharn • spent New, Years with
Isobel MacDonald ' and other. rel- Mr.. and. Mrs.. Perry Hodgins.
atives .in the passing of her' . sis- Miss •'Winnifred 'Percy, . Joan and
ter the late Margaret MacDonald. Brian also visited ;there;
Mr... and ,Mrs. P ° A re :We are sorry to report that .Mr.,
MurrayY and Mrs. Glen, Hodgins, . Con. . 10,
had their home gutted by fire
on Thursday.: afternoon:
Mr. • and Mrs,,, Delbert . Hedley
and family visited on Thursday
evening' with , Mr. and ,Mrs. Ger-
ald 'Rhody. . and •; Emily, ,;
ceivedword of the death . of .their,
brother-in-law, the late H.. Oberle,
The funeral' was ..,held on. Satur-
day, Mrs. Oberle was the form-
er Mary •Collison. : -
Mr, and - Mrs.. William ,Lloyd of
London visited on Tuesday with
relatives '.here, t
Master Allan Sperling' of Walk -1C" and Miss' May. ; Boyle were.
erten spent a`.day with • his :'grand-
parents - Mr. and ' ;,Mrs , George
Haldenby: ' '
Miss . Winnifred Percy held a
family Amer .on 'Saturday .last..
Mr. and. 'Mrs Perry ::Hodgins
were guests ' with 1VIr. and Mrs.
With a smartly styled 1963 CO.OP:Viscount:Chest Freezer you
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i 4
dinner guests.: • wor -Mrs: Rena•
Kempton at, :Ripley on Tuesday.
The . last meeting, of 'the . rate.
-payers--of"--S.S : No: 2 --ryas . held on
Thursday :, afternoon. This• school
,will •now have .an' area eboard, •
Weir Eckenawiller ...returned.
home: 'where he will' spend the
winter rmonths.
(Intended : For Dec': 30th)
Happy,` Healthy .'-and P^-osperous,
New 1 Year o. All
We • extend our :syrn'athy to
the ': relatives ' of. 'the late- Harry
Oberle of Preston, Preston, whose burial
,tok place in: the' :SacredHeart
.Cemetery:• •'-eeswater; . °. on Dee'
ember .26th. Mrs...Oberle was the
former " Mary Collison of'`.this . com-
" Miss '':Doris Wall, London,.
spent the holidays "at her home
here: - ,
Mr and Mrs •Elmer '' Benedict
and family -spent Christmas with
'her., parents -'at , Wallaceburg Mrs..
Benedict remained for -a. few days.
Misses Elda,: and Beverley ;'Wall,.
London, ,, spent "the holiday week-
end under 'the parental,, roof.
Mr.,.& Mrs. Tom . Stewart and
'Harold, ,spent Christmas; with.
'and Mrs. Ralph : Goesel andfam
ily, • Kincardine..••
Christmas Day uests with Mr.
and Mrs. Midford Wall and Don-
nie 'were:. Mr.. and Mrs. Tom.
Hackett and Doug, Ashfield;
Miss Elleda '`Irwin, Toronto- and
Mr. and. -Mrs. Eric, ,Hackett and.
family; Paramount
`Ronald Parker,. 'Fort William
spent the; .'holidays :"w'th .Mr, and
Mrs.'Everett Parker arid. fan lk,.
1 '1Vlr: and . • Mr's. Albert Shelton.'
Peter and Bill, Parkhill, spent
Christmas Day with Mrs,. Frank
Brown and .rteg. - j
Mr,- and .Mrs. Morley Wall: and
family spent Christmas with Mr.
and: Mrs. Clayton Meyer. and fan-••
ily, Teeswater.
Mr; land Mrs. Dan -Tollefson,
Islington, spent the holiday with
Mr: and Mrs, Ezra Stanley and,
family. .
Mr. ;and Mrs • , Gary Edwards,
'Toronto, were .at the home of -her
parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Everett
and family for;the, holiday.
Mr. and' Mrs. Morley Wall and•
family, were the ' guests,. Boxing.
Day of Mr .and 'Mrs, Norman
'Whitehead; Clinton. - • -,. '
Miss Ellen- McBrids, Cooksville,
was ; a;-week-endguest at Browlnis..
Mrs. Harry • McKague and Mrs
Joe • Wall' of Tebswater visited
Sunday with .Mr, and ^ Mrs. Mor-.
ley Wall and family, ' ,
Christmas Day visitors
Mr. and 'Mrs :VVilj-i`atn Kvdd were"
Mr,. and Mrs. 'proal Wil,on .arid
family, and Mr. and Mr's. James
Wilson . and 'family and, friends
from, the city,..•
Mr, and Mrs. Perry Hodgins,
'Kinlotigh, ' spent Christmas Day,
with:. Mr , .and Mrs,. Art . Hodgins.
Mrs, Ed. James;, Wingham •
Mrs; Donald • ,McKenzie, . Dungan,
nen, Mr, -and Mrs, C ' r_q, , Gra.
,,,: °bone. -and girls; .S�.
Christmas ' Weddiflgp.
Wi r
fi t
•A h � • .•
h, '• .
Candelabra,; poinsettia and hol-
lye sent from Vancouver ''by : a.:.
cousin . of the • bride, ., decorated
Chaliners Presbyterian Church in
Whitechurch on Saturday., : Decem .
ber .19- for the wedding of Aleta
Elaine Conn;' , and' Douglas. - Len
• of Moorefield.- '
Conley :..•_._.
Rev. G L. Fish • of Winghani
officiated,' The ,bride's • . brother,,'
George , W. Conn,. was the: organ-
ist. He accompanied William G.
Jeffraywho sang . `aHeav'enly Fa-
ther" and "Thou Art Mine•. Own:
The . bride . is `the daughter of
Mr. ;and Mrs. Wallace Conn, R.R.-
5,. Lucknow, and the groom's' par-
ents are Mr, and. Mrs.. James
Conley • of -. Dublin, formerly of
this area. Mr. Conn a, tte._ his --r
daughhte. r:.•• -in --marriage.:. .
--The full-length. French lace and
silk' organza bridal* gown had a
'fitted ' bodice, long lily-point-sleev-
ily-point•sleeves, glittered sabring neckline= and
bouffant skirt, in appliqued organ-
za with: low edge trim;, worn' over .
a . full "lace- skirt with scalloped
hemlirie and chapel train..Her
.elbow -length veil*as held - by a
glittered Sabrina 'crown and she
carried a white orchid and. steph-
antis. '.: .
The •`' maid ofhonour,Miss
. Mur-
iel Conn, and the bridesmaids,
Miss Alma`: Conn, Mrs.''Jarraes' Al-
breeht' and Mrs. Murray' Gaunt, . ..
were - identically gowned : in -, red..
velvet., , The dresses were . fash-
ioned .with semi-full skirts, scoop-
ed • necklines-.' and ..three-quarter
length', sleeves: , They wore : match,
ing red, ,shoes, poinsettia head
dresses 'made by .the - bride, and
pearl . necklaces •a •n•d earrings.. ,
They 'carried; cascades- of white
carnations : with silver bells and.
Mervyn. Conley . was his bro.- •
ther's best man, The.. ushers were
Jim. Moffat,, Murray Gaunt ..and
Ivan • Laidlaw..:
A reception was ' held at . Dan-
ny's Restaurantwhere the din-
ing room was decorated 'with hol-
ly, poinsettias • and a . Christmas
The bride's mother chose 'a; red
'chiffon : sheath dress with , back .
panel, ;black . accessories and- a
white gardenia corsage.
• The groom's mother' : wore : a
sapphire blue .brocade:' sheath
with ; black ' accessories ' and a
pink, rose, corsage.`. :
For. .the ..`honeymoon to Ber,
mtida:', Mrs. `-Conley . wore ' a two-
piece black crepe- dress with ° A-
line' skirt, cranberry red coat
trimmed with/ : black "fbx'' fur,
blackaccessories- and : a . white -•
.orchid corsage •
The bride; .is .-a. graduate of
Stratford . Teachers' . 'College. ' The
bride's maternal grandparents, of
Whitechurch, -- and the: • • ' groom's.
paternal, grandfather of Lucknow
were among the. many. guests.'
Mr. and Mrs. Conley will. live
':in; Victoria " Street, :. Wiiigham
(Intended For December, 30th)
,;Among ,those' visiting relatives
here. for the holidays were — Mr.
and 'Mrs. Stephen Elliott, Billy
and: Barbara of Port. Hiiroin; , MSS
Margaret 1Vfiacdonalci M. Toronto;
Mr, and ; Mrs. George Leadbetter ••
and Barbara of . Toronto ,Ray .:
MacKenzie of 'Toronto; Miss Au-
dreg ,Ross.. Peterbororieli.. Miss.
Mary, 'Lou Collinson of Wingham: .
Mr. arid' Mrs. Don Carter ' of
Woodstock; • Alex MacKenzie of
Hamilton; Douglas "Parrish .of
Sarnia. •41
Boxing Dav vitith '111tr.• and Mrs.
Art H'ofigins.• ,
Sunday t"is tors Mr. ,and .-
Mrs, Tem • Stewa'^t were Mr. and
vir5,' Ronald' Stanley' and farnily. •
Kfilless, Mr, and Mrs, • Arnold
Wilkie,, 1VIr: & Mrs Raln5 'C esal;
and family arid Mr. arid• Mrs.
Gerald ',Stewart all of Kincardine;
• Mr,' " and Mrs.' Art Hod gins
were dinner " guests Sunday even-
ing of Mrs Torry 'B'cidginsr '
On 'Sunda' vening the Stewarts
talked . to their son Bud :who • is °"
visiting - in Winnipeg..
• •4,