HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 6■:
■•. Area Board invites appli- ■
■ . ▪ •' The � ,Ashfield Township School Ar
tary-Treasurer. Salary . $800.
...•cations" `for the position of Secre ,.�-:
■ Description' of duties;from' any member ' of the Board. Appli ■
1. g.
• •■
■ •
• Le. •.
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■ •
a cations received by :the undersigned' to January.. Il '
■. ''''""1"*"'SAM- G1BSort ,. THAICHAIRMAN . ■
■ •. .. R.R.. 3, GObERICH
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Wendy Reynolds and:, Barbara. with Mr. and Mrs. Ed `Smut
as supervisors on January 8th.
Ptirdon, and Bill Wall who • attend- and. Mrand Mrs Alex Robertson
ed. the • Youth Conference held in
,Sarnia', returned` :• to . their . homes
on, Wednesday,. All report very
interesting, sessions were held.
perfect . attendance a t Sunday
mas Concert A
School the. past year. They had
At ''
received their seals and diplomas
Zion SundaScho�l.oz? at the,,,WInte Gift Ser-
.viceSunday .
The : Zion Sunda School'. Con_The - following are the ones who
�° Y received perfect: attendance: Ken-
neth: Ritchie, Lori Hackett, Ray-
mend- Hunter, Sharon Cook, •-; Jack-
ie Wilkins,.. Tommy Barger, Joan
Hackett, Larry Wilkins, Cather-
ine Dunsmuir,. 'Bryce Ritchie,
Donald . Ritchie,-: Mel. Ritchie,, Al --
'Ian Du, msmuir, : Bill• ' Wilkins, Jim-
mie Ritchie'
Joan Anderson, 'Bry-
an_ Ritchie,.Janet Ritchie, Elva
cert was 'held . '.on Monday night
with . Rev. . Kaiser as chairman.
The' programme ' was'as follows:
instrumental .. by Donna Ritchie;
an action . song by the . Beginners'
.class;; :a-play�y=.tile-Junier=-class;-
recitations ' by Marybelle Hunter,
Larry Wilkins, Tommy'• Barger,
Joan Hackett, Michael ' ..-McDon-
agh, `Billy.'{ Wilkins, Mel Ritchie,' : Ritchie Brenda Ritchie, Charlene
Allan uir, John Anderson
' hie Bonnie ,Hackett ' 'Anderson,, `Marilyn Brooks,,, Bar -
Aaron . , Hackett,Bryce Ritchie; ra . Wilkins, Marybelle Hunter,
`.:, ice a Ritchie, Wanda Hunter,
solos •. by Mrs.. , Eunice' Dunsmuu Elaine Cook, Anne Ritchie, :Grant
Catherine ' Dunsmuir,' Bryce Rat Helm, - g+�rb, Hunter, ' Ron ;
clue' and .Brenda Ritchie; mon- Gard-
ner. (These ; 'pupils . could: miss
• plays
al 'b Wanda' H to ,
og p y un r p Y two ,'Sundays i' - the whole term ).
by " Prima � class, � Intermediate..
class,Junior class; song andAfter the Queen, Santa arrived
' ',
drill by . Junior : class -:: and:.. ;Kul-; to handout gifts. to' everygne.
dergarten class. The pageant
"Come to the Manger" was• :pre-
sented with ' all members of the
Sunday School taking part;. 'j
Jim Hunter (superintendent)
handed' out gifts to all who had
Judge P. S. MacKenzie of Walk--
alk-erton, son of Mrs. R. V. Mae-
Kenzie of: Lucknow, has retired
after 16 'years on the Walkerton
Districtiligh School Board.
� C
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Mrs. Ira. Wall. spent Tuesday
afternoon, with . Mr,.. arid lairs.
George Needham : of Pinkerton..
Edna and 'Mary Lou . who had
been" visiting there .since 'Christ
mas returned- ,hom. with her.
Mr.' and. Mrs. BM 'Evans spent
New Years • Day . with .Mr., and
Mrs. Eric Evans and family,. and
Mrs. Edith Brown and family of
Jim Ross ' of . Wallacebltrg spent
the New Year holiday with• his.
parMr., d ,M, ARussel
Ross. ,an
Sundayents guests with rs'M•r. and
Mrs. • Fred Tiffin were .Mr. and
Mrs Russel. Ritchie;�� Mr, and
Mrs • Russel Proctor of. Livonia,.
Michigan,. Mrs. - Maud : Haggitt,
Miss .Lila Emerson; Mr: and Mrs.
Charles: Tiffin, Jack Aitchison,
Mr. and Mrs', Victor- Emerson.
Mrs„ Maud Haggitt went on
Sunday to • visit' with " her sister
Mr. and _ .Mrs. Russel Ritchie Miss Lila Emerson;
„ I `
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Proc-
The Whitechurch • omen' s
stitute will hold the . January
tor •of Livonia. " Michigan_ were ' •.
New Years,.visitors with Mr: and ' meeting on January . 13th ,at thee.
Mrs.ares Ch 1 Tffin home' of Mrs. Garnet Farrier.:
: - i -Tireuest speaker will be a Wel-
Mrs; Annie McQuillan'and Mrs. g
Lillian' McClenaghan were New fare : official;. Please note. change
Years. guests .with Mrs. Robert of .date: .
Ross. - The. ladies of Chalmers Pres -
Brian Kingreturned on New byterian Church are, reminded of
er after spending the iys al
Years, day to his, work' in Kitchen -
Maitland Presbyterial' annu-
;meeting ., to be .held in Lucknow
Presbyterian Church January. 12
with forenoon, and afternoon ses-
•Warm and ` hearty New Year's
Mrs. Donald Watt •'' held' Open Greetings to . our ' 'many friends
House for 'the . congregation. After who assisted with news . contribu-
around twenty. had 'gathered, 'Mr. tions in 1964.
Watt showed' slides: andgave :a Frak'Stockhill'.of Timmins .and
his father : Vernon ' Stockhill_ ..of
commentary _ of _his .w rk among, ,
ved --here -: on, Fri- j
. � Powassan---arn I
the. ', Indian children . whom: he
taught at Kincolith where' he was day to . visit` with' Mr. and Mrs..r
principal' for 2 years: a,n
left for home, accompanied by
With 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ars.
Held Open House
On New Years Eve Mr.and
d Tom •Morrison On Saturday they
Mrs Watt sexed. lunch to thgse'
• Mrs. FrankStockhill Harold,,
WEDNESDAY,.•JAN..••6th, 1944'.
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to attendance �
We 'are happy:; to report Mrs: ;Kenneth and Connie who were ,
Tom,' :.Morrison was discharged ,' here,. last . week .. on .. account of
from Wingham and District' Hos= Mrs. .Morrison s illness.
ital on Friday. , ' .'Percy, McClenaghan :accompan -
Mr. and Mrs Charles, Tiffin ied , by ,two friends -left. on Sun-
visited- Saturday withher parents.' day • by car for Dorset, 'near: Al -
Mr. and, Mrs. Bill. Brown of Luck- gcinquin ° Park, ' •where, they wall.
now.attend - school' to train 'them in
New Years' 'guests with Mr: and Forestry:
Mrs. `George: Fisher and family Beth• Gaunt of Wingharn
were: Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Fish- Passed ' -Away. •. ,. /
er Lonnie' and Lori of ": Guelph, This.. community` extends their
Mr: and 'Mrs.; Bill Fisher of Don sympathy `to Mrs. Lillian McClen.
Mills, Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Gibson, aghan,. in the: sudden' ` passing. on'
Rhonda; ' Billie and Gregory .oSaturday of her 'brother . Mr.- Beth
Lucknow, Mr. and -Mrs Bob Gaunt of Wingham, and ` to ' ether Ij
Dawson Na_ Cindy . of ' Kingston, : relatives. He was ' well known in
this t and worked f
Mr. and Mrs. , 'RobertOsborne
and girls and Mrs. Elmer Os-
borne spent Christmas 'Day ` wtihi
Mr: and Mrs.'John' .Reavie and
Lunda and Charles , Smith iii;
Christman guests of Mr. and
Mr and Mrs Arnold Louglieed commune y. wore or uy,
Cheryly` and Lori:. o°f'• Fort Erie, farmers :in: this area, sortie' of
whom were,: the ;late . Mr. John
Mr; and Mrs. Irwin „Carruthers., �G espie, `Frank „Coulter, Jack
John, .David : and 'Julia: . of Goder"
rah Mr. and Mrs Farish . Moffat Craig', .also the Department of
am i ways under supervi ion of
of: 'Wingh H gh d s
Mr. and Mrs: Peter Coffin, Gibson Gillespie He was of a
Scott, Joe and • Mark of Elmvale friendly, cheerful: disposition ` who
visited' the `week -end with ,' his loved eto visit his former friends
mother ; Mrs; Emma. ' Coffin and.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coffin, 01.IVET - NE
Verdun 'Quebec and Mrs, Emina'
Coffin visited on Tuesday with (Intended' For Dec. .30th)
her brothers Mr. 'Williara.'Laight :Put ''Luck Supper "'and Program
and ;Mr. and Mrs.' Douglas Lai- . The ' ._congregation ,of Olivet:
ght of •Sarnia. • United.' Church.., met', on:- Monday"
Mr. and Mrs Eric Evans and of last week for a pot luck supper
family were holiday visitors and the annual Christmas 'enter -
with his parents .Mr. and .Mrs. tainment. After a bountiful su'pp=
Bill Evans. - er the •young people .presented
and Mrs. Wesley Young a program .with":Rev 'George Ball.
were'. Tuesday . evening visitors . as chairman •` and : Mrs. Sandy.
with Mr. andMrs. Russel: Ritchie" ,` MacCharles at the. organ. Nancy
Mr.. and .Mrs. ' Russel Proctor !McGuire gave the welcoming add
of Livonia, 'Michigan, visited .Mr. f ress:: A , chorus; "`Hardrock, Coco
and Mrs: Russel Ritchie Thurs- and Joe"'„‘ by: Nancy McGuire,
day ' to Sunday.. ' I Joyce 'Black and Wendy. Hamilton
Celebrating ' New Years at the a recitation, by Ronnie McGuire
home •' ` of; Mr. • Charles' Martin ' followed . The • ' messengers gave
were: • Mr, and Mrs., Cameron :a Rhythm Band,• number to the
Simmons: and , Lonnie . of London, :tune of Jingle Bells A skit, "An
,Mr. and • Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, . Hour In the Lire'":of a 'Doctor."
Karen, Leesa 'and Kenton of God- compiled 'by Bill Black With Bill'
h as the doctor , Mr. -and Mrs.. Elroy Laid- and,:Iiuth White- as
;law, Joanne, Janie and • Paul, 'nurse, . with Lynn Clayton, .Nancy,
= Mr.. and Mrs: Ezra, .Scholtz. :' : Wand Ronnie • McGuire; Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Proctor; z Hamilton,‘ Mary and Laurie ,Mac
Livonia Michigan, Mr, and Mrs. Charles, May White and Jimmie,
l'Russel .Ritchie, . Langside, . were ; Joyce' and David Black as:' pat-
New . Years Eve visitors with : rents was a :comedy, hit, Joan aid
Mr. ' and .Mrs: Vidor . •Emerson. ;• Joyce. Osborne . each " gav'e:. rent-
Western- University students re- ` ations. Janet Hamilton -sang. "Sp-
Spturni g at the . week -end were: i ening 'Christmas" A: skit, "Buy-
Wayne • Martin, Elwin Murrayoore, and ; Hannilton, Joyce Mom," by Wendy,
Joyce Joan Os
Muriel 'Moore. i borne and'Brian Coiling 'assisted
Spending the holida season,
r by 'and Sharon.
ron.fromChristmas' to New Yeas Collingg . an Hamiltondlo play, "The
'with 'MVirs, Enna Coffin werg�Mr,` Pottery Jar" was presented by.
and Mrs..,Bob Dent, Dorval, Mr, class four. A duet by ' Evelyn
and . Mrs. Richard Coffin and , White' and Dianna :Anger and a
Dean of Verdun ' Quebec. They [monologue by Ruth White and.
left for their home on Saturday, ; Good Night, in Arosties, by 'class -
Mrs. Frank Coulter visited with ! es two and., three 'brougl t a very
her sister Miss Mabel Purdon ' in ! enjoyable program to a close,
Goderikh Hospital on Tuesday, l Jut before Santa's' visit everyone
Messrs. Cliff 'Wells,' R o s's sang carols' ' led. by Mrs. ' Ball
Hancock' and Alex' Coffin spent ' anti distributed gifts• and treats
thes, Emma d• ' with his . mother • • frotn the Christmas tree
Coffin and
John. Mrs. E. Osborne,. Mr: and Mrs.
.Curries School hold their 'Robert Osborne and girls visited • next progressive Euchre party, With Mr; & .Mrs, Ralph Scott ,on
y *,4 mitt timilmi w
Mrs:. P,'Lelvn Coiling, ' Sharon and. :.
Ernie were: Mr'.:; arid. Mrs. Dav-
id King, Pamela and Don of Tees
wat?r. and. Mr.: and M -s. Dor ald .•
Coiling and Murray of • Ripley;
;Mrs. Jean. Hamilton spent
Christmas holidays .with her fam-
ily at the home- of'. pr. and • Irs.
Ray Hamilton. Mrs. W. R,. Ham-
ilton ' and. ,Burt Eaton were
'Christmas .dinner guests
,Mr ,.and Mrs. Crittenha•m. and '
family -of . Clinton ,were Christmas
;visitors with . .Mr. and Mrs.; ; John
WfacChartes .and family, Sandra
MacCharles is r'spening. a: fe u
days• with the Crittenham 'family
in Clinton .• • • ' .
Visitors with the Osborne.'fam• •
fly on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan McCallum . and farnily'
of 1Danover, Mr. and It1rs Rob-
ert' Campbell and fainily of'.Luck:::
now, Mn.'and Mrs,: Ray Penning-:.
ton .of Teeswater and Mrs...W. J.
Rrnilston of Winghm.
. Mr. and Mrs. W.T.' . t o lston
and 'Jack; were dinner guests on
Saturday with Mr, and` Mrs. Rob-' . .
ell. Qrr.
On Sunday,' December ., 20th at
7:30 p,m. e ..T held thFir
annual Vesper
th,GServii:e' in ,the
Prnshyterian • chuCrchL.„
:• The .service. was opened by the
girls who •entered • carrying
,ed. candles and Singing. Thc' first
reader.. was 'the '•pre idem cot)),
McLeod, second reader .'Linda
fioyle, teandlelighter Janet Car,
1 ruthers, The ushers were 'Sharon'
Mowbray, Beverley- Mael)onald,:
and Donna ' The. girs
received the drsteroffering': Wei?eq.1:30`whi:1.!
nee' 'rMaize Donana Mv111rn, Ivi��rr:
F .A,f to the $ery yI . f cl'r ► al.s •: were
cam' � the
Sung{. Innen was se ved ;by
girls' arida :a 'social hour` . en),o,YC