HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 5• WEDNESDAY, JAN.; 6th, 1965
`Intended• For Deceinber . doth )`
Mr, and .Mrs. James Bradley
of Ashfield entertained members
of. the' Reid family, on ,Christmas
Day, A. pleasant. surprise was a'
vomit :.from Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Iti rjd of .Orlando, Florida,. 'who,
flew. borne. to be ,wi't'h. their fame'
ily for ,the holiday week -end.. They
are returning ,•shortly to. their
home in Florida' for the. remain-
der of the .winter . maz ths,
Mr. and Mrs 'Donald. 'Cpurtney,;
Mrs.: Leonard....:Courtney:,
Mr. and Mrs.„ Jack. ! Liddie and
Mr. and' Mrs. John C; MacDonald
were. guests of M. and Mrs•. Stew-
art .A itkens . on Saturday . evening,
Mr, and.Mrs, °Albert' Aitkens of
London were also present and en-
joyed' '!the , evening With ' f orrner'
Pine River friends. Mr
Mr. and -Mrs: Edw d .0 ne
�' Y
of Kilworthy called on, �.Aiiberley
relatives do Sunday.
Mr :aiid`,Mrs. Glenn Campbell.
Jack and:Glenna, and: Mrs. John
A. • Campbell; spent. Christmas:
with 'Ir. and : Mrs. Russell Camp-
bell of Atwood., •
Mr.' and Mrs. Norval -Nesbitt'
:were Sunday guests • of . Mr. ' and.
Mrs. Walter Brown. . •
Mr: 'and Mrs. Chester, 'Emm
erten and family ' and' Mr, • and
Mrs John Enimerton :.were Christ-
mas :gi ests . iwith Mr; and 'Mrs:
Robert ;Farrssh of'' Ashfield,
Mr.' anal: Mrs. 'Archie 'Courtney:
and Mr. and:Mrs, Leonard' Court-
ney and family spent Christmas
with. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mc-
Leod Of Kincardine,,
'Mr, .and . Mrs Walter Brown
entertained Mr ..and Mrs. Eldon
Bradley, Phylis , and , John, and
Dr.: and Mrs: Murray McLennan,
Sandra, Brenda and Norman -.on
Christmas Day.
Thee Ferguson' , families . enjoy-
ed `Christmas rDay at' Reids Cor
ners Community' Hall;
Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Cam
P-. of Lucknow,: Mr;- and Mrs.
Williarp Campbell . of . Kincardine..
Robert. Shiells of Ripley," Mr. and
s: Elwood Irwin and family 'of
Wingham, Mr, .and._Mrs -.Robert
Courtney and family., Mrs. Rena,.
.Kempton of Ripley. and ,Mr. and
Mrs. William Kempton and family'
of .Amberiey enjoyed ..Christmas
:Day (at Anlberley Orange Hall.:
Mr.. and' Z`Mrs.. Robert .McNay;
Sharon and :Steven. spent Christ-
mas, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard.
'1VIcQuillin. h
Chritmas.s Eve service', `ws a ° held
at • Pule River United. Church, and
was largely • attended. Christmas
carols were' played by :.the,: organ
istt', Miss- .Ga�id Boyd 'prior to . the
service, A • number 01 the loved
gals were sung ' followedwith
the history o%, many : of. them by
Rev, Harold P.illen who also gave
a` fine„ Christmas:.message.?
Mr. and :Mrs, Wayne 'Johnstone
andsons : of - Montreal visited ` in
this -vicinity on Sunday.
Mrs. Laura McNain_ of .Weston
and Mist' Helen . McNain of Lon -
'don ..are• spending the holidays , at
their Amberley home.:•
Mr.; and Mrs: Donald Courtney
and -family. and Mr. and Mrs.
William.' Courtney of Amberley
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs,'John C. MacDonald, Court-
ney and �,Corine.'°
Mr. and Mrs. John Blue and
Eugene Blue of St. Clair Shores,
1Vllehigan, were Christmas guests
of• Mr ; ;and Mrs. Donald Blue and
family. ;of Ripley:
Mr,. andMrs. William Pace,.
'Marilyn and Mary_ Sunday
with' Mr .and .Mrs. Dave McKin-
non of Port .EIgin,
. Christmas guests • with Mr , and.
Mrs. Arthur Courtney were :Air.,
arid . Mrs. "Mervyn Courtney `and
Port Susan of. Pot. Dover, Mr. " and
Mrs.: Grant Rice + and family, Mr,
and Mrs. Lloyd Courtney and fam-
ily of `London, Mr:, and Mrs. .,Rob
ern Harris and Mr. and - Mrs.
John D. McKay. and. family.
Miss, Iva ' Smeltzer of Toronto.
visited with her parents Mr. ; and
Mrs, Arthur. Snetzer and . family -
over' the holidays
.Mr. 'and Mrs. Tom tell,•.•Ted,
John, and . Robbie .: of Toronto
spent '.week ,.at their Summer.
home. ' • Amberley. •
• Mr, a d ;. Mrs: Reg .Godfrey en-.
tent$ their, family on Christ-
mas Day.
Jarhes Farrell 'of' the Sbdh
concession. of Huron who suffered
injuries from a fall, down .stairs
is showing a ' gradual improve-
ment ` in his condition, .
Mrs. Winnie Watson and'Jack•
McDonald of Amberley spent.
Christmas" 'with Mr. and. 'Mrs.
John Cardiff andfamily of , Bruss
Miss- Marilyn' Pace . is ' spend
ing . a few days -with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Pace...
Mr. and Mrs,: William RPace
of Kincardine and '.Miss'Marilyn
Pace of Kincardine General Hos-
pital spent ..Christmas with' Mr.
and :. Mrs. :William- Pace :.of the
second concession of Huron.
Jim arrell of Reids Corners
who. in ' ed his knee :: whilela
P y
ing hockey • is able to ' be around
-Christmas Eve service was . held
at: • St. Lukes. Anglican church
With .a good attendance. ; '
"The greatest 'medium for. •hold=
ing';.together our interests :inthe
old Boys and :..girls" says. Cecil
Johnston of The Sentinel while. re -
Hewing his *paper:..
Production of General to.r rs and,
trucks ;has :resumed. -Dail);• outp will rise
and.our plants will; soon each
maximum capacity: We wish to `.express.
our 'sincere .thanks:ter everyone who has
waited soPat,iently for this good news.
Our appreciation embraces many people
across Canada:`.. our customers Our
suppliers ,, " ..: and 'our dealers.
To the customers who have': cars or
trucks on; order and are• awaiting `delivery,
we are' �`articularly'grateful for your faith
• p' forbearance
in our products, for' your
an y ,,
dl for our..un,derstanding. Now that
ourP roduction: has started agaiin rest .as
sured we will fill your orders as quickly
as .possible
To our suppliers, wed -extend our ,sincere
aPP ., reciation and offer the encouragement:
that soon all our operations' will be back
you are
• to their normal level. Already, y .
providing,. the many quality .products and.
services that will enable us to reach peak
roduction.witl minimun delay.
We thiank°our dealers and their 'em, lo,
P ,..y
_en•'whose im�Portant job:it is
ees•=—the m
to sell and .service, General Motors cars
and trucks. We `khow?they will .welcome
this renewed'o �ortunit ; to' fulfil the trans
:e PP :y.
portation needs of .every customei;>i.
Those of you o'have not yet ordered
p our new vehicle can now buy your choice,
confident that delivery will be made with-
in. y time. Ever.: effort will''
,n ,
be'put forth by our dealers, our'.supphers
and ourselves'to''meet •your .requirements.
It is `ou belief that our •1965 cars and
trucks are .the . finest ever produced. This
'is confirmed by the enthusiastic reports' of
the thousands' Of Customers already driving'
til'em. Try them'out.soon :at your ,General
'Motors" dealer's.
Again we thank you, and, along ,%vitt
all our employees, we extend warmest
seasonal greetings- and food wishes for
p ►,O
N. •
Ashfield' NafVe-.
Passes At Goderic
A . former . Luckii : ,and • Ash-
field resident, well ,known in this.
community, Mrs, .Adam Johnstone
passed • away very Suddenly' in
Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, at
the age of 81, Mrs. Johnstone
had been'.. very , active :and was,,
in quite good health ,.until she
suffered., a. heavy stroke Thursday,
December 17, . passing away- the .:
same day.,
The former ` Annie : Elipabetl
Sherwood; , the .: daughter of' . the '"
late William . George. Sherwood
and Elizabeth; Twamley, , she was
born in. Ashtield. Township :on No-
vember 7th; 1883 .
On December .15, 1908,: ,she mar •
ried. Adam Johnstone' at Belfast.
They resided- in. Lucknow. tuna-
ntil 1917, living "firstly in :the house
now' owned by Miss . Liella Finlay-
son on Whaler , St, and . hien on :,
the 'same street in the 'house -:re- :
cently purchased .by Wm, Kogan.
Most of ;their years in Lucknow, ,,
however, theylived'. in Harry An
derson's house,%on Standpipe Hill.
In 1917 they.. began •farming • at
Curries Corners in Ashfield TowriJ.
ship on the farm their : son Gor- •
don: now owns..,
Mr. and Mrs... . Johnstone retired
to GederiCh • in - ,1952 ` where .Mrs. /.
Johnstone'. was:.a . member: of they:',.:.
Senior, . Citizen's .Club, `Kinsmen •
Octogenarian.; 'Chib,;" the . Women's '.
Institute„_'Victoria St. U i t ed
Church and the. United;.. Church
Mrs Johnstone is survived 'by
her' ,husband; • one . daughter Myr-
tle May ::Johnstone, a ` librarian in
Goderich who • :resided . with her
parents; one _son Gordon; A. of
Lucknow three ; grandchildren;
two sisters, Mrs.' ,Evelyn Watson,
Goderich, ; and Mrs. Marie 'Mein -
flea, : Teeswater.
The Senior Citizen'sClub held
a : service at : the funeral home ••
on Saturday afternoon
Funeral service was held from.
Stiles Funeral ,Home, , Goderich,,
Monday, December 21, with - Rev.
C.' A:: Dukelow of ' ; Victoria, ' St.
United.. Church, Goderich, as of-
ficiaiting minister.. , Temporary En
tombment was ' in South ::Kinloss
Mausoleum With- burial to -be hi
Greenhill '.`Cemetery.
•Pallbearers;. nephews of the' de-,
ceased were William .McInnes,,
Teeswater; 'Mel Henry, Pine Riv-.
er;' Rod'McKenzie, ''Port Albert;
Eldon 'Culbert, Dungannon;'. Lloyd'-
Irwin, Kinloss; . J' Hunter, Zion
Modesty prevents us. from• pub-
lishing the nice'' things; Mrs. , Lance
Morrison of Rexdale' says about
.the Sentinel but .we `are ,.pleased.
that Mrs. Morrison ; gets. so' much
enjoynment out, of her home town
aper and we thank her ;,for her
kind. words.
(Intended... for. Christmas Issue)
:• Marie Stewart and , Bill :Button•
talked -turkey -all, the way .this
weekwhen they both ,won a 'tur-
tur-key for 'high triple and, in:. doing
so topped the : triples for the., year
with Bill rolling : a triple of 832 and
a :single game of 312. Marie, Stew- '
art had a trble of 729 plus 39
handicap for 768 and -she also took ,.
the, single' top score for the year
•with a .295 game.. ."
Elwin and Edna Petrie won the'
turkey for couples' triple with a
score of 1348 • ' 'ns Irene Van Der
Veen won' the pm,'
,prize' in. the:•
draw and D. Mel Corrin was the
second winner.
Standing; Cubs, .37, Tigers 36
Beavers, 33, Coons . 31, Lions 27,
Chipmunks 26,. Wolverines . 25,
Zebras 21, Kangaroos 21, Gophers
,21,: Pole Gats 18, .Squirrels" 15.
(Intended for Christmas . Issue)
Rubies 0, Pearls 4; Sa;rphires
2, Diamonds 2: Rhinestones 3
ealds ' 1. High single, . Josie
Hamilton 262; high,. triple, . Marie
Johnston 601:' -
Garnes of over 200:. Marie John-
ston. 216, .212: Eun'ce. Cstnninghani
208, Josie Hamilton 262;, Olive
Chisholm 208. Barbara 1{ riendorf
1214. ' " Stanclinc , Diamonds. 29,
Pearls 26. Rhinestonr?s 7,, ''Errieta
aids 25, Sapphires 20, Rubies 18..