HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 41111.11P4 1'4 1014 1'. .PAG*. FOUR: THE' LyCKNO.W SENTINEL;' LUCKNOW,,, ONTARIO " A WIEDNESDAY, SAN, pith, 1965 ,U' 1r F or r • e 1'C . s 4� r. ""•t.'; rr. s"1 t(' it ,ic , , . ., •�, , �! ,�zir,; ‘�.-,r i moi., ,. 1161 ws4.0 •*"%«,+40•;00.; se, envoi/Aar, w • 28-313.4 • • • FOR. ,SALE. young hog., Phone Alex "Hackett 529-7267.. 44.44. � _ . FOR, SALE' , . , ,Ten eight-week old pigs. Donald Bell, .phone 528-5180. GET YOUR SURGE . supplies at the Crest Hardware Store Luck - now at their new location : PIGS FOR SALE—'.25 pigs for: sale, apply Herb ' Buckton, R.R. ,6, Lucknow, phone Ripley ,26-10. PIGS' FQR SALE . � 22 .chunks,. Abe rit Rhi lips, .R.R.:. 2 Lucknow, phone 528-6833 Lucknow. PIGS FOR—SALE - :16 chunks, ten weeks old. 'Jack Ritchie, R.R.3 Lucknow, phone Dungannon 529- 7547 - HANKS Roddy 'McDonagh -would' like to thank. his paper customers who remembered him at Christmas. Bill Houstonwould' like, to ''say. 1 "Thank ::you" to all his customers :in 1964 and extends best wishes to all for :1965. : ;,CAR FOR SALE - 1959 .black Buick sedan, one owner. "Contact W. A. Porteous, .Lucknow, phone 528-2041. FOR SALE-- -_Yor:k__.hoga, 'ser- viceable age, Frank Ritchie,: R.R. 3 Lucknow, . phone Dungan- non 529-7377. HOUSE". FOR. SALE- duplex; on. corner of Willoughby and. Inglis: Apply Mrs. Margaret Carruthers, ,Ripley. AUCTION .,SALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed `Auctioneer;,.. Lucknow -= Phone 528-3519; '-VACUUM 'CLEANER SALES, and . SERVICE THANK YOU Roy and Jim ,Hallam :wish to, express their thanks to ' their Free ress customers for the kindness s wn . them at . Christmas : time. I wish to express my thanks to; >.all who sokindly remembered me while I was hospitalized.. `-- - Virden Mowbray Mrs D Etta RobeiLs-`wishes to sincerely thank all who, sti-luridly remembered her while_ the waa. hospitalized. in . Wingham. Special thanks .;to .Drs. Corrin . and' McKim and the nursing 'staff. THANK YOU At : this time we would . like to thank all our London Free Press customers ;,for the.. various gifts: received; Happy , New Year to all. Tom ' and Ellen • O'Donnell I" wish to express my sincere thanks. *to my neighbors, friends and relatives ,for their kindness in sending' 'get . well:' cards, letters., gifts, flowersand for personal visits ::.while I was a ,patient: in Victoria ' Hospital and since re- turning home: May, :.this New For all ..makes Filter. Queen Year bring you much' joy and Sales, s Var a Phone 262-5 50. happiness. ness. , FOR . SALE _ Monogram 51,000 Mrs•,.J•: Wesley Joynt: B.T.U. :ail space. heater, : with forced air and : thermostatic con- trols, like new. ' Lucknow Co-op, ', phone 528-2125 letters ' and.ifts to ' her while Audrey Jean .:Ritchie wishes to thank everyone who. , sent cards, hospitalized :in ... Sick • Children's CORN FOR SALE -- " cob' . and -kiln. dried corn from the ` Midge town Chatham area in 5 -ton and truckload lots. Jim MacEwan, Kinloss, phoney' 2410. Bervie. • FOR SALE :. seven : Holstein cows, ' one . milking, one to fresk. en in January,. otherfive before. early- Spring, prefer to sell near freshing tune. Wm. '.ROSS, R.R. ' 3 • Goderich, ' phone Ripley .:110-r-25.' FOR SALE = international cream separator, one 8 -can milk cooler; 1959.. . Dodge Fl ide pick-up truck, 14000 a al miles All 'in excellent condi in Wingham hospital. Special • Kincardine, phone . 366J. • thanks +' to Drs: McKiiin . and' Corrin SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and the: nurses' of the 3rd.' floor. Septic tanks,'cess pools, ` etc.,, These kindnesse� were. very with' mod-. much appreciated. 'pumped: and cleaned ern .equipment. All• work guar= Brian'"Johnstone • .ariteed. Louis Blake,. R. 2 'Bros- :sels, phone' . 442-w-6. Hospital, 'London. All ; these kind- nesses ` were very much • apprec- iated and sure helped to pass'the. days for her. I, wish° to thank' all who sent me cards, 'letters and. flowers annd. the odes who; visited me while'l was' in hospital,: Their thoughtful- ness, is indeed' appreciated. Thanks -also to Doctors • Corrin and McKim. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie COMING EVENTS GODERICH,, LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions w�llm 'hold a bingo on Wednesday, January 13th; 8:30. p.m. at the Harbour- lite- Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, one ` share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot. and the new acceler- ating . jackpot up to $250: and 2 door .prizes Admission: $1.00. NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucsnow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular. games - $10.00 each. 4; Share -The -Wealth :. games w' i t h jackpot included in each game.' Jackpot . this week $65.00 on 56 ca s. BOY , SCOUT ; PICTURES Pictures (slides and mmovies). of the "Washington trip" . and tthe "Fishing trip" will be shown in the - Township Hall, " Holyrood,- on Friday, January .15th at 8:00 p.m.. Sponsored by, the ,,Kinloss , Boy Scouts. Silver :collection.; EUCHRE PARTY In. Augustine Parish • Hall on: Friday, January. 8th at 9:00 p.m.: Lunch.. Good' .prizes: • • IANTED WANTED grade' and purebred Holstein bulls, grades from 350- 800 'lbs. Purebreds from 300. lbs. to one year. Must be in good con- dition. Phone :Bob.': McNair,'Walk- erton 881-1492.N WANTED straw or :p1d hay; for whole bedding,. can 'clean :out barns, Jacob Rohrer,:. It. R. 4; Ripley, phone Ripley 128.r 5. WANTED --= a reliable. young girl, to . live in, to look after two pre-school.. children 'while : mother work's ' in the afternoon. Phone. Wingham 357-1,856 collect.' HELP: WANTED.. —. someone to look after four school children; during night,- good wages,.. board'. arranged . if necessary, Phone Lucknow : 528-2448. • HELP WANTED . . single 'man -' for dairy.'farm, • to start immed score 6 goals and.Wingham none. lately; permanent'position for . the l Seven, penalties were handed right man. Art . Messenger, phone out, 5 to,' Lucknow, 2 'to Wingham. Ripley 16-30, R.R.. 1 Ripley, This year the ' Lucknow Bantams are being coached 'by Jim: Arnold and managed by` Allan. Marto. LOST Pee Wee,: Squirts House League COAT LOST - Man's . charcoal set Hamilton's' Cities Service up top coat, size, 38,:at Christmas , et Chisholm s Imperials,. 4-1. • dance, • Lkgion Hail, Lucknow. Goals for Cities Service went to John MacKenzie with two - and Finder please contact Ray Dal: i ton, " phone ; Dungannon 529-7347 Donald MacDonald' . and David. collect. MacKinnon with one each, '.Allan Andrew: scored " the only ' goal for; Nonce. T�. 'Creditors. NOTICE 'TO ,;CREDITORS , • IN . THE' 'ESTATE OF EDWIN .R.' GAUNT LATE OF R.R.'1, -LUCKNQW,; ONTARIO, IN THE COUNTY OF. BRUCE, :FARMER All persons claiming against , the above.- Estate are :required to for- ward full. particulars: of their claims to the undersigned, on' or before the lOth ..day ' of -January, 1965,, after which .date the assets will be distributed. DONNEhLY & MURPHY Barristers, 18 The 'Square, n • Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. NOTICE; TO CREDITORS In The Estate, Of ROBERT ANDREW RAE 1 s v ca having un ALL • PERSONSg. `against the estate of theabove mentioned, .late of the,Village of'. Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Hardware Merchant, who' died ,. on .the ---twenty-fifth day of,T October, .1964, are required to file. proof of same with :the under- signed on or before 'the : 16th day of January, 1965, After . that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the• ,Estate having re gard only to the claims of which he ,shall* then have had notice.. • DATED at Wingham, this 15th day of December, A.D, 1964.. ; • J. H CRAWFORD, Q.C. Wingham, 'Ontario Solicitor for the Aministrator with Will annexed: Too'Late:T�: CIassifj WOOD FOR SALE elm fur- nace: blocks. A. > Woodcock Luck now, ,phone 528-6096; BANTAMS .'TROUNCE E'W INGHAM` On Friday, December: 23rd Lucknow Bantams ; trounced. the Wingham' Bantams, : 14-2 in a W.O.A.A. game. In the first; period Lucknow Scored '5 goals, • Wingham 0. In the second Lucknow flashed the light 3 times and Wingham. twice. The final' period saw Lucknow I would like' to thank all my: friends. • who visited, sent cards tion Ken, Martin and gifts, while : I was a patient r : FOR SALE 'One automatic. Quaker 'oil stove, with thermostat.: and fan one 200 gallon tank; also one medium size ' oil stove; all in good condition. Arnold Sto- thers, phone 529-7232. • CUSTOM. BUTCHERING Beef and pork : sold in anyquan- ity. ' Custom, butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from M o n. d a y through Thursday, BUTTONS MEAT MARKET, SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic ' tanks; . Ronald • Forster, Lucknow; phone 528-3002, manu- facturer of "cement septic tanks and well tile.' NOTICE . The Luekriow Women's Institute will sponsor the 441 Hotnemaking Club "The ' Club Girl Stands On .A • Guard," ' All girls interested be- tween the ages of 12 and:, 26 by March 1st, 1965, please contact Mrs,; George ;Whitby, by January 20th, 1965+ I would. like 'to say, a sincere thank you- to all my friends ' and relatives 'who remembered me ini s ways while: in ,hospital. far ou w y, w Jessie Johnston .Mrs, Wm. Brown wishes *to ex Press her sincere, thanks to the W.M.S., . 0 f , . t: h e • Presbyterian Church, friends' and : neighbors' for , . all their . kindness, at Christ - Inas n d New Years, Their thoughtfulness was • deeply' apprec- iated.'• On behalf' of the patients in our Nursing Home we that to sincer- ely , thank all that remembered them at Christmas. -To the °' chur- ches, ' institutes; other organizat- ions and all the individual gifts and cards ,'and especially the vis- its a sincere . thank you. They were :indeed appreciated'; - . . Grace and Elliott -'Carruthers We wish to thank all, those who remembered Mr.; Hodgins ,awhile in Wingham:'. Ilosp Tal• with -.cards, treats and visits; .. also . ail., who sent • card§ and . Christntas greet- ings' to its. a iMr. and Mrs. Jag. M. Hodgins Sr. the Imperials..,•, ' 4440 , 1..ENPRSE:.`A�'D Schmid's and•,Ashton's.:defeat-. ed • Hall's. Red • and White' 10-6. John . Emberlin got , five goals, Tenders to supply.. the West Brian Jardine four and Russell Wawanosh : Schools . with hard iV1oncrief one for, Schmid's & Ash - maple or beachwood, will be re-. ton''s.• Goals for Hall's Red and ceived by ,, the .5eeretar'y-treasurer. White were scored by. Greg Hunt - up to Friday, •'January 29th, 1965.; .er •.'with •, three,. Gary Hedlcy:two W is to be. f4" long and not and Robbie' Boak ith one. under 6" ' or over 12" across' and • 'Standing: . ' Chis x horm s Imper- to be, delivered and piled before ials ' ti;, Sehnzid's and Ashton' • 6 Hamilton'sCitiesService 6 Hall's Reda and' White 0. LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING,. (Monday, 'January 4th) Canaries: 3 Cardinals 1 Wrens 3 — : Robins 1; Bluebirds 3 Orioles 1, Marie Button roll- ed 623 for the high triple of the week and also captured the high single with a . 248 game. Standing: Bluebirds . 35, Wrens 32, Orioles 27,.' Canaries 22, Car. dinars 22, Robins 18. 203 games and ,over: Maxine Maize 206-, Mar: ie Stewart. '230, Wilma Chisholm. • 238, Ferne :MacDonald .234; .. Mar- ie Button 235, 248; Marion Mac. Kinnon 200, Bertha • Olsen 233. LADIES EVENING BOWLING (Monday,: January. 4th) Rhinestones took "• 2 games from. Rubies; Pearls took 3 games from . Diamonds; • Sapphires • took 3 games from Emeralds: High. single Doris Boak 252, high triple • Marion MacKinnon 632. : Over 200:. Marion' MacKinnon -'201--,--2.37, :- Grace Taylor '223; Olive Chisholm 206,' 229, Barbara. Frier)." dorf ' .217,' Beryl : Mowbray'204, ����e�atty. Irwin 215, Margaret Finlay `2+�4:_:-Doris .:.. a 5 21— ,.. . Bo k �2, Edith-4Web--�-> ster:.215,. `Rose Hall. 218. Team standing: Pearls, 30, Diamonds' 29, Rhinestones 28, 'Emeralds 25, Snit- phires 24, Rubies 20. June 30, , 1965 tothe following West Wawanosh school No. 3 with:, 10 cords; No. 17 with 10 cords, No. 12 with, 10 cords. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Joyce Stothers,� R.R. 6 Goderich s •Ooi•4i••ee00•sl4t••Ireo DONS TV••• SERVICE • fr Experienced • All Work, Guaranteed •' Prompt Service 1, • , Reasonablee `Rates PHONE 184, tIPLEY •• ►BliEii41661.0•41A6.34i0041riit rY-r,iur,uv�+'71r1�►t./� "+nrae'+�+'�,' Dead -Stock Removal 'service We are licensed . to .remove your dead . or :crippled (ann.- animals f o*. sanitary disposal.. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone 'Collect to: 4? MRS, GORDON TAYLOR 528-5950 Lucknow 2A -hour Service Licence Nos. 215C63' arid '22R63* n •r. 4011.4-4i.a''W41 1 ..' 1 EMORIAM ANDERSON, : In ; memory of. Mrs. Fred Anderson • who passed away one year.; ago. December '29, 1963.. God saw the road was getting'. • rough, • • And. the hills were hard to climb,' SO -He closed your weary: eyelids, And whispered "Peace be ..thine." AlWays remembered by husband Fred, . Dave, Charlie; Norma and farniiies. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• i •�,. a.ss.�a•, • ;'WE . SELL RURAL :ONTARIO'. •$10,900 full price and open tot offers ::as to down' payf ent and; terms; for this' 100' acre, richt arm located > on . a > paved road`' •in Huron `•County. 12 , storey.• *home .; With all modern conven=t tiences. Large barn' 'with cattle! • ties, hydro, .water bowls; and; litter. carrier.: Attached 2 stor-' •ey hen house, silo, implement; shed and 'brooder houses.: See• it soon!`: •. ,. •$5,500 with. :easy. ,terms for his: •30; acre . • farm located on the•• :outskirts •of ' Lucknow. 01 i>z stor=: =ey home• with • II:D,. wir`ing,, water •on pressure,, :' and built• Iin cupboards. Barn 16' x 24','• double garage' •and colon4 • rou h.• h t s g houses. 'River ' r un property. . i ipAuL: S..: STARR •& COMPANY LTD REALTORS• : WINGHAM; PHONE '357.3840 :Local Agent 'E PENNINGTON: •'• ••••••••••••••••••••••4 ;::;;:;;;:;;;.#•:;;;;;4"''— • • Dead Anima.{ Removal. For DEAD' or DISABLED ANIMALS .--"Coll COLLECT • v • Darling: • .and Company. of Ca ., nada Ltd. 'Clinton #dtJ.2-7269`,• - • Delt Animal. Linen `e 262-0.61,.