HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 2•
H. T,. Sauer of .To We
anid, Boa Allan +C, Sanfster, of an-
ngor, North Wales visited .o .day
his week with ;Mr, and Mm.. W.
F. ' MacDonald,
and Mrs Philip
'With Mr.
'Stew'art were
their -family, Mr. and .Mrs.. Lloyd
Stewart and, Greg, Dundas, ' Mr,
and Mics. Allan Stewart, . Kim,
Leslie • and John, Montreal, Mr.
and Mrs, * Jack Wilson; Sandra
and Ross, ' .Oakville, and Miss
Winifred Stewart,.; :London.
Mr. and .Mrs.. 'Harold: Ritchie
Muriel, Merleand. ;Lyal of Lon' '
don; spent last. -Sunday' . with his
mother Mrs:. Gordon Ritchie..
Mrs, Charles Steward return-
ed to her home recently after
spending two weeks in' London
with her family. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Henderson. ; and*. Brian,
Toronto, also spent the Christmas
holiday . in London . with her
mother, sisters .and brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andrew
motored• down from Kapuskasing
to spend Christmas with . his
mother Mrs: George Andrew and
other members of the '', family.
Mrs. George ,,Andrew„. who is. at
Pinecrest .Manor was well enough
to enjoy Christmas and New
Years •i at :her home on' Quality
Mr • . K. and Nlrs, Harvey Hall,
John, Janis : add Jill of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cummings.and
Murray likThite of : Owen Sound,
and Mr. and' Mrs Lloyd Hall,
• Susan and Steven of Lucknow
spent Christmas with their. mother
Mrs. John Hall.
• P. M. 'Johnston spent Christ-
mas with. his ; daughter and :'son
in-law Mr. and. Mrs. Al _ Ouse . and
family London. .
Mr. and • Mrs. Jim Snelgrove of
Toronto, spent ' the past. (week -end.
• With. her . father P. '.M.. Johnston, ,
, Mc
agh and Roddy • spent New . Years'
McKenzie. '
' Mr, . and Mrs.''Bob. Bell'spent
Christmas week with her parents
Mr.. and Mrs, W. A. Porteous.
• New Years visitors with Mrs
R. H : Thompson' " were Mr.. and
Mrs; - Bait ' ..Thompson, John. " and
R,ouert ,cif- Windsor, "Mr ' and Mrs.
Wm. Hewat and Ardonna of Wil--
lowdale, Miss Lorna Campbell of
Toronto, °
Nellie Ruttan of Toronto . spent
Christmas with her father ..Anson
Ruttan in Luckniow.
Christmas visitors with J. �A }
McDonagh's:. were Mr,.' and; Mrs,.
Muriray ` McDonagh and. family,
Angus,._ Mr. and Mrs. Voss Mc,
Donagh, • Toronto, M. • and Mrs.'
Barry'< McDonagh and. family of
Zion, Mrs. Bessie Steele, Tees
water and., Mr; Fred Anderson
Lucl now. '
• Keith .• Kaiser, son of 'Rev. and
Mrs... G. W. Kaiser of Lucknow,
was, admitted' to : Wingham' .'. Hos
pital • with' : pnuemonia' . on . Boxing
Day.. He,, returned home ` last' , Sun-
day and.'resumed ' his studies: ' . in
Waterloo on ,Wednesday. •'
Joe Conley of Lucknow is a ,pat-'
ient in Wingham Hospital with
Mary MacIptyre of ,: Lucknow
spent the.. week -end in Toronto
withaher cousin Mary Aniia .. Nich
With olsori
in:" London ' th Mr an
' d Mrs Ed
• Mrs. Jim Henderson, a' a panent
in Victoria . Hospital for some
time, : • was • able to :- return to r
home here before Christmas:
Fraser Ashton, ' ` a Student at
OAC ` in. Guelph spent Christmas
with . his *parents, Mr. and Mrs...
Lloyd Ashton. ' and. then ' spent
Christmas week in Quebec :City,.
Mr. • and Mrs. Robert Parker
and family: of Dorchester spent
'the Christmas '• holiday s with' Mrs.
Parker's; parents Mr. and Mrs:
.Rebt. ' Reid, Boundary). West.
Jon Kingsbury, , 'of . Vancouver.
and Miss'.. Katherine Kingsbury of
Calgary flew east, to spend '. the
Christmas holidays with their
grandparents 'Mr. and Mrs.. King-
sbury,' 'at. the home' of; their aunt
and uncle •fMr.. and. Mrs. ,.Robert
• Reid, Boundary, , - West.
'Russell (Buster)' Whitby. of 'Luc
u . know is a ` patient. , in Win' g.ham
and District Hospital. He was ad-
mitted last "Sunday ' with, pleurisy.
Mrs. Chas. Lorenz of Lucknow
,entertained-, Mrs Maud Sherwood
-for Christmas. Mrs. Lorenz mak-
es her home with her , . daughter.
Mrs. 'Clarence Bell and Mr. Bell,
• who • recently moved here from
Cleveland. She is in . her 90th'. year,
enjoys. :good, health ,' and is quite ever, -London, Teeswater 'a n d
active. (' • Lucknow::
Mrs. `Robert 'McKenzie,. who has
spent most of her- life* in the Dun-
gannon area, Celebrated her •94th.
birthday at. Pinecrest Manor in
Lucknow on. Tuesday, December,
29th. Mrs. McKenzie, the former
Matilda Plunkett, 'was, born, in
West Wawanosh,. the daughter of
the,late John Plunkett' and Maria
Martyr. " .
� O
WEDNESDAY JAN, ;4N'► • 196s
Toronto dam
!ear. Ross Tartan
Metro Toronto. "police:` are going
to have a kilted pipe: band.
It is bem$$ reorganized by;. Insp.
Sandy John ton after being~ dis-
banded' :during World War II
Efforts ' .were made : after the
war to ,•start ,it again, but the
then pollee commission was op-
posed: The'. present commission
will . include $10,000: in the esti-
mates;= to buy the, kilts and in-
There . will be . 25 piper and'.
drummers and a drum major.
They will wear'
ea s, tartan,
worn by the o�'g nabnd form-
ed byPipe, Major
. loin Ross, . a
Toronto policeman in 1912. Mr.
Ross, who: died this year at the
:age of 103, was :.well -known to
Lucknow residents: •
Honoured On:
25th Anniversary
'A family dinner:. •was held at
the.. home: of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Wraith' in Lucknow on Saturday,
December 26th 'in honour of Mr.
'and Mrs. Arnold Scott ,of Tees -
water, on their 25th Wedding An-
Mr. and Mrs.. Scott .have a. fam-
ily of two daughters .. and , one
son, Mrs. Eldon ,(Shirley) Wraith
of Lucknow, ' Nancy of -London
and John at home. Friends and
relatives attended from SL Cath-
arines, Oakville,' ; Toronto,..,Kitch
ainnniIEEE'ani■■■iau■■a■■UDianal■anuuniuuuaaa■aail •
■ •
Will Be. : Held ;In
vWnsni Ha11'.Rpjy
ar :11th
Top TaiIrs
ice A Years
Tailored TO. Measure -
• •
She::'.married `ober :Alexander
McKenzie on. March 14,' 4; They
farmed in. West ': Wawanos and
Ashfield and in 90't bought : Wil-
liam ` Anderson's liardw. in
Dungannon'.' In- 1539 w .. • i their
hardware store was • • • • • out, •
Mr .and ' 'Mrs. McKenzie resided' . •.
with 'their daughter -A% and Mrs. •
Otto ';Popp m . Dungannon • for
short ; time.: .They then went to i
care for _Mrs; McKenzie's sister
n ..'f..�r. BruceCleanershusbandMrand':�1. Ei t 0
Pattison. in Wingham `where • y glia
• •
ON A. .•
:ustorn Tailored
P'RICE 'RETURNS TO fay 0(i-;
and. Men's' Wear,
-- Phone. 528;•3016
Mr. _ McKenzie passed; away: In
1941,.. Following her husband's
rs.' McKen�rzzie spent the
winters ith hef7family aniJ . the
'Wingham until-"
soi her: house four years
to.Fred Moore formerly
of Luck -
now.' She ,then. Popp went. to; like with
'her' daughter.:Mrsin Dun
gannon, .
She, has ;been. at -Pinecrest Man-
or for almost two years except
for four.' months in Wingham Hos
pital: On > December ''31st' ;of this
year, Mrs. McKenzie . went to
make her home at..Goderich Nur-
sing Home. on Nelsen' St. in 'God
Mrs: :McKenzie has two daugh-
ters :.Mrs. Fred, Hall (Pearl)' of
Victoria,' B.C. and •Mrs. Otto '.(Am-
ber)-'.Popp of Goderich. Her : nus
band died in 1941 &,a son, Lorne
was burned in an . accident • in .
Toronto in,: 1957. ' She has, 'six.
grandchildren and twenty great
grandchildren Mrs. J. M. Greer
of . Lucknow .is a . niece.
Other ' than having very ' poor
eyesight, :•.Mrs McKenzie-, keeps
in very good. 'health:
Last , Tuesday, :, on the • occas -
'ion :, of her : birthday; Mrs. _ Mc
Kenzie ' treated some of - the lad=
ies on second 'floor- of. Pinecrest
Manor. to her: birthday cake and
ice cream. She . recefved an.or
chid. corsage from her grandson.,
Keith, McEachren, ,'a,,.: florist 'in
Victoria, B.C.
wrlrurw.l:a,�•i,�w����►1Y�iY��Y�Y.o`q�n�YY�f�����orifY�o�Y►d'�rii�iYiniiYil' ■-
. 'To Discuss "Revelene for . Warble Control ■
■ .'...it
■ A representative from Dow Che Lical Will address, the• meeting ■
Nubs i}�o�ririsufi�1>�Ynilw�beni►<Y�rr►7Y�Yfi�Yi�►tY�rfrs6�n�rf Y�o(�.IrYnY
Nii'Eirai ll iii siaiai1ai.EN'i l Ballo iulirtuui■itliiiaa Igo
• Y
Prizes Awarded dor
Decorated.. Homes
Mel. Goyette,, 'principal•of the
Lucknow District High School and
Rev. Rod. MacLeod; Presbyterian
Minister were, the judges .of the
,Christmas, Decorated Homes Con-
test, on. Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 224
The contest wasjointly spon-
sored by the. Lucknow, and,' `Dis-
triet . Horticultural Society . and
Lucknow Branch ,309 `Cariadian Le-
Outdoor Decora' ons winners
,were: first.. -y Misses Ada and
Hazel Webster, second Mr.
and Mrs,' Ewart Taylor, third --
Lane Gardner, ,R.R. 3 'Lucknow.
Window and Indoor Decorations
winners .were: . •first:.. Mrs and
Mrs. A. E.71Mcl<im, second 'Mr.
and" Mrs. Phillip Stewart, third ,-
Mr. and, 11 " ' T(-' m-07:y,4ay
.• „''.
•. •
. .•
...••••••••'•••••••.••••••••••••••••••••1i••••••i• • 4rr' •
BROOKS Judy''' and Wayne_
Brooks of Lucknow . are pleased
to ' announce the birth of a son,:
'Craig Douglas, at'. St . Joseph's
Hospital, London, .Sunday, . Janu-
ary 3rd.
DENNIS := In Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital, on Wednesday, De
cember 23, . •1964, to : Mr. and Mrs.
Donald:. Dennis,..Lucknow, ' a .song
FARRISH In Wingham: and/
District • Hospital, on .• ,Saturday,
,December 26, 1964, .' to --Mr; and; •
Mrs.:- Donald ' Parrish, -R.R'. 7,
Lucknow, a: daughter.
LUNDY =":in Wingham and Dis-
trict' Hospital; on Sunday, Sunday, Decem-
ber 27,'' ` 1984,. to Mr: and •Mrs.
'Gerald � Lund.yLucknow, a son.
HENDERSON In Wingham and
District Hospital, on Sunday,. De-.
cemb r
27, .1964,, to • Mr.- and Mrs..
Ross'.eHenderson, R.R. 3, Luck
new, .a • daughter. a
.NESBIT In' South: Huron Hos
pital; Exeter.; on Wednesday, De
cember 16, '1964, . to' Mr. and 'Mrs.
David Nesbit, (Gladys. Reid), the
'ft of a son, a brother for.,Phyl-:
115. •
Mc1ONALD Ink Kincardine
General Hospital, on Monday, De-
cemler»,14,'.1964, to • Mr.:and 'Mrs.•
Lorne .McDonald,. R.R.3 .Luck -
now; a • son, 'Thomas Lorne:
McDONAGH In 'Claypool, Ari-
zona, on Friday; Decenter, 18th,
`1964, to Mr.. and' Mrs: Chuck Mc-
Donagh, : a daugh�ter�,� "Cynthia
Rose: ,
COOKE In Sensenbrenner Hos-
pital, Kap askaaing, on Decedmber.
23rd, 1964, to. Mr. -and 'Mrs. Har-
old Cooke, Kapuskasing, a . sort
a brother for Kimberly.
McDONALD ; to Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin McDonald, R.R. 1 Dublin,
in. Scott
.Memorial Ho pita], Sea tforth,. on Saturday, Decei b'er
a daughter.
TWAMLEY . - Chester acid • La -
Verne are happy to .announce the'.
arrival of their daughter 'Karen,
;Lynne, .(weight 7 lbs.. 71/2, Oz.), on;
Thursday December 31, .1964, at
Woodstock General.. i
Hosprtal, a'
sister, for 'Allan.
On Monday . night of last eve
Lucknow Pee:. Wee hockey team
took: a. drubbing here: at the hands
of Mildmay ' by a score of 134.::
Goal scorers q'for Lucknow`' were.
John . MacKenzie 2, Doug :.Steven-
son " and Brian Jardine.1` each.
: The .boysturned the ' tables on
Monday \of this week .here .when
they defeated Ripley 11::-1. •'Allan.
Andrew .. scored the .hat . trick,
.Brian Jardine,:: John MacKenzie
and -Doug, Steventon each had two
with single markers ;going, to 'Don
Elliott and Neil•Taylor.: Jim ' Far-
rell . scored Ripley's only. goal.
pr DNR HC�tU, C
i ey.:'..Howard `W: ; Stra'pp.• 1:
•• Minister
D u
10:00' Sunday School
1100 a.m. •• Morning ,.Worship'.
The' Path To TheFuture '.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Roderick 'MacLeod
: Minister
40;00 • a.m, Sunday. School
'11:00 . a.m. The Minister ,...'
!` .ANG1,..lCAN
First Sunday, . After `Epiphany'
Ohureh Soh : 1 10;30 a,m.
Morning 'Prayer
The ReV.. J. R. King,
• Rector
Wednesday, January' 13141:
;3: pan, .
rrtiiiw,wiY�Y►..u►i►►r�iiriY«.n►fr•.. ,;.• ,Ni'