HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-06, Page 1Year In .Advance. 51.00 Years Eve Firs �unq Kinloss! , • doss: Township. couple ..and :h ree children were left 4" Test Thursday in a. d 'fire that • gutted 'the `in - A' their farni home in the tncessioni, about 2Y2 miles the Lucknow-Blackhorse. acid •Rosalind Hodgins and ee children, • Darryll. 43, 2 and :Dale 6 .. months 'lost t their personal: effects in e including. clothing, . ,bed- d furniture. -Much of their. ings was also, damaged by. and .water, . fire. ' broke out about 4:00 Glen and: his ' young-• .bro - law: Stratton Loder of 'Luc - ere at 'home ' vith. thebaby time. Mrs. Hodgins;.;' her Sharon Loder 'of Lucknow, ins. ing ,Bonsp:/ phy. donated by Silverwood this year, tobe used •in ual Boxing Day • competi as won by 'Bob Finlay, and of . Mrs. Orville Elliott, eDonagh and • Mrs. Jim. at • the Boxing Day .•Bon= nsored by theLucknow nk .. consisting a. Mr. .'and ill .Chin, Sy Mali and Ber- ah, came from Toronto to in this bonspiel. Bill as a :former Lucknowite. d Austin's rink was a, ame winner with a • score and a plus • of :4 to. take' .in, .the 9. o'clock 'draw.' s rink 'consisted of : Jerry: lead, Walter .Dexter,.. 2nd, my 'MacKenzie,; vice ',skip., e Whitby's foursome took ize with , '.two wins for 32, plus 12. George's rink 'con= of Al Baker; lead, ,Jack' en, 2nd, and- Mrs. Henry nzie, vice :'skip: Hamilton's • rink • of Allan t, Jim Boyle and Mrs. releaven wonthe consola- Sandy size 1 k . 4UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, .IAN: 6th, 1965 'and hen two._ other children were away gat • the time of the outbreak. Glen and Stratton were doing' car- penter work 'on a porch outside when Stratton noticed. smoke coming, from *the upper portion of the house. Upon ,.investigating, it was discovered that the ceiling in. the living' room was burning where: a pipe from a :wood. stove. passed through. Mrs;' Hodgins. returned: home jest._ after . the fire had been. dis- covered. Her sister' 'Sha .on took the children ` to. the truck : outside and Mrs, Hodgins and brother. Stratton kept Glen supplied with buckets; of water 7from the kitchen sink _ Which* he : carried up and down a' ladder to ' the roof until arrival 'of' :the Lucknow; `Fire: De- partment: 'SANDY MacKENZIE TRANSFERRED TO CALGARY MacKenzie; who has been employed at Swift Current,. Sas- katchewan, by Socony ' Mobil Oil Company for the past six months, has .been transferred, to Calgary. Sandy 'went'to: Swift 'Current af- ter graduating from Western Un- iversity , as' a .civil engineer. He was home visiting his par- ents Mr. -and Mrs: Tom MacKen: .zie of Kinloss Township over the. holiday season. He returned :to Swift Current Sunday flying from .Malton to Regina. Sandy picked. up his car at ' Swift Current ..anti: motored to Calgary on Monday:. . First Christmas Together l.n Fourteen. ears:. Dr. ''Alex Maclntyre : returned to Boston 'earlier this week • after spending two weeks visiting). with friends and relatives. here. 'Alex will return to Liverpool,- England, the ,first of April after' spending. a year on a'`research, -fellowship Firemen, were able to ch fire using the ' titer ..they ca on ' the fire truck. The "roof is off the brick house, upstairs . bed- rooms badly damaged, the down- stairs, living . room ceiling has a hole in it with heavy smoke and Water. damage. The kitchen was not damaged extensively: Some insurance was carried 'on the house .- and content and it is hoped the house _can be re- paired. The family have been liv- ing. with Mrs. Hodgins 'pareiats,. Mr, and ' Mrs: Wilson Loder, op- erators of ' the Mayfair/ Restau=. rant in. Lucknow . and at .Glen's jn_ others_piace at Kinlough. • • The • Hodgins family have been On the farm .for about 18 months purchasing it from Frank Bah- ler, Furnace Trouble • F�uiid. In Time .. An oll' furnace' accident at the farm home of " Mr° and Mrs. Ali- t* Hughes on the 6th concess,, ion bf Kinloss, well have ed -'. e to ' burn ' to the gro ► and with . Mr... and. Mrs. Hughes holidaying in Vancouver, no one would. have . known the cause , of, the fire. AudreyRichie.. Now In:'.Body` Cast Audrey Jean Ritchie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard' Ritchie, was 'able, to be home. for '' Christ- mas 'after being in Sick Child- ren's Hospital, London, for :'five weeks: After a recent operation too ' futr- ther straighten her feet, , Audrey was placed in a:' body cast. She. 'will be : home : for eight ' weeks and then will have' to .return to; hospital to have the cast remov- ed. At that time she will ' take, physiotherapy treatment to help her walk' again., • Ori Six liV�e California. Trip: . Mr. �' and . Mrs. -Ford. ; Cunning- ham of 'the 2nd. of ' Kinloss '.'and Ford's brother and sister.. -in-law .Mr.. and Mrs. Laverne Cunning - hart!, of ',Carlow 'set, out . on Mon- day of 'this.' week on a six-week Motor trip to, ' California Mrs. m. Laverne ,Cunninghais the form - three at.. Massachusetts . General Hos- e 'Lois Hackett, daughter.. of mlay.s rink. 'were inners 'with score of 21 ' pital' in : Boston. His field of tiled ' •; and Mrs. Tom: ' Hackett of lug 8 .to win the 11:o'clock, /cane is as a neurosurgical' `ot�n�-}LuGknaw '' second ' Alex had . not been' home since :.many. areas on their' trip through '11+IcKtni s rink took c. With two .,wins, a seore of five years . ago" •when his 'mother., the United :.States, the ;eventual a%, plus 9. M •:Kim's rink the• late Mrs. Archie Maelntyrey, destination. is Santa,Monica, Cal - a '• Mrs. ''Gordon ' Finlay.- passed away. It has. been 14.years, ifornia, .Where ' Mrs.' .Ford.: Cunn- sultant: . • • Althoiiiii 'they -will* he •.visiting ed McClenaghan and Mrs' in 1950 since Alex , has spent inghams brother, , Howard Reed, • Cliri tma ' with his sister Mary. resides. Rayner and . his rink of ' Maclftyre of ""Lucknow . ;and his , Rayner, Walter, Arnold and/ brothers Donald and• Allan, of Kin - ax Bushelwon the Con—[; loss:Tow,nship.' Alex went to Eng -.1 ,prize. {.land. in 1951 1 $20,000: Artiticmi:ke Prnt is tly Sponsored‘By Kepley And Huron ),000, artificial ice plant was ':member of Parliament for Bruce;) ly opened at the Ripley Murray •Gaunt, member' of ' the on Monday . evening,, De-' preVincial • parliament;, for.. Hutton • 28th 'to climax "many 3rucc: ,lohnny Brent 9f Wingham . of work by . citizens; of • who.. acted' as refereot`,„ •: ,...,. liege .', of Ripley and the') Jird Needham, chaarman h:board, hf the p of Huron ' wo have ai"��na . •board, acted .as 'master of sponsored the project; • ircremonies,, Other' ' members . of r� e school house league hoc= the : arena 'board are''' Jack Far- hbracing most of the young rail;. , Leroy WValden, Bob Love.° enthusiasts' of 'Ripley .and „Russell ti'r'dham� George Mc - was •4. most fittin Y stay. ,l;viii and./ Chester' Emtierton. eialiy , open. the . new ice Many weeks . of volunteer la- . During' a . break inthe bout. were- put into the project games, official ribbon cut-, 'tit luch•:1S jointly • sponsored :by 'Rip- aremonieS were.Performed.. Joy aril 1i n' n TFr vnShip. The ov- bbon 'was cut' by ' Dennis. (trail' cost of the lee 'plaart and r e ny,itir�li;•;, was $201060; A`l.total cardrnteawho . and fgoalten- ' rf eloso .10 $800') will be received nought recognition tn, this in • grants. Vic remahfing :$12.000 , n . professional hockcy f in a m'ed .40r;by by the ' )thers• taking, ..pari in: the.. Inge -orf ltivle'y and ei r by the ceremony were the fteOve township has lfot four reams entered d W d of • l e "Ripley Mid - 4";• "d Chester N�mmerton - in the t'i',U•A.,1•, ' Jus.enile, r - > , , f ,,; broom an a George McLean of ' ltil�� got, Bantam. 1 c r \ e . A:_ , Alf Lockridgr, secretary. ,nun league. l,lns l.!!1J `` skataet- ing er f th .. t r ..titan... r.i inds out a fun program of t c o e cls r, n nit unr' A.sSociation; . John Lonev, rvrt.ies a' A Mr.. and . "Mrs. Harvey : Houston, 'neighbours of 'the Hughes, look - Fed = in to see that all was well on Monday of. last _week; and • dis- covered • the furnace 'trouble. -A . faultyrelay switch that 'had failed to shut the furnace off, had caused• the- tank to ' be •pumped dry: of 'oil, The furnace had -fort; unately not. ignited. and the : oil saturated the area around the furnace. and. out onto : the 'floor.. Workmen mopped .up the ex- cess oil,' . but 'despite this, when' the furnacestarted. again it was necessary- t . use fire extinguish- ers 'to put out the blaze • that threatened to. get out of control. It also produced a black' smoke that filtered through the Lucknow Claims ews Years Baby Mr. and Mrs.: George McInnes- of. • ,Lucknow are the proud 'par- ents of the first . New .Years baby -at'' Win'gham and District Hospit-; al. The : new . daughter, Janice Elizabeth was born at 5:25 a.m. Sunday January 3rd, tipping. the scales at eight pounds, nine oun- Mr.. and 'Mrs. • McInnes live: on. 'Havelock.. St. South 'in Lucknow.. George- Is .employed . at MacDon- ald's garage: They have two sons,/ Melvin, age 10. and Gary age 4. They. were. sadly, ; bereaved by the death . of• another son' Lyle, age 6,- who was : drowned • atthe. rear of their .Nome last February. The baby was presented with a. silver • mug 'by: the hospital lad- ies auxiliary.,. Single Copy 10c . 16 Pages Friends . of Tennant Henderson, formerly '. of Lucknow, will be pleased to , know that his health :has improved following his re- cent, _stroke. Tennant 'is .:recover- Wing very' well . but stall needs a ,brace .and' crutch .to' walk safely.:- He afely;He makes his home , now . with: his. sister Mrs. :Margaret Wicks ' of Port Credit " Tennant looks for- ward to the .Sent" el to keep him events and posted —on+ -L• c now ''the' ' news . of his Lucknow.friends f •. and neighbours. . Pinecrest Manor Accepted As OH.A. ;ssocate Member ...The Ontario ]~Hospital Associa- tion,. which recently ' opened, its r ;' membership for he -first time to a number ' of ' n 'ng ` r . es in the province, today ed that _ a ;further 4 nursing homes have been accepted into Associate -Mein- •bership.. Among those which will receive their new .Certificates. of Assoc- •. iate. Membership this week is the Pinecrest Manor' Nursing . Home, owned . and operated' by Mr. G. A. Newbold of Gough'.Street,tLuck- now, Ontario.' In order to qualify for admis- sion to the 40 year-old provincial hospital : organization, • nursing homes ..are' required to satisfy the O:H;A.", that they meet cer- tain' standards, mostly , relating to: .their ability. to •provide ade- quate: medical and nursing care for patients. Of the 63 homes .which. have _ been surveyed since the ;'program was introduced last June, 54 have been accepted,. As Associate Members, • these. nursing homes will be entitled to share in many of the educational, research and :consulting services which.the 0.11.A. ' already`provides. . for its 250 - :Active'.: Member. hos-' pitals. ' This move ' to bring nurs- ing- homes into closer liaison with public hospitals has been ' encour- aged by their own provincial as- sociation ' as a step toward the further 'improvement.. of nursing home services to.' their commun.- Ales. MAILING LIST REVISED CHECK YOUR- LAEL• . A 'long' overdue: •job ,•.at the Sentinel was completed ' on, • Tuesday . of .last week,.,.;the• correction o€- our mailing -list. All payments made over past: months a: r e now eredited.,. Payments received up . 'until . ': .'Tuesday of 'last . week, will be •.credited 'on—the .list, . • Please check your, label. If • it reads "64" it means .that: ,your paper• expired ' at the end . of the ,year ;and. is 'now -;due. If it. reads. prior to that e.g: "Sept. 64" it 'means that you • • . are 3 months. 'overdue; A. subscriber •'recently wrote,' "We'.:;never received,. a notice • that our paper was' due", ,to '•which ,we replied; "You re- ' : ceie one 50 times • :a year, just check:•the label :