HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-10-22, Page 8Abaft tAGE LVCJ. 131}14tat. Limos; on, o . , NOTHING. MATTERS NOW OUT Let as Meet this greatest of all' National Emergencies With: true Canadian courage.. Let us, for ,a while; give np all lu series, all. needless spending,: Let us work harder, save more .:and put every dollar we can .into Victory Bonds, to train and equip more and more soldiers, sailors and airmen to shorten the war. Let ns practise real self-denial—always 'remembering that the most we WI do 'to far less than they at the battle fronts mast give. emle an TO ARRIVE SOON Carload' PRINCE. EDWARD ISLAND Io.1 • Green Mountain 7 Table -POT- LAVE• ORDERS AT STORE FOR . DELIVERY ' OFF • CAS • Finlayson Bros.. ' 'PiKsn._p WARD .FIVE ACKNOWLEDGES . . SED I CROSS DONATIONS Ward Five Red Cross gratefully acknowledge the' following dona- tions: Clover .Valley School, • pro- aceeds of concert: in June per Miss Lyla McDonald, 274.10;. Verdun School, proceeds of concert in June per Miss M. Campbell, $20.; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb from sale of tickets on -end-table,'$&05-tosgaeral found & $5.05 to Soldiers Overseas Fund; Mrs: John •Coiling, 1 quilt; Mrs. George Scott, 1 top; Mrs. H. Ramsay, 1 top.; Mrs. G.. F. Brooks, 1 gni"1t; ,Mrs_, Donald MoCharles, .1 hart_; W. T. . Bou1sten, $1.00; Mrs. W. H. Hamilton;' $L00;', group', on Second Concession and Boundary West, $14.20 and spools .$24 Mss, D. Rose, Won Legion Prizes Lucky • number . winners at the Legion's dance. :on Thanksgiving nfgtit . were Aiwa Solomon, . Mrs. •Haroidn Button, Gladys ' MacDonald and Rena ' Hunter_ The , prizes were chocolates. George' H. Smith HAS BEEN APFOINTED SOLD CANV:ASSEg' FOR THE .I Village' of L'ucow and the Second and Fourth concessions OF lifIE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS FOR THE COMING Victory Loan Campaign All Are Urged To 'Buy To The Limit, ; Dominion of Canada Bonds. And Help Defeat ILitlerism. . • ` YOuiz BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED 41 ANOTHER ANIMAL STORY Last •week we told you' an azrimai Mary. Here's another one tills week and even better.. Three kittens on the Stewart farm on the Second of Huron, get a supper of warm milk at the barn. Awaiting his turn the dog waits gatil .thekittens have flu- bbed. One evening recently only two. of the mousers showed up, so the dog made a 'search of the 'barn- yard and in a few Minutes return- ed with the third kitten by the back of the neck, Now you can draw - your ' own conclusions. The canine was either a very attentive guardian or.he was _getting' a bit impatient about wait- ing for his own suppers ' Soot# Winn W..M.' S. The' October: meeting was held at the home :Of Mrs. A. Ssi+loir1and. when ` plans were made for the "Thankoffering". 'Very suitable in- deed Was the datechosen, and'' the. meeting was held in the church on the •'everting of .':TA{anircgigitig'yDay, October 11th: Miss Dorothy; Doug - 1 s, late of Formosa, was guest'' speaker. Her ' topic., . along the line of '`Readjustments" after this . war is over, touched on the . church, youth, national' contact. Rev. E Dann occupied the chair, and thank- ed Mire Douglas on behalf' of the. Society, 'aiding in Thee" was sung aye a duet, and a closing hymn and prayer brought the meeting , to• .a close They 'paid their way m Theme- --You eppe. - --pay. hi. :..Benda• GAS COUPONNOW CUT TO . .TIME -GALLON VALUE Effective Monday of this week the gases , ate: was cn by one- quarter. Thraughoiitt .each gasoline ; coupon now has . a three gallon baiue, instead of friar. three -gallon unithas been in. effect; in . the MeritimM 'since July. This reduction means a farther Eat "n .the ifisi iiug of. saes= 22 , $ Canadian motorists who are having' the "A" category books currently called in, and which are being re-' PlaceciT a new "AA" book. 'The new "AA" rating allows from 16 to 20 units depending on the site of . the car. .This provides, from 48. to 60 .gallons . under the new 3 -gal- lon order, to sorry -motorists Mill April. •1st, whieh appry two gallens a week. Idly the new ' AA" category; affects chiefly viliage residents, as most ru4al motorists have 'B or EX: category which are not be -mg earl - ed in. Under the reducedthree gafan unit, the following categories pro- vide for a full'; year the following; gallonage, with the ., previous' allow- ance in brackets: . AA..-96to120 (128tilt 160) A-160 to 2443 (240 to 324). B.-264 to 348 (352 to. 464)_ BX.=396 to 516. (528 to 688). C_-514 to 648 (672 to 864). D,-840 to 1,083. (1,120 to .1,444) E,-1,164 to 1,500.•-tI,522 to 2M00)- 6 armors of Bruce! The Models . You Loan To Canada Es abies Your Government To Buy . Your harm Produces The farmers of Bruce are doing a great job in raising the food that is feeding our armies, our fellow Britishers and our Allies. Now you are being called on to do a further job. . The -or failure of. Bruce County's third Victory Loan lies in your hands.' The govt asks that you take some of the moneys much as you can pociszbly spare -- which has been paid for this year's prodnce and turn it, into Victory Bands. The government will then be enabled to keep on buying the food andsupplies so sorely needed by our armies and our allies. Right now, the government is the farmers' best customer: The money you lend to yoifr country tomes back to youin cash when, you sell your prodaeis. And Lyon still have, the bonds: They are safe, easily sold, pay a good rale of interest and provide the 'best bank collateral. L.et's-Put Bruce County Over The Top BE READY FOB' THE CANVASSER WHEN HE CALLS. DON'T ASB HIM TO 'CALL BACH., HE I5 USING HIS .iedis "' TIRES AND HIS GASOLINE IS LIED. BRUCE . COUNTY . VICTORY ' LOAN • . COMMITTEE Buy War. a Savings Stamps KM COMPETITION AT H.S.FIELD OAt. • tucimour itio School fwd day, held recently, witnessed some keen' competition with a large list of i contestants taking Part ' -the Prot won the Senior girls medal with 21 points. Aima Solomon Was a chose second with 20 - point; Mary Marshall was -the- Junior champ with a high score of 38 points. !Men Mowbray was sec- ond with 18 points, ''but . as she had won the award before, it goes to Arise Jardine who scored 7 points. For the Senior boys' 's+meaal, loins bray and Stan Prest tied 'with 22 points: John uras•,a previous win- ner and the . award 'goes to Stan.; u',anner np was Jim Purer is , 15 points .while Everett 3 aneSvas' close on- his .heels with . f 3 points- •Bil1A Johnston-rafi_rip-40, joints; to- win the Junior ,Albert • Chin. was :second-- . 18 *Arts wit Bill Johnston finishing third with ' 12 points. • . Point wintion m the various com- petitions were as. follows: Senior Girls. .. . _. . Standing broad Kay Johnson,' Lorraine Fergllson, Kay Prest. g broad—Kay Prest, Alma Solomon, .Kay Johnson.'] y 75-ank . 'dash—KayPrest, est, ' Alma Solomon,Lorraine Ferguson. Running 'high jump — Lorraine Ferguson, Grace WPatheehnod, Aima Solomon_ Softball throw ---Ethel 33aidenby, Helen Orr, Eileen Henderson. Sto,ssi--s hop, s -anti:: p,,,p:. -- Kay Prest, Elaine Little., Lorraine Ferguson.. - Running bop, step and ' jmnp :T Kay Prest, Alma Soolon, ,ley Johnson. • yn' = i as c.s ,..n. Elaine Little, Lorraine 'Ferguson. •Rieyeie race—Alma Suiot pn, Ler- raine Ferguson, Helen. MocKenrio Belay race—Kay Johnsnm, :filen Carr, Kathleen Reid,Kay Prest., junior Ghia Standing Marciraala, Helen Moai'tsra, , Patricia , Shaw_ Girls rig broad—Alice ' Jar- dine, Mary .' Marshall, 'Helen Mow- :'15 --'rda h- - - -- tlFarcttail, Hein Mowbray, Patricia Shaw Bunning hithjump—Mary Marsh- all, Betty Hamilton., Patsy ,Miler. Softball throw Helen Mowbray, Helen Gammie, Bertha Stimson. Standhig hop,' step and Mary MarchaiA, Helen Alice Jardine. Running ►, step. and Jurap — Marg Marsh Helen • Mowbray,, Alice Jaffa , 220 -yard dash -Mary Marsha; Betty'"Hamilton, Patricia Shaw. Bicycle race — . Mary 70rarca�i Mary Lorraine Johnson. Mowbriy.Mary y MQQuaig, Mary Al- T, .Aima Sol- omon. SeniorBoysy� jump—StanRearing higlk preSt, John Mowbray; Jmi Purvis.. '100 -yard dash—Stan Prest, Ever- ett Lane, Rodney Mel vnnan 220 -yard dash—Stan Prest, Rod- ne,y Mac3.mnan, Everett Lane- Baseball thew — 1 Purvis, 3. M.'owbrag,Beg Ferguson. Half mile—Everett Lane, J. Pur- vis, Rodney jlifcreLmrrmrt Bicycle sage --Beg Ferguson,. Tisa Phi , BM Chin. Rennin'f hop, step and .jsmap--J Mowbray, E. Lame, . Herold Henry Standing,; broad jwuti—Bill Chin, Stan Prost, J_ Mowbray: - Running broad jump -J. Mow- bray, J_ Purvis, Stan .Prest,. Standing hop, step . and ji.ensi J_ Mowbray, S. Prest, E. Lane. ' Relay—Grades 12 and 13 defeated' Grade it Winning team—Jack Mowbray, Lloyd Ackert, ' Rodney IlarLPnmmTt, Stan Prest. 8lnmpngbigb lamp—Bill A. Jabn- ston,13obnstcme, . Bill Chin. Standing hop, _step and jiu qi--- Bill A. Johnston,' Albert Chin, Joe Running hop, step and jump -- 13th A. Johnston, Herb Culbert, Geo.. Chita. 220 -yard dash—Albert Chin, B1 A. Jithnston, G. Mullin. Baseball • throw—Bi l .�, G. e, A. Johnsban. Standing broad jump — BM A. Johnson; 'Albert Chin, 13111 John- stone. 100 -yard dash--Aibert Chin, G. Gilmore, Bill A. Johnston. ' Ruining broad ' jump — Bali A. Johnston, G' Gilmore, Bii' l 'Jlohn- stbns.. . 440= • • . dash—Rtil A. Johnston, G. ,, ria Albert Chin. Bicycle rade•-•-moi! A. .Johnston, Bill McKinnon, Jim Ferguson. „t„ t (LOCAL d GENERAL • Mrs,. L G. Murdoch of Toronto * _visiting with algr. and $Ra- W_ W Hhl. • spentspentthe with Isobel Phadlips of Fordyce. . Wass Margaret Mnrsa{y of =Para- anop t has taken to Win, ain forHospital treatment. Clarence Mnrdie 01 St Thomas was a week -end visitor svith lois parents, Mr_ and Mas;. Wm. Muidie.. Mrs. li Black and Wilfred spent the wee -end in Drmgarnor where they attended their nieces wedding Mr. and Ass. Mersin Avery mot- ored to London last week. They were -aeionspanied,; by MID. Lewis Taylor and ran. • Sae' : : E, Mat= ' is' I' with a: v •atm' of influenza and as receiving treatment at Ir Mr. Win,`. ice, who has.' a pant in .St. linehronTis'Ham,' Toror'ite, for the past . three week returned. home 'tday. Mr. Joseph Jardine and Mr_ Bobi Roberts 01 E ons n, H.1 ., vases on Thursday with Miss Mary acKere,- 'sie and Ate. 'C'an sting MneKonvw $ONS It INPIRSN T'I While itming. a roof recently, 3.111; Greer <trammelled and memored a xotioster wasps' nest frOM the at- tc. The meet r.' .. 18 by .1$'d inchea and was over six inches in depth. Although, there were still b number of 4 t " in the cells they were suffiusrnnlly, t annant to be harmless- m The thousands of cels me built.: with suerise amitormity and the nest, is of four :stOiaey construilion with each straw,meted by, a network of 1 about half an inch in it- The covering of the cell formation is . as fight as burnt paper` and is', openly woven as to ode several th eke e' s of this paper, insulated b3 air specs.. Froolishg • ss -LOAF' ma'am vrdue4'Here Gatests the .fit 01 rise week 4o2 Mr. and iris. N. E. -Bushell wei• Mr: and Miffs Byrom Dims nf don.' ' 33ts arias - is Deputy Grand Master of the' LtiO.0.Mrs. s. Dundas is past president of the Re- bekah. 4, se►n1ly Mr Dander rrep- reseTPii' Grand Lodge at the - ing iii .the new L.O;O7 Mall at Icancardine on . Monday evening,. Also v g - Also a1 'riding the cerreinony. were :DMersia,. Mrs. Minnie Horne and'. Mrs. Chas., Cooke. Mrs: Jade Meek' has re- turned to her home ID Windsor after spending a few weeks with her par - 'nits, Mr and Mrs. 'D. C. Mchforra., Mrs C rordpn. '& and, Judith Louise l$%t Friday last -far a month's Vieit with' Mr` p'enel'$, and Mrs. John G Feaety at lrtniay, Ohio. Miss Catherine MosKonrin, lifissea. Ida and Margaret Marr sad .John " >zee� mss . mag visitors With, Mrs. `Wm. Mac- •gnzie.. , . Stories': Moffat, ugj+tpr of Mr.. and Bir:. Rebell Moffat orf. j int is making'a favorable recovery after hang been quite. LTL with bronchial Afiss Dorms MacDonald has re-' tinned • tri Toronto after spending firer va, - n withh . her pare, .Mr and Mrs. Tom MacDonald, Station '' street. Mm. Thos. • Holmes of krinearrilne accompanied by her ,Onsig itsi', .Mrs. George Glen of Detroit visited re- rnntly with the :fflrtsiefs ' brother, ' 13. C.. j and Mrs. 1 ram For The Boys" For the wird time since the Leg- ion smokes fund was `started, an anonomosis donator has chewed $1 in the mak. bottle for '"some for the 'boys". The lady is a native of the O3d Country, and was there riming the last wait so that she really knorma:how the boys apprc- late their `fags ItelayGrade- 0defeated Grade 10. Winning team—Berb Culbert.; G... Mumm, Albert 'Chits, Geo.. Chin. .sin*!*.OCTOBER ntla, alined rtvd SALE Ms hire Only FESS—Choke Quality 26 oz. CORN—Choiede gay 22 oz.. TDMA ES—Choke slate' VI oz- tin. allyitn,er • FU y.� , 28 or. ... i . I3irli's MUSHROOM soup I '.auto -Ainer can • Spaghetti Heinz lied ley BEANS Lynn Valley Dement FEARS All priced 2 for 2k WEEK -END WIYIT. SPECIALTIEs 'Red 4..-t P.Grapes FRES/•t 'Corsi Hearts, Cash-. III ,cower, Cable, riser .Sosish, °mien ' WAX Talribil 'Us Vall W our OVEESFAS. XMAS make 11 extra tasty Ott a 1 or 2 -pound Frail Cake' -- ut„ THOMPSON'S' Phe' 82 Was 9ti0tiwer r61PHIMICf IMMO t Add tsarina is your grain for capacity n & eta HOGS Add 1 bag ll(ig'Chow to.eacca 5 bags rg, atinee 4 Helm per•. ton of. Crop mad of just 2• --,Ask' for plain ,of -Rolf feeder Mir to ssuauc,:b, .wry twal, ,,spy' Cash ' Pre, pay when 'Mogi go tsa. -tit---xso. carrying !. DAIRY `COWS'' And 1.33ag 34.. -per ..cent, Cow clerlir to ,each 4 -o Chop—Pito- duce -- - duce an extra ton ;of /milk per ton mei Trosul LAYING HENS' Add .' 1 Bag Ch oder 'Concent to each 2 Bags Chore feed this" ern hoppers as mash. Feed Scratch Grain xt and_morning—Ptro- space more high guarrty eggs, at to-da3>',s high egg' ,p¢i.. [FATTEN YOUR COc$F LS WITH• FAMENA CHECKERS 4' rt}DB PEODuCE• a. LB. Gia EN 2 9.. The awe ,lel' t -er ta. at this time, rids your flock of toms them ego, and get them all set for a heavy, prantaide ws- For Extra Gain on Your Steers : .Acid clam cbeckeni to you own grain. Can be fed es prothare as wilt Dan McIntyre of Apple, Ont., eine of Ontatio's largMt Carrie sane, buys it as ear]oads— a mot have reason. o Lorne MacLennan, 7w L 1 1 Nothing Matters NI W but Victor The largest buyer of . catty ' in the country wishes to borrow money from you to purchase your cattle and farrn products. 3 . or double bank interest will be . paid. , APPLY to your local VICTORY LOAN(AIIYASSER This advertise Ibis sped by the y Victory Loan Committee iia, the interest of the T Victory Laavi. New Warm. Seasonable Undergarments For AN The .fly Special Prices This Month New Stocks of Dry Goods at Government Controlled Prices THE 1411ARIC.ET STORE, Luckuo' Buy War Savin Stamps _. .106