HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-10-15, Page 8Brighten Up Tour Windows For Winter
With -16 (URTAINSONKS .,
Waffle and tranai weave nalltne, JaI
aatann. that are iffeanY wed, an it is third* Oath, easi
to clam jachea wide. Yard 1135 a $1.-59
IROVIESNIN fey shiSes ht two *mei effects—. 4N Woes
• -; lei*.Taid ______.-- Oge 15e
TORO= et the bettor ceurdity in harm sr mut predadwit-
ing, bble for ehisterrselds, or ebi Yard PS.
RAMINED MARQUISETTE CUBTAINS—Iliese eartahla are ivory
• isHit elogee of rose, mauve, green, gild dots. Pet SIM
COSS GROSS CUES of inlay dotted inartilisette. 411 incites
rurrir nor ,smri* Uss4osn, shaded at* ion tailored
• 'estriaina In ivory and gteen. Yd..'31e,& die
Soft folds. An: Me* Ening roosa eartaia- '
• :=
1111* RAXIENOW ilINI4NR16 women, ourasso
Iss nova lordrew of London
nd,Arthur AndreAr 01 Tort,into
home over the weeleend.
Master Merits pungin slant an
enjeyahle week -end * the
say Nano, 9th Con.. West We
SI;ENTATALEIrs-rnineln dr
effective,. Two weeks' supply 51.00_
Gordon Taylori Diwggist.
Ilenderson„ef PC_A_F_, Clin-
ton and' Jim storkart°6-4 et BM.,
Toronto spent the hOltday at their
respective hones -
Mr_ and MrS. Art vialfu.tiry aiadi
family visited with Mrs_ Dudley of
LucknOw and with relatives at Km -
lough last weeleend-
Robert Webster ef Genier visaed
here "last Week :with eelanves Mr.
Webster is employed With the Tow -
land Cone-truction which recently
•compjeted a contract at North Bay
Land IS BOW at a job at Jarvis' _
Mr_ and Mrs. Louis Wegner of
Detroit, Mrs. Ed 14.24 of Cleveland
and Mr_ and. Ntis Chas_ Sledge and:
Floronee o Wellesley visited 144
week with Mrs.. A.11.NIACIIrFq17iie
Wid Nr-ve; Lees.
AY, OCT... nth,
Miss Arida Treleaven of Tomato
was a repent Vinlor with relatives
'4" -Is' Isabel 74erre-ltri eitstratforil
was a hobday visitor at her be
Mrs, James Laois is' visiting at
the home of her daughter, Ms, Alex
McLeod, irentless.
Mrs, A. J. Bennett. of Winnipeg
and Mrs_ 'Kilpatrick of Port Perry
are visif.g Mrs. Calriec
*thing 'Matters' NOW .But Victory
Will the Citizens of Huron County provide the
epuipment to atm the -Men from -Huron -in„thny
- • ?
The Purchasiirg �f.VICTORY', BONDS will put our boys
On an equal or a superior footing than our enemies
iiironisQuota is $1,9001
The ()ideate Is To Oversubscribe --k
in Ten Days °
It Can Be Done With YOUR Help
Invest Norsv!
Mr_ George Alf eRoberts spent Sue -
day aftonoon with Mr. and M
WeRington Nixon of Locknow.
$r and Mrs_ George D.' Stock;
ban of Detroit were week -end 'via -
Aims with Mr. Alex MarDinind.
Mr- and Mts. Stanley Burns of
Toronto were week -end visiteets with
his eatreriU„ Me. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs'1 1- -SP1=;,-01-irmicarerme
ma her mother Mm. G Jamie
43esnt the Thanksgiving holiday
of the C -A -F_ :spent the horday
at the home of their nren, Mr_
and MrS Hall.
• Mrs Smille Armstrong -who has
to Toronto where she will. trealt-e
slant the •-,er,ree-e here, has gene
har home for a tis.
Donald Finlayson of Barriefod
Army Caren at nton snt the
week -end at the home of his moth-
er, Mrs. A_ B. trut_sora., .
Miss :Chilitieteor-e larve-Keeele ofe
Tonontei and Mr_ and Mrs. Geo_ 13..
' Stedithani of ,Detroit were gne
of Mr_ and Mrs. Neo1 3.afeeKeeeke
Mrs Lizeie Machityre of Tees
Wafer se*, the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Weiringten Nincon ef Lock-
AT NNE ell
'Year IYrcels life The _
lifithrstists of Don.
• sour mix
' csrAirrrrss
msruil. SUGAR
• Jane Fairie, Peast
Ar Maple Syrup in thes
Mr_ and Mrs: Archie Hmniltimi
and fasinily„ Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Bridde, Helen and by frem God -
mid; molt Ihenlogivnig day with
their mother, Mrs_ WilSorkiFormilitoom
• Mc_ and Airs_ N.K Beehat and
Jean were week-md visitrxs with
friends at Glencoe and Amin.Whiie
at Monroe Mrs. Br-Orell attended
ofotrscest of Gidd-
ier; Cre4. Bdraredi Ledge, and was
uresonted with the Pegc Noble
Grand jewel.
I! s Henry virAcusE,
the week with her pares, Mr_
and - Solomon. kliss Mar-
i JET,' Spknann of Undue also vi:L
ed al her home the forst of the wear.:
Mrs wetcna praplaTing to IkaaVe
early net mordin for Teraitegsoe to
join her husband W1/30 in the .A.m-
mixten Array.:
- Milne _wn -De!rinnn
NIEMET3Ce j2Infal;
cepted a ponlien at Finklyson Boa.
• e.
matikiag firAmEm; cialamaista. WagMe ta loom &is %all oat cod,
plea! M odere tmitog ma Lemi dam! harm,
lt =dm a lot col' adert5:17 icovo rimm Rik* Comm gMo' g magibt mrd day. mad Weal
crams sa mord sail mmace_ We're imilmoloamaie maw Bs germ; CM imoometios med.
They moio &se cms rg Imam OM Mould TM Wein imam our
mom &Ms': _ _ SO: Came 'imett crarmcfh &ma oar Imams 13 god cell olkir warm cad Ice
comi ImMoriors, ma sic cot eery =Se liCVa. %Wm Oid it) male= clarmaiMy com
Imams fmcm =me cm IMP 6:EM sMoog Imp =Moog ma war maul gm:mugs rim
cormeffiamm macedca7 • ,
The wit electliaty br commercial mompect 1m elm* lees regale:tot
Fordamistiktim me Odom& 510 me iced mar power slow coo he oriel
from doseseuster. The In!layal cs-spersticod tlie pubic it elhe coneroolas
of power is oiseloirly seeessory_
irmaims ta4 rear imam/. esamompion 10, al
Bow mammy gm cemi---95M erre um minim eresozi.
C- 61591-1.. •
• •
The old coal ea short-ent to bead -At has cA a a. E▪ fe
and hone! Cali YOU at Lard idie iLezeh'eceoiwith' hi retiree -chromes
dativenerms fnel? Play sate w -ole yourself and
far*_ Resolve melee age:the to ,q2O:i-izem o'fire nith cool de
or gasoline_ ProVide 'fficiertt 'dry 'ng ihrl 01 ihne-
Lamps and lanterns are C2MBe- of loss and death every
yam- Fin them byharps and lanterns-
sbeedd have broad. heavy mem/ lcesee Don't let children tee
them alone. Never s imeerrs down, 'Levee op window
• ledges, hut hang them well up_ Keep snatches in a tin box,
is a safe Aire, Well oat oi the reach of agihren. 7iever
array look Tryr4o4v-.; •
Remember that fire Ortritatiela a•Dar. is Mere 7tbaa
ewer. since begtitegs are greet to rieret----Thile 10 TrePrf. WU'
idet:Trapr-1-4.7. fire by
•pr,ettertiay. fires „ - •
ants ararzarTsmessrr' sibssersan av TEE
Mr- jack MacQmig of ltbrcelt° • Culross Minna! fire Insurance Co, Teeswater
Th...tAggivimg al his home -
Fiume Gotha! Mutual Fre Insuraice Co, Walcott*a
lora-r-g CathemiEte Bell spent
• tiate'e with•her Facreff, ¥ar-, and untied (Imola W. M. , votemee 361-ftt- 4111391-
• sum_ mrs. I.Dok enange es the
the winen'th; 3.1rne3lrySijVT...3-enet-Tne-farko- -
Mr_ and Me, Burton Th. -'h moved met g,e elf the eherch. 3esem eee lee T. Beets gel.
(fE0 thh- DEW' rhaltaa., the fcrr7./*Pr frir. odehei bs, rthorm*
IrVing 36112134aY- OrP;arl. Mtn. S- `Syrs Laorr.
male steitme--e thehain It tem idecidedelnhme efee„„,e.e. -bee je Neste:greet leek
the -holiday whit his perenu, lee our Thardinfferng5 October the Ile, ceee eTeerrentai, eeee.,e,
and Mrs F101ip Stewmt.. 25th at the leseni eer.riee_ Vrie itErs. W_ P -
Maths -ell nn orrfF''- tiereq closed the meeting with pray -
Ts eke..., iahe South
Mx_ andAre,tin Solomon -
is Line .-e-ad_efit- on 7mA:sewing with Pres*terial b.. -e the- Tesre er- .
1;5 Ida Wehstar front NorthBirk
tieGnrd.. SagE., Vigitiang with her
uctsts, Mrs. £ Bebe and Mit. W.. G.
Andrew end other relatitss.
Mr. ma' lifts_ Charles MacDonald
and little ;--riuerslee of St -Fteler
have mused to Lucknow and me
regailog in the Sheeriff
Mr. Rodney MacLennan visited'
ith M and Mrs_ E Fraser, Glen -
anion gem the we -d and hold -
Bee. C. H MacDonald and dm-
:- Marion and • ELeien -03aOt
Thanksgivinglapilli Bee_ and Mts.
Wm. A. Henderson of Hinsdale.
, Mr_ and 'Mrs. Homy carter Of
Malian spent the Week-old with:
their parere„ Mts.. konie Cartier
end /dr, and Mrs. Sam Durnin-
Miss4Reheern Beaton of Mincer --
gime and Mini Murelma Beaton of ,
foror4o spent the week -end at the
hone of their trende; Mr_ and Mrs -
Janes Beat0FL.
NEM Donald Wykhe at•gbedi br
Mrs, Earl MacDonald, held a Bed,
Oros endue arty two eeeeleA ago
in AshflOd. A pkei-Imart e-rileg was
enjoyel and over VD was
Eve the Red Cross. •
. Hoch '''-y-lor of Teconto and Har -
•trials; Taylor of the Fr A 1P at 01.-
tawa were Thanksgiving tisitem M
. the home of thelr fallateeMr. T.- a
Taykor, St_ Helens .
George II- Smith
-• "•Villatige of Lucknovir and
the:SeMd and Fourth C4M1CeSEitiI3S
Victory Loan..Canstpaig0
AM•Are Urged To Bay To Ilse I. Donies" los of Casuada
Bonds Atoll Help Defeat Efitlerista. •
Mr_ end Mrs Den Graham, Strat:
thrd, Mr_ and Mrs Doug Trench and
• Bobby, TetesWer.ard Ma and Mrs.
Mac ,Gabwal, Wiagbam. sPaat the
week-end..fa Mr_ and Mrs. Weil -
Mgton narcipTcom
Mrs_ Dannk.l Wyi 312 been pre --
1 seed vitalorrely camerele
the B---1-1-431 Beareir Of the Wonierfs.
frorm4itcdmi Ms. and NM. Wykls and
frisrm9V have rand to the -4 -411 -ABP
to retio.. where Mr_ Wylds, i
and Wee.e.a are all f=piwol ineel
fp1 LeafAfirreft pi -et
Mr_ and Mrs. Jaek maarty and
two bays of ,Leandon seart Thanks-
e-Ving the guests of lir_ and Iftm
J_ W. Henclestson- On their retVEM
Trxraro. they were occompmiecly
Mr_ and liths_ Henderson who
titm with them for a few days.
1114*--'. NO stitsinium roe
Cattle Checkfrs
For Tour Steers
wall Suttee le to per Eh.. endra four wed-Candsited stale -Aar 1
entel. MUM le VMS* per bead or erre ream ea beery cattle. We I
Dove a feed that really lays an ttaiSTorish fast an*
•mex en ills. of Year' ewe gra ie laiCia 1M Be. 4Of Cattle lant,
• for stable brain or feed cattle Checkers sanded as Nudism
, They are appethan' g, pudatableand preveatthate *aft free stamps
. ,
—1is feed has teen. developed at ear Omit Porthia Expeninentai
Fano, where ,sve keep Z raossol. --I lie Biel that
vino' modi.Mks. Cattle Cibeekets •wall pot on Pie mime
gain as 111.11 Ms. grain ad 3I s.od take. • ' ' •
Figure The Saving For Yourself
Lorne MacLennan, 17-w
New Warm Seasonable Undergannents For All The Fan*
Special Prices This Month
New Stocks of Dry at Goveiirient Controlled Prices