HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-10-08, Page 4.r.
Brantford, when Archie MacIretyrelo all that Was in *OP. Others that
• ere firing several: other graduates re- \ were not on the guns caught fire
ceived his wings. Archie is the son with rifles. The plane
D, A-, MacIntgre, overhead and 'went down in a burst
Blue ager igattend- of flame a mile off shore.
Water ZBf y' uatiAftes As Russo concluded his letter he
trig Kmgsbndge Coniunuati®n school rP r nrked that the all -clear
Collegiate Institute he casually
and a posit at 1 wad going. Evidently there had'
took a position as bookkeeper
Port Albert airport- This he held been a raid on as he was writing_a. for
enlisted "We never think of it anyw y,
for over a year, when hetw ty if it comes it will come, and after
in the R.C.A.F. He . is, only
Dave Jewitt of Niagara—; arents and two It get to sleep, it would take a bomb
`J years of .age- s P m my lap to, wake me up",aRuss
slit a comae -of days sisters, Mrs- E. Carter of Goderich' k
• • • • * •
Tis at his home here.
• • • • • •
Philips of Niagara -on'
the,. spent a few days with
bis `T and aunt, Mr; and Gem' Fordyce_
' ,
SCUM AA 'Gans Are Good tI to
J, : H. Carter ' wroterets'. tIY Button says "I vias. 'not• .
the .ileo Cross'. branch • expressing' odtt to be' in the ..lot that went.
sincere al/pied-4U= atioi for his parcel to liana' They hada lot of cache
the. quality .of worth
of knitted- goads? merit ' and said' it was really cgs Fs far superior, _o ed back
it, and
is attached to, the work shop safely from this' batteFy, ere was
of 'a ' heavy '-arrerafe tarot from the Regi to beat a good Canadian eigare
guns ' are the real quite a few missing I miss The Sentinel now that the
andsays, menu" sting of papers has been stopped.
Stuff for air or land, and if we had The. sky ' was black With planes Po uiet
+ this type come shoot our will all that morning„ and Russ saw 1•o doubt the town will be .q
English coast i, so many of the boys in aril- Magistrate What induced you to
hatiro ve _ '. er Berry. F and many o obli anon -
and �: Gi,a Cole of Tiverton,
with Mr. Cole, attended the wings
parade. . .
• • e s • •
,"lot Lucky Enough
•To iEe At, Dm�i�hiis �ents, written
In a letter raid; Russell
,just after the Dieppe
'lucky en -
Exploding Shell Tossed
Plane Upside Down
Sgt„ A.ieg G. MacK•enrie several tunes but' •so far have not
writes the, following interesting let- seen any of the Lucknow boys but
ter, in epPressing' apprecilation' .hope to 'contact, some c►f 'them on
The Clansmen' for a reeent shipinerit my next leave,.It sure "is good to
,�. , .-- `dee someone from home.
of -cigarettes:: ,
,About .all the'. news for ,now- .My
Dear :Sirs; of cig=.�regards . to all, the Clansmen
Received your last carton -,best r the cigarettes
arches about` a' week ago and be and aaaz y thank$ for _ted.
Yours sincerely,
Alex M_cKeizne.
faring with our heavy . bombing. A
few of the last raids I have been on
were id and
e hamburg, Saarabrucken, Dus-. f :�iily�d Mrs ��� '�;
seldorf, Bremen, etc_ You wi'11 have moved to the village last
dustries. Had rather an.odd exper- - ,�
ince over Duisburg. A shell ex- Leri' the,
Bass Alma Andersen' spent
under the taila the hetet week -end visiting her father, Mr-
and - through the force of the ex -^D. E. Anderson at St. Joseph H�s-
Mr -
plosion the plane was, tossed over i who underwent, an operation
on its back and in that position we 'P til, o. and is aecov
about two weeks ag
fell down to 4000 feet when we Ering
finally got it right side. up, and with
el . Mics.- Jas. Alton of LncicnoW 'spent
the exception• of a few shrapnel
holes' in the plane , we arrived back the week -end with her son Mr' -
to base. Alton :and fa Y• ffer-.
Have been to London on leave The W .S• autu Thagkoh
ing meeting •of the United
Will be held Friday, October 9th
at , .2.30 p.m; at the . church ^ t the
Mrs.. Rebecca Caldwell s e the
'week -end at her 1}oin., She hes
been . doing practical nursing
dome of M. Earl Sherwood, taking
care of his' mother, Mrs. Sherwood:
• Mr- and Mrs. Henry Gardner of
Zion 'spent Sunday with the • late
ter's sister, Mrs. Robt. Fitzgerald -
lasses Corabelle
Cora Finnigan Spent the- wear -end -
at London and .v tin �• • C. E.
Taylor; Mrs. Taylor and family at
read the devestatian that was cans- week and are' pying the .house
ed at these places to their war m- owned by Mrs.
.Nei MacDonald.
lieve me. they ar-e.-a treat It is hard your work is most apprecia
BARN FOR SALE—Small 1 barn in
LucknOW, 20 x 26-' Apply at Sen-
tinel Office.
FOR SALE—New 1942 7 -tube elect-
ric Crosley cabinet radia. Apply at
Sentinel office.
FOR SALE Year-old Shropshire
ram_ Apply to J A. Anderson, R. 1
Lucknow, Phone 42-f-3.
--5-roam house,
HORSEFOR BENT : , convenient
modern conveniences, Office.
location. Apply at Sentinel
PIGS; ,FOR .SALE -Number of pigs,
5 and .6 weeks old; also. two saws
in `.pig. Charlie Robinson; R. ° 3 Baty -
sib t® Berlin anytime_ They some. action on the ' Since the Americans ire
the best tank eve_ �} off -shore •and' form. ..t steal these things from the stores.'
spm in Three Plane crash come over we. get the latest spo. Accused' Well, your honor, the'•e
�• lane came in low to of the baseball
: s s s anoth ship_ gossip + was a notice, `N to Pur
ID its bombs at a ATOded re -broadcasted•
A McIntire Geier Bis.Whigs
"A � interesting • event took
Flo: a •� -RaCAIF•'.- tet -ool,. I.
It came right in over their heads
aaith three of "our guns firing for
games are
The German morale must be sui-
chase '..
is safe here. There is no
"I'm glad I live in Canada- My family job, and
Gestapo, no hunger, no brutal aggression. I have a good' l
I am free, 'd unafraid=
"In many lands, the people have been robbed. and beaten, their
and possessions forcibly taken from them. Isere in my
country, I can lend my money and know that it is_safe, backed
all the resources of Canada, and that I will get interest on it,
by so as to be ready to
too. I am gladly doing without some things'
'dollar I can to the . country. that has been so good' to
lend every '.
me and my family4
n Canada helps to protect you ...' gives
Every dollar you Lend to
you the right, to work in personal freedom instead of under brutal
dictators . enables you . to live your own life, for yourself and.
Victory Bonds are a good way to save ... this country has allays
'd back every penny loaned to it, with interest. Plan now how .
you can lend your money . figure :how you can save to lend -
for your freedom ....
more. Back up the men who are fighting
let your self-denial show your loyalty to Canada.
s /f
Thain -
Mr. and Mrs: Jerry Dalton,
STOVE FOR SALE --Happy Thought
heater, coal or wood Good condi-
tion, cheap for quick sale. Horace
Aitchison, Winghann• Can be ..seen
at W. J. Douglas', 'Lucknow.
tail were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and. Mrs. Barney Benninger -
Little Lavoine Taylor of Thames -
ford is visiting her grandparents.
and: -Mm Di on,:. whiled
.... Tho "'" �
her parents, Rev. C. E. and Mrs.
_Taylor. are spending a few days at
their cottage . at. Port <Albert.
��f �g.+ w E1 .Ct
.v... Dill: Caesar,'jr.,Jr l C.A.= -f St-.
Thomas spent .the week -end with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Cap --
AUCTION SALE of household ef-
fects, etc., at Langside on Thurs-
day, October 15t1t, at one o'clock -
See bills. Terms cash. Well Hender- �t �
son.-Au1c_;.Walter 'Senn, Prop- STUART Mac
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and
Miss= Wsnnifred Swan, Ripley, vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs Harvey Mole on.
Friday_ and attended the Fair. ,
a+r,.ss -Vioin .Young is visiting her
sister Mrs. Marshall Gil,son at Par_-
amount for a few Mayon SlStathers,
Mr'- and Mrs- .
Toronto made a . visit recently with
the formers father, Mr.. Thos- Stoth-
Prof. A. W. Anderton
-Each Wednesday and . Friday
at the home of
1.30 to 6 o'clock,
AUCTION SALE at the Stock yards 1
Ripley, Friday October 9th V.30.
eaws �ctf, 10 heifers
in LI :
calf, 20 spring salves, 40 yearling
Steers and heifers, 25two-year-old
steers and heifers, ,chunks of pigs,
and horses. Donald Blue, Aue.; Thos.
Harris,.. Prop•.. {I
ers, -
BORN Friday. `'October 2nd to
Mr. and Mrs: Warner Andrew,, at
Goderich Hospital; a son: Congra-
Mrs. Herb - Stothers spent . the
week -end visiting her father, Mr.
Jos Hackett,' Lucknow, who is 're-
covering from a .broken hip re-
a few weeks . ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Errinton and
son Harvey of Carlow visited Mrs.
John Reid on Tiiesclay. •
Mr_ Ball and. daughter Mrs. Chas -
Fowler and her little- son Tommy
all-anes- d f_ ather. 196---fid.-Ml's: "Charles' Shier -visa
;In- loving memory of our
dear daughter, Elaine, who ' passea
away one year. ago.
Two bright eyes a .tender' smile,
A loving heart that knew no guile,
Deep trust in God that all was right.
Her joy to make some other bright..
If sick or suffering one she knew, '
Some gentle act of love she'd do;
No thought of self, but of "the other" --
I know He said, "Well done, dear
Fondly remembered by Father,
Mother, Sisters and Brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robertson
are spending a few • days with his
left_Tuesday'for~a visit W
visit -in.
tern provinces- Bev- Gbm B
Mrs- Ball of Barrie spent a few days
here and were accompanied back.
with the others that far for the first
lap df their trip- the ser -
We are sorry to hear of
ions illness of Mrs. Walter Eifert,
Ripley, formerly Miss Mabel Hodge,
a school . teacher some years ago at
She is a patient in Kin-
cardine Hospital. Her many friends
here wish her a ' speedy and com-
•plete recovery , Widcombe of
Mr. and Mrs- Sam last week
Windsor spent a few days
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. H. McClure.
Dnngzn•►n Fair •
Dungannon' Fair last . Thursday
opened with ideal'weather • which
opresiding at the piano. The I and Mrs. Richard Gar er:
aconraging for the P' n Fri ors. Mai
The weather on Friday scripture' lesson was read by Mrs. 1 . Mr, and Mrs. Fred' Anderson re-
forthr the may_v-1 ceived - word from their son Dave.
' the show was at .some. times- Donald McCosli. A reading was gi
despite all the.uncer- en'' by Miss Nellie Malcolm which ' who is, stationed at Newmarket he
doubtful, bait em Mrs.' I had been quite sick with flu but
Minty, . a .crowd came' Pow � was followed by a' poem by read -1 is improving at time of writing.
following the Walkerton High school Robert McCosh. An interesting 1Vlinghall' :Gibson been
John Lane. Mr.sha past week has thisn N
Band which led the pro- trig was given , by Mrs'
girls Bugle v, Dann closed the meeting • with : threshing
cession from main sheet to the agri- lie
cultural grounds• » Close behind prayer. Refreshments were served neiigghb tendo s Richard Gardner'
marched a large brigade of • school and a pleasant Buie spent. Mr. visited Sunday with Dungannon
en from twelve schools, very friends.
ited at Mr. James Pollocks on
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh and
Mary 'spent last. Sunday at .Mr, : John
visited 'at Mr Geo.Thomp
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy and
family a
son''s on Sunday.ZION
Little Wayne Nixon is visiting I
his aunt, Mrs. Jack Emerson Webster of. ` Kitr�lierier;
A joint meeting of the. Red, Cross •' Pte. Roy
Society of Purple Grove and the' son of Mr- and Mrs: Nelson Webster,
W. M. S. Society of - Kinlough was ' Windsor, called on friends in this
Em- burg on; Sunday morning.
field at the home of Mrs. J� was
erson last Wednesday" Recent visitors which we regret
largely attended, about% 35' • being s omitting last week • were Mrs. Geo.
present A quilt was quilted for the . Hunter of Ha>nwith• MI'.
Red Cross, after that an interesting I Mrs Henry Kiril h with MT
program was given, Miss Margaret
Walkerton, Ontario.•
• Each WedntSday •
Afternoon &' Evening..
YOUR. Estate
is Different
from every other. Many prob-
lems are Involved ---,fondly and
imanaal oonditmas,•requirements
and objectives are different- 'P '
one persop could be expected.
to effectively deal with the. many
duties required of. an exeatorr-
The Sterliog Trusis Corporation
brings to' these problems the
' combined ..experience of a staff
fully qualified to administer your.
estate prdmptlY and efficIsntIY.
Ndme as your ,bcecolai .
372:*AT 'St,,. TOtONTO
Gardner,Mr. and -
John Lane • of oug .
child' ' �"
much thrilled and 'dressed in pat- CR Mrs. •Ernest Gardner spent 'Sun-
riatic colors' and red, white and blue � day afternoon with Mrs- Jas. Gard -
Two' clowns were omits- days -ilii-i nt ' sitedta few ner, Lucknow.
head -bands, Twr. _ _.__-_. _ . Mrs. John •.Rivett visited a
ing with their Gala -
ala white dobbin The _ " `y�ajr rid "Misr' Thos: Andes` n
wagon fled by a white dog- Mr. 'and Mrs. Cecil Blake and Jim -Gordon were Sunday visitors with .•
wagon was fitted up in a domestic my spent part of last week. with -, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Anderson•
way for a would-be camp trailer. friends in Toronto and St. Cather- Miss Elsie Ritchie spent the week -
with washing on the line. They were end in Lucknow with Mrs. Dr. P-
out for fun and had just brought Mr. Colin Crozier. of R.C.A.F: at'Batt
week- Mrs. Mary • Mc'Auley. Ripley, Was
their work with them. After enter- Manning Pool visited over the
ing the groinads, the ' Dungannon end at the parental home here. I a week -end• visitor with. her .dau'gh-
their, 'teachers' sang Mrs. Bert Treleaven spent the past Ritchie and Mr.
school led , byter, • u h
a few patriotic numliess,ending''th couple `of weeks with her parents, Ritchie.
horse races and sports were run off
the School yell denoting. pep. The Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Hackett' near' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gardner were
.Lucknow, Dungannon visitor's on Siiriday•
interspersed with numbers from the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hackett and Mr. David 'Andrew .of Vermillion
band, which wail the admiration of family of Zion visited last .Sunday i spent the week-encl with his moth -
wasA toroth, of over 150' antique`' at Wilfred Drennan's. er, Mrs. Isaac' Andrew.
was exhibited in the interests of Mr- and Mrs- Kenny , Campbell Mrs. Geo. Hunter spent' a few days
the Women's Institute, which re- and daughter of Detroit' spent a'
ceived half the proceeds. Whatlast week with her parents, Mr• ani'
. No pleasant week -end with her father, Nies: Joseph. Hackett• We are glad
ice cream? well a 'hotdog seemed Nur. Sohn DJlenary. to report Mr. Hackett is 'improving
more ' to the point anyway as one Mr. Roy Culbert left on Monday , nicely after his accident.
shivered around', surprised and hail- - for Hamilton where he has secured
;ed by old • friends and acquaintances a position. , - -
who » in many cases came a long tis
tante and which is their habit for Most of the people from here at
tended the' Dungannon Fall 'Fair
years. A full house in they evening concert which was held on' Friday
enjoyed a program given by a can- it being much better than in prey-
cert troupe from Caledonia followed ions years. .
by a dance. Miss Annie -Culbert is spending
'And so Dungannon's 84th Fa11some kxme with friends _ Aylmer.
Pair was brought to a successful . . A '
conclusion with cre&t ' due Presi•- Durnin and, their Board of. Direct-
, dent James Lyons, secretaay Marvin ori. .
.Senile: A light in the window of
the face which shows that the heart
as at »home.
"Keep your name alive by adver-
tiling; keep it good by courtesy to
custoziiers", is the advice Of »an adt'
vertising expert.