The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-09-10, Page 8ti
nt Each
e Fireflies
Needed For Research Work,
ETtptains The New Yorker
Ligon fireflies had no . value in
AlePopen ;market• anti/ a couple. of
'weeks age. :when a man named
Gilbert T; se/kali-dung Put an ;a,(%
zeertiaentent in the personal: col -
ulna of The Sunday Tilaes, ot c6'-
Js>g .one cent apiece 'for thein, plus
Pilotage. We made a rotiline check-
up, naturhliy suspecting some sort
-• Of prank„ but Mr. SchMidling turn-,
.ed • out to be perfectly dead -pan.
He does research in the . field of
artificial light„,working bye day
as technical director of ,the •Fluor:
escent . Pigments Corporation, • a•
• focal, fires now specializing in In -
n. •urinous • blackout supplies, . and
experimenting by night. 'with fire-
flies- in the hope' of eventually;
tieing aIIe to produce a commerc-
• ia1Iy practicalwhite 'illumination
fro organie cltenaicafs.
The fillet step, 'Itfr, Schmi:dlfng'
told us; is to breed a firefly. which
will give'a pure -white' light, collie
thing .that no firefly in its natural
ttate'is prepared to doat present
ft may come as a surprise. to you
to learn that fireflies- give • off
lights of different 'colorer in dif-
ferent parts of the, country. Wash-
ington, :D:C., fireflies glair` red,
for- example- On- the right bank
of the Hudson, the 'fireflies' .lights
are . 'blue-green; on this side
• they're: Yellow -gr e• en. if Mr.'
Shine:idling 'is successfulin pro-:•
dt cing: as' firefly with a white 'fait-
I ght,. h _prilf .them 'switch _•his,
og readarche to certain Iumfinilna
marine organisms„ which: . are
Thirflar titan, .fireflies , to• breed but.,
y1e;thefr Iuntinons element more
reader' After the marine organ-
isms comes: synthetic production:
M Schmidifng; 2.ipects to bo
tied art with fireflies for. another
three years at Feast. since, he won't
startbreeding them until .1943 and
their `life cycle is two years. The
glowing .'7d a form: of mating sig-
ignal', .probably knoev.s .',!'he
eggs are- deposited in the amend;
'the grub .hies in the Fail and
'digs in miff -Spring of its second
year., when ':'it• emerges as .a fu11--
ilIov n state it feeds
°actuate' err on snails. (Really-)
Then it mates, and the cycle of
' firefly life starts once again. Elie-
flies�' grow at . irregular. ?ni eryais,
tint the female' or at feast one, ver
'fetir always' takes ; exactly .21 sec-
entrby to respond to her„ beano'
fEaslr ,
The firefly's chemical secret IS
g combination of air, water, and
two diffussliia thermostable com-
ompounds mined Incfferin 'andUnci-
ferng Aa nearly, as; tine entola-
ologfsts candope it out, trio firefly
turns hie light on . by shooting
moist air through a tube . in his
after, or. Itiminaue, part-. Thirty _
years ago a. Freniehmen named
Di3liais fl .
. gnre(i-ant a way oi' pa,Tt ✓ . .
ing two solutions of the grid:ra
utr bodies of 'fireflies, one fn. hot
water and one is cold, .and mix-
' tog the two to get the same effect
the living firefly does when court- •
ing That's -as near as science has
come to feolating luciferer'and
Inefferase •
To date; Mr.Schnridling, .fn an
j 'aver .ta his ad, has received 943
fireflies, all in, good' working order.
life also ,hes a supply of snails
living in a terrarium and waiting.
• lee be eaten. tree had definite
promises of several hundred ad-
ditional fireflies from as far' away
as . Ohio and Maine. 'one ".man
Wrote in excitedly to say that be
expected to corner the Ioeal mark-
et with a juvenile Fatter' pool: Mr.
Schmfdling wrote back and said
go ;ahead; he's prepared to bay
up to 15,000 fireflies. '
War Costs Canada
s ' $7,000 A Minute
Some people wonder Why the
Government is asking . the. _people .
to invest at least 25 cents, a day
in war savings stamps, gays the
Lethbridge Fterald. Lf every one
of the 12,000,000 •people in Can-
ada were to folio -w' this advice „it
would provide fi 3,000,00(5 a day
for the war effort.. P "
But that wouldn't', be enough.
The tear is costing, Canada $ 7,000
a minute -$168800 an hour,' $4.-
032,000 a day,
So that . even' if every man,
woman and child in Canada 'in-
cluding the babes in ar'm's were to
invest 25 cetrts a day in stamps
eve `would still be over million
dollars short of the daily cost
Canadians have :' undertaken a
tremendous job, and they're going . _
to seeit through. ' It will mean.
Tong •hoursof work. a Lower
standard' of living', 'stein •saving
to provide the money for the war:
Anyone who isn't foIIowing such
a r me is guilty of a • bit of
slat ing. ' We wouldn't Iike til
be considered slackers in,,the eyes
of the boys in uniform are
giving uniform d�'
their all.
The George-Washingtery Bridge
across the Hudson River Varies 30
inches in length between the year-
ly. extremes 'in temperature.
V ei s ane P'Iant's *Daily Out
of . ti®., it raft Guns..
A pretty sight for'American eyes is this symetricai line-up of Bofors anti-aircraft gums --covered and
ready . for. 'shipment -a typical day's production at the Firestone Tire and; Rubber Co. in Akron: Now
lin rout aSsernbly line production, the 'plant turns out 30 or more of these weapons .dally.
Have You Heard
"Sure, and what a night it is!"
said the Irishman at a party. "It's
simply pouring."
Yoe can't go home in .twat
downpour," remarked the host.
"You had better stay the night
with us."
The 'Irishman` disappeared and.
returned Some timelater soaking,
I• "Where have you been?" asked
the host.
"Homefor my • pyjamis," re-
plied, the Irishman. •
THE Germans have ordered
all copies, of Shakespeare's
works -to be pulped.. Before
the war they acclaimed him
as a true Aryan dramatist,
but now, as a humorist pats
it, tlmy've discovered he isn't
really Hitreratore_
The - very irate golfer stalked' up
to the woman who was surround-
ed by her offspring. -
"Yon must take your children
away from here, madame," he.
said; "this is no place for them."
"Don't you worry," replied the
woman pleasantly, • "they can't
hear nothing new. Their father
was a sergeant major?'
Bobb: "A little bird_told
, ose what kind of a lawyer
your father is." /
Johnny: "What.. did the
bird say?" .
"Cheap, cheap-"
"Well, it, ••duck , told me
what Find of a doctor your -
father is!"
Tlie • following' taken from a
petty cash hook, ' is surely the
world's shortest' novel-
Advert. for typist, 2s.; typist's
salary, £2; 'flowers, 5s; choco-
lates, 7s. 6d.; typist's salary, £3;
• sweets . for , wife, 6d.; Winnie's
salary, £4; dinner and theatre
for Winnie and self; £10, I0s.;
fur coat for wife, £150; advert.
for male typist, 2s.. ,
Magistrate:. Yon 'say you
" were arrested while quietly
attending to your business.
What is . your business?
, Prisoner: I'm a burgiair,
Hitler was interviewing his,
troops, and stopped to talk to one • -
"How are ,things with you?"
he asked.
"Oh, I' can't complain, sir," an:
steered the soldier,
'say you" can't,' . agreed the
Fed -up salesman . - I'm
sorry, madam, but we bays
no shoes which are small on
the outside and large on the
What . Science
Is Doin •
Many a homesick ' or sardonic --
Northern Negro, writing to South-
ern friends, says, "Ship • me a bag
of good dirt to eat,'? Time ob-.
serves. -
Soneetimes' he means it.. Even
in the Yazoo -Mississippi delta,
Negroes : and whites send requests
to their; utreotinfty friends for re
bit of red clay, declaring that
black delta soil is "right. bad''eat-
ing." In certain parts of Missis-
sippi, poor whites will walk miles
for a spoonful of dirt from a
'favorite bank of clay, because it
"tastes sour, like' .a lemon." In
Other sections of the South, some
top their meals with a savory \
tablespoon of dirt, believing that
it is "good for them," despite its
constipating effects.
What makes people eat •dirt?
Two scientists at Mississippi- State
Col -lege, Doctors Dorothy •Dickins
and Robert N. ' Ford, (thinkthey
know why: lack of iron i4 the
diet: Science News Letter re-
ported some results of their in-
vestigation among 207 Negro
school children in Oktibbeha Coun-
ty, Mississippi_ At Ieast a quarter
of the children admitted' eating
dirt. Most of the dirt -eaters had
less of the iron -rich food, each
as Molasses, mustard. greens, liver,
in their diet than did the non -
dirt -eaters. Andas fait as the
scientists could' find out, the cra - .
ing„ for .dirt (known as geophagia) .'
has nothing to do with hookworm,
.as many doctors firmly believe,
for hookworm is very rare in geo-
phagous Oktibbeha County.
Gals and Guns ---Good Combination
6 ^
Girl• workers in the "driver's seats"-
of Bofors anti-aircraft guns,
made at Firestone plant in Akron find the complicated weapons
are easy, to handle. Company employs hundreds of girls in assembly ,
and precision work on the gting.
By Roberta Les
1. Is it correct for an em-
ployer•'to introduce his secretary
to a caller' by. saying, "Mr. Jones,
this is my secretary, Miss
Brown," or shouldn't he give the
woman's name filet, "Miss' Brown,
this is Mr. Jones?"'
= 2. What should be done with
the, knife afterusing it for 'cut-
ting food?
3, Should a guest ever join in
a family argument?
4.. Is it absolutely required
that a person give the reason for
declining an invitation? •
5. Is it proper for a man to
smoke a pipe at a :formal affair?
6. What is the meaning of
"elite," and how is it prionOuneed?
1. In the business world, the
most important person .is mention-
ed first, "ltgaritlessof sex. ,2.
Place the knife• at the upper right
hand edge of . the plate, • and on
the plate,.. never with the handle
resting on the table. 3: Never.
The guest mast not take sides,
and if he can do so quietly and
without notice, he should lease
the room or walk away. 4. It. is
not obligatory that one do so, but
unless it is a very intimate reasor
one should explain why, and With
regret. Otherwise, the hostess
might resent a curt "Sorry, I cen-
not accept." - 5. This ,is some-
times done, brit it cannot he cal-
led good form. 6. "Elite" is a
noun, meaning the choice our se-
lect part; especially a group or
ebody considered or treated as so-
cially superior. 'Pronounce a-Iet;
a as in ate, e as in me, accent
last syllable.
By Anne Ashley .
Q How can I save sugar when
making white cake frosting?
A When making plain white
frosting for a- cake, add . about
two tablespoons of cornstarch]
and use less sugar. This, saved
sugar, and the frosting will re-
main thicker and softer. It is
especially good for fruit cakes.
Q. How can I repair a small
• leak in a water pipe?
A. Li the water pipe leaks
just the least bit, wind around
the leak with some adhesive tape
and brush over this with shellac.
A small leak can be very success-
fully mended inthis manner. •
Q. How can I tell the differ-
ence between boiled eggs and un-
boiled ones when .they liave be-
come mixed? - ' A. Spin the eggs on a table.
Tlie boiled dues will whirl around,
fast, but those that are raw 'will
make- only one or two turns.
Q. How can I' remove small
pieces of soap that have worked
themselves down into the sink
A. Pour down some boiling
water to melt and wash -the pieces
of 'soap away. Soap will not clean
waste pipes; use washing soda
for that purpose, as soap will
clog the pipes. •
Q. What tail 1 do to furniture
that hasbecome so dried that it
refuses to take a polish?
A. Applywith a` soft cloth a ^
solution made of three parts lin-
seed ° oil to one part turpentine.
After this, wipe with a cloth
which has been dampened with a•1-
cohoI, and let stand for a few,
The Brit:sh Perue .:Minister,
who his is First lord pf the
Treasury, recehhe A salary of
£ 10,000 a year.
British Bomber
Pies To Canada
Four -Engined Lancesters Te
Be Btrilt in Canada
l?irst of Britain's •mighty four-
engined bombers to come to this.
continent a giant gyro Lancaster
Landed at Dorval airport, Montreal,
last week after a trans-Atlantic
flight:. ' -
Fresh from the production lines
of a British factory. the lomat-tit-
er anwas flowzl. from , England for
demonefration in C da where
the lastest edition oft this multi -
motored bomber will soon be built
in quantity far the Royal Ale
Captain of- the ` aircraft was
;Clyde Aangborn, Well-known 'Am-
erican long-distance flier. He and,
his, crew' were Welcomed by Air.
Curet •Marshal' Sir Frederick 'Bow-
Bill, ,officer'• commanding the'Hoyal
Air Force ferry command in Mon-
,E;uns Losci'•ed'. '
The Lancaster delivered to Can-
ada carried full. armament - the
most formidable yet fitted in..;any'
bomber and capable.. of ' dealing
with at least two enemy fighters
attacking simultaneously-
Canadian versiort, of the Lan-
caster" will embody •improvements
represented in the latest model
Capt.' Pangborn praised the Lan -
easter he .Piloted to Canada, say-
ing: • "It handles beautifully -like
a munch lighter aircraft. It is very
manoeuvrable, andit, takes off and
lands very easily "
He Said `-tire : Atiantic. `trip .was
The . aircraft, carrying • special
•freight, . left Britain with a mali-
mum load of more than 60,000
pounds and no, attempt was made
to achieve an unusually ,fast
crossing. - c ,'
Top' Speed 300 Miles
According to recently published
statements, the Laneaster carries
a bomb load of eight tons. The
bomb compartment, 1I.II33 . feet long,
can take. the ` biggeist , bombs yet
devised. it has a top speed of
around 300 nines an hour • while
itsrange is 3;000 miles:;
The Lancaster' is 'a mid -wing,
all -metal monoplane, powered by
four Rolls-Royce Merkin• engine
producing 1,250 horsepower 'at • 12,
250 .feet with low
gear super-
charger and 1,175 horsepower at .
21,000 feet with a high gear sniper
charger in operation.• It has a wing
span of 102 feet, ismore than 69
feet long and. '20, feet high. • .
Armament ie formidable. It has
10 machine, guns in four turrets in
the nose, mid-upper and mid -
under and in the tail.,' The four
tan guns are fed by ling ammgni-
tion tracks ,extending alongthe
side of the rear jpselage.
All vital parts of the plane are
covered by • half a ton of armor
plate either as integral parts of
-the-structure-orr-as -additional--prpo--•
tection. - g '
Bison' Roam Forest
Areas In Poland
Bison are usually, associated
with the Canadian praifieei but•
there-. are forest areas in Po-
land where not onlythe bison
roam,^ but where wolves and wild-
cats live in tehir wild state says
'The Windsor Staff. When the
Nazis ordered Amore trees from
PpIish , forests, Marshal Goering
stepped in to preserve the hunt-
ing areas ' from the woodsman's
• axe: Ile still likes to take time
off from the war to go •shooting...
Not only are the Nazis denud-
ing Poland, but the Germans are
trying to destroy the Polish race.
Families have been broken up,
with some members •being sent to
work in one part of Germany,'
while others are put at forced
labor in other parts of the Reich.
The Germans have never for-
given the Poles for taking over „
some of the most valuable mineral -
arers of •Germany after the fast
war. The plan todestroy Poland
and the ' Polish people its an ef-
fort to prevent that happening
again. ,4' j
e6nes &tress MIAMI NOMI L.
Lydia E. Pfnkhaa)'S vegetable
Compound not catty helps relieve
monthly pain but arse wenn; nervi-
otil feelings -clue to monthly func-
tional dlsturbanices.It helpsbuildtup
resf_'tance against dlstre;,s of "diffi-
cult days." Made in Canada. .
Ex -Lake Boat. On1
War Assignment
Detroit ;sane, an airplane terrier
for 'they first time ]stat.. week, when
the IJ. -S. S. Wolverine, once the
longest liner -on the lakes, Steam-
ed proudly' up the river to her; as-
'signment' in the 'war.
When 'she ;was the Seeandbee,,
of the Cleveland .& Buffalo Tran
sit Company, the 500 -foot ship
carried >as many as 2,30.0 pas-
sengers in a cruise to Mackinac
Island, Duluth and Chicago_
Now her staterooms and pro-
menade decks'were gone, replaced
by a huge flight deckthat extend-
ed at least 100 feet begyond the
water line astern, and ]almost es
far forward of the how: Her four
funnels and the, bridge had been
Protect soar BOOKS cad CASH
frogs FIRE cad ' THUMBS- We.
have s else and type of 'sate, or
Cablaet, for . ■aypurpose- Mut
a� or write eel grit :es,' ete, :* .
nom..► aro r
J.6cJ.TAYLDR uMrr o
I45- Prost St.. E., 'T'oronto
• Establlahed
moved to (starboard, leaving bili
flight deck clear.
As she passed Detroit, answer •
ing 'salutes , from craft on, both o
sides of the• river,, three training •
ptlaneii were. in line' ,on' the, deck
and inany,more were -in the hold.
`Ilio• Wolverine probably is the •
„only ,Side -Wheel aircraft .Carrier in•
the World: • It' will. tie Used' to
train thousands of • Navy airmen' •
in carrier. •tactics.
* Yon em still make wood
money ever if war prl
oriden are makl.g It i n-
perodble for ;ala to get
d elivery of your Line. This
advertiser' wants a good
represent him as -local
distributor is several
choice territories. The job,
Which can dovetail with
your present connection,
is selling, to deniersa nee-
=_ its,g ii e.... --::e . s -� ;�
farm . machinery , equip-
meat vchlch retails at EIB
to $25 per unit Y,.0will
find . this n very, interest- '
lag, proposition:. Write '
Box 31), 73 Adelaide St•
W-, Toronto.
Best prices' paid • for piano
.accordions. twelve to hun-
dred and twenty bass.
-Musical Instrument Department
See us first.' • We win. • re-
fund your cost • of . ' transpotta-
tion to Toronto, if you buy tram
tis- Mount Pleasant. • Motors Ltd.
Used Car Lots at 1650 .Danforth
Avenue and 2040 Yonge Street.
Head Office, 622 Mount Pleasant •
Road; Toronto. 'Telephone High-
land 2181.
Endless thresher belts, hose,
feeder' eanva` - ptille'ys- shifting.
hangars, .bearings, motors. Spec-
ial -Belting for. traces, 2 inch 5 -
ply. 15c foot, .A11 types of trans- •
mission • supplies' .in stock for
immediate shipment at attractive
low prices. Merchandise guaran-
teed 'acrid shipped subject to your
inspection. Send your orders to
off. • Chicks available now on
.September 23rd. Our. Fall Service
Bulletin • is ready if 'you
• haven't a copy, please -ask: You'll
find tit valuable. Plan: with ,us
for a big season ahead - and
Victory. Dray . Hatchery, 130
John N,_ Hamilton, _ Ont
well-equipped farm` Must have
ability , and • experience, State
*ages expected: Apply to Lawr-
ence Kerr:, No. '•3' Chatham,
ery, aleo rehuilt. equipment •al-
ways on hand • Terms arranged.
Correspondence, Invited. Hubbard
.Portable Oven Co.. 103 Ltatherat
SL Toronto;
dyeing or cleaning? Write to us
for , inforfnation. We are glad to
answer your questions. Depart-
ment H. Parker's DYe • Works
Limited. 79' iooge Street, To-
- EAP.-g'i '.E.aTISA •CASIl IN %PA1t8
Christmas Cards in beautiful. gift
boxes at 3S cents to, $1.00 per
box YOU 'Make' up t., hair of
selling price. Send for n`,Frtce list
and free I ersona1 Album 'of ex=
qui''ite designs, C(rrne with fpis'i-
tsry 'crests at 18 for :t dollar
and up. or -end t::.r tr for, six
^ sample: boxes •r•on:a•.nin:; 90 fold-
r.r=. (..,rcrlaill, Suite 717, -60 Front
Lest, Toronto,
DARWIN TCL1P'S, 40c; J'AI'°F()-
dils. 50c; Narcis.sus zee per daz-
Pn. E, L:. Hilton. Creston. 1;.C,•
Ranch. . which has always 'Made
money, Located close to good
t0ivn, good schools, etc. Worth
inyes,ttgating. 1. A. James, 189
Tartlet 3t, St, Thntnas.
You will appreciate the true Mean -
Trig of, quality and service if yon
send your snapshots to be develop-
ed at
314 S ONf3E •STREET. Tent lNTa
• "Helpfill Shooting Tips"
(To aid you in taking better 'pin.-
tures' we give advice and' criticism
on every roll.) .•
or 8 exposures developed and
yr printers, 23c. 2 prints of each
only 25-.
314 YO V GM snow 1`. ToRcilYro
offensive odor instantly, , • 45o
bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman
DrUg Store, Ottawa_
miles froth Toronto -130 acres, 2
Houses and 2 • Barns, $10.000:0.0_
Must sell• to close ' estate. Public
Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto.'
and Exciting books. Rev. Tyrer.
• Great, Work on . Marriage Rela-
tions. $2.49. SLJ'f'ER l'Sd A t?OR-
DER, 57 Queen Street West,
Toronto. Ontario.
Dogs. Send . particular. r.. IKepnehi,'
1634 Queen East. Toronto.
dwelling, fixtures, best offer.
good reasons for sol ing. Box 90,
' 73. Adelaide W-, Toronto.
• /•677 NTS
i 11'HJ211$Tl)NHAUGH & 4•;(.16ti%AN
Patent solicitors. -tdstabiiebed
1890: 14 Sing W est; Toronto.
Booklet of Infos-Mal ion 'on re-, -„
meat .
United States, Canadian, British •
Patent Attorney. Booklet:agra:tis^
Established 'over forty years. 82
Balsas,' Avenue, Toronto. • •
DIES -Home Liniment No. 1. 15
ounces. 81.25; leingworm em-
• bracation 4 ounces. 60e Stock
and Itarb Wire Liniment 6 ounces
60c;' Gall and Healing Ointment •
1 Ib., $1.25. Four remedies Iona
of . each)_ postpaid Tor $3.50_
Johnson Drug C'o'mpany. , 357A
i ("Age Street, Toronto.
er, of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- •
itis should try •Dixon's Remedy.
dome's Drug Store. 335 Elgig,
Ottawa. Postpaid"
The Heat. Rain, , or , Hall •." -.-
ticliitred by Marl .,
Any b or E exposure film .perrec't;y
det:e}vi+ed and printed for only 25c.
Supreme' quaIlly ,and fast •service.
tiLa Lcrr, J. 1'_Qi''tetiit,
:NEW' ANir' U51•;1). I•IOT WATER
t:,•nt,:, bath 1ut,s, srnks,'toile..ts.
h• ns . 4::ectrir coater •pumps,
tanks. tnps, drainage fit -
7 r,. pipe, fitting, -valves,; -rad-
,J,eket hrntr r4. hot water
tut n i• r r `(`shouse ht•ate:rs,
••te. }•;u,iurr,• now i,e-t ter Plumb-
ing yorri)tnn} i,r15 lcd, 2.975- Dun-
das: Street «'e: -t. Toronto.
RI Co. Ill.:.11.a NEM,
ll;tt;y NS IEtx,4,•MAI,1: I•'liUld
uld. Uomin•un Rut.; Weavilig t-dtn-
pany,. 904 t;veen St. W.. Toronto,
Write rot hook', r.
1t21EI iii ATiC I'AIP:;.
terer or ith,•umatie Yarns or
Neuritis should try Dixon's hems
edy 'llunro's' Drug Store, 535 El-
l;iri, Ottawa. Postpaid•- LOOM. ,
Ii fl scLL Its II,DIiG(.
MEN ANN) LOS'S. ixL'VI:L()Y ' oun
m•useles and , increase y
• strength with an original system,
instruction in mmttsc)e building,
muge:ie control, diet, :Pelf -defence,
personal' hygiene. etc. Complete
course only telco dollars. L.
I'errrttal, Doctor of Psychc,Iogy,
25 West Street,, Sydney, Nova
Sr cit in. V .
ISSUE 3t.-'42