HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-09-10, Page 31 Plant Bulbs ,Now For Spring Bloom Bulbs Will Grow in Any Good, Well Deained Soll 1. The earliest flowers to bloom in, spring are grown from bulbs which must be planted in Sept- ember or October. Most of them are hardy except in very cola districts where the . snow cover- ing is -uncertain. In such places a position where the snow drifts ,,and remains all winter should be chosen, if possible, or a "covering of straw or strawy manure should be applied as soon as the ground freezes, says . Miss Isabella Pres- ton, resto1i, Division of Horticulture, Cen- tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Bulbs will grow in any good gar- den soil that is. well drained ' but they may not if planted in. ground, on which' the 'water stands for . a lengthy. period, in sitting. • The bulbs 'should be, planted deeply enough 'se that' the tops are two inches below..the surface of the Chinodoxa, 'Glory' of the Show, is one of the earliest flowers ' to bloom and its pretty pale blue blossoms which face upwards open as soon as • the snow melts. If allowed' • to do so : the flowers set seed and self sow. ' In a few years time •they will have in-. + ' creased considerably. - Scilla "sibirica, Siberian Squills, blooms a little later and the flow- ers"are more bell shaped •and deep- • er blue in colour.: These ,will flower under 'shrubs and are -parti- cularly effective if grown on .a sloping `bank Thete-alsoui icrease rapidly. Crocus flowers early if 'grown in a sheltered position such as near the house, ,• facing south.. There are white, yellow and pur "ple varieties. Muscari, Grape Hyacinth, has a number of small blue flowers arranged at the top of an . eight inch stem. They'l bloom a little later than Scilla.. i. The bulbs in- crease rapidly, and require divid- ing every.. few years. The leaves grow in •autumn and should not be cut off:.• Narcissus, Daffodil, is the true harbinger of . spring with its 'beautiful yellow' flowers nodding. in the breeze. ; ' The bulbs. 'should be planted early in Sept- ember and in '•cold districts' the bed should be •mulched: There • . are a great number ofvarie- ties and many of them are listed by Canadian bulb .dealers. Tulips, Tulip, is perhaps the best known of all .spring flower- ing bulbs as it has •been a feature of • plantings in city parks for many years, The..earl_y-flowering varieties used to be used for beds but the Darwins and - �yf1ower- °ing are the most satisf :ctory for planting in a mixeds border. They should be in clumps of at least five and more are needed to,look', well in large borders. The. bulbs can be left undisturbed for a few' years but better results are ob- tained, b-tained, if they are lifted every year. This should be done when the' foliage dries up in July. The bulbs, after drying, --should be cleaned and then kept in a dry airy place until late Septeniber, Although before the war bulbs were imported in large quantities from Holland, many are now grown. 'in Canada and others are imported `from England so it is still possible to get these beauti- ful garden flowers. Russia Counts ,On Winter As .Ally Winter should start"closing ,on the northern front above `the par- allel .of Moscow within 10. days. . Snow generally starts around 4 - 'bot' Day: A heavy rainy season which impedes .mechanical acti-a vities generally. sets in' south of Moscow about the latter part of. September and October and con- tinues in ' i:arying"degrees'• until winter hardens the terrain. On this-cent-tai-fronthe-Rensians aie assuming • a defensive position, which they,hope to maintain. through the inter along the ex- t cellent natural line of the Volga • and part Of tiic Dolt ``§croungers" On m'anoeuv'res, all troops, in- cluding ,the Canadians, are inclin- ed to do some "scrounging" and one night recently eoore Canuoks - in England made dff with half - a -dozen hens. It turned out: they had cleaned out a henhouse belonging to o; poor, elderly woman. They didn't know this at the time. ' , ' The colonel heard about the theft and although the culprits could not be identified, he told his men the woman couldn't- at, ford to lose the hens. He de= plored the whole escapade. Next ' mdtning ` the ' old lady found her henhouse filled with hens --20 f them that she had noes before. The local police tried to find out where the Canadians had ob-, tained "'the replacements hut it°s • still a mystery. •' v ALL limps PRESENT AND ACCOUfTp D FOR. In an emergency. every man aboard a fighting ship must know his station. The above photo shows " the, crew of a Canadian destroyer during. "ahead on .ship" drill. A leading -seaman checks with'. the officer in charge of this particular, station'. and makes sure every man is on hand. OF THE .V 1 -CE PRESS A REPORTER JOINS 'UP 1 When an. R.C.A_F. mobile re- cruiting unit stopped off at Kirk- land Lake, Ont., a while back, the editor of the Northern News sent Stew Bridges, his star re- porter, to cover • the event, . In the due course . Stew Bridges re - 'turned to . the office wearing fa pleased expression. "Where's the story?' his editor demanded. "Oh, the 'story?" mumbled Stew Bridges. "Sorry, Irgot' all about the story. We got. faiking ,and the first thing I knew 1 had joined the R.C.A.F.. -Maclean's. Magazine. EACH OF US The thought of the week comes '. from Brooke Claxton, Montreal M.P., who said in a speech, at Cleveland: "The Government can order, control, tax and ration,but the extra effort which measures the difference between democracy , and dictatorship, between victory and, defeat,- can only. • be - given ' freely by 'each of us." e)—London Free Press. INEFFICIENCY The nicest indictment of med- iaeval inefficiency we've seen for some time is that of a transport authority who points out that the . 19 stone piers of Old :.London Bridge were "constructed without engineering experience adequate for the enterpr;ee" so the, bridge 'functioned only 600 years. —London News -Chronicle. JUST REVENGE Porcupines don't know there is a war on. Otherwise they might have -spared the tires of a Plum- ner, Idaho, man's car. Instead, one animal ;stuck in a couple of quills and put two tires out of ' business. Its • action was in re- venge, of course, for. -being •run over. Lethbridge Herald. MORE THAN SANG FOR SUPPER Casting bread crumbs on the lawn is almost as self -rewarding as casting your bread on the wa- ters. A robin in Kentucky drops a dollar bill on the back porch of a man who fed the birds, thereby doing more than sing for its' supper. Hamilton Spegtator. —o— HARD-BOILED TEA • Ail,•._ -this advice abottt., how to brew a good cup of "the bever- age that cheers" from a minimum of tea is, going to be wasted, we fear, on Jim 'Cui•an of the Soo Star, who says tea isn't worth a . hoot unless it's been boiled twen- ty ri::hetes. —St;. Thomas .Times -Journal. IT'S AWFUL Now it's 'the men who are be- ing bit. The number of fur felt hat shades is, to be reduced from 42 to 18 and. wool felt shades from 18 to 10. Boys, it's awful! —Owen Sound Sun -Times. • THE FU SEX1 Funny sex: They paint • their, legs to look as if they wore stock- ings or they weal' stockings that make their legs look bare. —Brandon Sun. Ceylon, which Was an ancient centre of, civilization, has been held: in turn by the Pottugese. Dutch end British,, Swims Maintain went which the Swiss enjoy. The Swiss still hold their open - T e D mocrac .- _. Self -Government Has Work- ed For 651 Years,' Says The, ..,._.,-._.. ,PID La=te, -y4G7 �aCaa6a _,a More than 4,250,000 people have just paid homageate to a successful idea—theidea that men do not have to speak, the •Same language to dwell in harmony as a nation; that free men are capable of de- fending themselves and that dem- ocracy is the best form of gov- ernment These people knew what they;•. were "doiaag, for the idea has work- ed for 651 years. It works today although their lend ;issurrounded on all . sides ,by an enemy who stands for the. antithesis of ,every- thing very-thing they cherish. Yet this small nation has much to teach the great, powers' of the. world, . for Switzerland has stood as a .beacon light through Europe's: stormy history. ,Perpetual Pact' Formed It was on .Aug. 1, 1291, that the men .of the mountain regions of Uri, Schwyz and - Unterwald'en formed a perpetual pact to defend themselves against the tyranny of the then dominant House of Haps- burg: Other ' men joined 'them un- til the Swiss confederation. was formed. Today .its people speak four languages, ;2,900.000 Germans, -k30.000 -Preach; ::2.10:000 --Italian -and - - 44.000 Romansch. 'Yet few nations in the world are as unified as is Switzerland. The secret may be the high degree of self -govern - air Parliaments in their cantons. But -this --earlisst-forte -+ f ..die• racy is no barrier to swift •action when it comes to protecting the _ cottatu_ Hitler, and the detractors 'of democracy are completely re- futed' by the example of the con- federation in ,defence. Every Swiss serves in the ,army. Completely Mobilized When war came , in 1939 Switzer- land witzer-land.mobilized completely: .Since June, 1940, the number of men ' in active service has been reduced to 200.0.00. The cost'of this is heavy onsmall country, particularly one which ' depended so much on tourists and the luxury trade. as : did. Switzerland. Yet the people bear the cost cheerfully, for they know thatnothing could `:,repay, then for the loss of that liberty which 'they have maintained and defended since 129E • , Butting Sheep Wins Bout With Bear Probably' it never happened be- fore 'and ,never will occur again, but it is reported. 'from Sussex, N. B:; that a sheep did knock outa bear. Bruin, spying the tethered . sheep in a field owned by Adam . Hughess charged.' The sheep also charged,butting bruin ' --be'tWeen•-the-`-eyes_ --•Down -'went the bear. He lay dazed for a few moments, then straggled. to' 'his feet and ambled away in search of an easier meaL LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "Never mind how long I've been 'here. Get nae' town! WAR WCEK Commentary on Current Events • As Global War Festers Fourth Year? _ Are Allies Turning Tide Of Battle. Three years ago last week the Nazi legiona poured acrose the frontiers of Poland to loose upon the world the second greatcon- flict in a generation, says the New York Times. A European war at. first, it became a world war after Japans Pearl Harbor attack last December. ' a. , Last week as the war's third year was ending, British .bombers were taking offto pound German ports and industrial centres 'with a view to relieving pressurae' on Russia. In Egypt' there was om- inous quiet as the armies waited for the zero • hour that might de- termine the fate of ;the Middle. East. In China, the Japanese were in retreat, possibly with drawing forces "for, 'attal-afg elsewhere, and in the South Pacific they ,Were hard-pressed as the first Amdri teat . offensive* threatener]' 'their position - in the' §olomens& India was tense for .the blow that may come in Novetnher when the rains cam. On the other side'. of the world Brazil, by entering the. war, had suppis d new' a d strategic asses for 'fighting 'the Battle of the South Atiantic. The War Spreads Tide .•, was the world war picture last weelt as the third yearof the. war drew near its end: The fires the Germans had Al when they marched :into Poland inthe early hour of Sept. 1, 1939—had spread. aroaind the ;globe- On that Innen Mending there were lust two na- tions at was, Germany and Po- land. The number of nations, in- s -eta -ea has daze frena two to forty- two, thirty-one of them on • the side of the Dttited Naftalis, .eleven on the side of the AxaS_ It is a war thathasspread' its waves. Poland was engaifed in the firet wave, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands; Belgium and France ' in the second, Yugoslavia and Greece in the third. Minor wars -- Finland, . „and Russia, Italy and Greece--saprang alp and were in- corporated ..into the big • war- It beat against the defenses of 'Eng- land in the west, turned east onto the 'steppes of Russia. -Battles were taught in North Africa and West= ern,Asia and, sea fighting brought the war to South . America. Ger- ° many's ' partner, Japan, carried it on' to t1e other side of the world, linked it with the war in China, made it, save for the fragile peace existing b'etviceen Russia and 'Ja- pan. all' one. As, Fourth Year Begins The. prize for victory, then, be- came : the world. But for A: oil Hitler•; with. three years of :many. vits hind' . m 'tidal goal still,ictrieoeemd'bed tar thirotsa realization_ Before hien, . still in being despite herculean.: efforts to destroy it, was the Red Army, and behind Aglo-Rine ican ' strength. in the Far Fast the Jap- apese,. after five yearn of war with Chian and almost eight months of . war with, the Western denaoc- racier. faced American power on one side and •:on the other a Chin- ,ese Array that steatld not stay beaten, ' These were the problems the Axis nations must try to solve..n the fourth year of the war. From their very nature they raised" max - tops qt estiops' in the United . Na- tiora. Can the ' Russian armies continne" to hold out against the We'armac'ht and ]•.until"'new blows of its osn? Has the : growing strength of the United Nations readied the pout where an invas- ion of the European. Continent becomes poseibie^,Can the British hold the Italian -Lerman forces in • Egypt 'away • from Suez? Where will the,•Japanee launch their F:_]] offinsire and. will 'there be. forces enough there to tura it back? .The ' feurth rear will pro- vide. answers. Stalingrad Stands Out Of the fighting that rages over the long Ruseian front one - solid fact stands out. The Russians _eai]i.,.bold:-Stalitagr-ad , i' -he- "Volga city, .controlling the vats] artery of water communtea•ioti' iii Cen- tral Russia is this year's main Get man, objective. The German liigh Cmmand announced, that it would fall last aeels_ Atire and in ruin— it still resists the invader: Hitler must harefiialing:•ad to pen the Rnrs:an armies beitind the, [`plea :.nd d claloit his gains in the (`alit?. us, 11 will not sutfiee t to pass by such a stronghold and strike directly at Astrakhan and 'the Caspian Sea. This explains 'the mscsive assault and the taemend ous sacriDces the Gefldtans are snaking- A week ago,. when Nazi tanks swarmed • across the 'Hon elbow, Stalingrad •seeuted doomed. -But in the interval the Russians Summoned . fresh reserves, Now 'they stray have a chance, to repeat the indomitable defense of • Lenin- grad and .Moscow. Reich Hit .From Air Front `I:oyal 'Air Force head- quarters in Britain last, week came a grind: estimate of the damage that had been agitated on Ger- Many since the beginning of the. year. Five, square milts' spread aboilt in eine 'of Germany's large .cities tad been wiped out. '.More ' than 1,440,000' faersons''had been made 'homeless_ More Mae 5019 war factories bad . been desiroye4- Reich Marshal Goering snade , a boast an the twinning of the war, Haat no enemyplanes would be allowed to penetrate the German anti-aircraft defenses. The Reich was note being bit Lein the air from two sides. R. A. F- bombers were striking with . 'increasing force. from Ragland" in the west; from the east, plaices of the Red Army 'were carrying out . raids froth East Prussia to as far . as Berlin, attacking the new centres of production .which have been, . eb,she�i .since; :roe._ :A •P. fie gan kitting the Ruhr and Rhine. 'districts_ American bombs • on ". Tokyo last April aa"akesaed Japanese • ilead'aera ' to the danger of future raids 'from Chinese bases . within' easy strik- ing triking distance of flimsy Nipponese. cities. Two such bases were at Cbnbsien and Lishui, annid the tea plantations and' terraced moue- tams of Southeast Cba. d. The Jap- anese war machine . was set in motion against the airfields; 100,- 00 00,000 troops 'pressed toward '.thea ID a. pincers -move along a 250 -mile stretch ora. the Cheksang h+iangsi railroad still held by the Chinese. 'By chid -July the whole ,raid line had been -occupied and ,the 1►Iili- ado's legions were in possession of doth bases_ Tokyo declared that the air-taid danger had been el; iminated, spoke .of using the 'cap- • tared rail lane as a link in an ail - land conte to Singap!nre ' Last week' it appeared that t3ae. • .;Japanese boasts bad been pre- mature_: Once more China had tamed the tables oda her ' enemy. Japan was in rapid retreat_ In: .six weeks Chiang • Kai -slick's nice had • recaptured fifteen cities. 'among,. them Chess ien and ,Lisbui,, had re- taken 200 mile of the Chekiang- Kiangsi railroad; claimed -,440;000 Japandse casualties. . The sudden ha cne .-of. military-fortttite Pearl. , _- observers in China_ Ila part 't was attributed' to, the bornbirtg of Jap - a n e s e airlehis be Asuerican planes, in part to the fighting qualities of the Chinese soldier. . But these - factors. it was . held. Could not wholly accoant for such major withdrzwals_ Chinese military experts were Matted to attribute.. the Japafiese retreat primarily to a change of . policy by the Mikado's war lords... In their opinion Tokyo has decid: ed to 'strike elsewhere: is giving up a conquest in order •10 shift tree;a , to' i'be new scene of action. Military experts . pointed to '•"four'° possibilities: tit That Japan. her hand forced by the approach of Winter in Sibr-r1i, was making ready a ]one -delayed strokee aeairat l:ussir: 4.2; that /be gen- eral etaff.' alarmed o“ --r .American inrasion of the SO:ontoais. was abatis le reinforce Nipponese de- fenses its the Soutitsreet Pacific: Ora that J:psn planned is take advantage of Indian disorders and •. strife, at the sula{•cnlineat: t41 1h21 , a new ofiens:ve" in North . China- atoned at tatting the read to Ru,eia 'u -a: to iae:im_, Meanwhile American. ariation ---eanttnti toaa"""fi .-'Lsst a eek• Am- erican bombers' Masted t'ao? • Ni;s poo se air Kase a2' Ltihio. Btdr- nneee aernrinu_ of the new "wse- lt, s Burma Ro-d And in . Ch ,king the arrival of the fi t ♦nu', (,1 ('lain' e f;. rs t:s'n, i in ante e i;a was a f'.rt't{r' s.satbol of Chin sc ::Airr : i<sn e'l;.7h:ration The impo:':arr . o'' 11-.3:'i"s en- , tr._:'(( 7^to .a,; u•: swans t1C be nsnemizeel, l'o: on, :lines. is will now be possible for the last- ited . States to collaborate in Ma construction of great bases, boils eee and ale',' in Brazil, and they will be adequately pros - - Again, the psychological effect Brazil's action will be throughout Latin- tnerica and if, all the Latin sections of Europa. Why _ did Hitler decide to good Brazil tato active warfare? Theon seems to be only one-reaaoaabin' explanation, namely, his cony/o- rlon that this would force a bla- ther diversion of American supply , and necessitate transfer. to Brad[ of essential egnipment that would otherwise have gone to the Peen and other fronts_ Undo edly. there will be a marked stela ping -tap of shinanents to Bradt land front Brasill bat, on bal-a ance,'..the developinent is decided- ly favorable to the Allies_ Getting Rid Of Baits In'House The first step 'in getting rid of bats in .an open, attic must be to. close all ongnings by :which• Ms, bats can get in_ Small bats can get through holes hardly one-half inch across. The hest material fpr the job is oakum, which is tarred, felt fiber. Bats dislike the odor ,and will keep away from it. During .the day all but two 'or. three of the ,principalopenings should be closed. These should be left open for a night or two until the bats have learned' to use theme and should then be closed -several hours after dark when all the bats have gone out. When bats collect within _,,orals- ar. atraderatflooraselfteys_: can he drivers oat by the liberal use ,of mothflakes, which will be effective even in the 'dsytinte. Opeating3 should' ' toot be Flung when there is a chancethat bats are retnoifting within, the hone, SCOOTING ' s a . A birthday coincidence, pro- bably unique in the, world, is cow ' netted with the life of Lor' d. Baden-Powell,. Founder of the Scout Movement. ' Lord':Baden- Powell's birthday was February 22nd, and that of his . wife, the Chief Girl. Guide, the same date Their son Peter Baden-Powell was born on the same date • ani married a young lady .also bora pn February 22nd_ To ninke the sequence even more tailgate ' thaw first child, a boy; was also hers on the same date' as his parents and grand-paren . * s When a Boy Scout Deadgaast- els its much bombed Matta was destroyed recently a framed pie - tore of the Sna iTt"Timitiler„ Lord •BadettPowell, carne through un - 'Scathed. • . A newspaper photo- graph hotograph reecived recently from 3Q<i1-- ta shows Rev_ Bernard Hersey of the Grey Frians..rescuing 'the pit- -tare •of 'the. _ia1te-'Chnefa from. the ' rubble_ Assisting him in 'salvag- ing effects of thebuilding are at Boy Scout and .a Sea Scout. ' When' I see a .Scout Troop at work I think to myself, 'BY Jose, here's another group of Commune dos almost ready to take thea place in the fightiow line' wrote a British Sac:OM- caster, now mentber of a Commando • unit "I ern very thankful to Scouting: Each man in a Commando has to go _ through the .training a ' Bop Scout goes through from the Ten- derfoot ' stage, with; a ` few ad- d:ta les The Cornwell Decoration. whit perpetuates to memory ^of . Jack Cornwell, Who won- the V.C. is the First Great War when he lost his .life in the Battle of Jutland, has been awarded to Scout Jim- my fluff of the 30tia Stepney Trapp, London. Jimmy lost a 'leg andsuffered other injuries while on duty in a Nazi air raid and displayed the sante_heroism as that exhibited by his Scout hero, Jack Cornwell_ a, s x 'The world-s,first cloy &out Tremolo was orgaii:zed at a ramp nr. Eroansea Island. Dorset, on Ju:y 25th. 1140 '. by Lt_ -Gen, R., Baden-Powell„ for. the World's' first lies :Gesso camp. Ti:t so:e servivirg nteneber of camp 'stn 's. ''t . W. Everett," erste- S:r Percy Everett, and snail cite"' in S. outing as Deputy t':.itf Scout. pa:d a vis:t is Cart- aoa aril la. fere the war. REG:'LAR FELLERS—Question No. 'TELL fJ , POP; Wi4Y l,i IT 71-?faT UNCLE GTEORCvE 15 MY u i.E''l („...., YOUR 5.726 MY BROTHER! HAPPENED' TO R WOULD BE UNC,LE! BECAUSE pig's Al b'e;ouY WHO BE MY BROTHE IT WOULDN'T MAT z ER • 11= HE WAS THE BARBER,TI4E BAKER, OR THE ctum EY SWEEP, HE'D STILL BE' )VUR UNCLE. AS LONG, AS HE VIAS AMY BROTHER! By GENE BYRNES WELL, SAPPPOSIt•: 1. WAS 11-) >OUR BROTHER THEN WOu1D 1 BE MY OWN UNCLE r s