HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-09-03, Page 8• eeling Yarn • • • .,That will give long Wear and comforting warmth max YOU BUY THIS YARN YO3J ARE RcErirtNa VALUE FOR YoUR/MONEY. SOkand durabli; suitable for civil- ian earor tar y garments. Choice y, Mid Grey, Black, White, een and Heather. k PLY • .:By NOW WML R IS. COMPLETE. • , SCOTCH F1NGEING YARN ---Not all shades in stock. mpleton 4 BACK TO SCHOOL 4 The School Bell Will Soon Be On Active Duty Calling The •Boys And Girls Bach TO The Schoolroom Again. • WE HAVE . JUST ECEIVED- A/111PMENT OF -Sissetast" Mapes • • • For Boys and Youtbs,lin 0 Ti d High Shoes at pr•ices ,• • from 82. , $3.00 • GROWING GIRLS & MISSE XFORDS in Brown and Black at prices fro 5 up to $4.00 • . , PROPER FITTING—Br the ehjen 'and have them prop- • • erly fitted. Poorl itted sho ause foot troubles. Men' Work oes °• We have a good.' ek of Valentine and Martin and Greb • Work Shoes in sizes 6 to 12. No advance in price. Also Sis- , man and Sterling Work Shoes at popular prices. Raithlevell Son LiicsNovi NTARIO The Clansmen't vA? :TV 'At 6;4 C 11N1VAL The Vate ept. 10 Pia e Arena FLOOR SHOW,• ANCIN G PRIZE DRAWS, GAMES ' AND •OR ALL FLOOR .SH • and Dance Music ESENTED BY Russ Cr Iston'S Band and Var et Entertainers CLARA PELLY—T onto's Gi Star In singing, dancing, acro- batic and accordi i nUm bets. DONALD, •SPENC SALLY MLLE • network, in ol THE LOWELL • team., . JIMMY FAX ian--still a The soldier i oy singing, comedian, he personality I singer from CFRB and d new songs an ballads for everyone. anada's celebrate, tumbling and acrobatic anada's el de gi andgr • est Character cotned- y—the original one and inly. Lucky oor Prize - Bicycle. ADMISSION TO ARENA 25e si (Pre -School Age Children Free • PRIZE. DRA Five Grand. Prize NOW ON IIISPLAY AT RATHIVELL'S STORE, br Draw at midnite, Sept. 10, I n, • • THE 1,103I.NOW gEtilltkrita, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 10Ni.= COUNCIL.. 4—......-.4.4 ' T., Kinloss Council met on August 24, 194.2 as per adjourrunent, All members present. The minutes of regular meeting July 27th as read • were approved and 'signed. ' By -Law No. 1, 1942 was amended appointinOicharci McQuillin, -8r,; -sanintl, aryeyresigned.insPectoin..place of Wira' Stanley, The- Clerk.was instructed tn Write. Mrs, James Wilson reTarrick drain. The Shingling of the Township shed was let to Wm. McIntyre. T The Sheep claim of Ben Montt pinery 'amounting to $48.00 was • paid and John Bushell, inspeCtiOn gees, $1.40. • The Township Road Insurance . • was given to The Economical In- ' .surance Co. of Kitchener at a prem- - ium n.f_49.7.1.0., - •By -Law No. 3, 1942, as prepared ' and finally passed striking the rates of taxation for 1942 as follewsf Co. Rate, 8 mills; TOwnship rate, 34nills; 'Township grant to schools, -4 mills; and trustees 'levies according to school requisitions: Township rates to be increased by the 1 mill Provincial Subsidy. ‘Council adjourned to meet again on Monday the 28th day •of Sep- terriber, 1942. , Cheques Issued: Alex Alli, draw- ing shingles, $1.00; Municipal World, supplies, 1:41; Ben Montgomery, sheep claim, 48.00; John Bushell", inspection, 1.40; J. R. Lane; .postage, 3.00; Waller dtribert, premium Road Ins., 97.50; Relief, 26.10. Highway, cheques: Pay ,roll No. 8, $32.16; Eddie Gaunt, 2.00; Alex Allin, 2.0p;- Harold Bannerman, 32.40; Frank Brown; 5.46; Bruce Co; - maintainer, 192.42, . ; J:' R. LANE, Clerk. Tells of Trip to South Africa • The beauties of a five . weeks' ocean trip and train ride through ' the mountains of. South Africa are geographically described • in 'a lette• r received by a, doderich friend from' Nursing Sister Reta Dalton,' rtaugh-_ ter of ,Mr. and Mis.T.lohn'tiiifoii, Ashfield township, who is now on Musing duty at Roberts Heights Memoriel, Military Hospital, near T . Pretoria, caring for wounded fliers • i and soldiers. Miss Dalton,. with other nurses' . from Huron county and elsewhere in Canada, passed through some ex- treme climates during the trip out and it was quite a relief to see snow on the mountains of South Africa on the train trip . from Durban. It is winter in that country now, quite cool in the morningi, but warm in the daytime. Miss Dalton, while not on duty, lives in a five-roonr hut with a London nurse. It is modern in every respect and quite comfort- able.' The nurses_ were at Pretoria to see the American film "Sonny" and also Walt Disney's Donald Duck. Inside the theatre there was a great profusion of flowers growing in boxes and the . theatre ceiling is a repli of the heavens. Smoking is allowRI. Everything is 'vrry up-to- date and theatre patronage is very heavy. Chocolates, cost one dollar per box of twenty-five chocolates. Miss Dalton says, she is not yet used to being called •"Site". • It still sounds funny. A man may remain cool when he's toasted, but he will get hot if you roast him. WHERE IS THE CHAUFFEUR? • Alexander Anderson, of Torcinto, a forimer resident. of West Wawa - nosh, and his friend, Mr. Barbour, also of Tozmito, have had an tin7 • usual experience since coming. for a week's vacation at the old home in West Wawanosh. Mr. Anderson is unable to drive- his own ear and • so adVertisedin a city paper for 'a • chauffeur to bring him and his• friend to this vicinity. Among six applications fors the position one was chosen and the party arrived at the old homestead on the 9th cones - Sion of West Wawanosh but the next morning the 'chauffeur had disap- ' peared and has not been heard of since. It is recalled that' the even- ing of their arrival the young chauf- • feur made enquiries as to the dis- tance to the ...highway and to Port Albert.—Blyth Standard., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, :1942 (10(ALandGENERAL) Mrs, Frank Cole spent the past week visiting friends in I,Gederich. Miss Jean Jones of Buffalo spent the past week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Johnston, Jack Wilson, Donald Johnston and Ronald 1VIcInnes 'who are employed in Toronto spent the week -end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Rae and Mar- garet and Mrs. Win. gotteous. were ,guests at the Rae -Pym wedding in Wingham on Wednesday last. ,Mrs.'Ansley' and son Lyal of Thes- salon have been visiting for the past two weeks at the home, of her moth- -er, Mrs. Ira Campbell. ' •Mr. 'John J. MacQualg of Toronto and the Misses Sarah and Ma4- MaeQuaig of Chicago, Ill., are., holi- daying. at their home. • Mrs. Rod Matheson of 'Edmonton, a former Lucknow resident who spending the Summer in the east, spent a few days recently with Mrs. A. Elliott and called- on other' friends. Mrs. Philip McMillan has return- ed from Bruce Beath where she spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. P. S. MacKenzie and Dr. Mac- Kenzie who are leaving for their home in Montreal in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Mean - tyre, 'who have spent the' summer at St. Helens and Paisley, left on Wednesday to return ta.Sioux Look- out where Mr. Maclntyre is a mein - her of the teaching staff. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae had as their guesfs, Mr. Simon Rae and. Mrs. Edith Porteous of London, Mrs. N. Richardson- of Ingersoll, Mrs. Annie' Thompson ,of Listowel, Mrs. Robert Hetherington' and two child- ren, Rae and. Ian of Wingham and Mrs. Annie Mossop of Franklin, In- diana. Mrs. Mossop is remaining for a week. Riensensber • Diepp The Local Boys 0 Asking for Mor AR LAST • EACH We HE •TO THIS Don't erseas Are and More TES SENT 300 BOYS • Your Help TIKUE WORK Our B s Down e EMEMBE T THEY'RE DO FOR Lis LEA E DONATIONS WITH- ., Mrs. Edgar Hollyman Mrs. Noble Johnston Ainiimmamm Fifth Annual ION S O IC defy' GAME$ DUCK AND GOOSE 'SEASON orms SEPTEMBER 15th The duck dn' 'game season. in BrUce, Grey and other northerly districts opens on September 15th and continues for tivomOnths and a half, until November .30.!.h. In Huron Co,nntir duck hunters will' have to wait until Oetober 1st for the season to open and which •closes on December 15th. Hunters in this district, by adhering to the open season dates, in the two comities, will thus have thee months of shooting in which to knock down their quota, which is set at a max-", imum of 150 ducks and 50 geese. Bag limits per day are 12 ducks and 5 geese., Apple Crop Prospectt Good togal•prchardists report pro,spec • favorable for asgood apple crop, though th,efruit!lathe. as cle as some years.- . • No Fall Election . , •• . There'll be no provincial election in •Ontario this fall Premier Hep -burn stated this week, and branded reports to this effect as so much rubbiSh, have no evidence that there, is any. desire for an election and as I have pointed out on more than one occasion, we should get on with the war effort", he said, Mr: Hepburn has also steadfastly re- fused to call by-elections to fill sev- eral vacancies in the Legislature,, including the Huron -Bruce seat., $ee, The Difference Purina 'Make5 IVIiss Helen Thompson and Bobby Hewat are spending -this week in Toronto. .• - • . Miss Audrey Horne of Toronto is visiting 'with 'her mother, Mrs. Min- nie Horne. " Mrs. Bert Roach spent a' few days in Goderich with her daughter, Mrs. Reuben Brewer. •SLENDOR TABLETS—Harmles's & effective, Two weeks supply $1.00. Gordon R. Taylor, Druggist. o ' –Mrs. A. K Durnin as taken up residence in her' new • home lately purchased from Mrs. E N. Hodgins. Misses Edith and Mary Sheppard of Toronto spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tre- leaven. ' Miss Catharine Bell returned to Toronto Mbnday 'after spending a month's vacation at the home of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. It 0. Bell. Mrs: N. L. Campbell of Toronto 'suffered a very slight stroke Ja.st week but i not invalided and is ,considerably. Unproved at present. Dr. and Mrs. lames Little who have been occupying one of the Murdie apartments, will move to the home of Mr. and Mrs. - Roy Finlay - 'on. • • • The condition of Mrs, Thomas Watson who suffered a severe stroke several Months ago at the home of her sister in Winnipeg, is not en, couraging. Mr. and Mrs. "John G. Fenety and Master Linden Fenety of Freder- icton;', N. B., visited with their dau- • ghter-in-law, Mrs. Gordon Fenety and Judith Louise. Mr. an'd Mrs. John Jamieson will move to the 'residence of Mrs. Thos. Watson. They having been residing • in 'the Irving home, Which has been bought by Mr. and Mr's: Bert Roach Mrs. G. Newton returned last Week after visiting her sifter, Mrs. 'T. S. Reid at Orillia. Miss Eunice Newton is also visiting here before returning to Toronto to resume her teaching duties. Mr. Albert Towle ,feturnecl• on Friday after spending two Weeks at. Beigrave with 'his daughter, Mrs. Fred Crump and Mr. Crump. Mr. Towle, who is in his 87th year, con- tinues to enjoy good health and is quite active. • • ° • Next Monday is Labor Day and a public holiday, and an Tuesday the school bell lingS again. for Pub - lie School pupils, High School does not' open 'until two weeks later,, Monday, Septembr 21st, as many High School pupils are still, render- ing valuable farm service. _ . 'YOUTH DROWNS AT NIAGARA (iTortgaitnicH NEWS) Mr. and Mrs:' J. F. McLean re- ceiyed the -sad, and tragic news of the death of their son, Jack, who was drowned on Sunday at Niagara Falls where he has beep working for the past year. The body 'Tires not recovered until the next daY. The' funeral was on Wednesday at List- owel where they formerly lived. Sympathy is extended to the par- ents, brothers and sisters. Jack was the youngest and was in his 21st year. • Mr. George McClenaghan is in a London hospital where- he under- went'an operation. We hope for a •good recovery, Miss Kate Smith Of Hamilton whir has been visiting with '1VIts, FON for the past week, *returned:th herhome on Tuesday. Mr. andMri. John Rintoul 'have moved to Toronto., They sold their property.. here 10 Mr. Mcylray. of Toronto wbo moved here last .week. We welcome them. R. J Kennedy who is in. the Air Force at St. Thomas spent 'Sunday with his ,grandmother, Mrs. D. Ken- nedy. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr. John Inglia and Mrs. Daw of Hensall and Mr. Mac Inglis of Mon- treal called on Mr. John Chibb and other relatives on Sunday. Miss Elaine, McClenaghan has taken a position in St. Catherines and leaves to -day. Adaimmiolim AVMS EPTEMBER /Due Highland Wheat PUFFS 16 oz. bag, 2 bags 25c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKE Large box. 4 boxes ..... 95c KRAFT DINNER A meal for 4 in 7 minutes .2 boxes - , 35c Banquet Br d SADINES In oil. 3 tin 1 • 20c Frontenac per Serviettes 2 boxes. FLOWERD More cops Old Cana& Lb. MARSHA LOWS ' • • 1 Pck ex customer , Pak: ' , fee TEA pound- -Lb. CHEESE ; '37c -- NO COUPONS NEEDED Dr. JaciitiOn'S`KoEY SUS Box35c Vitone.CHOCOLATE Drink Large tin , 49c - POSTUM 50 cup size. -Tin 33p NEILSON'S ' COCOA 1 lb. tin 29c SHOP • WITH CONFIDENCE• THOMPSON'S 'Phone 82 . We Deliver 11=1111====gr see The Difference Purina MakeS BBER IS V TAL Di It Out Rural Rub r S age Campaign ENDS Tues September 8th Set It At You d Box And Your Maif. Co er 11 Pick It Up • Salv ed Rubber Locally By tire Proceeds Wills verseas To Boys Fro munity and District Lucknow and .Holyro ill Be Disposed , e Clansmen. end Smokes 'Then- vered 'By alvage -Rubber To Rub Out -Hitler \ DIG IT OUT "TO -DAY! • fElIONTREICEPIRMIAM 500 Lbs, GRAIN plus • 100 lbs. HOG. CHOW , •. Puts; Good Weaning Pig To' Market L• You get 4. op from ton Of ..grain • • , GRAIN ALONE GIVES YOU ONLY . TWO HOGS FOR RELIABLE FARMERS, WE WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH HOG. CHOW at CASH PRICES 'You' Pay When Ho! Go To Market Fatten Your Cockerels With Fattena Checkers About 3 poundper bird for 2 weeks. , TII1E USE OF CHEIC-R-TON at this time rids the pullets of worms, helps -them withstand the shock 'of moving from range to Laying Pens and tones them up generally for a WINTER OF STEADY LAYING. Lorne MacLennan,Lueknow-w 'phone 77 Buy War Savings Stamps CIAL SAL of School Opening Supplies° and Clothing For The Children THE MARKET STORE, tUCknow 4 Buy War Savings Stamps