HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-09-03, Page 2.. .: ,; _. q , „ ' s.. . .. • - - ,,, • , + to . , . ' , c �+ " # +r ' .. i . . ..:. ._,., _ . .: cr r :. _ �, rd_ # 70,QOa' ate y- rise 15.82 #a.a Atlfi�atie p :. A tla wL 1 i • Co Etre .. - ��� 3Q3,A00 Cltrts. weei;3y--!►rise 19 i? f.a.� utas Goritaaet 2 was or �. _ . . ,, v y,y , . _. n�Seaboa�d, r' Worsltippars. (liven Choere On Contrast 1 and !Coni tact 2, slaipHiettts exceeded the Pala#raflkd Of-,uiesua Christ' or Hitler" ' .. ' yw'tntaty. 4)n Contrast 3, with one month to gD, it nDiy apP,arlx Haat `;•. I '" ^ ,,:..v, . ... - ' - ri shipaalenis awl :fail s}xort of the coutrarted quantity snore than X60 . �.+ 1 i • REW'O�RD million studs And this' asi spite of the fact than failadaa4a roxs- s , A grlm authentic . aceoutit or Goanment aegardipg itetrac; _ Po a sumption of. • ork` product has been dra`tifaily cut ,Own (Lo massa �' the Nazi attempt'pto staiHp, out ` by Ip this Ile Cost of Prodnettt. This is the Prodaicer's stnare of the Sates Doflla>cr: more avadablepfor exgoxt). o- 1 : port, at various stages, fon, time ods Are used: - o , collective and ndividua� • , l� 'The increase is from 80.5 per cent. in the last The 'reason dates oracle t9 •Contrast" The redurtaon• in' prig , , .__ .- .. 1. Calendar Year. pswax year 8.L4 �_ Woarship- r the occupied countries nt, the highest in the his y of, the Company ,�#rom l�:il2 f z s to 15.82 f a_s.) was a mi e. �lasv� Farmers, -- by giving warsltippers a choice - Yom" f tH Com d_2 'weeks. Wt mals,, The advance in this lite, . : from 2,6% to 3°k,-ri9 due especially in East,rn Canada, felt they could scot Produce bo at , *etween ' either 4 Jesus Christ' or Ending last Thuxsday in March. eheefly to war_ demand fox eexta'in pradncts (nsostl tinned :meats this 'price, and con sequently marketed heir bDa+s. l�rlsen the ccisr ', in 'which container cost is high. y ): ills :(i_e. lit !Pay, 1941) she, ntisaake was the Faehrez"= has been. publish- Desiglaated b3' 3'ear of elose, Woes and Salaries. •These Yiecinned from. 8.9 a tea run osi$e ,sssosa vancetl: ,,, ' .4. "rd_' London by the Ipter.Allied , year under rEview is Fiscal Year 1942' . Pte' en° to 7.3 per ]Informationn Committee_ The re- 3. Crop 7(. - --or i!oductioh Year. cent. recd a and th ce B_v^ote- true reduced price of t'untr,�ct Y a.ppl.i-d kynall - to bacon ,.,;•, atm VYestern 'snail,:, and iz may bk irked tial>• ,t'dad.',aGi �o rt says; "The m. ` attack ha$' l3lonai ig month of #lush production. • The dECliaaE $O s IIOt'•refleet 'A defuse in wage rates :('which di.scourage production there:. 'rhe atts%4J iter in Gvogr pbi,, Ii • ,, iseen directed ,agate freedom " g. � Flush• .production of Hogs begins in Sep- teased me , e � P Ce' -p , pound s onx eri u 'the gr�.unt 10 )dV011. a 3Vvr a u n wing➢ hn . tK~�;u e tember: obs fsrodueis, "thought, *ether .spiritual Or freight is effected_ Recaur-e of the 71,,,Ear haul. .the" -asant; io • Expressed as Post per 100 ibsof foo�dsa Processed, wages and • ester m r t v t,ac n ,:'L,i,lnt-d from isle �'1'rs-2. 'te4npro 1. The methods 'used.• ,fore, lite Hog Crap Yeas is:from September ,Vet tt, th,r E:t--:<'-n I`ig to„fotlowitlgAausl,' sataaaes in the four years were as.follows:--. rerazivets° �r errec f n >lary from' the : sappresI of 1939 _ - 7'heretore.. a Dore *-UVe o, Anarg d . odatcer st i m u4 lr,t•x.ti to isle9'.r�icrU Designated 'Also•,li 85 cents 100 tt+s. �rudaacer_ m >, y 'year of close. per L til a tie n tc �rch.;ta.,the•mui"JIIEr of priests: .' - 1940 �.r� s.. .. s. u In aNe'si.Qrn l'a.rtad3,•.prudatc,tiuta to .r',,p �«•ar t'.!4:' i.elrrraxcd , :... Ailtiienticaied, : to&oris. of -, deli- a ., . „ Hog op Year .1942-�-is yeafi faem 'September - $4 _ 1941 II 194X' ~^'1 �• .• ,, ,! 7ttv,tibV'$,o ; ii file prnrk of L'4tatr ,[•L' L 4t nil t'°rw a, se "uA tiff Ifreiate' sail calcaldteci atroeittes r 1942 ---- 's. __ dd.. .:.. ... t ur s. • s to gust, l9t2. t� ^ - ��. ' $s ,y in reale uu lit k>ax .been- tw ce tba; vumu 4. War Year -- The war °b were . 'maipera I and evidenei3 egan' September; 1939. The ,an2reaase from ` 1941 icn ase ? But. whereas a Farmer can get out of praduri3gn •ln a. day, .1 by , ,,j. afl ,194 (i r `fr4a>a`'laic to%. );--to get back into l ` ^ ' ._ 4• First war Year-SeptembEr, 1939, .to �agatst, ' 86e) is.s�uE . efl to kl;e cost -of -!toils bDn intsodu�e b � • li4nidating iris soars pr.bdurt' ret uI S d_2 'least' ° ` a7►oi that 'churches have been y . g ns . aesir. •'and converted .into 1340;. within alae d> . 3' des. u, ` year. a yeas`_ 17irst, :new SOWS Of suitable _type, iiaust ie. straareti: , Saes . slab i Second War yEar--SeptemiieT, 1940; .tri August,,, . Saar1' Els. Tlae decline (from,s •nes ee:it 3 r ta9sEs #true. ,Alter the sosss are 9r2i1; 4;taLi$ .tl3e latter is • market[!; or cinemas; shrines slid _ to _$ pe_ cent )• , 1941: a`furtlaer period •is involved of apj3ttnsimate.y ter aaatttatia , altars have' been desecrated and Third War Y Is likevsiws iliacs to adtance 'in Price- er- < • - earr-,SepteM er^ 1941,: "to A b. -U t . -Wartime • lnvenior Reserve:. P PO°;'d of pst3dncts, sold:, Bole serious• Was this cttark. to pro;iut2ic�n in Oaa#ar:o annal�Qatebee, , defiled. Sacred vessels have been 1942, 4 is,revEaied in the #oliottiHb'table of aGfi .ir�ut;e.tixag<. from tn�aeasin vola[me .and ad ant ung aitime- derive •••-.•T •�.�•. o - places t 15`the' 1fD1.C7J+ O� $i!e ° Viand .efiurc >a�zit raes�}iave - -- ��^ _. _- _.._._%Mote--'.W,az� -Yea_r' is the�T_r__efore .co-t6rutinous Witia�T Government % appropraate fibs llaag t; ieasgixle stasis of POC if th 1A1�LLF S •been tortured to 'deatb, 'Hog , , A Iengthy seetipn of Ehe re o*t / b Crop Year. fah s io n o��aser- Via -ane gaesiiou;- �hE-justice- ar-'#.he .neeessit�-:-_. . e ,a g of Canada-. Packers Limited 'closed March olicy. is devoted to .Poland where !the 26th, 1942. . The fifteenth year p l� ou" 29ilarketiaga is Cana. a However, the Government recognizes 'that at sosme stage fol- r ;6erixlans spoil occupation, s`start It was' tits second fiscal' year which ,lay completely within the lowing the war, tine conditions of tine war',yea -s are Daly #o be ae- Crop Year ' Eastern Ca.u_ada a'dFsterr, Ca:t - do ToLsl . ed the' deliberate and barbarous � , . war periiod., versed. Volume trill decline and prices will fall. 19.39 _ _ I _ '1 9411 994 !,?(;8,345 K 3 L30.,351 ' . , extermination of .the Catholic' Throughout' the gear, both volume, and the nature of operataona , Such a secession will volt, losses . eomrnen..ngrate with extra 1940 _ 2 4d_8 183 2.17y 175 , 4'.637,3:38 __ ^+ , Church." . The number of: Polish were determined almost whop wariinie p*a#its But whereas, lite advance; the GovEsnmE 'takes, J ~ y by war conditions �yq .priests. executed. and' innrdered . olume redched a• new record levet; :viz: ,� -� 1,228,429,942 lbg- nearlly all• the pro#its;� isle losses. o#.,the deflirie iaanst be borne en- 19d9 ___--- a- a* x,92 1(i�,• �, 6.967 14;3 _ 0„289 3 19_ (Angirst est m.xd) _683,018 31+x_,1_7 +8, With'otjt trial or .tortured; to' death . Average lice week.23:6 minion fibs. tirely •by the indt>3strg " in .alae #asst two oras yeas liGg, firarketlsags In Ezstern :Gaitat3a is `estimated at 800` and ' there. ' Previous high: .fiscal year 1941 1,091,263,352 lbs. {1s a .p"setts! buf Er a„+anzist tuese, ,post- as losses a 'wartime , • now ase about 3,000 in concent Increase _________ _ 12 5 inventory reserve is permuted. This . reserve;. however, is limited in increased a0proxi;nately 500.000 hogs eat -a rear. In �i ar Year ; 3q, . r Dollaz sales reached (relatively) . stiifl'higher aaew aWope: It maybe set up only, in r Peet of a volptnie enluivaflent to as a result yf liauitiation #ollvuiia„ ttae.'annoaucemeiii o_ Contet,2, ataon caanps. Acts of bruialatp, , IEve1....They were _ y�24 ,509,292.41 the pis -was year: (in lase casE .of tlt Company, p5seal lith d lmEd ap}ircximaLely 2a0,00i1.' , „T a„- of 'mar ... tate-:`in"s. oft -c ergy Average,_ per._ week• $2,780,1100.00.- � ' '9). � 4lso, the sesercE can :be set up oat33y after khE full iii=•;3 +iia, . $' * - s . . , _ . a y 839.99 ' `° , . ...a ,',d4O. Sj has bceat paid.. crop year. Britain has appealed for 700 million in Pomerauia and Poznania and of , `P3evious hili: fiscal ' ear 19.41. $110,291, . . r o r . yi priesti dragged from a retreat Ine'r'ease -_� . _� . . 3L8�o ©et+reeiation. This is an 'ov�eslaea�': charge. 'Tl3e spill is .aat$icall +DundS_e WiltshireeBacon, %r aged clergy said brown into The higher percentaa,;e increase in, dolflar sales, 3'1.8 o constant Tia, dErline in reeen _ anion _>x,tnds s�oe cosi :shea:aaiity_s�#o:aitr�sx, . as, con aped' with the increase iii ounds sold = _ 12.5 in volume P tags ii tai invErse ratio to the increase on pounds amore than deliverie_ under Contras. -t 3. a _ . a eanceattration 'camp were in- P > , T#a150 1 l P mil i aefleets the substantial advance' in gtriee8 which occurred within the Bogs InteresE To provide tae exttp,, quantity rey::esied b- lar Haim in tlae cowl- . €mus ersecntion ° ” year OntStantl7n AB - - . Dulls m 193 3. an eluded iii the ze oat. ihrig year cillise?i r,i;unre ail aratxease. to produetl.GII •of 3,arJ0;tg134 �" Reh P til Greece 19ais advance woutn nava oeEn gree d"sz not been phgeked g 9 were S3,7a0,000 xirid (,Siete bas been among 'the � in`December, 1931,, by the imposition of lee ceilin r . Oatstarlding Bonds in 19.42 were *1,500,0004: '$.nit 5tIZ1 iIIore ha« are assed fur_ Be aaase of ts3e • Pr $s- i ares . German's . most callous acts: The The heavya � increase in volume was due . almost entirely to war glen eloping. nAzortag—es of other un portant.. foods, it wpuld 'be HY renivI heipful,. alia7t• of tlne Church of Manolio, deipand. (u0targ. camps at home pflns. shipments abroad)-':.Civ1lian' Net Prof is if Canadians rnezA able to haze as mach .per9t peas iii as tate. c- . I - .Grate,:.was turiced into 'a pub- consumption; especially of pork product, was curtailed in order that 3lost of the'material fil the following table°bas alread .�: cared sired_ . To mase tlai_c possible, at 'least a furtaer 1,SU.t,CiC+O oohs `(a :. 'lie lavatory and' many cltrgymen inure Haight. be ave lable' for .Great Britain• . , In this E.eport. Nevertheless, it is worth wlaifle to set u� sepgaaraiely would need to be pmduced. : � i _ J.. k . ,. Put to death "or .shamefully alt- ' ' * s i . . •for the #arse years ;the comparison of taxes aIId nrofiis lt. as iil.el �, tilers, that tine Goeerrgsneaat' s3 ill' appeal to rias' Gaaaa- . tzreated by both the' Bulgari and Islet I'rofi nil Interest, Depreciation TABLE 4 - 1 ltd_ k'n t (.aftei,;Ba diap Farmers. to 'produce, in the coming trop rear; ill he+gr . the` Germaais,n the report • said,' aIId Tales); was $1,6!1,464.91 ' more than r:ere, pr(id used in the .pre:sent crop rear•. Equivalent, N one important respect, the appeal tsili coarse at a f"'von -aw a t o oteuliied. Prance, the Jeers Comparison lnecme '&\-Evicess Profits Tales ,ani 'hle2. Profits • On' Sales $144,509;000, to. •1,1 R, tixne Ilog production depeiads: upon. fe-erl. Ala 3 Casiaaa seems avoast ' ,. . have been tiictimmis"af .the mast On Tonnage •1,228,()00,000 lbs-, to l3.lc pax 100 fibs Taxes 90 of Saes 3�et. Profits. 9v'of Sale , ' '. _ -est orae of the be ir., -t, crops iiia its !,,�. .t ry. • sinking forms , of religious per The B hoQ r quarterly) was $1,.38,x36 l.6 ,0 P Y . Fiscal 1939 , $ 3204 00 _4% , a . re„anlar divadeud of p {$1:00 � � � roduc-tion also tai:,_ IaLo.atr- and tlae F�ryaar � aLs,.d .._ sEeiitten, (iaxl'e tlte:i it►atE of t_e- , _Vaad.througliout the year. X00 . Chars 19 . _— 916 SP Ll v''o he'd ,Pres. _ 'xrreorea, Sae is iae,irag' urged, az. iY,e .;oxime t:�e, t, { , prress anis public, pronouncements _i * _ .. _ - . 19 4`f 1,32`x,400 1 2 0 X55 �2$ i. incase prodtartion...in rnativ oilier lila,,_ , r_-, � ental regard to the Catholic cliurch - - .. . ' ° '' 3942 _ 2,h22;8s2-: ' LTy.r; • -- ' -1.611,4+65 iia. i 90 arb`te tln' d mora foots .'td_ tzx .rd_ o€ `all bi� .produced, But What forltt the iperea=e ?' girotirictioti ,<iifl are venomous `and,' antaatronistic." The impact of waz eondltaons upon the Company's . operations' colnrslni sets tfll tang los the gar Lis tiriil"do his ass=t ' Tine Taxes' testi ' e adsaia ' All '..CatlhaHe 'act9on 'or ears. ! take,. viii! denena°' upoia tv: o factor 1nizat5on's is farther indicated by the following tables abstracted from the' State- y 1: Flasat cotasderai:a ± Other thitr s jie.hv C_gaal; 'sae wil. ea.- ':Aave been suppressed' 'as have,, meats of theJast four.fiscal years, The earliest of�� these years (ended , The , ` Tet Pxrofat� are, of course, subject • to further taxatioan, ,- ted roticrtion' n beast lies' o � a � - CaMoiie y9ui, iu�eiueats. Tlse arm 1939) was the last complete Pre soar year_ Net profits get'into the ban&, off Shareholders only �slien distriiiated , P c _ f la a stock .for .whit a sae .haG , - exist�g #acuities.. Abbeq'of (,S#. Odi7e, patron saiant as.dividenGs *� 2: Profit: H_e wall nataa3dll'} faCoiar aalaas'3r�ran of s4rodus�aan """ug Alsace 'has been ctosed and de:. 1 i7hen3 so ibis -abated;. they are Subject to Personal Income T'ax.' whitla grill yiel t slim' the laigsaest retara3. ~�-• average, rate. of, Tax would' be not, les „ ,. �trztpd,•1as teas .the --.Strasbourg :. a . . Froiet ' o a - a - harx 50 per IIz'u3_l prok,ai�3r• cpera::e• in f ivat: Lia .� . e So, the finial story_ of;the Fi�esl 1942 oPeaatioses would bE that w...,+m«, w,. ex.�,�:a. .s-;..9. re_og4,txy�ti+•a� l.��ri- _.S_..:... _..:.. : �,,...._____.., .- - - ' ?Y _. .....,. - _ _ .e?'e'3$raG� tiiii3L t� - ,, _. -- -- . GovemaiaEnt receive. as taxes, a ;xn Qas ueert' w ,, _... aE,.__.. ..r r. t'...._. PP __imatLly. $3,20 t . -:: .' ,searxq`: Lear it9ntW ;.C, r x^ t Vii" tikearealolilers-d_5 stet idaeoiYie _ __ 0,0(4(4' ? » k -:. ..•..:. �Z. ,.. I,;;, $ 800 000, The :. (thrnstaan • Churches of , . �.�.; ,.. � _ J - , „:: r}, + 0 x ct, Shareholmiea s"'array reasonably fe,3 they, mak, isle prod ictaon 'cal,lei$ io realist, iia, i9rrce mt� come ::' . e xoeiitv-S:a.alua have 'b 1939 .800,763,592 $ 79,225,732. :$1,238,73+6 1.690 �15.5c hug a n fni coniaall ort to tfie - chieny , froiai A esterni Caina� . EEII brut- +e,ea ono nqr D fable S reveals that leaders " ' ata hcg v duc.son hac a4reizd:.. �* ally oRpfressed, the persecution' al^ . : 1940 913;23%116 ts8,.cfio,d3� ,,,,., .;.,.>., 1._ 18= c 1Vd4i.i301�i Aia1D I3ALF : Nl(3iCE, Ii06S REQiJIIR€ P rb y #seting , a1T deinominat on There 1941 1,091;263,3x2 130,291,839 Y,555,028 1.4% - 14.4c $ut -the measure. of the Coma na.n 's ,eons ivnsidm are about 500' fiesta and 'min- 19#2 3,228x029;942, !44,490,489 161 46fi 1.190 13.1, efio - weirat to. tlnt'. innaPrrtnre yf a iiaucln a3etded p rt, is not elaiefiy, zn terms of las. In other woxds _m the third War''Year as eon - isters ii2"' ctiIIcenti anon camps f[h --nazniFl e a eaoapai` xi lost arils !stag ' iffl0roVeme tit iii, 1''zwt ' w- fE=Sed the Zine (production, Proce�ing' atd distribution of food is one• of laic effort °last pre-war yeai = Pared to mcisi vital ;aha of the war a©32. areas of tae, t+i'a aril sibs rara3 aarsab or,�iet= cti the }fro su ex=, 'add ;.3.usenibourg'.the• Catholic G7iurch V Ton - :,. r is regarded as an 'enemy and has nage. increased'from 800,6,00,000Ibs to `1,228,000,000'lbs,- 53 q0 On the'N rth An. eriran Continent wb . ' for to greatly to the diifiru]ti� of such a. ca:irpa,xai. ec4iih(,. ,.�_ the' i�:ue , Sales increased front $?7,000,000 to $1.44;600,1400 ..- .87% lexi leas gyri en �' Via# hog Improsenient i, Ont' cls :tile 'inose airs ,c:r1. .:t s'ngne factors in "laEeii �:d2liriced 'n1 al! its or rti Sale prise=p�3 pontnd 9f product . a '�'� , - of foo _ _ afion. violent attack on the Nor- peri n ox siiortaaQre mai be lam' - ' L i •novo .besng�eaiszed ol- .o~ _ th otatlo : C mitt =tt the of alae r•ar, the' increased from 9.6e per lb. iii 11.7, pea•.Iln. 220 `she d' ,' �e7fare,�at!'sigtatalarsoste 'sa4d Vie. �n�::•ncen-,i; wegian ;StatE ,(;ittirelz; the 'reporf Table 2 is a selection of the fnsia data from tb Ba:ait Pn a . problem i • tbatavf paoduciaon Z its rests ..in the Hoa lr,dtxstry +le riads7 u on ozie fa -v (2 ri 7 ,t. .a,Ii e ce Sheets hands, of the 'iFarrm'er_ Canadian ,Farmers, with seduced naan ober P p r tor: i,etfac r at that rimae (caaa- safd;; has welded' toavetiaer the o€ tbe'same fosse years have iii ady acliiesed til ,ill e' eet+rd: Po dawn bacOu is equal in every respert .;.o the 1bcst W� ,,- ia,re iia- pr:{� ;iapulaiion more. wrongly '' titan Iia the • rodtiction Ei#o dnced FICx herew . ever," while' tri Holland isle Ger- TABLE 2 • . P it, however, the P4.eking Industry 'has a role tci la Caaaada, is a:raadt producing on a se:iie at ilii, la :nr�,ivet_ a C it it3� , ,,, " p y, seeod cnly to Llai; of the Farla3er: The. proeeirig of man ea!forts to underm sae isle wort; Fiscad Year ended 141srch tine live stock, the a�ilizatibat of ev n, acid' the tendon of (aver doxa3asti' s esgali znients;). u# at .feast . 4 uii�3on }ac' .vier hear, ; cry portaa pre "7`taat, is egsliva eht to l�0,0JO laD a .1oer wee ¢. • .t tlne esti of the z a-. of the- charctres has resulted in spoilagE, ase rss'at`�ers of #art national irhglortance. tlne surplus velli lelr }rd_ sritata ga eases_ I;atiiblii :and Protestant cooper- 1939 1940 1941 194:2 The Industry eau fairly claim t+o- have aneasnaed up' to it$•: job. i n'es; at that ti ti e,. alae lyra ate xn32rl et 'cora ' . h l ' t C ' itt3on to such an' extent that a int reased a ¢l . or •flax Axial paper has declared'', ••they a 'block,'` Th tiaIItaty of paodaa�, C:ainaiiiaii ,pig l:r,t9ucer taif `crteit c•nsi ' wh,ch ' tao0 omitted)otatmta�ii° Ass Els ece�,ary e ern as e stock 1. ve beers processed plant extan�onis il3zave been maglit'well. davalt into a catactao ha. lave agreed nnanimcinslygut the $ , e o appeal for Gosernni,nt lands .9ud...conSideran� the Br3oi tlae' zr. liritai� s tc,ta9t pure cs c l:sctrn"frctrm alrraud Accounts Re -livable 3 . tight against lactational .Socialism. $ 3,423 5340 $ fi,131 $10,279 Meavy labour tai�oser sapid by war ion 3iioric, ef�acienc- lass !teen• •were I tae product o#) ?'7,Uiib iso s' rt eel:lx . t3•f .tui c Six tort . road . Inventories ___._.._ 7,682. ' 10,947 10,384 16,339 ll twined. Evidence. •of tli s is 3eaind in tb'e fact that gut of aria s, there in itfi ier4rd rear' teas u i.4a0i4 I+ta•f. a: = •_i • A _ Total Curreirtt Assets _12,616 17,859 18,5598 28,101 llar' the percentage paid to the Producer is the highest' #ioa<�}at $ cc 1•d_ ,, Faxed Assets 4 �n sec r� r_ "x_000 ho;_rs sreelr3;e. . 21, 36 22,818 F 1,74x " 9 _ _ .. _ --- �` ' y o " Ua'b,lit,es. - _ __ 1, -fixe the wai', Camila s ws,st ask �' Ib n 0 Above the acs Indust ry has r;' it3 fbr a ma rkel fore at ! ID OS4`y'g®IIs �stsatnta been fixe indispensable least all, a • �- , tie-,_ -ts-eel 3rtxrartt c r}t.. a. }sires_ w ixa.olti,t a b Loans from Banks $ 3,780 ; .7,1`x5' $ 7,027, ..$14,167 east through .�-hich a various Goveramesti controls affEeting difficult 'suodr.ttatioa of Bri 33n's 'c4 loss .st?aeaule_ I�ag�see¢are RU��eIC Total. Current meats have Been wonted ant. of ttaese,..he tyro' most impo3tant One wing as rarta:n, Canada could n:,, end Bi in ronl4d "` m . Liabilities 5 436.: 9.981 10 84'9 20 216 have beenc , „ aFk.• > , a c e^ hat eancede Sniil a qu ta. vT_.}t••c C,anaLhAn Ba: -;D n T64-1 u s "lual Ill . ,� Before rabffer, what? Tires as pi - la) The Canadian Ba_on Board,• whieb'eontrrils prodatctiaII and quality 9ct alae lacy bacon PrrcasrA.,e f3<'ixi cher ec+ur.,trie s.. soft: its' soft lion coal, make them - Worfkin �' sal slupmaent of Wiltshire Bacon. -to 'Britain. , 'A absorbed road lar, says 'the New (Current Assets less (b). The Wartime Prices and. Trade Board, ac hich has invoked in-WArtaii:e, all Qe ;;roofs concr: nvd :n f,¢•v aa..;,r:-. e:rYc ni.,-exp- ' ° ' ni rent Liabalaties) $ 6,680 $ 7,398 S 7,751 $ ?,88 an lashing cen3ing - C the. std bf the Pacing Industry ,stab dosses; (vtc9iiraenx Officer grad 1"¢(4rr� :.t c. 1t if:r ,%rxth the York Timesi The brakeiman s prices for meats. prof?3enns of fiidiie<; tti:ir c biers tbet tc'is „l 41.111 a:c,aY:1 9stae o! c9:a3aty In this rase tine comparison between Lha last pea -viae year (Fiscal lends to be G:trlo<aketl . Muscle stopped the train, 'maybe, 193'j) 'arid the year under review (flSeal '1942) is a ve �( �d '-`o doubt Gaverraneiax $cards 'liars had aimilsr as`ist3itte #tuna '. 7'he knife blade did the erasing, oris- • many 6thei isndusstries, , However, the Problems in establishing' cep% ' .•a-�d' to 14at•on ie tc, rte ' sy stn�ng $:it };o< ar3ps orea;;c r"t takes, tia',e if I 1 up to the nc•co`<= rg A-andard of ,tat .,� n^'`• i the doorYard ,well the refriger- Accra:nts.Iecervable di2ve advanced Ings for meat have beets of'the most intricate and .difficult kind. •In volae 'cls+a axe the s��r_ A silted tic :.. `nt '`'`Lr. sac rob taxa;:. i:t: �. ' the frataain af.tflle rti°TM3aiat30 c .'' al 1 t. }rr tv4 h[,S liUt tail: t in{3xt:-'a`.� 1 S and aarased paper preservbd from _.-,_.__: �_____�__ ' $3,423,000 to $1Q,279;000 s n-, she Board has sailed for tlaa .eo oliera- A senio t;o:cati,i:ra:t (i; 3,rr r aa,t :c :•a ..� ted 'tv alai tlaEyh�•aeQerves: I lnveniories frii3n .__-_.- 7,689',Gt10 to- 16,339,000. tion of large groups of 'senior o#ric,rs Froin' kine'. larking Companies>.• Leaser tr •fans?st rortir fro ill s' , ,, , • `pe,,,aI gc:}i: - IX..',, tent ktretch to -toun Bank Loans N from .__--....- �._ 3,780;000 to 14,167,000 for long taerior.ts oP time. This ms mentioned; asst be�.ause aasistanee ' rests ph�se. 'A iissi :rc,- � �� � f ., tx.,, fill..f,n:.l aitho,itys . 7`he,heavy increase in Bank. Loans >Q the 'reflex' 'of the intfeased oras grudgingly given, but as a proof of the inalispens£ /le role of the .1,l ed, a CY tial (13a d_3`, Cor,,.0 fir,L ran tine Other .gloups a dation „garments ' $traps answer- receivables plus inventories , This increase is dnE cble to sales •to. Indnstiy ut iaxe ecc:aomy o'f tlae Iio*tiitiioia adrtd , ed for gallurs,s. L'Yhat garters broad Lire Stock,: #itsld «itiiiiaH which t31e Parka paiticIIlarly in' tate ... , y , �rerE made of was nesse blies the Doininion Government,for zvar'cansumPtion. ' As at Manch -26th, � ng Hau=e is isle' mar- � ° i'' Pu y 1942, the vatt[e of meats in kering instruiale9t. lleutian #gas aigrsi�- tin raiade'of Lht viae .eX14•taSaCn of Gctti- . ltnown. A s rinklin can outer Process for, plus sordes •due from, the . s • '• 0 •0 ' 0 . ' ellifLient cccntao3 !assess �erer�n• }„.u'ar ct�aaes'i ,v,a,< , P >;' , Doiminion, Government totalled $6,018,•929.32, To this there is A6 ed" the lawn and buckets manned corresponding item in the Balange Sheet of 198'9. To #lie Lire Stock Ind�tay in its broad sense, references have Prnees of all anaiatal ;Products• e-pet-i:aliy- .0 ttlf. lao rt, rdieese. bucket stet • already been made iii this Report. The butter, �powderc- , mll3c prou.tn•, f-rifl; arc• dc' f, ram p: d },r t�overritnat.tni, ''�"�" Ik gales •watered the The following ansalysis of the, Sales Hoilar'�tells the. story of the y !save !tail to do ehieflp with action to gra estxnt Inc ter aefore ski, at lit v,- fi, business in ,.'sAeleton rm, and a con iwereased .prod>?rtioin. • r parison of the. atnaiyssis for the In�"Lhe dr reit tic field rei:iiig r� es , Sure hands did the dish -wash- . last four Yeats"revea from another a The isiermsed 'pr`oduction has � ru;a� L�, Wile, the impact of the war `P „from par demdaad It iia, : not'onl ate P late tet eh seta, As txi ex- lag-�nd the surgeaz. Children's upon the operations oft the Company, therefore, fiIIteresiing to e>~affiarae u in periods. of ,war years,' . These,,--- 1 )ries._ df'tOrait3ueo l,z' Go-, (•rxlxnex:i rtrntracts,' hart . snnimer foaizveaz:.eras the nature as explained the'fore:sord,- carrespora3 flr y Ct , i•evn the assembl and r..b,glraeiit of rn t TABLE 3 Table 5 er ne°record of foss! anin sic , .� , az stale rA-furred .try r r-+, ,aax:ar &tall then ac;tival ltiirid', pias stone -braises .. establi,hmetts; in' a 'last four cropp yca� ' th c Z W eut: ao :. x --w • o er ..-baa t*t3Lrai �...... 4`tie bath sponge ;'was actually " Analxris cif Pro#rt'!lt Loss -•l Years stades! fylart%. • In ' a u -x.� tat�c �4 tits a aac}d-- s�o ge (Ens on td_: officinalis . 1939 17'40 1941 19f; "' i gtonr3it9ons .tlae fs r}¢ <. stip aab ro ¢t a _ ParAi In xisi.ry their liars, bk nevier going near the SalE's ' -..___ $77,L2.�,r32 $$8 2aa,.&39 $iYd,291,839 ;$114 509 92 Siaitgl,terinas . at Inspected Estoob�i... c.ts eompetitI'Ve .nf all Casaadian ar, liars 1' th a ieq. he eat%, a n p ) 7 A)<iLE' S Witlaan tlae lsidiirtry r. ,rations bet n trar,sfornaed L rider And bathing beauties protected uOrt0al n� indd, . ae • ' Cost of ^ , '2 ZTotal Canada dustrie C.:, _Ps•.!di6n rto icany rt�iiaainP as keen as seer. " Zlne Govertittat a t inns Provitlt.d for this by eaeludiug water., products, ., live-_%ock pr tete frc+in 'c ei3ing coraa3 0 - ' i' In the rubberlecs .age leather s Crop Yeas , ' ar chiefly Live • Se t. 1 to Au 3i Catxle . Ca#� Irl the,mie of hIt--ts: hotel -ter rho boats and woollen coats= shed the Stock __- $6.5 n 79.10 . 8fl.7'� 81.4 % � _ . es ., Sheep Stene of , prodI last c hamged P g e , xi,•age - - - _ _ nat:ii e of can: tit 'm- It is u re .d_3}l,-t tiatnrx i,c'2 wrc n ct 3ilc*t s drain, when it tcasn't much of s Gast of ma- 939 854,953 67�1,9i63 793,'24 3,1$6,740 to.secure t1,Q prt�du taiairh is 1E940 War Year 1 ' _ 887 312 7 E , � � arsi,a }. Ir" thf., effort to tisr re, hairs �•✓� [rain. A }rig's bladder served the ' terials and• ( .. ) , 69#4,508 7xS 42H 3 601 $45.triittka;t�: tr +zi�eas t'otnrnyon9r, grlae id E'r .foul ¢resat t. rifle ileo . %otball teen;, and a leather baU pae'kagss"' _ 2.6 2,8 19.11 ( •• 2) • 940,?45 69f.9t3 794,638 6 17 982 or mora lith, - 3.(4 3.+) 1942 ( .:. .. 3)t 1, ?lt •gf,•s 711 s0* 8n s ,_ 6, s leeling dire haat e'irii fr:,ia the ,molt., le <rtmtrrs,. o scoffed with feathers satisfied isle Wages end Increase �` - -Or,&3 6,a06i0t1t#. oniyra gieidi�r. i,# tiae:r iuircaca3i� w,4y t+. c¢,4rl,eri. tit,r,.� . golfer: saliaries ___ 8.3 8.A 8,1, i7'„ frofti C?O a fbr Iiteq,3i1CC fleets y:Lrii tiit5, l;ssc> 3 5 43-L',.ed..r(•C} sat>71e i.t''ahgCi Gincerriing the old-time h+os- General P sear 1'33'1 Orae cif ti•,e -(Y- . acvly mind i'i.c«aid •-a . , t T tri trop year 1x42 ' 16+6,ai;s3 4? fr'_; , 27,117 3,314,26'0 • cif beef .iia .relent r3od .,P . I t =t• i?t: as twist. Ditalt mattress Arid tike eart?nem- FQgie+�scs _ 4.c1 4.3 j o `4.1 3.8 IrPce . � fi "e• ::i,a:tat .o,: ,,. ;sats=t ly' a !?bt-f :� i at:a- < moire jug Df trot water that shared Wartiinae In *An ..I 3^k, 144'6 math of ihf ^t t.t:es 6, t.r,ns fit,a sI,' -'Le , fit'; u. it :_-_ { ventory g'aiat est.3'txaied - tbe bed with the patient let islets wsea"ve _ .7 „3 • ` 09 he- 60t3"ta :d ng .aocrcase is ib Hog prsdattic' n. 1. fly it,:s -.0 1444' e,'1Jp,r ; :en¢•,,c. I, s s!r. �.. c ;,,z .• . a• be silcneG. -. S This re!�eets the fact tflat (in res]Act of,mcalts),; Cara �a'S pat . 2. '13cn,.3nd- aka, ful,,11cr :r,$!t, <•cl fr- 1 cr uas loj�8h 1?eprera9ttre !.1 3.14 ,4 r � [1311 tars Y:lai l d y •a," !scat:- re".lu_ei'alCit+3 „ li4`hat the svo'rid used inst,ari of. $ori, 'interest .2 1 ;a .-,_ job has been to keep 73ri#aia,..a.Piilied wt ith Wiltshire lacv�a� t }s. (Miit,alr xs u.iciP,r:ra?t }acre r<seai.,t � . totlniain Irerc, toy I;aIloons, elect- Total Claipr>seant= of Sacha for sae wane fcatar..tear� b se Iie+eta:- freers air£ Ripka ptianaads ir>c,x1 e,`;,t ' ' T y • �. :. ric lights, telephone::, radios, auto., Total cost of . Drop fear 193t3 -- 6i1.;a2G 1 fzgiiinrrdi'3crtavt, 1,x3 ;dtIIATa, �::,� a r+oduct ., ---•--, -- �. +s1ro-n,cr,r,A a,i.ii• 3: of n „ Ra ;:sa ci i,y. isle rnittrla-lc 1 , 0 iIi mobiles, and alrpla'nei is ,, we.i P , 19,40 (1st nar year) — 291,131i60D lbs P , ria . plus expert •• 1941 (`�nel a .. 4, AS $�a3i S1 tilt a a'strta 'dE ttadilin'ct iatal::,eQai3p. 'cit > .ai'' 9renov7ir. ` But what' 'the baby used ' ' �. ) 143.238,000 lbs t:he `lro panic r grad :.; :rd_ i 1 dtxriaag res . 97.'1 36.8 91.1 J7.6 •, 19.42 (3rd ,i `" .)s - 335,70..,000 •lvfi s rriaptttlir ts„= otic,?t ,. far anursing-bottle nipple is ap- t , Atagtist esiir,zatti a`c't rr cattle zlrass . koosua a ' i7tteti off, a iad ° a,tie xrta tint•, At'A Wuz- As c%#_;jt. taarttcd Dail a$l pareutlyr fot`�r thn. Investments --- ,i Each • tare ftc�a-int t'attle e(.Uld IaacF bec-n• +c+rtcittaed i (ins doctor Thinks it" nary .have Pr'of'it bef ire^ 2.3 3.2 . 2_G8 3:0 Fr di` sir/ee Blit tsar, iiegan; ting C:�aadiaxn G�nreirattsefrt iiaC lia�,U-,-xi oaf' tyii sabnorn-34v li • v • % n C"anasli3" , p . roiitrarteci riliars .: $rott'�h 111inistry of Fond to detirer' a speciised .Stuvxi. e ray ii 7 n3cti2fi z¢ant to i"sa d hizeit a rail of linezn rag. Another tauter! {:l_�__. a a a a ar! ult sof tote atattr gaaaatity' of Bacon, iia re$'ml2- 'weeklp shipments To iiuplcaxnent tiat� axe . actitte' �lntartA� p enf , Beef der' e c ond*ti4 xis, uta May and Jut e dDclor doa7bts, however, that Tames ___--- ,7 1.3' 1°; I.9 eQzatracts this t a*adiaira 'Ba[e8zn $card teas set 'ii c,oIIard. 13ar,3 sinexp$ forgs _ . fueled_ were •any t ottle' ' babies in w • P• on end ' trere entorC .v w e,hp,ut be(f. '" , ' those dayel'. „ N`et Profit - 1.6 . 1.9 1.4 1,1 COntract I vsas�for 4?.000 Cwt,s. weeklg-=pace $18.02 Loa_&•Auaattic { ' .. , „ 6 ' . C , . Seabaa=•ci, . - ' r ° 4 ".ntli ouOd O.U. -Neat paagf ) ` ' 4j . % t - m • • T .-. ., I . . . .. . ..........: ..• ... . P