HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-05-07, Page 4PAGrum YOUR•
Mr. an
tended the funeral' of the late Mr.
;..Lyons, Londesboro on Satur-
The regular monthly meeting of
the Dungannon Women s Institute
met at the.- leo ie of Mrs. Popp's on
nrsd'a of last week. Mrs: Hodge,
Tit. Y '
M. S a the Presbyterian church of
�%�,GANNN annual meetaing
Canada held their
d Rich Finnnga at- at Knox Presbyterian church, Tees -
water on Tuesday May 5th. Those
who attended in this district were
Mrs. R. Davidson, Mrs. R.Mc-Whin-
ney, Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs, D. r.
Simpson, Mrs, Davidson, president,
was, elected again for the fourth
a r . also Mrs. Simpson,. who is
Presided and the meeting was open. 'Home Helpers secretary Mrs. Mc -
ed in. the usual way,: The roll• cal � Whinney was made an honorary
was! answered by payment • df fees.1 member in the Provincial W. •M• S.
-Five letters were read "from five ! Society.. A very successful year -was
had and 1$200.00 above the allocation
was made.
Visitors with Mr. an Mrs. Ketch=
boys overseas who had received cig-
arettes. 'Five dollars was • donated to
the cemetery fund and.•:it was de -
Cider) to hold meetings for the, sum 1 ener• • Finnigan on Sunday were Mr.
• mer in the hall of the Allen .build •mid Mrs.' Howard' Wilkinson; Bel-
. ing. Miss'. Connie Morris gave a pap- I'. grave, ` and Mr: and Mrs., .Arthur
er On "Vegetables for Profit and Barr, Blyth::
hen conducted and Mrs. Geo.
-Mrs. Ivers then isitors with. Mr.
Health". M rs and resorted ; I w : Mrs.. Donald
the 'election of officeIrwin and•. Mr. and
as follows 'Pres.,. Mrs..Hodge, 1st .Fowler on: Sunday .were Mrs- Wm-,
Pope: 2nd vice pies.
Henry, Mrs. Everett Henry, and Mr.vicepres.,.Mrs. y
Mrs. Will. Smith, sec.'-treas., Mrs.
and -Mrs: W H. McAuley, Flesher-
Will Stewart, district directors; Mrs• ton, also attending the memorial
Smith; :branch directors,' Mts. W sect=`ice for the late Miss C. Penk;•
Brown, M , Iver4,
Mrs. Ryan, the land.
Mr, .and Mrs. .ZION
Vernonon Hunter of
Lucknow were visitors on -Sunday
Miss Celia McDonald has r eture-
ed to her home after spending the
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter. i winter with Miss Gertrude Kidney
Mrs: Mary McAuley of RipleY . in Oshawa.
was the. guest over the week -end Miss Betty McDonald of' Oshawa
with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Rit- spent the week -end at the home. of
chive and Mr. Ritchie. ' •
Mr.. Lane ' Gar-dner of Hamilton
spent the week -end with his- par-
t Mr, and ' Mrs ' henry Gard -
standin committees are:, for war
An impressive part of the service
work, Mrs. Davidson; social welfare, i at the United Church Sunday morn -
Mrs: Ivens;-agriculture, Mrs. W Mc= i ing' was,the unveiling of.the mem-
Connel; :pianists, Mrs. Brown and oriel window for the late Miss Cela
Mrs. Alton; flower committee, Mrs. Pentland, marking the first anrii-
.Ivers; kis. Rutledge, Mrs. Arthur versarY of her death. Following the
anthem. by the choir, Miss Melee
Mr. H. J. L. Eedy, President of the Fowler .presented the window in be=.
Dungannon branch of the Red'Cross half of .the farriily and the church
meeting ,
•' Society, held'a in the Par :
and Mr. Chas. Alton accepted in.be.:
�k Hall,. Monday evening. It was de I church, ,
.tided to have a salvage campaign half. o .
' May. 15 -May 23rd , and the school'
' trustees of the schools in the Dun-
gannon zone • .will make further ar=
.rangements• `It is learned .that $1000
is the quota for •this year of. which
70. per cent is to be sent to :head-
quarters. But more than canvassing
for funds in the'' near . future, more
strew is' being made on salvage, of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
B. McDonald.
Mrs• Kenneth . M9Kay spent. part
of last week at the home of her par,
ner: • ' I eats, Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald.
Mr. Alex McCarrol of Seaforth iS I Her mother who was very ill is
a visitor ,at present with Mr. and some better,.'
Mrs. Will Gardner. • Mr. Robert Liddle of Palmerston..
Next 'Sunday at 11 a.m. Mother's spent part of last vu at the, home
be held in: this of' his parents in ey,
Day' service will
church.. • 1 • Mi. Charles Liddle .is 'another of
and ,s• Will Ritchie visit the - Ripley citizens who. are doing
Mr, Mr
ed` this week with . M . and Mrs. their- bit' by=helping get in,:the seed.
Thos. Blake, Mafeking. ' He has- beeli at Mr..: Wm: Jackson's
Mr. ' and 'Mrs: Winn. ''Humphrey •of apd was assisting the neighbors who
St. 'Helens: were visitors with Mr. finished' 'seeding for Mr• Bert Mas
and Mrs. `S. Reed" on Sunday. .., • on. ' '•, '
Mrs. Henry Gardner, Mrs. Rich= • .Miss Reta Mason is assisting Mrs.
ard "Gardner, '-Mrs. W.'. Gardner, 'Ross Black at .present. m
Mr- and Mrs Will G. Hunter, .Mr. . Credit should be given to some
• ladies, Mrs. Charles
and Mrs. Ernest Gardner and: Mar ` enterprising .
ion, Messrs Cecil and Sidney Gard- .Wyld, Mrs'. Charles Liddle and Miss
ner attended the reception. on Fri- Myrtle Emmerton who planted a
day evening' at Mr. and::.Mrs. Jas. ,great•.number of small^ trees in the
Craig's, held *hi honor, of their son cemetery last week.• '
arid his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bin:
Craig ,of Toronto, who were mar-
ried recently in London.
ran. They 'were accompanied by Mr. '
Duncan_. _ ,
Mr. and Mrs: `dynes Caripbell
anti Harold o£ Con...10 visited : on ,
k words of
'g.. -' f . f the chur h spo..
praise and , appreciation for ` the
-& bythe most all is ac
Sunday with Mr: and 'Mrs. Herman
'splendid work of 1Vlihe Penir v Phillips. Eda Phill1ps was home also.
W.M.S. work. and the choir: Rev.. � Mrs. Will Begley of Hamilton was
Newman; .read the ,122 Psalm and .
gave a ,prayer of dedication and the a week -end' visitor at 'Herb.. Cur-
rap's. •
was the church 'and common- Visitors over the week end at Mr.
"H Miss L Cr• Treleaven sang a solo Thos: Anderson's *ere Mr. and Mrs -
"Hear My Cry 'O Lord'. Hamilton, Mr ' and
gtiatuted with the articles- collected. I _ and Richard Kilpatrick
A recent packing of Red Cross art- and Douglas : spent Sunday with Mr. Kit
isles were 12 pr:sox, 1' scarf;•.
��� and•t.Mrs. Amar Brooks of Colborne'
earner's- .2 pr. seaman long stock -
rags. p 2 turd
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Iiallam Alf Ar st ong of
John Watt of
ln .Uniform �.
Howard Johnston. with the Royal.
Canadian Navy at Hamhlton spent
the week ;end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, P. M. Johnston before.
leaving for . Halifax for further
training. '
• ;, • .• o
Met In Iceland '
Mrs. A. G. Ellto of town recent-
ly receiyed a letter from a,iriember
Of the Doiipe family, informing:her
that Harold Doupe' and Bola, Thomp-
son, • both telegraphists ' with the
Canadian Navy had met in Iceland.
Harold .Doupe is.the' son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Doupe, his father having
been a former principal of the Luck -
now Continuation School, . Bob is a
son of Mr. and 'Mrs. R.: H. Thomp-
son of Lucknow. . •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Walsh and
Beth' visited . with' their daughter, the 4th Anti -Tank Regiment d
Mrs. Harold Bannerman on Sunday. has been overseas since last fal
�eeri • atul.ate._Mr and -- _ . __ • __ .... graduate -of ear-kdele• �C -1
We '-wish-to �' � Tie -rs a gr , ,
Mrs.. Victor, Gaw.ley on. the arrival 1.4a d: Toronto University.
TIAL 1It8l)AY, MAY rith, 1042
FOR SALE; -good clean O,A.C,' Nt►,
21 seed Barley: Rod 1V1acDougalh R
5 Lucknow, 'Phone 26-28 Ripley.
FOR 'SALE—•man's. bicycle, stream-
lined, almost new. Apply at Sentinel
Office, ...
AUCTION SALE of .farm stock . and'
implements at Lot. 28, Con. 13,'Cul-
ros-s, .on Friday ..May ,15th. No res-
erve. John .McGlynn, • Prop.; Matt••
Gaynor, Auc,'
In Saturday's Star was a. picture
of lldajor 'W, F. McMullen, son of
Milton McMullen and.the late Mrs.
McMullen of Toronto. A. few ' weeks
ago : we published a story . of Major
McMullen's promotion to that rank
on his 28th birthday. He is how with
h home •last
of a '•daughter in t err
Mr. David Carruthers called on
friends here last week.,
Mr: and' Mrs.. Donald McCosh and
Mary .visited with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Scott of Ripley on,Sunday •
Glen and Raymond Emerson of
i o
Mrs. Chas. Pearce of Clinton. Ripley Continuation' school who
I Mrs., Dr. Atkinson or Goderich were successful in passing their ex -
spent hter's, :;ams are -now -assisting with the work
spent Wednesday at her daughter's, •.
' Mrs. Rich Kilpatrick. ,,She was ac- on their father's and Mr. •. John Fairs
companied ley -Miss Margaret Elliott. farms for the 'suinmer months..
kr.' andMrs. Wes Alton and Mi.' 'Mr. Howard Peters of Bervie was
Armstrong Zehdbr and Ralph—busily—engaged_doing tr- etor work
Alton of Chicago.called, on :Mrs: E. for; some of• the farmers around the
Blake on Sunday afternoon. Grove
Mother's Day service will be Mr. Andrew Emerson wisitedwith
at Blake Church. on Sunday even -his daughter, .Mrs. Angus Graham
Lucknow recently. ,
1 air seamans sox, - e -and
neck sweaters, • 1 ' scarf, 3 pair plain. •
' "znatts; Refugees: 11 quilts, 1 childs family• visited on Sunday at Mr:
dress size 4, 1 boys•sweater size 10, Thos• Hallam,'s at Auburn.
1 loans sweater size 32. Plenty of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim . Misener and
is ,Sow on hand for. knitting Nola"; of Stratford spent the week-
Maitland Presbyterial, of the W. end Mr. and Mrs. 'Herb
CHICKS—This iS not a new 11.461-•
ery, we 'have.been in business fur;
12 years. Air otir 'breeders are blood
tested and males are from O Bel.
stock: The Hybrids are B. R, hens
and plew Hampshire cockerels. We
keep all our chicks for 4 days. You
nave no papers to fuss with and a!1
hicks are' feeding 'when . you' get •
:hem: We deliver chicks up till May
st. John J. Cuyier, R. 4, Kincardinrr.
rwo ..miles west of , Silver Lake.
Phone Ripley 76-20 collect.
All persons having .claims against
the estate of Catherine Mitchell,
who, died at the.Village of Lucknow
on the 'Fi�iteentlr day: of .April, 1939;
intestate; are herby notified to send
in Au the 'undersigned full partic-
ulars thereof pa or before: the First
'day of JtNrne, 1942, after which date
the estate wall. be -distributed among
those: entitled , thereto.
• , Dated tet . Lucknow, Ontario, this
First day, of M,ay, .A.D. 1942. • �;
Jainhs SI' Mitchell,
Lillitili . Mitchell, Lucknow, , Ont.,
Admitlistratri xes..'
The family of ' the late Donald
Murray . wish to .express their sin-
cere thanks and appreciation to
friends and neighbors . for the many
kind acts and'.expressioris of sym-'
atl:v during the illness and at the
F`usillier James, Jr. ,Phillips -has time of the death of their .father•.
from Kitchener to I
been transferred 1
+•Camp Borden
Bob Andrew '.Transferred -
Lieut: R. W. Andrew has been
transferred from the 100th L:A.A..
'Battery to the Judges Advocate
General -Department in England. His
ork.-now_ is :in:, the: legal depart
ment. Bob went overeas in'April,.
1941: ,
•', • • !�' • •
Jack Fisher has enlisted for active
service in the Ordnance ores 'an
reported for duty at London; • on'
!. ••, • •. . • •
QMS. Jack Campbell. Sgts. Clar-
ence Greer and • Harold Thompson,
1,Bdr. Bob MacKenzie and Gnrs,
Clair Johnston, ,Johnny Dahmer and
.s,g a ,11 o
-si ar•li`•v€s'itT-iast C -pre
Battery moving from Camp Borden.
ing at 7.30.
�' cross.
• ' • yea •
..to tie �' •
. , • , .. • rev you
to the �Y of ��sdiao Red
• � � •
glad .. a deaf ear . �•be~' ie , fr�pgn
, I not turn the �'erir► Cass $or syr sc+of1'�
o come : will ,teed �,d est your an ss naj' .
oma hboMay ' the int f foss is i eater the 4t;nad4.esdia
ase days b h tbooa• � dna l ro a is iu b �' ofe o r our'ecr you The otbet U kering�°dovro �` y � linins: Stith ion. for of
soarbe left ,nag' feebly be id compassion.
be a part ou
may our family, besting YOU' , mercy•
or volar. , your, friends, Y. humanity.great t' of Cross.Ope°
for help. homeless. es give doyourRed
G� ,• .
Mal be 1 er what hae t the R d Gross. will,. !ate sod .purse
oar dg
N° mat you a o ane> 1.t° Yoh generously.
' 1'.. war Service Fu"
Reath out the b grief Sad p t for
is Y •
• � only National ��j�
those tib 0
Local Campaign Headquatiers, a H. Sfnith's t ffic'e, 'Phone 144
Mr., and Mrs. W. Lapp and Doug-
las and Miss Dolly Orr visited Sun-
day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Orr, Langside. -
• Mrs. Howard Thompson and Bert
of . Purple Grove , called oil . friends
here on Friday. . '`
Miss Winnie Percy,.•R•N. of List-
owel visited, with her' mother, Mrs.
Wm: Percy dpring`the �deel '
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Haldenby , and other friends here.
Mrs: John Hodgins who has been
confined to bed for : some months
suffered , a .stroke of paralysis. on
Wednesday last and is in a • critical
Mr. and Mrs. Dad Edwards, Mr.
anal Mrs: Clayton Edwards, Mr. Alex
Walkerton, Ontariol
Each Wednesday
Afternoon & Evening
1':30 to 6: o'clock .
L. F..STIN! EL -
Wall Paper Samples
and Collyn of Southampton visited;
.over the week -end -With. Mr. arid
Mrs: B. E: McLean.' • -
Grir. Wm. Holland. serving •, in'• the
Canadian Army overseas • sent ' a.
letter of ' thanks to the, Red Cross
Edwards and Miss Hamilton, of Wat- branch here --who had sent him_ ,_ a
ford,were' recent visitors with Mr• box of treats and, cigarettes
and Mrs. F. G. Todd and Mr. and ilvlr.. Wm: Statters is .'confined to
Mrs. T. J Todd. • ' his bed with pneumonia.
Mrd: Archie :McMurac'hy' is home • Mrs.. Arthur' fhaham, spent the.
from St.Thomas. week -end with, Mr. and .Mrs. Har -
Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead and old Thompson, Kincardine.: -
family were at Gravenhur'st on Fri- . Mr: L. Morgan of Huron College
day owing to the illness of 'Miss has been appointed student in
Lulu Weatherhead. Mr. Weather charge of the Bervie parish for the
head remained for a few days.•, surnmer months, on Sunday next.
The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. another student will supply for Mr.
was held f in the church on Sunday Morgan and 'the following Sunday,
1 evening with Stanley Todd in the May 17, the Dean of Huron College
{ hair: Mrs. Chas. ,McDonald read will conduct communion 'services,
he .scripture lesson and Mrs, Rice in I 'the three .churches. Until fur-
>tavotu ed with a solo. Rev. G: A. tinct notice services will be as. fol-,
i Barnard gave. an interesting terip•- .lows. Bervie, 11 a.m.;Kingarf'
lerance talk
p„m..; Kinlough 7.30 p.m.
• Mrs. McKenzie Webb, Mrs. • Oar- Mr: and :Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller
don McPherson, M. T. J. Todd and Douglas of London :Visited re-
I and Mrs. W. A. Miller attended a cently .with their parents herle •
I meeting of the executive of the Wo, Mr. and "Mrs Perry Hodgins 'vis-.
men's Institute at Winghain on
Mon -day. ' • Chris Hetherington; Bluevale;
Service in the United Church will Mrs. • Melvin 'Johnstone 'of Listo-
at '11.15 a.m. beginning wel visited during the week with.
next Sunday. - , ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs: H. A:
His many • friends• -learned with Graham.
regret of the death of Mr. D. B. Gnr. • Wray Pinnell returned to
Came Borden; after ,spending the
Murray early Sunday 'morning.
week -end with his parents' here.
_ Mr-arid—Mrs.—Car.LT_ohnston and
uugiatulate Jack Walsh
Order Bray, Chicks- now, and be
"lucky” when egg prices ' climb
next Fain: See me, or phone. me,.
right 'away: Personal attention, •,'
prompt delivery.
Finlayson • Bros.
e — - --an-
baby daughter of Bluevale were re- having passed his Grade 9 exams
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs• Mc- and . is home to 'give farm assistance.
. Kefizie Webb. ... .
Mr—S.—Walter Kodgrns-retTe'w'ed`^ac='
Mrs.( Ronald Rothwell, who has quaintances here before returning 1
to : with her the home of her daughter, Mrs, 1 church the last Sunday in . May at.
spent the past few months
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom John Taylor, Galt. 111 a.m. and 7.30 p.irr. when the Rev.
returned to Norwood on Friday and
Members of 'the Presbyterian con- ! Mr. Wilson the pastor will'conduct
Miss Jean Thom retuilied to Tor-' gregation. and ' delegates from the r the sertiices. • '
,, onto on Monday.
Mr. Neely, Todd of Stratford and
' Miss Bernice. Haggai•th of Goderich
were recent guests of . Mr. and 'Mrs.
!Stanley Stanley :Todd. , , •
l: .
YOUR Estate
is Different
from every other. Many prob-
• lams are involved — family and
financial conditions, requiremenir
and objectives are different. No
one Person' could be expected
to effeci vely deal with.fl,e many;
duties required of an executor.
The Sterling Trusts Corporar'ion
brings to these problems the
combined experience of o :staff
fully qualified tp administer your
estate promptly and, efficiently.
Name as your Executor,
-:ass--11Ar-st.; TORONTO.
The Presbyterian Sunday School
;held its first meeting last Sunday,
morning at ,10 O'clock,
Next Sunday will be' Mother's
Day and will be observed at the
morning service when the Mother's.
t Day ' service,will be followed.
The members of the Presbyter-
' ian W.M.S. are invited to attend a
meeting of Maitland • Presbyterial
in Teeswater, Tuesday of this week.
1' Mr. R. J. Sullen is improving 'at -
ter an illness 'which has confined
(him to his room for three weeks. ..
1 The Kintail Branch of the .Wo,
men's Institute' • meets this T.hurs-
,1 day at Mrs. 'N. G..'MacKene'
zia. This
is the annual muting.
W.M.S. attended the Presbyterial
meeting at Teeswater on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken L fdlaw who
have been at'' Camp Barden have
' The localleader from the H. Wo- moved to Kingston.
men's Institute, Mrs. Perry Hodgins ,M{s. Beaton of Clinton visited re -
and other representatives from here Gently 'with Mr and Mrs. R., Mc -
were, present at the' May Day rally
at Ripley on Wednesday.
Mrs. Don McCosh is hostess to the Murray was held' in ;the United
Women's Institute (today) at the 'Church here on Monday.' There was -
The funeral, of the late Mr. Geo.
regular .:May meeting.
Miss Evelyn McLean of London
spent the week -end with her .moth-
er here. ,
Mr. Jbhn Grubb attended the
Synod at Woodstock last week.
Congratulations to Mr. 'Win, Bar-
ber on celebrating his 88th birth-
day last week.
The service 'in the Presbyterian
churg''i is now to he held' at 11 .o'-
a' large attendance of old neighbors
and friends. Mr. Miirray was a
quiet man, a kind neighbor and had
lived all his life on the farm where
he died. The 'service was conducted
by his pastor. the Rev. Mr. Barn-.
The Misses iviurray and their sea-
ter, Mrs Lindsay of London also •
Mr. and Mrs. Falconer of Clinton
attended the• funeral of their cous-
in, Mr. George' Murray.
Mr. and Mrs• John Kennedy and,
clock iniltead of :12 which was the their daughter Mrs. Roy McInnes
hour for the winter months. Anni- visited bn Friday with Mrs. Lamb
versary services will be held in this at Goderich.