HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-05-07, Page 3zecho - Slovaks Make Good Here Fled Their Homeland to On- . tariq and Succeed in •Venture • Canadians are made as well as born and in the vicinity of the Southwestern Ontario village of Alvinston; new citizens—and good ones --are graduating daily from the schogl of. toil close to the earth of their • adopted country. There's a story of•. achievement • ,here,, a story .that had its begin - fling only .a, •few years ago When. the ,hard. -working peasants of the, little ' Republic of Czecho-Slovakia ..saw the handwriting on the wall in the .Munich appeasement,, 'deal - arid, fled their .country hefere'the ,echo of the goosestep • rang through • their ,city streets'. • They fled to Canada, the' "lane' of opportunity,'` • they cal): it, • and they • bay.e made' just -that. None .of the.2450.,Czecl s and. Slo-_ yaks in the area' has been in 'Can- ada more than six' yeara,and many . Of •them have been here for ' only , four, but those' years represent .'steady march forward.. Some. have •bou•ght , • their. second •.!arm since arrival; others who were able to obtain' enough money ,for bare necessities when 'they. arrived arrived no have automobiles, farm machinery (work was dine •by hand at first), and more luxurious homes.. ,They have learned, 'too, the Can- adian• way of life and the - language.: of"their ,atd`tiPted Vrd,, many., 'of these .Prom their children who are -attending' sehool. •: Although, they • had• to start from scratch in the New World, the new Canadians are by .no Means back- ward in their farming: methods Lo- - day., Their farms stand out among the better -producing acres in the district. • . ' ..There's• a, bili of Central Europe left in the colony, of, course, and a natural pride in the homeland.. That. Czecho-Slovak' slogan, "We' shall be 'free; again," Ts''a byword . here, but •the `people like le look. .upon'themseiVes as' Cailad%hs: Oii' -Sunday, however„'*they don the •mn1i.:,co red finery of the home- . land and at the• Dozinky '(autumn ha.rvest festival) costumes are par- ` ticularly gay. First• to arrive in •the Alvinston} area was Stefan.•Huzevka, who was to'become a sort of unofficial' ad- vi'ser ;to. his countrymen. Mr.• Huze- • vka aided new arrivals in pur- : chasing land, implemenj;s and other necessities because .by .the time. ( 1 a VOICE OF THE PRESS ._,www-+ ar - , BOOST FOR MOTHER-IN-LAW ,Who steps into, the • breach' and brings order out of chaos when the wife is sick, the maid has left, the .husband has extra work to do at the office; Tittle Mary has the sniffles and Johnny .mashed his toe, there is nothing fit to eat in the house and three days' dishes stacked in the sink? 'Who can al- ways•dig dolvn in her, pocket and •'find a little money to help out with the bills when times are • -Wild? Who teaches the children' Bible stories and instills in their infant minds• about all' the, intro ,duction they ever get in, old=fash- cc Toned moralities? • . Isn't ''.it ; the • mother inaaw'f You said it. ' .=-Leamington Post' arid News WASHING FOR JAPS 'Chine -Se laundry staffs hive had to be increased in Northern. On- tario in the district where Japan-' ese . laborers, - moved .from. • the Pacific Coast, have been estab- lished.. If itching powder shows n in ;some of the shirts, the cue- tomers won't have to look far for the cause. . -Windsor Star _o- PRINTER'S ERROR According to the old gag, if a doctor makes a mistake; he buries it; if a lawyer makes one he col- -_lects <mare_ --fees for the appeal; if a judge makes one it eventu- ally becomes a -precedent; if. a .clergyman. makes one he doesn't find out until: he's in the * next. , World. But let a - printer make one—ye gods!.. ' .Owen' Sound Sun,;timea ,EXTENDING LIVES A 40 -mile -an -hour' speed limit throughout ' all province's of Can- ada will not only extend •the life '• of rubber tires but will extend the. -life of many motorist. • —Almonte Gazette —'a-. JAP PIC -NIC When it isn't raining. in . New Guinea,. they say the c s— alive with ants. Our thoughts • are with the Jap in any picnic he has arranged. —Stratford Beacon -Herald PERFECT ALIBI When he read ''an article advis- ing . people to study astronomy, his wife said, it was just another -- le it Heti' the MugitSliTla T-g� age -fast lY weli.. Shortage of Teak For Building Ships Teak has joined rubber; alum-' intim 'and nickel en• the. "war es- • sentials" list. Use of the limited supply••. in :the United. States re- • Gently has been restricted. to .the navy's shipbuilding , program by the ,War Production Board. Teak outranks oak; mahogany and all other hardwoods for ship- building. It is, tough and dur-' able. One. ,of its outstanding advantages over other woods that iron will not rust when in contact with it, because • it • con-' • tains a soapy oil. •This• has made • teak important in •building rail- : road coaches and ships, according. ' to the National .Geographic 'So, •. cies - Teak is native, to and most' plentiful, in 'the hot jungles df Burma afid Thailand. It also grows 'in Central India, Java and Africa.. • The' teak that reaches Europe and ,America- comes most- ly from Burma. Most of it -is Used for 'construction in the 'Far' East. There are original ' teak beams ' in. good condition in Ori- ental buildings e'stimMcd to be a s thousand years old. Canada To Curtail ' Highway-- Bus Traver -aft' aiiotinee'mcn•t- from-- the office of •Transit Controller G. 8. Gray, _ it was stated' that .it "will be necessary to eliminate bus services in Canada which dap: licate rail lines, particularly those engaged in long .hauls". The an- nouncement -did not say when the restriction would take effect but it was implied that adjustments would be made to bus schedules as soon possible. ,A, . s'pbkestlian 'for the Tran$it Controller's -office did not.enlar •e- on ,the-announcentent'.exeept to say that ;lily surplus of buses existing after the restrictions hid been enforce.* would 'be .distribu- ted to ."local services".now badly in need of augmentation. He could not say how- the 're= strictioiis would. affect interna- tional services between points like Montreal and New York hut said that the announcement meant no snore- bus services between 'points like Montreal' and Toronto. . He • said. that many details 're- mained to be worked ou't and that an tienouncem.ent containing' ftil- ler inforni•ation would probablq' .be made 4 a later date. 4 iirt. f t! t jl �?Tiama'�s••�.�7-'i _a_ HITLER QUIZ . • "What . should be . done With Hitler?" asks a 1Torento paper. What's the use of starting, a quiz, like that; ,,when you can't print all the answers? —Ottawa Citizen -o- THEY DON'T KNOW Who told the,,sincome tax de- signers children over 21' Were not dependents? • —Brandon Sun G.B., Uses Concrete In War Purposes Twenty- thousand silos for cat - tie 'fodder is the latest contribu- tion of .Britain's concrete makers to the war effort They are now at , work' tilion this colossal cerntract. Farmers ell over 'Britain have already , put up' snap; maiiufac- ' turers of preserves are following Suit with silos to store their waste materials• and turn then' into feed- ing stuffs to relieve the strain on Empire's. shipping. Today more concrete is being used 'on Britain's farms than ever before. Buildings in it, from barns to poultry . liouses, are beint run • lip, and it is being used for water • tanks. fence -posts, flooring, cattle. troughs, guards and stalls,•as'well .'as asbestos cement for roofing ,sheds, rabbit hutches and even buckets. The concrete industry is also -helping the war, _effort..With• aerodfo'ne •runways, some of .which -:need •4611,000 square. •aids of terial at a'time, and thousands of concrete huts .are.•being s'et up for the service departments and' for. • the housing of war workers and the homeless,' All constructional repair work' on railway• and water tunnels is Carried out in concrete, some- tiMes with complete- pre,:caSt arches, Cellars of damaged houses have been concreted and made into water storage tanks. ,Concrete railway sleepers and pit 'props for goal mines are replacing' imported'. tim.bel': Hollow concrete blocks are ,being used not only for building but for air raid protection. • The upper works of ships have also been given concrete pro'tec- tion and following 'upon the con- struction of 100 concrete barges by the Admiralty, the first ocean- going liner, of 2,000 tons dead- welght• Iias• been successfully • launched., Machine gun ' posts, air raid. shelters, •oil•, storage tanks, defence' barriers, telegraph poles, groynes, buyos and 'sinkers for moorings • and even anchors are all being made of,'conei•ete tor the war. *" A P] WNCESS SIGNS UP Borrowing a fountain pen'from a bystander; Princess Elizabeth, above, heir presumptive to the British throne, registers for war work • in the National:. Traitsing,,.Ser' tce. Program 'm Loddon .just_likeany Other 16 -year-old girl. • IAN MAURICE A Weekly Column About . This and That in The Canadian Army "Lead -swinger", .as any old soli.' flier knows, means a man who feigns illness to get out of dobre,y his regular duties. He is loo.k`ed upon, at first sight, as a smart •guy who has "put:one •_over•'" •the Medical Officer. ' ' B'ut„as the fair 'sex roints ,out when referring ,to the order in which .man and woman .were cre- ated, - second thoughts are .best, •and •it is' not • very long before the'"lead-swingers" fellow soldiers. are'full'of scorn and Contempt for • him. They realize that in addi- tion to putting one over the Medi- - as: S93i�t4'UlYV' 14c1$- t0:... da; • the duty he shirks. 'The worst load -swinger in the Ihdivid-ial-Citizen's •Arrniy- -which- is all of us --today is the:man .or woman who uses, gasoline unnec- essarily. • This morning as .I •came. down.. to work I looked, idly at 'first, and then- with mounting indigna- tion, at• the 'streaiy of cars pas- sing along wimy one person Y in' each..•I have no.'doubt that. ,you 'have felt the same way'many • a time:. Do you ithiink • the same way about it when:you have an errand' to do•? Or' do yon. just hop into the, car . and . drive off,? Some little time ago ..one- o these colunins was devoted to the 'jaunty soldiers of . the Armored' Corps. • They,;and the the airmen. who . bomb Germany and the Phil-. 5ppines; they and the men, who "man our submarines and motor torpedo boats ;are. -the men 'We should save our gasoline for. s , othin' vel--- ]aunty orone trip by car that could have been carried out afoot may mean the hair's breadth that sep- arates life a><id death for the men in uniform. ,So, walking to work, even walk- ing to the movies, can be a •form of war work, a form of saldiering in the Individual Citizen's Army. And ,observing' food and price regulation is another way of sere-, ... At Basic and Advanced Train- ing, Centres, in camp and on act- ive service soldiers and sailors put in long hours at strenuouh' work. • Their 'training simulates actual fighting—and ,actual. -fighting, , burns up energy. To replace that energy food, hearty meals ni'uat be 'supplied. That's where the careful observer' of the food regulations eomes in. Every time the. householder ;' va`tes.use:a' little;less. than their sugar rationor,bake,a cake with a substitute. for Lugar, they ;are • releasing ,that .much ' .energy .•for 'Canada's "Men at •Ardis". . find the•liousewife Lance ,Corp- oral—or is she, at ,least a Majoi in your house?—who putsto, gether a tasty.mess of shank -bone ' onklns, carrots, a little tot too much, please—turnip and a •sage leaf; or two instead . of calling nu. the grocer for. a can or two of • this or that enrols, herself in the Royal Canadiaf's Ordnance. Corps by'leaving just a little more metal available for arms, • .ammunition or'even tanks. , Here's. _a ,list of kitchen •ammo= nition. One cup 'of refined white sugar can be replaced by: • staple,. strg'ax,—orie Cup; maple -syrup,=one._ Cup; honey, one cup;' cane syrup, '11/x cups; corn syrup, two cups: That's what the Individual Cit- , izens' Army ' fights for.. U.S. Producing Two Ships Daily United States production of 'Merchan.t shipping'. will reach a "record totalof'more than 600,000 •tens a month • this sun -inter; .ac- cording to Rear ,Admiral EmoryS. Land, • chairman of the Maritime Commission,.; who reveals in The American._M.agazine_ that the total for 1942 will reach the unpreee- dented figure' of 8,000,000 tons. His plans call for 10,000,000 tons Of merchant shipping in 1943, "as a'starter on a total program ,al- ready set, at more. than 30,000,, 000 tons." "It ishard for the -public, to. grasp the magnitude of these fig- pc,MaitaLtLig4,..11%111. out thus we are Building in 1942. That would ,amount to eight hundred big ship's of 110,000 tons each, It is more steel ships of,i similar size than all the shipyards of the world ever:built in' one year be- :fore.-,• It_is-seyeral..times ass -many ships as Germany; Japanand Italy together can turn out this year. "Our active `.shipbuilding' ca- pacity is equal to all ;the ' rest of the- world -combined.'•'• been 'taken prisoner or -killed: 'T- know,so do inany ofyohave • seen them. Arid men .are ,going to, be taken • prisoner and killed if their • mobile forts — Whether . they, be tanks, armos!'ed• cars, uni- • • versal:carriers.,•,._bombers or sur$- • marines become immobilized for lack of gasoline. A. horrible 'thought? Sure it is. But that is 'how close the war is• to us, • O'ne..extra .joy -ride LIFE'S LIKE: THAT By Fred Neher rip SUGAR NSPICE. . • CZt 0_ 3o • "We don't like our new neighbors, they're too quiet.. . Mom makes us keep ,still all the time so she can hear what they're sayin' 0 ➢ 4. ➢,, • y"N THE WAR - WEEK — Cominentary on' Curre1 t Events British Bombers Force Hi er To Strengthen Western • Front A year ago in'a s;5eech to the Reichstag, Hitletr said: • "Again and again I uttered warnings against aerial; warfare and I did so 'for over three and a half months.... So..now Church- ill has got his air war. . . We • 'ar'e •determined to continue to re- talia'te• a hundred bombs for every one of his and to go on doing so until the British nation. at, • least 'gets rid of this criminal "and his methods." On April 26 of this year .in another speech •to” the Reichstag he said: "Churchill' began this air war , in May, 1.940.. I warned .hirn for four monde and waited:',. - My waiting is not weakness: . I shall ,from now on retaliate, blow forblow,, Until this criminal falls to pieces.”. , Every Hitler"speech "is recruited • from the words .of every, Hitler .speech. that•went before, says The., New York Times, In all but one respect the two' passages quoted • here are almost identical. Air , war. - .. Churchill's fault .. •.. My patience, . 'Warning of retali-t -ation. . . Counter attack until "this criminal" is driven out•, of • .,power. • But whereas' Hitler • is now ' 'proinising to give "blow for blow" - a year ago he, was -promising- 4's • hundred • bombs for • every one," The time has arrived when, the mo.unting stierigtli•of--Brifisli ani"' American ; air . power .no *longer. :permits. him to .boast. before. his , own people • that Germany: ' rules; the air. Coventry .1n 1940 • For an understanding of the , damage that British bombers. are • now inflicting' upon •Geran .cit - `m les, 'it is helpful, to Consider the bombing :of Coventry in. 1.940. That'assault was described by the, Germans as "the greatest . in aer- ial history", turd at' the time , it , was feared that'such raid's *night paralyze'• British industries. Yet • the weight of 'explosives dropped . in, the successive 'raids .on Ros- tockia more than four times that which , devastated, Coventry. The present. British air raids against • vital points deep in the ReiCi are so sisassive as to 'constitute some- -thing new . in warfare. • Luebeck and Rostock Luebeck and'.Rostock •,are ports 'on • the• Baltic.' Sea of vital. im- ou.oh . again .felt the full fury of t1 Royal Air Force, - 'Many daylight attacks lievp • been made against enetny cies• ports and coastwise 'Channel ship! 'ping. "In one, caner recently,,, * , British attacking unit, accord to . The Associated Press; cover _ a square mile • of •sky. It w.an aaid to have been„the largest single "'Unit• ever to 'attack France.: • British !Air 'Policy • The British policy 'is, according to Sir Archibald Sinclair, • Air Minister, "to',destroy the ,enemy • ,capacity :tol make wax .by' bombing.. his war. factories, Means of trans-. port 'and .military stores wherever, ” they,may, be found." An increase•. -in the-bornbii}g oit Gentian indust= -y, particularly, itt the ahipbni1d. ing •se,etions-of the "noYthwest, will ;reduce Nazi •cal3acity, for'. s#uti marine • . construction, • thereby • tending to:. eas.e.,the severe strain upon Allied mercantile and naval losses - Hitler's' threat of. a ."blow •bY blow" retribution on •Briti h sib-, . ies for'R.A.F. raids on German will be difficult.. of execution without doing `exactly . what the' British air, force is trying to goad hi -it into doing, according to Oli- ver Stewart; London commentator. • •"They. have only. a small pro-, porton of their: bomber's' int- est- ern- Europe,''.', he said. "Most of... 'the rest are , split .between Russia :the Malta. ' f`It might be possible • for a • short ,time , to • continue. raiding •tis • • they have . recently' raided . °Bath and -York: But these. 'raids Could not be sustained, unless they shift " large forces from.'t.he• Russian ,or Maltese .fronts." If '•the `Gernlians'' • actually ',do.: this,' it will mean that: the Luft- . waffe't ' pressure in these other two combatant zones 'will be re- • lieved.• : The R.A.F. will have sun, .ceeded in its. purpose. ' Second Front• , . The • western front, which •>Eiit- ler plainly ,fears, already exists. It did not exist last year when the Germans • invaded Russia. ' It was impossible then for the !Brit- ish to make large scale air at,. tacks. Then the United States was not: in he war. The Ger- mans know now that hard attaeks from the west will" continue to be made.. Hitler is not withholding Men, . plane's and equipment from • Malta Holds Out ' After 2,000 Raids --- Matta, last •Tuesday: suffered what was•, called in dispatches its heaviest a4i1t;raid of the war. It was also Malta's 2,000th 'air raid since Italy entered the war June • 11, 1940. That is 'an average of three raids a day: s �. • Malta's 2•,000tIn: raid attracted a -lout --'as much .(l'Untion• as the rest of the 1,999—a couple of par- , agraphs tucked away at •the end of something 'else: • A ' year ago • publishers welt turning oat 'books . on the bombing of London. at sueli a :rate than it seemed improbable that the experiences', Of„ any, rest - . est• dent •i4 that metropolis• would es- cape • recording,, in; library .format, but there is probably not an entry. on 'the Bombing of Malta id any •card catalogue. et, the* stol•y must be a good. one. And • Maalt'a holds out.. The 'con- stant pounding the island has re- ceived has grvtly rejuced its calve as a . Mediterranean naval '.. bale, • yet it still guards the ap-• preaches to Libya. Malta has. had' .a long experience, with sieges. The +._ Knights of Malta, beat of the Turks in 1565 and Napoleon didn't fare well there. • And the fortifi- cations of 2,009 years seem capable of withstanding '2.00o. raids • front Stich niodeskt gadgets as airpirues. �eeatsitla -Err c A.� armies in •Northern Russia, "Fin- land- and Norway.Luebeck ' is a, training centre for' Sub Marine, - crew's, a great"-';iridustrial city and a warehouse' centre for _mil.i- tary stores: • ; $.ostock.,,.is -a thcixing seaort'. and' industrial ;centre. ' Itnpos-tailt shipyards are there and a. large branch of the great Heinitel air-. craft • concern, warehouses, rail,' • and .doclt •• faeilitles • • • •• In two of the • heaviest raids— staged' on successive nights'—car - died out 'by British bombers, tons of explosives were dropped on air- craft factories, shipyards and the 'harbor installations of Rostock. In their caneentrated force the at- tacks were said to have.surilassed the pounding visited a few weeks before •on Luebeck, • which' laid nearly •half that city in waste. Wide R.A.F. Assaults The huge British flying fleets see ut ab -Le to roam. -a.t- will, . and in daylight, over occupied territory' and beyond the •former• German • frontier to bomb tale Skoda works at Pilsen and 'the Diesel engine planus-, which supply German suh- mai•iihes, at Augsburg.. Their losses, relative to the ntiiitherof planes employed; 'have been very small, In • the .seventh straight, night of their laigest anal'li?ggc-t round- the -clock offensive of- the .war.' British` planes bombed Trond• heir , a 'formidable• naval base in Norway The Tirpitz, believed to bet (he most powerful .battleship inithc world;• the' heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, another. 10,600 -ton cruiser and 'swarms of destroyers and submarines are •lurking 'in - the ' harbor of Trondheim. • They are in a vital position there to raid • the Allied supply line 'to 'Russia: Cologne, the third largest city in Germany, and an important railway and industrial centre. empty threat in'the west. Increas- ing Commando raids and air as- saults have had their effect. They. have 'immobilized a large part of the German , army and air force on a front that extends from the north of. Norway to the Spanish frontier. . Hitler is already fight- ing on a second front. Hitler Strengthens Channel Defences The Germans_ have ,put.. thousr • ands of laborers to the task of . building, new gun emplacements and • strengthening already ' for- midable defences along the French .coast 'as an added precaution against Allied invasion.,. ' he.. laborers were seen plainly rough field glasses some twenty . : miles across the ,Channel. •Military; informants said that' • ti -.•i z i guns ma-sse.dalong. the -Chan- _ Wel coast have a total firepower equal to'that of a fleet of battle- ships and form a ,.concentrated • mass of artillery more powerful than in' any sector of• the Ger- man front• facing the Russians. They said. installation of •these defences had been ordered by,. Hitlei as a 'result of British com- Mande . raids en the coast and operation of• light naval forces in adjacent w iters:, The new works include, in . ad • dition to gun bases, a• series of„ new concrete fortifications and tank barriers extending back sev- eraal miles from, the shores:;' 'The work Was, greatly intensi- , fied„ immediately',.af ter ,the com- mando. raid of March 27-28 •on the, german submarine base at ;t, Nazaiie. Iii Sumatra anti Celebes, the wild tribes consider eposing thi . knee immodest. ' R.EG'LAR FELLERS -Only By Invitation By GENE BYRNES