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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-30, Page 8
Is rtain Tittle GAS COTTAGESETS for your kitchen. Sag' curtains, 30 x'36:' Top curtain 38 x 45. Pair $1135 '& TTE Frilled 'Curtains: 48 *eh", wide, 2' IVORY MARQUISETTE long$2.0yd0. FRILLED ' CURTAINS—Ivory ground, colored, dots or stripes., Per pair ..... $1.15, $L65, $2.00, $2;10 FRILLED- MARQUISETTE-- Colored dots. 36 inches wide., • Yard ' 25c.. &. 27c COT'.i'ON •CURTAINS --Tuscan style. Donble bordered. $2.25 Gay Stripe . or Check HOMESPUN for draperies , or conch cover. 46 inches, wider Yard 69c CREETONN & . 'ART SATEENS brighten up verandah cushions. Yard 25c up Wider AWNING DUCK. Gay .stripes,.. Chair width; yard 42c width, yard' 42c' Zf •, empletton' RAY JACKSON of near Chesley was among.those' in Hong' Kong at`' the' .time • it fell, and while his par- ents have never received word as to whether'he is dead, captured or missing, . they' ' have 'been advised by the .Red Cross that arrangements have been ° made to send letters and parcels 'to. Canadians who were cap- tured• by the Japs..Instructions were given for addressing. mail, and ..-th-parents- aduised ,to-be_venyLda THE larcickow $ENTINEr, LIVI NOW, ONTARIO CLOAL and GEPIERAI ) Half holidays: 'commence :.?his af- ternoon... f-ternoon... Jack McQuaig has recently taken a position in Toronto: ' Henry ..Carter is. at. ,.present . re- lieving at the C.N.R. depot • at Fer- gus. Illness has confined Miss Marion MacDonald to her home at The Manse for the past. week. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Roach spent Sunday, with the formers parents. at Dungannon. Reeve Dick Elliott,of Kinloss who had"been ill with pleurisy is able to be -out again. Mrs. David Gj•Ilies is'somewhat improved in .health, having been quite ill this past week'''' Mrs. Ewan MacKenzie and Muriel are visiting • with Mr. and ' Mrs Sandy MacDonald of Stratford. Mr. W. L. MacKenzie. -has suffic- iently recovered from a severe, ill- ness .to 'be able to .be out this 'week. Duncan 1IcKinnon is visiting at THE -Ti`I 'VT1d ABOUT HAMS the home of'his .uncle, Mr. John WALKING DEAD MEN.. What ter- McKinnon, • Gravel Road, Kinloss. rible power: turns living , men into A 1 " Nicholson M.P., was' u Zombies ... mindless slaves why ' p must obeythe.will of their mas-' from: Ottawa to spend' the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacIn- ters. Inez Wallace, distinguished tyre. newspaper correspondent_and World . traveler, spent six•months in the I' Dr :and. Mrs. R. L. Treleaven, Pat - West' Indies befbre she.learned the sy and Dick were Sunday. visitors real answer, which -she, reveals in at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Jack The American Weekly with this Kilpatrick.. d_ senday_'s-(Ia3y.i) .iQede.::af�The De= '-.Bens-Manue'1-Taylor-eif-Sarnia: is` •troit Sunday Times. , , visiting' with her parents, Mr. and• . Mrs. B. Pearlman: Morris Pearhnan also spent the week -end at home., .the cvr'stahle on the Street corner. Mrs.C. M. Johnston. and . sen "Excuse me", he said, "i've been Douglas of Sarnia are spending the waiting here for' my wife for over an week with her • parents, Mr. , and ,hour. Would you be kind enough to Mrs. Richard Webster.. Mr. John- order ohn order me to move on, officer". •.c •'a`:,',;.+ 5.41,N�.•M�.'nW t :nr r;.in�:�ira FA u•.a:x,.R F*at;�•.�.•a.! FINAL PI,.EBISC`I . ,, VOirE NOT KNOWN' U TIL'MAY 5 Final plebiscite figures known.;until ;Gila seryls ounced' orr. Ma' at h©xne . an abroad more than 460,000 wilt tc� 'cast their Across Canada - ds at 2.,640',30 with a o'fY;510,281;-which. • toa 1 majority the aches was. the'`only record a "no" majority one with eIya 72,per cent inghaui Pastor .is Kenneth; MacLean w's church,, Wingham, moderator of the of 'Hamilton a'nd, at• the opening 68th -annual „ meeting Knox 'church, •.Woodstock Greet 'in what they say if the let- 'ters'''are to get. through, ' I' . l s?" you familiar with_ mules?" asked the. ' farmer of the . colored employee,' . • `No, sir;ah knows too much about dein'to be . familiar 'wit The meek little man approached p• • will not ITl be a vote is ann la service men number i� ing 'shave the .' opportunityballot. "yes"vote sten total "no"' vote approaches a 2 affirma- tive. ffirma- tive ` Q province to 1 and it was a substantialappro d - 'mat negative vote. W" Moderator Rev.of. St. An- drew's rotas' elect- ed . Presbyterian SynodLondon on Mondaysession ,of' the held in, Paid $100.00 Fine. Charged with operating a gaming house, Charlie Foo,. Chinese res-. tau'ran t operator .,in T.eeswater was fined $100 and;' •costs ` of $37.50 in: Walkerton ' Police"Cpurt, ' or three months in jail. Thefine was' paid. The charge was laid following a raid on the premises by Prov.'incial Officers McClevis and Stauffer, who found a '.slot machine and punch cards. A similar call was made by these two officers at' two Lucknow res- taurants the first of the week. -Gets--Two-Year-Term ' Burt Johnston `of khe Kiiacardine district was sentenced to two, yeai s in Kingston' Penitentiary by Mag- L'istrate Walker in weekly police court at Walkerton, after pleading guilty the week .pr'evious. 'to vari- stop spent the week -end here. Mrs. Russel Hartley and son, Pte. Y were' up from Woodstock and spent days ,.�. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole. . Angus,' McKinnon and Jack Flet-, cher of Hamilton spent. the week-', d at the `M d` M is ed F,to the village the end'of the week 'a6 L� osh Spring (oats, and Dresses SPRING DRESSES—A large selection of new Spring dresses hand coats will be found at our store to choose oro. mart- ly styled and best for quality. LADIES SUITS—Just what you ' are looking for. Neatly tail- ored. Ladies Suits. A• complete .shipment of these were re- ceived . yesterday. ACCESSORIES—For' your. matching accessories see our range of G1nvPS and Bags in many shades and • different styles. A S `llOS 'r: =A-rieweslnpmenit Srll - ose as=-re— ceived to -day in all new spring shades. Come early, so you won't be disappointed. • OUR ORICES''ARE LOW, , ,MERCHANDISE THE BEST. B. PEARLMA. LUCHNOW 'PHONE 85 Charlie, Hartle ' ofSussex,N. B. a 'few` ' with . their aunt ' and en' . home. ofr: 'an rs. Mc Kinrio Mrs NeKh—inon in quite -poor health at present. Mr: Wm. Armstrong, Sr., return- haying spent the winter in London. Mrs. Armstrong is, not enjoying good health and could riot be moved to her horn here. • • NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 0 PARTNERSH.PP • NOTICE is hereby given that ,the partnership heretofore, subsisting between us, the undersigned; John W. Henderson and William Fisher, . carrying on business as dealers, ihr dressed Innibe and builders' supplies cinder the firm name of Hen- derson and Fisher in the Village of Lucknow has this day • been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to John W. Henderson at Lucknow aforesaid, and • all claims against the said partnership are to Ire' presented to the. ,said John W. Hende Ison, by whom they 'will be settled. ' Dated at Lucknow this Eighth day of April, A.D. 1942. „ JOHN W. HENDERSON WILLIAM FISHER NOTICE The • partnership - heretofore existing between John W. Hen- derson and William Fisher having been dissolved, NOTICE is hereby given that all accounts outstanding against the said firm will be paid by the said John W. Hen- derson and all accounts due and owing to the said firm with the exception of active contracts must be paid to John W. Henderson on or before Saturday, the sixteenth day. 'of May, A.D. 1942, otherwise the said accounts .will • be placed in other' hands for collection. ' John W. Henderson, a1� o -oma- Vis= T �Qn Kingsville have taken up residence on the MacDonald homestead, north west of the C,N:R. depot. Tom, who has not been enjoying 'goodhealth, has somewhat improved since mov- ing here. ' OBITUARY CHARLES H. WIGHTMAN The death took place early Wed nesday :morning, April 15th, 'oi Charles H. Wightman, at the home of his daughter; Mrs. James . Brig- ham, Hullett, after several years of ill health. 1 Mr. Wightman was the son of Henry and Harriett . Wightman, and was' born on the homestead, Con- cession 7, East Wawanosh 75 years ago: 1 • Following his marriage to Mary Howatt, . they resided on' the farm adjoining the homestead for several years, later moving to Whitechurch where he conducted a general store. After the death of Mrs, Wightman eight years ago, he went to reside with his daughter, Mrs: Brigham. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Brigham, and May, who helped with the care of her father at the home of Mrs. Brigham; also one son, George on the homestead. His son, Ivan, paid the supreme sacrifice in the' World ' War. There are four grandchildren, Kenneth and Charlie Brigham, Ivan Wightman, R.C.A:F., , Galt, and Alberta Wightman, Wei= wanosh. Being one of a family of eleven children, only four survive; viz, Mrs. Hattie Hyde, Westlock, Alta., George Wightman, Regina, Richard, of Romeo, Mich., and Rob- ert df Blyth. • • The funeral took place from the home of Mrs. Brigham on Friday af- ternoon. Interment- was made in Belgrave Cemetery. THE BRIDGE •HILL at Goderich is soon to be stripped of the mammoth chain that acted as a guard rail. There is some 600 feet of chain al- together estimated to weigh .twenty tons. Of course it is to be used for the manufacture of war material. ous " charges including fraud, forg- ery and that. Johnston, who had previously ser- ved a ` reformatory term had been long absent without • leave from his army unit, and police had been look- ing for him since the first of the year: 20 New Radios Westinghouse; Marconi, General Eleotri, Phonola RECONDITIONED RADIOS From - •$5.00 up BICSCLE, PARTS i+ISIIING TACKLE MODEL AIRPLANES Electric . Irons, Hot. Plates, Toasters; Stoves, Vacuum Cleaner: 'Shur=Shock Electrie;'Fences ELECTRIC WASHERS' New and Used '_ Have your radio overhauled now, GREER.. Radii) & Sports • CANADA . HAS more than 5' times . s__many telephones for every 100 peoples as the Axis powers'. There are more telephones in the Donrin- ion to serve .11 million people than the. entire Japanese Empire has for its teeming millions. Only three countries have more telephones for ST. HELENS. Mr and; Mrs .Wilson, Woods and Teddy and Nisi ' Gwen Doherty of Guelph 'arid Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour of . Fergus were . week -end visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woedse f Mrs. Cooper attended the, burial of her mother,, Mrs. Neil White at Mount Forest on Saturday,and spent the week -end with friends there. Mr, Russel Webb is hone from Hamiltonwhere he has spent the past few months. The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will • be held in the Community Hall on - Thursday, May 7 at 2.30. Roll call—an old time head gear and payment of fees. Subject —Historical research in charge ' of Mrs. 13a11.. Program .committee, IVlrs. Ed. McQuillin, Mrs, Pharis Mathers.,a Hostesses; Mrs: E. „ J. Thom, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, Mrs. Robinson Woods. Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty of God-• erich were recent visitors with the latter'e sister; Mrs. Durnin ,Phillips and Mr: Phillips. The weekly meeting • of the Y.P.U. was held at the home- ' of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Humphrey on 'Tuesday evening with' a large attendance. Mrs. MacKenzie Webb; missionary convener, presided.' Mrs. Gordon read the scripture lesson and Mrs. W. A. Miller;;' the comments. The. topic from the study book, "The Tide. Comes In", was taken by Mrs. 1 Webb. Readings. were given on "The Victory Cross", by Mrs. Chas. Mac- Donald and "Win or Die" . by Jean Thom. 'The next meeting ,will be in , the ,Church Sunday night. The , young people are sponsoring a saldage- campaign -to -help the -war- effort. areffort. THIRSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1942 every 100 of the population than Canada; . the .United States 16.56, :Sweden , 14.26 and New Zealand 13.96. top Canad'a's 12.78 telephones. This Week -En ...at... .Thompson, s PURITY , ROLLED OATS Quick' cooking. 5 'ib. bag 290 KRAFT DINNER Prepared in '.8 minuted 350 2 .,boxes FRESH Canadian CHEESE Mellow cured. Lb.-' 33c' Campbells TOMATO SOUP 2 tins....... -.......... ..:...:... 19c HEINZ PORK ,& BEANS Large site. Tia 15e. TILE SOAP LELYS CASTILE, 3 bars ' 14c Chocolate Manhattan 0 • DESSERT=Pekg. , ' 10c Heinz TOMATO 'KETCHUP • 8 oz. bottle 2 for 25c "TASTY" Prepared Dinner & 1RISH STEW -.:. 2 cans 29c English Breakfast Blend TEA -1/2 lb. pckg. 3800 - Order your • Choice Fresh Fruits. and Vegetables for the week -end at Thompson's. THOMPSON'S 'Phone 82_ ' . ': We Deliver 1 Doyou believe in clubs' for wo- ' u y if kindness' fails•_ men? , Held Card Party -w ' A r'o cess' .e bridge and euchre party was' h in the 'I.O..O.F. Hall on Tuesday .'ght sponsored by Mrs. Hollyman and_ Mrs. Johnston, irieaid of their overseas cigarette fund, which has now • }leen' built up suf- ficiently to.'allow them to carry on throughout the summer: The fund - was: boosted $25.00 on Tuesday e- i�txs. •�'a: Sootnon=-andrDr--vel 1� y and bridge winners, were Mrs. 'Jos- eph os-eph Agnew and Dr. W. V. John- ston. ". PRAYER FOR REVIVAL Christians awake! Before it is too late. Is Canada such a praying land that blood -shed should not come to her? Prayer meetings for a Spiritual awakening are held every Friday eening at 8 o'clock in' the Bible Institute Room. We urge all who are concerned ,to please come. Much prayer means much power. WEDDING BELLS MALCOLMSON—DOYLE The Church of the Messiah, 'Kin- cardine, was the setting for a spring wedding of interest Saturday, April 18, when Miss Martha Elizabeth Doyle of Toronto, daughter of. Dr. 'and Mrs. Ernest Doyle of Calgary, Alberta, became' the bride of Mr. Percy"Sutherland Rutson Malcolm-� son of Toronto, son of Mrs. Mal- colmson and the late Percy A. Mal- colmson of Kincardine. Archdeacon W. H. Hartley officiated and wed- ding , musicwas played by Ernest Sperling, Toronto: . Given in .marriage by her father, „the bride wore a suit''of green wool with small brown . squirrel collar, brown accessories and corsage _ of -Talisman roses • and and, ' sweet peas. She was unattended. A reception at the home of the groom's' mother 'followed the . sere= mony; after which Mr.' and Mrs, Malcolmson left for ' Montreal. On their return they will take up resi- dense in Toronto. The . late Mr. Malcolmson- was a former Lucknow resident, having practised law here. Bill: "What about the dollar you owe me?" Tom:' "It's your. birthday on Fri- day. I'll bring it to you with my congratulations”.?: Bill: "You just bring the money, and' I'll congratulate, myself". Women's Shoes that must " be sold regardless of former value • One Week Only, Sat.. May to May 9 Take advantage. of these low prices to put y, -our. test foot forward- One orward One Lot of Women's Shoes, clearing at .. 59c VALUES• MURRAY DRESS SHOES—includ- ing ' ties and pumps in black .and brown leathers, cubara heels in Widths AA to C. Values to $7.50 ,CLEARING d A 09 AT $ If you P need shoes, BUY NOW VALUES WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES in ties and pumps, kid, suede; 'and . calf feathers. Black and brown. Sloes that retailed to $6.00. t��GC Clearing at fee A Rackf ul of : Broken Lines In Different Styles, Low, Medium and High Cuban Heels. Black and Brown. All sizes included. These Shoes Are Truly A Bargain. Don't 'Pass Them Up. S.i.99' per: pair 20 PAIR MEWS & BOYS' Brown Oxfords CLEARINGG AT. $1.95' i 1 Black Oxfords PAIR MEN'S SALE PRICE • $2.49 RATHWELL & SON New Towels and Toweliings, New Sheets, Piilaw. Cases; New. Cottons and •BUY WAR SAVING -CERTIFICATES, Prlrits, New 'T ck ngs and heetings,. New Broadcloths, New Cretons and Chintz BUY WAR SAVING ' CERTIFICATES E MARKET. STORE, Lucknow wiw+nw.in.xr -!rM..�V4�P41N..:Nffi�tG .�qi M1•