HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-30, Page 4FOR YOUR
e hone lines • for;
Your telephone is part of a vast interlockingsys-
'ten% nor carrying an •abnormal wartime load. Don't
let needless delays'hold up messages on which pro- •
duction efficiency may depend:
orllER 0W4Rr/4it TEIEPHONE rer .' ..
BE SURE you 'have the right
• number. • consult the directory. ,
SPEAK distinctly, directly into.
the mouthpiece. •
•:4NSWF R. promptl when th
`bill •range_
BE BRIEF. 'C}ear. your line for
;be next, call.
Mese things may look trifling, but
on 6,500,000 daily�telepbone
cels, They ale � °sr
Miss Mary Johnston, Miss Doris.
Johnston, 4th Concession, Mr. and
Mrs; . Percy ' Deyell ' of • Winghain
'vent' Sunday at Mr. 'Mark John-
Mr. ,and .Mrs. Robert Turnbull and
family of Underwood were Sunday
visitors at Mr. Relit.. MacDonald''s,
, Miss Qwendel +n Ackert left .on
Munday for Dreesden where she will
teach for ,a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and
family,' Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Graham,
ivtr. and Mrs. Raynard Ackert were
ttae visitors at Mr. Ernest Ackert's.'
air Sunday. • -
Mrs- Almer Ackert and Gwen;;
Mrs. Wm. Elliott. were• recentr visi-
tors. at .Mr. Robt.' .Baud's, South
Line: ••
We are pleased. to report that at both
Messrs. Eldon. ' Eckenswiller , and.
lticlard .Elliott •are ,able to •b'e out
again.,- . .
Miss Betty Bissett is attending
Mrs. •llan T. McKinnon.
We • wish to extend congratula-
tions to . Marie. Donaldson, Murray
Mackinnon . and Bill MacKinnon;
having been granted their Entrance
under '• special . regulation for• farm
help: F. ,:.. •
• gr. and Mrs.• Parish Moffat vis-
Fited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
James ,Donaldson, .Culross- • •
• Mr.1 Angus MacKinnon and Mr.
Jack__Fletcher of Hamilton spent,
the week -end at their home.
' The, Mission Band will hold their
May' 'meetiing at . the 'home.: df es.
F. G. Moffat oh Saturday..
The United W.M.S.•will hold their
meeting . at the -home of Mrs. Wm.
Brown on :.Wednesday May 6th.
n .0niforr.r..,
J. C. Johnston has been transfer-
red from Aylmer to the R. C. A. F.
training centre ,at Trenton.
f* * it-..
QMS. Jack Campbell, Sgt. Harold
Thompson and Gni. Johnny Dahmer
of Camp Borden spent the. week -end
-here., •
• Merle Johnston. with the R. C.
A, r. at St.- Thomas,, is presently
Confined. to isolation with an at-'
tack ' of the mumps;
., • , *. * •
Jim 'Henderson .•.Qt 'the R.C.A.F. is
taking' a . •three months' course . al
McGill' University and has success-,
ftilly . passed his; litst eisaminations,,
with an 'average, percentage of 88.
*- *` * . a i•
Mr. and -Mrs. W. A. Humphrey,
R. 2 Luoknow received an overseas
cable .from their son'Harald on:
.April 20th, :stating he was Well and
was receiving letters andparcels,
for which he is very grateful.
• • * *. • * * . *
Boogy:. I'm a little stiff from. bowl-
Woogy: where'd you say you were
To increase food production for Great Britain and the Empire's armies
many farmers are redoubling their 'Customary strenuous efforts. It • is not
- surprising if they have to borrow to help finance their increased. task,,,
If you, a firmer, need credit for any constrtictive purpose, call on our
nearest, branch: manager and tell ,hith of your requirements. 'He'
farm problems and Will co-operate withyou as far as sound banking
permits. Your business with the Bank will be held in strictest confidence.
Modern Experienced Banking Service the Outcome of 124 Years' Successful Operation'
Lucknow Branch: V. N. PREST, Manager-
' 170_.
Donald . Johnston, with the R. C.
A. F. at Hagersville, reported for
duty this week, •after a sick •leave
following an attack of the mumps.
r * a'■. * *
TT11U.RSD4%Y, APRIL ietb.,104.2
Mi., and Mrs. Steve Irwin. and
daughters Murna and Marjorie were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. W11fred.
Steele on Sunday.
• Mrs, McGorman:.and' son Gordon
of- Windsor are at .their cottage at
Pine. Grove at present..
Mrs, Alex Purves of Lucknow was
the recent guest of Mrs. •Thos. Scott.
•fora few days..Mrs.,- Purves has re-
turned ,home lately from .:a trip :to
the West, where she visited 'friends
in Saskatchewan and Rainey River.
Mr; Howard Henry sof. Ripley is
doing. his bit tb help in the seeding.
He; is operating the tractor for IWU.
Jack Scott while Mrs. Henry is talt7,:
ing charge of his 'mail route.
• Pte. Lester -Ferguson of Sussex, N.
B., ;:is on furlough for a couple of
weeks' and Is spending them among
his many friends and relatives -here...'
Lester is lin the Amb'udarice Corp*.
We wish. to Congratulate Mr;' and
.Mrs. Melville 'Henry on. 'the' ai ra,v1
:Of '.a.''small ' son . in, their home last
`A• Red ,dross quilting was held at
the home ..of 1VIrs. Thomas Welsh
Last Tuesday.
Red.Cross quilting Was held at
the 'home •of Mrs. Alex McDonald
Last Thursday.
Mrs.. John :'Ross 'and Miss Mar-
garet' Henderson spent a few days
over .the; week -end in Toronto.
Mrs. H. A. Street of 'Kincardine
was the guest , .of • her sister, Mrs.
ttoss Black- for : a few days last
Acknowledgement • of smokes `sent
overseas by the Clansmen in Feb-
ruary are now being :receded. With-
out exception the boys highly ap-
preciate the cigarettes, • which are
both scarce- and • expensive in the:
Old Country.
Cigarettes• were sent in February
to thirty-seven boys from ,I icknow
and .district and to date acknow-
ledgement of receipt ofthesmokes
has been received from the follow-
ing: '
J.. D: Burns, Elliott Webster, Ken=
neth Cameron; ' Jima Webster.; James
Scott, .Herb: McQuillin, Aylmer Ait-
chison, J H. McTavish, • Edwart
Mitt; RF. Batton, ' owar dead;.
George Whitby, W. A. Durnirn,pon
Stimson, . George Webster, Ronala,
Henderson, whileacknowledgment
was received • earlier from Bob
Thompson and Lloyd Henderson.
a '- et-ter-W-1m,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith,
gives ;the following description of
threshing operations "Somewhere in
England,:• '
'Did I tell you that one day. some.
time ago while I still had time off,
I walked . over to watch an English,.
threshing, .They are all' right for
England' but would never do in Can-
ada. They take far more men and
are desperately slow. I was afraid
it would be a matter -of weeks to
thresh out a Canadian neighborhood
with this system. It : is the old type
whichwe might have used ,half a
century ago. To begin with there is
neither an atitomatic feed nor a
band cutter so that takes two extra.
men. Then there is no blower, the
straw, 'uncut, is tied into sheaves
with a glorified sheaf tier- similaa
•to' that on one of our binders; only
larger in capacity: That takes an-
other man and then they stack the
sheaves of straw and that .takes
three more. The grain is not cleaned
as thoroughly and since the .method
of threshing is so •slow 'the grain is
half mildewed before a machine ar-
rives t� look after it. The engine is
much like ours but has two central,
p'is'tons instead of -our ' single enc.
piston and runs much more 'slowly
The farm wife does not feed the
rnen. They, take. their own lunches
but at tea, tune' (about 4 p.m.)* she
takes dut tea and sandwiches and
cakes and they', have a snack but. all
main meals are cut out except foi.
what each map brings for himself.
They don't start until nine and stof
at five. Of ^course f this is all quite
normat. for • the Englishman's sense
of leistire is well developed A farm
taboret, is not to work more than
4 tar, 5 1ioiwrs a day without receiving
,ovelttie e. and his normal wages ar'
well in' excess.*ff, What •a Canadian•:
could pay and then 'overtime on tot
of that and every . Sunday and Sat
urday ibiternoon tiff. •All in all it
is rather ridiculous when compared
with the. Canadian system II and not
to be .wondered at that they • have
to import most of their food. Too
bad they • wouldn't ' import some
sound farming practice as well.
I can understand ndw why so
many ' English lads make a failure -
when' pilaeed on Canadian farms
without the proper spirit or training
for it.. As a rule the fields are too
small for tractors, yet they try to
use them and waste more title and
fuel, .I think' the root of the trouble
is that 'the farmer' tries to live as
a town gentleman instead ofas a
farmer and much of the life still
shows unmistakable` signs of a de-
cayed feudal systeln, except that
now the chap who used to bethe
serf is better off than the master
All this is quite typical of many ^of
the half prin4ive ideas and -ways
of living they still cling to: in all
butt the city districts,
Miss Mary Steele- who hasbeen
assisting Mrs.: Ross Black .has 're-
turned ferherl house. ,
Pte. Garnet 1 enderson•of'the Mil-
itary Police', whoseheadquarters is
in London is having a couple of
weeks furlough ,ar41 is spending it
at the home of his parents, Mr.. and
Mrs. Wm .Hendersons Nlrs. blender -
son' is 'With her . .husband. . Garnet
has .been on- two trips to Halifax
and assisted in escorting German
prisoners ,to their camps. -
'. We are glad to see 'Mrs. 'Walter:
Brown out again after .heng`
Miss • Doris, Brown of Toro' to
spent the week -end at•. the -home 'oi.
ner parents; Mr. and Mrs. V. M.
Brown. .. '
.„Miss Mary • McDonald., of Wrox-
eter spent the week -end at the home
• of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Miss Kathleen Campbell of Rip=
Ley spent the. week=end at the home
of her -parents, Mr. Mid Mrs.'' Rob-
,zrt Campbell.
A beautiful bouquet of" snapdrag
`'Iri'ti*t a a•7 ee-
ctturch? on `Sunday int 'memory- of
Mrs. Ellen Bell, by- ,her 'daughter,
Mrs. 'Janes ,Wilson -and" granddau-
ghter, Ieien of Brantford.)
AC. Grant Fraser of . Manning
Pool spent the week -end at the
none of his parerits, Mr. and Mrs.
Howell Fraser.
.Mr. George Jardine had his leg
set last week.. Mr. Jardine's leg was
swollen and in such a ,'condition,
that nothing could be done for a
time. Mr-. •Jardine.is still in 'Victoria
Hospital, London. '
Dr. Murray+' McLennan of Wing-
namwas a guest • at the home of
nis sister, Mrs. Frank Scott on Sun-
day. '
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bradley of
Tiverton were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs: Walter Brown on Sunday.
M r,,'"
FOR. SALE—quantity of good seed
potatoes, 'different varieties; also
nannle goats,' Kenneth Purves:
FOR SALE --,good clea.tt 0,,9,.C, Nu,
21 seed Baa ley, :itod MacDougall, R.
5 Lucknow, 'Phone 116.28 tilt' )et'• •
FOR SALE MacDonald •&.1)iunin
threshing 'otatflt.. Apply to -Sam Der-
Lucknow or D. C. MauDuiiald', '
St. Helens,••
(` ASS ` FARM FOR .RENT-=-•F1tty
acres close to .Village,•. good water'
aired shade, .Apply to P. 5.: MabKen-
zie at 'Walkerton, br Lucknow.
•'HICKS ..This''is not a new •.hatal h
pry,• we: have been. in • )ausiness tot`
12- years,, All our' breeders are bleu€+
tested and males .are from: 0.13.S.•
•.stock. The Hybrids are: B. R. . hens
And New Hampshire cockerels. We
.eels all our chick's foie 4 days. You
:nave. no papers to fuss with. and •a'•1
hicks arc • feeding when • you get
.the'. We deliver chicks'. up till May
,1st.• John J. Carter, R. 4, 'Kincardine,
two miles west of Silver Lake.
Phone Ripley. 76-20 collect.
Word has been received from R.,
O. A. Bruce Steele 'stating that .he
was best man at the wedding of
Pilot. George Tanner of Australia
on March, 14th, • On the following
Monday Bruce went to Scotland
for a week's leave, and visited • the
ioilowing cousins,' Mr. and Mrs. Mal-
colm, Allen and Mk. Charles Steele,
Coatbridge, Mr. and Mrs. John
Steele, Glasgow, Miss Helen Steele,
n `drse at the Royal Infirmary,. Glas-
gow, Mrs. Harley, Muchet and Mrs.
McInnis of Bannockburn, returning
an Friday to: Newcastle -.on -Tyne,
zngiand and his ship. , •
Federal BuilstIngs••=-Province -
of Ontario
Skt11:ED 'renders. addressed to the
•• tutctersig.ned and. endorsed "Ten-••
der tea Coal'', will be received until ;
8 P,M.' (tli.D.S.T.), Thulrsday, May '
'7,�'1J48,. fol? the Supply • of coal and : 4,. „
calk+ "for ,the.. Dominion 'Buildings •.
tl:iraiaghoitt.the Province of Ontario.
Forms of, tender. with • s'pecifica-
tlot•is: and ,conditions 'attached can
be olriatried "from the 'Piirchasiiag,
Agent, Departnient of Public ,Works,
Qttawa; and the Supervising ;,Arch-
iteet',• 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto,
'lenders should', be made on the
forms supplied.: by the Department
and in accordance with departmen- ---0..-44
tal specifications and conditions at-
tached thereto. ,Coal „dealers' license„ '
numbers must be given when ten-
The 'Department reserves . the
right • to demand from 'any success-
ful 'tenderer, before,awarding the
fl. -ler, ga. security deposit in the form
uf- a certified cheque' on a chartered
1iAnalt m; Canada, zaiade -payable-to
the order of the Honourable the
,1Vlinister.of Public Works,. equal to
10 per cent of the amount of the
tender, oar"Bearer ,'Bonds of the Do
minion of Canada or of Nthe, Can-
adian National 'Railway .Company
and its, constituent companies un-
.:onditionally' guaranteed as to. prin- .
'Opal and interest by 'the Dominion
a Canada, or • theaforementioned
bonds and 'a 'certified cheque, if re-
quired to make up an 'odd amount.'
Such sectiaty will . Serve as.. a
guarantee for the proper. fulfilment
A. the contract •
• By. order, • .l
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa,, April 20., 1942.
Township of Ashfield
Applications, wanted for"the,,office
of Township Treasurer. All .applica-
tions4toibe_wtcaatten' anal -in -the clerk's•
hands by.May•'9th, .194i1.
C. E.,; McDONAGH, Clerk,
• Lucknow,' R.R. 3.
' George. Robinson, With. the R. • C..
A. F. at Suffield; .Alta., wishes to
heartily:.and most •sincerely .thank
the •Kairshea Club for the lovely
gift box' spent•him.' and which was
very anuch appria'ted•
Card '.of 'Appreciation..
Reeve Richard Elliott of Kinloss
wishes to . acknowledge with sincere
appreciation .the ki n dn a s•s . and -
thoughtfulness of. friends :and neigh-
bors, during -as recent i'1 ness, ,an
especially, ,t:he Council Board for
'their gift of flowers. •
Relatives from here were guests.
;nt t}ae home.ofiVi . and 11/ ra rLQnkr;.
`w he g here to do honer to
Mrs. Jane Percy, it being the oc-
' casion of her 89thbirthday. Her
friends here wish her many happy
returns. °of the day.
• Rev. H..• B. Hamilton called on
friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley ' Fair and
family of Bervie were Sunday visP
tors with Mr: and Mrs. Bert Mc-
Lean, -
Mrs, Don. McCosh•-is hostess • to
the Women's Institute on Thursday.
next, May 7th.
Mr. and Mrs: Syd Parry and Jack
of Detroit visited Sunday with.. Mr.
and Mrs. John Hodgins.
' Mr: Wm. Montgomery and his
sister Mrs. George Emerson of Hur-
on 'called on relatives here on Sun-
day. '
Mrs. Wm. Percy visited Monday
with her sister, Mrs. Neil MacKay.,
Mr: •and Mrs. James Fowler, Lois
and Billie and Miss Helen Pum-
.phrey of ,Windsor were week -end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Fred
If origins.
Boxes were packed at the Red
Cross an Tuesday afternoon for our
lads overseas. A letter of thanks
from Grnr. Edward • Burt serving in
the Canadian Army overseas was
sent to the ladies here who rem-
ember the boys one month with
a box of treats and the following.
Month with cigarettes.
Harris: "My daughter is having
her voicetrained abroad".
Neighbor: "How thoughtful ' ot.
Mr Horner Durnin of • Hamilton
pis visiting friends here `before go-
ing to . Toronto.
'Miss Ann •Chaniney of Belgrave
:,pent ,a'preasant week -end with her
cousin; `• Louise Finnigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Diirnin ac-
companied their brother Ed Dur-
*nn to Essex where they spent the
week -end at has home there.
Mr. and Mrs. C.' H. Humber, God-.
erich and Mrs.• F. Elliott of inger-
soil • visited on. Wednesday 'with Mr.
and Mrs. James Sherwood
Mrs. Roy Finlayson of Lucknow
returned home after spending the
past week nursing , Mts. • McIntyre
at the home of her niece Mrs. Gor-
don Congram, , •
Miss Shirley. Sherwood attended
a party given by Miss Marion Quaid
uta Saturday.
Mr. Joe Alton is spending' a few
days' with, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Andrews
and family of Prosperity spent Sun-
day with •Mr. and Mrs.' Lorne Em-
mons. ,
Mr: and Mrs, John Kilpatrick and
family and Miss Susie Kilpatrick:of]
Lucknow 'called; on friends here on
Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cassidy of
Walkerton visited with relatives
nere Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lapp and Doug-
las 'and Miss D. Orr were ,Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allister
Hughes, -Con. .6.. ,
Mrs. Wm. Holland spent a few
days'with friends in Kincardine, •
Mr. arid Mrs, Eldon Eckenswiller
and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eckenswil-
ler 'visited Sunday. with Clifford
Father: How dare you call your
uncle stupid; go and tell: him you
are sorry.
Boy: Please, 'uncle, rm sorry you
are stupid. •
Wallterton, Ontario:
Each Wednesday
Afternoon & Evening
1:30 ' to 6 'o'clock
Men 01 3.0,40,50
, PEP; VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal?
Want normal pep;. vim, vigor, vitality?
Try Ostrex Tonic. Tablets..., Contstnr
tonics, • stimulants, oyster elenionte--
aids to .normal pep, after 10, 40 or 50.
' Get a special introductory'atze•dor-only
85¢. Try, this aid to normal pop•an}i.vlan
' today. For side 'at all good drug stores.
Mr. and Mrs..Farish Moffat 'visi.
ted Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert Buckton.
Mrs. Peter Moffat and Miss Mag-
gie Ross spent -a day with Mrs. D. - J.. McKinnon: . -
Mr. Sandy Nicholson spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Mrs. Allan Durnin and son Chas.
of Lucknow spent Sunday with her \`
mother, Mrs. E. Hodgkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Moffat and_
Mrs. Richardson spent. Tuesday at
Mr. R. 1t�lioffatt's.. ,
Miss Doris Johnston spent the
week -end at her 'home.
Mits Isabel Yakes spent the week-
end with Miss Grace McKinnon,
Finlayson Bros.
Lucknow, Agent
Sexed and Non -Sexed
y -
hexed and Non -Sexed
-III ..,...
Better Order NOW!