HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-30, Page 3I a e$ Flags For S U !VD 4 Y. e Royal .Navy ' .H 0 OF �L,r Between . 3,590 and 4,000e' E tJ 0 f M Flage.Are .M.ade .Every Week Among the. women called in to Make flags for Britain's expand - ling Royal Navy is one with until recently worked for a court•dreste matter appointed. to Queen Eliza- beth. -Instead -ef sulks and celvets she now works with bunting,. the material from which all •the Ad- eilralty's flags are made. Is is a special , kind of wool,, coming tnost- ify from Australia. Between' 3,500 and 4,000 flags -- three ^times the peacetime • output -.care made each week at the fac- tory • whete• t'llis. needleweiman ,Works, and that tout is but a tenth'•of the. whole output- of the• British' tlagmakers. •• Most,. t the work .today is fqr •government ;de- partments, principally for the Ad, niiralty, while merchant ships -also':'. require' their complement : of flags. •.• Each of the King's ships has'to tarry the 81 flags of •the Admiralty code, as well as ensigns,..and all. •hut.hhe smallest have such special flags as the [loyal Standard, flown when Ring George come'' •aboard. • Although iu peacetime much of this facfory's work' lies in making industrial flags of all sizes, from tiny silk ones for toys to large Sags for"•advertising, they have al- ways a steady, demand for shipu' fags from the 'Admiralty • and the merchant service. Some fla'ga have. the colors mine , • ed ,ou. bath s}iips' -f}a •have to standup to a great deal of wear and tear. so they are built up from - separatepieces.of. colored bunting, chosen 'because it combiues,' strength with good eflying quells ties, the open. weave . allowing much oe the wind to - pass through., • TO FRANCE? ' Hitler is reported.' transferring • one of his top generals, Karl .von Rundstedt., above, from':. the Rus - elan front to •France to combat increasing disorders there And perhaps, prepare against possible- ' British. invasion. • m perient• Farm In Par Accounting g Huron Farmers To Keep • Accounts of Production Costs A • (iespatch from Woodstock, ' • says the, London Free Press, told of the amazement expressed by members; of • the ,•oxford county ' - council at the decision • of 1,00- Huron farmers to. keep books' on thea cost of production of hogs, poultry, soya beans, white beans and other products over` a five- year period. • TheOxfordsolons declared that the rule in their part 01 the 'coun- try is to work from five in the ' mprning until seven at .night, wait .for the harvest, and dope tie be . able to meet • their • obligations. Thea brand- the. theory of;.paying • themselves ' wages and setting up sinking funds for, deprectetion as "fantastic dreaniiug " There can be little` doubt 'that the more or less humorous view ,of the Oxford County' • fathers Is an accurate reflection of conditions in Western Ontario. No oubt that is one of the reasons fdor the con- tusion''existing about •farm condi-• tions. At.. present most 1arniers have ;to beep their 'noses so close- ly to the grindstone that they ; have not the' time for what most business men •regard as. essential -the keeping of accurate 'records . of costs end retaries. • As1 tong as IMO' condition persists there Is sit• tie hope for innpeovem'ent, or even' for a reasonable approach. `to an understanding of the problem. The fault -is obviously not that of the :farmers themselevs, but of the system under which they Work. • The Hurbne'experinient is douhly valuable because 'it' 15, unusual, Many departures • from • accepted • habits, must be made •,be'fo'e the Jetliners' receive' anything like 'the return for their labors that the importance of their worst justifies, s •, •t Muffs were carried by beth men and women' in .the .17th sen- • s • • • • .LESSON 18 SUNDAY: THE DAY, OF • ACCLAIM • Mark 11:1-11; Luke :19:41-44. (Mark 11;1-10; Luke 19:41-44 • followed by Mark 11:11.) GOLDEN Blessed is ,be that cometh in the name of the Lord. Mark 11:9. THE LESSON IN ITS :SETTING Time. - The triumphal enter., was on Sunday,. April 21\,A.D. 30. Place. The triumphal entry ,. 'occurred on the western slope 01 Mount of Olives. ' On The Mount 1{a) "And when the, draw night eint-o. Jerusalem, :unto Beeth - phage„ and Bethany,' et the Mount • of,'Qlives.". -Our Lord had rested -in Bethany over the .Sabbath day, ; and, was now - about: 'to begin the • last week ° of His lifa on earth, the days of which would be spent in ,Jerusalem, the • nights in Beth- • 1(b). "He 'sendeth two of his disciples: 2. and saith unto them, Go your way into the village that is over against. you :;.and straight- • way as ye enter into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon no man ever yet sat; loose him and bring,. him. 3: And if anyone say unto you,' 'why 'do you this'? say ye, The Lord hath .need of -him; and straightway be will send.: him' back hither." .Thl a Lord knew that a great prophecy was about to be • ftli filled, and he knew that •it was divinely. . ordered that he was to enter • the eity 'on this particular day .on a new colt upon which no man had ever ridden. ',The Lord • hath need of him" is .in the -auto-- cratie tone of one who 'has' 'abso- lute power over us and, oars. He does not expect us to say one contrary •w q•• rtYwheni He sends and says, 'I ha+e need of you, or :of . Jesus `•Is . Trusted ' 4. "And they. event •away, and • found a colt tied at the,.door with- out in the 'bpen Street; and' they lodse him, : 5. And certain of them that stood there said unto -them, : what _do�y-e noosing the colt? 6.. And they • said unto. them even as Jesus :had said.: and they, let them go:" $ccording to Luke, these people Whom the dis.• . cipl'es found nearby. were • the owners. That these were satisfied with the answer •'The Lord 'hath • need of him' heed cause no sur hal este vt Tl, to return- the animal at once could' he ,trusted; and the owners might well be proud' that it ,should' be• used by" the Prophet. Symbol, of 'Joy , 7. "And they bring . th'e colt unto -Jesus, and cast on' him their ,garments; and he 'sat, upon'.him. 8.. And many spread their gar - 'meats, upon he wpy;'.and 'others. branches, • which. • "t' iey •had • cut from the fields." The carrying•,; Of pain • leaves . by the people in. honor 'of the Messiah was in ac- cordance with the, custom observed at feasts and great occasions. The panni' Symbolize His triumph; and the people's joy. • ' • Hosanna • 9. "And they that. went be- fore, and they . that followed, cried, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of. the Lord:° 10. Blessed •is the kingdom: that cometh, the' kingdom of our father • David: Hosanna.•in ' the highest." The, word 'Hosanna' 'was teally a prayer meaning '.save' now.' Prob- • • ably here it is the prayer of' the people •that•'•the expected salvation may be aecamplished. now; The phrase. 'the: coaling kingdom represents it as already on - the ' •w$y. - it .is; represented -as tlne, kingdom of David, because the promise o'f •it was made to him as a 'man Of God's• own word (2 Samuel: 7,. 41. "And when he drew nigh, he saw' the city and wept over it." Jesus was full of grief ashe des- cended the Mount of 'Olives and saw stretched beneath his, feet . the city so near its destruction, and yet . so unconscious of its doom and He „wept. .• 42. "Saying, If thou hadst known in 'this day, .even thou, the things which belong unto peace! but now"they are hid .from thine, ,eyes. 43. For the• clays shall cotyle' upon thee, when thine enemies shall cast ,up a bank about thee,,• and compass thee round and keep thee hr on every side. 44: 'and shall dash thee to the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee.. one stone upon another; because thou, knew - eat n newest' not the time of, thy visitation." In this thy day,'-Jernaalenln had a day. Every community and every person has a day ---a day , of mercy. If in that 'day the lost shall turn, they will get life ill the Lord. But if they allow ti2eir. day -to passe -there renna`inetli• only darkness. Looking down on Jena- Salem the ground of. our Lordes grief' was, not that they had sinned, and so brought on them-• elves t:ontlemeatio'n. In that. ' here' Was nothing peculiar' to Jerusalem. Herethey were in the' time state as all, the world. The Redeenner "would .not weer' be.: TIME 01 FOR, A Ct,1P, OF A ' camp fire and tea from a big Y.M.C,A. T ea Car help men of. a Canadian Survey , Regiment . •ve to keep' warin somewhere in , the South :of ' England. The men m the pictures come front :L• uenbur8', N.S., Moose Jaw, Sask., Picton, Ont., and .Saskato on. The Tea Car was' donated. kthe Y.M:C:A. by a Toronto organisation, cause 'men needed redemption. What makes him weep is that • they will • not accept it at his hands. 11. "Arid he entered, ino .Jeru- • Salem, •into the temple; and when he had looked. round about upon all : things,.. it being ow. Aventide,- he .went out into Bethany, with the twelve. No particular ac- tivity • occurred. in :the city `'of Jerusalem • on, this, day. ' It .seems it. was nieiely a:time. of inspection" :and' at eventide ear Lord• went .� ba'ek to Bethany. Germans Seizing - French Radius A 'British . radio • broadcast as- serted that'the Germans were confiscating radium in French hospitals. It said'that the' Germans had taken half of the -1-r gest-rradipm • stock in France, at., the `Curie Institute, which was being used to fight cancer, and that as the result the Institute's , etivity had been' crippled. S'hip's B'iicuits British: seamen • gonipeded to take to, their boats no longer have to dig their teeth into- the 'hon clad 'ship's' biscuits • of tradition.,.' Instead they are given. •-dainty- -little---whe"atnrea1 -„two two inches. square and one-quar- • ter. inch thick. • • • ' , • Packed • ini •rust -proof ' water- tight • containers,° 48 t9.= a pound e tin, there 'is enough in each boat to supply every .person with. •'14 • oz, Together with .pemnnican • (a conceetreted mixture` of beef- ex- thact),' malted milk tablets and , 'chocolate, the shipwrecked sailor is now provided',•with'"minimum" rations" ;which are net 'only ,more ..varied and testy. than the old•. bis- • suits and condensed milk,, but •have a much higher food value. • What is' even more -important, the space saved can be • used: for _cariying water; then - which • is now three .times: as' great a'sitwas. The Panama, .Canal was "opened for navigation in. August,' 1914., • • tury rri England. • HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 7 Folding beds. 1, 7--"'"- ' �MIAIR I' IE DIRiE.h S ' 8'Bones•of the Washington, ear. • •wife, of the ' . • first U. S. A: president. 11 Falsehood, 12 Courtyai u. ' ' .35 Five plus, five ,16•Tiny ball Of medicine; - • 17 To build. 18 Part of a •church. 20 Part' of. fishing • rod " • '• CADE REEVE ACI L C D E 2'1 Gifts of= 36 Constellation. when she charity.. 38 (sods, married 22 Harmer head. 40 Breed of fowl. . General, 23 Com leted;., 42 Taro root. Washington. Completed, 57 She was 36 Quantity, 25 Blemish. : 43 Auditory,; hostess at 37 Silkworm, . 26 Red vegetables '4'4 Read (abbr.). - Mount 39 Bullfighter., 27 Polynesian 46 Ever (contr.)•i 41 Fear. chestnut. ' 48 Fortress. ' . • ' VERTICAL 45 Sketched, 29 Courtesy title 51 Great fear. 2 Foreigner. 47 Brink; ' (pl.). 54 Naked. • 3•Vexed, 49 Kimono sash: 81 God of war. 55 Fortunate. ' 4 Barth cler k. .5.0 Soft plug; • 84 Musical note. 56 She was a . 5 Imitated, ‘52 Eternity. 25 Ancient, deity'.. • young --- 6 Pillar of stone. 53 Bustle. 9 Wigwam.: 10 Insertion. 13 Smell. 14 Cake decorators. 16 Veiehutband became of U. S. in 1788 19 Concealed.- 24 Indian' millet. 26 To boast. .• 28 Golf device, 30 Goddess of peace. 32 Scarlet: 33 To help. 181 2Z- 37 5, 55 53 Soybean Acreage To Be Increased Canada to • Have . Thirty Thousand • Acres, ThisYear • Doubling of. the area planted tee 'soybeans', to bring it to 'a total •of. nearly 30;000 : acres 'and help Meet. vegetable • ;oil.• arid' feed .zee' quiremeints, is hoped' for.. in 1942, ;grtetrItttre Depertn ent officials said .recently. - To•encourage enlarged soybean production, • the goveraMent. has • • autlnor'ized , the 'Canadian Wheat Board to . buy soybeanse at $1.95 a 'bushel, • basis Toronto. ' In .past years, the price has racked from •5'Gc to'. p1 a bushel. • Officials ' said the increased pro - •.duction •• is.' urgently ,needed ,to compensate for losses 'in normally imported vegetable oil sugpliese_- because • of war • in the. Far East. Canada and ',the . United States have entered into a joint program of increasing such' vegetable oil , • production as ' s possible,,'although , . 'tine 'major part of the: Canadian program will be the growing. of . coarse grains to facilitate an en- larged, output ;of • ani•mal fats. II -vast .spaces, vast manpower, .and a rigorous ,c1iriate-with one great disadvantage, the ease with which their country Would be penetrated by Hitler's panzers.. Australia's chief disadantage lies in her..co'tfparative lackof man- power. Her advantages consist of natural barriers to invasion. These, added to the troops, planes ships arid supplies from United States and the indomitable will of her own pioneer people, may well make that continent as uncien- querable as China and Russia. Australia, nearly as • large as ' the 'United' .States, is two-fifths desert, while much of the remain- der is composed of high plateaus and mountains. Fertile lands, in- dustries and inhabitants are princ- ipally in the southeast ,-, New South Wales and .Victoria=withe, a: broad fertile -.belt " stretching: • from Cairns in : Queensland south to Melbourne. This is separated'. from :the ..coast- bh Mouratains, a,nch,• - the coast in -:the• northeastis pro tested by the'Great Barrier Reef - whose only openings,are mined. The coastline of Australia is , 12,210 'miles long, yet it has only. a• few good harbors, mostly ` en' the southeast. Much of the coast is protected, by towering cliffs and thus could be invaded sue-' cessfully perhaps only bypara- tropps-always" a .desperate ven- ture. Japan's success thus far bas reuired land, sea, and -air forces 'together, a combination which could succeed in only a fever places in A.tistralie. = The 00th: - eastern shoreline is- readily ap- proachable but this region is two thousand miles farther, from Jap- anese bases, and the sea, route in n Allied hands. A lending in the• north at Port Darwin would be difficult with its ,strong defences, and would provide a poor means of reaching the richer sections of the continent. Another ''vitallyimportant; face toris that the' Japanese have. not : had the ' opportuntiies to,make. bl.ueprin•ts of this'island continent, that have peen theits in the sma1 ler islands of the "Pacific, includ- ing' Hawaii': and .Singapore: ;a- -pan -fishing• boats • have been ex- cluded. -from • Australia°s ..waters.. There earl . be a little doubt' that much of Japan's :success thusfar has been dependent upon intimate knowledge. of the ,ter -rani. More- over, as Hitler found to be the •case in Russia, there are no fifth colthnnists .in Australia. RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH ;DAVE:, NG THE. HAPPY . GA! a Hi! .Pang!' And this pictorial - salute to the Happy ',Gang, is'in tribute to the consistently high standard'of 'their entertainment, and. the truly ,wonderful spirit allays prevalent during their broadcasts! Advance royalties of $1,000.00 recently •paid • the Gang for their. . -ne-w sanyeh ak_ has heel' to . rl ., ..- 'y' ••.::,.. ,;. r .. ,-'2'3` t. rFl."aiS ! "ani'i o a r �r„•�,�.---...55,�,".��••..a..,as a xarr:lxlerrlafeel, iri Cleiha l adri-e ---- • ficials said this might 'prove a limiting factor on the acreage." "Although. •Canadian soybean • s production is mall i;ompared• to that of -the United° States, it is notable' .that Ontario growers have won the.top soybean awards at the Chicago tnternationi) Grain Show for several hears," one• spokesman said. All Over' Ontario tN "'Soybeans • have been grown. all ` over .Ontario; as far' east .as :Ot- •tawa, • and in Southern Quebec. There has been. some production ' i n irrigated areas in Alberta and in .British. Columbia." • ' Officials' said . that farmers pro- posing to switch 'to soybean pro- duction in suitable areas should • be able to use their existing • equipment . in 'handling the -new Soybeans, imported from Mae-\ churia, were first grown in" Can • ,ada at the Ontario Ai;ricultuia] 'College at Guelph in .1805. Can The Japanese Conquer Australia • Christian Science Monitor Shows Where the Dlfficulty Lies Will' Australia become for ha, an what Russia threatens to be for Hitler? ' - •- Japan, after•foisr years of un- prefitab a campaigning in China; belatedly took a, leaf from )flit- ler's book; started in on her small neighbors, and even more swiftly imitated his list of conquests. Today, ,like Hitler; with az small. neighbors under the heel,- she is forced again to attempt the con- quest of another htige 'country', this 'time an entire continent. ,What will be, herfate her-? The Soi;.iett had three import- ant factors working on their side Seng l( r'= tdSTrowere- treaty throe itout�Canada l.y td 1:45 g.m, Monday • through Friday r • : - - ' - Fred Allen, on his Sunday night 1 Corwin and the Bill of Rights broadcast: for writers of Daytime serials, Sandra Michael who ' scripts "Against the Storm," and in • the musical world, Alfred' .Wal• lenstein for •his• diligent. and eon- sistent musicianship. Jack Benny's 'newest seven venture will ., be "George Was"'Y), ington Slept Here," based on the Broadway• hit' of the 'same name! • Amos ''n Andy won't,be vaca- tioning this year -in fact, they've - hid 'hut one vacation in fourteen . years of. broadcasting. Some 1150 Listening Tips 9.00 p.m.. Funday treat, has in- augufated a rather interesting . idea in : `guestings'• •Recently .Sammy Kaye,. the Quiz Kids:and others have appeared on the show, and. then Fred returns the 'visit, during the week on their sho'w's particular night! .They have a lot , of fun, and each • adds something new and different to the 'other's. program! • And• folks are really .giving the Fred Allen show'a big listening audience since it came to Canada', and nio,t much wonder. . it one of the few'hour variety shows on the, air,. and. it's 'enter- •tain,ng for the' full •sixtJ minutes Side Notes on Some Favorite '• Shows One Man's Family, great radio .. •play on family life, Iasi Sunday • observed its 10th anniversary on the air. That's a remihrkable 'run for arly.ppogram and is high tri- bute to Carlton' E. Morse, the man who created the Barbour Fa-, mily, and keeps them all so vitals... ly alive, *eek after week! • e The Peabody awards are look- ' ed forward ..to each year' in the radio world; and some of this year's winners include, fot journe alism Cecil Brown, CBS cosres- 4 Truly outstanding production,:' and listening thrills aplenty. are packed into' "Flying for Freedom" I • heard Wednesday nights • at 8.00 o'clock! Jimmy Fidler. 'his same old punch every.MVMonday. night at seven o'clock when' he. comes on • • " the air with 'his weekly chat about Hollywood and its stars! •Amongst the 'outstanding local productions. anted from CKOC is the Sunday 5.30 p.ni. weekly . broadcast of "Songs Our .Soldiers" sing, • highlighting the martial music and songs of the soldiers' , of World War number ,two! ' Record of the week ie a rhythm pandent. for his sensational re- Fanta ey recorded by Benny Good- ' 'porting of the Far Eastern War man and many ,others, called "The • -Front: 'for production Norman Jersey Bounce!" • • • • OUT RADIO ,LOO TORONTO STA•iIONS Clop 11 Seek, i,R1. 7401[ CKCi, 380k, (;UT 1010k U.R. NETWORKS ' WRAP Ni.is.v. Red 600k WJZ LU.(..' I'llue T70k • . wane te.n.v.) SSllk •WOR (>1T.11.!i.) • 7iOk CANADIAN STATtum, EtrOS Owen Sd, • 1 t. I% Hamilton CHML Hamilton • (•li'1'111 St. caul. crop : Montreal (it'll• North may c e° Gil at'hgtn CPI% Landon CJCS Strat Turd CFR°, Kingston , C.1111 Sautt. !Ste. M, 111:01{ 11001• 1230k. 600k 1230k 000k 1.570k 1240k 14Odk 14110k tyl*. AO . llontrenl t;.f1*1: liirkund L. CRAM Wntertoo CI,: CO' Ottalra CliG11 '1'Iin ttas CK.SO Sudl)ary (a41'C• Brantford CItl.W Windsor, CNN 1' V.inghm.tte U,s. saetrine Wi•.'tilt Iy?Palo W HAM . Rochester WYLW Cincinnati WGT Schenectady KIRK IIttaburgh t41it11t Chicago WRENtlutralo WGR lluftoto. WhnW RePfolo �t(JR Detroit. • 730k 560k 1490k ISIOk 1470k 700k 1:($Ok NOOk 12:tek 1:5401. 1180k rook SlOk 1020k ISOk 0304 5550[: 1:5::0k 700k SHORT WAVTR ash England 0.51nr tiS(: England 0.58m GSM Englund 11.73m (SE England 11.Settn OST Englund 15.14m (.SG Einginnd 17,70m (.SP I5nglered 15.31.ur: (.ST England 17.81at DAR Strain 0.48n* teen Sltnin - o.tieni .. RAN Rgdsla 960m liNt: Hassle 12.00m 11%00 't.t,)esIa 15.iSm G1:A !Sgiieneclndy • 15.33m WCA,U Phila., 15.27m . UL •ttoston 15.15m VI rn N :N. 1.ork tames POP -Dash It All! WHAT` i5 THE MAT -MR ' VYITi-I YOU .• YOU ANSWER EVERY QUESTION I ASK: YOU Wim' ANOT'HE!Z QUE$-I'ION. ," By J. MILL.AR WATT 3�N tenon teteey .'Ilat.0011f yndiceto inc) , e - °A 8 t ES OL ! D '.GAPER TRAM MATADOR_"- RAPTURE E D I TER TOTS ' M A H mem • Himit mine UKllltlK E , ..L RAPT i, D.O, Q0 • R E R A5 E ';'O N IRAN I NAPE FO5S--A RUDE E .M• U S IRONS AP 5 L C D E 2'1 Gifts of= 36 Constellation. when she charity.. 38 (sods, married 22 Harmer head. 40 Breed of fowl. . General, 23 Com leted;., 42 Taro root. Washington. Completed, 57 She was 36 Quantity, 25 Blemish. : 43 Auditory,; hostess at 37 Silkworm, . 26 Red vegetables '4'4 Read (abbr.). - Mount 39 Bullfighter., 27 Polynesian 46 Ever (contr.)•i 41 Fear. chestnut. ' 48 Fortress. ' . • ' VERTICAL 45 Sketched, 29 Courtesy title 51 Great fear. 2 Foreigner. 47 Brink; ' (pl.). 54 Naked. • 3•Vexed, 49 Kimono sash: 81 God of war. 55 Fortunate. ' 4 Barth cler k. .5.0 Soft plug; • 84 Musical note. 56 She was a . 5 Imitated, ‘52 Eternity. 25 Ancient, deity'.. • young --- 6 Pillar of stone. 53 Bustle. 9 Wigwam.: 10 Insertion. 13 Smell. 14 Cake decorators. 16 Veiehutband became of U. S. in 1788 19 Concealed.- 24 Indian' millet. 26 To boast. .• 28 Golf device, 30 Goddess of peace. 32 Scarlet: 33 To help. 181 2Z- 37 5, 55 53 Soybean Acreage To Be Increased Canada to • Have . Thirty Thousand • Acres, ThisYear • Doubling of. the area planted tee 'soybeans', to bring it to 'a total •of. nearly 30;000 : acres 'and help Meet. vegetable • ;oil.• arid' feed .zee' quiremeints, is hoped' for.. in 1942, ;grtetrItttre Depertn ent officials said .recently. - To•encourage enlarged soybean production, • the goveraMent. has • • autlnor'ized , the 'Canadian Wheat Board to . buy soybeanse at $1.95 a 'bushel, • basis Toronto. ' In .past years, the price has racked from •5'Gc to'. p1 a bushel. • Officials ' said the increased pro - •.duction •• is.' urgently ,needed ,to compensate for losses 'in normally imported vegetable oil sugpliese_- because • of war • in the. Far East. Canada and ',the . United States have entered into a joint program of increasing such' vegetable oil , • production as ' s possible,,'although , . 'tine 'major part of the: Canadian program will be the growing. of . coarse grains to facilitate an en- larged, output ;of • ani•mal fats. II -vast .spaces, vast manpower, .and a rigorous ,c1iriate-with one great disadvantage, the ease with which their country Would be penetrated by Hitler's panzers.. Australia's chief disadantage lies in her..co'tfparative lackof man- power. Her advantages consist of natural barriers to invasion. These, added to the troops, planes ships arid supplies from United States and the indomitable will of her own pioneer people, may well make that continent as uncien- querable as China and Russia. Australia, nearly as • large as ' the 'United' .States, is two-fifths desert, while much of the remain- der is composed of high plateaus and mountains. Fertile lands, in- dustries and inhabitants are princ- ipally in the southeast ,-, New South Wales and .Victoria=withe, a: broad fertile -.belt " stretching: • from Cairns in : Queensland south to Melbourne. This is separated'. from :the ..coast- bh Mouratains, a,nch,• - the coast in -:the• northeastis pro tested by the'Great Barrier Reef - whose only openings,are mined. The coastline of Australia is , 12,210 'miles long, yet it has only. a• few good harbors, mostly ` en' the southeast. Much of the coast is protected, by towering cliffs and thus could be invaded sue-' cessfully perhaps only bypara- tropps-always" a .desperate ven- ture. Japan's success thus far bas reuired land, sea, and -air forces 'together, a combination which could succeed in only a fever places in A.tistralie. = The 00th: - eastern shoreline is- readily ap- proachable but this region is two thousand miles farther, from Jap- anese bases, and the sea, route in n Allied hands. A lending in the• north at Port Darwin would be difficult with its ,strong defences, and would provide a poor means of reaching the richer sections of the continent. Another ''vitallyimportant; face toris that the' Japanese have. not : had the ' opportuntiies to,make. bl.ueprin•ts of this'island continent, that have peen theits in the sma1 ler islands of the "Pacific, includ- ing' Hawaii': and .Singapore: ;a- -pan -fishing• boats • have been ex- cluded. -from • Australia°s ..waters.. There earl . be a little doubt' that much of Japan's :success thusfar has been dependent upon intimate knowledge. of the ,ter -rani. More- over, as Hitler found to be the •case in Russia, there are no fifth colthnnists .in Australia. RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH ;DAVE:, NG THE. HAPPY . GA! a Hi! .Pang!' And this pictorial - salute to the Happy ',Gang, is'in tribute to the consistently high standard'of 'their entertainment, and. the truly ,wonderful spirit allays prevalent during their broadcasts! Advance royalties of $1,000.00 recently •paid • the Gang for their. . -ne-w sanyeh ak_ has heel' to . rl ., ..- 'y' ••.::,.. ,;. r .. ,-'2'3` t. rFl."aiS ! "ani'i o a r �r„•�,�.---...55,�,".��••..a..,as a xarr:lxlerrlafeel, iri Cleiha l adri-e ---- • ficials said this might 'prove a limiting factor on the acreage." "Although. •Canadian soybean • s production is mall i;ompared• to that of -the United° States, it is notable' .that Ontario growers have won the.top soybean awards at the Chicago tnternationi) Grain Show for several hears," one• spokesman said. All Over' Ontario tN "'Soybeans • have been grown. all ` over .Ontario; as far' east .as :Ot- •tawa, • and in Southern Quebec. There has been. some production ' i n irrigated areas in Alberta and in .British. Columbia." • ' Officials' said . that farmers pro- posing to switch 'to soybean pro- duction in suitable areas should • be able to use their existing • equipment . in 'handling the -new Soybeans, imported from Mae-\ churia, were first grown in" Can • ,ada at the Ontario Ai;ricultuia] 'College at Guelph in .1805. Can The Japanese Conquer Australia • Christian Science Monitor Shows Where the Dlfficulty Lies Will' Australia become for ha, an what Russia threatens to be for Hitler? ' - •- Japan, after•foisr years of un- prefitab a campaigning in China; belatedly took a, leaf from )flit- ler's book; started in on her small neighbors, and even more swiftly imitated his list of conquests. Today, ,like Hitler; with az small. neighbors under the heel,- she is forced again to attempt the con- quest of another htige 'country', this 'time an entire continent. ,What will be, herfate her-? The Soi;.iett had three import- ant factors working on their side Seng l( r'= tdSTrowere- treaty throe itout�Canada l.y td 1:45 g.m, Monday • through Friday r • : - - ' - Fred Allen, on his Sunday night 1 Corwin and the Bill of Rights broadcast: for writers of Daytime serials, Sandra Michael who ' scripts "Against the Storm," and in • the musical world, Alfred' .Wal• lenstein for •his• diligent. and eon- sistent musicianship. Jack Benny's 'newest seven venture will ., be "George Was"'Y), ington Slept Here," based on the Broadway• hit' of the 'same name! • Amos ''n Andy won't,be vaca- tioning this year -in fact, they've - hid 'hut one vacation in fourteen . years of. broadcasting. Some 1150 Listening Tips 9.00 p.m.. Funday treat, has in- augufated a rather interesting . idea in : `guestings'• •Recently .Sammy Kaye,. the Quiz Kids:and others have appeared on the show, and. then Fred returns the 'visit, during the week on their sho'w's particular night! .They have a lot , of fun, and each • adds something new and different to the 'other's. program! • And• folks are really .giving the Fred Allen show'a big listening audience since it came to Canada', and nio,t much wonder. . it one of the few'hour variety shows on the, air,. and. it's 'enter- •tain,ng for the' full •sixtJ minutes Side Notes on Some Favorite '• Shows One Man's Family, great radio .. •play on family life, Iasi Sunday • observed its 10th anniversary on the air. That's a remihrkable 'run for arly.ppogram and is high tri- bute to Carlton' E. Morse, the man who created the Barbour Fa-, mily, and keeps them all so vitals... ly alive, *eek after week! • e The Peabody awards are look- ' ed forward ..to each year' in the radio world; and some of this year's winners include, fot journe alism Cecil Brown, CBS cosres- 4 Truly outstanding production,:' and listening thrills aplenty. are packed into' "Flying for Freedom" I • heard Wednesday nights • at 8.00 o'clock! Jimmy Fidler. 'his same old punch every.MVMonday. night at seven o'clock when' he. comes on • • " the air with 'his weekly chat about Hollywood and its stars! •Amongst the 'outstanding local productions. anted from CKOC is the Sunday 5.30 p.ni. weekly . broadcast of "Songs Our .Soldiers" sing, • highlighting the martial music and songs of the soldiers' , of World War number ,two! ' Record of the week ie a rhythm pandent. for his sensational re- Fanta ey recorded by Benny Good- ' 'porting of the Far Eastern War man and many ,others, called "The • -Front: 'for production Norman Jersey Bounce!" • • • • OUT RADIO ,LOO TORONTO STA•iIONS Clop 11 Seek, i,R1. 7401[ CKCi, 380k, (;UT 1010k U.R. NETWORKS ' WRAP Ni.is.v. Red 600k WJZ LU.(..' I'llue T70k • . wane te.n.v.) SSllk •WOR (>1T.11.!i.) • 7iOk CANADIAN STATtum, EtrOS Owen Sd, • 1 t. I% Hamilton CHML Hamilton • (•li'1'111 St. caul. crop : Montreal (it'll• North may c e° Gil at'hgtn CPI% Landon CJCS Strat Turd CFR°, Kingston , C.1111 Sautt. !Ste. M, 111:01{ 11001• 1230k. 600k 1230k 000k 1.570k 1240k 14Odk 14110k tyl*. AO . llontrenl t;.f1*1: liirkund L. CRAM Wntertoo CI,: CO' Ottalra CliG11 '1'Iin ttas CK.SO Sudl)ary (a41'C• Brantford CItl.W Windsor, CNN 1' V.inghm.tte U,s. saetrine Wi•.'tilt Iy?Palo W HAM . Rochester WYLW Cincinnati WGT Schenectady KIRK IIttaburgh t41it11t Chicago WRENtlutralo WGR lluftoto. WhnW RePfolo �t(JR Detroit. • 730k 560k 1490k ISIOk 1470k 700k 1:($Ok NOOk 12:tek 1:5401. 1180k rook SlOk 1020k ISOk 0304 5550[: 1:5::0k 700k SHORT WAVTR ash England 0.51nr tiS(: England 0.58m GSM Englund 11.73m (SE England 11.Settn OST Englund 15.14m (.SG Einginnd 17,70m (.SP I5nglered 15.31.ur: (.ST England 17.81at DAR Strain 0.48n* teen Sltnin - o.tieni .. RAN Rgdsla 960m liNt: Hassle 12.00m 11%00 't.t,)esIa 15.iSm G1:A !Sgiieneclndy • 15.33m WCA,U Phila., 15.27m . UL •ttoston 15.15m VI rn N :N. 1.ork tames POP -Dash It All! WHAT` i5 THE MAT -MR ' VYITi-I YOU .• YOU ANSWER EVERY QUESTION I ASK: YOU Wim' ANOT'HE!Z QUE$-I'ION. ," By J. MILL.AR WATT 3�N tenon teteey .'Ilat.0011f yndiceto inc) , e - °A 8 t