HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-30, Page 1no YEAR -IN ADVANCE—Sqe EXTRA TO U. S. A.
Lucknow Ont., Thursday, April 30th, 1942•
NT OF SMOKES.... pi.�►Fvi �v!n
Pr'fi ueg }LOAD OF "v �; , ,i0E ' '
The past week saw several }young
--'- C;: MIt G� AS- N,
The April shipment of cigarettes.
Net results �,
The death of .Lucy Maude •Mont-
In Mendes lebi i •
P. Scte the County
'of Bruce 'voted almost .,7 . to • 1 in
• ', favor of releasingthe MacKenzie
z e
• Ki" owe
King -government rnment from- pre-election
pledges.. Subject' to correction the
affirmative ,vote in Bruce County'
„ „ .
-was 9677 with the total . no, vote
. ' 1'413.. ° ••• •
" The.,V.illage of Lucknow was prat
• • : ticall • • "' "
y •a solid,. yes with a eou it
•of' 416 ^•in , the •'affirmative against'
18. "no" votes:. Kinloss• Townshipand
was 468, "yes" and 47 .".no";'•while
• Huronof
• Township voted m, the of -
firmative by 5B.1 to 28: :.on
In North Duron . final •'returns
•were 8999 ."yes',' • votes, as against
•- _
• 1050 neo' negative ballots which is al-
most a 9 to 1 Majorityin• favor
of freeing the Governments hand
s'tomake whatever use • of the nit-
ion's manpower, : at . home' or :over:
that will'
men in the villag receive.their 'call
for militar "'ref '
y Ice, effective we
understand, prior to. the middle of
May.. Pians are being ,made by agmca
, .-.
who will pass the medical examen-•
ations to , enter various,' branches of
active service.
Among those Who :received their
call were .l Iarold ; Greer, Roy Fin-
Jayson; Jinn 'Stewart; Jack' Fisher;
Bill Reed, Jack McCall;•.Dave Iorne
Keith Collyer.'
Rciyt ,Finlayson's call conies ata
time .when work is well, advanced.
_• _ `_, •- . , •,
the construction of. a•new. home,
w Harold Greer • and Jim Stew_
art .are the two radio repair
only , p
-' n -in the village .. .. . --
g ,with Harold • ,eai
rying a large stock of merchandise
. -
including radios, electrical' home, a p
•pliances and sporting goods which
he is now selling off. , • ..,
to the boys overseas, from Lucknow . • � �? -
The spring meeting of the Luck-
. and dish ict. was sent last week by •now Bowling Cl was' :held on
. the .local .branch of the Canadian
:. Thursday even}ng;;.and' was one .of
Legion. The .shipment_ was. tine lam-_,•- -
the most enthusiast a held• inrseveral
est yet amounting. to $48.00, •Which .ears : Theretiring
supplies. 30Q cigarettes to each . ..of W V; Johnston • . r. ided.
48 boys in` the service. P.i
y Fred., Steward' •was., ele ted •resi-
• °The Mayshi meat will `be sent c p.Pap
P I dexit;`arthougki having, enlisted with
b the Clansmen and the June shill-
?' P the Postal:•Corps,,. ill'be.unable to
meat.: by Mrs, ,i ollynnan anal, Mrs. '
act' in, this capacity, Harold'. Allin
Noble _ John"stop, . •. .. was .: elected ' Vice-president; and
Representatives of .these three Clark Fiala so was re -ed'' e'd
groups have been appointed to work y .n eet secspring
. retary=treasurer. •
in conjuinction as a committee .inPresbyterian
.. Committees • 'trvel'e� ..appointed as
charge of periodic and regular ship- . ' ; . •
ments of smokes. Grounds---Welli2ig McCoy, J. 'A:
The number of boys overseas has MacDonald, Austin •'Solomon' and
reached such proportions;th'at Robert. Rae. • .' '"
it i•s considered necessary,to:confine Membership= -G. FH. Sznith, Harold
the mailing, list, to those. boys who ° , • - `
g A11in and C1ark:Fanlayson. ,.
were living° or' employed, in Luck Tournament —Howard Agnew;
now and district at the time of en- ,
,convenor; ; Clark Fii;layson and Don-
distment; or 'who have • established ald •
of The Clansmen
spring ' s '1
a wage collection; were evi-
dent to those who saw the hue
trio. s rt loadg
1?0 move out of •• here
on Tuesday,
The twelve ton" truck
filled, although the truckerplannedwas
on loading two' tons of .. er at
Teeswater; before setting out for
(: A eoriaplete clehn-up Was ;Made. of
all: material collected• in the will-
- age'thins tarn ::as well•In
as that don-
°ted by'rural residents'and deliver--
ed. at •the salvage •depot .at. ,John -garbage
• stops barn, The.' salvage included
• scrap metal,, rubber, rags, ' news-
a er -
P' P s, magazines, cardboard • car.
'tons: and -'bottles ,T... ”"
o otal value:of`the
'load will run to $100.00,, et more and
will entirely • f - ' •
helped entirely for war work'
Purpose"s. 'r • •
The Clansmen profit nothing by
this work, ' ' because
omer 'widely read author,-
g y, y and
writer of one of the: World's best
scilla and best loved novels "Anne
of green "
a Gables" occurred at 'her
home .rn Toronto' on Freda 'shi
.67 years of age.
Many in this community will. re-
call her visit to Lucknow just a few:.
years ago when she delivered,a de:
li li 1"
g. tfu address"an the- occasion of.
> ' ..
the Library'Eoard.s Bpok Fair:
private life L. M, Moht o.•rr-
ery was Mts..E•waa MacDonald,„Wife
a,+ church .minister.
Mrs.:MacDonald sr fame 'won'• }ler a
place on the King's honor : list - in
1935 and :the, degree
, g e of Fellow, of the
• The local Board'of Health has re-
commended that the garbage of th
villa g '
be collected during the aura-, ,
mer months.. The Village Coune- l
has decided to ..proceed' ,with, this.
The first collectio'h *rill be, on 11�ay '
14th .and 15th..Garbi a from t
g he. .
iloxtli:side of the town will be col-"
leered 'on. May. 14th• -and.. front. the `
Y zit
South side on:•May' 15th.,,It will. be •
collected „once'.° .week thereafter'
Pleaseput the .,garbage
g. hope out the
night: 'before the .collection, Wrap
the in paper and -lace in,
• wooden ' er 'metal containers -and''• ' •
place these containers an front of
the house. or store near .the side-
Royal otic of•Arts: she ois-stir="walk. ---
3' �S tY -
viued by her husband and two sons. Tin cans will 'be collected'if: put r ;
in a, •se p ara- e - a
P to container: The ea lest
„,; ..
Teaching way 'to handle tin cans is to•cut;out
e thing In Wawanosh •,each end and the
Miss Edna ' Lawson •• h been en- i} flatten therxi,:.
which reduces: the bulk. Please do ';. ' • ;`
gaged . by.'the trustees of S:S. N.o. this where possible.
14, West Wawanosh, :to •to the Th•
is is a municipal. service and
term as 'teac`her, succeeding Miss •we''.expect •.everyone to take advan-
Ellda Hunter, whose •marriage' took• fa a of it.
g •
place at Easter:. . . ,The 'Board • of , Health is also •re-
-seas, contribute to an 'all-
• out war .effort; First Helida • To -Day •
The Saugeen Indian .reserve Thursday half -holidays
which . boasts .° high 'Percentage of in Lucknow today, with stores re-..
• enlistments voted solidly yes. • maining open .on Wednesday even-
Complete returns by rriunicipal- sags for thea duration of the; hole-
. itties in Bruce Riding are:. • day period. . ,
•( '
Hender son..: . r and it is . entire
residence 'in'' the . community'. This. • E ecutive—Wes, 'Huston, • • Isaac Proceeds• are used for war work,;
, .
will als•o prevent overlapping as it Miller, Win. Schmid. that folk ;in the rural .district are,
is to be • expected that, others. will It was. decided to hold two doub requested' to deliver their 'salvo a
be provided. for by the centres in g
hich the re les tournarnents' and a rink tourn- to the depot, as trucking Costs make
. y wer established.at..t. a cement. during the season, a 'rural .collection too' .costly except,
time of enlistment. • Every Monday night will be jitney 'where large quantities' can be'se-•
ethat each owner .have all
Tournament refuse, etc.,, removed from, his pre-
Art Andrew, son of Mr, 'and: Mrs: • rxi by, ]Vtay' 18th. •Arso, we .ask
,th 't Seachla -'v e..o _ • .
•�G.--°-•Fixidrew�; •w••woi�-the �•• � o or
Yes No
night;', with James Snaith, Donald.: cured: • . ..:.Won
St. Edmunds• '15.5 - 22' ' :
Made Well' At Lunch ,C,ounter ., and Robt. Rae in charge. Trucks for village collections are
Lindsay , 136 16
• Eastnor 229: • 85 IN SANITARY CONDITI•ON
r' -P M d- a
-will: --•be- •laced- .: - -- - donate : -
In our --re ort--last--�weelr-Af•-the' . A ,• on-�-••locos •n�}-•-all; eal7ee'tibn �w®k _ is--�
dance .and :prize draws 'in the _Town bowling activities, . this, season, and • done : without cost •• in . the village.'
•a ....With.
singles . ;:outd _closet
... ;•
•• championship' in a . recent badminton , be cleaned by that date. The Soni=
tournament held at Kapuskasing, Cary Inspector is:instructed'to make
an inspection of these from time to '
.Albermarle 246 22
A ?het° 464 73' At a ,meeting `of the Board •of
Health on ltlfon..ay iiglit, it arras de-
'Cape Croker 37 . 2 tided that all village outhouses must.
sugeen ,Reserve 26 0b i
Arran , ,. ` 5U6 ' 54 • e l apt in a ran tart' condition dur-
=$a 3a8 56 ing summer. Outhouses xnmust be
Two' cleaned . by May 15th, and receive
Bruce • 473 - 80 •on
Hall, we omitted mentioning that drive is on for an increased mem- a .clean-up 'of scrap being.
the: S:O.S: girls operated:the., lunch bership. Fees were'set at $5:00 for made 'Tuesday, The Clansmen will
counter; as a re'salt • of wrath .ithe : old members; acid $'3.00 •'for new shortly 'make, another canvas of the'
netted• over . $18.00 which will ,be, members. . .village. Clean up your : yards and
The Club decided:to
used to "Send Over Smokes" to local . juin the. Pro- ' attics -,and have it ready for the next
,boys. • vmcial Lawn Bowling Association. call. Only white bottles and glass
' .� ' • are valuable, but the collectors 'will
time. "It is expected •that privies•be' • *"
Little GirlC atal'ES .Il'1 kept '''M a rialto condition : rill`.
, , ' r3'"
The''' 'little three- ear -old dao summer •• by the daily
Y gh • use of ashes;
ter of Mr. and :Mrs- .L. G, 'Turvey or "a spray„ ;which is available at l±
• df 'Bluevale and formerly of Luck- ` low cost. l�
, now, is critically ill with a baffling :' •; The., Purpose, .
blood disease, In spite The• Board of ; Health is making
of transfusg
ions the child continues to fail and an effort to see that 'this village • • : t,
little' hope is '.entertained for her does not have• a repetition of the,
; serious .epidemic we had last•'sum-.
.Y 0.�
- - - met•: -An •epidemic :in -Toronto of 'as '
. in. in, interests of rani-
•acardiac Twg.:.....:., ,462 • 71 atte'nti ..
• • tation throughout the
' ' • to take all :of this you :have: Colored
P At Cargill
• year. - The
tuona'Twp. ' ' 561 29
r Kinloss Ogg` `. 47 health inspector will, inspect these..
buildings May 15th.
. yed
' :Leonard MacDonald is erriployed
buttermaking CON. NG EVENTS. °
bottles and 1
g ass are unsaleable: •p'.
after .
,. Culross 434, '. 189. '
permanently in :the _
and cream4testing department,at`the : r'recovery.'
Greenock .......•.........• 566 • 223. o-...
Wiarton; 670.,. 49 FOR CLANSMEN DANCE
• _,_ . • ' THAT_BRUCE
Cargill plant of Slvefwvood Dairies.
.Leonard .left a week 'ago •Monda ' : DANCE AT PARAMOUNT fi• MPU WitL4 NOT, BE -CANDIDATE
Y IDancinP
serioti's r r ' :{
qPo tions as we had", in • f
District Price Bo•ard P941 would result in at leash 4,000 r
Office At Owen Sound . '' cases of.Poli.
The •.sub -regional office of: the omypi4e :. • Weald not
think such an epidemic would ' oc-
Hepworth • 120 • 7 "
to take over •his new duties and g .every .Friday,' night' at
Carruthers In;,:our last islue
, .
Tara's 212 :. 13 The Lucknow Clansmen will hold
` '
spent. Sunday, at his.home 'here..: ,Paramount,.' orchestra. we referred- to
, , Admission `35c. "`Door' prizes. '• . the report in the Tara Leader to this:
Smith ' , 564, •79— hen annual spring danee-in-the
effect -that -Lieut. W. R.. Tomlinson,
Wartime Prices --and Trade'.. Board cur •int Toronto b'eCause., •sanitai •••
is located' at • Owen Sound with Y '
conditions are better in 'cities than .._
Charles F..Cummtng as local. rep; in villa '
1✓ages like. 'Lucknow. There i$ .,
• resentative. The Owen Sound region no • reaon' whywe cannot•
haste• as•
includes Walkerton, Hanover Kin-,' sanitar conditions here +.>
Y as ' in our. i q;
cardiae Wingham, Wiartont Dura cities. We..h ve
, a only," to try
ham; •'Chesley, Southampton; Port We can kee flies •under
P control-
' E'lgin, Lucknow, Markdale, Tees- Army camps can be keptower free_
oa ,. �,aY, i -T i'+Tw�.�.-"�.�?�'•U^+^.s' ' �.--]- erot%e',�-s'�^•-,-,-�." ;
- - mi.:^L'-•-
Port .E1 in 670 86 Town. Hall next Tuesday evening,
. •Tiverton 116 • ' .4 ' May • 5th, when they .will present
Kincardine Town 1082 117 Bob' Wybrow and his orchestra of.
Ripley 196'... 20 London.. This .popular: ten -piece
°Lucknow; 416 18 band is ,featured regularly at the
•Teeswater 352 25• Londoi- Arena; and over radio sta-.,P
` ' :• •,— ; The
An original• V DANCE ~IN LUCKNOW ' • M. P. for• Bruce, would not': be a
:Quite an original "V for Victory", Under sus ices of.' the Lucknow candidate for re-election at the next
eau ht our< eyeP
g a few days ago, ori Fire Company, a• dance will be held federal .election. •
receipt of a. letter from Mr. Ed.. in the Town Hall, Lucknow. on Fri- ', The Port Elgin Times; the "home=
Odium•.of Vancouver:. Five cents town of Mr.'Tomlinson,'rep'orts that
a day,• May 1st: MacKenzie's orchestra.
postage was,• required and had been Admission 35c. •it reached the most authorative
'with one stamps in the
tion, CFPL, and Clansmen are
•affixed -cent source and asked for an. ex lana-
� n� ? r' .' ; , -
1 °( b t%aa 1i.
feral-,ef••-aY � , F� •ata,. .. tins v.l .•e,,_
': b# tf T tE
.. - . . . . - . r.
- •� ..-- , �. .-: ._
-4�«., _y
-",-.:**.4. zw&E�? ,,
, � .• ti��rr:8't 5i�,1ti . -«fir' _.`" -� .xY T .�?�
_ ..-�...._.. .. : ry e•-,.. , :°,c`s-v.".-""'.:.. _ __ :... . _.: .. ; L.._._ - t : ... - -._ ::: . y. • •,Y,�•. F*".T,^!Y'VYs*^Y9FkY ^Fr.4:. x
:._,+r' '`"�. ., 1 •- Y�, . 7ti11. G'•�m:{>'S,. , �I,y . '• . -_ :..-.. �' L.: a"':- - -x.
.: .. ••
. '-• . °�.y L?Z�i � • ,�5 n t�.Y'�''��'` 1.�� .. .. w. The
.sure •to deI' ht next Tues '• the letter with the fifth at the •base. The annual meeting of:
•The `vote by polling _subdivisions d y' might s
• Bowling Ciub will be held,
muni- dance crowd in Lucknow..:
nil, M4 R , ,�1ei".-r21 . a�t�
.: ,'�.,"'1� +R�, �..FJ�I'� .
.. ,. •_ . -,'., a,;"'..' "�.yie�}24-
,he Ladies' statement is absolutelyfalse aria
in the untrue".
131-;-tl�i.��F1+"i'tffTf=-.�-CY:ir• ....;t1'1,'81'r`:'i:GLCl __ __ _
'' }, , : t, ]recPsn f1r se-bux-zed; 'h1'lrxrodc..
Ri le •' Cliff- - ai
P y,, rd, Lions Bead,; Hep-. We :can do the same.
worth, ,Tiver• ton, as well as the City _ W. V. Johnsto M.O.H.
of Owen Sound.
in Lucknow and neighboring •
was• as follows.; This spring. dance is always a fea- Town Hall' on Wednesday night next
tare attraction and 'The Clansmen May 6th, at 8 pial. A'll'Who are in-.
. `• Cucknoviw•• Yes • .No SAVE OLD ONES FOR: SALVAGE .terested are • invited' •to attend •this. EXTRA SUGAR ALLOWED FOR.
1 • Orange' Hall 148 6., are confident it;, will b'e, a. . partieu= •
` loci successful. event this year w.. - .meeting: Remember the ,day, next HOME PRESERVING '
Reid's" - '•.127 . • . 8 Y .Featured by, a buff cover:~ of some " Wednesda
Hall ' 141. 4 sweet by.. 'Bob Wybrow's what y'
• 'Fred and Gordon Steward; sons
• Town • . •music different design, Lucknows ��"
' "
Barin: Dancing will be from 9 sharp 'new Special provisions for the use of
three urisitccessfel atteCnpts of Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Steward 1,
to find gas or, oil in 'the Teeswater of Lucknow, have enlisted for aet-
d' eve •service •i
district: the drilling crew employd. n the Postal Carp's and,
'the • Dominion Gas•. Company, both will leave shortlyfor Ottawa.,, ,'
P Y, Mrs. Fred Steward 'w l ccom an
Whiehbeen operating in 'Cu
CT'has l.. _her•hus�':nd.to.:..the Nation -s -Cap Y -- -
r ownship `for several •months, a g to -l. >'
finally dismantled the' machineryFred has been employed in the, • ;
and pulled u t local post ',office for the,
P P he casings in prepa'r- past 12 .
parts. Years. 'and nine months, and darns
°tion' :for 'departure to tither e g .,
wells' have been sunk since . •the •past winter' •made plans to join
last summer but, dry_ the octal service. Gordon returned - •
-holes have. P
been the • result in each case. The home from Toronto at Easter, iia : -
first hole was drilled on the farm ing been` employed for the past year , . s `
•in custom brokers' work in the city. •
of Warner Smyth, on concession 13;
He °vas contempiatin e term the' .•
the second on the, faun of Cormack g n g
Armstrong on the eighth concession: Navy; until deciding •to, join •the ,„.
while the, last .hole was 27°00 feet' .Postal Corps with his brother, ,
deep, on •the firth of Brock Mac- Fred was' born in West Wawanosh .,r {1
Kenzie, of the fourth concession. and' •Gordon in Lucknow ,and both
Geologists have stoutly. maintain- boys .have spent their life here.,
"ed that there was oil underlying the They have several relatives' in the
district and practically .all the armed forces in England and a t a
cousin has 'served as a bomber
fauns in the ••area have been under. pilot
lease to various companies durn since 1939:
in the. R.A.F.6,1
P g
the past few years, But .the uncut- Fred and Mrs. Steward (nee•,
cessfui .efforts to ,tap the m ch- Agnes Swanson of: Wingham). were
�. married last
needed sources of the black g Id"' . year 'and have resided
will doubtless postpone any further here in the Siddal residence; which •
is .being
searches of ° this nature for some • , g taken 'over by 'Sgt.: and .. i
Mrs: iiarold Thom ° •
time to come. peon.• •,
_ telephonic directory is being°de- .
to one aim: '
•416 :.n; ' • :' livered to local subscribers this
Enumerators lists totalled' 616 vot-` D`ances' are numerous during the •'week. This 'cover will, make it cosi-
next . week':. This Fridaynight • the
ers in the. village, but, the . available g er to distinguish, the new book from
vote was considerably under 600 Firemen will hold their last ,dance the old,and will alternate with ;the '
.._ of the season and- a• week' from Fri- '
'• `' :: gteen_one.,used iu the last
ANNIVERSARY SERVICES • sugar in home preserving fruits,
Anniversary' services will be held for•ecast when the rr : •ing .order
m the Lucknow Presbyterian church was Put into 'effect -; . uar has
y P , y'.by
on Sunday, May 10th. with services been announced by ._ . R. Nob -le,
at • 11 a.m. and 7 p.m: Rev. D. J. ` sugar administrator of the Wartime
daythe Agricultural Societ will
o-. y
Kinloss Twp: Yes ' ' No do the same. McKenzie's orchestra
r , • Kinloss 49 1 plays for both these dances.
Kinlough, • 51 10 `. • •
Since. •there are more than I,3Q0
new and changed listings„ in.•the al-
phabetical section: alone, the` impor-
Lane,. B.A., of Goder"ich _will be the Price§ and Trade• Board, The normal'
;guest speaker morning' and evening, 'sugar ration is three-quarters of a
Special music byythe 'choir.: pound a week for each erson:
' In-:additi`pn to the amount of sugarh
Holyread •$5 ' • 17 `'
tante consultingthe. new book
_ allowed under. the rationing regula-
m = Leave For South Africa
2nd • Con. 131 5. Miss Rita 'Dalton . of • Kingsbridge'
Langside 70 7•quantity
t and Miss Margaret .Mitchell left
Whitechurch 82 7the
•• Goderich the first of the week on
carefull before lacin calls is
y p g ob-
„ „
vious, if the wrong nun}ier avis= .
ince is to be avoided;
. To prevent• errors, the old direct- '
tions, any person may purchase such
of sugar . as necessary for
household preserving, canning
or making into of
468. 47
Huron Twp, Yes No
No, 1 160 4
No. 2 123 3 '
• No. 3 90 14
• •NO 4 79 - 3
the fist lapof their tripto -South,
Africa. where they ,will serve as
nursin sister . Miss Mitchell re-
ceived • a urge of money from the
P y
Nurses Alumnae and Miss Dalton,
a camera frons 'the' staff of Alex-
•andra Hospital.
ory .,should be discarded om t1
on receipt of the new one. It has
been suggested that it be included
with other paper to be contributed
to the national salvage campaign.
In order further to assist in con=
serving paper, those who are now-
ing should not forget take their
Under Auspices Lucknow
Agricultural Society
lams and jellies
any fruits, subject to'provisions.
Purchases'of sugar for preserving
or canning shall be on the 'basis uf.
one-half pound' of sugar for every
pound of fruit weight. Pillhome can-
asap or preserving by syrup method
must ..be done• in a light • syrup, de-
No, 5 109 5
Suritmer Weather •
telephone directories with Them,• in,
fined as' a syrup made of one part .
• 29
Culross Twp. Yes No
No. 1 16 32
No,, 2 69 10
• No" 3 • 79' 26 .
No. 4 , • 111 14
0 5 92 26
• +io., 6 39 78
No. 7 • 28 3
5priiig seeding is well; advanced
and in Many cases completed. An
unusually dry s rin ,and summer-
P g '
like •• weather during the past week,
were combining factors in theawoik
being rushed without -interruption,
and completed well . in. aditance of
the ' average . sowin
g g 'season: Cattle,
were out on grass .last week, espec-
ially on farms where feed is run-
of obtaining a new one:
It ,is ( interesting to note. that the
Dominion Post' Office collects 'well
over TO 000 a
$ year for delivering
the directories of The Bell Tele-
phone Company of Canada: In theg.'
largest cities, books are distribute3
by messenger,. but all the .smaller
deliveries • are made through .His
Majesty's mail.
•■' may.'
Lunch C,O.unter
of •sugar and two parts of water.: ,
Purchases . of ,sugar for `, jam .or
jelly are to be on the basis, of three-
quarters' of a pound of sugar •for
every. pound of fruit weight, and
all homemade ,jams and jellies are
to be preserved with three parts of
sugar to fourparts of •fruit or vice. •
g. 7
The order does not apply to in-•
dustrial uses of 'sugar.. As stt ar has
g g
in the
Old Loin With A
Visited Listowel Lodge Story. Behind It
(District Deputy Grand Matron
Myrtle Stewart of Lucknow was Last week R. J. Moore showied us
an old coin that•bad for years been
present at Perth Chapter ti9, O.E'S. ..
on her official visit Friday night, m -possession of his sister in. • Tor-.
onto. The coin :was dated 1837, a '"
one hundred were
present. The visiting chapters 'Were which, makes it 105 years ,old; but •
- e •__was. -Xis - ' 11--xest itg.becauso. it.. one _•._ .,.,.:... , - !.. :
Palm rstoTx-wind _i0raytarr:T :, .. •
time was held by Alf Watson, no
Addresses were even by Mrs',
retch, the presiding matron of the had his name scratched 'on it.. O d
timers will recall ,that Alf Watson r,,
Drayton chapter, Mrs. Hammond,
D.D.G.M,, of D•rayton, Mrs.' Wilson,, at •one time clerked for the late ,
the presiding matron of the Palm- •.n'lalcoer Campbell, Lucknow's ion- •
merchant. us,: Those werecodfishfda ,s, •
erston chapter, and Bap. Stewart of Bpb .tells When Was
Lucknow, associate grand patron of baa ht by the' carload,although box.
the OE.S.=Listowel Banner. g
cars of the old Western Railway
c -�
no preservative value curing
189 •
ring short, and' this is weeks
or' more in ,advance of the usual
. Grand Lodge Officers
or preserving of ,meats, it is provid-
ed that no erson may urehase or
P y P
Greenock Yes No
No.. 1 54 45 '
grassing date, The summer weather
of last week continues this week, as
The 84th annual convention of
the Grand Chapter Royal Arch
acquire any sugar, other: than that
ahead allowed under the
No. 2 63 29 '
this is.written; although' cold •wea-
Masons was held in Niagara Falls
rationing order, for the purpose of
• • No. $ 105 • 9,9
No. 4 28 30
ther is ener 11 ex ected e.
g a P Y ,, while e
predictions that we'll have snow,
r .
Iasi week, • at which V. 'Ex, Comp.
Rev. J. W Stewart of Lucknow was
ieservin or •curia •-•mea :' _
-preserving g
No: 5 99 • 8
No, 6 ' "• 127 9'
are not -Uncommon.
appointed assistant grand chaplain.
No. 8 46 0
•„ . .
"IF I DID NOT get it, ]i can assure
it would be badly missed,”
Most Ex, Coin,. John M. Einpey' of
Mitchell was• re-elected Graiid Z. fl.
Ex,. Comp. Charles Fotheringham•
,Bob. 111/ brew .,
-`- ---"—
• 566 233
writes Thomas McIntyre of Tees,
water upon renewing his 'Sentinel
was elected Grand Superintend'en't
of Huron District No, 6.
and His Orchestra
0 Pieces •
28th Annual Meeting: the
Maitland Presbyterial Society of the
W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church
In Huron County • the vote by
' '
Elected Vice -President
in Car oda will be held in' Knox
Hadn't the capacity of modern
• Whex;i an Atxier}can motorist eros- • freight tars. Anyway that . woul(1
sea .'into •Canada 'he is given a coo- .make . quite a pile ; of • fish; and
•pen book -which entitles him to pur- 'no doubt brawaly Scots beat a path
chase 100 gallons of gas 'during 1a s to the Campbell, store for a plenti- '
stay here:' fie supply of it,: ••
. , municipalities was:
- .---_. _ - :-•._- _ _• _. -_... __._._.. -:. _
Hit bl1 rtes No
• Ashfield 512 • 143
• Blyth • 274. 12
• Brussels' • 321 39
• Clinton 954 30
' • ' ' '
• ..:. _. -. __,.� -,_. �Ye No
Ashfield Yes
Dun annon. 1115
Finlay s School 68 39:
Zion 94 14
Pert Albert ' 115 14
Kingsbridge • 37 ' 53
' At. the annual meeting of the Alps
Golf Club held recently,: Dr., W: V.
Johnston was elected 1st vice-pres-
chicon, J. H. N[ac�Tavish .Edward
idents Now • it a
appears that the Club
will not operate 'this season:
c .
Tuesday, Nay 5
Piesbyterian church, .Teeswater, on
.. Tuesdaay, ay 5th With ,two sessions
at 10 a: and 130 The res-
pm p F-
ident, Mrs. R, Davidson', will pa•
e t
side. .The them for he Morning•
session will .be Faith and in 'the
afternoon "Works". Meditation,
• Specials in mens and boys work i
WHAT IS NEWS? Well. .it's. ttewa ._
if an accident ha ens, if cailiebod clothing, shirts, socks, owe ills,
P13 y pants,. , etcf THE MARKET ST RE. ••
}s seriously ilii, a birth, a rilarriagc
Colborne 301. 45
Godericli Town 2000 184
Hemlock City 63 13,
Laurrer 60 1
•,. s',
;FREE—with • a new, renewal or gift,
subscription to the Reader's Digest
This Popular Band Is Feat-
»red Regularly At The Loa- ,r
scripture and prayer will he taken
by Miss • Mary McLeclfl and .Miss
Pears Henderson, Luelnow•and Mrs.
,� Grey 522 115
• G'oderich Twp. , • 508 31'
452 • 143 ••
West Wawanosh Yes ,. No
you will receive absolutely''free'the
Reader's Digest rI`wentieth ,Anniver-
soar Anthology. This is a s eciall
y p y
Arena rena . and over CFPL
London. '
Taylor arid. Mrs..Eva-ins, .Cranbrook..
Cenfe :ences of the departments will
a death, a visitor from another com-
ntunit , an unusual occucrence of BARN` . •
y - M1 '
any kind, a public entertarmllent
tiiELViLLE- �' .• Sgt. and Ml`s, W zri.
all that is news, .But if Bill Jones ,
calla on'Sally S llith that is his busi-(nee Lyle Rictiai d5/ at • ., •
.Rivers Hospital, Quebec, on
Hess' and has no news value ,at S oda Apr 26th a daughter..
present, . at least, If , +ou have on •y' P 13 '
of local interest in your cons- W BSTER••-•-In Clinton Public Hos-
Y do .not be barky arts abort petal on Friday; April 24th to Mr,
o • pttonirig it in to Thc• and .Mrs, Watson Webster of Varna
Sentinel. '.. ' •
a 'son.
Iiowick • 907 136
• Morris 'n 492 • "70
Dungannon • x . 124be
Auburn 118 4
prepared handsomely bound, 128'-•
page •book containing a selection cif
DANCING 0 -to ,•1 a.m,
in the morning followed b Y
s}lort reports. The president's ad-
dress the rise
Turriberry 379 58
• E.• Wawanosh 439. 34
wr W. Wawanosh 466 78
xx Wingham • ' 924 75
° >
Twp. Hall 67 4
St. Helens 55 15.
Andersen's 64, . 17.
St. Augustine • 28 21
the best stories and articles publish- :
ed in The Reader's Digest .during Elie .
apt twent ears. Take advantage . •
P Y y, •
of thus sensational offer and place
, .
Da'nce Hit'of the )easo
, 'muni~
and report of secretsMelville
ar and 'area ur'er will formapartThree
y .,. s
of the .afternoon prograrri:; Miss '
Laura K. Pelton, Toronto, field sec- item
retary' will be the guest speaker and
{,t . - .-
:l 8999 1050.
�r r
. 466 78
your order now at The, Sentinel
•.Gents $1.00 , Ladies' 50e
i , .. .. _.
will Conduct the installation of of=' sending