HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-16, Page 10 1. •VA"or • •1 _ W "400 A YEAR --IN ADVANCE --50c EXTRA. TO TJ. S. A. BOMBER PILOT KILLED IN ACTION • Sgt. -Pilot . Allan Barnaby IVIac- ' • Keith, only son of Mr. and Mrs.. Ewart MacKeitir5r Vanceuver, and formerly of Ashfield, was killed on • active service over Eneland.on•Mon- \ day of last week; April 6th. •/± Allan,, who was 23 years of age,, was' laid to rest in'Leston Cemetery, Somerset, England= Saturday. This' • in effect was the sad news received by his uncle, Neahle ,Johnston, of Lucknow and his grandparents, and other relatives in Ashfield on Sat-' • urday. No details of the fatal air operation were given. ,The young man's parents, Ewart MacKeith 'and Jean Johnston were ,,botti 'borzin AShfielde but have re- sided in Western Canada for a num- • ber of. Yeats. • Allan was. born in SaSkatchewan 23 years ago, but moved to Vancou- ver with his parents as a baby: He • graduated • trora John Oliver High Sehool, andbefore joining the ROyak Canadian Air Force was. a salesman for -the hiterlake'Tissue--1VItlls-m. Vancouver.. He won his , wings as a bember . ' pilot at North Brenda, Manitoba, and has been overseas since last simmer. . • An Only sere Sgt-piiott MacKeith • is survived by his sorrowing parents: • and four sisters; also his gandpr- eits, Mr. and. Mrs.. Wm. A. Johnston. -of Ashfield and Thomas MacKeith of Saskatchewan. , . Allan visited here es a young lad several 'year§ ago; PIPE BAND DANCE DREW HUGE egorp • ' The Pipe Band .annual bell can • always be counted on to pack the Hall, and it ran true to form last Friday evening, when dqor receipts • totalled $181, only slightly less than • • last year's record crciwd. • • Old time dancing featured the earl. - • forthine'and withn dtftciilW se -- curing them: • • ' Etta Belle MacDonald, Mary Lon: • Table Johnston, Mary:Louise Port- eous and Mary McQuaig did a Sake • dance, as well as a foursome of • Scots from Port Albert ,Air Navigel lion School. 'Cpl. Forbes, also of,' the R.A.F., gave ;several bagpipe sel- ecticins. Music for the dance was • supplied by MacKenzie's and Mac- • Donald's orchestras with -Rey 1VIC=: Creight 'matter of ceremonies.. • • The hall was • artistically demiated for the. 'occasien by Mac Web- ster, and acros‘ the curtain drop At the front of the hall the Audience • ' was greeted by the slogan "Clad Mille Failte" in large silver letters, • which means literally "a finndred • thousand .welcomes". •The Band also sponsored a lunch . counter and all told the "take" for the night grossed upwards to $225, FOMER LIICKNOW .a.ot srpipE FROM BRITAIN-, ,, • • , .MONDAY NIGHT The spring .meeting ',Of the. Luck- . , • . now Business Men's Association Will be held 'in the TOwnillall. tonight The first satvage collection of the (Thursday) At 8 o'cleek.:;• President Year was held by the clarismeii on .Menclai-,' night with -good results. • Mcbtah,ha.s a knack for get-. Large,quantitieS Of newspaper,...inag-. asines. and. *tens. were Secured, rith a :plentiful 'scattering ,of rib- er; rags, scrap metal end bottles. •• This salvagepr'ograin„sportSored by •The-tlensmen; ia'a.part',,o the' nation-wide nationalsalvage earn; pingo.; with all ProCeeds.•.'required. to be used for war WOrke • • ..••„ Salvage., is .Vitat ,to Canada's war • effort ' and by contributing to these collections you performing a patriotic.:dutyyand one decidedly ' iri - ;the interests of 'all,' in '.supplying the Government -with materials that are all important in a total war ef- fort. . Contributions of saltrage do not benefit The' Clansmen one pen- ny. This, organizaticin is simply. the Medium. by ..:which this "voluntary effort is being carried. out. . • • • Circularize Rural. Area • • In support, of this salvage.. ,cam- paign.,.....the.-War-Werk-COnunittee-eL the . Business Men's Association has this. week Circularized the rural dis- trict, requesting fanners to. gather up, serap metal . and other salVage 'and .deliVer.• it . to the salvage. depot .Luckaow Ont., Thursday, April 16th, 1942 SCRAP PLENTIFUL BUSINESS: MEN'S MEETING t .',Gehroup Captain Earl Hunter Spoke. recently from Britain on the pro- gram "Wings. Abroad”, heard here gat 11.15 p.m. Captain Hunter is on' the Headquarters staff of Medical service § Of the R.C.A.F. and spoke for about ten minutes on his Work • with the troops. • ,Earl was born in Lticknow. He is a ion of the late Mr: and Mrs. James , Hunter and ,a cousin of Miss Mary Struthers of Toronto: • Moved To Wawanosh •- M. and Mrs. George form- erlyWhite,:n• of Holyrood, have 'moYed from the Brussels district to West, Wawa - nosh, where' they have purchaied the John Webster farm. • OBITUARY • B SMYTH • In failing 'health for a lengthy Ileriod, the death occurred. in West Wawanosh on Wednesday of A. B. Smyth, age 4r years. The funeral •servite-Will:be-betcrat the-hOme of his ,brother, Brown Smyth, Con, Cession 6, West Wawahosh on Fri- day at two o'clock with interment in Dungannon Cemetery. . . ting a big attendance' as you, will note by reading the. advertisement elsewhere in this issue. , • Reports of four CoMrnittees be received arid' the Matter of the• weekly half holiday wp1 be up for discuSsion. Be on hand tonight. . . BECOMES' MEMBER .7' OF FIRE COMPANY • • • Jack Kilpatrick has' been added as a new .member of the Lucknow Fire . CoMpany and took the oath of office atMonday night's Meeting: • The Company voted 425.00 to the International Fire Fighters Relief Fund, in aid of heroic British fire fighters and their families. • • , , KINLOSS REEVE •IS '170TflnEIJAISX • . •Reeve Richard •Elliott has • been confined to his boree with' pleurisy, and this week missed attending Kin- loss Council meeting and which is • Mr. Smyth, a son Of the rate Mr: ,. probably about the firsrtime during At Johniton's Barn, Lucknow. ' and Mrs. Robert Smyth was bairnIt has been found too expensi. of service en -the ye-- his long : period I to send a truck. throughotit the dis- Mr. Elliott is also chairman of the on the'Dth of West Wawanosh Oh Board. ';• the farm now onnied.by Lorne Dur- , trict to make collections, and the Bruee-County.11ighwaYs Committee,• 'SeVenteen• years ago he 'Married • Muriel Orser, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Orser, whO survives a- long with four-ohildren, Gene, El- eanor, Billy and Lawrence. A brea- ther and sister, Bessie and Brown also-surVive. A-brether„--W.-j, and a sister, Mrs.\ Brigham, predeceased Funeral services on Friday will be conducted by Rev. W. P. Nevir- man of Dungarmon assisted by Rev. G'. G'. A. Barnard of St. Helens: co-operation of rural residents is in,, and when unable to attend •a meet-, asked in bringing this salvage ing. of the Cominittee'in Walkerton preferably before the SPring seed- " ing gets underway. last week, the members gathered at Sort and Tie • the horne of Mr. Elliott for a bed - Monday night's collection makes side conference.. _ . •• • 'it necessary to again emphasize that HELD SHOWER -••••ek„'.pre-intptiale shower, arranged by Miss Sean Mac- Millan; was held at her home in honer of Mis Elleda Hunter, when a: very delightful' evening was en- joyed. Besides the lovely chinaware the guest of honor received ether iniscellaneous gifts. REBEKAH PRESIDENT PAID VISIT TO LOCAL LODGE - Presbyterian W. M. S. • The Easter Thankoffering of the • W. M. S. and Young Women's Soc- • iety was held in the .Church on • Wednesday; April 8th. Mrs. Ewan MacKenzie was in the chair to con- duct the meeting. Roszella°Mullin sang a solo and Mrs. Rev. Wm. Hen- • derson and Marion' MacDonald ren- dered a duet. Miss Dean MacLeod -7‘gave the missionary address. The meeting closed with prayer. - Employed at Port ColbOine- • Russell and Keith Ritchie, sons df • e Fred 'Ritchie, are employed in one of the big mills, at Port Colborne. The boys left to go sailing, but landed the job in the mill before they had a chance to apply for a • job on the, boats/ No WindOw Transfers , It has been decided not to issue any more Wartime Prices and Trade Board window transfers, The lie- • enSe card which is issued is regard- ed as sufficient identification to in- dicate when a business is registered. 'Loses Hatch of, Chickens : ' Phil Smith, who is developing au extensive chicken business, lost an incubator hatch of well over 200 eggs, caused by hydro interruptions during the overhauling of the local systetn. •.••••••A..• Has 1812 Coln Speaking of old coins, Austin S�l- enon has an 1812 token of Upper ,Capada, wh he carriesenntin- natty and *Cid; is that only the date is diseernibIe., 41444##(44 . caretutaken• in sorting and. Ming. All classifications of salvage should be kept separate and -Securely, tied with rope, or cord -not string. Mag- azines and newspapers should be bundled separately and rags, rubbers and, botttes, each put in an individ- ual 'Container. •; Jewel Rebekahrodge, home lodge Of 'Mrs. Charles Cook, retiring dis- trict -deputy president, was the cen- tre for the district rally held on Monday evening. The district ineet- ing was held in the afternoon at which Mrs. Harry. McBurney • of Teeswater, was appointed district deputy president, who *ill succeed Mrs. Cook to. •offide in July. • At the district rally in the even- ing there were some' 85represent- atives present from Walkerton, Tees - water, Ripley, Kincardine and Luck - now. Demonstrations .Were given by the different lodges and the Rebekah degree was exemplified by Huron Star, Lodge of Ripley: Guest speaker' for the occasion was Mrs. Mills �f }tarry, .president pf the Rebekah Assembly who `gave a delightful, and very informative address. Mr. Cook presided at both sessions. • Attend Golden Wedding Mr: •end Mrs. W. .1.• Davison, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacLennan and Mk. - McMullen and daughters Mary and Betty of Toronto were at An - burn on Friday attending the golden wedding annivertarSr ' of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson. Mr. McMul- len returned to the village where he visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Davison. WOMEN'S WAR WORK IC 01VIMIr TEE ' Financial Statement No. 2, Apr. 042 Red Cross, wool $ 69 47 Red Cross, quilts 72 65 Ited Crois, clothes material. for *bomb victims 185 38 Red Cress, labels ' 2 92 Red 'Crosst batts for •quilts 21 25 • $ 351 67 Market, work room material$ 1 66 Templeton, work room mat- erial ' •1 95 Eatons, zippers, belt rings ,.. 8 76 • - • $ 12 26 tteSt7.„; atirk‘linisr citlier-lit„--sorted=a- \ k`, • . BORN - JOHNSTON-Al Biuevale en Thurs- day, April 9th, to Mr. and, Mrs. Carl Johnston (nee FlOrefice a daughter, Ruth Marie.• LEISHMAN-In Kitchener on Mon- day, April 13th to Capt. and Mrs. T: A. Leishman (nee Mary Douglas) a son, John Douglas: _• NA;YLOR-pn Saturday, March 28 to Mr. • and. Mrs, Gordon Naylor, Con. 9, Easi Wawanosh, a daughter. .Red Cross, Notiee, • 1. . ...Please knitting in before:the end Of the month.. • •• • ' • • ENUMERATORS AT WORK THIS ,WEEK Enumerators throughout Canada are busy• this week •Conipiling. 'the Hats of Voters for the plebiSeite on • Monday', 27th. Enumerators commenced. their duties on-MenclaY and are required to .cemplete the Werk by the 20th. , • •• • E. F. MartIn of ItiPleY return- ing officer.* the electera1. district, of Brace; with H.'41, -Fisher of ;God- erich acting in a siMilar capacity fn • Islet% • Village enumerators by polling subdivisions are: No. 1, Donald Hen- derson; No.. 2, Wellington McCoy; No. 3, Mrs. E. H. Agnew. Enumerators in Kinlosi are: No. 1, James -IVIcEveMi;' No. 2, Roy Gra:, him; No. 3, Angus McIntosh; No. 4, Emerson tewin; No. 5, Alm Mel. Kenzie; No. 6, Clarence McClen- eghan. Ashfield;, No.. 1, Mrs. • Lorne Johnston; No. 2, S. J. Kilpatrick:. No. 3, C. McDonagh; No. 4, John A. MacKenzie; No. 5, Thos. Sullivan; -17-671, benairliadLean; • No. -7, krank Hamilton. • In West Wawanosh: No.• 1, Chas. Fowler; No. 2, Mrs. John Houston; No. 3, Wm. Cook; No: 4, W. G. Mc7. Crestie; No. 5, Fred MeAttillinv No. 6, W. A. Boyle. ,- ,"YeS" Vote Urged• The question on which electors will vote on April 27th is -"Are you in favor of releasing the. Govern- ment from any obligation, arising out of any past conunitments 're- stricting the methods ' lising Men for military service? • There appears to be good deal ' • ef-indifference-46-the-4ertheeining- ited:Cross Donations . • . • ., ; . . • , Woman' i 'Assbeiation.:...of United. . • to-vote-substaiitiallybut-Ore. ... . . vote, with probably a dangerous complacency that a substantial 'yes' vote will free the government hand to. proceed With the fell mobilizatien of Canada's manpower and material resources. • All provinces intanada, withlthe excentiOn; of. are eipected- • SERIES OF .SALES Within the next few day there wili be a series of three auction sales within a few miles of the vill- SUBSIDY CUT ENDS ROAD PROGRAM Drastic subsidy 'redections by_the age, On Friday James' "MacDonald • Ontario . Department of Highways is, holding a Sale at his farin puts an encl. to County and Mimic - mites west. Peer health has. forced. Mr. MacDonald to sell out, , • 'That seine afternenn •Mrs: James Valad a sale at Holyrood. This also is: a clearin.csale as Mrs. Valad is dniitting the farm Which. she has 'operated since 'the death of her 'hnsbancl. ' ..• . • Next Tuesday Rebert 1V/6ffat fielding, a clearing sale, having leased his farm on the 4th cif Kin- loss- to R. G. Martin. 1Vir. Moffat has ipal road construction work. Sub- sidies Will be paid only inaintew. ance wOrk.''' • - • • • Huron COurity?s subsidy 'has been reduced to areund,the $109,000: Mark., and in: Bince, ConntY the subsidy Which was formerly about .0.50,000 • • , has been etit„abont ,50 per cent, •In some instances 'municipalities • have been cut even More dra.stically. • Ashfield will be cut from around $12,000 to $5000: Kinloss gets about taken this Step as he has not been $4000 which. will...pretty well take • enjoying the best of health. • care of their proposed gravelling' work. ' WEDDING BELLS • : WOODS-DAHMER In a. 'pretty spring wedding at Knex Presbyterian manse, Kincar- dine, with Rev. Stanley M.' Scott With subsidies applying -MAY to , s, Maintenance, it` looks as if the hard • surfacing of the remainder • Of the Cotinty road from Holyrd to loss will be definitely- postponed. This stretch was broken up last fall • •• in ' preparation for .continuing the officiating, Jean. Eileen,' daughter of. ,foundation and rdsurfacing wf_ark. Mr." and Mrs-of-ef this satilg. 'This stretch of road was • • cardince became, the ,bride of Har- old Tisdale Woods, son of Henry Woods and the late Mrs. Woods, St. Helens. For the ceremony the bride chose a powder blue crepe dresS and carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses and lily -'of the val- ley. She was attended by her twinsister, Miss Mildred Dahmer, who were a dusty rose crepe frock with white corsage. Austin Martin, 'Huron Township, was groomsman. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Woods left: on a motor trip, for . which the bride wore a gold wool suit. They • • inbad shape' late in the winter, and ,is a ---rough condition .noW, but whether or not the Highways, Com- mission will be able to do flinch with it; Is datibti_ii. Specials in 'flannel' blankets, sheet-- ings, pillow cottons, factOry & White cottons, p ints, 'wash goods. THE 1VIARKE in Poor Health • Mr. D. B. ,Itifurray a venerable • octogenarian of the St. Helen's dis- will reside iii -Kincardine. trieLia.notenjoying_gOodhealth has been confined to- bed for the past ten weeks. . REED---LAWLOR • • On Thursday, April 9th, a quiet • wedding wa§: solemnized at Knox Presbyterian Manse, Goderich', Rev. D. J. Lane officiating, When Florence LaWlor,daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. S. Lawlerof Auburn and William • Reed of 1.4ucknew Were united in marriage.. The -pride wore ,a pastel blue crepe dress and corsage of • roses. They were attended by Mr. arid Mrs. M. Cox of Goderich. ,A Wedding dinner was served at the home 8f the bride's parents to the =Mediate relatives. After a wed- ding trip to Toronto, Mr: and Mrs. Reed will reside at Auburn. • CONLEY:-.WALL • A quiet Spring wedding took place in Whitechurch Presbytelian Manse on Wednesday; April the &th. at 2.30 p.m. when Ina Hope, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall, of ..Langside became the bride of Harvey Len Conley, youngest' son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Conley also of Langside. Rev. .A. H.,Wilson officiated. , • • The bride, lovely . in a street- • length, dress of heaven blue with matching. accessories, carried a bou- quet of Sweetheart roses and fern, The 'brideSmaid, Miss Agnes Conley, sister of the groom, also wore, a frock of bine. Mr.' Gordon Walt, brother of the bride, supported the 'groom, PASSES IN ROCHESTER - The death of Mrs. Catherine Mac- Donald, a former resident of this community,. occurred • at the Pres- byterian Home tn Rochester, New York on Friday, April 3rd. Mrs, MacDonald was 80 years of age, and late in ,FebrdarY fell and fractured her hip which • injury re- sulted in complications that caused her death, • • ' She is survived by two step -dau- ghters, Mrs. Leila Wells ,and Mrs. Marguerite Shields. ' • Dance Proceeds Will • . Send Smokes Overseas The dance in the Town Hall to- morrow (Friday) night Promises to be well attended, as the proceeds will be used to send smpkes Over- seas to the boys from Lucknow and district. • Door.prizesthaVe been donated for the occasion. MacKenzie's orchestra Will furnish music, dnd everybody in the , district who enjoys a good dance should pian to be present: CARELESS disposal of garbage and refuse at the' Village dump in Tees - water is a municipal problem in that village. While it isn't any com- fort.. to them - the local beard find that they are not alone in trying to cope with this annual headache, caused °by a deliberate discard - of regulations by some at, the Muni- cipal dump. . • Attended Funeral . Mr. and _Mrs. Frank Cole'attended the funeral of their nephew, Wm. Cole of Underwood, on Monday. He was the eldest son of the late Robert Cole and was in his 69th year. His wife passed away •four years ago teat February. He was born on the farm 'on which he died and' leaves one son George and one daughter, Tema, who reside at home. He Was se member of the United Church of Underwood. The funeral Was largely attended by friends and neighbors. • SUNDAY TRAIL SERVICE is being sought by Port Elgin Countil. view cif the Curtailment of gasoline and rubber Shortage, the lakeSide town is seekieg :improved week-ebd railway serviee, including a Slindny, special duriiignhe sunnier months. Slieetals in mens and boys work , ChairMan, WOrnen's Committee. and oVeralls, TIM MARKET STORE. shim 35c. Announcemen • Having taken over Fairview - Dairy, our aim will be to give you prompt, courteous service, with the. assurance that your will continue to receive high quality milk and cream, made possible by a modern pasteur- ization Plant, and a select • herd of accredited and tested ' cattle. Bottle Shortage Acute ,• ,The milk bottle shortage is acute, with new shipments • practically impossible to se- cure. Yout co-operation is re- quited in setting out empties, containing either cash or tic- kets if efficient delivery ser- vice is to be maintained. . • Fairview Dairy ANDREW & WEBSTER • Proprietors 1 COMING EVENTS 1, . • . , - DANCE AT ZION • Don't forget the dance at Zion on Friday evening, April 24th, Tiffin'S orchestra. Admission 25c.. . • . • • • SPECIAL DANCE , There will be a special dace in the Town Hall on Friday, April 17 in aid of the Lucknow Distriet over- seas •tthadeo fund, ' Several grand door prizeS. Lunch counter, Music y-171gelteiiiiiri-"birel*Tira7Aarnri a • 01,,,,,,,,,,..004.tai,mo,i,p4.7.14,,544tt#4444644.#43444vere#,VAtri.#4ovv#4#1,..v.,###. .14•••#########F#4••#.4.4 1 • • • • . • this assumption, there has been but little *veining to assure the trio - per decision. French- Canada on the other hand has been prominently supporting a negativeW.eply to the 'question. , Lecally, the plebiscite has created little interest, and at least no pub- lic ,action in support of: it, or ar- rangements to assure a, big vote be- ing polled. As We, see it there is only one way to vote -"yes". SON OF FORMER PASTOR PASSES AWAY THURSDAY Dr. Wiley Schell Millyard, 56, medical officer orhealth and prom- inent businessman died Suddenly • from a heart attack last Thursday at his !home in Coboconk, near Lind- say. • Born in Woodstock, Ont., Dr. Mill - yard was the son of Rev. Mr."Mill- yardt.a former Methodist minister in Lucknow He attended the Univer- sity of Toronto Medical College and -was graduated in 1908. Following post -graduate work in New York, he served as company doctor in the Wilding of the Transcontinental Railway through Northern Ontario. Later. he practised medicine in Grimsby and in Capredl, going to Coboconk in- 192Q. • Besides his widow and two sons,. Dr. ,Millyard is survived by three, brothers, Rev. J. E. J. Millyard Of London; Dr. William Millyard of Chicago and Malcolm Millyardo of Toronto:- - - Purchased . Mr. Allan Grant has purchased the chopping mill froth his father, Mr. R. A. Grant, and will live .in Mrs. Dan liese'S house. • NO ELECTION AS LIFE OF ONTARIO HOUSE EXTENDED • The Ontario Legislature will be extended for one year with no el- ection to be- held this Premier IVIitehell Hepburn told a Liberal caucus at Queen's Park. While no offieial' kumouncement. was forthcoming front 'the mittens, 'which liked lessthan an hour, and called expressly by Mr. Hepburn to inform his follqwers on future policy, it was learned the caucus unanimously endorsed the premier's Move. '41)fie Member objected, but in the end agreed to make the - vote unanimous. Coupled ,with this was the asSur-• anCe-t -WhilIdThe no cOsilition with the Opposition: • - FelloWing. the cererhony the hap-• py couple returned arnidoliowers of confetti, to' the home of the brides parents, where. supper was served.., They will reside on the groom's .farm on • the Eighth Concession of Kinloss. • BANNERMAN-W,ALSH On Saturday, March 28, St. Johns -rectory; _BerYie,, was the scene • Of a pretty wedding when Margaret Eveline, yoilngest daughter of Mr., and Mrs. William Walsh, HurOn township, became the bride of Han - "old Herbert Bannerman, youngest son of Mr. George Bannerman and the late Mrs. Bannerman of Kinloss. The Rev. H. B. Hamilton officiated. Miss Mary 13artherman, sister of the groom, and Mr. William Campbell, Finger Injured • A. W. Hamilton had the nail torn off and a finger badly bruised when • , the digitwas cruihed.by i16adIfig' ..edathaizreaklizeL MRS. GARFIELD.* OSTRANDER' HEADS •WOMEN'S • The annual Meeting of the Luck - now Women's Institute was held in the Town Hall with the President,. MIA. Philip Stewart Presiding. Fol- lowing the. opening exercises' the financial statement was presented by the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Har- irey Treleaven showing receipts: mounting to $236.83,, with an enien-;„ diture of $176.66 and a balance on hand of $60.17. A report, of the flower and fruit committee Wad giv- en by the convener, Mrs. R. Struth- ers. The following slate of officers was received - and accepted: presi- dent, Mrs. Garfield 'OStrander; 1st vice president, Miss Mary ,McLeod; vice Dresident, Mrs. W. V. John- ston.; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Tem., plp Clarke; district director, Mrs. W. J. Douglas:- pianist, Mrs. J. W. Joynt; aoditors, Mrs. A. C. Agnew and Mrs. Morgan „Henderson; .flow- er and fruit nommittee, Mrs. R. H. Thompson and Mit. W. J. Douglas; conveners , of standing Committees: Canadianization,and publicity, Mrs. W, B. Anderson; education and bet- 'C • ter schools, Mrs. Morgan .Hender- son; health and child welfare, Mrs. W. V. Johnston;•war activities, Mrs. Garfield Ostrander; home econotitics, 1Virs..4. H. Thompson; agriculture and Canedian industry, Mrs. Thos. , Salkeld; legislation and resolutions, Miss Mary McLeod; historical re- search, Mrs. J. W. Joynt; peace ed- ucation• and, international relation- ship, Mrs. Philip Steward; repres- entatives to district annual to be held at ,Kincirdine, Mrs. Ostrander, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs., P. Steward and Mrs. Temple Clark; cenveners Of groups ixi' charge of regular meet- ings: Mrs. Chas. .Steward, Mrs. R. 8truthers, Mrs. W. Youn, Mrs. R. J.'Cameron, Mrs. a Treleaven, Mrs. A. MaeInnes,' Mrs. P. Steward, Mrs. B. Youven, Mrs. E. Johnston and were their onlY attendants. After the ceremony the happy Mrs. Jas, Sniith. couple left on a short motor trip The correspondence included let - to London and bther points. On their ters of thanks from several boys wfOars caignsawreetrtz received. return"hey Will reside at Kiiilos. grovlelysceLs Smelt Are Running • of -fees". Two splendid papers ,were The Smelt season is on, and along, •given one on the motto for the day, the rivers of Lake Huron are count- "I am content with Canada ,and ask less fishermen with glee' scoop nets, iso fairer land than has been given and most of themare getting' their me" by Mrs. .Garfield MacDonald share of these delectible, tid-bit. : and one On "Agrittlittlre and Can - Port Albert is a favorite rendevouz adian industries by Mrs. W. B. for these fishermen, and „cars'. line Anderson. The -meeting closed with the 'river nightly. On Monday even- the singing of the Istatiorial Anthem. - ing 5 local foursOrne fi ied. their luck, ' Lath was served by the committee and the catch was satisfactory, with in .charge, Mrs: W. B. Anderson, Mt. Smelt featuring .their 'dinner menus . B., Youven and Mrs. Garfield Mac- on TuesTuesd'a'y. • DOnald. * "A • * '