HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-09, Page 8• • . aver ,s. accordance with the Government's desire,, The l Congoleu n Oldest will be dispensed with .for 1942.. ry' We are giving a discount on all Linoleum, Congoleum & Feltol Hugs; Every one purchasing a rug will save. Our rugs are eheaper than mail order , houses. 2 yard width Hardwood floor effect, suitable ' for borders 'a- . a•" round rugs and covering the entire room. Will' Fut in 18 in., per yard 30e 27 in., per: _yard 40c 36 in., per ,yard 55e 72 in., per yard $110 T.I e.. TRANSPORT• SERVICE IN',4CCORDANCE WITH REQUESTS FROM TUE ADMIN- - :FOLLOWING-POOLINGfSTRA-TOR..OF__SERtiCES,_.'THE '. OF FREIGHT HAS, BEEN ARRANGED. for Lucknow.arrd-:district all -freight previously A leTr ecert a a Hanover Transport �%WO V% so ca . - will be carried by Listowel Transport for -the dur- ation of the war YOUR 'CO-OPERATION IN PLAC- ING YOUR ORDERS ACCORDING- LY, AND -IN REVERTING BACK. TO YOUR ' PREVIOUS SERVICE AFTER' THE DURATION,, WIL sBE 'GREATLY' APPRECIATED. - Adair Transport' Hanover Transport Listowel Transport Lines s Lt Presbyterian W. M. S. The.ApriLmeeting was held at the homeof Mrs. Henry Mullin,: the r w-? ing and, business 'part of the meet ing--The roll call Was "The Resur- , rectiSon” • and on this subject Mrs. - Elmer Johnston gave ' the'Bible study. Mrs. Joe Agriew's paper dealt with "New Life in China". The rat Mullin and the Bible.study was Pis en , e r ,•week -end at his home here. . Glencoe on Monday, where Mr. Jamieson, Winnipeg; and one bio - prayer circle included Mrs. Alex taken by Miss Gladys MacDonald. I i Bartlett has been transferred by. the tlier,. .Roderick .of _Winnipeg., The iVli s Myrtle. Webster. of Ottawa is : - Mowbray, 'Mrs.. John Jamieson and Following the iilsiriess part of the Bank of Montreal.. I M. MacLeod while suitable readings meeting Miss Maudie Fisher gave a !last two named were unable to be . spending "the Easter vacation with . Were given by Mrs.. C. Cook and reading. The current events from' present at the' funeral: Other rel- her mother, Mrs. Jas. Webster. '. { Dr: Wm. P. MacKenzie of Grosse Mrs: I7�r. Little. Rozella Mullin sang the March • Glad Tidings were read atives in attendance were: Miss Miss Catharine ' Bell of Toronto Point, Michigan and Dr. Woods of Jane 'Wallace, Detroit; Miss Eliz senHighland Park, Mich., spent the and the current events included- ; by Mrs. M. • Henderson. Gretta spent the week -end _-wher par -. i some snatch'es'from'the inspirational 'Campbell gave the to abeth Gouait, St. Clair; Michigan; ents Mr' and Mrs. H. 0.•Bell. week -end witall friends in and address, given the previous, evening To mom* ate, LUC QW, ONTARIO, OBITUARY DONALD FINLAYSON The passing of Donald Finlayson of • Lochalsh, in St. Michaels' Hos- pital, Toronto on Saturday, March 28th, the news of which was .not. unexpected, cast a deep gloom over the district where he had spent, the greater part of -his life. Mr. Finlayson was, born qn. the farm on -which' he.resided for so Tong, a son of the late Duncan Fin- layson -and Jane :McMillen. He. was in his. seventy-sixth Year. In 1901, he was married to Isabelle 'McKen- zie, who predeceased him a number of years ago, leaving a" family . of ten sons and three -.daughters. One, son Farquhar passed away in ,young • manhood ° a; few' years `go. He was•4 a„'man favorably ,know.n throughout the community for his, honorable and straightforward prin ciples and his removal by death is deeply regretted. For 'a number, of years he was •a member of the Him - on Township Council, where he ser- ved faithfully in the interests of the ratepayers. His decisions' on im- portant matters pertaining to the welfai"e of the community, • were made only after careful considera- an aster • (-LOCAL n� E�ERA itor� with his parents, M Eared Mrs. - V. N. Presto Miss Margaret Rae is ,visiting 1 Toronto :-this week, Jim SteWart of Toronto spent the week -end here. Jack Bill ok, Collingwood spent the weekend •at his home here, Rodney MacLennan is spending the Easter holidays .at his home. Miss Susan and Noreen Kilpatrick were Easter visitors at Rockwood Mr. and. Mrs. J:: R. McNair have been visiting in Toronto this week, Mr. and 'Mrs. •Gomer Gibbons of Elinira` spent Sunday with friends here. ' , Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Chapple and Allen are, holiday , visitors at Mea - ford. Rev, C. H, MacDonald, Rev. G. G. Howse and Rev. H, F. Dann atten- dedl the ministerial association Meet- '.ing at Bluevale on Monday. Misses Agnes andSaran Lindsay returned 'last Week after spending the winter in. Toronto and .Peterbor- ough. { Mr. ` and Mrs. H. J. Fensham arf Hamilton were Easter visitors .with ' her parents,. ,• Mr. ;and. Mrs.: James • 'Smith I Mr. and Mrs. Horace McGuire and - daughter; Shirley of London were, Sunday visitors with relatives in the community. ; .. ' Misses Blanche and ' Joy Stewart of Toronto' were Easter visitors with their parents, .Rev.. and. Mrs. Austiri'Reid: bf London spent Eas- Stewart: • ter here with. ' his mother, Mrs. T: p Billy Decker of Kitchener is S, Reid. spending ' the ' holidays • with his Miss Audrey Horne of Toronto grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Con. spent the Easter week-elid at her Decker. ' - home here. Billy., and Johnny Evans :'of Or - Mr. and Mrs Norman Wilson of angeville are 'Easter visitors with Hamilton "were Easter visit;rs in their uncle wird aunt, Mr: and .Mrs. Lucknow.. George Cook. tion. ' Mr. and Mrs. Horace . Aitchison of '•. and Mrs. Wm. Alton and. Ile had enjoyed a 'measure of Wingharn spent Good Friday .with Douglas and Miss Olive Alton of good health until a short titre be- relatives here.Toronto are- holiday (visitors with fore his death. Three weeks ago be MissIsobel Douglas ,of Kitchener .Mrs. James Alton. entered St. Michaels' Hospital, Tor- ' is: spendin the „gaster holida s at MJohnston4 onto, to under o what was consider- �" �' Y � •and. -Mrs � Jack anSl g her home here. . Marlyn and Shirley of Elmira spent ,.onto, to he a minor operation. From . '' • this he appeared to be making ' a ^ Mrs. Mills of the South Line .was. Sunday with his •-parents, Mr: and good 'recovery when complications an Easter . visitor ' with ' her 'sister, Mrs. Wm. Johnston. . set in, which overtaxed his powersMrs. Austin Solomon. I Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer and of resistance: 'Miss Helen Thompson attended the Teddy and; Marion Locke of West- ;The funeral' was held from his 'O.E.A. convention in Toronto the Wood are spending the raster holi- late residence on Monday and was first of the week. ,. • I days with felatives here, largely.'attended. Services were con- Mr:. and MrsRussell Robertson ' Dr. Alex 'Barnaby and family and ducted by the Rev. William Math- visited over the week -end in Ham- sister Miss Bessie Barnaby of Ham- eson, Chesley. Interment was made •.iltor' and Toronto. 4 ilton spent the week -end with Jas. in Lochalsh Cemetery. The.A April meetin of the: Women's Barnaby, 12th Concession, Ashfield. To piu norn the loss of a devoted.' p g- father he leaves nine sons: Malcolm, Duncan arid. Kenneth, Toronto; .Don- ald, St 4 Catherines; Roderick, Can- ' .adian. Armored _Division,'-Debert, Nova Scotia;:Allan, Artillery Divis- ion, lately Of Nanaiino but now of Miss Barbara Pagan of Toronto daughter, . Margaret 'Ann of Dryden Caririp Borden; John of Huntingdon; is visiting at t . home of her sis- visited last week • with his sister, andor on ,. three Institute will be held in the Town Mrs. E. N. Hodgins has -returned' Hall, Friday, April .11th. to the village from'Hamilton where Lloyd Stewart of Stratford•spent she spent the winter with her daugh- -Good-Frielay'-with his-parents=Mr.-ter=-Mrs:..G1en. Moore and.Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Phillip Stewart. . 1 Dr.. and Mrs. j W. G. Robinson and; George G d at home ter, Mrs: Gerald It, athwell:.-... , Mrs. John Kilpatrick and Mr. Kil- Presbyterian Y W A daughters, Mrs Donnie McDonald i - Mar concession 8 Huron;, Sara- i4Ir. W. E. Hendersdn purchased patrick. The Marchme t' (Mary) e mg of the Y. W. a new 1942 s A. was held at the home of Mrs. J. bel and . Jean of 'Toronto; all of pecial deluic Dodge in Miss Doris Ritchie, student nurse l,1l the- i oLihe week- _at Stratford_Hospital• -is,_not.en"o i iigl ,Y S �pre4ei�t al fie-) *'i1 pen` -e-also' re ves-th�'fros1Towi ig- s= Mrs. A. G. Elliott has; returned: t.� goo health=arid at-present-is�-at tin ed in the chair:. Thein meeting open -home : of` her parents, Mr.: and Mrs. ed by singing psalm 97 and r ters: Mrs. J. W. Newton, .,Rochester, her home here after,, spending thy peat- ,p g. N Y k, Mrs. L. L. ' er, Los p winter at Strathroy and Woodstock: Jim Ritchie. ge es;- rs. i am ger, a - . ing the .Lord'k prayer in unison. The repeat - New or s a Mini An 1 M Willi slip Mad • 4� THURSDAY, APRIL ash, 100 Won A Horse Austin Quigley, Dungannon, was the holder of the ,kicky ticket in the G.oderich. Lions Club draw for "Troop Lady",' the standard -bred mare donated by T, M. Durnin, Dun- gannon, at a bingo party held in Odd Fellows' • Hall. The proceeds, $300, mill be donated to the Lions British Child War Victims' Fund, through, which the- Goderich Lions have undertaken the care of five children in England" for the year. PRESENTATIONS • MADE ,LAST WEEK In recognition of her approaching marriage last week, ' . Miss Elleda Hunter • was presented 'withlovely,. gifts by the Whitechurch Y, P. U. and by the scholars and community of S, S. No. 14.. The presentation was made by Mildred McClenaghan, Pres, and Mildred Moore, Secretary on behalf of the Y. P. U., and the presenta- tion by the section .was accompan- ied by the 'following address: ' Dear Miss Hunter:::'' We, the parents, pupils and others of. S. S. No. 14 have gathered here this evening as a parting event to gether before you leave to take up your . duties elsewhere. We are sor- ry .10 see you go.: The years you 1}avelspent here have ,been pleasant ones with us. You have mingled free- ly With us and have always . been ready to take your part in commun- ity activities, . We appreciate your efforts with the pupils, who in .turn • have thought Well of their teacher. ,As a token' of the sincerity of . our appreciation of thiswe askyou to accept from the pupils this little gift and these gifts from the Sec- tion. • We are glad that 'you have chosen one of our number to be your' life. long companion `and when this top- sy-turvy op sy-turvy• old world has„ once more settled into peaceful ways,{`may you and your • husband to be • find it in your heart-to-settle-inr-nrar-our- eommunity: With every good wish. Signed off behalf of the pupils, Archie Purdon, Angus . Falconer. And ofthe Section, Herbert Laid- law, Aldin Purdon, Cecil Falconer. Housecleaning Helps THAT WILL SAVE YOU TIME and MONEY Prices effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday, only BIG FIVE CLEANSER Tin SUPERIOR . BLEACH Double strength,. bottle ' 60 GOLD MEDAL BORAX Double refined, 8 oz. box 80 Super Health ALUMINUM CLEANER. Box •' 10e SANI-FLUSH , • P.' Can •26c •THRIFT SOAP FLAKES Giant family size. Box• 3 BROOMS - 4, 5, 6 string ..... .., 39c, 49c, 59e HANDY , AMMONIA 3:boxes • 20c' GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX 1 lb. • tin.' 290 Pure French CASTILE SOAP 3 large bars . 25e P. & G. White Naptha SOAP: 5 bars GILLETTS LYE 2 tins 23c BLACK. CAT PRODUCTS' Window Cleaner, bottle 15e Furniture Creme,bottle 18c Enamo Creme, bottle .d 15e Silver Polish, far • 25e. THESE ARE SAVINGS YOU MUST NOT MISS' [HOMPSON S 'Phone 82' We ' Deliver - /s1 Mr.. and Mrs. Andy Orr and Don- Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs M. C. Orr. • scripture lesson `from the 17th chap- ; . • Donald Finlayson of the Army ; Mr. and • Mrs. •Chas:• Bartlett had ison, Wisconsin. Mrs, D. A. Wallace, ter of. Luke was read by Mrs. Stew- Trade School at Windsor spent the their household effects moved'to 1Vi'ss "Ch t e • D t cit Mrs: Alex pfc. After sing'- Ellis Stri the Maribel Sm• the and ' in the church. by Rev. George Mac- ing hymn 140 _Mrs. J. E. Little dos, • Kay, formerly of Formosa. • The ed the meeting with prayer. The Presbyterial will meet in. Teeswater April . meeting is to be held at the on Tuesday May 5th. home 'of.Mrs. V Mowbray. "DINT ik FORGET" • LUCKNOW PIPE I3AND tutu 1 Ball TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW FRIDAY, APRIL 10 GRAND MARCH TO THE PIPES Scotch :Reels, Lancers, Two -Steps, Schottisches, Jerseys, Old -Time Waltzes. , 'w0 ORCHESTRAS McDonald's & MacKenzie's TWO OLD COUNTRY PIPERS From . Port • Albert Airport and an • Eightsome Reel by Four Scottish Airmen. ADMISSION -GENTS 50e; LADIES 35c , THE OLDE TYME SCOTCH DANCE of the YEAR y , , y around Lucknow. Mrs. Smythe, Toronto. ' Gordon Steward of Toronto spent Easter week -end with his parents, I Mrs. Gordon. Fisher and Billie re- MRS. THOMAS MOORE Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Steward. turned from London last week. Mrs. a-1 Kenneth Murdie :has since then been Mrs. Helen Moore, 93, passed Miss Eunice Newton of Toronto with her mother, Mrs: Fred Nixon,way recently at her home in'Winn.- is a- holiday visitor with Mrs. G. A.- wwho is not enjoying good Nixo peg She was born in Scotland and Newton at the home of G. H. Smith. ealth. came to Canada with her parents,Mi /Edwin Smith of Listowel is Mr.I Mr.. •and Mrs. Jerry Donohue and and Mrs. George Webster, at two •sons an Easter holiday visitor with his + Jerry Jr., and Harry- and the age of three years; to settle at parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. Mr. Eddy Ryan of Hamilton and Si. Helen's, where she remained un- , ' Mrs. Douglas Addley and son Rob - til ' her marriage to Thomas Moore Miss Muriel. Solomon of London ( ert of Windsor were v Easter visitors in 1868. She then moved to the -4th spent the wee end with her par-, with Mr. and Mrs. N. H. er isi. con. of Huron township., where 'she ents, M.r and rs. Austin Solomon. resided until the Heath of her hus- ! Miss Isobel Hamilton of Stratford band 27 years ago: She then moved spent the week -end with her ',par - to Winnipeg, where she made her ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hamilton. home with her daughter, Miss Anne. -' Surviving are three daughters, I Edward Carter, now in'training, Mrs, Charlotte Taylor and Miss. spent the week -end with his moth- Anne of Winnipeg; and Mrs. Edith er, Mrs.. Annie Carter, Havelock St. Haldenby, Toronto; three sons, Wm. Jack Naylor of Toronto is spend - of Keewatin, Ontario; John of Re- ing the Easter holidays at the home gina, Saskatchewan and Frank df of Mr. • and Ml s. , R. H.. Thompson. Brandon, Manitoba; also 17 -grand Mrs. Louisa Naylor who has spent children and 6, great grand children. the winter in London is noww, visit - Two, sons, Thomas. and George and ,ing in Goderich with Mrs. H. Phil - a step -daughter, Mrs. Jane- Brown lips. of Clifford, predeceased, her several • j l ev. Wiry. `A. Henderson nfid' Nlrs.' . years ago. The remains were brought to Rip- I Henderson' of Hillsdale are spending ley on Monday of last week where ',the Easter holidays at their homes a service was conducted, in St. An--` here. drew's United •Church by the Rev. ' Miss Flora Andrew of London Eugene Beech. Mrs. Duncan Munn is spending the holidays with her- ents, Mr. and Mrs..1: W. Henderson, sang an appropriate solo. Interment .parents, Mr. end Mrs. W. G. And- Havelock street." .' He retutned to - was made iri'the family plot in Rip- Tey, Montreal from Toronto Sunday af- t ley cemetery. Friends from Winni- ternoon and was accompanied to peg, Regina,-- Brandon, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat and Toronto by Mrs., Morgan Henderson, IWindsor, London, St. Helens, Wing- Marilyn of Toronto,were Easter vis Helen MacDonaId and .tessie Hen - !ham and Clifford attended the fun- I itors with Mr. and Mrs, S. C. Rath- dersonwho spent Sunday and Mon - i eral. l well. . . day in the city. Miss Alma Alton is spending" her Easter holidays at her home. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ellen Alton and Mr. Joe. Mal - lough, who have' returned to the village after spending the winter in London: • Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Ostrander' and Rexford were Easter visitors at Picton where they had the pleasure of again meeting Mrs. Ostrander's brother. Major Howard Reid who had just returned from overseas. Major Reid will now be stationed in this .military fidistrict, ... with. quarters at London. Jim Henderson, of the R.C.A.F. and now stationed in Montreal spent the week -end with his par- • SCIENCE DEBUNKS 'PURE RACE' Of The Nazis. Dr. Earnest A. Hoot- on, professor of Anthropology at Harvard University, asks, ."Super- man, eh?" and stamps 'the new or- der Aryans as making up one of the most complicated racial hashes in the world -... a fact that may ex -1 plain their ''brutal and. -savage. _"id -.r e Js". Read 'Dr. Hooton's views as presented in ` The American Weekly' with this Sunday's (April., 12) issue of the .Detroit Sunday Times. •• THE KINSMEN CLUB, of Kincardine Presents Mart en n e. And. His Western Gentlemen Art Hallman. Judy Richards. "3 of a Kind" 'the Quartet MRS. C. THOMPSON who has been spending the winter in Teeswater with her son, H. C. Thompson, prin- cipal of the public school has knit ted '95 pair of socks and five pair' Special this week. 1000 yards of this of wrist bands since the outbreak se'ason's pri.nts, reduced to per yard; of war. She is 81 years of" age. 25c. THE MARKET STORE. inca(P SHS . 1 l4 -TES. AP .. • 14 Dancing from 9.30 Proceeds for Servee Work TICKETS—$1.00 EACH ON SALE AT WEBSTER'S RESTAURANT, Lucknow Mcg. eod's Hardware, Ripley Or remit to J W. MacLeod, Box 226, Kincardine, enclosing stamped, self-addressed cave'- .. ope. THE CLANSMEN'S SPRING - Salvage . Collection IN LUCKNOW MONDAY, :APRIL 1,k AT 7 O CLOCK Scrap Metal, Newspapers, Magazines, Rubber, Rags and Bot- tles Are Wanted. PLEASE PREPARE FOR EASY HANDLING Salvage. Depot at Johnston's Barn All Salvage May Be Delivered There At The Convenience of Village and Rural Contributors. Salvage Is Vital New • Pillow Cotton, Shoetingsi TiCktitsi. White- and. iFactory Cotton, Broadcloths, '. 4 Prititt: and Towelling. These areleing: sold at the newlok ..r.e..gulated 'Government prices E MARKET STORE,, �.ucknaw e• 7 • . .. AV A •