HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-04-02, Page 4y no: means the lea,�,t. important • combination, with Mart .hie Vilestern Gentlemen, ., coming to Kincardine . ' d .._.-.- . .. ' : •whose. .. �p�,gy.. an on Tuesday; April 14 .is tthe famous Henries ' quartet, tuneful harmonies have been heard. -,by delighted listeners a- r cross Canada. Mart lays aside his task- of maestro to join the quartet. He is seen on the left. In the' centre is JJudy Ri f sr who -is a. sweet'singer of songs in , her. own rig ht, Ticketsthis big dancing.' event .ate .novel.on sale in Kincardine and here ,and..at is expected a large :crowd will bekon "hand dp elsewhere played Mart Kenney hear she sweet and low.rythmn p Y. • style, w - it Telephone Number IS I If you have''visitors, or have been away,. do net hesitate- about -pit oning_ iii the' news . ; We're ' always es iterie Meat _sort THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 194 ASFIFtELD NOTES DUNGANNON. Mrs Wm; Blake, 'Ashfield and Mr ,Louis Turnbull of Underwood Mrs. Wilfred Hoffman and little son spent a• day this week et Mr, Robt. Alan; Danville, were recent . vial- MacDonald's. • tors with -Mr, and Mrs.. John Blake. Congratulations to Mr. and, Mrs, • Mrs. Harvey We on . Sunday vis- Jack. Scott nee 'Mary Cox) on the ited her aunt, errs. Albert Brown, birth of a .son m Kincardine Hos- goderich. pital on Friday -March 27th. 'Mr W. A. Culbert on Wednesday Mrs. Elizabeth Harris and Gretta went'to Sttatford¢4 attend -•a• short,.of Kincardine spent,,rWednesday..ev horn sale. d enilig at Mrs. Rachel Gilbert's, 10th Concession. Mrs. David 'Glenn' is being ad- ' mitted:' to Goderich Hospital .this Mrs. Amer Ackert died Gwen weekelaeing very weak and feeble.tspent Sunday, at Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Polloc She has. been cared .for this Win k's, 12th- Concession Hur- at the,'. home Of her nephew, Mr.' on. Chas. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs._ Broom were Mrd and Mrs: George Swan, Sr., S�day visitors at Mr 'George Saun- are making' their home at the' pies ders,., Mafeking, ent `time with, their grand daughter Eldrid ` .Harris. and' ' Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harvey ' Malin Mr. Ed: Scruton, baker' for H.• J.' family spent Friday' evening at Mrs. L. Eedy bakery, has 'been bereaved . Rachel :C' u'lbert's.. ° • -, by "the death of his mother, : Mrs:: Mr.. and • Mrs. Geo:'G'•'olwell spent MAFEK 1 NG Edward Scruton Sr Clinton, • who Sunday evening in London with the Mr.. and Mrse' S.: H.. pothers : of Arthur called on ' friends• here: -and•. at Dungannon on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake spent Wednesday with their, daughter, Mrs. Harold Webster and Mr. Web- ster of Auburn. . •The • meeting of ' the: W.M.S. was held• at the home of Mrs. • Harvey Anderson on •Thursday .afternoon witha good attendance. The Y.P.U. ;t Mrs.Al-d • 'that'day.Allan Plac away,after.. a . bri h change soon' and complete Peening: • They vill-hojd=their. meetsg - linne••alvin llobertson._is=busYn in drag at. Mr. Wallace. Twau leg's 'this recovery. _ ,.. buzzing wood. Mrs N F' 'Whyward, Seafarth, has. this community �. - L who underwent an operation 'last week: We are pleased to report ,the is improving nicely and expects'to. be home this week: Mrs. Abner Ackert entertains. the H. W. 1 on Thursday, April 2nd. Congratulations, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso •Murray on :' the gift of a daughter. , PURPLE GROVE, 49 Elm• TEAM FOR` . SALE -mare &' horse rising five years. John A. `MacKen- zie, R. ' 6': ,.Lucknow, Phone Ripley `26-r-3. • week: d received y word from her son Bert Mr. Andrew Emerson; spen 3reoane. • an t .� v his daughter,• Mr.. and 1Vfrs... Reg. , , t,•;; sial �. the Roal Canadian week -end With . FOR PRIVATE SALE- --full Bile • of. farm implements. John MacRae, R. 3, Lucknow, Phone 62-13,- Dungan- non. CATTLE WANTED = Will. buy a° caw to freshen at once, and 50 year-• ling heifers or steers, beef type. J. W. Joynt, Phone 15 . . .. 1000 Yards :set.' Screen SEED GRAIN is in demand. now,'inch:square, e; or '/s inicis round.' nen.... and all farmers having seed for sale dens to be at a flat rate laid en. will find the •easy and profitable: the roads, -under the supervision way .to dispose of it; is by' using.i of the Road Supt. .A marked cheque a "Want .Ad" :, in The Sentinel.. for 10 per cent of tender. to ac-,. company each. :or Mrs. Gordon Saunders Halyreon s_.enr- w Artillery that lie has deed sa el.e ` A leue etr a=n, the week=end . at Mr: and Mrs Geo. England: Mr. Frank Fair and Mr. ' Cleve Saunders'.. Gordon remained -at home Mr. and • Mrs, Everett:Harris have Hill visited',. in. Ashfield, on Satur- for a few days. moved from the Girvin house, to the day. w Mts. Chas: Hallam and two in house of Mrs. Frank Courtice•whield we are glad to report Mr. Charles ere children .spent- the Week -end _w :purchased "lis Mr. Hugh Slew ' . ' Collins who eras operated on • in rilyth with• her sister-in-law, Mrs.are The louse which the Herris . CLondon.•hospital is. improving. Ed. Johnston. ' family have vacated- was purchased • • .L tulle .and -Keith Rose Anderson,, who" A ' large crowd attended the box iVir: Mrs. rast• fall' by Mr social .at Purple' Grove. last Friday Spent . SaturdaY in London: Mrs.. W. intends to renovate and make ex- evening. A programades s giv Hoffman .and.. son Alan, of:• :Dunn- tensive repairs: 'en and Mr. Jack Emerson was atm ville' 'accompanied them . to London - Mr: di ervey patriele •wsoespent - week -end at home left for Camp. Borden on Monday where lie is' n ?w' employed. W, a are pleased to report Margar- et Phillips is' convalescing. Dr. Dan and Mrs. Blake of Tor- ,TPn.. car onst_9f. sup1alies have re centlyelan t, --- edtetf • . • 'TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, on or before 6 o'c och Peet-_ on Tuesday,.' April 7th, 1942, for the weekly • collection of gar- bage in the tillage of Lucknow dur- ing the period from. April 15th to November 15th, 1942. Tenders to be a `juice covering the entire period. .The lowest or any, tender not nece essarily accepted: ' , JOSEPH AGNEW, '• •• Clerk,• Lucknow. • 'TENDERS RS? TO.WNSIIIP OF . KINLOSS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned Clerk of the Township:. of'Klnless,' hp until 2 o'clock in the afternoon' of April 13th, 1942, the the crushing' and hauling gravel necessary for the year 1942: - Crushing to be:done iii 4 sets with, a' possible; 5th, with an average', of tobesdt ( p Work to be com- FOR SALE -Seed grain; best quit. ity--O.A C +•tel arley at'8.5c a bus.; pleted• by Oct. 1st, 1942. The lowest or .-adW.tender• ,not necessarily . a and early Alaska' oats at.70c •a bus. cepted. ""' • r ce Rod MacDougall, Phone `26-28, Rip: J. R. LANE, Clerk, ley. Township of Kinloss, R. R. 2, Holyrood. STAWI D COCKERELS -e- Bares& Rock and B,R. N H. Hybrids, day old up . to 5 weeks. Come and see them. We must'make room. J. Cuy- . - ler, R. 4, Kincardine, Phone Ripley . 76-20: . BORN -Thursday, . March 26th . to tioneer.. Some boxes went as high. Mr. rich y1 •. Icy l a. li Pentland ort s.4-$2:5.0:: Proceeds-ferethe Red Press- Goderich Hospital a, little sister' for were $47.50. Elizabeth. Mrs. Minnie Jones spent the week- • . Mr. V. Whitley' and - Edwin of end with her friend; Mrs. • Lorne Hamilton v ited at Mr,, John .Em- Scrimgeour, Blyth,:• erson's on..Monday. -Red Cross Shipr:aeat - C. :N. `R. ° `HAD . R ST HEAR jaNka ffiST[Irl. _ Or, if you have Sny other item' of news o res to .Lucknow. or tl�e district around, let ins have 'It. ,If it's short; you can ..phone it in.. If it is too long for Wit.drop-ulto the office with it, or. write it out and, mail :.it to. us. If you mark it "Correspondence” :anti not seal the envelope,'a 'one cent stamp will bring it. ' A t BELFAST CENTRE weeks' 1rJerry Cranston who has been " A. large number from here at- training in . the army at, Kitchener• . tendedthe funeral of the late Jus- for the past . month was .granted eph Lawson in .the United ke hurch,. leave for some time and is hone deuckaow on Monday.: • We•• extend • again. Jerry and his dad, Mr: =Isaac our deepest sympathy to : the be Cranston . have tapped over seine raised daughter, Edna, and friends. hundred trees and are busily en- - ' Mrs, .Wilfrid Hoffem.•.and son of. gaged tending to the syrup. Dunnville have returned home af- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Henry and eon s • ending the past Week at the Ross 'spent Sunday at the home of ter IIrs. Henry's parents, `Lr. and Mzs- • .er Mr. a -.d. Miffs: 'e of her' stst , nom Albert AdArchie. Anderson. ` on. We .extend congratulations to • Mr. -Mrs.. Ira Ca pbell of .Lucknow ;William Twamley who 'celebrated spent one day recently, at the home his eightieth birthday • on ; Friday. • ofher son, 'Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood 'Mr, and' Mrs. James. Drennan and . Campbell. ' ' hIse and Mrs. Adam Jc hnston and , `A number from here attended the son Gordon of Courries Corners shower held' at• the home of Mr. and were present. 'Mrs. George Hunter of' Zion on Mr. Alfred Sherwood and daugh- Monday night in honor of their s- ter Ruby spent Sunday at the home daughter; Miss Elleda Hunter, bride - of Mr. 'Sherwood's daughter, , Mr. to -be. , and Mrs. 1VMelville ,Henry of Am- _ berley. You can't .blame 'youngsters- for Syrup making; is the order of thea wondering why they have to go .to .day. A.number'of farmers are bus- bed' when they're not sleepy and ily engaged for the past ,couple of have; to get up when they are• , • ASH FI ELD avin:. . - • , , - . one-th past month. Army -52 "pair plain sox, 8 'scarves. Refugees -1 binder,. l baby vest, e mother's , night dress, 6 infants slips, 2 kimonas, 5 .dress- es, 1 barrow 'coat, 1 night 'dress, 2 girls skirts .(0 years), 1 boys suite (4 yeers),_43. q!rilteeSeame,n'sde4 pr.' long stockings, 16 pair plain. sox, '7 pair plain mitts, 5 turtle neck dweaters; 2 - scarves, .1 plain helmet. Air. Force -9' pair -plain mitts; one pair gloves.. Hospital= -10 suits . -py- jamas with 2 pair extra trousers. .REFS•-QVAID Mr 'and \Mss. D A. MacLean cel= A quiet but pretty wedd ng took :place MI' Saturday, X130 p.m, --at the. United Church Parsonage with the Rev. W. P. Newman officiating. The bride, Mabel, Adeline, is ,the third daughter of Mr; -and °'Mrs: Wilfred Quaid; 6th: Concession of . Ashfield . The wild. geese have returned.. ' Trappers 'Were along, the creeks acid :rivers of .this district last week setting treps for muskrats: - Mr. and' Mrs: A: McCall left last week for, their home • in Rainey Riv- er district: • The April'. meeting of the Kintail Woman's Institute will be held ••at.' the' home of Mrs. Neil 'MacDonald.1 ebrateti' thea' thirtieth wedding an. niversary by visiting their . daugh- ter, and son-in-law in London. • nn. their. return they were accompanied by Mr.. R. Wilson who spent the week -end at hist, home here return - MR. -BUSIWLSSMAN DO'. IT tO1 ! ■ ri 111- I Iiave you checked up on your slip - ply . of " Letterheads, Statements, Counter Check Books and •Envel- opes and other,•P-rinted Needs. . PIace your order early while paper • stocks are complete and the color good: We give you, prompt, court- eous service and it Costs you no more (and more often less) than if, you order, from an out-of-town sales man. You run no risk. Order Now., ow Sentinel PHONE 35 • AUCTION SALE . of farm . stock at W.H.. Lot 18,s Con. 6; West ,.Wawa nosh, ' Monday„,.:April 6th' at 1.30'' sharp. Farmoffered stibject to. re- serve bid. See . bills. Terms, Cash. eAbraham-Siny-th, Erope Mett Gay- nor, Atte. AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements at Lot 23, Con. 3; .Kin- loss on. Tuesday, 'April 7th at one O'clock. No reserve. See bilis. Matt. Gayi bre Auc.; Neil Maccaliuun, The res oe op• Canadian National : Railway System, as tabled in the House of Commons reveal' that the financial showing of •the system in 1941' was, better than in any net 'previous . year. Re- venue; after the payment of all Op- erating expenses, was $66;60.8,341, an increase of $21,600,929 over the pre- vious year. The ; cash surplus, after the payment of taxes, interest paid to, the public and to the Government was $4,016,000; an improvement of $21,000,000 over 1940: Payment of the surplus will be made . to the Government' before the close of the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1842. ing to the city ,en Saturday• and the greens, David -Edward Rees, Mrs.. K. MacLennan has returned Port' Albeit. Airport,• son of Mr, and to her home' here guests her . daughter and e 'daughter, Mrs. Dr. White and Ann Of Chicago. and has as her" • Mrs. Rees,; Wales..The bride wore d- ' a becoming 'Queen's blue' silk crepe dress, street length; grey tweed coat, rose hat ..with blue trimming and accessories. Afterethe ceremony immediate friends' and relatives were entertained to dinner by the bride's parents. The dining room was prettily decorated with a .piink and white color scheme of streamers and a' cluster of white wedding bells above the •table centred with a lov- LETTERS A TO HE EDITOR A bit of Fifth Column gossip has been going about the country, to the effect that a, number of the men, who have come from the Old Land, to, Port Albert Air riavigetion School, 'are sons of rich men, and lords, who wish to escape the war, and are sent en -Canada for Safety.:^ . d writer as fa=st.anh Nowthis N knowledge that those men, who are sent there and are not students, are men who have been on active ser- vice in Britain's air battles. Some of them for: twoyears end some with as high as two medals for bravery, to their credit. They are sent there,, for a rest, to get in shape for ser vice again, and if any One needed a rest, and ,to be away from iteall, they de, and they do not leave them very long here either. "=Never has ''so merry owed. so much to so . few."-jChurChill. • • ' "Indignant' . P. STUART MacKENZmE BARRISTER;& SOLICITOR Walkerton, Qntario. IN LU CKNOW Each Wednesday . Afternoon & Evening .- At /G: 'I•I: SMITH'S OFFICE RATOR'SeSdeleredefereal. property of the. Estate .of Alexander Gotten; • will be held at Joseph ,Ag- 'new's office, Thursday, .April 11th at' 2.30. Property includes: ' farm lands consisting of'W.A. Lot 12, Con. 3, ' Kinloss; and village prop- erty consisting- of -.Park -Lot 42 ie. Village. of Lucknow on which is' situate a comfortable house and, a garage. Properties offered subject to reserve bid. . . :Terms: .10 per cent of purchase price at time of sale, balance in 30 , days For further particulars apply to G. -H. Smith and Joseph Agnew, Ad- ministrators; Well Henderson, Auc. of his wife, ' formerly 'Nellie Agar, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.. Jas.. Agar,, just a little over a year. ago -Ile leaves, to mourn his passing his only 'daughter,'Edna, a teacher,' at home and two sisters, Mrs. Willis Mountain, Londesbord and Mrs. Cal- vin'. Sraughan, Goderich aid broth- er; Mr. Oliver Lawson, Goderich. • Mr., and Mrs. John McGee are moving their• dry goods business to. the , West side of main'street to the building owned by Mrs. Olive Cul- bert, this week and will continue, their business of a 5c to 11.00 store as before. • Weare glad to see Frank Eedy around again almost recovered from his appendix .operation. . • ' sly wedding cake. The. bride is' known alsoin.•Wingham• and Ham- ilton where she has had positions. The groom is head instrument mak- er . at Port Albert Airport: ' We wish them both the best of luck and hap; piness. ,.. (Intended,. for last week)' A joint meeting of the fecal Red as. ute w ma ns Institute and 'Nilo Cross. held Thursday, 'March 12th at the home ,of Mrs., R. Davidson. Mrs. Hodge presided . and it was decid- ed to hold an auction 'sale at the Parish -Hall in the near. future IL "Auction for Victory". Mr. Il'. J. L. Eedy,..Mr. Gus Kinahan • and Mr. C lb t were getting a pure- • Pat arrived'bottle• one night in a very bad state- He had' a black eye, a wound in hits cheek And a bump on his head. "Glory ,be", eX- claimed' his wife, "who has done this": - . r, • • ° "Shure, it was Mike Murphy", victitS i. ed the groaned n "The spalpoon ; cn`ieci.' his wife, "may all the restored. He and His daughter. ha Her husband interrupted, "Spite . no evil of the dead". •• returrie'd to the West after the death troit. BARRED ROCK . and HYBRID CHICKS -This is not a new hatch- ery, we have been: in business for 12 .years. All our breeders are blood tested and •males are from O.B.S. Bestock. The. Hybrids are R. hem . and New Hampshire cockerels. We keep all our chicks for 4 clays."YYo!u have no papers to fuss with 'and a'.1 chicks : are (feedingwhen you get them. We deliver chicks up' till May 1st. John J. Cuyler, R. 4, Kincardine. Two • miles west of Silver Lake. Phone Ripley 76-20 collect The, last of a series. of lantern slide§ were' shown at the Parrish Hall -on Tuesday night, before Easy ter. The pictures were of Persia which proven interesting to all..•Rev. Mr. Donaldson of St. Paul's Ang- lican church, has come weekly dur- ing gof en n ev id e thisg lent to provide, interest and spiritual development, MRS. JESS MOUNTAIN • Mrs. Jess Mountain, formerly ' i of the late Hannah ;Mason, -dau hter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason, East Wa- wanosh passed away.at the home W: u 'er of her daughter, Mrs James 'Bean bred, calf on • whish Rickets would 1 (Sadie), Detroit' on Friday March be sold. Ticketg s will be s nt for .20th in her '68th. year. She hadonce sale to the schools in the • Dungan- been a resident of Dungannon with her late husband; ' Jess Mountain, .who passed away five years ago.. Besides her, , daughter, she also leav- es�a son Wm. of Port Colborne and two grand children, three Sisters, i Mrs. Jennie Armstrong;. Sleeman, N. .IOSEPH•LAWSON Ont., _Mrs, Smith Eno,. Londesbero, • • . q. h Lawson .oc- Mrs. Jas: Sproule, Dungannon, also Thedeath of Mr. Jos. La , and • dnaGeorge .les ... .Char brothers, , Fuiday, at cGrand h „Prairie, 55th year of the Rainy River district, Broth- Friday, March 20th, }n He' had undergone an operation in ers' who have John of Blyth e Mark, , December and seemed to be reCOV- Westfield, yand •I took Place in • . e fu Hera in li�am Th p ih't g ar �i ' el but with several tt nicely; Y+ eringthe home ' attacks, he failed to have his health Detiroit on Tuesday With d , of her daughter with burial in De - non Red Cross Area and the, winner Will bee named pn' April 15th, Ar= rangernents are being Made by corn- nidttees to make this abig Red Cross drive ''f r funds. Quite a lot of pub, licit will be made of this later..,. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST N ' LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON' M 1:30 to 6 o'clock: -AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE PARAMOUNT The W. I. meeting will be held at Mrs. Jack Henderson's on Tues- day,* April 7th• at 2.30. This. will be the annual meeting and election of officers. Roll .call, exchange of"seeds and bulbs; current events, Mrs.E. McLennan;. . program and lunch, Mrs. E.. McLennan, Mrs. O. Mac- Cliarles;.' motto; If at first you don't succeed[ try. again: . Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald of Pine: River and Mts. John Cameron vis- ited one day with Mrs. Arthur Coble. • Miss Ada Stanley is at present. 7.1 spending a 'couple of weeks with . MEDICAL DOCTORS in Goderich . relatives in Toronto, are enforcing the . schedule rate Of . Mrs. Armstrong, Raymond Rich - $3.00 a call from 9 p.m. 'until mid= ards, Mr. Nelson Bushell and Jean night, and $4.00 a' call after mid- 'j were recent visitors with' Mrs. Rich - night until 8 a,m. ards. • Customer: "You say this• hair' re- storer is very goodnelo you?" Druggist:.•"Yes, sir, I know a man whq took the cork out pf a bottle 'Of this stuff with his teeth and he had a moustache the next flay". OUT OF EVERY $102 wqrth of rubber fornherlyimported into Can- ada, $100 worth came: from the Or- ient; noW controlled by Japan,• No wonder it is now so important to salvage every ounce of old rubber. ' Voice on the telephone:."Oh, will you ask the doctor to hurry around. My little girl has'just swallowed a needle", • -Maid: "Well, the doctor is very busy just now, ma'am. Did you want the needle at once?" CHESLEY COUNt�It, has slashed the 1942" tax rate by six mills, This year's rate 'is 35 mills as 'compared with 41 mills in 1941:...: - • A motorist walked into a general store and asked: "What have you' in the shape' b a f automobile tires?" To which the proprietor 'replied: We have funeral wreaths, life preserv- ers, invalid cushioiiis and doughnuts". aA6407. Carmen Hamilton spenty at his . home here. • Miss Rea,Miller has secured a pee- ition in Kincardine. • ' Mr•'. and .Mrs. Kelso McNay held. a card party; for Red Cross work present. . Mrs. res with eleven tablesp Robt. Hamilton and Mr. Bill Ketch- baw won high honors. Mr.. and Mrs. Frank King, Tore onto are visiting with relatives here. Mrs. King is remaining here a few., weeks owing to the `lIlneSs of her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. James MacDonald, :Mrs, _ MacD.onald'.is able to be out 'of bed again. . Mr. Robert McIntosh spent the week -end in Toronto. - • ; Miss Marion and Cora Bogie of Auburn, Miss C. Kempton,- R. N.,. of Detroit visited with Mr.+�and Mrs. `Wm. Kempton. Ou'ts'ide the storm raged. The deafening thunder. rolled and light- ning flashed almost . coritinuously. Presently a" bolt struck M. Jones s completely and knocked him Conip LY out of bed.H rose, e yawned,, rubbed his. eyes and said: "All right, dear, I'll get ,up!'. 4c