HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-19, Page 14A •
• , '
• THE /MORROW -Munn, 1,15CKNOW, ONTAltio
• „ * •
• ' • ", • '
, •
• ,
• •• • • ; • •
• •
•Is Here. • •
YU WILL WANT at least one striped blouse for suit or sep-
ielskirt.• Stripe Rayon'bi shirt vval.st style. ,,, $2,59
NON .SWEATERS in soft pastel shades in pillover, styles, short
sleeves. Designed to wear under your suit. . 52.00-
pugEs SLIPS—Tailored or embry. trbzuned, straight cut, Spec-
,SFORT HOSE—CamPus favorites. Novelty' knit terr*, lastex toP-
BuirMa.Brown, Blue, Green: Special, pair • 139c
•WE WERE FORTUNATE in prociwing Sockees with *Flex top
the ver,* near future lastex top Will be impossible to buy,
Be wiSe, buy your *inner supply now: S*es 51/240%.25o up
BRIGHTEN UP last ',.year's Spit . With a Resit., collar Revers uid
tate or :embry. aao gge
EMBRY. CUFF SETS. Brighten up dark ilrlis=f
Price • •
• 50c & up
rmism***•••••••rormammormosimmer. „
L. in "An 0 tirq".T.P -12 srgte-su
Sunday, March 22nd
East Side, of Village
frau approxiMately the, Post Office corner -1,00 io 5.30 p
.NO'PE—From time to time during week days interruptions
will follow for periods of from ; hours in small and
varying Sections o e sys gang the period 'required
U---talrea-aystent,-AOYE-In... conveule4ce to consumers
ta_a_entirelY _unavoidable as the work entailed makes is im
- - -1Witifirtraltaanad-Waraasstata a: -
Olivet 'United Charm, decorated
with plants, flawers; evergreens and
streamers in pink and white, was
the scene af a very pretty wedding
when Miss Noreen Eleanor Walden,
youngest denghter of Mr. and 1VIrs.
Walter, la Walden, was united in
marriage to Mr. John Donald Mc -
Cheeps, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
' Donald McCharles, both .parties cif
the Second Coneession, Huron. The
pastor of the chunk. Rev. -Beech,
performed the, ceremony: '
Miss Pete alden, sister of, the
bride, gowned in salmona,sheer and
• hat to metal, played the wedding:
music, Mrs. Raynard Ackert, cous-
in of the bride, attired in biege crepe
• with matching hat, sang tweetly `The
Sweetest. Story Ever Saida, during
• the sighing of the register. The
bride, who was given in marriage
by her father, Wore a floor length
gown Of brocaded gatinaond a fin
United Church W. A.
Mr. J. S, Mitchell of London vis -
A joint meeting of the W.A
ited his sister, Miss Lillian Mitchell .A.
' •
groups of , the United Church was
recently. • • held in the Sunday School ream last
Miss Mildred' Ritchie spent the Wednesday.with 27 present. The
week -end in Stratford with her sis- !fleeting opened wit li a hymn and
ter, Doris. repeating of the Apostles Creed.
D Id -Boundary Mrs. J. R. WNW) read the scriptare
Trail, Brand; The ahy Plutocrat,.
Many new books Were, recently,.
released at the Public Library,
which include ahe•following and the
Twin Sombreros; Grey; Vengeance
, . am s ,
lesson. After the business period
West has been quite ill at his home,
with pneumonia. we were favoured with a reading
• by Mrs. Bert Roach and a piano
• Allan Treleaven of Toronto was
• duet by 'Mrs. Reid and Mrs..New-
Oppenheim; With This Ring, Eber-
hart; Astra, Hill; Case of the Empty
Tcihnr,isgtie;ardnite:;KEevyisl QI.Jfntcli: cathnegdSounin:
a week -end visitor_ With yia.,.,„ ailid' ion. The closing IC - and'repeat-
Cronin; The Sun is. my Undoing,
Mrs. Haryey Treleaven, / ing of the benediction brought the
Steen; Saratoga Trunk, Ferber.; -Let
MO. Roy Black sad 'Wilfred at- meeting to a close. . god Save The
me have Whigs, -Widdemer; Seeing
tended the Hamiltan-l3lack wedding King was sung and a very pleasant
is Belleving,.Dicksdn; Familiar Fac-
hi Goderich ora Saturday. , ' hell hour was, spent in charge -of
• ' , , , • • - a oc e• Suspicion Mae-
. Rinehart. Wakefields Course, de,
. the executive -
• • ,
•• Mk Jag., Pickering has been . con- • , la'''P h Above
fined to bed since threatened° with - , • . , - limes; ..The Sun shall •Greet Them,
Ashfield W M S
pneumonia 'last week. • ' — * * * '
*‘ • • • ' • . , ' The March meeting of the Ash.. Balilea The,Venables; Norris; Fayes
has field FolleY, , Corbett; The Blind Man's
Mrs. Garfield . MacDonald Women , Missionary Society
been .supplying at Miss Jean Lang's, met at the home Of Mrs. George'Col- House,: Walpole1' Case .of Constant
school for the past few weeks. ••• , litan. The president, Uri: Donald"
Suicides, Carr; PrizeStories of 1941;
Mrs. Gordon Fisher and Billy are 'Mackenzie opened the meeting byi But Never be Denied, Kilbourne;
ger, tip veil with floralaband and visiting in London with her par- singing psa . .
the s groom's gift, a cameo locket. CPU, Mr.• and Mrs. Fred Nixon. reading from Acts 15 -verses 22 to 27
and the. , meditation on 'same was
The bridesmaid; Miss Jessie. Mc- • Mr. and irrae Torrance Anderson taken by Mrs. Colin MCGregor. Mrs.
nk sheer
of m
andJosephineand r
osephinewere ex, .iDAnderson
e week-eii
nd guests . - McLean read a PraYer entitled
"For the Peace of the World". The
trimmed with lace and a tulle head-
Dunc McCharles who has been roll call as answered with a verse
• dress. The bride carried a bouquet
ill with phlebitis since Christmas is froth scripture. Hymn 482 was now`
° of 'pink roses : and the bridesmaid,
• t Bird of the Wilderness,•Shuan; My
'Frietad Flicka, O'Hara; N. Or M.,
Chrittie; Bright Scalpel, Seifert;
NO One New. Will Know, Delapeld;
Dr. Kildare Takes Charge,, Brand;
Sarmer Holiday, 1Valler; Tempor-
ary Address Reno, Baldwin; Lovers
are Losers, Pertwee; The Perennial
Boarder, Taylor; Cross Currents,
white roses. The groom was support-
ed by Mr. Norval Stuart. Mr. 1Vair-
ris Reid, cousin of the, bride and
Mr. Robert isaid-Wt-ash, cousin -et -the
groom acted as Ushers.
- Later a reception and dinner was
heat at the home of the bride's par-
ents. Mrs. Weide') received in a
black and white sheer gown' with
Corsage ,of --white carnation and fern.
Mrs. McCharles received In black
crepe, with coral necklace and cor-
sage of pink carnations and fern.
About farty-five guests sat down
to dinner in rooms decorated with
pink and white streamers. and bells.
The tables were decorated in pink
and white with flowers and .can-
dles : The groom's gift to the brides -
aid Was-a7gold'brooch;--to the -best_
man, a gold knife; to the • ushers,
billfolds; to the. Organist a crown.
derby cup and Saucer; to the soloist a cake plate;' to 'the caterers,
Mesdames klexMcTavish, Waltar
Steele and "Wilfred Steele; miscel-
laneous gifts •aad to the waitresses,
Misses,. Bath McTavish, June Wal
able te be about the house again.' sung, after which Mrs. ory
Bassett; Black Night. Murder's, Wells;
Miss Edna Cook left :Monday far Kenzie gave seven reasons for join-
ing the W.M.S. Anna. May Mac- Angels Fell, Downes; Murder at the.
Owen Sound to continue nursing Wells; You Go Your Way,
. . at.hex Donald gave an. interesting paper Casino(
Briish;Hop CatsidY Serves a Writ,
iftar speadingas_apar eeks
atiatheant abitants-af-theaPhilippine,
Mulford; Nursing Home Maaider,
home here. .,
islands. Mrs. Richard McW• hinney,
Mr, F. D. McLennan of town ob- our guest speaker, ' addressed the Marsha' The Saint in Miami, Chart,
served his 78th birthday on Tues- meeting. She chose "Servite and eres; Down th-•
e Road a Pieee, Flint; • '
it health-. mention c of am missionaries who Our Life, Glasgow; Tiger 'Milk,
Bine Highland WHEAT Puffs
16 oz. bag . ...... ....... .... .... 15c
Maclaren's Hi Ho PUDDINGS
Butterscotch, Carmel, Choilate. 3 pekgs: ...... ... 21e
Kraft "Swankiswig" Glasses
with gay Spring Bawer de-
signs, Plain, Pimento, Relish
Pineapple. Glass . ........ 190
1Lipton't NOODLE 'SOUP Mix
With flue:real chicken -y
oin: 2 pekgs. '25c
rt`SPARKIES". 3 boxes .... 330'
Save the Box Tops and send
today • for Quakers .1942 Seed
• Offer
Cheddar House CHEESE
ROLLS. Pound '
1 lb. tin • 49c
'/21b. tin ' 270
Save the Cpupons for. Valu -
a able gifts.
day, and continues to enjoy excel- Sacrifice" as her topic. She Made °Thank )4.03a Twi'.aaa- Bei; -In This-
Miss Marion Stinson spent the have served. in Formosa, China, aria Garth; Rosemary for Forgetting, 'note 82 We Deli:Vet` •
compLims PLAT
There are indications that the re-
cent visit of the. Bruce County de-
putation to Ottawa, when "repres-
entations were made on behalf of
the county for the establishing of
war -industries -may be ;getting lei
sults. All the industrial plants in
the county have now been inspectea
by R. Ti Smith, engineer for the
Department of •Munitions and Sup-
ply, and his findings are being plac-
ed before the Minister, C. D. Howe.
Capacity and suitabiaty of plants in
Walkerton, 'Marton, Hepworth,
• Seuthamptan, Port Elgin, Kincard-
ine, Liiclmoiv, Mildmay and Ches-
ley were taken into consideration.
Gas rationing is of little concern 10.10 in the third period that Far- ficiated. • Rev. J., W. Stewart conducted 'the about 100' cords of good hardwood.
her father. Her street length Thursday morning. He was assisted •
week -end at her home at Oshawa, British Guiana: Jesus had his dis7 Ayres; Hankow Return," Archer; i
accompanied by Miss Etta Belle ciples take up their cross and fol- Heaven Isn't Here, Greig; Mortgage
lafacDonald. • low Him to serve mankind. Service on the Moon, Gaddis; The Deadly
it the rent we pay for our room on Sunshade, Taylor; The' Peach Or -
Mr. and Mrs.-Siney Decker, Bill-
Earth. We all' have at least one talc chard, England; Not With MyHeart,
ie. and Norman ef Kitchener were d
week -end visitors . with Mr. ent with which to serve. God asks 'Rodger; :A Man without. Friends,
for effortsWe may giveour time, Echard, Back V the Mountain, Flint;
. . .
Mrs. Con Decker.,our friendship, our.indney. Today The Ship and .the Shore, Baum; Case
Mrs. Donald Habkirk anlittle force 'must be met with force. We of the Violet Smoke, Donavan; The
daughter-pf--Munroaare_spending a all must work for victark and peace. Great Red Border, Grimstead; The
few days with her mother-in-law, Hymn 597 was now sung followed -Lightning---Kica;a- Grimsteed;- - The_
Mrs. Wm. Habkirk. • by God Save The King. Rev. Dr, Strangers Gate, Oppenheim; An
Malcalm, Watson left for Winni- Rhodes closed the meeting :vita Ocean Heritage, Bassett; M. R. Rine-
'. ,
, prayer. The attendance was twenty- heart Thriller; Van Dyke Week -End;
peg the first of last week on ac- five •
' Max Brand Fiction Rodeo. .
count of the illness of his. mother, -4.
Non. -Fiction-
Mrs. Thdmas Watson. • • ' SPRING IS HERE? Berlin Diary, Shirer; No Other
Mrs.. Alex Andrew has been teach-
Road to Freedom, 'Stowe; Elizabeth;
-91.1.7-• •-tg."----1oo- — -1167A4r4iffielallAr-here4,-1311 Mg- land!s-Mader_n...Qaeena_Yott. can't
-• lalarion MacDougall. - nizeatrerapfesence and doesn't want cliffs; Miller; Preachets Wife, Hue -
broaches. ',
__Evelyn-teak _and Mary ,EL..accauta of the
of miss. Winteradoestatayea;seeitraWlywg-.-
to abditate it the Moment. It was sten; H. V. Morton's London; Mine
Mr. tarries Philips, jr., left for in the early hours af last Saturday Eyes have Seen, Withington; Big
mbroidered dress of black
°prevailing winds at that kirk, Gun Buster. London Diary,
training. He is a nephew of Mr. . The a
The bride's going away costume
The prayer Meeting forrevival
will be held as • usual in the Bible
institute Room this Friday evening
at 8 o'clock. Regardless of other
meetings this Prayer Meeting 1, will
be held eveik week D. V. Chiist-
ians who are concerned about the
spiritual condition of our land and
who are desirous of seeing a re-
vival come to our'own district are
urged to attend.
morning that Spring was ushered Family, Partridge; Return via Dun -
Kitchener on Thursday for army
and. red a tweed coat and red hat
and accessories. The happy co p
A. Ph
time are regarded as an indication Reynolds; The Time is Now, Pas
of Fairdyce. •
!eft on a mcitortrip to Taranto, Nia George illips
gara Falls and othel- points. -Miss Isabelle Jamieson of Kincar-
of the typ, e of weather we will have sen; Men of Europe, Simone; I Was
were, laliss' Sedie 1VicCharles, teacher a
kmilege dinner • dance on. Tuesday --------------- ach --------- thit.
• •• Churchill, Kraus; France on Berlin
Relatives present from a distance dia d W lls for the next six weeks. Most folk a Nazi Flier, Deske; Men Around
ieattended the e Business
of Collingwood; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- eyening, .held at Weng's Cafe in was an wind, although some Tiine, Keraan; Mk Sister and. h[,
nerd Ackert, Helyroad;, Mr. and London. • . say aorth-east and some south-east. Van der 'Heide; Have you a Real-
. Week -end yisitors with Mr. and ed to the west bringing ram and Skinner; Nostradanius Speaks, Mary and alielen of o eric ;
Mrs. Ernest Pildham and daughters . , By noon Saturday the Wind swine - gion, Forman; Soap Behind the Ear',
Bos -
A. V. Walden and Mrs. Walden OfMrs. Chas. Webster were Mr. and snow, arid.a minor, blizzard cm Sun- .well; Women ,of Britain, Struther;
• .°
Patchwork Quilt, Face to Face with
Scorpion, Hunting The Sky Spies,
Yankee Flier with R.A.F., Lady
Jane, Pollyanna',s JeWels, Pollyaria
na's Western Adventure, Pollyari- ,
na's Debt of Honor, Mystery Across
the Border, Lone .Ranger ;Traps -
Smugglers, Beverly Qray's• Romance,
1Viechanizing our Army, Our Navy's
Striking power, What's New in Air
Corps, Eight Little Indians, Things
That Go, Dobbsey Twbo at Ice. Car-
nival,. E. Queen Mater Detective,
Derry 'of Toteni Creek, . Mystery:.
Dogs of Glen Hazard,' Marta. Finds
Golden.fioor, Flags over Quebec,
Mrs. • Clarence Holmes, Miss Beak day with a:decided drop in temper- Pirates Ahoy, Driscoll; Clarence
Wfarwich and Miss June Walden,
Oshawa. weather which had previouS y pre- Van Pa ssen.
ature, comperison to springlike miaow, ' Stone; That Day Alone,
Beavers Won •
Fair and Mr. Norman Garrard of
1 Paassen.
Srforth Beavers, trailing 4 to 0, ataWarsitarOV-alraFe.t.Cr" Mr. C. Obetle of Kingtville av iled.
. Juvenile
Up until thc change in weather _
W it nine aniniftes .?3,114-fifj)_', seconds Knox Presbyterian church, God- and a former manager a the Bank it was ideal sap Weather- and an Mather Wass Wind St., Mystery
to go, staged en amaaing gnat scor- erich, was the tettiag on Saturday, Of lvIontreala Lucknowl, is reported_ of Devils Hand, D. Winslow Breaks
Ma '.' • • t•0 be be seriously ill following, a heart
exc-ellent aim 'was reported. . •
Spy Net; D. Winslow Saves Secret
in taur 86ala lilla7h 21st at 2.30 for a pretty WO-
-aaau'ea-a-faaGe •
in 6% Minutes, an Windsor: Col- idin when Margaret Olivia Luella, attack. - • • 'THOSE WHO ATTEND the United Formula, The Bridge of Bombeif
aniaLs. The geme, played in Strat- second daaghter of Mr, and Mrs. Chur:eh at Dabbiatan will be warm- The Mysterieus Fireplace, Clue
ford, ended in a 4 -all tie giving See- 1 Wallace Black, a2 Trafalger street, Saturday 'visitors with Rev. arid
d b as well as spiritually. The
e o y
• H Mrs. J. W. 'Stewart were his bro-
to 3 victory in Windsor. Big Farmer I became the bride of ga- I.
thers George' and Emerson Stewart
forth the round by virture ca a 4
McFacklin scored three, and his bac.- Arnold Hamilton, only son of Mr.
of Ton•onto and their sister-in-law, bush in Sullivan township last fall.
ther Albie the other one. It was at and Mrs., Stewart Hamilton, Spring- From this, the men of the church
------ field, Ontaria Rev. 1-1. J. Lane of- Mrs. R. W. Stewart of Paisley.
- haVe cut and ,hauled tothechurch
now, as the miblic are definitely nier bagged his first one and lay A,
-the bride was given in "mari4age Church of the Air on CKNX )n
goWn was of olympic blue with em- by Mrs. Joh a an .
L. A. FINNEY, ' manager of the rose hat and black accepsoriaa She a- '- aus tiu',.a .aecompanimeat 1"Dy Garde III and IV and music teeeh,
Y A:kce.rtwsiwishoon..„.con:mted two duet Miss Grace Hurlburt, teacher of
broidered French lace, •with dust
Canadian Bank of Comm.erce, re- wore a -shoulder corsage of pask , •
er on the 'Puil)lic School staff, was
turned his . dillies this, morning, af- rases and baby • bi.eatii. Her Sa.,-' s .1 prayer: Sandaa..,, i• i taken to Wingham Hospital on Tues -
ter being off duty for a few weeks Mrs Gerald Lassoline, as matron • ''''• - hoSa- Aizie has been da-
y when stricken with Pleurisy.
on account "of illness. .L. Listowel of honor, wore• beige crepe • with ill at the JUMP 4f her mother for Mrs. Clark Finlayson is substitut-
Banner. a ' • the -past weels. Mics Mary Struthers ing for Miss 'Hurlburt until Easter.
church board purchased an acre of,
awakened to the acuteness of the 16.40 the game was tied and the by
' Er 0111 With Pluerisy •
rubber shortage. The statement II ro won.
Munitions Minister Howe in a radi
address on _Monday night forcibly.
chives this home. He said, "When
the tires ayou have now are worn
out, your' motoring is over until
Some considerable time after the
war ends".
To conserve rubber 'and gasoline
the speed limit was reduced to 40
miles -an hour.
Fiirther, Mr. Howe pointed out
that the Government would not hea-
itate to commandeer tires from priv-
ate owners of non-essential vehicles
• if the situation warranted. •
Retreading of tires will also be
confiraed to commercial vehicles and-
• busaes and for transportation of
workers in war plants, 'Where no
" alternative mean of transportation
can be devised.
black accessories. WO2 Herb Mo
has, also been for the past three
supported, the groom. The reception Attended Funeral
was held at the home of the bride's Mr. Gordan, thylar, local' drug -
weeks and yrs. Stewart Levis and,'
Arena activities -------- illy over parents, where a wedding dinner
. . MacKenzie's' business in the mean- ,
gist, was in Stratford on Monday
Dick McQuaig are carrying on Mrs.
for the seas6n, as the ice is going was served by her aun,
Skating Is Over
1 attending the funeral of his grand -
along the cushion and has broken Black, Lucknow and her cousin, Mrs. time. . . father, Mr. George L. Kastner. Mr.
through in a couple of other spots. W. Stewart, Winghani. Mrs.' Black Mr. and Mrs. 0: L. Beatty -"ancr Kest -tier, who was in hit 89th year,
However the drop in temperature the bride's mother, wore air force Jane Elizabeth i3eatty of Montreal had been a lifelong and prominent
over the week -end gave the child- blue with rate hat. Mrs, Hamilton,. and Mrs. George Johnston and son resident of Perth County and the
ren a chance to etijoy a skate on the groom's mealier, wore black with Kenneth of Canfield were Week -end cit k of Stratford to Where he moved
Monday afternoon and evening. It black hat., , , visitors with Rev. and Mrs., J: W. in 1916. •He is survived ,by his son.
is evident howeaera that the Loch- The bride and 'groom left Amid Stewart and , Mrs. Cochrane. Mrs. Harrison Kastner of Sebringville,
aish-Lticknow Flee -Wee series will showers of confetti and best wishes Beatty and Mrs. Jhnston are data- three daughteas, -Misses Marie and
have to be left uhdecided until next on a wedding trip, to pronto and ghters of Ms. Cochrane and sister's Cakoliae Kastner of Stratford and
winter. ' Niagara Falls. of Mrs. Stawart. s Mrs. J. M: Taylor of Sehringville.'
•minnotoiro#1.....solommo °
R.A.F., Pave- DaWson at Dunkirk,
Dave Dawson in Libya, Eight Nur- '
sery TalesaEight Fairy talea, Chil-
dren of Foreign Lands, Nancy Tay-
lor Air Pilot, Lightning and Elect-
ricity, Honey Bunch First Twin
Playmates, .Judy, Five Little Play-
mates, Derry's Partner, The Sorcer-
er's Apprentice, Rex Xing of the
Deep,, Three Prayers for Children,
Stratosphere Jim .and Flying Fort-
ress. °
FINAL RESULTS in Huron Coun-
ty's Victory Loan campaign, reveal
total sales of bonds in the amount
of $2,a5a550. Sales in Ashfield were
$69,500 or. 123 per cent of the quota
and in West Wawanoth`$48,000; re-
paesenting 125 per cent of the quota.
Huron County raised 117- per. cent
of its objective,
Bulova Trade-in Sale
That Old Watch of Yours
New Wash Goods, Crepes, Chintz,,Broadcloths, Printed Dress Stuffs
ew Quilting Materials, Batting, Wadding, Etc. for .Quilts and Comforters
Buy War Saving Stamps and Certificates
E STOREv Luckttow
• •*1-',...A ,
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