HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-19, Page 8voduction ows Increase Gains .hon January and Feb- : ruary Shipments to United Kingdom; • A •^plienomenal•`fncrease' in the, 'winter production of Canadian eggs was reported by the Agriculture Department as Dominion producers marched ° towards. fulfillment of S •Deavy contractural obligations to the United Kingdom_ °Meials .said .the .dgures best showing the • gala in. •produetion .were, those •covering; exhort of eggs._ In January an4 Februarys 1941; 1:000.000 dozen eggs were. shipped • •to the United Ihingd'om. In, the •••dame• ;two months ;this year, 6 750, .1.00'dozen were ,shipped.' "The shipments already made tins • year and late 1n /941: are part of a contract.. calling for 30000,000 dozen '• "Ordinarily, February, with its storms and cold is the month that Is most difficult in the way of maintaining,. eggproduction, and lin allotting' monthly export quotas for the year 1942, those for Feb- maty we're made lower than for. • /estuary," ran othcial said. • "It hae.been a surprise to all that 'instead 'of being lower, the. ,. quantity•of eggs: offered to the spe- • tial products: board for export and for. breaking has . not only exceed , - the 'quota -for. -Februery--but -in— . total' quantity substantially exceed- • idthat that of ;Janizary. .. Britons To Have'. Lark ii' reaa . Only ',White • bread 'and white buns, eakes and biscuits soon •win dis- 1 appear, .in En •land, I Lord Woolton, Food-Ministeve-anneunced,-in, .the..•:. House of Lor,•ds.. ' :. Replacing white flour products will. be "national • wheat meal bread": He said, that after April :6' .no ' baker may , produce whitebread, amd--•after-A•pri'k-20; the -ban -ori whitecakes,biscuits and similar produets •will.be effective.'• .after. *eagle. 23, must deliver' at least three timed! more wbeatineal - than white ~' fl`otir to licensed` bakers, sand after that • bakers may "not use More- than • tvienty-five per cent White. flour in their produets, • le shipping''., space and the average Britisher's- love of white , bread and his distrust of anything • "brown" such • ars whole wheat, rye and similar flours. Even' .housewives who do their own baking. will,be .unable to pur- chase white flour' when 'the Pres- ent stocks- are -exhausted. • It. Was pointed out that the ban. does not constitute, bread rationing, e, step the. Government is anxious' to avoid because of its possible effect . on morale: Navy To Recruit Women For Service Can• ada senior service, the Royal Canadian Navy, will shortly follow the example .;of the other two fighting forces in -recruiting women for service, Vice -Admiral Percy M. ,NelIes said recently. The Navy is the last of the three fighting services to form a *omen's auxiliary to assist with the ,.lighter • tasks.. • The Royal ,.Canadian ,Air Force (Women's Division) anis the Canadian W,o- men's Army' Corps 'have . already • •been functioning. for 'several months. Admiral Nelles said the capac- ities in which the women might serve would probably • include shore wireless operators, clerks, writers, cooks, drivers, decoders, • telephone . operators, stenogra- phers and other shore duties. Women will not serve at sea. The uniforrh will be a navy blue and three or four types are . -• under consideration for fitness and serviceability. 'Gold braid will probably designate officer's •,rank. •No official -.estimate has been made of the number of women likely to fie recruited by the' new service but it is thought ultimate:y 5,000 •offi'r.rs and ratings may be '. revered. ' 0- Excellen't' Judge CHAPTER 48 • Voices' Heard Silcott lay .on an old - blanket, only vaguely aware of ewhat was going on about him. ' He was week and•. a little ,delirious. Waves of pain and nausea swept: him. He opened his eyes, to note that • Mosely had left. Prentiss was giving directions to the others, after which be toe. vanished. • Jint~ made • out that . the others were dissatisfied. There was some grumbling, not unmixedwith curses. e ' ""Tile capto•-showed-their•-•rest lessness. 'First one and then an- other went to the door and looked • trouble, just as Mosely Was now reminding her. The sbund of the horse moving away reached him. He lifted his bound feet and knocked on the floor. •. A 'moment = later Yeager's arms went around his legs and held them fast' It was not until several min- • Utes. later that. they .untied •• and: '. ungagged Silcott. 1 • Judson upbraided him `for try- ing to .make his presence known. "Ain't yeti got any sense, Red? If any one finds you here we got to bump you . off and light out, ..haven't ver?" • "Yeah, and think of the girl," Yeager told him righteously. "If out into the darkness. Sometimes she had figured you was here we'd they disappeared ` fora few min have to held her prisoner till, ev- utes, to come 'ba� and spit out ., erything was fixed 'up. You dori.'t' • bitter comment about. Mosely and want 'that, do you? But: Ruse Prentiss. A suspicion was in their fixed it slick: Told her you was ;rinds, that 'they, we're going to' ' a New Mexico night'woodpecker. be left. as sacrifices' to the law. That's sure. anew one on me."• .: Roan Judson came in hurried- . • "What „did that devil bring her.. with_a1-.searr.�ing_ ; • here for?" Jim demanded. "What "Some folks are comin Ili the + does he aim; to`3o with her ?"--- • .S g , arroyo: I. heard Voices." "I • wouldn't know about that, Swiftly they gagged , Silcott, Yeager replied Ka:sually. - then tied.' him hand and foot. He'. "Are you so low you are going. was tossed. into a corner and the to sit here abd let him hurt a light .was put out. woman who has done nobody :any "Out •there." Yeager made a Wide gesture which told nothing. "No use you getting' all !worked up, Red. See how nice Jesse is • taking it, and she his wife." • Lamprey's fear broke - out in a • protest. "3 think this whole busi- ness is damnable. Has Russ gone crazy? What right has he to make • m:ecorp. here, and to:.beat .the life.... out of a. n, maand, drag a woman • like Ann his -rotten schemes? 1 wish to Heaven -I was at • Blanc. ' • ' • "Why., I: .reckon ,,you're not alone in that," the fat bald• pian .eomniented. ' "Red }fere . wouldn't mind being there, • and by ' gum, it ' would suit me all right too. . I've .been drug in 'on this business further •than ''I ever tinted to. be. I dora,'t like it a Iielr of the .road," . "But you haven't with ,enopgh to. staond up -for' a woman against. ' those ;Wolves Prentiss 'and Mose• - ly,". the prisoner flung at him. The cold' •bleak . eyes • of . Yeager met those •of. Silcott. ' "Don't worry about how much sand I've got in my'. craw, Red. ' i, already told .you that-_ the young lady is safe as if she, was in a .church—,. providing you. crash through with the info Russ wants. • It's -up' to you. You'are stubborn as.a gov- ernment mule; birt get it into yore thick eigodle that soon as yen talk. 'she will be "returned home right side up with, care." "Where. is Mosely? Go get.. hili;. I'll talk. now." • Bargain "With Death- "Ibuss=•lle---be---a-r-o-u n -d --•after-- . awhile.'' A. blank film veiled Pete Yeager's expression. as he ans- . 'veered Silcott. • "What's yore hurry,.Red? . You •had better .wish • �41 n ,. p_of a horse's h o • Voice �tift� Yeager' d made up Fi atone came to him, A v . e > mrd ed, clear and distinct in.sthe sil- on that point, put he did not•care, ence. Mosely . back. again.' " The to tell Jim so. She had been bound man heard his' own name , brought for the; specific purpose mentioned, coupled with • the '•as•• of making him talk.-: sertion that he was a: scoundrel "I don't reckon Russ would and a• fool. But.it was the words hurt her—rhueh,'.'.Yeager answer-, which followed that snitched Jim ed, indifference in'his voice. "rd to • close . attention. like to borrow the loan. of a chew, "�Icn-laa01ed•.-yo ,in,Eay-tr cable:: A. an;'. ' ay.sairldt at . as, a child. would:.. And now -,- here you are." Then in answer,. Anne's voice. For en instant. he thought this' was.' part' of his delirious thoughts: He shook his .head to clear it and knew that • this was actually her voice. But what was'she doing here, in the night, with Russell Mosely? ` Only One . Answer He could find only one' answer for that.'She had been trapped somehow and was in dnirger=had been , brought here by' his . enemy on account of her knowledge of the Gandara•lettelrs. Her.friend- ship for him -had brought her e Y,�•.�• �r•y li,.i' r:a.;f., ,i l'Ae<s•.ed 'r •dii)ender •t,f • rG}r.•!, ;, *`.e ;lar" r, ,f Jurige (;er,; : fr lt',.•ran^.. Ht- pad -t,afeire rr:an ` y : ',f teet tee:k. fete 'y't,•i<• V,• • • •ett.2 . ..' a Low. on. that= '.t .t ,; . •a'.,• 'd74r: St. i„it not ,rr. ..!.''a'a . y• .'rail r:ad lerd • the 'fo.°.. ' a 0 .. ,.. , 1 . , : • F h . e: i! f,t 5 Js,Adif..': 1?,,a*:o z' c4 tr.a yr,'Jr/g Oan o .rte VA(' !Al Ile teal bit bv, a ze rot or iy yu„ty eif'hearing out r'r!i oWn l'athe'r, 'precious tires, but also• thezze_, on the patrol •ear which fi.r.a :y caught up to him. Ar,d so .r,e ]•.anted tine sahoteus; ' thirty days lb jail, tori for' speed- ing satei twenty for rebbi ig, opt good r, i,t•r•:..- "('his•ago Run. t• A Judson-tossed•hhim across, a'Wig • of tobacco. "It ain't. ladylike to butt in . on men's affairs," Roan pronounced.. "Net that 1'r i sayrn' • a. thing against yore -wife, Jesse. She's pretty. as 'a new painted wagon. And I sure,don't blame her none for 'giving you the go- by the way.you treatsd her. But who ever heard tell of a woman running a.newspaper? It's in the Bible how she . had ought to.stay home and tend to her own busi- ness. I reckon it's in the con- stitootion, too, come to that." "Where has °Mosely taken her?" Silcott asked, sitting up awkward - Every movement of his body was a torment; but he had for= • gotten that nov�r: What Mosely • had said was true. It was he Jim Silcott, who' had brought her to • this. • IfP she • had never met him, had .not thrown in • with " him against the Hat T. she would not' have . been snatched- up into this peril, -Mosely' would stop at noth- - . ing. • He would destroy her, if it ' was necessary to. his plans.¢ just as he was;, going to rub, oht Sil- datt., ' - Jim tried. to 'rise, some vague idea in his 'head of going out into the night and trying to find Anne and the man with . her. Yeager restrained him. • "Held • yore horses, Red," he said. "No need to push on the reins. The boss ain't a -going to hurt her any till he's had a talk with you first. You show a little sense about those letters, and she'll be all right." Beady tcj Talk "Where is she? Where's he keeping her?" There` was in his. eyes the wild glazed look of high fever. Teach' Our ••Youth Value Of Service Students of Appleby Colleq* Urged- To • Plan LR(ree ` of Usefulness "This world's prebleins• will never be solved bytaking the atti- tude, 'Every man for himself'," J. M. Macdpnnei'i, 'chairman of the board of trustees of.. Qu'een's. Uni- versity, and president of the Na- tional Trust company; declared in Qakville last week. He' was addressing the boys of °Appleby college on " l;eeponsibilities and Privileges of dfiemocraey." a Apple- by is a:private' school,situated on the shores of Lake, Ontario, neat;, Qakyille) z ' . "Not only during the war, but ' 'When peace comes, We shall have such.•, formidable problems , that '. only by a' vast deal of public' spir- ited devotion to the common• good'.. shall we come th'r"ough,"_.Dr, Mac- donnell said. • "We have allowed • ourselves to regard the state•--not- as something we work' for, but as something we should get some- thing. from. • That must all . be changed." ' The speaker's advice to the Stu- dents was: to :study. the lives of 'the 'world's great leaders .- past and present. "You boys are be- ing..taught while still young .what democracy reallymeans,,a..'thing many older folks still don't know, -_he_stated . • "Youhave the adyan- - tage ' of diving at , a . 'residenti'al school .'with' Its own community life resembling the 'larger life, outside. • Some of yclu already ex; MAKE. LINENS .SIS fiKLE WITH. LAURA WHEELER STITCHEitY'AND CROCHET , Millers,, Satisfy chose native ailpetites .with .• good steasuing-hot soup and at 'goer sous pluto•ftl,l .ca Christio's Premium Soda Crackers! • 'They're always dependably Cresh anil so crisp and tasty. At your grocer's, :• •' salted or plain. Get the e'on-1 • otuical 2' -pound package. Serve' • with soups: salads, spreads -any , food or beverage. ie's . MIDM A CRACKER , also makes a splendid aiidttiou to •' cake' icing, • MAPLE BAVARIAN 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine • •f/e, cup cold water 1 cup milk .2 •egg '.yolks teaspoon salt . 1/a cup maple• syrup • , cup chopped' nut meats 1.--haerlreavreersenre Soften.,the gelatine in the cold water.': Soaid the inilk. over 'hot. water and add a 'small ;mount of it slowly 'to the egg yolks. iteturn to the milk renia'ining • in the double :boiler • and cepk. until: the mixture coats the spoon. hl the., meantime' stir lei the, salt and • maple syrup. Cool,, and, when mix tura"begins .to thicken fold in. the nutmeats and the cream, whipped.: Place in inti idealmolds and •chill thoroughly. , • • Miss.4:hagmbers welcomes personal. tctt'ers front Inierested readers. She Ie pleased 'to , receive suggestiuud on topics ',for her column, and Is 4 • e 'en ready to listen le your '.net .Taxer! . • '. Will Be Severe A $9,610,000,000 war tax pro- brain."to be felt.in every Ameri= .can home" :ivas • laid before the United States Congress and the cotilatry ` by "treasury Secl',e•tary• . . Henry 11lorgerahau•, '• ' "`flux•-newe-ta i'es v"illete-Se-Were,.. and their impact will be, felt, in , every ' Aziierican' home," • he. told • the House of , Representatives, ' ways' and means' committee. "Witr• . is, never cheap, but:. . . it is a million tin es•eheaiper• •to wits than . to lose.", • The additional; takes which he prepos d would, by themselves,, be greater titan ever collected by, the fedl;la,J •gtavernment•to _a• lir,gle y eer prior to 19 1.. • As a down -payment on victory, he fish be of Most 'peo- ple's individual income tax, with.. rates so' stiff that a single man With, a , $2,000 sai•lury would pay r $'L'�0 tax .and if h -wade 000 would .only be allowed $1.0(10,- •. •000:. Part of the tax probably w.ouitt he dcdutcd�, .from pliy cheque:. • '• • • reeves?* Itc preste= ur—recipes—ir epeeln) ;mentos ore 1p order. Address • • your letters to "bliss Sadie 1t. Cham- bers. 73 West Adelaide ' Street, To- ronto" Send stnniped self-addressed • envelope If you wish• a reply. • Eire• will permit the entry into the •country •of only 80,000 hats, • .hoods,' shapes and caps for women •. •. and 'girls between January 1 and . he3.une ea..sit, Ibis_ hear, ' About 5,.000,0.00 'people in, the . . ' United States will pay incornd tax this ;year . for the .first time. w. T ' ALS:: RIS' 'BACON MUFFINS7 COPR. rq•2, NREDisoun SfiRVICG, INC. 'HOUSEHOLD • LINENS -• .PATTERN 248 How proud you'llbelwhen you've worked the -last colorful lazy, daisy stitch and finished the crocheted edging on these lovely linens! Pattern 248 contains a transfer pattern of 4 motifs 5% x 13 inches, and 8 smaller niotifs; chart and 'direction's for crochet;. materials re- quired ; illustrations of 'stitches. •Send twenty,cents in coins (stamps can-notbe accepted) •for this • pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept.,Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, • Toronto.. Write plainly pattern number, your name and address.. him a thousand miles away: He's .' bad medicine for you." Nearly', an hour later Mosely arrived. At once Silcott. flung at him the question that filled his mind. "What have You done wlitti` Miss Eliot?" , The challenge• of this foe whom belied tortufed but had not brok- en stirred the angry hatred in Mosely. • He covered it with a manner of insolent scorn. "Are you ' interested. in. Miss Elite"?" he asked. Jim had gone too far in anguish • to bandy repartee with him. "You damned 'scoundrel, what have you done with her?" he said as he gripped a peg in the wall and pulled himself• unsteadily to his feet. His burning eyes met those ' of the Hat T man unflinchingly.. "If ,you have done her ' any harm--" he begin wildly, and stopped for want of words ade- quate to cover his meaning. ' "1 thought Jesse was her hus- hand, not von " *" • ' .4001 Due to a- Wartime economy ,.* the iaimed at conserving Mt., o a ion has been made by the Ori hil- government to issue only one a uta' for each.. vehicle next year.' 8 and single plate to be issued only. 194./2 of milk - be fastened to the rear of all Vi cuhp et cam icles, and•will substitute fez 4 tablespoons melted butter bled two ntarters whfCh lit has beet Twice sift together flour, salt end baking powder. Then mix tomarji to issue since th$ ehoi>oughly with the whole wheat t 80 of the motor car in Ontario. 'lour. Beat egg yolks well; mix Colors chosen for next, With the 'milk and add to dry' in - t are the reverse to thrn.edients. After mixing thorough- issue, and will: have orange .19 add the melted butter; mix• lot i and figures on a black backg,gain and fold in egg Whites • stiff-' I their! with the usual cr ►jwn at the l •whicbehatenhas, Flakebeen on hotoiled.wawithffte',iron olive one. ' each plate. II. ea, sMA f LE SVRUPP SAUCE Of Course •Blain maple syrup ' erved • with these well -buttered rafflesis always a relish; but for •' y here is querBroadClnitauce, Two•thlyds cup maple syrup, 11/2 Table , uups brown sugar, .one-third cup' s Water, 4 table'spoon:§ butter, 1 tea - 1. c, spoon vanilla, 6 tablespoons heavy ° ,ream. Boil first four ingredienttl vs,;• StaniPSu:18:d rsyrup (ool�,j'` cream. WHIPPED CREAM SAUCE Another very delectable sauce fs hipiled cream to which has been dded grated maple syrup. Thiti , TABLE TALKS By SADIE B. CHAMBEijS ,MAPLE SYRUP TRIFLES Bright sunny days,• moderately cold at night's then gradually mild- er-ail, this ie synonymous with •maple syrup days. After a long and monotonous winter nothing is quite so ,refreshing as maple syrup and the many' appetizing dishes it uggests. Homemade bread and butter or rolls, accompanied by •maple syrup is not bad fare and is an .excellent way • to introduce' this favorite Canadian spring delicacy. Prob- ably • the, next thing•'whicli comes to our minds le panca'krs and wattles. • •. i As a request for wattles 'has been waiting for.sometime, we will. give it here. WHOLE WHEAT WAFFLES •cue whole wheat flour cup Sifted white floor (pastry) teaspoon salt teaspoons baking powder egg yolks egg whites stiffly 'beaten Meals, like women,, peed glamoilr even in w•art:me! For dull meals the miracle worker'a latch of sweet-„r,eiiirtg, golden. brown •home made muffins. Made with bran they contrit,u•,c to the day's. • 'vitamin and mineral score. But when .chopped bacon it, added to the. • •ingredients they have a flavor and a taste' that are uni'orgc?tab!e: • The' recipe is simple . just follow it anis :issues is 'yours • All -Bran Bacon Muffins 2 tablespoohs' shortening 1 % cup mi'.k ' • • 1/g eup spgar • e 1 cup 'flour 1 egg . . • 't` teaspoon Ita.it 1• clip' All-13ran 2% teaspoons lhak;l,g powder 1A cup crisp, diced bacon . Cream shortening; and sugar thoroughly; add egg aild beat well. Stir in Ail -Brats and 'milk; let soak 'until most of moisture is taken up. Sift flour •with salt end baking powder; add to 'first; mixture and stir only until flour disappears: Hill greased muffin pans •t.wo- thh•ds full and ,bake in, moderately hot oxen ( •10(1” F,) about 30 min- utes. • Yield: 8 large muf'fins.(t;inchcs in (hamster) or 12 Small ,muf- fins (21/4 inches in •d'ianieter). • • Note: When sour milk- or butter .milk is u •r•d• 'nst -ad of stideet milk, reduce baking powder to one teaspoon and add '2 :t!a9por,n wnda, "She was irritable and cranky too!. She didn't know that too much tea and coffee was giving her caffeine ' nerves until someone suggested - switching to Postuin. That spelled ” Joy door;.": Mr. T. N. Coffee Nerves If you suffer. from Jangled nerves and feel ue .itet and irritable•' -try drinking Postuni in plat of teal and toffee: Delirious and econenieai, it hes no caffeine effect on the heart or rferves", (jet Nablus fro; your grocer. STU ,AAAA • as BRiTAIN'S FiRIIMIMM PLANES AMD : WARSHIPS cin nttracdite 5" s _10Mello! nts, coils with ri deserlptlon of the "War mu'cimiot' purlrms.ea. Every true Canadiae will prize them • seii,sufoit" Botnbtr • "Ftying ForarSt�s" • "Hurricane!°• • "I itlten" Bomleot'e "T6ntatmawk" Fi5htor• "Lysander". ugKu�rr Dive Bomber • "Stender amid" Flying goat Hlar . "Rodne " • "Hood" • 'Wal'M�pprte" • !pittpntwrr • o isl oval" e ° Kingg George ti" • H.M.ai.S. CSoguanay" 'N.M. Submarine • Meter Torpedo Boit and litany others " Fut, ,ch picture. desired, send a cornpir•,e "CROWN BRAND" label;',With your 'n,,rtnEi,,htnd Address and the name Of the picture: you v. ant written on the back. Address rtept, J lz The'. (annda Starch Compn.ny 1.45.,. 19 Wellti,r+,t„r, St. • C:. Toronto. The Syrup with the . Delicious. Flavour.